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Defence`s Feeds

Multiple Chinese cities tighten anti-epidemic measures as nearly 200 new COVID infections are found in a day across China - Sun, 03/07/2022 - 07:10
Chinese mainland found 183 local COVID-19 cases on Friday, including 38 confirmed and 145 asymptomatic cases. Daily cases on Friday expanded from the previous day, when the number of cases exceeded the 100 mark for the first time in 15 days. At least three cities have tightened their anti-epidemic measures including restricting personnel flows, however, experts said this round of burgeoning outbreak is limited
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Taiwan reports 34,827 new COVID-19 cases, 96 deaths - Sun, 03/07/2022 - 07:10
Taiwan reported 34,827 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday, with all but 79 being domestic infections, and 96 deaths from the disease, according to the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC).
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Number of Confirmed Monkeypox Cases in Austria Almost Twice in One Week - Sun, 03/07/2022 - 07:10
The number of confirmed cases of monkeypox in Austria has almost doubled, reaching 37 cases compared to 20 cases that were registered last week, the Austrian health ministry said on Friday.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Europe Witnessing Another Wave of COVID-19 Cases - Sun, 03/07/2022 - 07:10
European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides said on Friday that the European Union is experiencing another surge in COVID-19 cases.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

WHO Says Risk of Monkeypox Spread in Russia Remains High - Sun, 03/07/2022 - 07:10
The risk of the spread of monkeypox in Europe, including Russia, is high, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) office in Russia Melita Vujnovic told Sputnik.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

What COVID-19 taught us about risk in a complex, inter-connected world - Sun, 03/07/2022 - 07:10
A new UN report has shed fresh light on the ways that the COVID-19 pandemic unleashed cascading risks, particularly on vulnerable people, worldwide.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Griffin 2 - Sun, 03/07/2022 - 00:00

American Griffin 2 Light Tank
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Senior Defense Official Holds a Background Briefing - Sat, 02/07/2022 - 08:22
No description
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

M1283 - Sat, 02/07/2022 - 06:45

American M1283 Armored Personnel Carrier
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Online Casino in Indian Rupees - Sat, 02/07/2022 - 03:15

Online Casino in Indian Rupees
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Australia to assess potential defects of Guardian-class patrol boats

Jane's Defense News - Fri, 01/07/2022 - 14:20
Australia's Department of Defence (DoD) and shipbuilder Austal are flying specialists to several Pacific Island countries to assess possible technical defects of...
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Poland signs for AW149 helicopters

Jane's Defense News - Fri, 01/07/2022 - 12:35
Poland has signed for Leonardo AW149 helicopters, two weeks after the country's defence minister said a deal would be sealed “in the near future”.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Russian Losses in Ukraine(July 2022) - Fri, 01/07/2022 - 10:30

Russian Losses in Ukraine (July)
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

ITALY : Elisabetta Belloni observes a diplomatic silence after the storm over her presidential candidature

Intelligence Online - Fri, 01/07/2022 - 08:00
After having been appointed with great pomp a year ago as head of the Dipartimento delle Informazioni per la Sicurezza
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

BULGARIA : Bulgarian-Turkish oligarch Ahmet Dogan hastens to shed VIP assets

Intelligence Online - Fri, 01/07/2022 - 08:00
Ahmet Demir Dogan, also known as Ahmed Demir Dogan, is looking for a buyer for his yacht Agatha. Priced at
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

EUROPE : Le Plux, Brussels' NATO information goldmine for spies

Intelligence Online - Fri, 01/07/2022 - 08:00
Not a week goes by without Paul Avallone, the director of the NATO Office of Security (NOS), in charge of
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

FRANCE : Deveryware taken to French employment tribunal by Oak Branch founder Fanch Francis

Intelligence Online - Fri, 01/07/2022 - 08:00
French company Deveryware, headed by Jacques Salognon, has been taken to a French employment tribunal by Oak Branch founder Fanch
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

OMAN : Al Naamani, still at Oman's security helm, tries to save Yemen ceasefire

Intelligence Online - Fri, 01/07/2022 - 08:00
Oman's spymaster Mohammed Al Naamani (IO, 22/07/21) is currently leading secret negotiations between Saudi Arabia and Yemen's Houthi rebels to extend
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

ARMENIA/CENTRAL ASIA/RUSSIA/BELARUS : Russia pushes for defence focus within Eurasia's block

Intelligence Online - Fri, 01/07/2022 - 08:00
According to our sources, the Kremlin is understood to be working on the creation of an information and analysis centre
Categories: Defence`s Feeds
