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Central Europe

OSCE Chairman-in-Office Zbigniew Rau inaugurates Renewed OSCE European Security Dialogue

OSCE - Fri, 02/04/2022 - 16:22

VIENNA, 4 February 2022 – OSCE Chairman-in-Office (CiO) and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Poland Zbigniew Rau will inaugurate the Renewed OSCE European Security Dialogue (RESD) during a high-level meeting on Tuesday, 8 February.

The Renewed OSCE European Security Dialogue is an initiative of the Polish Chairmanship-in-Office aimed at using the full potential of the OSCE as a platform for dialogue in the context of growing tensions and the risk of further escalation in Europe.

Journalists are invited to join Minister Rau’s for press conference that will be held in hybrid format on Tuesday, 8 February, beginning at 17:15.

Please register for the press conference no later than Monday, 7 February at 15:00 by sending an email to with your name and outlet. Please also indicate if you would like to attend the press conference online or in person.

The press conference will be held in English. The link to access the press conference via Zoom will be sent after the registration deadline.

The press conference will also be livestreamed on

The dialogue among OSCE participating States is intended to focus on reducing the risks of confrontation and strengthening security and stability in the OSCE area. It also aims to reach common understanding, enhancing predictability, and reinforcing the concept of comprehensive and invisible security and peaceful coexistence.

Poland took over the Chair of the OSCE from Sweden on 1 January 2022.

The latest information from the Polish OSCE CiO can be found at  and on Twitter: @RauZbigniew and @PLinOSCE.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 25/2022 issued on 3 February 2022

OSCE - Thu, 02/03/2022 - 20:42
SDGs SDGs:  16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions


  • In Donetsk region, the SMM recorded 292 ceasefire violations, including 48 explosions. In the previous reporting period, it recorded 75 ceasefire violations in the region.
  • In Luhansk region, the Mission recorded 114 ceasefire violations, including 23 explosions. In the previous reporting period, it recorded 118 ceasefire violations in the region.
  • Small-arms fire was assessed as directed at an SMM mini-unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) near government-controlled Pavlopil, Donetsk region.
  • Soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces threatened to shoot down a Mission mini-UAV near Chasiv Yar, Donetsk region.
  • The SMM continued monitoring the disengagement areas near Stanytsia Luhanska, Zolote and Petrivske.
  • The Mission monitored the operation of critical civilian infrastructure.
  • The SMM continued following up on the situation of civilians, including at five entry-exit checkpoints and three corresponding checkpoints of the armed formations in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
  • The Mission’s freedom of movement continued to be restricted, including at four checkpoints of the armed formations in Donetsk region. Its UAVs again encountered multiple instances of GPS signal interference assessed as caused by probable jamming.*
Categories: Central Europe

OSCE SMM Spot Report 3/2022: Armed formations denied the SMM passage near Stanytsia Luhanska, Luhansk region

OSCE - Thu, 02/03/2022 - 19:07
SDGs SDGs:  16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions

On the morning of 3 February, the armed formations in Luhansk region denied the Mission’s passage to non-government-controlled areas. The SMM patrol was travelling from government-controlled areas.

The denial occurred at 10:55, at the checkpoint of the armed formations south of the Stanytsia Luhanska bridge. A member of the armed formations denied a mission member passage to non-government-controlled areas, citing “a lack of prior notice about the number of mission members crossing”. The mission member who is the team leader of the Luhansk Monitoring Team of the SMM, could thus not travel to non-government-controlled areas and returned back to base in government-controlled Sievierodonetsk.

The SMM had pre-announced its passage although not required to do so, but as a COVID-19 related courtesy. These incremental but continuous restrictions imposed on the SMM degrade and condition the Mission’s movements and operations.

For recent freedom of movement restrictions faced by the mission, see previous SMM Spot Reports.

The mission again notes that such denials not only restrict the SMM’s freedom of movement across the contact line, but also prevent the SMM’s logistical operations, which are essential for the effective functioning of the mission.

