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Australia’s Future ASW Frigates: Warfare Down Under

Wed, 11/28/2018 - 04:50

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As Asia-Pacific nations invest in submarines, serious regional players also need to invest in anti-submarine capabilities. Aircraft like the P-8A Poseidon are great, but nothing really replaces dedicated and capable ASW ships. Their opponents’ anti-ship missiles are also experiencing a jump in capability, so a secondary air defense role isn’t optional. Australia’s 4 remaining FFG-7 Adelaide Class frigates have finished an expensive and somewhat rickety systems upgrade, but they fall short of what’s needed, and won’t last all that much longer. The RAN’s 6 ANZAC Class frigates are receiving much smoother ASMD air defense upgrades that will make them quite useful, but their service life will begin ebbing around 2024.

Hence Australia’s SEA 5000 Future Frigate program, which may receive an early push from issues with Australia’s naval industrial base…

SEA 5000 Future Frigate Options Made in Australia: Hobart Lite

F105 sea trials
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Given the number of jobs involved, any government’s preferred choice would be to build the next set of anti-submarine warfare frigates in Australia at ASC. The current preference is to place Australian CEAFAR/ CEAMOUNT radar systems on the same hull used for the 7,000t Hobart Class high-end air defense destroyers, backed by the same Saab 9LV Mk3E combat system used in the upgraded ANZAC Class, and using medium-range Evolved Sea Sparrow missiles for air defense instead of advanced long-range SM-6s.

While ship construction is usually only 40% or so of a warship’s cost, size will affect costs for both construction and operations, and that in turn could affect the goal of fielding 8 ships. 7,000t is quite large for an anti-submarine frigate. Even with some equipment cost reductions from the Hobart Class, Australia would be very hard pressed to build 8 ASW ships, when it struggled to build just 3 air defense destroyers.

Nor is Sen. Johnston altogether correct that the 6,391t F105 used as Hobart’s base was designed to be an anti-submarine ship. The F100s were designed to be high-end air defense ships with potential future growth to ballistic missile defense, but as multi-role ships, they’re also expected to have anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capabilities. Australia made their own ASW choices with their multi-role Hobart Class derivatives, and SEA 5000 could simply adopt the same equipment set.

A better question might be whether better ASW capabilities could be created at lower cost, using a different design. Navantia’s smaller and derivative F-310 Fridtjof Nansen Class 5,290t frigates, for instance, were explicitly designed for Norway with a focus on anti-submarine warfare. They retained the AEGIS combat system, but made different compromises, using a smaller SPY-1F radar to create solid but secondary air defense capabilities based around the same Evolved Sea Sparrow missile planned for SEA 5000. Their design and configuration also appears to lend itself much better to CEAFAR/ CEAMOUNT. Costs in 2000 for Spanish-built ships using the American AN/SPY-1F radar and AEGIS combat system were about $326 million per ship.

On the other hand, one of the Hobart Class’ big problems has involved issues with translating Navantia’s designs into production, and the SEA 4000 program is still facing serious issues. If those issues can be solved, Australia’s government could argue that it’s best to use a design that has finally been worked out for SEA 5000, rather than going through the same cycle of overruns and build issues in Australia with a new Navantia design.

Plan B: Buying Abroad

HNoMS F-310
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The current Liberal government has said that if ASC cannot improve productivity measures like their 150 man-hours per tonne, and bring them close to global standards like 60 man-hours per tonne, the ships may have to be built elsewhere. This is a marked policy difference from the Labor Party, but it’s worth stressing that carrying out this threat would mean that attempts to put the Air Warfare Destroyer program back on track had failed. That certainly isn’t what the Liberal government wants.

Nevertheless, it’s possible that the the cost of their “big ASW” frigate solution, or marginal but barely-acceptable performance at ASC, could force a rethink.

“Elsewhere” still gives the government options. For starters, Australia could cushion the local cost and risk premium by building 1-3 ships abroad in their home shipyards, with Australian shipbuilders working there on exchange programs as a way of improving their proficiency and productivity. The rest of the ships could then be built back in Australia.

In terms of technical options, a number of global vendors have already begun talking to Australia.

Type 26, 2013
click for video

Nansen Class (Spain’s Navantia). If the government wanted to stick with Navantia, and possibly even with ASC, it’s noted above that their F-310 Nansen Class design may offer Australia additional savings and performance, at the price of some extra risk if all frigates are built in Australia. They would still have to substitute CEAFAR/CEAMOUNT for the SPY-1 radar, and the 9LV combat system for AEGIS, but that’s what they’re already researching anyway for the Hobart hull.

FREMM (Franco-Italian DCNS/ Fincantieri). The French Aquitaine Class offers ASW plus advanced radar, missile, and air defense capabilities, at a reasonable price, with proven service thanks to home country programs and exports to Morocco. The problem for Australia is that adopting it would prevent the use of their preferred weapons and force new buys, unless Australia changed almost all of the ship’s mission systems: DCNS SYLVER VLS instead of Lockheed’s MK.41 VLS, MBDA Aster-15 vs. Raytheon ESSM, MBDA Exocet vs. Boeing Harpoon or Kongsberg NSM/JSM, Oto Melara 76mm gun vs. BAE’s Mk.45 127mm. Not likely.

Type 26 (UK’s BAE). Britain has already begun talking to Australia about involvement in the UK’s future frigate program, whose cost target of GBP 350 – 450 million would make them thinkable options for an 8-ship buy. Britain is also a long-standing ally with close relations, and BAE Australia is already a shipbuilder.

The Type 26’s mission systems aren’t finalized yet, and that would likely be the main point of contention with Australia. It could be possible for each party to end up with their own customized design, but there comes a point where that’s almost as expensive as designing your own ship. If the design is common, on the other hand, it means that Britain will probably have to accept some extra costs, without shielding Australia from needing to invest their own R&D. Britain has already picked the Type 997 Artisan rotating radar, for instance, while Australia would want a CEAFAR/CEAMOUNT staring array that would force a redesign of the Type 26’s mast and superstructure. Australia wants the Saab 9LV Mk3E combat system used on its upgraded ANZACs, while Britain would prefer to reuse technologies from the PAAMS system aboard its Type 45 Daring Class air defense destroyers. That could be an area where Australia might get their way, but Britain would have to pick the American Mk.41 vertical launch system, instead of the French SYLVER A50 VLS on its Type 45 Daring Class air defense destroyers, in order to ensure compatibility between Britain’s MBDA CAMM-M air defense missiles and Australia’s chosen RIM-162 ESSM. That choice would shut Britain out of using the same Aster-15 missiles on board its Daring Class as the Type 26’s high-end defense, unless it pays to integrate Aster-15 with the Mk.41 and/or combat system. Etc.

Contracts & Key Events

Upgraded ANZAC
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November 28/18: Saab Swedish company Saab will collaborate with BAE Systems and Lockheed Martin to develop and integrate the new combat system for Australia’s Hunter-class frigates. Australia will procure a total of nine frigates under its SEA 5000 future frigate program. The Hunter-class is based on BAE’s Type 26 frigate, one of the world’s most advanced anti-submarine warships. Hunter-class ships will mount an indigenous CEA Phased-Array Radar, integrated with the Aegis combat management system used by the US Navy. Equipped with a Mk 41 VLS the vessels will be able to shoot ESSMs and SM-2s. BAE is responsible for the design, integration, testing and activation of the combat system; Lockheed will manufacture and deliver the Aegis weapon system, while Saab Australia will build an advanced tactical interface. “The fact that BAE Systems Australia has selected Saab as partner is further proof of our world-class combat system integration capabilities,” Anders Carp, head of Saab’s business area surveillance, said in a company announcement on Friday. “The extensive skills and experience that we bring to this project will complement those of BAE Systems.”

September 03/17: GE’s Marine Solutions’ LM2500 gas turbine modules will be manufactured by Australian RJE Global for the Royal Australian Navy frigate program. A Memorandum of Understanding signed by both firms will also see RJE Global manufacture a number of components for the gas turbines. The LM2500 gas turbines will be for the RAN’s nine-ship SEA 5000 Future Frigate Program, as the turbines are operational on two of the short-listed, qualified ship designs for the new vessels—Fincantieri’s FREMM and Navantia’s F100 frigates. The new frigates will replace the navy’s ageing Anzac-class frigates.

April 19/16: Proposals submitted by BAE Systems, Fincantieri and Navantia have been shortlisted for the Australian government’s program to build nine new frigates for the Royal Australian Navy. France’s DCNS of and TKMS of Germany’s offering were eliminated from the $27 billion program which will see the ships built in Adelaide, South Australia. The first steel expected to be cut in 2020 and will be fitted with phased array radar systems being developed by Australia’s CEA Technologies. Designs remaining are BAE Systems’ Global Combat Ship, based on the Type 26 frigate; Fincantieri’s anti-submarine warfare FREMM (Fregata Europea Multi-Missione) and a redesigned version of Navantia’s Álvaro de Bazán (F100) class vessel.

June 6/14: Initial Studies. Australia’s new Liberal government has some announcements to make, including funding for initial studies around the SEA 5000 future frigate program. The announcement is made at CEA Technologies, so it shouldn’t surprise that the CEAFAR/CEAMOUNT radar combination will be part of these frigates. The initial commitment is A$ 78.2 million, for design & engineering studies around installation of the CEAFAR/ CEAMOUNT radar faces and associated electrical & cooling systems on the same Navantia 7,000t hull used for the Hobart Class air defense destroyer. The active-array radar faces are likely to be larger than the comparable system deployed on Australia’s upgraded 3,600t ANZAC Class, which would give the Australians additional power and growth margin to deal with more advanced future threats. As Minister Johnston puts it:

“The hull was originally designed by Navantia to be an anti-submarine warfare hull, so I’m reasonably confident that with the right construction, the right noise-suppression systems, it will be a very suitable hull…. the essence of the Future Frigate program is the CEAFAR Active Phased Array Radar used in conjunction with the Evolved Sea Sparrow and the Saab 9LV [Mk3E] Combat Management System, now that is all Australian product and I must say I am extremely proud…. We have seen a way forward for us to – for the first time – have an almost totally indigenous Command and Control structure that is world-class on frigates.”

The goal is “at least eight ships….” Unfortunately, the timing isn’t likely to help Australia’s industrial base, which is very concerned about the gap between finishing the current LHDs and destroyers, and beginning construction of the next set of ships or submarines. This contract for white-collar design work makes it easier to keep the design staffs going, as the AWD and LHD programs don’t need them very much any more. With respect to the core manufacturing staff:

“If we were going to have a solution to the ‘Valley of Death’ decisions needed to be made two or more years ago [during the previous Labor government], I don’t have the magic wand that is required to say ‘here are the designs, here are the ships, set about the task of building them’. What I am seeking to do today is to mitigate the problem that I have inherited as best I can with limited finance.”

With that said, recall the Minister’s threats re: buying abroad if ASC can’t improve its productivity, which the Minister says stands at 150 man-hours per tonne instead of the global benchmark of 60. Sources: Australian DoD, “Minister for Defence – Transcript – Naval shipbuilding announcement, CEA Technologies, Canberra” and “Minister for Defence – Boosting Australia’s maritime capabilities”.

June 4/14: ASC On Notice. Australia’s new Liberal Party government announces another Air Warfare Destroyer program restructuring, “dealing with a range of unresolved structural and systemic issues that have remained unaddressed for too long.” The overall project is 21 months behind, with Hobart delayed to 2016, and delivery of the 3rd ship shifted to March 2019. Defense minister Johnston reminds reporters that this is the program’s 3rd remediation cycle, and patience seems a bit thin. In the wake of former US Secretary of the Navy Don Winter’s report (q.v. Nov 18/13), and an ANAO review (q.v. March 6/14), SEA 4000 is now on Australia’s “Projects of Concern” list. In addition:

“…the reform strategy that Professor Winter has recommended to the Government will seek to improve ship building productivity at the Air Warfare Destroyer Ship Builder ASC and its sub-contractors. It will include the urgent insertion of an experienced ship building management team into ASC [emphasis ours] and after we have been able to augment ship building capacity, we will seek to pursue the reallocation of blocks between ship yards to ensure that the program is sustainable and that productivity levels are maximised….”

Johnston delivered a 2nd major shot across ASC’s bow. Submarines may be considered to be a top-tier strategic industrial capability, but:

“Now we’ve got potentially another 8 future frigates that we would like to build in Australia, but I am sending a very clear message out today. If we can’t fix this, that is something that will certainly be in jeopardy, because I don’t believe the Government will support an enterprise that cannot deliver productively.”

The next step is a lot of complex negotiations, especially given the legal issues around existing contracts. The government is saying that these negotiations are why they won’t release Winters’ full report now. Sources: Australia DoD, “Minister for Finance and Minister for Defence – Joint Media Release – Putting the Air Warfare Destroyer program back on track” | “Minister for Defence – Air Warfare Destroyer added to Projects of Concern list” | “Minister for Finance and Minister for Defence – Joint Press Conference – Review of the Air Warfare Destroyer program”.

Feb 3/14: Hobart Class hull? ASC in Adelaide holds a ceremony for destroyer #2 Brisbane. There are a number of questions swirling around reports of large cost overruns, the inquiry the government announced last year, etc. The Minister’s response:

“I don’t believe it is government policy for a 4th Air Warfare Destroyer at this time because we have a White Paper coming. Those issues are very important to inform the White Paper and there is a possibility that this hull can be used for the SEA 5000 [DID: future ASW frigate] programme but we are a long way from finalising that. So, let’s just not try and speculate too much before we put everything together in a White Paper…”

Sources: Australia MoD “Minister for Defence – Transcript – Keel-laying ceremony for Air Warfare Destroyer (AWD) HMAS Brisbane, Techport Australia, Adelaide” and “Minister for Defence – Transcript – Doorstop at Keel-laying ceremony for Air Warfare Destroyer (AWD) HMAS Brisbane, Techport Australia, Adelaide”.

Additional Readings

Background: Preferred Choices

Background: Other Possibilities

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

US Army orders Saab’s ULCANS | 1st European FCAS contracts to be issued in 2019 | K-SAAM to be deployed in 2019

Tue, 11/27/2018 - 05:00

The US Army is ordering a special netting system from Saab. The Swedish company will deliver several of its Ultra Lightweight Camouflage Net Systems (ULCANS) at a cost of $66 million. The ULCANS system consists of one hexagonal and one rhomboidal screen, available in both woodland and desert version. It features a simplified interconnect system and effective snape disrupters. These multi-spectral camouflage nets offer improved concealment for vehicles and field positions by masking visual, thermal, near infra-red and broadband radar signatures. Erik Smith, president and CEO of Saab Defense and Security USA, said: ‘Saab’s camouflage systems provide the US Army with a state of the art signature management capability for its land forces including exceptional levels of multispectral protection against any possible sensor threat available today.’ The netting system are expected to be delivered between 2019 and 2020.

The US Air Force’s 461st Flight Test Squadron is currently testing an Auto GCAS system on F-35 JSFs. Stationed at Edwards Air Force Base in California, the Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System fitted aircraft will undergo several rounds of testing. Auto GCAS is designed to prevent CFIT (controlled flight into terrain) mishaps by executing an automatic recovery maneuver when terrain impact is imminent. The system relies on a set of sensors that continently measure the fighter jets trajectory, speed, terrain data and pilot input. If GCAS senses an incoming crash, the system calculates the best way to recover to a safe trajectory, automatically overrides the flight controls and flies the aircraft away from danger. The GCAS system is being developed by Lockheed Martin and will be “the stepping stone to increased combat capability via a fully capable combat autopilot that will be able to execute tactical manoeuvres to defeat inbound kinetic and non-kinetic threats, and maximise lethality through precise weapon employment,” says Lt Col Raven LeClair, a F-35 test pilot with the 461st Flight Test Squadron.

Middle East & Africa

Israel’s Golden Eagle Squadron is welcoming two more F-35i Adir advanced fighter aircraft. The new aircraft will be stationed at Israeli Air Force’s Nevatim base, southeast of Beersheba. The planes took off from the United States last week, but were slightly delayed in arriving in Israel, apparently due to bad weather. Israel’s F-35i ‘Adir’ fighter is based on the standard F-35A variant modified with Israeli-made electronic counter-measures systems. Israel has, for now, agreed to purchase 50 F-35 fighters in total from the United States, which are scheduled to be delivered in installments of twos and threes by 2024. With a need to keep ahead of regional changes and increased threats in the Middle East, the Israeli Air Force is expected to soon place orders on several new aircraft to upgrade its ageing squadrons.


Europe’s next-generation fighter jet program will officially launch next year. Airbus and Dassault Aviation will be the first contractors to start work on the Franco-German project. French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel first announced plans for the development program in July 2017, with the first contracts expected to be issued in early 2019. “This is a decisive step for European defense, which shows that France and Germany can unite for future projects,” the two governments said in a statement on Wednesday. The two companies will now jointly draft a common concept for the new Future Combat Air System (FCAS), this includes the fighters design, its weapons and connectivity with other aircraft, including UAVs. The FCAS program, known in France as SCAF (Système de Combat Aérien Futur), is envisioned as a complex system of systems comprising a new-generation fighter aircraft, unmanned combat aircraft, future air-launched missiles, and swarms of small drones, all interconnected with satellites, other aircraft, NATO networks as well as national and allied ground and naval combat systems. Key technology challenges for the firms will be the design of an engine fulfilling the needs of a stealthy aircraft with high connectivity and excellent performance.


The Republic of Korea Navy (ROKN) will soon deploy the country’s next-generation Surface-to-Air Anti-Missile. Dubbed the Haegung, the missile which also known as K-SAAM, is a 3.07 m long ship-based anti-air projectile that employs inertial mid-course guidance and a dual microwave and imaging infrared seeker for terminal guidance. The missile is being developed by South Korea’s state-run Agency for Defense Development (ADD), and recently completed an evaluation test, where 9 out of 10 missiles accurately hit their targets. In development since 2011, the Haegung will soon start to replace Raytheon’s Rolling Airframe Missile, the current system operated by the South Korean Navy.

Today’s Video

Watch: Last Days Of The EA-6B Prowler

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

US SOCOM modifies MEUAS contract | Denel accelerates Cheetah development | Vietnam joins Russian GLONASS system

Mon, 11/26/2018 - 05:00

The US Special Operations Command is modifying a contract with Insitu. The additional $18 million cover mid-endurance intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance services under the MEUAS 1.5B program. Insitu will use its ScanEagle as an advanced intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) solution in order to provide the US military with the capability to effectively execute a number of deployment operations. The ScanEagle is an unmanned aerial vehicle that can hover over areas for over 24 hours at a maximum altitude of 19,000 feet and carry several kinds of sensor payloads and other equipment. The modification increases the ceiling value of the contract to $250 million in an attempt to bridge gaps in ISR services as orders transition to MEUAS III.

The US Naval Sea Systems Command is contracting VT Halter Marine to start production on the Military Sealift Command’s next survey ship. The contract is priced at $9 million and provides for further design engineering, procurement of long-lead time material and limited advanced production of the Oceanographic Survey Ship (T-AGS 67). MSC’s oceanographic survey ships are special mission ships, which are operated by civilian mariners who work for private companies under contract. These ships can perform acoustical, biological, physical and geophysical surveys. They gather data that provides much of the military’s information on the ocean environment. The collected data helps to improve technology in undersea warfare and enemy ship detection. Work will be performed at the company’s facilities in Pascagoula, Mississippi; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and New Orleans, Louisiana. Performance of the contract is scheduled for completion by May 2019.

Middle East & Africa

Jane’s reports that South Africa’s Denel group is accelerating the development of its Cheetah C-RAM missile. Reinart Moraal, Denel Dynamics’ chief systems engineer says that successful trials of the Cheetah missile earlier this year have taken it closer to full integration with Rheinmetall Defence’s Oerlikon Skyshield CAP. The Cheetah missile flies at Mach 3 to ranges of 10.000 m and acts as an effector as part of a C-RAM system designed to counter cruise missiles, UAVs and helicopters. The Cheetah-Skyshield combination will protect South African troops against widely available light artillery weapons, such as shoulder fired rocket launchers, mortars and light cannons, which are increasingly found on the asymmetric battlefield.


The Serbian Air Force will soon receive its first two H-145M multirole helicopters. They are part of a 9 unit order, with first deliveries scheduled for December. The M is the member of the H145 family and can be deployed in transportation, special operations, intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance (ISTAR), search-and-rescue, fire support, and medical evacuation missions. The helicopters are equipped with the HForce battle management system designed to engage conventional and asymmetric threats with a large set of ballistic or guided air-to-ground and air-to-air weapons.. The platform can be fitted with different equipment packages depending on individual mission requirements. The Serbian aircraft will be equipped with a fast roping system, high-performance camera, fire support equipment, ballistic protection as well as an electronic countermeasures system to support the most demanding missions. The Serbian government expects to receive all six H145M battlefield support helicopters by the end of 2019. The contract between Airbus Helicopters and Serbia foresees transfer of technology, spare parts, tools and documentation for the helicopters’ maintenance and repair.

Germany’s next steps in its upcoming fighter jet acquisiiton program will be announced by the end of the year. Sources familiar with the process told Reuters that the Eurofighter consortium and Lockheed Martin will be the main contenders in the multi-billion competition. The new fighter jets will replace the Luftwaffe’s ageing fleet of Tornado aircraft, which will be phased out from 2025 onwards. Ursula Von der Leyen, Germany’s Defense Minister, favours a European solution which would put the Eurofighter in the lead, but her office also reviewed data submitted in April by the US government on the F-35, and the F-15 and F/A-18E/F jets, both built by Boeing. One of Germany’s key requirement will be a nuclear capability. The new jets must be able to carry and deliver nuclear bombs, so that Germany can fulfil some of its NATO nuclear-sharing policy obligations. This nuclear requirement put tip to balance in favour of Lockheed’s F-35, as nuclear certification is much cheaper than the Eurofighter’s which is estimated to cost over $793 million. A decision on the Tornado’s replacement needs to be approved by parliament within the next two years and a contract signed by 2020 or 2021 to ensure deliveries by 2025.

CFM International is being contracted to deliver a new jet engine to Norway under the Foreign Military Sales program. Priced at $13 million the contract sees for the procurement of one P-8 Poseidon engine. The Poseidon is powered by a CFM56-7B27AE high-bypass turbofan aircraft engine. Norway bought nine Poseidon multi-mission maritime aircraft in 2016 to replace its ageing P-3 Orion fleet. Work will be performed at factories in Villaroche, France, Evendale, Ohio, Bromont, Canada and Singapore. The contract is set to run through September 2019.


Vietnam will equip its KCT-15 cruise missiles with Russia’s GLONASS system. GLONASS is one of four GPS systems. The KCT-15 is Vietnam’s license build version of Russia’s Kh-35 anti-ship missile. Development of the Kh-35 started as a Soviet response to the US Harpoon, but was adopted into service only in 2003. The Kh-35 carries a 300 lbs High Explosive Fragmentation warhead, and is designed to pierce horizontally through the bulkheads and compartments prior to exploding inside the ship. It travels at subsonic speed and is effective against frigates and smaller destroyers. Yevgeny Bushmin, Russia’s vice-president, recently said that the Kremlin was very supportive of concluding an intergovernmental agreement with Vietnam on the development and use of the GLONASS system. GLONASS is a high-altitude orbital space complex comprised of six high-elliptical orbiting satellites, that will provide high-precision navigation services from 2023 onwards. This will give Vietnam extensive access to Russia’s GLONASS network.

Today’s Video

Watch: Watch the Philippine Navy’s latest round of testing the Spike-ER

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Thales set to repair the Navy’s ALFS | Belgium buys MQ-9B SkyGuardian | India opts for the Igla-S VSHORAD

Fri, 11/23/2018 - 05:00

Thales Defense and Security is being awarded with a delivery order for the repair of the airborne low frequency sonar system (ALFS) sonar dome installed on the Navy’s MH-60R helicopters. The undefinitized contract action is priced at $14 million and covers the repair of 58 sonar units. The AN/AQS-22 Airborne Low Frequency Sonar (ALFS) is the primary undersea warfare (USW) sensor of the MH-60R multi-mission helicopter. This integrated dipping sonar system enables the ‘Romeo’ to perform ASW missions. including submarine detection, tracking, localization and classification. Work will be performed in Clarksburg, Maryland and Brest, France. Performance is expected to be completed by November 2020.

Boeing is being contracted to increase resilience of the Wideband Global Satellite (WGS) communication system. The $14 million contract modification includes mitigation and anti-jam efforts and additional strings. The Wideband Global SATCOM satellite system is the successor to the Defense Satellite Communications System-III, and is the backbone of US military global satellite communications. The WGS constellation provides flexible, high-capacity high-data-rate and long-haul communications for the nation’s warfighters. Boeing’s experts will provide an X-Band anti-jam upgrade for the satellite constellation that increases resilience to unintentional and hostile electronic threats. Work will be performed at Boeing’s facilities in El Segundo, California and Colorado Springs, Colorado, and is expected to be completed by February 28, 2021.

Embraer is one step closer in achieving the Final Operation Capability (FOC) for its KC-390 transport aircraft. During recently held tests at Brasília Air Force Base, Embraer was able to successfully complete troop unloading, evacuation by hatch and evacuation tests through the front and rear doors of the multi-mission medium airlift. About 370 Brazilian Air Force and Brazilian Army participated in the tests. “By completing this important stage of the testing campaign toward final military certification with excellence, the KC-390 demonstrates compliance with the industry’s most stringent operating and safety standards,” said Walter Pinto Junior, vice-president of the KC-390 Program. The Brazilian Air Force currently has 28 multi-role tankers on order, with the first expected to be delivered in the first half of 2019. Embraer hopes that its new aircraft will rival Lockheed Martin’s C-130.

One of the Air Force’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighters dropped for the first time a GBU-49 precision bomb. The converted “dumb” bomb was dropped during a combat training exercise at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. The GBU-49 Enhanced Paveway II is a dual-mode GPS and laser-guided 500 pound bomb designed for attacking both stationary and moving targets. It is an improved derivative of the laser-guided GB-10 Paveway II. “It’s a really flexible weapon,” Lt. Col. Matthew Johnston said in a press release. “It was reliable, accurate, and effective.” The GBU-49 can be used in a variety of weather conditions.

