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European Union

China faces an uphill climb while the West needs to make unpopular choices - Thu, 03/08/2023 - 09:00
While G7 nations must overcome a market efficiency gap, China must overcome a technology effectiveness one, write Jacob Gunter and Antonia Hmaidi.
Categories: European Union

Niger coup is ‘failure of Europe’, former French ambassador says - Thu, 03/08/2023 - 08:00
The coup in Niger is mostly caused by the neocolonial relationship between France and the African continent, former French ambassador Gérard Araud told EURACTIV in an interview, slamming the EU’s lack of unity towards a clear Africa strategy.
Categories: European Union

In Chamonix, tourism adapts to melting ice and snow - Thu, 03/08/2023 - 08:00
Perched in the French Alps at the foot of Mont Blanc, the iconic town of Chamonix confronts global warming by encouraging tourism professionals to adapt to changing conditions and promote local culture.
Categories: European Union

Microsoft says Russia-linked hackers behind dozens of Teams phishing attacks - Thu, 03/08/2023 - 06:48
A Russian government-linked hacking group took aim at dozens of global organizations with a campaign to steal login credentials by engaging users in Microsoft Teams chats pretending to be from technical support, Microsoft researchers said on Wednesday (2 August).
Categories: European Union

Tesla welcomed in India while China’s BYD stopped cold - Thu, 03/08/2023 - 06:31
Tesla has had a red-carpet welcome from India for its proposal to invest in the country, while its largest rival in electric vehicles, China's BYD, has been stopped cold by increased scrutiny from New Delhi.
Categories: European Union

Mongolia to deepen cooperation with US on rare earths - Thu, 03/08/2023 - 06:15
Mongolia will deepen cooperation with Washington to mine rare earths, the country's Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene said on a visit to Washington on Wednesday (2 August).
Categories: European Union

Zelenskyy puts hope in Jeddah meeting, peace summit - Thu, 03/08/2023 - 06:05
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Wednesday (2 August) he hoped a Ukraine "peace summit" could be held this autumn, and that this week's talks in Saudi Arabia were a stepping stone towards that goal.
Categories: European Union

Poland adopts modified ‘Russia influence’ panel - Thu, 03/08/2023 - 05:34
Poland on Wednesday (2 August) adopted an amended version of a panel to probe "Russian influence", after an avalanche of EU and US criticism of the move, widely seen as targeting the opposition.
Categories: European Union

EU warns that Russia aims to create new dependencies with cheap grain - Thu, 03/08/2023 - 05:18
The European Union has warned developing countries that Russia is offering cheap grain "to create new dependencies by exacerbating economic vulnerabilities and global food insecurity," according to a letter seen by Reuters on Wednesday (2 August).
Categories: European Union

Russia strikes Ukraine’s Danube port, sending global grain prices higher - Wed, 02/08/2023 - 16:05
Russia attacked Ukraine's grain ports in the early hours of Wednesday (2 August), including an inland port across the Danube River from Romania, sending global food prices soaring as Moscow ramps up its use of force to reimpose a blockade of Ukrainian exports.
Categories: European Union

Military recruiting shortage gums up Germany’s ‘Zeitenwende’ plans - Wed, 02/08/2023 - 15:49
Despite significant efforts, the number of applicants to join the German military has continued to dwindle this year, with the German defence minister stressing recruitment must be as high a priority as material procurement for the Bundeswehr.
Categories: European Union

EU’s final stretch before June 2024 - Wed, 02/08/2023 - 14:01
With less than one year to go until next June’s European elections, the EU institutions and member states are facing a race against time to conclude negotiations on a raft of key laws before the pre-election purdah period starts next spring.  
Categories: European Union

EU must address wasted green energy and negative prices, says solar industry - Wed, 02/08/2023 - 13:15
The European Union needs to address curtailment wasting solar power potential and negative prices hitting the revenues of projects, a group of solar and renewable energy associations told the European Commission on Tuesday (1 August).
Categories: European Union

EU confirms watering-down of new corporate reporting rules - Wed, 02/08/2023 - 11:47
The EU Commission has published new environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting rules — confirming earlier fears of watered-down requirements.
Categories: European Union

Partners in Democratic Decline? The European People’s Party and the Serbian Progressive Party

Ideas on Europe Blog - Wed, 02/08/2023 - 11:21

by Marko Stojić, Metropolitan University Prague

In recent years, the Western Balkans has experienced a significant decline in democracy. This has been especially pronounced in Serbia, a country that is no longer perceived as a functioning democracy but rather categorized as a partly free ‘electoral autocracy’. At the same time, Serbia has made some strides in its pursuit of EU membership, leading many observers to argue that the EU has become complicit in the erosion of democracy, supporting rather than discouraging this concerning trend.

