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Central Europe

OSCE Chairman-in-Office Osmani concludes visit to Serbia

OSCE - Thu, 05/25/2023 - 22:00

BELGRADE, 25 May 2023 — The OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia, Bujar Osmani, concluded a two-day visit to Serbia.

Chairman Osmani met with Prime Minister Ana Brnabić and First Deputy Prime Minister responsible for foreign policy and security and Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić. They discussed the current political climate and the country’s progress on reforms related to democratization, security, media, rule of law, and human rights. Chairman Osmani reaffirmed the OSCE’s strong commitment to its partnership with Serbia and co-operation in key reform areas as well as remaining engaged in the region.

“In South-Eastern Europe, we have common challenges: reconciliation and trust-building, the fight against corruption and climate change. These are the top three priorities for our region,” Osmani said. “The OSCE remains committed to supporting the region and beyond in addressing our common challenges toward building a better future.”

The Chairman also spoke with the Speaker of the National Assembly, Vladimir Orlić, about the Parliament’s work on youth engagement, ethics, gender equality, and environmental issues. In discussions with the Head of the Serbian Delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Sandra Božić, Osmani discussed ways to further strengthen co-operation between Serbia and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.

Chairman Osmani held a joint meeting with the Minister of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue, Tomislav Žigmanov, the acting director of the Coordination Body for the Municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac, and Medveđa, Danijela Nenadić, and the Head of Macedonian National Minority Council and Informal Coordination of National Minority Councils, Borče Veličkovski. They discussed Serbia’s and the OSCE Mission to Serbia’s support to work around human and minority rights, including development of the National Strategy for Human Rights.

“Our motto as the 2023 OSCE Chairpersonship is: ‘It's About People’. This is a key driver behind everything we do as Chair and reflects the importance we attach to people’s rights and social cohesion as part of the path toward improving our societies,” Chairman Osmani said.

Osmani met with the Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia, Jan Braathu, and Mission staff, to discuss the Mission’s achievements and ongoing projects. He also had an opportunity to meet with women and national minority police officers trained by the Mission as part of its support to the Women Police Officer’s Network and Vocational Police Association.

During a field visit to Bujanovac, Osmani participated in a roundtable discussion with civil society groups focusing on youth and security issues in the multi-ethnic municipalities of south Serbia.

“Count on us for supporting the voices of young people and youth initiatives that foster dialogue and solidarity with younger generations,” Osmani said. “These efforts have a significant impact on people’s lives and move us toward a more sustainable, secure and stable region.”

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE holds multi-stakeholder event in Moldova on youth crime prevention

OSCE - Thu, 05/25/2023 - 16:45
544525 Participants at multi-stakeholder event in Moldova on youth crime prevention

On 25 May 2023, the OSCE Transnational Threats Department and the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities, in co-operation with implementing partner Terre des Hommes Moldova, held a multi-stakeholder event in Chisinau, Moldova to present and discuss the findings of the OSCE needs assessment on youth crime prevention in the country.

The assessment found that fostering multi-stakeholder co-operation between police, social services, schools, and health practitioners as a means to identify and jointly address risk factors for juvenile delinquency at an early stage is key for youth crime prevention. It also highlighted the importance of strengthening the inclusion of youth as agents for positive change and as advocates to raise awareness among their peers about the dangers of involvement in criminality and the harms caused by organized crime and corruption.  

Participants also discussed current challenges concerning youth criminality, exchanged information about their capacity-building needs, and learned about good practices from the German youth crime prevention initiative Kurve Kriegen.

The event paved the way for several initiatives. It set the stage for targeted multi-stakeholder capacity-building on youth crime prevention for Moldovan state authorities, as well as for the development of a platform for dialogue and experience-sharing for youth. The latter seeks to give Moldovan youth a voice in the design and development of youth crime prevention policies and initiatives.

The event gathered representatives of the Moldovan Ministry of Internal Affairs, Prosecutor General’s Office, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, Ombudsman Office, Ministry of Education and Research, National Anti-Corruption Agency, and Ministry of Health, alongside academia, local administrations, civil society, and young people.

