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Balkans Occidentaux

La Croatie, espoirs et désillusions européennes

Courrier des Balkans - Thu, 19/11/2020 - 23:30

Inscription obligatoire
Le webinaire « La Croatie, espoirs et désillusions européennes » se déroulera le 19 novembre prochain à 18h sur la plateforme de visioconférence "Zoom". L'intervenant sera M. Jean-Arnault Dérens, historien et journaliste français, spécialiste des Balkans.
Lors de votre inscription, merci de donner une adresse e-mail valide, c'est sur cette adresse que vous recevrez votre lien de connexion au webinaire.
Nous vous invitons également à poser vos questions en amont pour que (...)

Categories: Balkans Occidentaux

The Conference on the Future of Europe : Why the Balkans countries should receive an invitation

Courrier des Balkans - Thu, 19/11/2020 - 16:37

Thursday 19 November 2020 10.30-11.30
Enrico Letta Former Prime Minister of Italy Dean of the Paris School of International Affairs Sciences Po
Vladimír Bilčík Member of the European Parliament
Milena Lazarević Programme Director and Co-founder of CEP, Belgrade
Corina Stratulat Senior Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre (Moderator)
The European Policy Centre is delighted to invite you to this online Policy Dialogue.
The European Union is preparing to launch a (...)

Categories: Balkans Occidentaux

Bosna i Hercegovina, 25 godina posle Dejtona (2/12) : međunarodna intervencija i zahtevanje društvene pravde

Courrier des Balkans - Thu, 19/11/2020 - 14:14

Posle rata, međunarodna zajednica pohitala je u pomoć Bosni i Hercegovini, namećući svoju viziju mira i "pomirenja". Po neokolonijalističkom i neoliberalnom modelu. Posledica toga je stvaranje dramatične društveno-ekonomske nepravde koju trpi stanovništvo. Analiza sociološkinje Danijele Laj.
Intervju : Alin Kate | preveo Nikola Radić
Serija realizovana u saradnji sa Fondacijom Hajnrih Bel (Heinrich Böll)
Četvrt veka od završetka rata, Kurije de Balkan (le Courrier des Balkans) otvara veliki ciklus (...)

Categories: Balkans Occidentaux

Bosnia-Herzegovina, 25 years post-Dayton (2/12) : international intervention and demand for social justice

Courrier des Balkans - Thu, 19/11/2020 - 14:13

When the war ended, the international community stood at Bosnia and Herzegovina's bedside to push their vision of peace and “reconciliation” based on a neo-colonialist and neo-liberal model. The result was dramatic socio-economic injustice for the people. An analysis by sociologist Daniela Lai.
Interview by Aline Cateux
This series is presented in partnership with the Heinrich Böll Foundation
A quarter-century since the end of the war, the Courrier des Balkans has started series to examine (...)

Categories: Balkans Occidentaux