Middle East & Africa

Israel Aerospace Industries can now offer a next-generation version of its Drone Guard counter-UAV system. Drone guard is able to detect, track and disrupt hostile UAVs. Developed by IAI subsidiary Elta, Drone Guard is comprised of 3-Dimensional (3D) radars and Electro-Optical (EO) sensors for detection and identification, as well as dedicated Electronic Attack (EA) jamming systems for disrupting drone flight. The radar setup includes the ELM-218M, ELM-2026B and ELM-2026 for short (3km), medium (5km) and long (6 km) ranges, respectively. The newly developed next-generation system adds a communication intelligence (COMINT) suite for more precise detection, classification and identification based on broadcast frequencies. The jamming disrupts the drone’s flight and can either cause it to return to its point-of-origin (‘Return Home’ function) or to shut down and make a crash landing.


The Belgium government is advancing in its MQ-9B acquisition program. The Belgian MoD will now start negotiations with the US Government to acquire the SkyGuardian UAS. The SkyGuardian is a NATO-standard variant of the B-model Predator. The Sky Guardian has a 13-foot longer wingspan than the Predator-B, a more damage tolerant composite airframe with double the service life, nearly twice the operational endurance and a greater payload capacity. “We look forward to providing our unmanned aircraft systems to meet Belgium’s mission requirements, while also supporting the NATO Alliance,” said Linden Blue, CEO of GA-ASI. “We are also eager to work with our industrial partners in Belgium on a host of activities ranging from manufacturing to maintenance.” The MQ-9B also flys for the UK Royal Air Force, where it is the main platform of the country’s Protector program.


Russian firm Rosoboronexport is being contracted to supply the Indian Army with a Very-Short-Range Air Defence, or VSHORAD system. The decision about the $1.5 billion delay comes after months of delays over complaints made by other competitors in the competition. The Russian company reportedly undercut offers by Sweden’s SAAB RBS-70 NG and France’s MBDA Mistral. Both Saab and MBDA have complained to the Indian army that the Russian firm was even allowed to be a finalist, as it had failed two initial technical tests. It is latest model of Russian MANPADS (Man-portable air-defense system) technology. It offers superior performance over earlier supplied SA-18 missiles to India. The Igla-S can be used to engage a variety of targets including tactical aircraft, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles. The new systems will replace India’s ageing inventory of Igla-M air defense systems.

Today’s Video

Watch: Watch the Su-57 operating in Syria

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

The International Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) Program

Fri, 11/23/2018 - 04:56

The US military needs a bigger data firehose. In an era of streaming data from proliferating UAVs and other persistent surveillance platforms, and the need for control of those systems anywhere in the world, bandwidth is almost as important as fuel. Commercial satellite communications (SATCOM) can fill some of the gaps, but it’s expensive, and may not be available when needed. The Wideband Gapfiller SATCOM (now Wideband Global SATCOM) program began as a way to ease these problems in the near term, but went on to become one of the twin pillars of US military communications, alongside the hardened AEHF constellation. Both satellite types expanded their roles after the super-high bandwidth T-SAT program was canceled. Instead, the USA is adding WGS and AEHF satellites in space, even as it makes both programs multi-national efforts here on earth.

WGS is a set of 13-kilowatt spacecraft based on Boeing’s model 702 commercial satellite. These satellites will handle a significant portion of the USA’s warfighting bandwidth requirements, supporting tactical C4ISR(command, control, communications, and computers; intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance); battle management; and combat support needs. Upon its 2007 launch into geosynchronous orbit, WGS Flight 1 became the U.S. Department of Defense’s highest capacity communication satellite. WGS F4, launched in January 2012, offers further improvements, as do satellites from WGS F8. The constellation is set to grow to 10, including international participation.

This is DID’s FOCUS Article covering the WGS program’s specifications, budgets, travails, international partnerships, and contracts, with links to additional research materials.

WGS: Capabilities & Role

(click for video)

The WGS constellation has limitations, as its wideband communications are “unprotected” against jamming and nuclear effects. This makes them less secure than programs like AEHF or the canceled T-SAT. On the other hand, WGS excels in 3 areas: bandwidth, coverage, and flexibility.

The WGS payload can filter and route 4.875 GHz of instantaneous bandwidth. Depending on the exact ground equipment and network settings, each satellite can support data transmission rates ranging from 2.1 to 3.6 Gbps – more than 10 times the communications capacity of the predecessor DSCS III satellite’s 0.25 Gbps. Indeed, just 1 WGS satellite provides more throughput than the entire Defense Service Communications Satellite (DSCS) constellation did before WGS F1 was launched.

Reconfigurable antennas and a digital channelizer allow WGS to tailor its coverage areas, and to connect X-band and Ka-band users anywhere within the satellite’s field of view. The WGS design includes 19 independent coverage areas that can be positioned throughout the field of view of each satellite. To accomplish this, it uses 8 steerable and shapeable X-band beams formed by separate transmit and receive phased arrays; 10 Ka-band beams served by independently steerable, diplexed antennas, including 3 with selectable RF polarization; and transmit/receive X-band Earth coverage beams. Within those limits, WGS’ digital channelizer divides the uplink bandwidth into nearly 1,900 independently routable 2.6 MHz subchannels, providing connectivity from any uplink coverage area to any downlink coverage area (including X and Ka band crossbanding). The channelizer supports multicast and broadcast services, and provides uplink spectrum monitoring to support network control.

A new channelizer in WGS F8-F10 looks set to increase that throughput, by removing the bottleneck in the satellite’s architecture and letting the birds take full advantage of their antennas. Instantaneously filtered and routed bandwidth rises to 190% vs. the 100% baseline for previous Block II satellites (about 9.25 GHz). Data capacity rises to 130% (up to 4.68 Gbps transmission rates) depending on loading, but exact system throughput is dependent on how the satellite is used. The number of independently routable 2.6MHz subchannels, including crossbanding, is expected to increase from 1,900 to approximately 3,200.

Boeing adds that:

“Despite all of its military features, WGS is substantially more cost-effective than leased commercial SATCOM bandwidth.”

It’s also more flexible. Unlike commercial services, WGS satellites can be repositioned in orbit to adapt to changing mission requirements.

WGS-4 and the Block II set will be similar to the 3 Block I satellites, but will include a switchable radio frequency bypass capability designed to support airborne intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platforms requiring additional bandwidth. The RF bypass will support data rates of up to 311 megabits per second, which is about 3x the rate of Block I birds, allowing platforms like the US Navy’s RQ-4N BAMS UAVs to rely on the WGS constellation for satellite control.

The U.S. MILSATCOM Joint Program Office (MJPO), Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC), is responsible for development, acquisition and sustainment of the WGS Program, which is a joint-service program funded by the US Air Force and Army. A total of 8 satellites are currently planned, augmenting X-band communications now provided by the Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS) and one-way Ka-band service provided by the Global Broadcast Service (GBS). Additionally, WGS will provide a new 2-way Ka-band service.

Operation of WGS is a shared responsibility. Spacecraft platform control is accomplished by the 3rd Space Operations Squadron (3 SOPS) at Schriever AFB in Colorado Springs, CO, using WGS mission unique software and databases provided by Boeing, and hosted on the Command and Control Segment Consolidated (CCS-C) system fielded by Integral Systems, Inc. The satellite is designed for compatibility with current S-band capabilities, as well as the planned Unified S-band (USB) formats and frequencies. The Army controls the communications payloads and warfighter transmissions from 4 Wideband SATCOM Operations Centers (WSOCs) around the world, using ground equipment hardware and software developed by Boeing, ITT Industries, and Raytheon. Each Gapfiller Satellite Configuration and Control Element (GSCCE) has the capability to control up to 3 satellites at a time, via “in-band” (X-band or Ka-band) telemetry and command links.

The WGS Program & Schedule

Thermal vacuum testing
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The T-SAT Transformational Satellite Network that was originally intended to replace WGS, has been canceled. To address that gap, the US Department of Defense is buying AEHF-4 and 5 for secure communications, and will field a total of 10 WGS satellites, instead of just 3. The program has also become international. Australia bought WGS F6, and an international consortium led by Canada funded WGS F9, leaving 8 satellites to be funded by the USAF. Full members now include the USA, Australia, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, and New Zealand, all of whom have seats on a WGS partnership steering committee.

The program even received the Air Force’s John J. Welch Award for acquisition management in 2001 for its use of commercial approaches. On the whole, the end results mark WGS as an unquestioned success.

That doesn’t mean the program has been problem free. Far from it.

For starters, total program cost rose well beyond $1.8 billion, and the initial launch was pushed back almost 3 years.

Wideband Global SATCOM F1 was originally scheduled to be launched in 2004, to be followed by 2 more satellites launched on Delta IV and Atlas V Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) rockets. That schedule was pushed back to F1 launch in 2007, with F2 also intended to go aloft in 2007, and F3 scheduled for 2008.

WGS F1 actually launched in October 2007, and was placed into service over the Pacific Ocean region, but wasn’t declared operational until April 2008.

WGS F2 launched in April 2009. It’s in service over the Middle East.

WGS F3 had its schedule moved back several times; it was eventually launched in December 2009, and was declared operational in March 2010. Its operations cover Europe and Africa.

The WGS program’s design, integration and manufacturing issues stemmed from a number of causes. One was less-than-anticipated commercial demand for the base 702 satellite, which reduced the program’s expected ability to leverage commercial expertise and orders. A second problem arose after a launch date in December 2005 was scratched, in favor of a higher priority satellite. The delay was actually very fortunate, as subsequent checks found a widespread problem with fasteners in WGS F1. That manufacturing issue caused heavy slippage in the satellite’s launch date, and created an expensive production gap between satellites F3 and F4 until the USAF was satisfied that future satellites wouldn’t need all that rework.

The Block II contract called for the launch of F4 by the first quarter of 2011, and subsequent launches of F5 and F6 in 2012 and 2013 (moving the launch schedules back by about a year).

In reality, WGS F4 didn’t launch until January 2012. It was declared operational in August 2012, and covers the Indian Ocean Region.

WGS F5 lifted off in May 2013, and will cover the Americas once it’s operational.

WGS F6 lifted off in August 2013.

Satellite F7 is scheduled to launch in FY 2016, and F8 is scheduled for FY 2017.

Budgets & Participants

WGS satellite, closeup
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As one might guess, the program’s budget has grown in tandem with the constellation. WGS was originally envisaged as a US-only program, with an upper limit of $1.3 billion for 6 satellites. As of the FY 2014 budget, the American WGS program will involve about $3.35 billion in American procurement costs alone, for a constellation of 10 satellites: 8 paid for by the USA, and the other 2 paid for by international customers. Contributing countries can use any satellite in the constellation, within pre-arranged terms for bandwidth, access, etc.

That growth took place over time, but most of it came early. By December 2009, program costs in $FY01 had grown to $2.971 billion for 7 American satellites, owing in part to the costs and manufacturing delays mentioned above. New expenses included associated ground-based payload command and control systems, mission unique software and databases, satellite simulators, logistics support and operator training. When the 2012 budget added a 10th satellite to the constellation, the USA was committed to 8 birds.

According to US DoD documents, recent budget allocations to the program have included:

WGS Industrial Team

As the prime contractor and overall systems integrator, Boeing supplies the satellites, and also performs final satellite processing and preparations for launch, as well as initial orbital operations and on-orbit testing. Listed members of Boeing’s WGS team have included:

The internationalization of WGS is likely to add suppliers from those countries as well, in accordance with local industrial offset agreements.

WGS Program: Contracts & Key Events FY 2018

F5 and 6.

WGS-5 mission
click for video

November 23/18: Resilience Boeing is being contracted to increase resilience of the Wideband Global Satellite (WGS) communication system. The $14 million contract modification includes mitigation and anti-jam efforts and additional strings. The Wideband Global SATCOM satellite system is the successor to the Defense Satellite Communications System-III, and is the backbone of US military global satellite communications. The WGS constellation provides flexible, high-capacity high-data-rate and long-haul communications for the nation’s warfighters. Boeing’s experts will provide an X-Band anti-jam upgrade for the satellite constellation that increases resilience to unintentional and hostile electronic threats. Work will be performed at Boeing’s facilities in El Segundo, California and Colorado Springs, Colorado, and is expected to be completed by February 28, 2021.

FY 2013

Aug 7/13: F6 Launch. Australia’s WGS-6 successfully lifts off aboard a Delta IV medium+ (5,4) configuration rocket, which means a 5m diameter payload fairing, and 4 strap-on boosters. All 3 WGS Block II satellites have been launched using this configuration, and WGS payloads make up all 4 of the configuration’s launches to date. Unlike past launches, this one was funded entirely by Australia.

About an hour later, controllers confirmed that WGS-6 was functioning as expected. As usual, it’s going to be a few months before the satellite is in its final orbit, handed over, tested by both Boeing and the USAF, and declared operational. Current estimates are for full operational status in early 2014.

USAF SMC MILSATCOM director Dave Madden is quoted as saying that the satellite’s final coverage area isn’t finalized yet, but any area it picks will overlap one or more of the other satellites. It doesn’t really matter, since Australia has bought into service from the whole constellation, and Australia’s areas of interest are already covered by existing birds. Australia DoD | ULA | ATK | Boeing | Spaceflight Now.

WGS-6 launch

May 24/13: F5 launch. WGS-5 lifts off aboard a Delta IV heavy rocket. Subsequent reports reveal that this satellite will cover the Americas, completing the constellation’s initial global service.

This launch involved more work than usual, following the successful but low-performing GPS IIF-3 launch in October 2012. The United Launch Alliance, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne (PWR), and USAF had been working on their investigations, and they made a number of changes before ULA and the USAF would issue flight clearances. Engine testing replicated fuel leaks in the upper-stage RL10 engine, similar to those observed in the GPS IIF-3 launch. That led to a regime of extensive engine and launch-vehicle inspections. Launch vehicle hardware modifications include in-flight helium purges to critical areas. Operational changes include changes to how the engine is thermally conditioned in-flight post-boost, to prepare for the first engine start. They all seemed to work for this launch, but it will take a few launches to really be sure.

The satellite is fully launched, but it isn’t in its operational orbit yet. That process will take over a month of controlled burns, monitoring, and testing. ULA pre-launch | ULA post-launch | ATK | Boeing.

WGS-5 launch

April 10/13: FY 2014 Budget. The President releases a proposed budget at last, the latest in modern memory. The Senate and House were already working on budgets in his absence, but the Pentagon’s submission is actually important to proceedings going forward. See ongoing DID coverage.

For FY 2014, PE 0303600F (Wideband Global SATCOM (Space)) seems to disappear, but even a comparison of the corresponding 3020F line shows a sizeable drop of around $82.1 million in WGS procurement funding from FY 2013-2017. Launch costs fall under the EELV budget line, and the associated pre-launch delivery, post-launch checkout, and satellite sustainment costs don’t seem like a very flexible outlay. We asked USAF SMC for clarification, and they offered a reasonable explanation – but wow, $80 million over 4 years, in savings, from ONE program:

“The cost savings are a result of reduced level of Government Program Management and Administration effort required to manage and execute the Firm-Fixed Price contract for the acquisition of WGS satellites 7-10.”

FY 2012

Program goes multi-national; WGS-4 launched; WGS-8-10 contracts; WGS-10 lead items.

WGS-4, pre-launch
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July 27/12: WGS F10. Boeing Satellite Systems Inc. in El Segundo, CA received a $317.7 million contract modification to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price contract for WGS Satellite Vehicle 10 (SV10) production, processing, launch, and on-orbit activation.

This modification adds an additional satellite to the $1.1 billion WGS 7-9 contract (vid. Sept 1/11), but only 3 of those satellites were American, so from the Pentagon’s point of view, its terms didn’t change. Work will be performed in El Segundo, CA by March 31/18. As usual, the contract is managed by US Space & Missile Command at Los Angeles AFB, in El Segundo, CA (FA8808-10-C-0001, PZ0026). See also USAF | Boeing.


July 6/12: USAF Space Command announces a $111 million contract modification to Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems, to develop a better bandwidth channelizer for WGS F8 and F9. USAF officials say that it will improve overall bandwidth on each satellite by 90%, and add that its development was funded by savings from the WGS 7-9 block-buy contract.

A satellite bandwidth increase is an odd effect from a channelizer, which normally apportions satellite bandwidth among different channels. Some interesting channelizer development has been done in recent years by firms like RF Engines Ltd. and others, and the USAF saw an opportunity to remove the bandwidth bottleneck in WGS’ architecture. Which wasn’t the antenna, but the channelizer.

WGS 8-10, with the new channelizer, are still officially Block II satellites. Bandwidth rises to 190% of previous Block II satellites, data capacity rises to 130% (vs. the 100% baseline of previous Block IIs) depending on loading, but exact system throughput is dependent on how the satellite is used. The number of independently routable 2.6MHz sub-channels, including crossbanding, is expected to increase from 1,900 to approximately 3,200.

June 15/12: Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems, Inc. in Bethesda, MD receives a $10.7 million firm-fixed-price/ cost-plus-fixed-fee contract to operate, maintain, and sustain the Camp Parks Communication Annex site equipment. Camp Parks is 1 of 5 Automated Remote Tracking Stations (ARTS), with the mission control center located at nearby Onizuka Air Force Station in Sunnyvale, CA. The Camp Parks ARTS is used to test and analyze signals form communications and navigation satellites. It supports WGS satellite performance in orbit testing, payload characterization testing, and other satellite on-orbit ancillary tests as needed.

Work will be performed in Bethesda, MD. Work is to be completed by Nov 30/12. The SMC/PKJW at Los Angeles AFB, CA manages the contract (GSA-00-Q-09BGD0039/ FA8808-12-F-0001).

May 10/12: F10 lead in. Boeing Satellite Systems, Inc. in El Segundo, CA receives a $21 million firm-fixed-price contract to purchase parts for SV10, under the “Wideband Global SATCOM 7 & Beyond” contract. The life size Buzz Lightyear action figure is presumably thrown in for free, though it may be interesting to see who gets it; WGS-10 was paid for by a consortium of countries (vid. Jan 17/12).

Work will be performed Palm Bay, FL and El Segundo, CA,and is to be complete by June 2012. USAF SMC HQ / PKJW in El Segundo, CA manages the contract (FA8808-10-C-0001, PO 0031).

April 12/12: Boeing announces that the USAF has accepted control of WGS F4, after several weeks of rigorous on-orbit tests from Boeing’s Mission Control Center in El Segundo, CA, and from “government facilities in central California.” Air Force operations personnel at Schriever AFB, CO are conducting additional tests, and preparing to move WGS-4 into its operational position so it can go into service this summer.

Jan 19/12: F4 launch. The 1st Block II satellite, WGS-4, successfully blasts off from Cape Canaveral aboard a Delta IV Medium-plus. It then sends signals from space, indicating readiness for on-orbit testing. So far, WGS 1 & 2 have launched on Atlas V EELV rockets, while 3 & 4 launched on Delta IVs.

WGS-4 used a ULA single common booster core powered by a Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne RS-68 main engine, along with 4 ATK GEM 60 solid rocket motors. The 5m diameter upper stage was powered by a PWR RL10B-2 engine, with the satellite encapsulated in a 5m diameter composite payload fairing. ULA | Boeing | Boeing post-launch | ATK | America Space.

WGS-4 launch

Jan 17/12: WGS International. At the Canadian Embassy press conference in Washington, USAF deputy undersecretary for international affairs Heidi Grant announces that Canada won’t be alone. All together, Canada, Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and New Zealand have agreed to contribute $620 million toward development and launch of a 9th WGS satellite, in return for access to the system.

As noted below, Canada is investing the lion’s share, at $333 million. New Zealand is investing NZ$ 83.2 million [$66.5 million] over 20 years, which compares favorably to the current model of $NZ 4.3m per year, growing at about 10% per year, for 1/20th of the bandwidth. Australia’s experience has shown (vid. Aug 30/11 entry) that participation in WGS also entails changes to ground and receiving infrastructure. The Canadian Forces are defining requirements and preparing a separate tender for that, and the other countries involved will be doing likewise.

American officials said that they are open to negotiating the entry of new members, but said there were no specific expansion plans at the moment. USAF | New Zealand government | NextGov | Reuters | TMCNet.

WGS-9 international

Jan 17/12: Canada joins. Canada announces that it’s joining the WGS program, which will be known to DND as the Mercury Global project. DND currently pays about C$ 25 million per year to commercial providers, and was expecting those costs to rise over the next 20 years. As battlefield bandwidth demands continue to grow, it remains to be seen whether WGS will be able to serve as a full substitute for commercial providers.

“By signing the WGS Memorandum of Understanding, Canada joins allies such as Australia, Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and the United States. In exchange for a contribution of [C$] 337.3 million [DID: about $333 million], the CF will obtain approximately 20 years of access to reserved frequencies for military communications systems in theatres of operation across the globe. This cost is approximately [C$] 140 million less than what was approved by the Order in Council in October 2011… The signing of the MOU will provide funding for the construction of a ninth satellite.”

Canada’s IRB industrial offsets policy applies to this buy, but it’s a bit more complicated than usual. Boeing, Canada’s largest aerospace firm, must place activities in Canada equal to the standard 100% of Boeing’s C$ 240 million share. Since the WGS agreement was a direct government-to-government MoU, the Boeing agreement is a separate document. That document also commits Boeing to provide 20% of that C$ 240 million in “direct and/or global value chain business activities” involving Canada’s space sector, and a possibly-overlapping 10% with Canadian small and medium-sized businesses. Canada DND.

Canada joins

Jan 12/12: F9 contract. Boeing Satellite Systems, Inc. in El Segundo, CA receives a $376.5 million firm-fixed-price contract modification of the Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) Block II follow-on contract, “exercising the option to produce, process, launch, and activate on-orbit WGS F9.” Per the pattern for WGS F8 (vid. Dec 16/11), it’s part of the $1.1 billion maximum contract announced on Sept 1/11, rather than being extra monies on top of that figure. Later events reveal that most of the satellite’s cost is paid for by Canada.

Boeing’s own release describes it as a production option to make WGS F8, and authorization to produce F9 through a cooperative agreement with Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and New Zealand. They value the WGS-9 authorization and the WGS-8 production option at a combined $673 million, as part of the $1.09 billion umbrella contract announced in September 2011.

Work will be performed in Fort Worth, TX, and is expected to be complete by May 2013. The USAF SMC/PKJW in El Segundo, CA manages the contract (FA8808-10-C-001, PO 0020).

WGS-9 option

Dec 30/11: Boeing Satellite Systems in El Segundo, CA, is being awarded a $9.5 million cost-plus-fixed-fee contract modification. It pays for a study around upgrading the Wideband Global SATCOM Block II’s digital channelizer, as part of ongoing modernizations. This is normal for very expensive platforms that take a long time to build. Just because 2 satellites are “Block II” doesn’t always mean they’re the same, just as 2 Nimitz Class aircraft carriers can be very different under the skin.

Work will be performed in El Segundo, CA, and is expected to be complete on Jan 1/12 – which implies that the study is already done. The USAF SMC/PKJW in El Segundo, CA manages the contract (FA8808-10-C-0001, PO 0021).

Dec 16/11: F8 contract. Boeing Satellite Systems in El Segundo, CA receives a $296.1 million firm-fixed-price contract modification for WGS F8, as part of the Block II satellite follow-on. “The contract exercises the option to produce, process, launch, and activate on-orbit Satellite Vehicle Eight as previously negotiated.” Work will be performed in El Segundo, CA, and is expected to be complete by July 31/16. This was a sole-source acquisition by SMC/PKJW in El Segundo, CA (FA8808-10-C-001, PO 0018). See also USAF.

When queried, Boeing spokespeople explained that:

“Today’s authorization is one of those options on the [Sept 1/11] contract [clarified: and is part of that announced $1.1 billion rather than an addition to it]… The Block II satellites feature a switchable radio frequency bypass that enables the transmission of airborne intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance imagery at data rates approximately three times greater than the rates available on Block I satellites.”

WGS-8 option

Dec 15/11: Engineers complete the Delta IV rocket encapsulation procedure for WGS F4, at the Astrotech Space Operations facility in Titusville, FL. The event marks completion of Air Force Satellite Control Network compatibility testing, payload and bus functional testing and propellant load. The launch is scheduled for Jan 19/12, which is about a year after the original plan. USAF.

Dec 7/11: ITT Systems Corp. in Colorado Springs, CO won a $121.3 million multi-year, cost-plus-fixed-fee contract “for the services in support of the [WGS] missions identified in the Operational Management System.”

Work will be performed in Colorado Springs, CO; Fort Meade, MD; Fort Detrick, MD; Wahiawa, Hawaii; Landstuhl, Germany; Okinawa, Japan; Fort Gordon, GA; MacDill Air Force Base, FL; and Canberra, Australia, and will run until Jan 31/19. The bid was solicited through the Internet, with 3 bids received by the US Army Space and Missile Defense Command at Peterson AFB, CO (W91260-12-C-0001).

Nov 28/11: F5 launch contract. United Launch Services, LLC in Littleton, CO receives a $150 million unfinalized firm-fixed-price contract, for launch services in support of WGS F5, using their roster of EELV rockets. WGS uses the medium-heavy lift Delta IV or Atlas V. The USAF Space and Missile Systems Center in El Segundo, CA manages the contract (FA8811-11-C-0001).

Nov 17/11: Boeing begins shipping WGS-4 to Cape Canaveral, FL, in preparation for a January 2012 launch. The first Block II WGS satellite flew to Florida aboard a C-5 transport plane.

Oct 28/11: Canada, eh? Canada could also be set to join WGS, and may spend as much as $477 million to participate. The Conservative majority government has given Cabinet approval up to that sum, which means it’s a done deal if it stays within those costs. DND spokesman Daniel Bouin:

“After Afghanistan and Libya, our efforts in those two countries have proven that the exchange of information between headquarters and deployed elements is critical to modern military operations and their success. So, in order to meet that intent while ensuring good value for taxpayer money, we’re seeking out an agreement with international allies that will provide Canadian forces with access to an international constellation of satellites.”

U.S. deputy assistant secretary of defense for space policy, Gregory Schulte, reportedly said on Oct 4/11 that the USAF was in the final phases of developing similar WGS arrangements with several other allies. Canada is also looking to field a 2-satellite “Polar Communications and Weather Mission” constellation of their own, to cover the High Arctic where WGS doesn’t reach. Canada’s Postmedia | Satellite Today.