The OSCE Permanent Council Decision No. 1117 specifies that the SMM shall have safe and secure access throughout Ukraine. Unrestricted and unconditional access to all areas is essential to ensure effective monitoring and reporting of the security situation, as well as other mandated tasks. The mandate also tasks the mission to report on any restrictions of its freedom of movement or other impediments to fulfilment of its mandate.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Chairman-in-Office presented priorities to U.S. Helsinki Commission

OSCE - Thu, 02/03/2022 - 18:06

WASHINGTON, D.C., 3 February 2022 – The OSCE Chairman-in-Office and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, Zbigniew Rau, participated in a congressional hearing with the U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe today.

Minister Rau presented the main priorities of the 2022 Polish OSCE Chairmanship with a special focus on current tensions and developments concerning a growing threat to Ukraine. He emphasized the necessity to comply with the fundamental principles of the peaceful relation between states, as agreed in the UN Charter, the Helsinki Final Act, the Paris Charter for New Europe and subsequent OSCE documents.

"There is a need to compare notes about understanding the concept of indivisibility of security and its relationship with other OSCE principles, such as the freedom of adherence to alliances. I believe that this is an enormous opportunity for the OSCE to show its relevance and effectiveness in the 21st century," said the Minister.

The Polish Chairmanship will strive to support and apply a human-centered perspective and continue advocating for the promotion and protection of human rights, fundamental freedoms, and democratic institutions in the OSCE area.

"I am confident that we will successfully manage through the current problems together by showing our unity, cohesion and resolve," Chairman Rau stated.

The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as the U.S. Helsinki Commission, monitors compliance with the Helsinki Accords and advances comprehensive security through promotion of human rights, democracy, and economic, environmental, and military cooperation in the OSCE region.

Categories: Central Europe

Kyrgyzstan reaffirms its commitment to the UNSCR 1540 by adopting a new National Action Plan

OSCE - Thu, 02/03/2022 - 09:41
511198 Kunduz Rysbek

Kyrgyzstan began the implementation of the new National Action Plan (NAP) of the Kyrgyz Republic on the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1540 for 2022-2025, which has been developed throughout 2021 with the OSCE expert support and finally approved/adopted on 24 December 2021.

The UNSCR 1540 (2004) is a landmark political document, as well as the key and, in fact, the only universal legally binding document in the field of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The resolution requires all states to adopt and enforce appropriate laws as well as other effective measures to prevent the proliferation of these weapons and their means of delivery to non-state actors, in particular for terrorism purposes.

Kyrgyzstan has ratified major international treaties in the field of non-proliferation of WMD, and takes consistent measures aimed at enhancing national export control systems, and strengthening the procedures for supervision and control over the movement of materials and equipment conducive to the development and manufacturing of WMD.

Previously, with the expert and capacity building assistance of the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan developed and successfully implemented two voluntary NAPs from 2013 to 2016 and from 2017 to 2019.

The Ministry of Economy and Commerce is an authorized state agency responsible for co-ordination of activities in the field of implementation of international commitments of Kyrgyzstan related to non-proliferation of WMD and export control, and the implementation of the UNSCR 1540.  

The OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek has been effectively co-operating with the Ministry of Economy and Commerce for years, providing support in enhancing the capacity of the Ministry staff in the field of non-proliferation, assisting in improving export control system and strengthening the national legislative framework for the implementation of UNSR 1540.