The workshop was held in the framework of the OSCE-wide project “Enhancing youth crime and drug use prevention through education on legality and awareness campaigns addressing threats of organized crime and corruption” and was funded by Germany. Other donors supporting the project are Andorra, Italy, and Poland.
Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Mission to Montenegro trains parliamentary staff on practices of democratic law making

OSCE - Thu, 05/25/2023 - 10:35
544471 Marina Živaljević

What procedures need to be followed in drafting primary legislation and what steps Parliament should take in considering proposed legislation – were the topics discussed at the workshop on practices of democratic law making and Parliament’s oversight role, organized by the OSCE Mission to Montenegro on 24 and 25 May in Podgorica.

Around 15 parliamentary committees’ staff continued the discussion with two Mission’s experts initiated in November 2022, further enhancing their skills in drafting and reviewing legislation. They also discussed the role of Parliament in the EU integration and in considering reports of independent institutions.

Opening the workshop, Dominique Waag, Head of Mission, stated that the principles of democratic law making are embedded in the OSCE commitments. “Legislation should be well-defined, transparent, streamlined and enforceable, developed through a democratic process, which is open, inclusive, and consultative, while upholding human rights. Law-making, when done well, reinforces fight against corruption and good governance. Good laws are simply the result of good law-making procedures,” said Ambassador Waag.

She added that transparent and accountable laws increase public trust in democratic institutions. “The three elements of lawfulness, fairness and transparency overlap, but it is important that laws satisfy all three,” said she.

Strengthening Parliament’s legislative and oversight functions, which includes enhancing professional capacities of parliamentary staff, is an essential part of the Mission’s work in support of democratic processes in Montenegro.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe concludes regional training course on explosive hazards awareness and reduction for specialists from Central Asia

OSCE - Wed, 05/24/2023 - 12:17
544405 Munira Shoinbekova, OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe Farhod Nabiyulloev

Twenty specialists and practitioners of the military, law enforcement, and security services from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan completed a five-day Regional Explosive Hazards Awareness and Reduction course in Tashkent on 19 May 2023.

The OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe organized the event in close co-operation with the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan and with the support of Uzbekistan’s Ministry of Defence.

The activity aimed to develop the competencies and enhance the qualifications of military personnel from Central Asia in Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE), and Gender, Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (GDEI) in Mine Action.

Four international experts from the United Kingdom and the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining delivered the course per International Mine Action Standards.

“The course not only served as a platform for learning but also as a platform to exchange views and discuss potentials on combining our time, ideas, and resources to efficiently work together,” said Sonja Stanisavljevic, the Integrated Cooperation on Explosive Hazards’ Project Manager at the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe. “It aimed to enable Central Asian specialists to effectively, efficiently, and self-reliantly address issues related to explosive hazards over time.”

Colonel Ravil Baybekov, Head of the Engineering Department of Uzbekistan’s Defence Ministry noted the importance of co-operation among the respective Ministries of Defence of Central Asia and thanked the OSCE for its continuous and unwavering support in implementing the regional project on explosive hazards. “The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Uzbekistan stands ready to continue and expand the co-operation with the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe in these priority areas.”

The closing ceremony was attended by representatives from Uzbekistan’s Ministry of Defence, the Office of Military Cooperation of the U.S. Embassy in Dushanbe, the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan, and the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe.

The course was financially supported by the United States Department of State, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs/Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement, and the governments of Germany and Switzerland.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE conducts a national table-top exercise in Turkmenistan on addressing the use of the internet for terrorist purposes

OSCE - Wed, 05/24/2023 - 09:08
544357 Communication and Media Relations Section

On 22 – 24 May 2023, the OSCE Secretariat’s Transnational Threats Department conducted a national table-top exercise in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan on countering the use of the internet for terrorist purposes while respecting human rights. The exercise was organized together with the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat.

The three-day event brought together over 25 participants from Turkmenistan’s governmental agencies, law enforcement, civil society, the media, academia and the private sector, and was facilitated by experts from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, SecDev and the UN-led Tech Against Terrorism initiative.

Participants discussed challenges in countering terrorist use of the internet and in improving the efficiency of national efforts to tackle these challenges. With the current National Strategy and Action Plan on Prevention of Violent Extremism and Countering Terrorism running until 2024, this event also offered an opportunity to discuss how the OSCE could support the possible development of a new strategy.