Oct 11/11: More countries in? Reports surface that The Netherlands is one of several US allies getting ready to join the WGS program, in order to provide more bandwidth for their military forces. By 2018, the WGS program could have 9 satellites in orbit to provide global coverage, serving the USA, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Luxembourg and New Zealand. Aviation Week | Defense Systems.

FY 2011

WGS 7-9 umbrella contract; Australian ancillaries.

WGS satellite, entire
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Sept 1/11: F7-F9 umbrella. Boeing Satellite Systems, Inc. of El Segundo, CA receives a maximum $1.1 billion firm-fixed-price contract modification to allow production of WGS Satellite Vehicle F7 (See also Aug 19/10 entry), as well as advance procurement for Satellite Vehicle F8, per the program changes announced in the April 1/10 Selected Acquisitions Report. Finally, this contract includes options to produce, process, and launch and activate F8 and F9 on-orbit.

The SMC/PKJW in El Segundo, CA issued the contract (FA8808-10-C-0001, PO 0006). See also USAF | Boeing.

Contract, incl. WGS-7 option

Aug 30/11: Australian ancillaries. The Australian Government agrees to first pass approval for Joint Project 2008 Phase 5B, which will buy transportable land terminals to equip the Army, upgrades of the satellite communications fit on Royal Australian Navy platforms, and the establishment of a satellite communications network management system.

The total cost of Joint Project 2008 Phase 5B is cost capped between A$ 300-500 million (currently $320-535 million) in the Public Defence Capability Plan. Initial funding of A$ 12 million has been approved for project development and risk mitigation studies, which must happen between 1st and 2nd pass approval. Studies will include the potential upgrade of the Geraldton ground station, and construction of a new ground station facility in Eastern Australia. Australian DoD.

Australian ancillaries

April 20/11: The USAF says that WGS is proving very helpful in coordinating post-tsunami Japan relief efforts. Ka-band is reserved for emergency use in Japan, and such satellite signals are not allowed. Instead, they’re using WGS X-band transmissions, and using the satellite’s crosslinking capability to transmit to Ka-band receivers outside the region.

Dec 8/10: Boeing Satellite Systems Inc. in El Segundo, CA receives a $6 million contract modification to purchase a spare battery for WGS Block II satellites 5 & 6, or as a test battery for the Block II follow on contract, depending on things like satellites meeting launch schedules, discovering anomalies that would require a battery swap-out, etc. At this time, the entire amount has been committed by the SMC/PKJ at Los Angeles AFB, CA (FA8808-06-C-0001; P00094).

Dec 8/10: Boeing Satellite Systems Inc. in El Segundo, CA received a $26.4 million contract modification, exercising the option for WGS-6 launch services. This option modification is fully funded by the Australian government, and the entire amount has been committed. The SMC/MC in El Segundo, CA manages the contract (FA8808-06-C-0001; P00109).

FY 2010

WGS-3 launched; WGS Block I (F1-F3) all on station; WGS-7 lead-in; SAR officially grows program to 8.

Aug 19/10: F7 lead-in. Boeing Satellite Systems in El Segundo, CA receives a $182.2 million contract “which will provide the necessary items to begin production of Wideband Global SATCOM Satellite 7.” At this time, $164.4 million has been committed by the MCSW/PK at Los Angeles Air Force Base, CA (FA8808-10-C-0001). See also Reuters.

Aug 2/10: WGS Block I on-station. WGS-3 enters formal service with the U.S. Air Force. The first 2 WGS satellites are operating over the Pacific Ocean and Middle East, respectively, while WGS-3 is located over the Atlantic Ocean. This completes the WGS Block I network. Boeing | SatNews Daily | StrategyPage.

June 25/10: Boeing Satellite Systems, Inc. in El Segundo, CA receives a $6.8 million contract modification, which pays for additional on-ground testing thermal vacuum tests of the first WGS Block II satellite, SV4. At this time, the entire amount has been committed by HQ SMC/MCSW/PK in El Segundo, CA (FA8808-06-C-0001/ P00090).

June 25/10: The USAF announces that U.S. Strategic Command has accepted operational command and control of WGS-3.

WGS-3 is operated by the 3rd Space Operations Squadron at the 50th Space Wing in Schriever Air Force Base, CO. It’s under the operational command of the Joint Forces Component Commander for Space at Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA, where the JFCC SPACE Joint Space Operations Center continuously monitors WGS-3’s orbital safety and operational status.

May 25/10: Northrop Grumman announces the last flight test of the 1st airborne Ka-based satellite terminal for use with the WGS system. The flight test used the communications terminal system installed on a modified business jet aircraft to connect with a WGS via the Ka-band link. The test is the 2nd of 3 phases required to certify the airborne communications system for WGS operations. Northrop Grumman is performing the certification under the Multi-Role Tactical Common Data Link (MR-TCDL) Developmental and Operational Test program contract.

April 1/10: The Pentagon releases its April 2010 Selected Acquisitions Report, covering major program changes up to December 2009. WGS qualifies as a full breach under Nunn-McCurdy Legislation, as the program rises to 8 satellites and deals with its issues:

“WGS (Wideband Global Satellite Communications) – The APUC (Average Procurement Unit Cost) increased 27.2% to the current APB and 39.5% to the original APB. The original WGS acquisition strategy, approved in June 2000, called for a commercial-like Firm Fixed Price (FFP) competitively awarded contract with options for six satellites. The original program was baselined for 3 satellites assuming commercial pricing. At the time of the original WGS 1-6 contract award, a strong commercial market for wideband communication satellites was expected. Production options for WGS 1-3 were exercised, and the first satellite launched on October 10, 2007. Due to limited resources and other priorities, the contract options for satellites 4-6 were not exercised before they expired.

Subsequent decisions resulted in the department deciding to award another contract for WGS 4-6 Advanced Procurement and Production. A production break of approximately three years was introduced between WGS 3 and WGS 4. Further, following the acquisition of WGS 1-3, the commercial communication satellite market took a significant downturn, and the WGS X-band phased array transmit and receive system and digital channelizer capability were no longer available commercially. More recently, the department directed the procurement of additional satellite vehicles to support and maintain an eight satellite constellation. These satellites will follow a second break in production estimated at two years which will require re-establishing the supplier and contractor base and addressing issues with parts obsolescence.”

Officially, the accompanying PDF table lists WGS as having only 7 satellites, even though the test (and US FY 2011 budget documents) says 8. Total cost is now pegged at $2.971 billion in $FY01, or $3.441 billion in “then year” dollars (expected dollars actually paid, including inflation).

WGS expands

March 1/10: The USAF accepts control of the 3rd WGS satellite, after the satellite passed several weeks of on-orbit tests. WGS-3 completes the initial WGS constellation, and will be followed by 3 more WGS satellites under Block II of its USAF contract. Boeing release

Jan 29/10: Boeing Satellite Systems in El Segundo, CA received a $21 million change order to the Wideband Global Satellite Communications (WGS) program to integrate, test, and store the 1.5 ship-sets of xenon-ion propulsion system (XIPS) hardware procured. The XIPS is used to maneuver the satellite into its orbit and to change the satellite’s location if necessary. At this time, $14 million has been obligated. MCSW/PKW in El Segundo, CA manages the contract (FA8808-06-C-0001, P00070).

December 2009: Boeing integrates the WGS-4 payload module with a high-power Boeing 702 platform at the company’s Satellite Development Center in El Segundo, CA. WGS-4 is the first of 3 satellites to be built under the Block II contract, adding features like a radio frequency bypass designed to support airborne intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platforms requiring additional bandwidth. Over the next few months, the WGS team will conduct final integration activities followed by rigorous environmental testing, including vibration and thermal-vacuum tests.

WGS-1 and WGS-2, launched in October 2007 and April 2009, are already in service. WGS-3 was launched in December 2009. Boeing release.

Dec 5/09: F3 launch. After a Dec 2/09 launch was canceled for inclement weather and a Dec 3/09 launch was scrubbed due to a ground system fault, a United Launch Alliance Delta IV rocket lifted off from its Cape Canaveral Space Launch Complex-37 launch pad at 8:47 p.m. EST, with WGS-3 on board. It was the 36th successful ULA mission in 36 months. Boeing later reported that the satellite had checked out, and sent the first signals from space. Following a series of orbital maneuvers and on-orbit tests over the West Coast of the United States, WGS-3 will be placed into geosynchronous Earth orbit over the Atlantic Ocean.

The satellite joins WGS-1, which entered service over the Pacific Ocean in April 2008, and WGS-2, which began operations over the Middle East in August 2009. Both had been launched by the ULA’s Atlas V rockets. NASA Spaceflight mission overview | ULA Mission Overview [PDF] | Boeing.

WGS-3 launch

FY 2009

Australia buy WGS-6; WGS-2 launched; WGS-3 stored.

WGS-2 launch
(click to view full)

Sept 14/09: Boeing Satellite Systems, Inc. in El Segundo, CA received a $6.5 million contract to store the 3rd Wideband Global Satellite. Obviously, satellite storage carries very stringent environmental and security requirements, above and beyond normal warehousing. At this time the entire amount has been obligated by the SMC/MCSW/PK at HQ Space and Missile Command in El Segundo, CA (F04601-00-C-0011, P00190).

WGS F3 was originally intended for launch in 2008. Current plans call for a mid-November 2009 launch, on board a Delta IV EELV rocket, from Cape Canaveral, FL.

June 15/09: Following an on-orbit checkout, Boeing successfully transfers control of WGS-2 to the U.S. Air Force, which will monitor and control the new satellite from Schriever Air Force Base, CO. Boeing release.

May 28/09: A $6.3 million contract modification for Boeing Satellite Systems, Inc. of El Segundo, CA, exercising the 3rd 3-month storage option for WGS-3. At this time, the entire amount has been committed by HQ Space and Missile Command in El Segundo, CA (F04701-00-C-0011, P00182).

Spaceflight Now indicates that the Delta 4 launch of WGS-3 has no fixed date, but is expected in late summer or early fall 2009.

April 7/09: Boeing Satellite Systems in El Segundo, CA receives an estimated $8.1 million modification to a fixed price incentive contract to provide sustaining engineering for Post-Initial Operational Capability (IOC) of WGS-2. At this time, the entire amount has been committed by the Space and Missile Systems Center at Los Angeles Air Force Base, CA (FA8808-06C-0001, P00044).

April 3/09: F2 launch. A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket carries WGS-2 into orbit from Cape Canaveral Air Force Base. A ground station in Dongara, Australia, receives the satellite’s first signals 44 minutes later, at 9:15 p.m. Eastern time, and Boeing controllers in El Segundo, CA confirmed that the satellite is functioning normally. Boeing.

WGS-2 launch

March 17/09: WGS-2’s launch is scrubbed, when an anomalous leak rate was detected in the Centaur upper stage oxidizer valve. A follow-on review of the time needed to inspect the Atlas V rocket, fix the identified problem and prepare for a rescheduled attempt revealed it could not take place prior to the Delta II launch date on March 24/09, so the schedule will be moved back beyond that. That date was later set for March 31st, but the satellite ended up launching on April 3rd.

Feb 25/09: Boeing Satellite Systems of El Segundo, CA receives a not-to-exceed $8 million change order modification. This contract will purchase Thermal Cycling Testing on the solar panel arrays of the WGS-2 and WGS-3 Block I satellites. At this time, $6 million has been committed. The Military Satellite Communications Systems Wing HQ in El Segundo, CA manages this contract (F04701-00-C-0011, 00172).

Dec 17/08: Australia buys F6. Contract for US/Aussie WGS-6. The USAF modifies a fixed-price incentive contract to Boeing Satellite Systems, Incorporated in El Segundo, CA, adding $233.9 million by exercising the option for WGS satellite #6. At this time, the entire amount has been committed. SMC/MCSW, Los Angeles Air Force Base, CA manages the contract (FA8808-06-C-0001, P00036).

With this authorization, Boeing is now fully funded for the production of all 3 WGS Block II satellites, and is on track to deliver the first in this new series in 2011.

See also Boeing’s release, the Dec 21/07 long lead time materials order below, and the Nov 14/07 agreement regarding this joint US/Australian satellite.

Australia buys WGS-6

FY 2008

WGS-1 operational; Australia joins; WGS-5 bought; WGS-6 lead-in.

WGS-1 launch
(click to view full)

April 16/08: Operational. The first Wideband Global SATCOM Satellite is declared operational. US Army release | Boeing release.

April 11/08: Fast acceptance. Air Force Gen. C. Robert Kehler, commander, Air Force Space Command; and Army Lt. Gen. Kevin T. Campbell, commander of the Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command at Redstone Arsenal, AL, sign a memorandum at Peterson Air Force Base, CO. It recommends that USSTRATCOM accept of command and control of the first Wideband Global SATCOM satellite ahead of schedule. Source.

Dec 21/07: F5 contract. Boeing Satellite Systems, Inc. of El Segundo, CA received a firm-fixed-price contract for $229.7 million, exercising an option to build WGS satellite #5. This includes the contract requirement to increase the target price due to changes in the foreign currency exchange rate. At this time $510.5 million has been obligated. HQ, Military Satellite Communications Systems Wing at Los Angeles Air Force Base, CA issued the contract (FA8808-06C-0001, P00018).

WGS-5 option

Dec 21/07: F6 lead-in. Boeing Satellite Systems, Inc. of El Segundo, CA receives a firm-fixed-price contract for $51.7 million, exercising an option to begin advance materials procurement for WGS-6 and begin construction. HQ Military Satellite Communications Systems Wing at Los Angeles Air Force Base, CA issued the contract (FA8808-06-C-0001, P00019).

The Commonwealth of Australia is funding the procurement as part of a cooperative agreement between the U.S. and Australian governments. See also Boeing release

Nov 14/07: Australia joins. A memorandum of understanding signed by the US and Australian governments formally adds Australian Defence Force access to WGS services worldwide in exchange for funding the constellation’s 6th satellite.

The 6th WGS satellite, a Block II version, will carry the radio frequency (RF) bypass capability designed to support airborne intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platforms requiring additional bandwidth. The RF bypass supports data rates of up to 311 Megabits per second, more than 200 times faster than most cable or DSL connections. WGS-6 is expected to launch in the fourth quarter of 2012.Source.

Australia on board

Oct 10/07: F1 launch. WGS-1 is successfully launched at 8:22 p.m. Eastern (ZULU -0500) by a United Launch Alliance Atlas V vehicle from Cape Canaveral Air Force Base, FL. Following a nominal 45-minute flight, the launch vehicle’s upper stage deployed the spacecraft, and a ground station in Dongara, Australia received the satellite’s first signals 47 minutes later at 9:09 p.m. Eastern. Boeing controllers in El Segundo, CA confirmed that the satellite is healthy, and the firm has acquired signals from the first Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) satellite. Boeing release.

WGS-1 launch

Oct 3/07: Australia. Australia’s Minister for Defence announces that the Australian Government will enter into an A$ 927 million partnership (about $820 million) with the United States to become part of the new Wideband Global Satellite Communications (WGS) constellation. Dr. Brendan Nelson says that “I expect to finalise the arrangement through the signing of a government-to-government Memorandum of Understanding shortly after the 30 day US Congressional Notification Period.”

Under this arrangement, Australia will fund one satellite plus associated ground infrastructure, extending the constellation to 6 satellites. In return, they will receive global coverage from WGS, which will become the backbone of their military satellite communications capability. Minister Nelson’s release states that WGS “will comfortably handle the increase in ADF communications requirements… out to at least 2024.”

Achieving full operational WGS capability by 2013 will coincide with the predicted capability drawdown of the SingTel/Optus C1 satellite. The SingTel/Optus C1 satellite will remain an important element of Australia’s satellite capability until it fails, and will be maintained in parallel with WGS. DoD Ministerial release.

FY 2007

WGS 4-6 umbrella contract; WGS 4 bought.

June 26/07: Integral Systems, Inc. in Lanham, MD received a $5.8 million cost-plus-award-fee contract modification. It modifies the Command and Control System-Consolidated (CCS-C) effort to support the Wideband Gapfiller Satellite (WGS) Program Operations Readiness, add training, and incorporate changes to the system/Subsystem Specification (SSS) to clarify development requirements for the Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) satellite program.

The CCS-C program provides an upgraded capability to command and control the Air Force’s communication satellites, including the Defense Satellite Communication System, Milstar, Advanced Extremely High Frequency, and Wideband Gapfiller Satellites. At this time, $2 million has been obligated, and work will be complete in June 2010. The Headquarters Military Satellite Communications Systems Wing in Los Angeles Air Force Base, CA issued the contract (F04701-01-C-0012/P00118).

June 5/07: Boeing announces that they have successfully completed end-to-end testing of the Boeing/ITT WGS payload command and control system, paving the way for the launch of the first WGS satellite in the summer of 2007. Three years late, and over budget by more than 33%, but apparently ready at last. The tests also demonstrated a unique design feature of the WGS system, allowing both U.S. Air Force and Army operators to control the payload via separate S-band and in-band (X or Ka-band) radio frequency links for greater operational flexibility and redundancy.

During the tests, the newly-installed WGS ground station equipment at the Camp Roberts Wideband Satellite Communications Operations Center in Paso Robles, CA communicated with a WGS satellite located at Boeing’s El Segundo, CA satellite factory, successfully routing operational commands through the Satellite Operations Center at Schriever Air Force Base, CO and a U.S. Air Force satellite control network connection at Kirtland Air Force Base, NM. Boeing release.

April 24/07: Boeing Satellite Systems Inc. in El Segundo, CA received a $27 million fixed-price-incentive contract modification. This action provides for two priced for Military Satellite Communications Systems Wing WGS Vehicle F4: 1) Launch Services and 2) Astrotech Launch Site Processing Facilities. At this time, no funds have been obligated. Work will be complete in September 2011. The Headquarters Military Satellite Communications Systems Wing, Los Angeles Air Force Base, CA issued the contract (FA8808-06-C-0001/P00009).

Nov 2/06: F4 contract. Boeing Satellite Systems Inc. in El Segundo, CA received a $299.9 million fixed-price-incentive contract modification, exercising an option for the production of Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) Space Vehicle F4. At this time, total funds have been obligated. Work will be complete March 2011. The Headquarters Military Satellite Communications Systems Wing at Los Angeles Air Force Base, CA issued the contract (FA8808-06-C-0001/P00004). See also Boeing’s press release.

WGS-4 option

Oct 18/06: F4-F6 umbrella. Boeing and the U.S. Air Force MILSATCOM Systems Wing have signed a $1.067 billion contract for up to three more Wideband Global SATCOM satellites (WGS), if all options are exercised. The Block II satellites will be similar to the three Block I satellites already in production, but Boeing will add a radio frequency bypass capability designed to support airborne intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platforms requiring ultra-high bandwidth and data rates demanded by unmanned aerial vehicles.

The new Block II contract also gives the USAF the flexibility to independently exercise options for long-lead material, production and launch services for WGS F4 through F6. In February 2006, the Air Force authorized Boeing to begin non-recurring engineering and advanced procurement of parts for the fourth WGS satellite. At the time of this release Boeing anticipates Air Force authorization to proceed with full production of WGS F4 and to begin long-lead work for F5 by the end of 2006. See Boeing press release.


FY 2006

WGS-4 lead-in; Program delays.

Sept 26/06: Boeing announces the completion of Spacecraft Thermal Vacuum (SCTV) testing for the first of its Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) satellites. The tests, conducted over two months at the Boeing Satellite Development Center in El Segundo, CA, evaluated the WGS operating systems’ ability to withstand the extreme vacuum and hot and cold temperatures of space. See Boeing release.

July 27/06: The Boeing-led team announces that its WGS program has successfully completed 2 more key space-to-ground compatibility tests with partners Universal Space Network (USN) and ITT Industries. The joint tests were conducted at the Boeing Satellite Development Center in El Segundo, CA, in order to test interoperability between the satellite and two key ground control systems.

Boeing and USN demonstrated the compatibility between the satellite’s telemetry, command and ranging systems and USN’s ground network which controls the satellites. USN’s network of ground stations in Hawaii, Alaska and a collaborative station in Italy will play crucial roles during WGS transfer orbit operations and initial on-orbit testing.

Boeing also verified telemetry and command interface compatibility between the satellite and the Gapfiller Satellite Configuration and Control Element (GSCCE). The GSCCE payload control system, designed by Boeing and ITT Industries, will be fielded at Wideband Satellite Communications Operations Centers around the world. The tests confirmed the system’s ability to properly configure the digital channelizer and the X-band phased array antennas, which are key elements of the WGS communications payload. See Boeing release.

June 1/06: The 1st of 3 Wideband Gapfiller Satellites (WGS) successfully completes key dynamic environmental tests to confirm the spacecraft’s structural design and mechanical integrity. See Boeing release.

Feb 17/06: F4 lead-in. Boeing Satellite Systems Inc. in El Segundo, CA received a $148.2 million firm-fixed incentive with firm-target contract to begin work on the fourth WGS satellite. As part of the non-recurring engineering effort, Boeing Satellite Systems will be addressing spacecraft hardware obsolescence issues through the implementation of alternative components or designs, or selection of new suppliers. They’ll also be handling advance procurement of long-lead-time parts for the manufacture of WGS #4. Solicitations began December 2005, negotiations were complete in February 2006, and work will be complete by July 2007. The Headquarters Space and Missile Systems Center at Los Angeles Air Force Base, CA issued the contract (FA8808-06-C-0001).

Nov 18/05: Boeing Satellite Systems in Los Angeles, CA received a $7.6 million firm-fixed-price contract modification to add Pedigree Reviews of Wideband Gapfiller Satellites (WGS) F1, F2 and F3. The Pedigree Review rigorously audits all critical components and subsystems, and is designed to help ensure that the satellite will work in the “one chance to get it right” environment that characterizes space-based equipment. The Headquarters Space and Missile Systems Center, Los Angeles Air Force Base, CA issued the contract (F04701-00-C-0011/P00112).

FY 2001 – 2005

Boeing wins competition; WGS 1-3 bought.

June 9/05: Boeing Satellite Systems in Los Angeles, CA received a $6.5 million firm-fixed-price contract modification authorizing Satellite 3 launch services to provide launch support and early operations, including orbit-raising on-orbit checkout for Wideband Gapfiller Satellite Flight 3. Boeing Satellite Systems will accomplish this work at their El Segundo, CA facility, Cape Canaveral Air Force Base, FL, and at other locations as required. This contract action will not lengthen the period of performance beyond the current overall period of performance on contract, and work will be complete by January 2007. The Headquarters Space and Missile Systems Center at Los Angeles Air Force Base, CA issued the contract (F04701-00-C-0011, P00105).

Dec 20/02: F3 contract. The Boeing-led team is awarded a contract option to build a third WGS satellite. With the current option for the WGS F3 satellite, Boeing lists the total value of the WGS program contract at approximately $660 million. See Boeing release.

March 6/02: F1-F2 contract. Boeing’s team receives $336.4 million to build the first two satellites in the Wideband Gapfiller Satellite (WGS) system. The contract also includes long-lead material for a third satellite. See Boeing release.


Aug 20/01: PDR. The Boeing-led team announces successful completion of a recent series of preliminary design reviews (PDRs), an important early project milestone. Twelve days of PDRs focused on the space and ground segments of the program as well as the overall system. The meetings involved a broad range of customer participation, including Air Force, Army, Navy and Department of Defense agency personnel, as well as their system engineering and technical assistance support contractors. Also included were WGS program teammates and senior technical experts from Boeing. See Boeing release.

Jan 03/01: Boeing wins. A satellite communications industry team led by Boeing wins the contract to develop the Wideband Gapfiller Satellite (WGS) system. A joint-service program funded by the Air Force and Army, WGS is a firm, fixed-price award with an initial value of $160.3 million and a potential total value of $1.3 billion that includes options for as many as six Boeing 702 satellites and their associated spacecraft and payload control equipment. Operational and logistics support and training are also included in the program, and the procuring agency is the Air Force Materiel Command’s Space and Missile Systems Center. See Boeing release.

Additional Readings

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

USAF one step closer in getting new and capable ‘small radar’ | Israel joins the club: buys advanced F-15s | Tokyo buys SM-3 variants

Thu, 11/22/2018 - 05:00

The US Air Force’s next-generation stealth bombers will be maintained at Tinker Air Base in Oklahoma and at Edwards Air Force Base in California. The B-21 Raider previously referred to as the Long-Range Strike Bomber, or LRS-B, is expected to be delivered in the mid-2020s. The air bases will be responsible to coordinate all maintenance and sustainment efforts of the new aircraft, which includes leading testing and evaluation efforts. This decision comes as the Northrop Grumman-made B-21 is expected to enter its critical design review milestone next month. The Air Force plans to buy a total of 100 Raiders as replacement to its fleet of B-2s and B-1Bs, which are expected to be retired by 2040. “From flight testing the X-15 to the F-117, Edwards AFB in the Mohave Desert has been at the forefront of keeping our Air Force on the cutting edge,” says Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen David L. Goldfein. “Now, testing the B-21 Raider will begin another historic chapter in the base’s history.”

Vista Outdoor Sales is being contracted to supply special ammunition to the Navy and the Marine Corps. Awarded by the Naval Surface Warfare Center, the firm-fixed-price, IDIQ contract provides for the delivery of 5.56mm ball, carbine, barrier ammunition. This ammunition is designed to defeat intermediate barriers such as auto windshields and doors while providing sufficient terminal performance. The full name and designation of the round is the MK 318 MOD 0 “Cartridge, Caliber 5.56mm Ball, Carbine, Barrier”. Developed as a SOST (Special Operations Science and Technology) ammo, the 62 grain bullet features an open tip with lead at the front and a thick copper base. The lead is designed to defeat barriers and the copper to penetrate the barrier. Work will be performed at the company’s factory in Anoka, Minnesota. The $41.2 million contract is expected to be completed by November 2023.

IMSAR LLC is being tapped to proceed to Phase III of a previously awarded Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract. The awarded $10 million delivery order provides for ongoing work on the SBIR Topic AF112-144 entitled “Advanced Radar Concepts for Small (Tier I/II) Remotely Piloted Aircrafts.” The research program aims to develop a small multi-mode Ground Surveillance Radar (GSR) for small UAV’s. GSR is an integral part of the DoD’s Battlefield Awareness requirement. However nearly all ‘small radars’ (weighing 10 lbs or less) are limited to Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) processing and lack a Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI) and Dismount Detection Radar (DDR) capability. IMSAR is responsible to develop a new ‘small radar’ that incorporates SAR, GMTI and DDR capabilities and bridges the gap between advanced weapon system radars, and small Size Weight & Power radar systems that can operate on Group I/II Remotely Piloted Aircrafts.