The development and adoption of such a plan is a significant contribution by Kyrgyzstan to fulfillment of its international commitments and strengthening international security across the OSCE region and beyond.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE SMM Spot Report 2/2022: Soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces threatened to shoot down SMM mini-unmanned aerial vehicle

OSCE - Wed, 02/02/2022 - 19:17
SDGs SDGs:  16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions

At 12:03 on 2 February, while positioned about 2km south-east of Chasiv Yar (government-controlled, 62km north of Donetsk) and conducting a pre-announced mini-unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) flight, an SMM patrol was approached by a soldier of the Ukrainian Armed Forces who said the patrol could not to fly the UAV at this location. He added that he had not received any information about planned SMM UAV flights. Soon after, a second soldier of the Ukrainian Armed Forces approached the patrol and requested the patrol to land the UAV, adding that any further SMM UAVs launched from the location would be shot down. The Mission landed the UAV and left the area.

During the same flight, the mini-UAV experienced GPS signal interference, assessed as caused by probable jamming.

The Mission highlights that the OSCE Permanent Council Decision No. 1117 specifies that the SMM shall have safe and secure access throughout Ukraine. Unrestricted and unconditional access to all areas is essential to ensure effective monitoring and reporting of the security situation, as well as other mandated tasks. Also the SMM again notes that technical assets are an inseparable part of the Mission’s operational infrastructure; as such they are included in the specification of OSCE Permanent Council Decision No. 1117 that the SMM shall have safe and secure access throughout Ukraine. Unrestricted and unconditional access to all areas, including by technical means, is essential to ensure effective monitoring and reporting of the security situation, as well as other mandated tasks. The mandate also tasks the Mission to report on any restrictions of its freedom of movement or other impediments to fulfilment of its mandate.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Mission to Montenegro provides Parliament with equipment for simultaneous interpretation

OSCE - Wed, 02/02/2022 - 17:38
511165 Marina Živaljević

Contributing to further transparency of the Parliament of Montenegro and in order to widen its national and international outreach, the OSCE Mission to Montenegro provided conference equipment for simultaneous interpretation on 2 February 2022 in Podgorica.

After handing over the equipment to Aleksa Bečić, Speaker of Parliament, Dominique Waag, Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, said that the Parliament is one of the Mission’s key partners and thanks to this strong partnership, a number of significant projects have been implemented.

“Last year, 121 MPs and staff members participated in various workshops. The results of our mutual co-operation are clear: the Parliament is more transparent and can conduct its work virtually. Its staff have new skills and it became a more gender sensitive institution,” said Waag.

She said that with the equipment the Mission delivered, the Parliament will be able to reach a wider audience by providing interpretation to visiting delegations, foreign political representatives and international participants. “The mobile equipment will provide simultaneous interpretations at conferences in the parliament in Cetinje, as well as for events in Villa Gorica and in other locations, and will facilitate participation of MPs and their teams in international summits and meetings,” said Waag.

Bečić expressed her gratitude to Ambassador Wag for the overall assistance the OSCE, an important strategic partner in strengthening peace, democracy and security in the region, has provided to Montenegro in implementing reforms and further strengthening democratic development.

“In a year and a half, we have further strengthened the traditionally good co-operation and brought it to the highest level in the history of our relations. We also thank for all the donations to the Parliament of Montenegro, thanks to which we have achieved some of the greatest efforts in strengthening openness and transparency. That is why we can say that you largely contributed to the results by which we are recognized by the domestic and international public in this period,” said speaker Bečić.

The Mission will continue to support the Parliament in its efforts to further strengthen its institutional capacities.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 24/2022 issued on 2 February 2022

OSCE - Wed, 02/02/2022 - 17:24
SDGs SDGs:  16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions


  • In Donetsk region, the SMM recorded 75 ceasefire violations, including three explosions. In the previous reporting period, it recorded 194 ceasefire violations in the region.
  • In Luhansk region, the Mission recorded 118 ceasefire violations, including 20 explosions. In the previous reporting period, it recorded 146 ceasefire violations in the region.
  • The SMM corroborated reports of a civilian casualty in non-government-controlled Oleksandrivka, Donetsk region.
  • Small-arms fire was assessed as directed at a Mission mini-unmanned aerial vehicle near government-controlled Hranitne, Donetsk region.
  • The SMM continued monitoring the disengagement areas near Stanytsia Luhanska, Zolote and Petrivske.
  • The Mission monitored the operation and repairs of critical civilian infrastructure.
  • The SMM continued following up on the situation of civilians, including at four entry-exit checkpoints and three corresponding checkpoints of the armed formations in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
  • The SMM’s freedom of movement continued to be restricted, including at two checkpoints of the armed formations in southern Donetsk region.*
Categories: Central Europe