“The OSCE, as the largest regional security organization, was one of the first international organizations to take a comprehensive approach to countering the use of the internet for terrorist purposes while respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms,” said John MacGregor, Head of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat.

“It is noteworthy that back in 2002, the OSCE participating States committed themselves to taking the necessary measures to prevent the misuse of information technologies for terrorist purposes and since then have adopted a number of important decisions and declarations,” added MacGregor.

Luigi Ferrari, Ambassador of Italy to Turkmenistan and Michael Bierhoff, Ambassador of Germany to Turkmenistan, also presented their opening remarks.

During the exercise, participants engaged in interactive and scenario-based discussions to enhance their knowledge on countering terrorism-related online threats prevalent in Central Asia and on practical human rights-centred approaches to tackling these issues. Experts presented good practices in addressing challenges emanating from the use of the internet by terrorists while respecting the right to privacy and the freedom of expression, association, peaceful assembly, and religion or belief.

The event also served as a platform for networking and exchanging experiences among participants and led to a development of a Policy Response and Recommendation Paper aimed at improving the efficiency of related national efforts. These recommendations will then be shared with the national authorities to help formulate relevant human rights-compliant and gender-mainstreamed policies and frameworks for preventing and countering violent extremism and terrorism online, to be integrated in broader national strategies and action plans.

“The recommendations will have an added value as they will also help the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat prioritize its efforts in providing practical assistance to Turkmenistan in countering the use of the internet for terrorist purposes.” stated MacGregor.

The event was organized in the framework of the OSCE extra-budgetary project “Preventing and countering the use of the internet for terrorist purposes in Central Asia” with the financial support of Austria, Germany and Italy.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE holds sub-regional training event on cyber/ICT security in Astana

OSCE - Tue, 05/23/2023 - 15:15
544342 Communication and Media Relations Section Alexandra Taylor

On 22 and 23 May, the OSCE’s Transnational Threats Department organized a regional training event on cyber/ICT security in Astana, Kazakhstan. The training was organized in co-operation with the OSCE Programme Office in Astana and the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In his opening remarks, Askar Zhambakin, Vice Minister of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan said “I believe this event will serve as a platform for the exchange of experiences and best practices in the field of cyber/ICT security”.

Twenty-two participants from Central Asia, South Caucasus and Mongolia participated in the event, strengthening their understanding of cyber/ICT security as an international policy field and discussing the effective implementation of the OSCE cyber/ICT security confidence-building measures.

“Using opportunities to share your national updates focusing on policy, new legislation and recent good practices relevant to cyber/ICT security and reflecting on the role of confidence-building measures does contribute to the promotion of greater cyber resilience. This is a key element in building confidence between states to foster greater co-operation and stability,” added Paula Gilevska, Counselor for Defense Affairs at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of North Macedonia to the OSCE, on behalf of the 2023 OSCE Chairpersonship of North Macedonia.

During the event, a scenario-based discussion was also held to promote enhanced national preparedness, crisis management and co-ordination mechanisms at the technical and policy levels as well as effective regional communication and co-operation in the event of a cyber incident.

“In 2017, the Ministers of all 57 OSCE participating States recommitted efforts to reduce the risks of conflict stemming from the use of information and communication technologies. OSCE cyber/ICT security confidence-building measures are a vital tool and the OSCE is an important platform to further the implementation of these measures,” said Kathy Leach, Ambassador of the United Kingdom to the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The training event was delivered as part of the “Activities and customized support for the implementation of OSCE cyber/ICT security confidence-building measures” project, with the financial support of the United Kingdom.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE supports a study visit to Georgia for the OSCE Network of Youth for Gender Equality from Tajikistan

OSCE - Tue, 05/23/2023 - 10:54
544297 Munira Shoinbekova, OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe Farhod Nabiyulloev

A group of eight young members of the OSCE Network of Youth for Gender Equality, four women and four men, visited Tbilisi, Georgia to network and learn about gender equality during a study visit from 1 to 4 May 2023. The visit was organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe.  