Middle East & Africa

The Israel Air Force (IAF) is set to acquire upgraded F-15s to supplement its fleet of F-35 ‘Adir’ fighter aircraft. The squadron of F-15IAs will include certain stealth capabilities, such as radar-absorbing paint and internal weapons carriage. The fighter jets will be capable of carrying 11 missiles, in addition to 28 heavy, smart bombs for ground targets. Other additions include Raytheon’s AN/APG-63(V)3 AESA radar, a long-range infrared search and track (IRST) sensor system, allowing for a “first sigh-first shot-first kill” capability and a helmet cueing system. With this upcoming purchase, Israel will be the third Middle-Eastern country to do so. Both Saudi Arabia and Qatar have ordered their respective SA and QA variants which are the most advanced Eagles in the world. However experts say that Israel’s Eagle will be even more capable and advanced than the others. The upcoming deal marks the first Boeing fighter jet acquisition by the Israeli Air Force in two decades, with the first F-15IA expected to arrive in Israel as soon as 2023. The IDF says the new F-15 will not completely replace the F-35 stealth fighter, but is intended to reinforce the systems currently in place to enhance the range of capabilities to an optimal position vis-à-vis its missions—from Iran to Gaza.


The Czech Republic joins the multi-national European MALE RPAS program, formerly known as EuroDrone and EuroMALE project. The effort headed by Germany in partnership with France, Italy, and Spain was noted in the European Council’s Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) updated list of projects. This advanced UAV is being developed in partnership with Dassault Aviation (France) and Leonardo (Italy) and will from now on probably involve Aero Vodochody as it is the Czech Republic’s prime defense contractor. The drone is slightly bigger as IAI’s Heron TP has a turboprop engine and will be capable of carrying various weapon systems. EuroMALE external link is the second biggest European defense project and costs about $356 million. The drone has a wingspan of 26 meters, can carry up to 992 pounds of equipment and can fly for about 24 hours on an altitude of 49.000 feet. The European MALE RPAS development phase is expected to be launched in 2019, with a prototype first flight expected in early 2023 and delivery of the first system in about 2025.


The Japanese government is requesting the purchase of several Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM). If approved by Congress the deal would see for the delivery of 32 AIM-120C-7 missiles at a cost of $63 million. Raytheon’s AIM-120 AMRAAM has become the world market leader for medium range air-to-air missiles. At present, the AIM-120-C7 is the most advanced AMRAAM approved for export beyond the USA. It features an improved seeker head, greater jamming resistance, and slightly longer range. Also included are containers, weapon support and support equipment as well as various contractor repair and support services. The DSCA notice states that the potential deal will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by supporting a key US ally and one of the major political and economic powers in East Asia and the Western Pacific.

The US State Department is determined to approve a possible Foreign Military Sale to Japan. The $561 million sale includes the delivery of 8 SM-3 IB missiles and 13 SM-3 IIA missiles. Block IB missiles allow the Japanese navy to defend against medium range and some intermediate range missiles developed by rouge regimes such as North Korea. IB upgrades include an advanced 2-color infrared seeker, and a 10-thruster solid throttling divert and attitude control system. Block IIA is a co-operative US-Japanese program, that adds a larger, more maneuverable “high-divert” kill vehicle. Once deployed the IIA missile will handle the near-strategic IRBM threat, and even engage some ICBMs. The contract also includes the provision of missile canisters and contractor support ranging from technical assistance, engineering and logistical support services. Prime contractors will be Raytheon and BAE Systems, who will respectively produce the missiles and canisters.

Today’s Video

Watch: Indo Defence 2018: Pandur II 8×8 Infantry Fighting vehicle

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

USAF New Bomber – B-21 – Gets a Base

Thu, 11/22/2018 - 04:58

B-52H, B-1B & B-2A
(click to view full)

The good news? 2006 saw a convergence of opinion within the USAF that a new long-range strike platform was needed. This is understandable given the B-52H Stratofortress fleet’s age (40-50 years), the B-1B Lancer’s internal power and electronics issues, both of these platforms’ low survivability against advanced air defense systems, and the B-2A Spirit stealth bomber’s very small numbers (21, of which 7-12 are generally operational). The unmanned J-UCAS program, meanwhile was seen as having inadequate range and payload (Boeing X-45C: 1,400 mile radius with 8 GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs). The USAF decided that J-UCAS wasn’t a solution and pulled out, stalling American UCAV development until the Navy chose to go ahead with the carrier-based N-UCAS.

The bad news? They seemed to have little idea of exactly what they wanted in their bomber. The FY 2010 budget killed those plans anyway, but in September 2010, pressure to field a new bomber began to rise again. By the time fiscal year 2015 budget planning was in motion, both DoD and the Air Force seemed committed to making the program one of the service’s top 3 priorities.

Bad News, Good News

FB-22: out
(click to view full)

BAD NEWS: Officials disagreed on what kind of aircraft or missile should be designed to meet the requirement. A single plane? A missile? A family of aircraft? Manned or unmanned? A fighter-bomber like the FB-22/FB-23 idea to fill the FB-111’s vacant shoes, or a full-reach heavy bomber? A traditional land-based platform, or should it be carrier capable? Something comparable to the $2 billion B-2s to take on the toughest strike missions – or more of a utility aircraft like some of the “arsenal aircraft” proposals, aimed at replacing the B-52s with a platform based on a passenger jet or C-17 that would be more economical to fly and maintain? And where do proposals to simply re-engine the B-52 fleet fit in?

Until (unless) this was sorted out, R&D efforts could not succeed – and issues of future force structure remained open questions. An official Analysis of Alternatives was scheduled for Spring 2007, and the articles below chronicle developments in that process as it works its way forward. At this point, it appears certain that the new bomber will fly at subsonic speeds, and incorporate modern advances in stealth technology. Other elements are less clear.

THE GOOD NEWS? Key technologies, from stealth to control of unmanned combat aircraft, have taken many steps forward since this discussion began.

In September 2006, Inside Defense reported that the US Air Force was responding to ongoing Congressional pressure with a proposed $5 billion initial investment over the next few years. Their goal was to develop a next-generation long-range strike platform by 2018, with a fly-off before final platform selection.

All of this work was effectively brought to a halt when US Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates announced his FY 2010 budget recommendations, and effectively suspended the competition. Research may continue in some related technologies under ‘black’ (non-public) budgets, but Sec 124 of the Senate’s S.1390 FY 2010 defense budget was clear:

“On May 7, 2009, President Barack Obama announced the termination of the next generation bomber aircraft program in the document of the Office of Management and Budget entitled ‘Terminations, Reductions, and Savings,’ stating that ‘there is no urgent need to begin an expensive development program for a new bomber’ and that ‘the future bomber fleet may not be affordable over the next six years’.”

By 2010, however, pressure began to rise again to field a new bomber. The breakthrough came, ironically, during a January 2011 speech about $150 billion in spending and program reductions:

“Finally, a major area of investment for the Air Force will be a new long-range, nuclear-capable penetrating bomber. This aircraft – which will have the option of being piloted remotely – will be designed and developed using proven technologies, an approach that should make it possible to deliver this capability on schedule and in quantity. It is important that we begin this project now to ensure that a new bomber can be ready before the current aging fleet goes out of service. The follow on bomber represents a key component of a joint portfolio of conventional deep-strike capabilities – an area that should be a high priority for future defense investment given the anti-access challenges our military faces.”

Competing Teams

Phantom Ray rollout
(click to view larger)

On the contractor side, the program seemed to be shaping clearly, the picture has become muddy again.

On Jan 25/08, Boeing and Lockheed Martin announced that they would be cooperating on a bid of their own. Their team will perform studies and system development efforts “in pursuit of the anticipated U.S. Air Force Next Generation Bomber program.” Their collaborative research and development efforts will include will include work in advanced sensors, future electronic warfare solutions, better networked awareness of the broader battlefield, command and control issues for stealth platforms, and virtual warfare simulation and experimentation.

By March 2010, however, the joint team members were each going their own way. Boeing’s X-45C Phantom Ray provides them with a very useful test platform that could become a base for a new unmanned bomber, and Lockheed Martin’s own work on “black program” UAVs gives them growing expertise as well. They eventually got back together in 2013, once requirements began to clarify.

Northrop Grumman is another obvious contender, as the designer and manufacturer of the B-2A Spirit Stealth bomber. The firm has moved away from designing full-scale manned military aircraft in recent years, but there are persistent rumors of black (secret) program contracts related to the design of a next-generation bomber, and NGC’s leadership has indicated that black programs are a growing strategic focus for the company. Taken in tandem, it seems likely that Northrop Grumman is already working on a next-generation stealth bomber design. CFO James Palmer admitted as much during a financial conference in November 2013.


November 22/18: Base The US Air Force’s next-generation stealth bombers will be maintained at Tinker Air Base in Oklahoma and at Edwards Air Force Base in California. The B-21 Raider previously referred to as the Long-Range Strike Bomber, or LRS-B, is expected to be delivered in the mid-2020s. The air bases will be responsible to coordinate all maintenance and sustainment efforts of the new aircraft, which includes leading testing and evaluation efforts. This decision comes as the Northrop Grumman-made B-21 is expected to enter its critical design review milestone next month. The Air Force plans to buy a total of 100 Raiders as replacement to its fleet of B-2s and B-1Bs, which are expected to be retired by 2040. “From flight testing the X-15 to the F-117, Edwards AFB in the Mohave Desert has been at the forefront of keeping our Air Force on the cutting edge,” says Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen David L. Goldfein. “Now, testing the B-21 Raider will begin another historic chapter in the base’s history.”

May 17/17: The Pentagon’s inspector general has opened an investigation as to whether the USAF has imposed unnecessary additional secrecy on its B-21 bomber program. Last year, the Air Force rebuffed requests, including from Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain, to reveal basic information such as the value of the development contract awarded to lead contractor Northrop Grumman or the amount of the fee set aside to encourage meeting program goals, citing their potential value to adversaries. Now, the DoD’s watchdog office will review and submit a report to Congress within the next six months aiming to ascertain whether there is the right mix of balanced program classification and transparency.

March 9/17: Vice chief of the staff of the USAF Gen. Stephen Wilson has announced that the preliminary design review for the B-21 Raider has been completed. The progress on the new long-range bomber came as Wilson spoke to a House Armed Services Committee hearing on nuclear deterrence where he told lawmakers that he receives regular updates on the uber-classified program and is happy with its progression. Since the award of the B-21 contract to Northrop Grumman in October 2015, news has been scarce on the program’s development as the company and Air Force try to protect any information about the bomber’s design and development from leaking out into the press or to potential adversaries.

October 27/16: While heavily redacted, the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) has published a 52-page ruling on Boeing’s protest of the B-21 competition won by Northrop Grumman. Quoting “significantly lower proposed prices” for initial production, the agency found Boeing would be hard-pressed to match Northrop’s bid to work on the $80 billion stealth-bomber program. Boeing has slammed the GAO’s analysis as flawed.

September 21/16: The USAF’s new long-range strike bomber has officially been named the B-21 Raider. Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James made the announcement on Monday in what is a tribute to the legacy of WW2’s Doolittle Raiders rather than a reference to the Indiana Jones movie “Raiders of the Lost Ark.” The Doolittle Raiders are known for their surprise attack against Japan during on April 18, 1942, which forced the Japanese to recall combat forces for home defense, and boosted morale among Americans and US allies abroad.

September 4/15: Northrop Grumman and competitor coalition Lockheed Martin and Boeing submitted designs for the new long range bomber, with a decision expected in October. The first versions produced are expected to be manned craft, with unmanned craft coming a few years later. Designs are said to be more detailed at the stage than is typical.

Additional Readings

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Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Lockheed tapped to mitigate F-35 processor obsolescence | Finland’s H-X contest completes 1st phase | Global Hawks will soar above Japan

Wed, 11/21/2018 - 05:00

Lockheed Martin is being contracted to mitigate the upcoming obsolescence of F-35 JSF essential semiconductors. Awarded by the Naval Air Systems Command, the $41.5 million firm-fixed-price delivery order provides for procurement of new Xilinx and Intel-Altera field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). An FPGA is an integrated circuit designed to be configured by a customer or a designer after manufacturing. They are configurable computer processors with large amounts of logic gates and RAM blocks to implement complex digital computations. The devices can carry out any logical function similar to an application-specific integrated circuit. The F-35s communication, navigation, and identification friend or foe (IFF) avionics rely on FPGAs, as do other critical electronic subsystems aboard the advanced fighter aircraft. The contract combines purchases for the US Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy, as well as to FMS customers. Work will be performed at Lockheed’s facility in Fort Worth, Texas, and is expected to be completed in February 2019.

The US Navy is procuring a number of Identification Friend or Foe Interrogator (IFFI) units for its P-8A Poseidon aircraft. Telephonics will deliver up-to 50 IFFIs and their associated mounting trays at a cost of $15.1 million. This contract also includes purchases for partner countries and FMS customers. The AN/UPX-43 is a Mark XIIA monopulse and AIMS-certified IFF interrogator for command and control. It enables air traffic controllers and air defenders to identify military and civilian aircraft, verify forces as friendly, and determine their bearing and range. The first order under this IDIQ contract combines purchases for the Navy ($2.7 million) and for the British Royal Air Force ($900 million). Work will be performed at Telephonics’ factory in Farmingdale, New York, and is expected to be completed in November 2021.

Thales Air Traffic Management is being tapped to support worldwide aircraft deployment by the US military. The awarded firm-fixed-price contract option provides for 9 Deployable-Instrument Landing System (D-ILS) production units and has a value of $30.6 million. The highly mobile D-ILS units will be used in airfield environments to precisely guide pilots on their final approach during low-visibility or low-ceiling weather conditions. The Thales D-ILS essentially provides the equivalent of fixed-based Instrument Landing System capability at tactical airfields and environmentally diverse regions such as sites hit by natural disasters. The total cumulative face value of the contract is $126 million. Work will be performed in Clarksburg, Maryland, and is expected to be completed by September, 2020.

Middle East & Africa

Israeli military officials are satisfied with the performance of the country’s Iron Dome air-defense system. Iron Dome is an effective, truck-towed mobile air defense system developed to counter very short range rockets and artillery shell (155mm) threats with ranges of up to 70km. During a recent escalation several militant organisations in the Gaza Strip launched a barrage of missile and mortar fire into Israel. From the 12th to the 13th of November about 460 107mm and 122mm short-range rockets and mortars were launched towards southern Israel. An IDF source told Jane’s that the Iron Dome batteries “performed in an excellent manner” by intercepting more than 100 projectiles heading towards civilian built-up areas in Israel.


The US State Department is determined to approve a FMS to NATO. Requested by the NATO Support and Procurement Agency the potential $320.5 million contract sees for the sale of various precision guided munitions kits. This includes the delivery of 2040 JDAM kits for GBU-31 2000 lbs and GBU-38 500lbs bombs. The contract further includes the delivery of required Munitions Adapter Units, Enhanced Computer Control Groups and Joint Programmable Fuzes for the weapon systems. Prime contractors Boeing and Raytheon will also provide NATO with laser kits, proximity sensors, Wireless Paveway Avionics Kit (WIPAK) interfaces and logistic services. This order will support following NATO members: Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom. This sale increases the quantity of precision-guided munitions within NATO and allows for their pre-coordinated transfer in support of national and NATO requirements.

The Finnish government is concluding the pre-bid dialogue phase of its H-X contest which seeks to find a suitable replacement for the country’s fleet of 62 Boeing F/A-18C/Ds. During this phase the government held a series of talks with industry with the aim to outline the contract parameters and the industrial offset proposed for Finnish industry. Shortlisted companies include Boeing with its F-18 Super Hornet, Dassault with its Rafale, Lockheed Martin and its F-35 JSF, Saab’s Gripen and the Eurofighter Typhoon. Helsinki expect preliminary offers early next year, with improved bids leading to a final decision in 2021. First deliveries are expected to commence in 2025. Project manager Lauri Puranen wrote in a blog on the Finnish MoD website that “all the manufacturers have taken the challenge seriously and are striving to provide Finland with the best possible overall package,” adding that “none of the candidates have a better or worse status”.


Tokyo is ordering the RQ-4 Global Hawk high-altitude long-endurance (HALE) unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) from Northrop Grumman. The $489 million contract includes the delivery of three RQ-4 Block 30i air vehicles, two ground control elements, spares, support equipment and other program activities. Each UAV will contain an enhanced integrated sensor suite payload (EEIS). Developed by Raytheon, the EISS comprises an electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) sensor, synthetic aperture radar imagery, and ground moving target indicator elements. The Global Hawk’s mission is to provide a broad spectrum of ISR collection capability to support joint combatant forces in worldwide peacetime, contingency and wartime operations. The Global Hawk provides persistent near-real-time coverage using imagery intelligence (IMINT), signals intelligence (SIGINT) and moving target indicator (MTI) sensors. Work will be performed at Northrop Grumman’s factory in San Diego and will run through September 2022.

The Royal Australian Air Force is fitting external fuel tanks on its C-130J Hercules aircraft in an attempt to boost its ability to perform a range of missions. The fuel tanks increase the fuel capacity of a Hercules from 19 tonnes to 27 tonnes. “Extra fuel is useful during Forward Arming and Refuelling Point operations, where the crew land and offload fuel to another aircraft, vehicle or storage tank,” Air Commodore William Kourelakos said in a statement. Flown by the Air Mobility Group, the effectiveness of the external tanks will be tested in December, where one C-130J will support Operation Christmas Drop in Guam. This involves the delivery of donated gifts to remote island communities in the West Pacific. “Some of these missions are to islands more than 2000km from Guam, where there’s very limited options to divert in the event of an emergency. Carrying that extra fuel would make some aspects of mission planning easier, allow crews to deliver to more island communities, or increase the amount of time loitering at a Drop Zone,” the Air Commodore concluded.

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Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Iron Dome Sees Israel Ramp up, Raytheon Partnership for US Market

Wed, 11/21/2018 - 04:54

Iron Dome concept
(click to view full)

On August 16, 2011, Rafael and Raytheon announced a partnership to market the Iron Dome system in the United States. This rocket interception system developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems has an all-weather range of up to 70 km (43.5 miles). To make the system mobile, the detection/tracking radar and battle management/control parts of the system are carried on trucks, while the missile firing unit is mounted on a trailer.

Then in November 2011 the Jerusalem Post reported that the US Army had expressed interest to protest its bases in Iraq and Afghanistan. South Korea is also reportedly interested. While exports remain tentative as of the end of 2011, several systems have been fielded in Israel in recent years.

Israeli Deployment

Iron Dome was selected by Israel’s government as its short range defensive solution back in 2007. At the time other options were also on the table such as the THEL/Skyguard laser-based system. In February 2010 IAI announced a $50 million export contract for the radar component of the Iron Dome system. After the US Congress approved $205M in military aid to procure 9 Iron Dome batteries, Israel said that it would start deploying the systems by the end of that year to protect civilians from rockets, mortar and artillery fired by Hamas.

The IDF announced in April 2011 that the Iron Dome battery deployed in Be’er Sheba intercepted two rockets fired from the Gaza Strip at night. However, beyond the initial investment, at issue is the cost asymmetry between improvised rockets at maybe $500 a pop vs. intercepts estimated to cost $50K+ each. More broadly, which approach to take for missile defense has been a subject of intense debate in Israel for years. This cost vs. benefit public discussion is still very much alive.

On August 7, 2011, Israel’s High Court of Justice answered a petition from a group of towns in the Gaza area by ruling in favor of the Defense Ministry which refuses to fund Iron Dome systems in all towns more than 4.5 kilometers (2.8 miles) from the Gaza Strip. Still, on August 31 planned deployments were continuing with the 3rd battery being stationed outside the city of Ashdod.

For larger, longer-range threats, IAI has developed the Arrow theater missile defense system with Boeing.


November 21/18: This is not a drill ! Israeli military officials are satisfied with the performance of the country’s Iron Dome air-defense system. Iron Dome is an effective, truck-towed mobile air defense system developed to counter very short range rockets and artillery shell (155mm) threats with ranges of up to 70km. During a recent escalation several militant organisations in the Gaza Strip launched a barrage of missile and mortar fire into Israel. From the 12th to the 13th of November about 460 107mm and 122mm short-range rockets and mortars were launched towards southern Israel. An IDF source told Jane’s that the Iron Dome batteries “performed in an excellent manner” by intercepting more than 100 projectiles heading towards civilian built-up areas in Israel.

January 11/18: Potential Exports With Houthi missile attacks from Yemen—believed to originate from Iran—now becoming a more regular nuisance for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh is reportedly looking to acquire the Israeli-made Iron Dome air defense system to help counter these growing missile threats. The news came though the Swiss newspaper Basler Zeitung, who reported that a “European weapons dealer”—Israel and Saudi don’t have official relations due to the decades of Arab-Israeli strife—was “in the Saudi capital of Riyadh” and said the Saudis are looking into the purchase of Israeli military hardware, such as the Israeli Trophy Active Protection System (APS), which intercepts and destroys incoming missiles and rockets with a burst of metal pellets and can be mounted to tanks and APCs. The report added that Saudi military officials had viewed Israeli platforms during a recent defense expo in Abu Dhabi, UAE. In the last round of fighting between the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and Palestinian groups from the Gaza Strip during the 2014 Israeli Operation Protective Edge, Iron Dome had an alleged 90 percent interception rate of rockets and mortars that threatened Israeli populated areas.

November 29/17: Milestone A naval version of Rafael’s Iron Dome air defense system has been declared operational by the Israeli military, bringing to an end an extensive 18-month development and testing program. Integrated with the Elta Systems ELM-2248 Adir surveillance, track and guidance radar onboard the INS Lahav, a Sa’ar-5 corvette-class surface ship, the system had undergone extensive live-fire testing on November 27, where it successfully intercepted and destroyed multiple incoming targets at sea. The variant will be marketed for export as the C-Dome.

September 21/17: The Israeli Air Force (IAF) has established a second Iron Dome battalion as it looks to prepare itself for aerial threats along its northern border. A service press release quoted Brig. Gen. Zvika Haimovich, Commander of the Aerial Defense Division, as saying “Israel’s northern theatre has always been the most threatened area,” adding that the new ‘Iron Dome’ battalion was born out of this reality, and will provide an active defense response in the northern theatre. It will also defend Israel’s maritime space together with the navy. The IAF said the Iron Dome system has thousands of available missiles for an effective response to a wide array of threats, a lack of which temporarily silenced the Iron Dome during a truce in the 2012 Pillar of Defense operation into the Gaza Strip.

September 12/17: Israel’s Iron Dome is being prepared for its first intercept test in the US, as the platform is being considered as an interim solution for a medium- and short-range air defense system (SHORAD) for the US Army. The service started a demonstration series on September 4 at the White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, with the aim of allowing industry to test solutions that could fulfil the gap in SORAD capabilities found in the European theater. Iron Dome, developed by Rafael with assistance from Raytheon and heavily funded by the US, will face off against competing solutions, including a team involving Boeing and General Dynamics Land Systems that is offering its Maneuver SHORAD Launcher Stryker made up of a modernized Avenger air defense system on the back of the vehicle reconfigured to accommodate the system on a turret.

November 14/16: Israeli media have reported that Azerbaijan is interested in the Iron Dome missile interceptor system. If true, it will mark the first sale of the system to a foreign customer. The news comes as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to visit Azerbaijan in the coming months amid growing ties with the region. Such a sale could, however, increase tensions between Azerbaijan and neighbor Armenia, who has been in conflict over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region.

August 10/16: Raytheon and Rafale are to partner on marketing the Iron Dome for the US Army’s Indirect Fire Protection Capability Increment 2 — Intercept (IFPC Inc 2-I) program. Dubbed Sky Hunter, both companies will utilize Rafael’s Tamir interceptor for the developmental Multi-Missile Launcher (MML). The MML successfully launched a Tamir missile back in April as part of tests on several different types of munitions.

June 16/16: Despite much global interest, Israel has not received any export orders for its Iron Dome short-range missile defense system. Developed by the state-owned Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, Iron Dome has gained notable world recognition since its first successful intercept in 2011 of a Hamas launched rocket from Gaza. Despite a 90% interception rate, Rafael execs have been working to entice customers with an expanded mission set including sea-based defense, drone killing missions, and the ability to intercept anything from mortars to precision-guided munitions.

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

More funding for Saudi MMSC acquisition | RAF F-35B completes new landing manoeuvre | Japan delays V-22 deployment

Tue, 11/20/2018 - 05:00

Space Vector and OrbitalATK are being contracted to support the Air Force’s Sounding Rocket Program-4 (SRP-4). Valued at $424 million the multiple-award IDIQ contract will be used to meet DoD’s and other government agency requirements needed to accomplish the Rocket Systems Launch Program’s (RSLP) sub-orbital mission. This includes sub-orbital research, development and test launch services, including prototype demonstrations and provision of missile defense targets. The RSLP program is responsible for providing suborbital launch capability for various DoD, DOE, and NASA organizations. The companies will use excess Minuteman rocket motors and other ballistic missile assets. Work will be performed at Space Vector’s facility in Chatsworth, California and at OrbitalATK’s facility in Chandler, Arizona. The contract includes a seven-year ordering period.

Lockheed Martin is receiving additional funding for work on the Trident II (D5) missile system. The two cost-plus-fixed-fee modifications are worth a combined $90.4 million and cover missile production and deployed system support. The Trident II D5 is the latest generation of the US Navy’s submarine-launched fleet ballistic missiles, and are found aboard Ohio-class and British Vanguard-class submarines. The D5 is a three-stage, solid-fuel submarine-launched intercontinental-range ballistic missile. The US Navy initially planned to keep Trident submarines in service for 30 years, but has had to extend their service life to 42 years until 2027. The Navy expects to spend $4.8 billion on Trident II modifications between FY2018 and 2021. Work will be performed at multiple location including, but not limited to, Sunnyvale, California; Denver, Colorado and Cape Canaveral, Florida. Performance of the contract is expected to be completed by September 30, 2023.