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities says good governance can support integration of society and invites Moldova to share best practices

OSCE - Wed, 02/02/2022 - 12:14
511099 OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities discusses language and education in Moldova

“The promotion of good governance and reforms facilitates harmony among diverse groups in society,” said OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Kairat Abdrakhmanov during his visit to Moldova from 24 to 26 January 2022.

In Chisinau, the High Commissioner met with government representatives, including President Maia Sandu, Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilita, Foreign Minister Nicu Popescu, Education Minister Anatol Topala and members of parliament. He also met with Vera Petukhov, acting Director-General of the Agency for Interethnic Relations, and with representatives of national minorities, civil society and the country’s independent Equality Council. He discussed the integration of Moldova’s diverse society, prospects for multilingual education and policy dialogue in the area of language.

The High Commissioner also visited Gagauzia and Taraclia, where he met Gagauzia Bashkan (Governor) Irina Vlah, Chair of Taraclia Rayon Council Ivan Paslar, as well as mayors of numerous Taraclia localities where representatives of the Bulgarian minority reside. In Comrat, he visited a kindergarten teaching in the State and Gagauz languages and appreciated interest in multilingual education among local communities.

The High Commissioner considers Moldova to be “a society where diversity is safeguarded and appreciated” and he invited the country to share its good practices in the management of inter-ethnic relations. He reiterated his ongoing commitment to support Moldova in its integration efforts.

Categories: Central Europe

Jobs, social housing essential for ending domestic violence cycle in Kosovo, high-level OSCE-EU conference concludes

OSCE - Tue, 02/01/2022 - 19:23

PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 1 February 2022 - Without economic empowerment and housing alternatives, domestic violence victims will be discouraged from reporting cases. Even when they do, they will be forced to go back to the perpetrator, making it essential to find sustainable solutions. This was the main conclusion from today’s high-level conference organized by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo with the support of the European Union Special Representative/EU Office in Kosovo.

The event, which gathered senior officials from government and local level institutions, looked into best practices and ways to find long-term solutions for these victims by providing affordable housing and employment opportunities.

“A society will be safe only when women will feel safe, in the street, at work and in their homes. We, the institutions, need to offer and guarantee them this safety. There is no better protection for victims of domestic violence than their financial independence,” said President Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu.

“With Kosovo’s programme for gender equality 2020-2024, first strategic objective is creation of equal opportunities for women and men, so that women can contribute but also benefit from the economic development, and we increase their inclusion, but also their active participation,” said Prime Minister Albin Kurti.

In his opening remarks, Ambassador Michael Davenport, said: “The economic empowerment of women is crucial if we are to eliminate gender discrimination including gender-based violence against women and girls. Supporting gender-based victims and upholding their economic, property and inheritance rights is the only way to enable them to leave abusive relationships. And ultimately to save   their – and their children’s - lives. Backing empowerment and reintegration is a duty for all of us, requiring effective inter-agency co-operation and a whole-of-society response.”

Panels of experts attending the conference elaborated on the existing legal and policy framework for the economic empowerment of gender-based violence survivors, challenges and how those could be addressed by the new legal instruments that are currently being developed, namely the new draft law on protection against domestic violence. They also discussed best practices, with a special emphasis on the importance of access to social housing.