The study visit aimed to exchange experiences and learn from gender equality advocates in Georgia, enhance the capacity of Tajik youth to promote gender equality in their communities, and increase the awareness of participants about the role of gender equality and women’s political participation in ensuring comprehensive security.   

Nino Tsilosani, Chairperson of the Permanent Parliamentary Gender Equality Council in Georgia said: “Georgia stands at the frontline of gender equality in the region and always shares its best practices with other countries.”

“Participation in this kind of study visit will leverage the knowledge and skills of the members of the Network in promoting the gender equality agenda in Tajikistan,” said Farhod Jabbarov, Co-ordinator of the OSCE Network of Youth for Gender Equality. "The acquired knowledge will help us to improve the legal culture of our society, promote equal opportunities among men and women as well as increase the status of women in the society and make a modest contribution to the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals.”

During the visit, participants met with the Parliamentary Gender Equality Council; the Inter-Agency Commission on Gender Equality; Georgia’s National Council of Youth Organizations; the Policy Institute at the International School of Economics in Tbilisi as well as NGOs and international organizations working on gender equality in both urban and rural settings.    

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE hosts side event on whole-of-society approach to youth crime prevention

OSCE - Tue, 05/23/2023 - 10:47
544291 Communication and Media Relations Section Alexandra Taylor

On 23 May 2023, the OSCE  Transnational Threats Department hosted a side event on promoting a whole-of-society approach to youth crime prevention on the margins of the 32nd Session of the United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. The event was organized in co-operation with the Permanent Missions of Germany and Italy to the OSCE.

Drawing on experiences from across the OSCE area, this side event explored how to develop and deliver a multi-stakeholder approach to youth crime prevention, as well as methodologies to provide platforms for young people to discuss the challenges and vulnerabilities they face. Reflecting the whole-of-society approach that underpins the OSCE’s work on youth crime prevention, the side event panel brought together over 70 participants including young people, policymakers, law enforcement practitioners and civil society.

Discussions highlighted the importance of young people’s active participation in shaping youth crime prevention policies by providing opportunities for open dialogue and exchange of experiences. Speakers also underlined the significance of incorporating crime prevention education in school curricula, adopting a multi-stakeholder approach and involving civil society for effectively mitigating the risk factors leading to juvenile crime.

Addressing the participants, Ambassador Gesa Bräutigam, Head of the Permanent Mission of Germany to the OSCE, emphasized the importance of joint action, stating that “Coming together and joining forces is key when we want to become more effective in preventing youth crime and its long-term effects on societies.”

Ambassador Stefano Baldi, Permanent Representative of Italy to the OSCE, added “Education and awareness-raising are essential components of the youth crime prevention toolbox, giving young people the skills and confidence they need to make positive choices and become active contributors to society.”

Ambassador Alena Kupchyna, OSCE Co-ordinator of Activities to Address Transnational Threats stressed that “A multi-stakeholder approach is the foundation of holistic efforts to prevent youth crime.  The OSCE is committed to assisting its participating States in enhancing the involvement of young people in decision-making processes, providing targeted capacity-building and promoting the involvement of all sectors of the society in preventing youth crime.”

The event drew on lessons learnt from the OSCE extra-budgetary project “Enhancing youth crime and drug use prevention through education on legality and awareness campaigns addressing threats of organized crime and corruption” jointly implemented by the OSCE Secretariat’s Transnational Threats Department and Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE launches project on prevention of cyberbullying in Brčko District of BiH

OSCE - Mon, 05/22/2023 - 15:50
The OSCE Mission to BiH launches project on prevention of cyberbullying in Brčko District of BiH Željka Šulc

BRČKO, 22 May 2023 – The OSCE Mission to BiH (the Mission), in co-operation with the Brčko District Government’s Police and Education Department, launched  the “No to Internet violence!” project today. The project focuses on preventing and addressing cyberbullying.  

The launch was attended by representatives of schools, NGOs, and the media, as well as the Brčko Municipal Committee for Youth, the Brčko District Police, and the Education Department of the Brčko District Government.

Part of the project is dedicated to campaigning against internet violence. The campaign will last several months and employ a billboard campaign, video production, media outreach and inter-active workshops.