More strikingly, the European Parliament (EP) – known for its commitment to upholding the EU’s fundamental values – and some transnational parties have also shown a disregard for the democratic decline, both within and beyond the Union. This has been particularly evident within the European People’s Party (EPP) which consistently shielded its former member, the Hungarian Fidesz, until 2021. In an article recently published in the Journal of Common Market Studies, I contend that the EPP has similarly turned a blind eye to the undemocratic practices of its Serbian affiliate, the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS).

Namely, this transnational party did endorse progressively more critical EP resolutions on Serbia that, for instance, noted in 2023 that ‘the governing majority has steadily undermined some political rights and civil liberties, putting pressure on independent media, the political opposition and civil society organisations’. However, a closer examination of the amendments tabled by the EPP group and their frequent motions for separate votes to exclude disapproving articles paints a different picture. The leading European party consistently sought to moderate the content of these politically important – although not legally binding – documents, aiming to shield its Serbian affiliate from severe criticism in the EP. The article, therefore, reinforced scholarly arguments that EU actors have considerably contributed to the rise of ‘competitive authoritarianism’ in this region.

Protecting Serbia’s ruling party from criticism

The EPP frequently dismissed the arguments that there was a rollback of democracy in Serbia. It actively worked to remove from the 2021 EP resolution that ‘[The EP] regrets the lack of progress in many areas of Serbia’s reform agenda and the fact that there has even been backsliding on issues that are fundamental for EU accession’. The party vehemently contested articles that highlighted the role of the SNS in the erosion of democracy. For instance, it sought to eliminate references to ‘the ruling party’ from the article noting ‘monopolisation of the media landscape in the country by the ruling party’. Furthermore, the EPP opposed the inclusion of specific examples of high-level corruption, making unsuccessful attempts to vote down references to prominent and unsolved corruption cases involving senior SNS officials, such as ‘Krušik, Jovanjica, and Telekom Srbija’.

Likewise, the EPP’s narratives and official documents consistently overlooked the democratic decline. Party senior officials have rarely, if ever, publicly criticised the SNS for its illiberal practices. Instead, they emphasized Serbia’s readiness for changes and membership in the EU. While the 2021 EPP EU-Western Balkans declaration boasted that ‘we cannot compromise on values and rights’, it disregarded undemocratic tendencies in the countries governed by its affiliates. Its 2022 position paper on the Western Balkans thus praised the initiatives to ‘strengthen the independence and the efficacy of the judiciary’ and create ‘a better level playing field’ for the April 2022 election in Serbia. At the same time, it criticised the Socialist-led governments in Albania for democratic deterioration across three resolutions and called upon the EU to cross-check how democracy works in this country. The logic of partisan allegiance evidently shaped its contrasting approaches to countries led by EPP affiliates and those where EPP members were in the opposition.

When political and economic interests trump principles

Seeking a wider pan-European sway, the EPP strove to protect its Serbian member driven by strategic incentives. Viewing its non-EU allies as potential full members and valuable electoral assets in future EP elections, it had no incentives to excessively criticise the SNS. As one of the few ruling EPP members in this region and a dominant party in Serbia with a significant influence across the post-Yugoslav space, the SNS guaranteed an enduring presence of the EPP in the Western Balkans. An important factor contributing to this dynamic was the close personal relationship between SNS leader Aleksandar Vučić and former CDU leader Angela Merkel. Vučić consistently expressed unwavering admiration for Merkel, considering her as ‘the undisputed leader of Europe’. Crucially, he was a loyal partner in stemming the flow of migrants and preserving regional stability – two fundamental pillars of German Western Balkan policy.