“Affordable housing is essential for the reintegration of the victims of violence into the society. Other economic empowerment initiatives are also required: financial incentives for businesses led by women or that employ women survivors, job subsidies and employment in public institutions are also good tools. I encourage the newly elected mayors to raise this issue in their political agendas. It is important to take women victims of violence into account at the time of designing housing, employment, business development or vocational training policies,” said the EUSR, Ambassador Tomáš Szunyog.

The conference built on previous work by the OSCE Mission and the EUSR/EU Office in Kosovo in supporting first contact service providers for victims of domestic violence; advising policy-makers on ‘victim-centred’ legislation in line with international standards; and empowering women from all communities to access education and the labour market.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 23/2022 issued on 1 February 2022

OSCE - Tue, 02/01/2022 - 17:05
SDGs SDGs:  16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions


  • In Donetsk region, the SMM recorded 194 ceasefire violations, including 62 explosions. In the previous 24 hours, it recorded 146 ceasefire violations in the region.
  • In Luhansk region, the Mission recorded 146 ceasefire violations, including 29 explosions, 80 of which were assessed as a live-fire exercise outside the security zone. In the previous 24 hours, it recorded 110 ceasefire violations in the region.
  • The SMM continued monitoring the disengagement areas near Stanytsia Luhanska, Zolote and Petrivske.
  • The Mission monitored the operation of critical civilian infrastructure.
  • The SMM continued following up on the situation of civilians, including at four entry-exit checkpoints and three corresponding checkpoints of the armed formations in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
  • The Mission visited a border crossing point in Kharkiv region, where it saw no change in the security situation.
  • The SMM observed two gatherings in Kyiv.
  • The Mission’s freedom of movement continued to be restricted. Its unmanned aerial vehicles again experienced instances of probable jamming.*
Categories: Central Europe

Forced begging as a form of human trafficking is a focus of an OSCE roundtable

OSCE - Mon, 01/31/2022 - 17:57
Richard Wheeler

A roundtable discussion on forced begging and labor exploitation in the Central Asian context concluded on 28 January 2021. The OSCE Programme Office in Nur-Sultan organized the online event in partnership with the Law Enforcement Academy under the Prosecutor General’s Office.

Thirty-seven representatives of law-enforcement agencies, prosecution authorities, civil society and academia discussed state obligations in the field of combating trafficking in persons and the importance of strengthening regional co-operation between law enforcement agencies and non-governmental organizations in the fight against labor exploitation. Experts from Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, and the Russian Federation presented good practices on methods of counteracting organized crime related to human trafficking in their respective countries.

The event follows the address of the President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev outlining the need to co-ordinate the efforts of state bodies to effectively combat human trafficking and to protect its victims.

The event was part of the OSCE Programme Office’s long-standing efforts to support the host country in combating human trafficking and in implementing the OSCE Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 22/2022 issued on 31 January 2022

OSCE - Mon, 01/31/2022 - 17:34
SDGs SDGs:  16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions


  • In Donetsk region, between the evenings of 28 and 30 January, the SMM recorded 213 ceasefire violations, including 46 explosions. In the previous reporting period, it recorded 11 ceasefire violations in the region.
  • In Luhansk region, between the evenings of 28 and 30 January, the Mission recorded 143 ceasefire violations, including 67 explosions. In the previous reporting period, it recorded 19 ceasefire violations in the region.
  • The SMM continued monitoring the disengagement areas near Stanytsia Luhanska, Zolote and Petrivske.
  • The Mission monitored the operation of critical civilian infrastructure.
  • The SMM continued following up on the situation of civilians, including at five entry-exit checkpoints and the corresponding checkpoints of the armed formations in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
  • The Mission monitored the security situation in east and south-east Kherson region.
  •  The SMM’s freedom of movement continued to be restricted, including at two checkpoints of the armed formations close to the disengagement areas near Petrivske and Stanytsia Luhanska, Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media concludes visit to Luxembourg

OSCE - Mon, 01/31/2022 - 17:15
510973 Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Ton van den Brandt

On 28 January 2022, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Teresa Ribeiro, concluded an official visit to Luxembourg.