Project partners include school directors, NGOs, and members of the media and government.

Sabrina Schirmer, Head of the Mission’s Brčko Field Office, addressed participants at the launch, elaborating that the project will establish response mechanisms for the protection and raising of awareness among youth against violence on the internet.

“The 2020 Study published by Institute for Youth Development KULT suggests that on average, 3,6 % of young people in the Brčko District of BiH admit to have been victims of internet violence. As with all other forms of violence and given its sensitive nature, the estimated number of unreported cases may be considerably higher,” she added.

Participants at the launch were informed of the results of a recent survey conducted by the Education Department of Brčko District Government on cyberbullying, and discussed how to recognize internet violence. The Brčko Police elaborated on the security of students at schools.

Building off of the “No to Internet violence!” in Brčko District, the Mission will continue to support activities addressing cyberbullying and the safety of young people in BiH.

Categories: Central Europe

Fifth edition of OSCE Mission in Kosovo Media Fellowship Programme for young journalists kicks off in Prishtinë/Priština

OSCE - Mon, 05/22/2023 - 14:08
544174 Jeff Bieley Edita Buçaj

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo launched today its fifth Media Fellowship Programme, an annual initiative that seeks to develop young journalists’ skills and establish a network of fellow journalists from different communities. 

Eight journalists from across Kosovo will visit local journalist associations, public broadcasters, press councils, and investigative media outlets in Prishtinë/Priština and Belgrade. They will learn first-hand about professional reporting standards, journalism standards, qualitative reporting, media and information literacy and adherence to the codes of ethics.

“The OSCE Mission’s Media Fellowship Programme is bringing young journalists from different communities together, giving them an opportunity to network with renowned journalists and experts, and helping them to thrive in a fast changing media landscape,” said Ambassador Michael Davenport, Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo. “As they forge their own professional paths, these young journalists will shape future public discourse, and will I hope champion both press freedom and access to reliable information,” he added.

Launched in 2017, with a two-year break during the pandemic, the Media Fellowship Programme cultivates local journalist talent, while promoting gender equality. It continues to serve as an opportunity to strengthen inter-community relations among the journalists from different communities and their insights into how the media functions in the region.

To date, 38 journalists from different communities in Kosovo have participated in the program and joined the Media Fellowship Alumni.

Journalists selected for this year’s Fellowship include Shkodrane Dakaj, BIRN; Unitet Berisha, T7; Vlera Shabani,; Zoran Savić, KOSSEV; Dušica Stanković, Kontakt Plus Radio; Uroš Nikolić, RTV Mir; Donjeta Zeqiraj,; and Armand Hoti, ATV.

“I wanted to be part of the Media Fellowship Programme because I think that collaborating with others in the programme can be beneficial in multiple ways. You can exchange ideas, receive feedback on your work, and gain insights from different perspectives. These interactions can spark creativity, inspire new story angles, and help us refine our storytelling skills,” said Shkodrane Dakaj from BIRN.

“My expectations from this assessment visit to the media in Prishtinë/Priština and Belgrade is that I will have the opportunity to see and observe how the big media work. What makes me especially happy is that I will have the opportunity to maybe attend a live program on a television with a national frequency. As a journalist, I believe that this experience will mean something to me in my future work and advancement, because I will have the opportunity to talk with colleagues who have many years and even decades of work behind them,” said Dušica Stanković, journalist at Kontakt Plus Radio.

“Being part of this program will help me a lot in my future work. I know that I will meet people with whom I will collaborate in the future. I also appreciate the fact that I will also meet colleagues with whom we will share different ideas about our work, and also share our experiences,” Unitet Berisha from T7 said.

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo is mandated with human rights protection and promotion, democratization and public safety sector development. It helps safeguard freedom of media and freedom of expression and supports media development.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities visits Tajikistan, commends good practices in multilingual education

OSCE - Fri, 05/19/2023 - 16:53
544045 The Hague Recommendations Regarding the Education Rights of National Minorities The Ljubljana Guidelines on Integration of Diverse Societies

DUSHANBE, 19 May 2023 - On his official visit to the Republic of Tajikistan from 15 to 19 May 2023, the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Kairat Abdrakhmanov met representatives of the national, regional authorities and national minorities to discuss inter-ethnic relations, social cohesion and regional co-operation.