Middle East & Africa

Lockheed Martin is being awarded with a contract modification to continue work on Saudi Arabia’s new warships. The undefinitized contract action modification provides for long-lead-time material and detail design in support of the construction of four Multi-Mission Surface Combatant ships (MMSC). The order is valued at $282 million and includes Foreign Military Sales funding in the amount of $124 million. The MMSC is a derivative of the US Navy’s Freedom-class Littoral Combat Ship. Its mission capabilities include anti-surface warfare, anti-submarine warfare, anti-air warfare, mine warfare, electronic warfare, and special operations. Saudi Arabia’s new ships will be fitted with Mk-41 VLSs, Lockheed’s COMBATSS-21 Combat Management Systems, CIWS, a Mk-75 76mm OTO Melara Gun and several missile systems. Work will be performed at Lockheed’s locations in Marinette, Wisconsin; Baltimore, Maryland; Herndon, Virginia; Moorestown, New Jersey; Manassas, Virginia and San Diego, California. Performance of the contract is expected to be completed by October 2025.


The Royal Navy achieves another milestone aboard Britain’s new aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth. RAF test pilot Squadron Leader Andy Edgell recently completed a special landing manoeuvre with a F-35B. Edgell reportedly flew the STOVL aircraft facing the stern, not bow, before bringing the jet to a hover, slipping it over the huge flight deck and gently setting it down. This ‘back-to-front’ manoeuvre is intended to give naval aviators and the flight deck are more options to safely land the 5th generation fighter jet in an emergency. The wrong-way landing was a slightly surreal experience, said Squadron Leader Edgell. “It was briefly bizarre to bear down on the ship and see the waves parting on the bow as you fly an approach aft facing.”


Northrop Grumman is being tapped to start work on the second batch of E-2D aircraft for Japan. The FMS contract is priced at $33 million and provides for long-lead acquisitions related to the production of the fifth aircraft (JAA5) for the Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF). The carrier-capable “mini-AWACS” aircraft is designed to give long-range warning of incoming aerial threats. The E-2D comes with enhanced operational capabilities including the replacement of the old radar system with Lockheed Martin AN/APY9 radar, upgraded communications suite, mission computer, displays and the incorporation of an all-glass cockpit. The aircraft will improve Japan’s ability to effectively provide homeland defence utilizing an AEW&C capability. Work will be performed at multiple locations throughout the United States, France and Canada including, but not limited to, Syracuse, New York; Marlborough, Massachusetts; Aire-sur-l’Adour, France and Falls Church, Virginia. The initial batch is due to be delivered to the JASDF between the end of 2019 and the end of 2020, while the fifth aircraft will follow before the end of 2022.

India’s Ministry of Defense has issued a letter of request to the US government bringing it one step closer in acquiring several MH-60R Seahawk helicopters. First announced in August 2018, the 24 unit order is part of larger defense acquisition program totalling at $6.5 billion. The Indian Navy will replace its ageing fleet of Sea King Mk 42B/C and Ka-28 helicopters with the Seahawks at a cost of $1.8 billion. The ‘Romeo’ is a next-generation submarine hunter and anti-surface warfare helicopter. It can carry two Mk-46, Mk-50 or Mk-54 light air-launched torpedoes, two AGM-119B Penguin anti-ship missiles or four AGM-114 Hellfire air-to-surface missiles. The R variant can also perform secondary missions such as SAR, CSAR, vertical replenishment, medical evacuation and insertion and extraction of special forces. If the deal is approved, India could receive the first aircraft by 2020 and the last by 2024

The Japanese government will delay a planned deployment of V-22 Ospreys amidst local opposition. The MoD initially intended to deploy 17 Ospreys to Saga airport in southwestern Japan in an effort to strengthen defense of remote islands in the southwest amid China’s increasingly aggressive posture. “It’s true that we are seeing a delay in the entire schedule. We’ll try to realize the delivery as soon as possible,” Japanese Defense Minister Takeshi Iwaya told reporters, without elaborating on when the aircraft are now expected to arrive to Japan. Local residents are resisting the scheduled deployment because the tilt-rotor aircraft are considered to be noisy and accident-prone. Japan received the first of its 19 ordered Ospreys in August 2017.

Today’s Video

Watch: The Prius Vulcan

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

LRSAM production is picking up ! | MBDA tests new anti-ship missile | Australia is choosing GA’s Reaper

Mon, 11/19/2018 - 05:00

The US Air Force is stocking up its missile inventory. The service is ordering 50 long range anti-ship missiles (LRASMs) from Lockheed Martin. The Lot 2 production effort is priced at $172 million. The LRSAM program started in 2009 with to goal to develop a new generation of anti-ship weapons, offering longer ranges and better odds against improving air defense systems. The Navy needs the advanced anti-ship missile as an urgent capability stop-gap solution to address range and survivability problems with the Harpoon and to prioritize defeating enemy warships. The LRASM is designed to detect and destroy specific targets within groups of ships using its sensors, encrypted communications and a digital anti-jamming GPS. Work will be performed at Lockheed’s factory in Orlando, Florida and is expected to be completed by December 31, 2021.

Raytheon is being tapped to provide the Navy with an integral component of the Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) system. The company will produce and deliver several Common Array Block antennas at a cost of $34 million. CEC essentially brings together multiple sensors to provide high quality situational awareness and integrated fire control capability, improved battle force effectiveness and enables longer range, cooperative, multiple, or layered engagement strategies. The Common Array Block is a next generation Gallium Nitride (GaN)-based CEC antenna. This high-power Common Array Block antenna increases the system’s reliability and efficiency while also reducing its size, weight and cost. Work will be performed at Raytheon’s locations in Largo, Florida and Andover, Massachusetts. Performance is scheduled to run through October 2020.

Rolls Royce is being contracted to support the US Navy’s Ship-to-Shore Connector program. The company is being awarded with a firm-fixed-price modification worth $41 million. The contract provides for the procurement of 20 MT7 marine turbine engines used to power Landing Craft, Air Cushion (LCAC) 100-class craft 109 through 113. The program seeks to replace existing Navy landing hovercraft with the LCAC 100 due to current craft nearing the end of their service life. Each LCAC 100 craft mounts four MT7 engines. The MT7 combines modern turbine materials and technology to provide a state-of-the-art power system suited to a range of naval applications such as main propulsion and power generation. Work to be performed includes production of the MT7 engines and delivery to Textron Marine Systems for the assembly of the LCAC 100 class craft. Work will be performed in Indianapolis, Indiana, and is expected to be completed by January, 2020.

Middle East & Africa

Turkish defense contractor Roketsan is reportedly working on a new short-range anti-tank guided missile (ATGM). According to Jane’s the company is currently accelerating development of the 125 mm manportable missile. Dubbed Karaok, the weapon is being designed for airborne infantry, amphibious assault units and special operation forces. It is a single-use, shoulder-launched weapon system that has an effective range of over 1100 yards. The 43 inch long weapon weighs close to 55 lbs and features an aligned, cruciform fold-out wing and aft fin assembly. The Karaok features a tandem warhead and a hybrid dual-stage rocket motor. This allows the weapon to be fired from an enclosed space. The guidance section consists of an integrated inertial measurement unit and an imaging infrared seeker. An official told Jane’s that the Karaok concept “provides for a new lightweight ATGM solution to meet the requirements of dismounted rapid response units, primarily special forces”.


French defense manufacturer MBDA successfully completes another milestone in its anti-ship missile development program. The company is currently developing a new version of its proven Marte platform. The Marte ER (extended range) is the third generation of the missile system that arms NFH90 and AW101 helicopters flown by the Italian Army. During a recently held test at an Italian test range the missile flew for about 62 miles on a pre-planned trajectory that included the passing of several waypoints and a sea-skimming flight. This new missile version meets the operational requirements of engaging targets well beyond the radar horizon. The Marte ER missile uses many of the technologies and has a great commonality with the standard Marte MK2 missile with the main difference lying in the turbo-engine propulsion system that provides a much greater effective range. Pasquale Di Bartolomeo, managing director of MBDA Italia said, “This test is a further confirmation of the robustness of the ER version of the Marte family of multi-platform anti-ship missiles that can be launched by ships, helicopters, coastal batteries and fast jets.


Australia is opting for General Atomics’ MQ-9 Reaper to fulfil its AIR 7003 requirement. Project AIR 7003 will see the delivery of medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial system (UAS). Australian ministers for Defense, Christopher Pyne, and Defense Industry, Steven Ciobo, jointly announced the selection of the Reaper over IAI’s Heron TP on November 16. GA says that its MQ-9 is a system fully-interoperable with Australia’s allies, including the US, the UK and France. “These new aircraft will provide enhanced firepower and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance support to a range of missions,” said Cristopher Pyne, adding, “The aircraft will be operated under the same laws of armed conflict, international human rights law, and rules of engagement as manned aircraft.” The Team Reaper Australia includes nine other companies: Cobham Australia, CAE Australia, Raytheon Australia, Flight Data Systems, TAE Aerospace, Rockwell Collins, Ultra Electronics Australia, Airspeed, and Quickstep Holdings Ltd.

South Korea’s next-generation attack submarines will be fitted with newly developed lithium-ion batteries. The new batteries will almost double the operational hours of the vessel compared to submarines powered by lead-acid batteries. Announced by the Defense Acquisition Program Administration, or DAPA, the batteries will be installed onto the KSS-III Batch II diesel-electric submarines which will be launched in the mid-2020s. Following 30 months of development, the batteries passed a technology readiness assessment, a step toward integration on a weapons platform, the agency said in a news release. Developed by Samsung, the lithium-ion batteries are a somewhat novelty in the naval sector. Once considered to be expensive and too unstable for submarines, Korean developers are taking the risk and strongly prioritize safety and reliability. The new 3,000-ton KSS-III sub is 83.3-meter-long, 9.6-meter-wide, and can accommodate a crew of 50. It is capable of operating underwater without surfacing for up to 20 days. Its maximum underwater speed is estimated at 20 knots with a maximum operational range of 10,000 nautical miles. KSS-III is expected to be produced in three batches, with the last submarine expected to be delivered in 2029.

Today’s Video

Watch: Trying out the British Army’s new assault rifle

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

LCAC Hovercraft: US Navy’s Champion Schleppers Get SLEPped

Mon, 11/19/2018 - 04:54

LCAC versatility
(click to view full)

The US military calls them Landing Craft, Air Cushion (LCAC). They’re high-speed, fully amphibious hovercraft capable of carrying a 60-ton payload (75 tons in overload) over water and land at speeds in excess of 40 knots and a nominal range of up to 200 nautical miles. Carrying equipment, troops, and/or supplies, the LCAC launches from inside the well deck of an amphibious warship, then travels the waves at high speed, runs right through the surf zone near the beach, and stops at a suitable place on land. Its cargo walks or rolls off. The LCAC returns to the surf to pick up more. Rinse. Agitate. Repeat.

LCAC, ashore
(click to view full)

A total of 91 LCACs were built between 1984-2001, and their design itself dates back to the 1970s. They require regular maintenance, refurbishment, upgrades, and even life extension programs to keep them operational into the future. This free-to-view Spotlight article will covers the program from 2005 forward, tracking contracts and key events.

The LCAC Program and its SLEPpers

LCAC into LPD-9
(click to enlarge)

Many militaries rely on slower and less expensive LCM (Landing Craft, Mechanized) boats, LCUs, and related small landing craft. By using hovercraft, however, the US military gives itself additional options for traversing difficult terrain like marshes, broadens its potential landing zones, and buys fast ferry services that can build up a landing zone more quickly. These same traits make LCACs extremely well-suited to humanitarian missions, as shown after the South Asian tsunami and in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

Contracts for 91 LCACs were approved through FY 1997, with 91 craft delivered to the Fleet by the end of 2000. Of the LCACs in service, the US military’s EXWAR.ORG reports that 7 have reportedly been disassembled for FGE, 10 are in deep Reduced Operation Status (ROS), 2 are held for R&D, and 36 are in use on each coast.

LCAC SLEP extends the expected service life of the LCAC by 50%, from 20 years to 30 years. The program began in late 2000, and includes two sub-programs:

The “C4N” (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Navigation) sub-program replaces the LN-66 radars with modern, high-power P-80 radar systems. The SLEP will also include open-architecture electronics relying on modern commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) equipment, which allows much easier incorporation of precision navigation systems, new communications systems, et. al. LED screens and LED keyboards use less power than the old Cathode Ray Tubes and the bulb-type indicators, and generate less heat. When coupled with the air-conditioning that has been added to the LCAC command modules, the hovercraft’s crew and electronics are given a better environment.

Other improvements are more “hardware-oriented,” and include:

  • Engine upgrades to ETF-40B configuration that will provide additional power and lift (especially in environments over 100 degrees), reduced fuel consumption, reduced maintenance needs, and reduced lift footprint.

  • Replacement of the LCACs’ “buoyancy box” to solve corrosion problems, incorporate hull improvements, and extend their fatigue-limits.

  • A new deep hovercraft skirt to reduce drag, increase the performance envelope over water and land, and reduce maintenance requirements.

LCAC-related Contracts, 2005 – Present FY 2018

WinXP forces C4N switch.


November 19/18: Engines Rolls Royce is being contracted to support the US Navy’s Ship-to-Shore Connector program. The company is being awarded with a firm-fixed-price modification worth $41 million. The contract provides for the procurement of 20 MT7 marine turbine engines used to power Landing Craft, Air Cushion (LCAC) 100-class craft 109 through 113. The program seeks to replace existing Navy landing hovercraft with the LCAC 100 due to current craft nearing the end of their service life. Each LCAC 100 craft mounts four MT7 engines. The MT7 combines modern turbine materials and technology to provide a state-of-the-art power system suited to a range of naval applications such as main propulsion and power generation. Work to be performed includes production of the MT7 engines and delivery to Textron Marine Systems for the assembly of the LCAC 100 class craft. Work will be performed in Indianapolis, Indiana, and is expected to be completed by January, 2020.

September 13/18: SLEPing away  The US Navy is awarding Tecnico Corp with a contract in support of the Landing Craft, Air Cushion service life extension program (LCAC SLEP). The firm-fixed-price contract has a value of $25.6 million and provides for three LCAC SLEP availabilities. The company will be responsible to repair and upgrade the LCAC’s buoyancy box, replace its gas turbine engine and will install a new skirt and an integrated command, control, computers, communications and navigation equipment package. The Landing Craft Air Cushion is a high-speed, over-the-beach fully amphibious air cushion landing craft capable of carrying a 75 ton maximum payload and operating from existing and planned well deck ships. The craft is used to transport weapons systems, equipment, cargo and personnel from ship to shore and across the beach. The LCAC SLEP will extend the service life of the platform from 20 to 30 years. Work will be performed in Little Creek, Virginia, and is expected to be completed by February 2021.

FY 2014

Oct 2/14: WinXP bites. The LCAC fleet is the latest platform to be bitten by Microsoft’s decision to end support for Windows XP. The Navy completes the Critical Design Review for a new Command, Control, Communications, Computers & Navigation (C4N) suite, “System Baseline Configuration 4”:

“In order to address software obsolescence in the C4N suite, the LCAC Software Support Activity is transitioning from embedded Windows XP to Windows 7 for the Windows-based nodes of the system. The C4N software re-host from SBC3 to SBC4 is also leveraging off of newer [Modular Open Scalable Approach USN specifications] technology in order to reduce the required number of processing units to support the new modular, open-scalable architecture approach.”

This approach seems to create the same problem down the road, but at least they weren’t crazy enough to use Windows 8. The hardware shifts are actually the bigger benefit, lowering volume, weight and power requirements. It also switches the hardware from front I/O connectors to swappable and testable line replaceable unit boxes. That should cut maintenance time nicely.

The LCAC C4N suite provides the 3-person crew with 6 sunlight readable, Night Vision Device compatible LCD displays in the Command Module. Feeds include 4 sensor interface units that provide the signal conditioning and conversion for 190 different sensors and alarms. The navigation system integrates with a 25 kW surface search radar, a primary and secondary GPS system, and an inertial navigation system. A common data recorder is used to transfer mission plans, while recording of real-time navigation, audio, and engineering data/actions. Beyond the screens, a fly-by-wire control system with 2 fully redundant engineering control system processing units is used to pilot the craft. The Navy calls them pilots, because LCACs “fly” on a cushion of air. Sources: NAVSEA, “New LCAC C4N Suite Completes Critical Design Review”.

FY 2010 – 2013

10 SLEP.

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Sept 26/13: +2 SLEP. L-3 Unidyne, Inc., Norfolk, VA, is being awarded a $13.7 million firm-fixed-priced contract for 2 LCAC Service Life Extension Program craft in FY 2013. All funds are committed immediately.

This contract was competitively procured via, with 1 offer received by US NAVSEA in Washington, DC. No contract number was given, but it’s likely to be part of N00024-12-C-2402.

April 1/13: Engines. Vericor Power Systems LLC in Alpharetta, GA receives a $12.1 million contract modification for the manufacture, testing and delivery of 8 LCAC ETF40B Marine gas turbine engines as well as the repair/refurbishment of 8 output group modules for LCAC engines. Each LCAC uses 4 turbines, so this will provide for another 2 overhauled LCACs. That makes 8 hovercraft worth since the February 2012 award that specified 8 SLEPped LCACs. Guess funds are a bit tight with everything going on in Washington.

Work will be performed in Alpharetta, GA (90%), and Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (10%), and is expected to be completed by February 2014. All funds are committed immediately. US Naval Sea Systems Command in Washington, DC manages the contracts (N00024-12-C-4154).

April 1/13: Engines. Vericor Power Systems LLC in Alpharetta, GA receives a $12.1 million contract modification for the manufacture, testing and delivery of 8 LCAC ETF40B Marine gas turbine engines as well as the repair/refurbishment of 8 output group modules for LCAC engines. Each LCAC uses 4 turbines, so this will provide for 2 overhauled LCACs.

Work will be performed in Alpharetta, GA (90%), and Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (10%), and is expected to be completed by February 2014. All funds are committed immediately, using FY 2013 Shipbuilding and Conversion budgets. US Naval Sea Systems Command in Washington, DC manages the contracts (N00024-12-C-4154).

July 6/12: SSC. Textron, Inc. in New Orleans, LA wins a $212.7 million fixed-priced incentive-fee contract for the detail design and construction of a ship to shore connector (SSC) test and training hovercraft successor type to the LCAC. This contract includes options for up to 8 production SSC hovercraft, which could bring the cumulative value to $570.5 million.

Read “Ship to Shore Connector: the USN’s New Hovercraft” for full coverage.

SSC successor program begins

May 7/12: Engines. Vericor Power Systems, LLC in Alpharetta, GA receives a $23.6 million firm-fixed-price contract for the manufacture, testing, and delivery of 16 ETF40B marine gas turbine engines in support of the LCAC SLEP program, and the repair/refurbishment of 16 output group modules for LCAC engines. That would cover 4 LCACs.

This contract includes options, which could bring its cumulative value to $60.7 million. Work will be performed in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, and is expected to complete by June 2013 (N00024-12-C-4154).

Feb 27/12: +8 SLEP. L-3 Unidyne, Inc. in Norfolk, VA receives a pair of contracts worth $68.2 million, to SLEP a total of 8 LCACs – 4 on each coast. This brings the number of announced LCAC SLEP orders to 30 hovercraft between April 2005 and the present.

Contract #1 is a $31.4 million modification to SLEP 4 of Assault Craft Unit Four’s hovercraft in Virginia Beach, VA, and is expected to complete by February 2014 (N00024-12-C-2402).

Contract #2 a $26.8 million modification to SLEP 4 of Assault Craft Unit Five’s hovercraft in Camp Pendleton, CA, and is expected to be completed by February 2014 (N00024-12-C-2403).

Sept 26/11: Support. GE Aviation Systems, LLC’s Dowty Propellers in Sterling, VA receives a not-to-exceed $6.7 million unfinalized contractual action against an existing basic ordering agreement to repair marine propellers used aboard LCAC vessels. Work will be performed in Sterling VA (85%), and in the United Kingdom (15%), and is expected to be complete by February 2014.

One company was solicited for the non-competitive requirement, and 1 offer was received. $3.35 million is committed. NAVSUP Weapons System Support in Mechanicsburg, PA manages the contract (N00104-11-G-A004).

Jan 20/11: Engines. Vericor Power Systems LLC announces a firm fixed-price contract for up to 34 of its ETF40B marine gas turbine engines, and overhaul of related hardware for the US Navy’s FY 2010/2011 LCAC Service Life Extension Program (SLEP). This would cover 8 LCACs, plus 2 spares.

The firm adds that they will be offering their TF60B for the US Navy’s new Ship-to-Shore Connector LCAC replacement program. The new engine is based on the TF40/ETF40B, but adds improvements. For instance, its power-producer is mounted to a heavy duty marine inlet module on the craft, which aims to eliminate major alignment and maintenance problems on the LCAC. The TF60B engine test schedule continues, with performance testing slated for spring 2011 at Naval Air Station Patuxent River, MD.

Nov 15/10: Engines. Vericor Power Systems, LLC in Alpharetta, GA receives a $16.7 million firm-fixed-price contract for 12 of the LCAC’s ETF40B marine gas turbine engines. Work will be performed in Winnipeg, Canada, and is expected to be complete by July 2012. This contract was not competitively procured by US Naval Sea Systems Command in Washington, DC (N00024-11-C-4113).

Nov 4/10: Support. L-3 Services, Inc.’s Unidyne Division in Norfolk, VA wins a $473,469 contract for LCAC 55 Continuous Maintenance Availability (CMAV), including miscellaneous electrical, mechanical, and structural repairs. Work will be performed at a government facility.

It is a good illustration of the fact that the LCAC fleet is also maintained and overhauled using a number of smaller contracts which do not reach DefenseLINK’s $5 million announcement threshold. An Oct 27/10 solicitation for LCAC 51 is similar, but is a small-business set aside. US FedBizOpps.

FY 2008 – 2009


LCAC in Haiti, 2009
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Sept 29/10: +3 SLEP. L-3 Services, Inc.’s Unidyne Division in Norfolk, VA wins a $14.5 million firm-fixed-price contract for service life extension program on LCACs 63, 72 and 74. This contract includes provisions for over and above work, which could bring its cumulative value to $17.5 million. Work will be performed in Camp Pendleton, CA, and is expected to be complete by August 2012. This contract was competitively procured via the Federal Business Opportunities website, with 5 proposals solicited and 2 offers received. The Southwest Regional Maintenance Center in San Diego, CA manages this contract (N55236-10-C-0012).

Aug 11/09: +3 SLEP. Oceaneering International, Inc.’s Marine Services Division in Chesapeake, VA receives a $13.6 million contract modification to extend the service life of 3 LCACs via repair and upgrade of the buoyancy box, gas turbine engine replacement, installation of a new skirt, installation of an integrated C4N equipment package, craft alterations, and repair work.

Work will be performed in Norfolk, VA, and is expected to complete it by August 2012. The Naval Sea Systems Command in Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC manages the contract (N00024-09-C-2240).

May 26/09: +3 SLEP. Oceaneering International’s Marine Services Division in Chesapeake, VA won a $14 million firm-fixed-price contract to extend the service life of 3 LCACs via repair and upgrade of the buoyancy box, gas turbine engine replacement, installation of a new skirt, installation of an integrated C4N equipment package, craft alterations, and repair work. This contract includes options which would bring its cumulative value to $38.9 million.

Oceaneering will perform the work in Norfolk, VA and expects to complete it by November 2012. This contract was competitively procured via, with 4 offers received by the Naval Sea Systems Command at the Washington Navy Yard in Washington, DC (N00024-09-C-2240).

April 20/09: Engines. Vericor Power Systems, LLC, in Alpharetta, GA received a $32.1 million firm-fixed-price modification to a previously awarded contract, exercising an option to build, test, and deliver 24 ETF40B marine gas turbine engines for the FY 2009 LCAC SLEP program. That would equip 6 LCACS. Work will be performed in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, and is expected to be complete by August 2010. The US Naval Sea Systems Command (NVSEA) in Washington, DC issued the contract (N00024-08-C-4117).

Oct 2/08: Support. Gryphon Technologies LC in Greenbelt, MD received a $17.2 million cost-plus fixed fee contract on Sept 30/08, for the procurement of Expeditionary Warfare Program and LCAC maintenance, modification, repair, and trial support engineering support services. The contractor will provide all personnel, materials, equipment, services for the engineering, & technical support required to provide logistics and material support for the LCAC Program.

Work will be performed in Panama City, FL, and is expected to be complete by October 2013. Contract funds in the amount of $300,000 expired at the end of FY 2008, on Sept 30th. This contract was competitively procured and advertised via Navy Electronic Commerce On-line and Federal Business Opportunities website, with one offer received by the Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division in Panama City, FL (N61331-08-D-0021).

FY 2007 – 2008


LCAC & CH-53 exercise
with FS Tonnerre
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Aug 27/08: Engines. Vericor Power Systems, LLC in Alpharetta, GA received a $20.5 million firm-fixed-price contract to build, test, and deliver 16 ETF40B marine gas turbine engines for the FY 2008 LCAC Service Life Extension Program (SLEP), which would cover 4 LCACs. This contract includes options which, if exercised, would bring the cumulative value of this contract to $57.8 million.

Work will be performed in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, and is expected to be complete by October 2009. This contract was not competitively procured, but the solicitation was posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website by the Naval Sea Systems Command in Washington Navy Yard, DC (N00024-08-C-4117).

April 2/07: +3 SLEP. L-3 Communications Titan Corporation’s Unidyne Division in Norfolk, VA received a $22.9 million modification to under previously awarded contract to exercise options for preparation and accomplishment of the FY 2007 Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) availabilities of landing craft air cushions (LCAC) 36, LCAC 50, and LCAC 69, at assault craft unit 4.

Work will be performed in Norfolk, VA and is expected to be complete March 2009. The Naval Sea Systems Command in Washington, DC issued the contract (N00024-06-C-2203).

March 30/07: +3 SLEP. L-3 Communications Titan Corp’s Unidyne Division in Norfolk, VA received a $22.9 million modification to a previously awarded contract, exercising options for preparation and accomplishment of the FY 2007 Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) availabilities of LCAC 36, LCAC 50, and LCAC 69, at assault craft unit 4.

Work will be performed in Norfolk, VA and is expected to be complete in March 2009. The Naval Sea Systems Command in Washington, DC manages the contract (N00024-06-C-2203).

