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[Analysis] EU impotent in Lebanon, as Gaza war tests ties - Tue, 02/04/2024 - 18:05
The EU lacks the influence and joint strategy to become a big player in Lebanon, despite its extensive involvement in Lebanese politics and society, recent months have shown.
Categories: European Union

Ukraine Is Winning the War’s Other Front

Foreign Policy - Tue, 02/04/2024 - 16:51
Against all odds, Ukrainians have been dominating Russia in the Black Sea.

Belarus 'war' comments prompt EU rebuke - Tue, 02/04/2024 - 16:42
The EU is equipping itself to face down threats coming from Belarus and Russia, following fresh comments that Minsk wants no conflict but is still preparing for war.
Categories: European Union

Missions - Mission to Malawi and Zambia, 18-21 December 2023 - 17-12-2023 - Committee on Foreign Affairs

A delegation of AFET Members will travel to Lilongwe in Malawi and Lusaka in Zambia from 17 to 21 December. With this visit, MEPs aim to further strengthening bilateral and EU-Africa partnerships amidst global geopolitical challenges. Members will meet with government and parliament officials as well as with representative of civil society to discuss global and regional peace and security issues of mutual interest.
Mission report
Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
Categories: Europäische Union

Missions - Mission to Malawi and Zambia, 18-21 December 2023 - 17-12-2023 - Committee on Foreign Affairs

A delegation of AFET Members will travel to Lilongwe in Malawi and Lusaka in Zambia from 17 to 21 December. With this visit, MEPs aim to further strengthening bilateral and EU-Africa partnerships amidst global geopolitical challenges. Members will meet with government and parliament officials as well as with representative of civil society to discuss global and regional peace and security issues of mutual interest.
Mission report
Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
Categories: European Union

Missions - Mission to Mexico City (Mexico) and San José (Costa Rica), 31 October-2 November 2023 - 31-10-2023 - Committee on Foreign Affairs

A delegation of AFET Members travelled to Mexico and Costa Rica from 31 October to 2 November 2023 to discuss bilateral cooperation and ongoing geopolitical challenges. During their visit Members met with parliamentary counterparts, government representatives of both countries and non-governmental organisations.

In Mexico, they discussed joint efforts to boost the EU-Mexico Strategic Partnership, ongoing work to conclude the modernised Global Agreement between the EU and Mexico and security and migration crises. In Costa Rica the focus of discussions was on the EU-Costa Rica bilateral and multilateral cooperation, geopolitical, security and migration challenges, Costa Rica's region role in Central America, the EU's Global Gateway initiative, and parliamentary ties.

Location : Mexico and Costa Rica
European Parliament News
Mission report
Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
Categories: European Union

Missions - Mission to the UK (Northern Ireland and London), 18-19 September 2023 - 17-09-2023 - Committee on Foreign Affairs

A delegation of AFET Members traveled to the UK from 18 to 19 September 2023. This was the first time that the committee traveled to the UK since 31 January 2020 when the United Kingdom officially left the EU. The AFET delegation discussed possibilities for strengthened partnership and deepening dialogue on issues of importance in relevant areas of bilateral cooperation, including in foreign and security affairs.
This visit was also be opportunity to exchange views on issues of significance to Northern Ireland, particularly in the context of the Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol and the Windsor Framework.
Mission report
Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
Categories: European Union

Missions - Mission to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, 21-25 August 2023 - 21-08-2023 - Committee on Foreign Affairs

A delegation of AFET members traveled to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan from 21 to 25 August 2023. The AFET delegation discussed the regional developments and the potential for closer cooperation in the current challenging geopolitical context, including the impact of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine and the introduction of EU sanctions on Russia.
Location : Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
Press release
Mission report
Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
Categories: European Union

La messe-anniversaire en hommage à Georges Pompidou, ce président «qui a regardé la mort en face»

Le Figaro / Politique - Tue, 02/04/2024 - 16:01
L’archevêque de Paris, Mgr Laurent Ulrich, a célébré la cérémonie marquant les 50 ans de la mort de Georges Pompidou. Emmanuel Macron y était notamment représenté par son directeur de cabinet. Laurent Fabius et Claude Chirac ont également assisté à cette messe.
Categories: France

New Hope for Pakistan’s Mistreated Workers

Foreign Policy - Tue, 02/04/2024 - 15:23
Germany’s new Supply Chain Act could help curb some of the world’s worst labor injustices.

EU awaits Israeli 'clarification' on killing of seven aid workers in Gaza - Tue, 02/04/2024 - 14:48
On 1 April, an Israeli air strike killed seven aid workers from the US-based charity World Central Kitchen, the organisation said after immediately pausing its operations in the region — while the EU Commission calls Israeli authorities for clarification.
Categories: European Union

[Analysis] New German party BSW looks left and right for voters - Tue, 02/04/2024 - 14:42
The new splinter party BSW could outpoll the leftist Die Linke and the liberal FDP in the European elections. But it is not clear whether they want to join The Left or instead fish for votes on the right.
Categories: European Union

Diyanet in Europe

SWP - Tue, 02/04/2024 - 13:30

Nobody Actually Knows What Russia Does Next

Foreign Policy - Tue, 02/04/2024 - 13:22
The West’s warnings about Vladimir Putin’s future plans are getting louder—but not any more convincing.

Bosnie-Herzégovine : à Sarajevo, le maire Irfan Čengić visé par un explosif

Courrier des Balkans / Bosnie-Herzégovine - Tue, 02/04/2024 - 10:37

C'est une nouvelle attaque qui secoue Sarajevo. Pour la seconde fois en une semaine, un engin explosif a visé Irfan Čengić, maire de l'arrondissement de Stari Grad, élu lors d'élections anticipées en octobre 2023, après la destitution d'Ibrahim Hadžibajrić, un membre du SDA condamné pour blanchiment d'argent et abus de pouvoir.

- Le fil de l'Info / , ,
Categories: Balkans Occidentaux