Ribeiro met with several government representatives and other senior officials, including Minister of Foreign Affairs Jean Asselborn, Minister of Justice Sam Tanson, representatives of the Ministry of State and with several members of Parliament under the guidance of President of the Parliament Fernand Etgen and President of the Parliamentary Committee on Digitalisation, Media and Communications Guy Arendt.

Ribeiro and her counterparts discussed several topics, including access to government information, the increasing threats and violence against the media, including legal harassment, as well as media pluralism in the country and in the OSCE region.

Ribeiro also visited the radio station ARA, to discuss the issue of media pluralism, news provision for minority groups and the role of public service media in the country.

Ribeiro and her counterparts agreed on further co-operation as an important element of improving media freedom in the OSCE region.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 21/2022 issued on 29 January 2022

OSCE - Sat, 01/29/2022 - 19:55
SDGs SDGs:  16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions


  • In Donetsk region, the SMM recorded 11 ceasefire violations, including three explosions. In the previous reporting period, it recorded 173 ceasefire violations in the region.
  • In Luhansk region, the Mission recorded 19 ceasefire violations, including one explosion. In the previous reporting period, it recorded 93 ceasefire violations in the region.
  • The SMM continued monitoring the disengagement areas near Stanytsia Luhanska, Zolote and Petrivske. It recorded one ceasefire violation inside the disengagement area near Zolote.
  • The Mission monitored the operation and repair of critical civilian infrastructure.
  • The SMM continued following up on the situation of civilians, including at four entry-exit checkpoints and three corresponding checkpoints of the armed formations in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
  • The Mission visited two border crossing points outside government control in Donetsk region.
  • The SMM observed a gathering in Kyiv.
  • The Mission’s freedom of movement continued to be restricted, including at a checkpoint of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near government-controlled Berdianske, in southern Donetsk region. Its unmanned aerial vehicles experienced instances of probable jamming.*
Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 20/2022 issued on 28 January 2022

OSCE - Fri, 01/28/2022 - 18:56
SDGs SDGs:  16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions


  • In Donetsk region, the SMM recorded 173 ceasefire violations, including six explosions. In the previous reporting period, it recorded 510 ceasefire violations in the region.
  • In Luhansk region, the Mission recorded 93 ceasefire violations, including 13 explosions. In the previous reporting period, it recorded six ceasefire violations in the region.
  • The SMM continued monitoring the disengagement areas near Stanytsia Luhanska, Zolote and Petrivske.
  • The Mission monitored the operation and repair of critical civilian infrastructure.
  • The SMM continued following up on the situation of civilians, including at four entry-exit checkpoints and three corresponding checkpoints of the armed formations in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
  • The Mission visited one border crossing point and monitored areas near the border outside government control in Donetsk region.
  • The SMM monitored three crossing points on the border with Belarus and saw that they were open, with traffic entering and exiting Ukraine at two of them.
  • The Mission’s freedom of movement continued to be restricted.*
Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Mission in Kosovo, EU organize conference on long-term solutions for victims of gender-based violence

OSCE - Fri, 01/28/2022 - 13:49

PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 28 January 2022 - The OSCE Mission in Kosovo, supported by the EUSR/EU Office in Kosovo, will organize on Tuesday, 1 February, a high-level conference on economic empowerment initiatives and social housing for victims of gender-based violence.

Lack of employment and housing are listed consistently as main reasons why victims do not report abuse and instead choose to stay with the perpetrator, tolerating continuous violence.

The conference will gather a broad range of experts from government institutions, municipalities, women's non-governmental organizations and civil society.

Opening remarks will be delivered by H.E Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu, President of Kosovo, H.E Albin Kurti, Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ambassador Michael Davenport, Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo,

Ambassador Tomáš Szunyog, Head of EU Office/EU Special Representative in Kosovo, and Albulena Haxhiu, Minister of Justice.  