In Dushanbe, High Commissioner Abdrakhmanov was received by President Emomali Rahmon. He also met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sirojiddin Muhriddin,  Minister of Education and Science Saidzoda Rahim Hamro, Minister of Culture Zulfiya Davlatzoda, First Deputy Chairman of the Majlisi Namoyandagon Mahmadali Vatanzoda, Ombudsman for Human Rights Umed Bobozoda and the leadership of the State Committee on Language and Terminology under the Government, Committee on Religion, Regulation of Traditions, Celebrations and Ceremonies under the Government and Public Council.

They had fruitful exchanges on the participation of national minorities in cultural, social, economic, and public life and the effective ways to accommodate the rich ethnic, linguistic, and religious diversity of Tajikistan’s multicultural society to further promote tolerance, social unity and integration.

High Commissioner Abdrakhmanov reaffirmed his availability to assist policymakers and national minorities in Tajikistan with expertise and guidance based on the HCNM thematic Recommendations and Guidelines. He also underscored the importance of regional co-operation, in particular cross-border ties, and sharing good practices in diversity management among all of the OSCE participating States in Central Asia and beyond in order to further enhance favourable conditions for regional stability, security, sustainable development and economic growth.

“Effective consultations with national communities on matters that concern them at national and local levels are key to ensuring that ongoing reforms in different fields of life reflect national minorities’ aspirations and bring the best results,” High Commissioner Abdrakhmanov said.  He also encouraged both the authorities and representatives of national minorities to continue their efforts in this direction.

In the Sughd region, High Commissioner Abdrakhmanov met with the authorities of Khudjand, Ghafurov and Isfara cities and districts to exchange views on multilingual education, social-economic inclusion and cross-border ties. He also visited an Uzbek language school and multilingual education school in Isfara and a school named after Gagarin in Dushanbe, where he met with students and teachers to learn about existing models of bi- and multilingual education.

Categories: Central Europe

Fundamental rights focus of the III International Legal Forum in Tashkent, supported by the OSCE

OSCE - Fri, 05/19/2023 - 13:40

On 17 and 18 May 2023, the III International Legal Forum “Tashkent Law Spring” was held in Tashkent. The event with the theme “Fundamental Rights as Eternal Values” was organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan and supported by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan (PCUz).

This major international law event in Central Asia brought together over 800 participants, including senior officials of Uzbekistan and foreign countries, leading international experts in the fields of law, international relations and economics, as well as representatives from major law firms and international organizations.

The forum provided an open platform to discuss contemporary legal trends through the prism of fundamental rights, to exchange views on ongoing legal reforms in Uzbekistan, and to develop proposals for improving legislation and law enforcement practices in the light of best international practices.

Among the various topics discussed, one session focused on ensuring the rule of law through good regulation. The session reflected on the progress made by Uzbekistan in developing its Private International Law (PIL) legislation as well as in strengthening co‑operation with leading PIL intergovernmental organizations such as the UNIDROIT, with both activities supported by the PCUz.

The development of private international law, which regulates relationships between individuals in an international context, is increasingly necessary due to globalization. PIL is essential to improve citizens' access to justice across borders, improve business climate, attract foreign investment, and strengthen the protection of private property rights.  

In this regard, the PCUz has been supporting the government of Uzbekistan in improving its national policies and mechanisms for strengthening legal protection of private property rights through the development of the private international law framework in the host country.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Mission to Montenegro congratulates citizens on Independence Day

OSCE - Fri, 05/19/2023 - 12:39
544012 Marina Živaljević

Dominique Waag, Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, congratulates citizens on 21 May, the day 17 years ago Montenegro regained its independence through a peaceful and democratic referendum.

Ambassador Waag noted that the OSCE was the first international organization that welcomed Montenegro in June 2006.