Feb 20/07: Engines. Vericor Power Systems, LLC in Alpharetta, GA received a $29.6 million firm-fixed-price delivery order to previously awarded contract for the manufacture, testing and delivery of 24 ETF40B marine gas turbine engines, which would equip 6 LCACs. This covers LCAC SLEP requirements for FY 2007.

Work will be performed at Standard Aero Energy in Winnipeg, Canada under a 2005 partnership agreement, and is expected to be complete by November 2008. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Sea Systems Command in Washington, DC issued the contract (N00024-06-D-4107).

Oct 18/06: The LCAC community holds its annual Fleet Support Conference at Camp Pendleton, CA. Assault Craft Units (ACU) 4 and 5, as well as representatives from Washington, D.C., Little Creek, VA, and Boston Planning Yard discussed maintenance and upgrades, mission planning factors and manning issues, including the training pipeline and detailing. Chief Operations Specialist (SW/AW) David L. Lessenberry:

“During this conference, we look at all the major issues with the functions and operation of LCACs… This year we’re talking about funding, man hours and maintenance because we want to extend [the LCAC’s] service life. The LCACs have a service life of 20 years, but we can extend that by 10 years with maintenance and upgrades.”

FY 2005 – 2006

10 SLEP.

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Aug 21/06: +2 SLEP. L-3 Communications Titan Corporation’s Unidyne Division in Norfolk, VA received a $16.7 million firm-fixed-price contract for the SLEP of LCACs #29 and #32. The LCAC provides heavy lift capability to perform amphibious assaults and operational maneuvers from the sea. This contract includes options for SLEPping LCACs # 31, 48, and 33 as well, which would bring the cumulative value of this contract to 5 craft and $40 million if exercised.

Work will be performed at Assault Craft Unit Five in Camp Pendleton, CA and is expected to be complete by August 2008. This contract was competitively procured via the Federal Business Opportunities website with 29 proposals solicited and two offers received. The Southwest Regional Maintenance Center in San Diego, CA issued the contract (N55236-06-C-0001).

Mar 16/06: Engines. Vericor Power Systems, LLC in Alpharetta, GA received a $28.4 million firm-fixed-price contract for the manufacture, testing and delivery of 20 ETF40B marine gas turbine engines and 4 Pack-Up Kit spare engines for the Landing Craft-Air Cushion Service Life Extension Program.

Work will be performed at Standard Aero Energy in Winnipeg, Canada under a 2005 partnership agreement, and is expected to be complete by December 2008. The contract was not competitively procured by the Naval Sea Systems Command in Washington, DC (N00024-06-D-4107).

Nov 22/05: +3 SLEP. L-3 Communications Titan Unidyne in Norfolk, VA won an $8.8 million firm-fixed-price contract to upgrade landing craft air cushion (LCAC) hovercraft 62, 64, 65, and 76. Work will be performed in Camp Pendleton, CA and is expected to be complete by October 2006. This contract was competitively procured and advertised via the Internet, with two offers received. The Southwest Regional Maintenance Center in San Diego, CA issued the contract (N55236-06-C-0002).

April 14/05: +5 SLEP. Titan Corp.’s Unidyne Group in Norfolk, VA won a $26.4 million firm-fixed-price contract for 5 Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC) hovercraft.

Work will be performed in Camp Pendleton, CA (80%) and Norfolk, VA (20%), and is expected to be complete by August 2007. The contact was competitively awarded and advertised via the Navy Electronic Commerce on Line website, with three offers received. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC manages the contract.

Additional Readings

Follow-on Ship to Shore Connector

Other Fast Landing Options

  • Naval Technology – Zubr Class (Pomornik) Air Cushioned Landing Craft, Russia. Included as a point of comparison; the Zubr is a significantly larger craft than LCAC.

  • Naval Technology – CNIM. Their L-CAT is the French EDA-R catamaran landing craft: 30m long and 12m wide, and can carry a payload of 80t at a cruise speed of 18 kts. EDA-R is a fast catamaran in transit mode, but features a central elevating deck that makes it become a flat-bottomed ship to beach, or enter an amphibious ship’s well deck.

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Lockheed receives go ahead for next F-35 batch | US Navy orders more ‘workhorses’ | Bahrain is locked on Viper acquisition

Fri, 11/16/2018 - 05:00

The US Department of Defense is ordering a new batch of F-35 Joint Strike Fighters from Lockheed Martin. The company is being awarded with a $23 billion contract modification that covers the procurement of 255 aircraft. About 106 planes will be delivered to US services, including 64 F-35As for the Air Force, 26 F-35Bs for the Marine Corps and 16 F-35Cs for the Navy. Another 89 JSFs will be delivered to non-DoD participants of which 71 are A variant and 18 are B variants. A number of Foreign Military Sales customers will receive the remaining 60 F-35s in their A version. This modification includes low rate initial production lot 12 for US services and LRIP 12, 13 and 14 for international partner countries and FMS customers. Lots 12 and 13 jets are set to be delivered in 2020 and 2021, respectively. The definitization of the final LRIP 14 contract is expected to take place in 2020, with deliveries expected for 2022. Work will be performed at multiple locations worldwide. They include, but are not limited to, Fort Worth, Texas; San Diego, California; Nagoya, Japan and Warton United Kingdom. Performance of the contract is expected to be completed in March 2023.

The US Navy is ordering more ‘workhorses’ for its troops from Lockheed Martin. The company is being tapped to provide the Navy with eight MH-60R rotorcraft at a cost of $382 million. The order also includes associated systems engineering and program management support. The Sikorsky MH-60R Seahawk multi-mission helicopter replaces SH-60B and SH-60F helicopters in the US Navy’s fleet and combines the capabilities of these aircraft. The helicopter can perform a multitude of mission ranging from anti-submarine warfare to naval gunfire support. Its two General Electric T700-GE-401C turboshaft engines give it a cruise speed of 168 km/h to a range of 834km. The Navy will eventually replace its entire fleet of SH-60B/F & HH-60H Seahawks, HH-1N Hueys, UH-3H Sea Kings, and CH-46D Sea Knight helicopters with the MH-60R. Work will be performed at Lockheed’s facilities in Owego, New York; Stratford, Connecticut and Troy, Alabama. The helicopters are scheduled to be delivered by September 2020.

L-3 Communications is being awarded with a multi-million support contract. Awarded by the US Air Force and priced at $35 million, the contract provides for logistic services in support of the service’s C-12 fleet. The C-12 Huron is a military version of an executive passenger and transport aircraft based on the Beech Model 200 Super King Air. Its primary functions include range clearance, embassy support, medical evacuation, VIP transport, passenger and light cargo transport. The support concept is based on total contractor support wherein a commercial contractor provides all FAA approved maintenance and material support. Services include engine repair/overhaul; propeller repair/overhaul; and airframe and avionics overhaul/repair. Work will be performed at global areas of operation including Madison, Mississippi; Buenos Ares, Argentina; Accra, Ghana and Gaborone, Botswana. The contract is set to run through December 31, 2018.

Middle East & Africa

The Royal Bahraini Air Force will receive several attack helicopters as part of a US Foreign Military Sale. The US Department of State approved the deal for 12 AH-1Z Vipers, worth an estimated $912 million, in April this year. Bahrain expects delivery of the helicopters from the second half of 2022 onwards. The Bell AH-1Z Viper is a modern version of the AH-1 Cobra, the first ever attack helicopter. It is one of the most powerful, capable and advanced helicopters, flying today. Bahrain’s fleet will be armed with 14 AGM-114 Hellfires, and 56 Advance Precision Kill Weapon System II. The Viper’s manufacturer Bell, alongside Textron and General Electric have been listed as principal contractors on the sale. Bell CEO Mitch Snyder said the “most advanced helicopter in production” would “help protect the country for decades to come”.


The British MoD doubles its fleet of F-35 JSFs with a new 17-jet order. The Royal Air Force currently has 16 F-35As stationed at its base in Marham and has an additional two aircraft on order. The new 17 aircraft will be B variants for the UK’s new Queen Elizabeth-class carriers. The planes are expected to be delivered between 2020 and 2022. Britain is the only Tier 1 partner outside the USA, and they have invested about $2 billion equivalent in the F-35’s development. They took delivery of their 1st IOT&E training and test aircraft in July 2012. “I am delighted to confirm that we are doubling the size of our F-35 force into a formidable fleet of 35 stealth fighters. This is another massive order in the biggest defence programme in history. Our military and industry are playing a leading role in the F-35 programme. We are now building this game-changing capability that will soon be ready for frontline action. This programme is set to bring an immense boost of £35 billion ($44 billion) into the British economy, and it will be welcome news to our firms that many more jets are now set for production,” British Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson said in a press statement.


The Republic of Korea Navy (RoKN) is ordering two more FFX-II-class frigates from South Korean shipbuilder Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME). DSME will construct two more Daegu-class guided-missile frigates at a cost of $558 million. The Daegu-class is a slightly larger than the FFX-I, or Incheon-class, but includes almost all of the same core systems. FFX-II vessels are powered by a single 36-40MW MT30 turbine, and propulsion is all-electric. Equipped with a 16-cell K-VLS Korean Vertical Launch System, the ships can employ a broad weapon array that gives the more flexibly and greater reach. The FFX-II class is armed with one 127 mm MK 45 MOD 4 naval gun and one Raytheon six-barrelled 20 mm Phalanx close-in weapon system mounted on the top of the aft superstructure. The RoKN expects to commission up to eight FFX-II vessels.

Australia’s new offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) procured under its Sea 1180 program will be referred to as Arafura-class. The Arafura-class ships will replace and improve upon the capability delivered by the thirteen Armidale Class Patrol Boats, by acquiring 12 new vessels. The primary role of the OPV will be to undertake constabulary missions and the OPV will be the primary Australian Defense Force asset for maritime patrol and response duties. The ships feature a common modular design. Modular mission payloads can be fitted into the vessel making it suitable to fulfil specific roles such as border patrol, mine warfare, and hydrographic survey. The 1,640 ton ships are powered by two 8,500 kW diesel engines giving them a maximum speed of 20kt. The OPVs are armed with a 40mm naval gun and two 12.7 mm MGs. In addition the ships have several systems installed which includes the Scanter 6002 air and surface surveillance radar system from Terma and the 9LV-based Situational Awareness System (SAS) from Saab Australia. The class’ first OPV is expected to be delivered by 2021.

Today’s Video

Watch: Supersonic air travel is finally coming back

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Korea’s New Coastal Frigates: the FFX Incheon Class

Fri, 11/16/2018 - 04:52

FFX: Jeonbuk launch
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South Korea currently owns some of the world’s best and most advanced shipyards. That civilian strength is beginning to create military leverage, and recent years have seen the ROK take several steps toward fielding a true open-ocean, blue water navy. Their new KDX-II destroyers, KDX-III AEGIS destroyers, LPX amphibious assault ships, and KSS-I/KSS-II (U209/U214) submarines will give the nation more clout on the international stage, but what about the home front? North Korea’s gunboats have launched surprise attacks on the ROK Navy twice in the last decade, while its submarines continue to insert commandos in South Korean territory, and committed acts of war by sinking ROKN ships. To the west, Chinese fishing rights are a contentious issue that has led to the murder of a Korean Coast Guard official on the high seas.

Hence the Future Frigate Experimental (FFX) program. It aims to build upon lessons learned from ROK naval shipbuilding programs in the 1980s and 1990s, and replace 37 existing ships with a modern class of upgunned inshore patrol frigates. A contract to build the lead FFX frigate Incheon was issued in December 2008, and South Korea continues to work to define the program, including the forthcoming Batch II design.

The FFX Class, and its Predecessors The ROKN’s Existing Fleet

Ulsan Class
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It’s easier to understand and critique the thinking behind FFX, if you look at what it will replace.

The ROKN’s 9 small 2,200 – 2,300 ton Ulsan Class frigates were built in South Korea, and commissioned from 1981-1993. They’re not designed to operate alone in high-threat areas, or to provide general fleet defense on the open seas. Instead, they’re designed to serve as high-end coastal patrol vessels with a mix of anti-air (RIM-7 Sea Sparrow), anti-ship (guns, RGM-84 Harpoon), and anti-submarine capabilities. They carry a crew of 150.

The ROKN’s 24 Pohang Class 1,220 ton patrol corvettes were commissioned from 1984-1993, and have no anti-air missile capabilities. They mount 76mm, 40mm, and 30mm guns like the Ulsan Class, and are divided into 4 anti-surface warfare versions with MBDA’s Exocet ant-ship missiles, but no sonar or torpedoes; and 20 anti-submarine versions with sonar and torpedoes, but no missiles. They carry a crew of 95.

ROKS Cheonan, sunk by a North Korean torpedo in March 2010, was a Pohang Class ship.

Pohang Class
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The ROKN’s 4 low-end Dong Hae Class 1,000 ton patrol corvettes were commissioned from 1982-1983. they are armed with guns, sonar, and torpedoes, and also carry a crew of 95.

Bottom line? The Dong Hae Class are aging out of the water. The Pohang Class have shown that they can’t deal with North Korea’s subs, and have no air protection in waters that are more and more contested. The Ulsan Class can serve a while longer, but their equipment is outdated. Modern replacements are in order, and the threat’s challenges are pushing the ROKN toward an inshore corvette/frigate replacement that can carry higher-end equipment.

FFX: Batches and Key Improvements

FFX combat system
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In contrast to the older classes described above, the new FFX frigates will follow the modern pattern of stealthier ship designs with far better radars, sonars, and communications equipment. The new class is said to have accepted less radar stealth in the design, however, in order to keep ship costs down. That’s an acceptable tradeoff for an non-expeditionary inshore frigate.

The new frigates were expected to begin service in 2011, with the first 6 all built and delivered by 2015, but those dates have slipped. The first-of-class Incheon was launched in April 2011, but formal delivery to the ROKN didn’t happen until late 2012, and the ship wasn’t commissioned until 2013. The ROK Navy still intends to replace all ships in the Ulsan, Pohang, and Dong Hae classes by 2020. Overall construction will take place in at least 2 batches, and possibly 3.

FFX Batch I: The Incheon Class

ROKS Incheon
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The 1st batch of 6 FFX Incheon Class frigates measure about 114m long by 14m wide, with an empty weight of 2,300 tons and a crew of 145-170 sailors. Hyundai Heavy Industries claims a cruising range of about 8,000 km, though that would require a cruising speed well below the ship’s claimed 30-knot maximum.

Each FFX Batch I frigate is said to cost around WON 250 billion ($232 million), and the ROKN plans to have Hyundai Heavy Industries build 6 of them. Ships include:

  • FFG-811, ROKS Incheon
  • FFG-812, Gyeonggi (scheduled Oct. 2014)
  • FFG-813, Jeonbuk (scheduled Dec. 2014)
  • FFG-814, Gangwon (scheduled late 2015)

Even the FFX Batch I ships boast a number of significant improvements over the current Ulsan Class; their firepower and versatility will provide a very considerable upgrade over the ROKN’s existing corvettes.

Sensors. FFX ships’ use of improved modern sonars via a Thales/STX partnership has become a particular focus of attention, as post-Cheonan assessments questioned the adequacy of anti-submarine detection systems on earlier-model ships. The built-in sonar will eventually be complemented by a towed sonar, and the current plan is to produce that towed array in South Korea.

Other sensors include a Thales Smart-S Mk2 radar, and passive long range “electro-optical” day/night cameras. A SamsungThales combat system will integrate the ship’s sensors and weapons.

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Weapons. FFX firepower improves sharply over past classes. The ships will carry BAE’s Mk45 MOD 4 5″/ 127mm gun for longer-range gunnery and amphibious support, RIM-116 RAM short-range missiles for killing missiles, aircraft and fast boats, and an embarked helicopter. Early reports also had the ships carrying a 30mm Thales Nederland “Goalkeeper” system like other South Korean combat vessels, to be used for last-ditch missile defense and small boat overkill. In the end, however, the FFX became the 1st Korean ship to carry Raytheon’s smaller and less structurally intrusive 20mm Phalanx Block 1B. Rheinmetall’s MASS decoy system and LiG Nex1’s SONATA electronic warfare system offer “soft kill” options.

Anti-ship missiles and light torpedoes will also be on board, as is the case with the current Ulsan Class. What’s new is that FFX’s Blue Shark (K745 Chungsangeo) torpedoes and 8 C-Star (Haeseong I) anti-ship missiles will both be Korean designs.

The ship’s hangar is large enough for smaller naval helicopters like South Korea’s Super Lynx 300s. A January 2013 contract indicates that the FFX frigates may eventually embark the next generation of Lynx helicopters: the AW159 Wildcat SCMR naval variant, with full anti-submarine capability that includes an advanced dipping sonar.

FFX Batch II

SAAM concept
(click to view full)

Between 6-9 FFX Batch II ships are planned, to be built by Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering. These ships may be slightly larger, and will include almost all of the same core systems onboard Batch I ships.

One exception is the engine. Instead of using a CODOG system, Batch II ships will be powered by a single 36-40MW MT30 turbine, and propulsion will be all-electric. Finmeccanica’s newly-developed Permanent Magnetic Motor hybrid-electric drive will offer the ships weight, space and power advantages over standard AIM drive technologies, and all of those advantages are especially valued in a small ship.

The other changes are tied to a 16-cell K-VLS Korean Vertical Launch System that will broaden the ships’ weapon array, lengthen their reach, and add a lot of flexibility. K-VLS will let the frigate add locally-designed SAAM medium-range air defense missiles in place of the Batch I’s short-range RAM, along with vertically launched anti-submarine missiles like Korea’s own Red Shark, and longer-range Haeseong-II cruise missiles. There’s enough room to add another 16-32 cells in Batch III.

Finally, a larger hangar will allow Batch II frigate to handle larger 10-ton helicopters, like KAI’s own naval Surion helicopter.

Contracts and Key Events 2015 – 2018

#6 launched with 20 scheduled to enter service by 2020.

November 16/18: 2 additonal FFX-II ships ordered The Republic of Korea Navy (RoKN) is ordering two more FFX-II-class frigates from South Korean shipbuilder Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME). DSME will construct two more Daegu-class guided-missile frigates at a cost of $558 million. The Daegu-class is a slightly larger than the FFX-I, or Incheon-class, but includes almost all of the same core systems. FFX-II vessels are powered by a single 36-40MW MT30 turbine, and propulsion is all-electric. Equipped with a 16-cell K-VLS Korean Vertical Launch System, the ships can employ a broad weapon array that gives the more flexibly and greater reach. The FFX-II class is armed with one 127 mm MK 45 MOD 4 naval gun and one Raytheon six-barrelled 20 mm Phalanx close-in weapon system mounted on the top of the aft superstructure. The RoKN expects to commission up to eight FFX-II vessels.

April 19/17: Development of South Korea’s Haeseong II ship-to-ground missile has been completed with serial production of canister and vertical launch versions expected to begin in 2018. Based on the earlier SSM-700K Haeseong anti-ship missile and the culmination of a seven-year development program led by the Agency for Defense Development, the new missile will give an added ground attack capability to South Korean warships that have usually relied on anti-ship or anti-aircraft guided missiles, and will form a part of Seoul’s Kill Chain pre-emptive strike system designed to tackle a North Korean military provocation. The vertical launch variant will be operational on a number of vessel types, including the upcoming Incheon-class frigates, by 2019.

August 23/16: Incheon-class frigates operated by the South Korean Navy are to be armed with Haeseong II ship-to-surface cruise missiles. Six of the vessels have already been produced as part of the first batch with 18-24 planned in total. While Seoul had initially scheduled the missiles to be incorporated on all vessels from batch two onward, it was decided to retrofit the first six as well, with work scheduled to commence next month. To accommodate the new missiles, the ships will have angled canister launchers installed on their decks.

August 13/15: #6 launched.The South Korean Navy has launched its sixth Incheon-class guided missile frigate. The Gwangju is the sixth vessel in a program of twenty new vessels scheduled to enter service by 2020. The new ship will undergo testing before deployment in 2016.

2013 – 2014

FFX #1 commissioned, #2-3 launched; FFX Batch II design unveiled; Long-term contract for Phalanx systems; AW159 helo picked for MH-X.

Red Shark ASROC
(click to view larger)

Aug 12/14: #4 launched. The Gangwon Ham is launched at STX Offshore & Shipbuilding’s yard in Changwon, Gyeongsangnam-do. There’s a bit of numbering confusion somewhere, because photos show the number 815 painted on the side. That’s out of sequence, and the official MND release says:

“Rear Admiral Choi Yang-sun, the first deputy chief of staff for planning and management in the Navy Headquarters, named the next fourth frigate ‘Gangwon’ and assigned ‘814’ as the ship number through the denomination No.460.”

The ship is scheduled to be handed over to the ROKN in late 2015, and enter service in 2016. Sources: ROK MND: “The next FFG, ‘Gangwon Ham,’ a powerful ship for safer Korean territorial waters”.

June 9/14: Urgency rises. North Korea is showing movies of new anti-ship missiles mounted on and fired from its military ships, and has also placed the new missile “among the country’s closely guarded submarines, which were also featured for the first time.” The missile sure looks like the Russian SS-N-25/ Kh-35, or a copy, and South Korea is taking the reports seriously enough that:

“Military authorities here are reportedly trying to find out where the North bought the Kh-35 missiles, on the assumption that it was clandestinely imported from a third country like Burma.”

North Korea’s willingness to attack South Korea, including the deliberate sinking of the ROKS Cheonan, makes the use of more advanced and longer-range Kh-35 missiles a potential issue for ROKN ships operating near the border. The Pohang Class was already defenseless against the KPANF’s 1950s-era SS-N-2 Styx missiles, but Kh-35s would outclass the Ulsan Class’ RIM-7 Sea Sparrow missiles as well, while allowing North Korean ships greater standoff firing distance. That could create pressure for more FFX ships, and/or acceleration of the FFX Batch II program. The Incheon Class’ RAM missile systems are an adequate point defense countermeasure, but only FFX Batch II ships and larger ROKN destroyers will offer an air defense umbrella that lets other patrol vessels nearby operate with confidence.

The good news is that North Korea has few naval platforms that are suitable for these missiles, and with respect to submarines, there’s a reason the videos were limited to placing a missile nearby. The KPANF’s 370t Sang-O and 130t Yono boats are unlikely candidates as missile subs. Ditto the ancient Romeo Class boats in service, unless they’ve been given significant Chinese or Russian upgrades – but Kim Jong-Un recently executed the most senior individual pushing for closer ties with China. Sources: Chosun Ilbo, “New N.Korean Anti-Ship Missiles Threaten Older Patrol Boats”.

May 26/14: Weapons. South Korea has been working to resolve problems with its vertically-launched “Red Shark” (Hongsangeo) rocket-boosted torpedoes since a formal complaint was filed in July 2012. They’ve just finished their 3rd consecutive successful test, which has led DAPA to resume production.

The ASROC-type weapons have been deployed on ROKN destroyers thus far, but FFX Batch II ships are also expected to include them. Sources: Yonhap, “S. Korea to resume production of homegrown torpedo after quality improvement”.

March 19/14: Sub-contractors. DRS Technologies Inc. announces a $9 million sub-contract from Korea’s Hyosung Corporation to design and produce FFX Batch II’s Hybrid Electric Drive propulsion system based on permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMM) technology The first ship-set is supposed to be delivered in 2015.

The equipment in question has a naval lineage that traces back to the USA’s DD-X/ DDG-1000 Zumwalt Class destroyer, whose Integrated Power Systems were initially set to be powered by DRS’ PMM technology. When PMM development took longer than expected, the ships switched to Alstom’s maritime standard Advanced Induction Motors (AIM) to help stay on schedule. DRS continued to develop their PMM technology, which is lighter, smaller, and produces much more power than AIM. They wound up being too late for use in the Zumwalt Class, but FFX Batch II will also use the MT30 turbine, so DRS’ past work is still valuable. This export foothold is a promising step for DRS, if the technology performs reliably. Sources: Finmeccanica’s DRS, “DRS Technologies Awarded Contract to Supply Its Hybrid Electric Drive System to Korean Navy’s New Class of Frigates”.

Feb 24/14: Weapons. Raytheon announces a $123 million Direct Commercial Sale (DCS) contract to deliver 9 Phalanx Block 1B 20mm Close-In Weapon Systems for installation aboard the ROK Navy’s 6 FFX Batch IIs, and aboard the AOE II successors to their 3 Cheonji Class supply ships. Phalanx deliveries will begin in 2016, and are scheduled to be complete in 2022.

DCS contracts are subject to different announcement rules than Foreign Military Sale contracts, and are managed directly by the buyer instead of by a US military surrogate. This is Raytheon’s largest DCS contract for Phalanx systems, and it was actually signed in Summer 2013. Sources: Raytheon, “Raytheon awarded $123 million Phalanx contract from Republic of Korea”.

Nov 13/13: #3 launched. Hyundai Heavy Industries holds a launch ceremony for Jeonbuk, the 3rd Incheon Class frigate. Sources: Portnews, “Hyundai Heavy launches new frigate.”

Oct 19/13: Batch II. Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering unveils their FFX Batch II design, during a festival celebrating the 63rd anniversary festival of the Incheon amphibious landing that changed allied fortunes in the Korean War. Key changes include:

  • 16 K-VLS vertical launch cells for Haeseong I/II cruise missiles and Red Shark ASROC torpedoes.
  • The Batch I’s RAM short-range air defense missile launcher will be removed, in favor of a local medium-range SAAM system under development by LIG Nex1.
  • A hangar big enough for a 10-ton helicopter like the Surion naval variant or MH-60 Seahawk.
  • All-electric propulsion system to go with the ship’s extremely powerful (36-40MW) MT30 turbine, which replaces the previous CODOG arrangement.

FFX Batch II unveiled

March 3/13: Philippines. The Philippines has decided not to buy second-hand Italian Maestrale frigates from the 1980s, and will pursue 2 new frigates instead. That will be a major acquisition given their budgets, and they’re reportedly talking to South Korea about the Incheon Class as an option.

South Korea is building a broader defense relationship with the Philippines, and is in advanced stage negotiations to renew the PAF with KAI’s TA-50 light fighter. PNA via Defense Studies.

Jan 17/13: ROKS Incheon. The ROKN commissions ROKS Incheon [FFG-811], the first-of-class FFX Batch I frigate. Hyundai Heavy Industries will build 5 more FFX Batch I vessels under current plans, and the next 2 are scheduled to launch in mid-2013. Navy Recognition.