Moreover, most EPP affiliates presumably lacked genuine interest in the issue of democracy in candidate states. Their positions were likely shaped by members more involved in Western Balkan matters – primarily the Christian Democratic Union and the Christian Social Union. Reflecting Germany’s vested political and economic interests, characterized by generous state subsidies, weak labour laws, and low wages, these EPP affiliates arguably aimed to downplay criticism of Serbian authorities. Moreover, the repeated attempts of the EPP rapporteur to remove critical remarks about ‘the dominant market position of (state-owned) Telekom Srbija’ and ‘the allegations that the ruling party is using it to increase its influence over the media market’ from the 2023 EP resolution exemplify how broader economic interests may influence the EPP’s lenient stance towards illiberal members.

Remarkable intra-party cohesion and few ideological outliers

The EPP displayed striking cohesion on votes pertaining to Serbian democracy. An overwhelming majority of EPP legislators systematically and consistently toed the party line. The observed voting pattern indicates that the positions of most EPP legislators on this matter were primarily influenced by strategic considerations driven by transnational partisan politics and the necessity to maintain cohesion. The EPP was interested in maintaining influence in the Western Balkans while avoiding alienation of the SNS. This approach took precedence over particular national interests, domestic electoral incentives, or ideological beliefs that might have otherwise inclined individual parties towards a more critical position.

At the same time, dissenting voices within the EPP constituted a small fraction, ranging from one to thirteen MEPs out of 177 legislators. Ideology seems to have predisposed their behaviour as their positions were fundamentally informed by contrasting normative commitments to liberal democratic principles. Notably, the parties that voted against nearly all provisions criticising Serbian authorities were illiberal national conservatives with close ties to Fidesz – the Hungarian Christian Democratic People’s Party and the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania. By contrast, most critical were two Dutch EPP Group members – the Christian Democratic Appeal and the Christian Union – committed to the EU as ‘a community of values’ sharing principles of freedom, the rule of law, and democracy.

EU credibility on the wane

The EPP’s reluctance to confront the democratic deterioration in Serbia proved to be detrimental to the EU’s enlargement policy as it further alienated pro-European parties and domestic stakeholders. A marked difference in how the European People’s Party – but also the Party of European Socialists – responded to similar autocratic tendencies in different candidate countries illustrates the lack of consistency among key EU players, damaging the Union’s already undermined credibility in the region. The article also points to transnational parties’ overall inability to be a driving force behind the ‘norm socialisation’ and ‘Europeanisation’ of their affiliates. Finally, ignoring undemocratic tendencies within their ranks may eventually contribute to the decline of democratic norms in these party families themselves.

Marko Stojić works at the Department of International Relations and European Studies, Metropolitan University Prague. His work focuses on party politics in the European Union and the Western Balkans. He is the author of Party Responses to the EU in the Western Balkans: Transformation, Opposition or Defiance?.

The post Partners in Democratic Decline? The European People’s Party and the Serbian Progressive Party appeared first on Ideas on Europe.

Categories: European Union

[Opinion] Why is Georgia strengthening relations with Moscow? - Wed, 02/08/2023 - 10:28
It is a mystery why the ruling Georgian party has pursued a warmer relationship with Russia. For months, the citizens of Georgia and Georgian opposition groups have called on their country to strengthen ties with the West.
Categories: European Union

Reimagining Europe’s disaster risk reduction to cope with the climate crisis - Wed, 02/08/2023 - 07:41
As Europe faces another summer of unprecedented floods, fires and high temperatures, it needs to strengthen and adapt societies against extreme weather, writes Janne Parviainen.
Categories: European Union

The twilight days of the European Green Deal - Wed, 02/08/2023 - 07:41
The European Union has been steaming ahead with its Green Deal for the past four years, but as it reaches the home stretch, a pushback on environmental legislation and shortcomings on industrial policy are set to slow it down.
Categories: European Union

Some industries might have no future in Germany, economists say - Wed, 02/08/2023 - 07:06
Not all energy-intensive industries will be competitive in Germany and might therefore not be worth subsidising with a cheaper electricity price, experts say, warning that such a subsidy scheme could be a waste of money.
Categories: European Union

Pope heads to Portugal as country grapples with clergy sexual abuse - Wed, 02/08/2023 - 06:43
Pope Francis arrives in Lisbon on Wednesday (2 August) for a global gathering of young Catholics taking place in the shadow of Portugal's huge clergy sexual abuse scandal and criticism of soaring costs for the event.
Categories: European Union