“Since then the Mission has supported Montenegro in its reform processes to strengthen its democratic institutions, including the media and security sector, in line with its mandate, and OSCE principles and commitments. This is a special day for all citizens of Montenegro and I extend to them my heartfelt best wishes”, said Ambassador Waag.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE strengthens Kazakhstan’s national capacities in preventing and countering terrorist use of the internet

OSCE - Thu, 05/18/2023 - 17:10
543979 Communication and Media Relations Section Alexandra Taylor

On 17 – 19 May 2023, a national table-top exercise (TTX) on addressing the use of the internet for terrorist purposes was organised in Astana, Kazakhstan by the OSCE Secretariat’s Transnational Threats Department, together with the OSCE Programme Office in Astana. 

The three-day exercise bought about 20 representatives of Kazakhstan’s governmental agencies, law enforcement, civil society, the media, academia and the private sector. The event was facilitated by experts from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, SecDev Group, Europol’s European Counter Terrorism Centre and UN-led Tech against Terrorism initiative.

Experts presented good practices in addressing challenges stemming from the use of the internet by terrorists, while respecting the right to privacy, freedom of expression, association, peaceful assembly, and religion or belief. Participants were also presented with a fictitious scenario, based on real-world events, which required operational- and strategic-level responses to emerging terrorism-related online threats in Central Asia.

"In this important area, co-operation between governmental agencies, law enforcement, civil society and other parties involved is imperative. Non-governmental organizations, the media, local communities and every individual citizen can play an important role in preventing and countering the use of the internet for terrorist purposes," said Yuri Fenopetov, Deputy Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Astana.

Marco Alberti, Ambassador of Italy to the Republic of Kazakhstan and Jean Joswig, Attaché of the Embassy of Germany in the Republic of Kazakhstan presented their opening remarks.

Participants discussed Kazakhstan’s commitment to join the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, which will make it the first Central Asian country to become a part of this treaty. This underlines Kazakhstan's resolution to strengthen its cybersecurity and reinforce the prevention of cybercrime, including terrorist use of the internet, through its legislation.

In line with these ongoing efforts, the OSCE-organized TTX will result in a Policy Response and Recommendation Paper aimed at improving the efficiency of respective national efforts in addressing threats posed by the use of the internet for terrorist purposes. These recommendations will be shared with the national authorities to help formulate human rights-compliant and gender-mainstreamed policies and frameworks, integrating these policy recommendations into broader national strategies and action plans.

The event was organized in the framework of the OSCE extra-budgetary project “Preventing and countering the use of the internet for terrorist purposes in Central Asia” with the financial support of Austria, Germany and Italy.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE workshop on nexus between security and freedom of religion held in Sarajevo

OSCE - Thu, 05/18/2023 - 13:43
543934 Željka Šulc

SARAJEVO, 18 May 2023 – A workshop to explore the cross-cutting subject of freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) and freedom of expression (FoE) as they relate to security was organized by the OSCE Mission to BiH (Mission) in Sarajevo today.

The event was attended by representatives of religious communities, BiH State, Entity and Brčko District of BiH security institutions and agencies, journalists, and NGOs.

During the workshop a recent OSCE publication Freedom of Religion or Belief and Security: Policy Guidance | OSCE was elaborated as a useful tool for navigating these important and complex spheres.

Ambassador Brian Aggeler, Head of the Mission, addressed the participants underscoring the essential role BiH authorities and policy makers play in finding sustainable and long-term solutions in a manner that also benefits from the expertise and views of religious communities, civil society and other relevant stakeholders. “The BiH new Strategy for Preventing and Combating Terrorism systemically promotes respect for human rights and freedoms and upholds the rule of law. It also takes concrete steps to ensure that activities to prevent terrorism do not cause unintended harm to individuals and communities, and that they enhance the impact and sustainability of community-level work,” he added.

The event provided a valuable opportunity to further support representatives of relevant authorities from all levels in BiH in ensuring that their security measures are fully compliant with their international obligations and commitments pertaining to FoRB and FoE. The participants discussed how to recognize laws, security policies and practices that may undermine FoRB, FoE and other universal human rights.

The Mission’s assistance will continue to focus on work with BiH authorities to take concrete actions in addressing the contemporary challenges related to the nexus between security and FoRB and FoE.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Mission in Kosovo launches Guidelines for the Effective Performance of Municipal Coordination Mechanisms against Domestic Violence

OSCE - Wed, 05/17/2023 - 16:31
543894 Jeff Bieley Edita Buçaj

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo launched today Guidelines for the Effective Performance of Municipal Coordination Mechanisms against Domestic Violence (MCMDV), a tool to facilitate more effective and co-ordinated responses to domestic violence cases.