FFX #1 commissioned

Jan 16/13: AW159. South Korea picks AgustaWestland’s naval AW159 for its MH-X competition, with a planned initial buy of 8 helicopters. They will complement an existing fleet of 24 Super Lynx naval helicopters, and the ROKN’s new AW159s will have the full complement of dipping sonar, AESA radar, surveillance & targeting turret, rescue hoist, provision for anti-ship missiles and torpedoes, door gun, etc.

These helicopters will arrive from 2015-2016, and could serve aboard the new Incheon Class. As the FFX ships are built and fielded, follow-on buys become likely. Read “AW159 Wildcat: The Future Lynx Helicopter Program” for full coverage.

AW159 Helo picked

2010 – 2012

Contracts for Batch I ships 2-3; Initial ship launched; RAM/Phalanx picked; MT30 engine for FFX Batch II; Pohang Class ROKS Cheonan sunk.

Incheon launch
(click to view larger)

June 26/12: MT30 for Batch II. Rolls-Royce announces that its MT30 gas turbine has been picked to power the FFX Batch II frigates, which Rolls Royce touts as the first frigate to feature the MT30.

The decision also includes a contract to supply an engine for the 1st Batch II ship. Rolls Royce will build and test the engine, then ship it to Korea, where Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) will integrate it into the steel enclosure which also houses the air inlets, exhausts and ancillary equipment. Shipbuilder Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME) will install the enclosure in the ship.

The MT30 is the world’s most powerful marine gas turbine, delivering 36-40 MW, and The FFX Batch II frigates will use just 1 MT30, instead of carrying 2 turbines like most other frigates. This arrangement is similar to Lockheed Martin’s frigate-sized Littoral Combat Ship, but the MT30’s other platforms are revealing: the battlecruiser-sized DDG-1000 “destroyers,” and Britain’s CVF Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers.

Sept 12/11: Weapons. Raytheon signs a $65.5 million Direct Commercial Sale contract to deliver 5 Phalanx Block 1B Close-In Weapon Systems to the Republic of Korea Navy for the new FFX Batch I ships. The contract calls for the systems to be installed starting in April 2013, and represents Phalanx’s largest sale to the ROK fleet. Raytheon.

April 29/11: FFX-1 launch. Shipbuilder builder Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. in Ulsan launches the 1st FFX Batch I frigate: the 2,300-ton (empty) FFG-811 Incheon. Hyundai HI | Korea Herald.

April 11/11: Weapons. Raytheon announces that it has delivered the 1st 20mm Phalanx Block 1B Close-In Weapon System to the Republic of Korea Navy, representing the Phalanx’s introduction into the ROK fleet. The direct commercial sale calls for the Phalanx Block 1B system to be installed on the lead FFX frigate in 2011.

Raytheon expects to sign another contract with South Korea for an additional 5 Phalanx systems in the near future. The Phalanx has some small-ship advantages over Thales 30mm Goalkeeper, as it can be installed as a simple bolt-on.

March 29/11: Unconfirmed report that the lead FFX ship will be named ROKS KyungGi, and is expected to be launched in late April 2011. The date turns out to be right, but not the name. World Armed Forces Forum.

Sept 29/10: Ships #2-3. A spokesman from the ROK’s Defence Acquisition Programme Administration (DAPA) tells Jane’s that Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) has been selected to construct the 2nd and 3rd Ulsan-I class FFX frigates. A contract to build the 2 ships, estimated to be valued at around $600 million, is scheduled to be signed by the end of 2010, with deliveries from 2014. Jane’s.

Contract: ships #2-3

June 6/10: RAM & Phalanx picked. The Korea Times reports that Raytheon has beaten Thales Nederland and MBDA to supply the FFX frigates’ air defense weapons. Its RAM Rolling Airframe Missile reportedly beat MBDA’s VL-MICA (a surprise mention, as the Crotale NG/Mk3 is a closer analog, whose land variant is already in service with the ROK Army), while Raytheon’s 20mm Phalanx system was picked over the 30mm Goalkeeper system that equips other Korean ships.

A DAPA spokesman told the paper that the Phalanx CIWS contract was signed in May, while negotiations remained in progress for the RAM system. DAPA hopes to finalize that by July, and other DAPA sources are quoted as giving the Phalanx system an $11 million price tag, and the RAM system about $17 million.

March 26/10: ROKS Cheonan The Pohang Class corvette ROKS Cheonan is attacked and sinks, killing 46 of the 104 crew members. Subsequent investigation shows that it was sunk by a North Korean torpedo, fired from a submarine with what was apparently complete surprise.

The attack causes South Korea to re-evaluate its defense plans. The FFX project may end up receiving a boost, at the expense of high-end ships like the KDX-III AEGIS destroyers. Wikipedia re: Cheonan | Chosun Ilbo | JoongAng Daily | NY Times || ROK ambassador to US CSIS presentation [PDF] | Korea JoongAng Daily re: force rethink.

ROKS Cheonan attacked & sunk

2007 – 2009

Initial ship ordered.

Oct/Nov 2009: Sub-contractors. Marine Propulsion reports that:

“Degaussing systems from SAM Electronics of Germany are specified for the Korean Navy’s new FFX-class multi-purpose frigates, starting with the lead-ship due next year. The order maintains a 30-year relationship forged when one of SAM’s predecessors, AEG-Schiffbau, secured a contract to deliver such systems to the first-generation Ulsan-class light frigates built in Korea…”

Degaussing systems are used to help remove magnetism from a ship’s hull. Without them, the ship becomes a lot more vulnerable to weapons like naval mines.

July 20/09: The Korea Times reports that their Navy plans to establish a strategic mobile fleet of 2 destroyer-led squadrons by February 2010, in a bid to develop blue-water operational capability beyond coastal defense against a North Korean invasion.

Each mobile squadron would initially consist of a KDX-III Aegis destroyer, 3 4,500-ton KDX-II destroyers, and maritime aircraft. That would be augmented by submarines and smaller ships like the FFX frigates, once a forward naval base is finished on the southern island of Jeju, around 2014.

March 18/09: Jane’s reports that South Korea’s DAPA procurement agency has re-issued a tender for the FFX’s tactical air navigation (TACAN) systems, after just one potential vendor submitted a bid. That triggered a DAPA rule forcing the re-issue.

Dec 26/08: Ship #1. Hyundai Heavy Industries signs a WON 140 billion (about $106.5 million) contract to build the lead ship of the South Korean Navy’s new FFX frigate class. It is not clear whether this is a complete contract, a contract for the ship minus “government furnished equipment” like weapons, or a partial award.

Hyundai had been in charge of the basic FFX design. There had been rumors that Korea was considering the RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow missile for medium-range air defense, to be mounted in a vertical launching system that could also host anti-submarine rockets and add new weapons over time. While the ships’ planned 4,550 nautical mile operating range might make that idea attractive, the South Korean Navy appears to have decided to contain costs, and stick to its original mission of coastal defense. Korea Times sources indicate that the new ships will not have vertical launchers. The Korea Times | Your Shipbuilding News.

Contract: Ship #1

Feb 5/07: Sensors. Thales Underwater Systems announces a contract from Korea’s STX Engine CO Ltd, for industrial cooperation aiming at the full scale development of a new Hull Mounted Sonar (HMS) for the FFX frigate program. The sonar will be based on current Thales off-the-shelf products, and final contract completion is expected in 2009.

Additional Readings FFX & Its Predecessors

FFX: Ancillaries

News & Views

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Testing systems for the Minuteman III | USAF buys GPS anti-jam receivers | The Luftwaffe needs new heavy transport helicopters

Thu, 11/15/2018 - 05:00

Boeing is being awarded with extra funding in support of the US’ Minuteman III ICBM system. Awarded by the Air Force Nuclear Weapon Center, the additional $70.5 million cover specification changes for the ICBM’s Missile Flight Test, Telemetry, and Termination program. This includes changes to the management plan and flight termination receiver; and to the electromagnetic interference, cable qualification and antenna testing requirements. The Minuteman III has been an essential part of the USA’s nuclear strike capability for decades and will remain in service through 2030. The Minuteman III has a fast launch time, nearly 100 percent testing reliability, and backup airborne launch controllers to preserve retaliatory capabilities. The Minuteman’s telemetry, test, and termination systems are packaged in a wafer-like package called the Mod 7 that fits on test versions of the Minuteman between the missile’s reentry system and missile guidance set. During tests, Mod 7 transmits data from sensors aboard the test missiles that monitor the missile’s behavior before and during flight. The telemetry, test, and termination systems transmit telemetry data in real time on the missile’s critical on-board components like batteries booster stage pressure chambers, and guidance section. Most of the work will be performed in Huntington Beach, California. Performance is expected to be completed by January 29, 2021.

Detyens Shipyards is being tapped to overhaul one of the Navy’s Henry J. Kaiser-class support ships. The $10 million firm-fixed-price contract covers 60 days of shipyard availability for the regular overhaul and dry docking of the USNS Joshua Humphreys, which includes a variety of general services. The Navy’s existing force of fleet oilers consists of 15 Henry J. Kaiser-class ships. The primary role of Navy fleet oilers is to transfer fuel to Navy surface ships that are operating at sea, so as to extend the operating endurance of these surface ships and their embarked aircraft. Work on the T-AO 188 includes providing clean and gas-free tanks, hydro-blast and recoating efforts, flight deck preservation, stability testing, engine overhaul, recertification of lifeboats and winches, propeller system maintenance, overhauling sea valves and underwater hull cleaning and painting. The contract includes a number of options that could raise the total contract value to $11 million. Work will be performed at Detyens’ shipyard in North Charleston, South Carolina, and is expected to be completed by March 17, 2019.

The US Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard will procure upgrades for digital GPS anti-jam receivers installed on its fleet of F-16s. Provided by Rockwell Collins the upgraded receivers will provide the fighter aircraft with reliable navigation while operating in contested electromagnetic environments. The Digital GPS Anti-Jam Receiver (DIGAR) generates 16 simultaneous steered beams that provides airborne platforms with superior jamming immunity in the most severe GPS-challenged environments. The US Air Force is increasingly concerned about GPS jamming and spoofing by its adversaries, especially Russia, China and Iran, who have shown the ability to throw off aircraft navigation by sending receivers false coordinates. “From advanced fifth-generation aircraft to ground and maritime applications, this receiver is the most reliable military-grade GPS solution available due to its unmatched anti-jam protection levels,” said Troy Brunk, vice president and general manager, Communication, Navigation & Electronic Warfare Systems for Rockwell Collins.

The multi-billion F-35 JSF program will soon mark another major milestone. The US DoD expects to order a 12th batch of F-35s from Lockheed Martin by next spring. “Negotiations on the US contract are moving quickly on what is expected be the largest order to date for the F-35”, the Pentagon’s chief arms buyer Ellen Lord told Reuters. Some sources claim that the impending deal will cover the delivery of over 250 F-35 fighter jets to US services an international partners. The JSF program has been widely criticised for its overruns and schedule delays, however in September Lockheed managed to lower the price for the F-35A by 5,4% to $89.2 million, and expects to cut the price to $80 million by 2020.

Middle East & Africa

The Royal Bahraini Air Force is welcoming its first of two ex-UK Royal Air Force C-130Js. The surplus aircraft were acquired via a government-to-government contract. The 19 year old transport aircraft then underwent an excessive overhaul and maintenance process executed by Marshall Aerospace and Defence Group at its Cambridge airport site. The C-130 Hercules remains one of the longest-running aerospace manufacturing programs of all time. The J variant reached its IOC with the US military in 2006 and features a number of key improvements that enhance performance and reduce overall operating costs. Matthew Harvey, International Sales Director Military Aerospace for Marshall Aerospace and Defence Group commented: “Delivery of this aircraft sees the first Government to Government transfer of a C-130J and the Kingdom of Bahrain enter the C-130 community as a new operator – we support more than 15 countries on the C-130 platform and the capability it delivers is proven. We look forward to continuing to support the Kingdom of Bahrain.”


Germany’s parliamentary budget committee is green lighting the Luftwaffe’s future heavy transport helicopter acquisition program. The German MoD needs to replace its ageing fleet of CH-53s by the end of 2020s and is willing to spend about $6.3 billion. Officials have said that Boeing’s CH-47E and Sikorsky’s CH-53K are being considered. In total the Luftwaffe wants to buy 45 to 60 heavy lift helicopters with delivers expected to take place between 2023 and 2029. The contract is expected to be finalized sometime in 2020. According to Jane’s, Air Force Chief General Ingo Gerhartz welcomed the fact “that the government has given more money for the urgently required modernisation of the Luftwaffe, especially for the next generation of transport helicopters, which we need for almost all deployments worldwide”.


Jane’s reports that the Thai MoD is interested in buying several L-39NGs from the Czech Republic. “They [the Thais] are interested in our aircraft, the newest generation of aircraft, something which is considered to be hi-tech military technology,” Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis told reporters on 10 November following a meeting in Brussels earlier this month with Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha. The L-39NG is based on the aerodynamic concept of the current L-39 but utilizes the latest technologies and equipment. It can be used as a trainer and to conduct light combat and reconnaissance missions under all climatic conditions. Powered by a Williams International FJ44-4M engine the L-39NG is suitable as light attack aircraft for countries with a limited air force.

Today’s Video

Watch: Meet the Team Supporting the HMS Queen Elizabeth F-35B Trials – Part 3

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

BIW starts constructing the Navy’s last Flight IIA destroyer | Turkey opts for indigenous TF-X engine | Saab’s Gripen E fires Meteor missile

Wed, 11/14/2018 - 05:00

General Dynamics Bath Iron Works is starting the production of the US Navy’s newest Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer. The future USS Patrick Gallagher (DDG-127) will be the last vessel in the Flight IIA configuration. “It is exciting to commence construction on what will be the 77th ship of the Arleigh Burke class” said Capt. Casey Moton, DDG 51 class program manager, Program Executive Office (PEO) Ships. “Not only will this ship continue the legacy of enduring warfighting capability, it will carry with it the strength and courage demonstrated by its namesake.” Introduced in 2000, the DDG 51 Flight IIA ships incorporate two hangars for two SH-60B helicopters as well as aircraft facilities. In addition the Gallagher will be fitted with an Aegis Baseline 9 Combat System, making it suitable for Anti-Air Warfare (AAW) missions.

The Navy’s second Zumwalt-class destroyer is currently sailing towards California. The USS Michael Monsoor is making its way towards Coronado where it will be commissioned on January 26, 2019. Bath Iron Works started the ship’s construction in May 2013 with builder’s trials held in December 2017 and January 2018. During the acceptance trials held in February this year the USS Monsoor suffered an engine casualty which required the replacement of its two Rolls Royce MT30 maritime gas turbines. Like the Zumwalt, the Monsoor features a stealthy shape, electric-drive propulsion, new radar and sonar, and powerful guns and missiles. It’s fitted with 80 vertical launch cells for Tomahawk cruise missiles, ESSMs, and Raytheon’s Standard Missiles. Other armament includes a 155mm Advanced Gun System and a MQ-8C Fire Scout. The third ship in the class, USS Lyndon B. Johnson (DDG-1002), is set to be delivered in 2020. Combined, the Navy has spent about $23 billion on research, development and acquisition of the three-ship class.

Middle East & Africa

Turkey finalises an essential step in its TF-X development program. The Turkish Defense Industry Directorate (SSB) signed a framework agreement with TR Motor that enables the domestic production of the future jet’s engine. TR Motor will now join Aselsan and Turkish Aerospace Industries in the fighter jet development program. As SSB chief ?smail Demir notes, “the door remains open for international engine-makers to get involved in the project”. Saying that the main aim in the framework of the TF-X jet project was to develop an indigenous jet engine, Demir told Hurriyet Daily News that TR Motor, a new company, was established a while ago to achieve this target. Both Aselsan and TAI signed a MoU earlier this year. Both companies are developing critical systems for the TF-X, including a national radar, electro-optical systems, mission-control systems and integration of these systems into the future aircraft. The Turkish government has earmarked about $1.2 billion for an initial investment.


Saab confirms that its Gripen E fighter jet successfully fired a Meteor Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile (BVRAAM) for the first time. MBDA’s Meteor missile was conceived as a longer-range competitor to popular weapons like the Russian R77/AA-12, and American AIM-120 AMRAAM. Its ramjet propulsion offers the missile a head-on closing range of 120 km, and full powered performance at Mach 4+ throughout its flight, instead of the standard “burn and coast” approach use by rocket-powered counterparts. Sweden’s JAS-39 Gripen is serving as the Meteor’s main test platform. “The aircraft continues to perform as smoothly as we have seen throughout the whole flight test phase flying with external stores. I’m really looking forward to the upcoming steps in the flight test program, taking us closer and closer to completing weapon integration. Meteor makes Gripen E extremely capable in the air dominance role”, says Robin Nordlander, Saab’s experimental test pilot.

France’s Defense Procurement Agency, DGA, accepts the F3-R-standard variant of the Rafale combat aircraft. The F-3R standard was launched in 2013 and features a range of software enhancements that allow for the integration of the Meteor BVRAAM and SBU-64 smart bombs. The enhancements also improve the jet’s Spectra self-defense system provided by Thales, and give it a new Friend-or-Foe interrogator/transponder with full Mode-5/ Mode-S-compatibility. Diagnostic improvements will make maintenance easier and more cost-effective. Approval from the French DGA was obtained on 31 October, says Dassault. Dassault will shortly begin development of the F4-standard Rafale, having completed initial feasibility studies for the program.

The Royal Navy’s eighth and final ship in the Type 26 acquisition program will be named HMS London. BAE will build the vessels in two batches, with three frigates in the first batch. The contract for the second batch is expected to be signed in 2020. BAE will construct the HMS London at its shipyard in Govan. Key Type 26 design criteria include multi-role versatility, flexibility in adapting to future needs, affordability in both construction and through-life support costs, and exportability. “The Type 26 Frigate is a cutting-edge warship, combining the expertise of the British shipbuilding industry with the excellence of the Royal Navy. These ships will be a force to be reckoned with, there to protect our powerful new carriers and helping keep British interests safe across the world,” said a MoD spokesman.


The Republic of Korea Air Force (RoKAF) is currently inducting its first of four Airbus A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) aircraft. The aircraft is stationed at Gimhae Air Base in Busan, South Korea, where it is undergoing acceptance trials. The A330-200 MRTT is a derivative of the Airbus A330, and was designed from the outset to be able to function as an aerial tanker and a transport aircraft at the same time. Airbus won the $1.2 billion contract in 2015. Other competitors included Boeing with its KC-46A and IAI with its B767-300 Multi Mission Tanker Transport (MMTT). It is expected that deliveries of all four A330 MRTTs will be concluded by the end of 2019.

Today’s Video

Watch: Getting Dressed in WW1 – British Soldier

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Future CMCs with Prompt Global Strike capability | Altay MBT enters full-rate production | F-18 crashes into Philippine Sea

Tue, 11/13/2018 - 05:00

Enterprise Services is receiving additional funding for work on the currently running Next Generation Enterprise Network (NGEN) contract. The modification with a potential maximum value of $486 million extends the potential ordering period by eight months. NGEN increases government operational and design control of the network and requisite Information Assurance enhancements to meet evolving security requirements. Its part of the DoD’s Joint Information Environment (JIE), which refers to an initiative to increase operational efficiency, enhance network security and cost savings through reduced infrastructure and manpower, achieved through the convergence of the Department of Defense’s multiple enterprise networks into a common global network. Work will be performed throughout the continental US, Europe, Guam, Korea and Japan. The contract runs from October 1, 2018 through May 31, 2020.

The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory is being awarded with a contract modification to support the Navy’s common missile compartment (CMC) development. The modification is priced at $109 million and provides for research into new technologies to meet the guidance requirements of the Navy’s future CMC which will be fitted onto the Columbia- and Dreadnought-class SSBNs. The Laboratory will also provide specialized technical knowledge and support for future hypersonic missiles, including their guidance, navigation and control systems. This contract supports the DoD’s Prompt Global Strike program which seeks to develop a system that can deliver a precision-guided conventional weapon airstrike anywhere in the world within one hour, in a similar manner to a nuclear ICBM. Work will be performed in Cambridge, Massachusetts and El Segundo, California. The contract will run until September 2019.

The US Army Contracting Command is awarding a contract modification to Longbow LLC. The contract, worth $8.9 million, provides for laser and longbow Hellfire engineering services. Hellfire missiles are the USA’s preferred aerial anti-armor missile, and are widely deployed with America’s allies. It is a combat proven tactical missile system using multiple launch platforms. The Hellfire is a 100lb class air-to-ground precision weapon delivering multi-target capability and precision strike lethality. The AGM-114L “Longbow Hellfire” adds a millimeter-wave radar seeker, which makes it a “fire-and-forget” missile. This missile’s distinctive name is a reference to the AH-64D Apache Longbow, whose sensor mast atop its rotor hub has the ability to detect, identify, and engage targets using the Longbow Hellfire. Work will be performed at the company’s facilities in Orlando and Ocala and is estimated to be completed by November 7, 2019.

Middle East & Africa

Turkish-Qatari armored vehicles manufacturer BMC is being tapped for the mass production of the Turkish-designed Altay MBT. The contract signed between BMC and the Turkish Defence Industry Directorate (SSB) covers the initial production of 40 Altay tanks, with the first expected to be delivered in about 18 months. The Altay is the future third generation main battle tank for the Turkish army. Altay incorporates the most modern features of a tank. The Turkish MBT has a crew of four, comprising the driver, gunner, loader and commander. The tank is equipped with a state-of-the-art Volkan fire control system and battlefield management system, indigenously developed by Aselsan. Eventually BMC will produce up-to 210 tanks in a currently undefined timeframe. The program’s cost has not been disclosed to this date.


Italy will become the launch customer of the military variant of Leonardo’s AW169 helicopter. Leonardo will replace the ageing fleet of Bell types flown by the Guardia di Finanza police agency at a cost of $315 million. The contract also includes a support and training package. The AW169 external link is a new generation multi-purpose twin engine light intermediate helicopter providing a multi-role capability and a high mission flexibility. The AW169 Armed Aerial Scout supports missions such as armed reconnaissance, escort, command and control, security operations, target acquisition and targeting, as well as fire support coordination. Military qualification for the AW169s will be supplied by Italy’s Armaereo agency. The aircraft will be configured with a number of features, including electro-optical/infrared sensors, a rescue hoist and night-vision goggle compatibility. First deliveries will take place in mid-2019, and will run until 2024.

The Dutch MoD is ordering several PointShield systems from Israel’s DSIT Solutions. The PointShield is a compact, lightweight portable diver detection sonar (PDDS). Diver Detection Sonar (DDS) systems are sonar and acoustic location systems employed underwater for the detection of divers and submerged swimmer delivery vehicles (SDVs). The system’s advanced signal processing algorithms support fully automatic operation, from detection, through tracking to classification and alert. Gadi Leibovich, president and CEO of DSIT, said: “The PointShield system provides navies with rapid deployment, automatic detection of all types of threats, high reliability and real time continuous monitoring all at competitive prices and is tailored to specific user demands.”


US Navy Carrier Air Wing 5, which is currently embarked on the USS Ronald Reagan, lost a fighter aircraft. One of the wing’s F-18 jets crashed into the Philippine Sea earlier on Monday. Both pilots safely ejected and were rescued by a MH-60 Seahawk. The F-18 experienced a “mechanical issue that resulted in the crew ejecting” while carrying out “routine operations” from the Nimitz-class super-carrier, the US Navy 7th Fleet said.

Today’s Video

Watch: 65 Years of the Thunderbirds

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Turkey & South Korea’s Altay Tank Project

Tue, 11/13/2018 - 04:54

South Korea’s XK2
(click to view full)

Turkey’s tank fleet is currently made up of American M-48s and M-60s, some of which have been modernized with Israeli cooperation into M-60 Sabra tanks, plus a large contingent of German Leopard 1s and Leopard 2s. That is hardy surprising. America and Germany are Turkey’s 2 most important geopolitical relationships, and this is reflected in Turkey’s choice of defense industry partners. The country’s industrial offset requirements ensure that these manufacturers have a long history of local partnerships to draw upon.

In recent years, however, a pair of new players have begun to make an impact on the Turkish defense scene. One was Israel, whose firms specialized in sub-systems, upgrades, and UAVs. The other is the Republic of [South] Korea, who has made inroads in the Turkish market with turboprop training aircraft, mobile howitzers… and now, main battle tanks.

The Altay Program

Turkey’s Altay
(click to view full)

Turkey’s new tank is named after Gen. Fahrettin Altay, a cavalry commander in Turkey’s War of Independence. The tank will use a 120mm smoothbore gun, with the usual 7.62mm coaxial machine gun and a pintle-mounted 12.7mm machin gun up top. Compared to the ROK’s K2 Black Panther, the Altay is reportedly longer, with an added road wheel and a slightly modified turret. It may also carry heavier armor.

The 2008 System Development deal includes the production of 4 prototypes worth $70 million dollars, and technology transfer worth $330 million dollars.

click for video

Once development is complete, a second set of production contracts will be signed. The Turks’ official goal was to design, test, and build the first Altay tank in 6.5 years, which would place the event in early 2015. So far, 2015 remains the target date for production to begin.

Turkey reportedly plans to produce 200-250 of the tanks locally.


Under this $400 million development deal, The Republic of Turkey will own all design and intellectual property rights to the final vehicle. Turkey’s Otokar will build the tanks in cooperation with various sub-contractors, including:

  • South Korea’s Hyundai Rotem (XK2 Black Panther base design, expertise and parts as required, technical support system, C3I, help with modernization of Otokar’s factory in the northwestern province of Sakarya).
  • Aselsan (fire control and C3I systems, other sub-systems)
  • MTU Friedrichshafen (1,500 hp diesel engine. May be replaced by 1,800 hp Turkish engine if they can develop it)
  • SSM’s STM group (C3I co-development with Aselsan)
  • Turkish Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation, i.e. state-owned MKEK, (120mm/55 caliber main gun)
  • Roketsan (Modular Armor Package)

Foreign companies are reportedly under consideration for key items beyond the engine, including armor and complex systems integration.

Contracts and Key Events

ROK governments have been building a formidable local defense industry as a matter of policy, and those efforts are beginning to win export sales around the globe. The Altay project is just the latest payoff.