Media are cordially invited to cover the hybrid conference, which will take place at the Swiss Diamond Hotel and online via Zoom on Tuesday 1 February 2022, starting at 14:45.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of participants at the venue is limited. Journalists wishing to cover the conference at the Swiss Diamond Hotel should send confirmations to by noon on 31 January. A maximum of ten media representatives can join in person, registered on a first come first served basis.

Zoom details for those wishing to cover the conference online are as follows:


Meeting ID: 972 0537 3780

Passcode: 64690654

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 19/2022 issued on 27 January 2022

OSCE - Thu, 01/27/2022 - 16:14
SDGs SDGs:  16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions


  • In Donetsk region, the SMM recorded 510 ceasefire violations, including 20 explosions. In the previous reporting period, it recorded 403 ceasefire violations in the region.
  • In Luhansk region, the Mission recorded six ceasefire violations. In the previous reporting period, it recorded 57 ceasefire violations in the region.
  • The SMM continued monitoring the disengagement areas near Stanytsia Luhanska, Zolote, and Petrivske.
  • The Mission monitored the operation and repair of critical civilian infrastructure.
  • The SMM continued following up on the situation of civilians, including at three entry-exit checkpoints and two corresponding checkpoints of the armed formations in Luhansk region.
  • The Mission visited two border crossing points outside government control in Luhansk region.
  • The SMM’s freedom of movement continued to be restricted, including at three checkpoints of the armed formations in Donetsk region and at a border crossing point outside government control in Luhansk region. Its unmanned aerial vehicles again encountered instances of GPS signal interference assessed as caused by probable jamming.*
Categories: Central Europe

Special Envoy of OSCE Chairman-in-Office visits OSCE Mission to Montenegro

OSCE - Thu, 01/27/2022 - 12:11
510800 Marina Živaljević

Ambassador Artur Dmochowski, Special Envoy of the Polish OSCE Chairmanship, visited the OSCE Mission to Montenegro and met with Siv-Katrine Leirtroe, Deputy Head of the Mission, on 24 January 2022.

Ambassador Dmochowski presented the priorities of the Polish OSCE Chairmanship 2022, while Leirtroe informed the Chair’s Special Envoy on activities the Mission has been implementing in Montenegro. She gave special emphasis on the Mission’s planned activities that are in line with the Chairmanship priorities, such as those relating to youth, cybercrime, human rights, gender-based violence, protection of children and voting rights for people with disabilities.

On 1 January, Poland has taken over the OSCE Chair, announcing reinvigorating the debate on the European security, continuation of efforts to rebuild confidence and trust, with focus on initiatives to improve understanding and ease tensions in the OSCE area.

The meeting in Podgorica was the first in a series of visits of the Special Envoy in the OSCE Missions in the Western Balkans: in Belgrade, Priština, Skopje, Tirana and Sarajevo.

Categories: Central Europe

Extended confiscation of proceeds of crime focus of OSCE-organized training course in Bosnia and Herzegovina

OSCE - Thu, 01/27/2022 - 11:42

On 26 and 27 January, the OSCE Transnational Threats Department (TNTD) and the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA) , in co-operation with the Federal Agency for the Management of Seized Property and the Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training  of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, organized a training course on asset recovery for 30 judges from cantonal and municipal courts, for departments for fighting organized crime.  Representatives of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina also participated in the training course.

Participants improved their knowledge and skills on theoretical and practical aspects of extended confiscation of proceeds of crime. The training course aims to support the judges in making more intensive use of such provisions when applicable.

The training course was developed  as a part of the  OSCE project “Strengthening the fight against transnational organized crime in South-Eastern Europe through improved regional co-operation in asset seizure, confiscation, management and re-use”, which  provides support and strengthens the expertise of criminal justice practitioners in South-Eastern Europe in the area of asset recovery.

The project is supported by the United States, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom.

Categories: Central Europe


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