Relations with Turkey have been especially warm, owing in part to the Turks’ heroic combat record in the Korean War. In recent years, that combination of warm relations and solid products has led to Turkish orders worth hundreds of millions of dollars for KT-1 turboprop training aircraft, and K-9/K-10 derived “Firtina” mobile howitzers. In July 2007, South Korea’s inroads became undeniable, as discussions began concerning a deal to develop Turkey’s next generation tanks. That was a major upset, but it had yet to coalesce into a deal. By the end of July 2008, however, the ink was dry on a deal that made Korea’s new XK2 the basis of Turkey’s co-produced Altay tank.

2016 – 2018

Altay unveiled
(click to view full) November 13/18: Mass production Turkish-Qatari armored vehicles manufacturer BMC is being tapped for the mass production of the Turkish-designed Altay MBT. The contract signed between BMC and the Turkish Defence Industry Directorate (SSB) covers the initial production of 40 Altay tanks, with the first expected to be delivered in about 18 months. The Altay is the future third generation main battle tank for the Turkish army. Altay incorporates the most modern features of a tank. The Turkish MBT has a crew of four, comprising the driver, gunner, loader and commander. The tank is equipped with a state-of-the-art Volkan fire control system and battlefield management system, indigenously developed by Aselsan. Eventually BMC will produce up-to 210 tanks in a currently undefined timeframe. The program’s cost has not been disclosed to this date.

February 8/18: Contract Award-Power Pack Turkish-Qatari armored vehicles manufacturer BMC has been selected over four others by the Turkish Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) to produce an indigenous engine for Turkey’s Altay tank program. Ethem Sancak, BMC’s boss, told a conference that SSM had tasked the firm with developing a locally made engine between 400 and 1,500 horsepower, adding that they will try to develop an engine up to 5,000 horsepower, something for which work has already commenced. An earlier attempt by rival bidder Tumosan to build a powerpack for the Altay under a $100 million contract fell thorough after a technical support deal agreed with Austrian AVL List GmbH was canceled as part of Austria’s arms embargo on Turkey. BMC is also bidding for a serial-production contract for the Altay, expected in the coming months, where it faces off against FNSS, and the Altay’s developer Otokar.

December 1/17: Contracts-Power Pack Five local firms have responded to the Turkish government’s procurement agency, the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries’ (SSM) request for proposals to develop an indigenous power pack for the Altay main battle tank (MBT). This is the second attempt at developing a national diesel engine, after an initial award granted to Tumosan was rescinded after the company was unable to secure another foreign partner after Austrian firm AVL List GmbH was restricted by its government to participate in the program. Other supplier governments were also reluctant to supply transfer-of-technology and, in some cases, also requiring export licenses on subcomponents available commercially-off-the-shelf. Tumosan are among the five entries into the new award alongside BMC Automotive, Istanbul Marine Shipbuilding Industry and Trade, Figes Physics and Geometry Computer Simulation Trade, and TUSAS Motor. The renewed power plant program will see the Turkish industry develop critical components, such as the hydrostatic steering unit, turbocharger, cooling package, alternator, and transmission pump, and will be free of external intellectual property and regulatory restrictions.

November 03/17: Ankara announced this week a new $1 billion competition to design, develop, and eventually produce an engine and transmission system, or power group, for Turkey’s indigenous Altay tank program. A previous contract awarded to local engine-maker Tumosan, in conjunction with Austrian firm AVL List GmbH, was cancelled as part of Austria’s arms embargo on Turkey. Now chasing the money is the British-based European division of US firm Caterpillar, who have expressed interest in the power pack for the Altay program.

November 1/17: Rheimetall’s CEO has blasted the ongoing diplomatic spat between the Germany government and Turkey which has damaged relations and put a freeze on planned defense projects. Relations have been strained since the failed coup of 2016 against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the subsequent crackdown of opponents. Berlin has also refused to extradite people Turkey claim were involved in the plot. Armin Papperger, the German manufacturer’s CEO, said several defense projects had subsequently been put on hold, including the production of ammunition for fighter jets in Turkey and upgrades to Turkey’s Leopard tanks, and were still awaiting decisions by the two governments. Rheinmetall’s potential involvement in Turkey’s Altay tank program could also be in doubt—the firm has formed a joint venture with Turkey’s BMC to bid for the first tranche contract which would see 100-200 Altay units built.

September 27/17: Turkish Defence Minister Nurettin Canikli has accused US and German defense suppliers of a “covered” [indirect] arms embargo on Turkey. Canikli said that the firms were either halting shipments of spare parts of weapons systems to Turkey, or deliberately delaying them, while a Turkish diplomat dealing with NATO matters confirmed that some Turkish requests for systems and subsystems have not been addressed by the US and Germany. However, the British-based European division of US company Caterpillar—engine-maker Perkins—is in talks with Ankara to produce and supply an engine for the Altay, Turkey’s indigenous Main Battle Tank. Austria’s AVL List GmbH had initially been contracted to supply the power pack (engine and transmission) for the Altay, but this deal was cancelled after Austria’s parliament unanimously adopted a non-binding motion that imposed an arms embargo against Turkey in November 2016.

September 08/17: Turkey’s timetable for its Altay main battle tank hopes to have a winner selected by mid-2018, with bids from BMC, Otokar and FNSS expected for this November. The initial phase of the indigenous Altay tank program aims to initially serial produce a batch of 250 units, with military officials hoping that the program would eventually reach 1,000 units. Earlier this year, Otokar’s Altay prototypes successfully completed qualification tests including mobility and endurance testing on rough terrain and climatic conditions, firing tests with various scenarios, and survivability testing. However in June, the government procurement agency SSM, citing an unsatisfactory offer from Otokar for the serial production of the tank, canceled the contract and decided to go for an open competition.

July 20/17: Three Turkish defense firms will be asked to submit proposals to Turkey’s Altay tank program, which could reach beyond $10 billion. BMC, Otokar and FNSS—all private companies—will bid to secure a contract for the serial production of an initial batch of 250 Altay tanks, with Turkey planning to produce a total of 1,000 units. Ankara’s decision to include three bidders in the program comes after Otokar produced and successfully completed qualification tests of an Altay prototype, including mobility and endurance testing on rough terrain and climatic conditions, firing tests with various scenarios, and survivability testing. However, last month, the Turkish procurement agency deemed Otokar’s serial production sole-source offer as too expensive, instead opening up the competition to include other bidders.

June 16/17: Turkey has decided to ditch its sole-source negotiations with manufacturer Otokar for the serial production of the Altay tank, instead favoring to start an open bid for the same contract. Four prototypes were built by Otokar for developmental tests— successfully completed earlier this year—and clauses within the developmental allowed the firm, without competition, to make an offer for the serial production contract. However, Turkish procurement officials familiar with the Altay program, said that Otokar’s best and final offer failed to qualify for a single-source serial production contract. New bids are expected to be solicited by the end of the year, with FNSS and BMC expected to join Otokar in the new competition.

April 13/17: Despite issues with gaining certain technology transfers for the Altay, Turkey could begin serial production of the main battle tank as early as this May, according to Defense Minister Fikri Isik. Pakistan and some Gulf nations are believed to be lined up as potential customers for the vehicle. Talk of potential delays to the Altay surfaced when local contractor Tümosan was unable to continue working on providing a domestic diesel engine for the tank, after Austria’s AVL List GmbH, which it had as a technical support partner, ceased working with the Turkish firm amid concerns that the Turkish government were sliding on human rights issues. It now looks like Ankara may instead turn to Ukraine for help, with the Altay possibly adopting the Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau’s (KMDB) 1,500 hp 6TD-3 diesel engine.

March 5/17: The Turkish government has cancelled an engine development contract for the Altay main battle tank (MBT) with Tümosan after the company’s failure to secure a new design and development partner to replace AVL List GmbH from Austria. Tümosan’s need to find a new partner came about in January after they were forced by Ankara to cancel the deal with AVL List GmbH due to Turkey’s concerns with emerging political and regulatory issues in Austria, namely the Austrian government’s insistence on issuing export licenses with conditions. Speaking on the announcement, Tümosan cited reluctance from supplier governments to transfer technology and intellectual property and Turkey’s post-coup political events as major challenges in their ability to secure a new partner.

March 1/16: The Turkish government has granted land to defense firm BMC to relocate and build a new plant. The 222-hectare site will see $430 million invested by the company into the expansion with the plant believed to be operational within two years. BMC is currently bidding for the serial production of the indigenous Altay battle tank, which has been developed by rival company Otokar. While the bidding process has yet to begin, the winners would see a contract to produce up to 1,000 Altays after an initial run of 250 for the Turkish Army.

January 21/16: Turkey’s Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM) has announced that a number of parties have expressed interest in purchasing their indigenous new generation main battle tank, the Altay. Those that may look to make purchases are regional allies, including a number of Gulf countries and Pakistan. Saudi Arabia in particular has been expressing keen interest after officials from these countries were invited to observe firing tests of the tank. While still in development, and a manufacturer for serial production is yet to be announced, the interest seemingly generated may lead to some big business for Ankara in the coming years.

2011 – 2014

Nov 18/14: XK-2. South Korea’s WON 2+ trillion (about $1.84 billion) XK-2 tank project, which served as the basis for Altay, has experienced delays due to technical difficulties. Acceleration performance has been a particular issue, and the ROK plans to field it with a locally-made engine and transmission by 2017. So far, about 100 K-2 Black Panther tanks have been deployed in Korea. Sources: Yonhap, “S. Korea to put K-2 combat tank into full service by 2017”.

Feb 27/14: Engines. While talking to reporters about Airbus’ A400M contract, Undersecretary for Defense Murad Bayar mentions that:

“Turkey’s Altay tank’s engine must be made in the country. There are also proposals from two Turkish companies to produce the engine in Turkey.”

It’s a blow to initial engine provider MTU Friedrichshafen. Whether it ends up affecting the tank depends on whether Turkish firms produce an engine in time, with adequate performance, efficiency and reliability. Sources: Anatolia News Agency, “Airbus and Turkey Dispute Over A400M Military Aircraft”.

Nov 14/13: Industrial shift? SSM’s chief, Murad Bayar, tells Defense News that they’re looking at a different approach to Altay’s production contract. Koc-owned Otokar is very likely to remain the main manufacturer, but they’re reportedly considering a consortium/ cooperative approach composed of Turkish and even foreign firms. Politics is playing a strong role:

“Otokar is owned by Turkey’s biggest business conglomerate, Koc Holding, whose defense business may be a casualty of a row between Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and one of its top executives after a month of civil unrest that battered the Turkish government. In one incident during June demonstrations, protesters tried to escape police tear gas and pepper spray by taking refuge in a posh Istanbul hotel, Divan, owned by Koc. Hotel management admitted the protesters to its lobby, but police fired more tear gas and pepper spray into the hotel lobby, although it is illegal to fire these chemicals into indoor spaces.”

The Erdogan government’s response was to relax the laws regarding police conduct, while calling the youthful protesters “terrorists” and promising to punish firms that helped them in any way. Koc has already lost a contract to build “Milgem” corvettes, so suspicions of a political motive over Altay are well founded. Defense News, “Turkey Mulling ‘Big Team’ for Tank Production” | Hurriyet Daily News, “Koc’s defense business a casualty of feud with government?” | Wikipedia, 2013 Protests in Turkey.

Nov 15/12: With about $500 million invested in development to date, Otokar officially rolls out its first 2 Altay tank prototypes at its Sakarya plant. Prototype #1 is already in use for mobility tests, with over 2,000km of mileage under its treads. Prototype #2 will be used for firing tests. Any changes will feed back into the design and construction of prototypes #3-4.

Kudret ONEN, Head of Koc Holding Defence Industry Group and Otokar’s Chairman of the Board, says that the project currently has 550 engineers (260 at Otokar), and nearly 100 subcontractors. Mass production is still promised for 2015. Otokar [in Turkish].


June 11/12: Update. While announcing its vehicle lineup for Eurosatory 2012, Otokar provides a project update:

“The first phase of the project, ‘Conceptual Design Process’, has been completed in 2010. And we presented the full-scale model, which reflects the concept design of ALTAY, at IDEF Exhibition, last year. In scope of the ‘Detailed Design Process’ which is the second and the most critical phase of the project, ‘Preliminary Design Phase’, has been successfully completed by the last quarter of 2011. During this phase, manufacturing of prototypes took start in line with this process. Following the completion of the Second Phase, we’re planning to start the ‘Prototype Development and Qualification Phase’ which is the third and the last phase. In scope of the project plan we continue investing in the first prototype of the ALTAY tank which will be ready for testing by the last quarter of this year. In addition to our existing facilities within Otokar plant, we have recently established a new Tank Test Center with an investment of USD 10 million.”

March 27/12: SSM’s plan. Turkey’s SSM procurement agency has unveiled their new 5-year strategic plan, with timetables for key acquisitions. The plan commits to begin deliveries of the Altay tank by 2015. Hurriyet Daily News

2005 – 2010

XK2, firing
(click to view larger)

July 6/09: US Pressure on Israel. The Jerusalem Post reports that the USA had pressured Israel out of Turkey’s tank competition, in order to give American firms better odds. Israel would have entered the competition with a strong position to build on. Turkey’s existing M-60 tanks were heavily modernized by Israeli firms, based on the same “Sabra” modification set that Israel used on its own M60s. Beyond Sabra, Israel’s current Merkava family tanks are purpose-built for the needs of warfare in the Middle East, with unique features for urban warfare and counter-terrorism conflicts.

Within a couple of years, worsening relations between Turkey’s Islamist government and Israel made any such project unthinkable anyway.

July 30/08: Representatives of the Turkish and South Korean governments sign the $400 million System Design & Development Memorandum of Understanding, making the Altay tank project a reality. This contract does not include the mass production process. The South Korean Defense Ministry added that:

“The signing of the contract on the ROK-Turkey technology cooperation in tank development is expected to greatly help boost the cooperation between the two countries in the defense industry sector, while the Ministry of Defense and the DAPA plan to provide full support to ensure smooth technology cooperation throughout the entire process of tank development from designing to production and testing.

Meanwhile, Defense Minister Lee held ministerial talks with his Turkish counterpart in Ankara on July 28/08, in which the two agreed to continue building a cooperative relationship between their militaries…”

See: ROK Ministry of Defense | Otokar Aug 1/08 release | KOIS | Korea Times |Turkish Daily News (beforehand) | Turkish Daily News (post-deal) | Today’s Zaman (Turkey) | Aviation Week Ares | Agence France Presse.

Altay Development MoU

March 2007: According to a resolution adopted at the meeting of the National Defence Executive Committee, the Turkish government decides to begin contract negotiations with Otokar, as the nominee for prime contractor.

February 2007: Bid evaluation process, aiming to appoint the prime contractor, is completed in February 2007.

July 2006: RFP bids are submitted by Otokar’s team, and by the BMC-FNSS Consortium.

FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.S. makes some of Turkey’s armored personnel carriers; it is a joint venture between BAE Systems and the Turkish Nurol Group. BMC Sanaye Ve Ticaret A.S. makes wheeled vehicles and trucks for the Turkish armed forces, and is part of the large Turkish conglomerate Cukurova Holding.

February 2006: SSM issues the project’s Request for Proposals.


April 2005: Feasibility study complete. The path forward is defined as “designing and development of the main battle tank inside Turkey by getting technical support and assistance from abroad whenever required.”

2005: The Turkish SSM defense procurement agency charges a 3-firm Turkish industrial consortium with a feasibility study to determine the production pattern for the Turkish National Main Battle Tank Project.

Additional Readings

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

The Air Force will monitor the weather with microwaves | MBDA starts MICA-NG development | Italy slows down its F-35 acquisition program

Mon, 11/12/2018 - 05:00

Ball Aerospace & Technologies is receiving extra funding to advance work on the Weather System Follow-on Microwave (WSF-M) program. Awarded by the Air Force the $255 million contract modification allows for the development and fabrication Weather System Follow-on Microwave Space Vehicle 1. The WSF-M space vehicle will provide orbital monitoring of weather and environmental conditions in support of military operations. It uses a passive microwave radiometer to measure the strength of electromagnetic radiation and is useful for weather and temperature mapping. Work will be performed in Boulder, Colorado and is expected to be completed by January 2023.

Raytheon is being tapped to continue work on its Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) Block IIA. The awarded contract modification is priced at $74.8 million and provides for the procurement of more Guidance Electronics Units (GEU). The SM-3 Block IIA is the co-operative US-Japanese program. It adds the larger diameter, a more maneuverable “high-divert” kill vehicle, plus another sensor/ discrimination upgrade to help deal with harder targets, countermeasures, and decoys. The Block IIA model is capable of engaging ballistic missiles as they begin their descent in low space at long ranges. This order is part of a 2016 SM-3 Block IIA contract that sees for Raytheon to continue efforts for qualification, test and integration of the enhanced GEU capability to the missile. The total contract value is now $1.1 billion. Work will be performed at Raytheon’s facility in Tucson, Arizona and is scheduled for completion by September 30, 2020.

Colt’s Manufacturing Company is being contracted to maintain the US Army’s inventory of M4 and M4A1 rifles. The contract is valued at $88.6 million and funded through FY2019 and FY2020 operations and maintenance funds. The M4 offers a collapsible buttstock, flat-top upper receiver assembly, a U-shaped handle-rear sight assembly that could be removed, and assortment of mounting rails for easy customization with a variety of sight, flashlight, grenade launchers, shotgun attachments and so forth. It’s the successor to the M-16 with which it shares a 85% commonality. The M4A1 is the special operations version of the M4 that’s been in use for more than a decade. It features a heavier barrel and a full-auto trigger. Work will be performed at Colt’s factory in West Hartford, Connecticut. The contract is set to run through September 25, 2020.

Middle East & Africa

The Saudi Arabian Navy can expect delivery of its first new corvette in October 2021. According to Jane’s, Vicente Fernández Guerrero, the president of Spain’s state holding group SEPI, told members of parliament that the delivery timetable of the vessels has been finalised, with the remaining four corvettes to be handed over in four-month intervals. Saudi Arabia signed a $2 billion contract with Spanish shipbuilder Navantia on July 12, 2018. The new corvettes are based on Navantia’s Avante 2200 Combatant design and will feature some Saudi specific configurations like vertical launchers for the ESSM, Harpoon missiles, Rheinmetall CIWS and a Leonardo Super Rapid Naval gun. The vessel has a displacement of 2,200 tons with a length of 98.90 meters and a maximum speed of 25 knots. It was designed for low intensity missions such as patrol in the economic exclusive zone (EEZ), safeguard of sea lanes of communication, intelligence gathering, environment protection, drugs smuggling prevention, humanitarian relief and search and rescue operations.


The French Defense Procurement Agency DGA is giving MBDA the go-ahead to commence development of the MICA-NG missile. This next-generation air-to-air missile will arm the current and future versions of the Rafale combat aircraft. The MICA NG will replace the existing MICA. The MICA will be gradually withdrawn from service between 2018 and 2030. The MICA NG will be available in two versions, infrared and electromagnetic. MBDA’s development program includes an extensive redesign of the current missile variant, while harnessing the same aerodynamics, mass and centre of gravity. The next-generation missile will be fit to counter future threat with educed infrared and electromagnetic signatures, UAVs and small aircraft, as well as the threats normally countered by air-to-air missiles. The missile will be fitted with a new double-pulse rocket motor, giving it greater range and more energy. MBDA CEO Antoine Bouvier said at the program launch, “we are proud of the work completed with the DGA to achieve maximum technical and financial optimisation. The fact that we have reached this stage is thanks to the vision that we were able to share with our French customer to address its operational challenges, as well as our own long-term commercial challenges.”

The Italian government will slow-down its F-35 acquisitions in accordance with its recently published defense spending review. The Tier 2 partner will be buying six or seven JSFs in the next five years instead of the previously planned 10 aircraft. The decision on the slowdown keeps with Italian policy on the F-35 set out by Defence Minister Elisabetta Trenta after she took office in June. Italy will maintain spending on the program, with $874 million to be spend in 2019 and another $887 million earmarked for 2020. Italy has made significant investments in JSF development, and the country hosts a European Final Assembly and Check-Out (FACO) production line in Cameri, near Milan. The country is currently due to purchase 60 F-35 As and 30 F-35Bs.

France’s sole nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is back at sea and will be deployed to the Indian Ocean in early February. The Charles de Gaulle recently completed its mid-life upgrade and prepares for its first activity in 18 months. During the $1.8 billion upgrade program the carrier underwent traditional maintenance operations such as scheduled checks of installations, refueling of nuclear fuel and so forth. Beyond that the carrier received an overhauled combat system and new optimised aviation systems for the Rafale. Faced with the “profound change in the naval strategic panorama”, including the expansionist aims of Beijing in the South China Sea, France considers the aircraft carrier of incomparable “tactical and political value”, said Admiral Christophe Prazuck, Chief of Staff of the French Navy.


The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) seems to have an updated version of its J-10 fighter aircraft. The J-10 Thrust Vectoring Control, or TVC, is equipped with a hinged thrust-vectoring nozzle that allows it to control the direction of its exhaust. This capability gives it improved maneuverability and low-speed handling. The J-10 TVC is the only Chinese aircraft that uses this technology. Internationally TVC is found on Russian Su-35s and the US F-22 Raptor. The J-10 is a lightweight, single-engine, multi-role fighter developed by Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (CAC) and 611 Institute for the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). The high-performance J-10 aircraft has been designed as an air superiority fighter with air-to-surface capability and is powered by China’s domestically-produced WS-10B3 turbofan engine. Experts have noted that Chinese development of a reliable domestic jet engine would also be a major step in shoring up what some observers see as the long-term political risk of an over-reliance on Russian military hardware.

Today’s Video

Watch: Rheinmetall Active Defence System (ADS)

Categories: Defense`s Feeds

Dassault withdraws from Canadian competition | Is Egypt buying two frigates from TKMS ? | KAI inks fighter deal with Jakarta

Fri, 11/09/2018 - 05:00

Oshkosh is receiving an extra $11.9 million in funding to continue work on the US Army’s Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) Retrofit Work Directive. The JLTV is being developed by the Army and the Marine Corps as a successor to the High Mobility, Multi-Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV), which has been in service since 1985. The JLTV has two variants; a two seat and a four seat variant, as well as a companion trailer. The vehicle offers the Core1080 crew protection for survivability, turret operated systems, remote weapons systems, and tube-launched missile system. The vehicle can be fitted with light, medium, and heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers, smoke grenade launchers, or anti-tank missiles, operated from ring mounts or a remote weapon station. In early 2019, the Army will reportedly field 500 JLTVs to an Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT) in the 10th Mountain Division at Ft. Drum, NY, and 65 JLTVs to an Infantry Battalion with the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) at Camp Lejeune, NC. Work will be performed at Oshkosh’s factory in Wisconsin and is scheduled to run through December 13, 2019.

Canadian Commercial Corp. is being contracted to support the US Navy’s AN/SQQ-89(V) Surface Ship ASW Combat System. The awarded IQIQ contract is priced at $10 million and provides for the refurbishment and manufacturing of the TR-343 transducer tube assemblies. The assemblies are a critical component of the TR-343 transducer that is used in the AN/SQS-53C hull-mounted sonar array, a subsystem of the above mentioned combat system. The AN/SQQ-89(V) provides surface warships with a seamlessly integrated undersea/anti-submarine warfare detection, localization, classification and targeting capability. The AN/SQS-53 is a computer controlled sonar set provided to surface ships which features both active and passive mode. Its primary sensor is hull mounted transducer array. In addition to search, detection and track of submarine threats, SQS-53C is responsible for anti-submarine warfare (ASW) weapons fire control and guidance to its assigned underwater target. Work will be performed at the company’s location in Toronto, Canada and is scheduled for completion by November 2023.

French aerospace company Dassault is withdrawing from Canada’s fighter jet competition. Ottawa issued an initial draft bid package for 88 fighter aircraft to industry partners last month and expects their feedback by the end of this year. Dassault decided to withdraw from the competition due to concerns over Canada’s requirements for intelligence data sharing and interoperability, particularly with US forces. With the Rafale out of the race, the potential aircraft in the competition now include the F-35, the Eurofighter Typhoon, Saab’s Gripen and the Boeing Super Hornet. The upcoming fighter jet acquisition is priced at $12.2 billion, with the final bids required by May 2019.

Middle East & Africa

DRS Network & Imaging Systems is being awarded with a Foreign Military Sales contract. The deal is valued at $129 million and supports the armed forces of Egypt, Kuwait, Iraq Morocco and Saudi Arabia. The company will provide the countries with support services for the Direct Support Electrical System Test Set (DSESTS). This includes system technical support services, system sustainment technical support services, and post production software support services; as well as diagnostic services. The DSESTS is used to test and trouble-shoot electrical systems on armoured vehicles such as the M1 Abrams or the Bradley IFV. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order. Performance of the contract is estimated to be completed by November 6, 2023.


The German newspaper Handelsblatt reports that Egypt is ordering two new frigates from Thyssen-Krupp. The contract is priced at $1.1 billion and covers the delivery of two Meko A-200 frigates. The Meko A combat ships, designed by Blohm and Voss, evolved from the Meko family of ships which have been in operation with navies around the world since the 1980s. The 3.500t A-200 is the largest class in the Meko A family. The A-200 is capable of full 4-dimensional warfare (AAW, ASW and ASuW, BCW). The frigate is designed to perform sustained operations across the full spectrum of general missions and tasks: patrol and interdiction, support of special force operations, SAR, and humanitarian operations.


KAI is being tapped to upgrade Indonesia’s fleet of T-50i aircraft. Jakarta signed the $89.4 million contract with the South Korean defense firm on Thursday. Under the deal, KAI will deliver three KT-1B trainer aircraft and install radar equipment and guns on the Indonesian Air Force’s T-50i aircraft. The T-50 Golden Eagle first flew in 2002 and comes in the T-50A advanced trainer and T-50B lead in fighter trainer versions. The T-50 G has digital fly-by-wire controls and hands on throttle and stick. The aircraft has seven external hardpoints for carrying weapons, one on the centreline under the fuselage, two hardpoints under each wing and an air-to-air missile launch rail at the two wingtips. A General Electric F404-GE-102 turbofan engine accelerates the plane to a maximum speed of 1,837km per hour. The deliveries and upgrades are expected to be completed in the beginning of 2021.

Today’s Video

Watch: US MASSIVE Hybrid Transformer Helicopter/Plane in Action: V-22 Osprey + CH-53 Heavy Lifting

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