The MCMDVs aim to strengthen co-ordination, information sharing, and engagement of all relevant actors at the local level. They consist of representatives of the court and prosecution, Kosovo Police, relevant municipal directorates, Victims’ Advocacy and Assistance Office, Centre for Social Work, local shelters for victims of domestic violence and civil society organizations. 

The Guidelines cover the legal basis and purpose of the MCMDVs, and facilitate a multi-institutional coordinated approach, which includes data collection, reporting, training and capacity building for the MCMDV members.

“We all understand how important it is to work together to both prevent and address the problem of domestic violence. The MCMDVs, as coordination bodies at the local level, are a step in the right direction,” said Ambassador Michael Davenport, the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo. “The Guidelines released today should serve as a practical tool to help members further increase the MCMDVs efficiency through better understanding of their roles and responsibilities,” Ambassador Davenport added.

The Guidelines are part of a project supported by the French Government. They were drafted by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo following a needs assessment, extensive meetings with MCMDV members, trainings, and validation workshops. 

French Ambassador, Olivier Guerot, said that France is promoting the universal application of the Istanbul Convention as part of their efforts in the framework of feminist diplomacy. “Funding this activity by the OSCE is part of the promotion of the Istanbul Convention and its implementation. This is an excellent tool to facilitate the practical implementation of the Convention and we were happy to rely on the experience and expertise of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo,” Ambassador Guerot said.

Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, said, “The fight against domestic violence and violence against women requires a comprehensive and well-coordinated response of all institutions and agencies involved in every case, from the moment of reporting until the victim is empowered and enabled to have a dignified, independent and violence-free life.”

To date, a total of 33 MCMDVs have been established in most of the municipalities in Kosovo, 20 of them with the OSCE Mission support. On 18 May 2023, the OSCE Mission will support the establishment of the 34th MCMDV in Štrpce/Shtërpcë.

The Guidelines are available in Albanian, Serbian, Turkish and English and can be accessed here: Guidelines for Effective Performance of Municipal Coordination Mechanisms Against Domestic Violence (MCMDVs) | OSCE 

Categories: Central Europe

Urgent collective response needed to safeguard media freedom and protect democracy, concludes Ninth South East Europe Media Conference

OSCE - Wed, 05/17/2023 - 14:20

SKOPJE/VIENNA, May 17, 2023 – The ninth South East Europe Media Conference, "At a Crossroads: Safeguarding Media Freedom to Protect Democracy," concluded today. The conference was organized by the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media (RFoM) in collaboration with OSCE field operations from South East Europe.

This year's conference brought together over 160 participants from various sectors, including journalism, media and legal experts, academia, civil society, and relevant state actors from the region and beyond. It featured interactive panels, side events, and debates, providing a platform for in-depth discussions on media freedom in South East Europe. The conference explored current and emerging challenges and developments, while seeking viable solutions.

The conference focused on the importance of independent journalism as well as on the need to seriously address the challenges related to the dynamics of the digital realm to promote and protect democratic values. Special attention was given to improving the safety and working conditions for media professionals, recognizing that the threats they face not only endanger them individually but also pose a significant risk to democracy itself. Teresa Ribeiro, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, highlighted this concern, stating, "The threats to media and journalists are real and alarming, as they have a profound impact on the sustainability of people’s lives. Without ensuring journalists' safety— encompassing physical, digital, economic, legal, and psychological aspects—quality and independent journalism cannot thrive, nor can a lasting and well-functioning democracy."

“This year’s Media Conference is particularly important given that the issues discussed - supporting independent journalism, addressing challenges in the digital realm and improving the conditions for media freedom - are challenges not only throughout the region, but across the globe,” stated Ambassador Kilian Wahl, the Head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje.

“I believe it is most fitting that the conference took place this year in Skopje, during North Macedonia’s OSCE Chairpersonship, especially given the importance the Chair places on free media and safety of journalists,” he added. 

Discussions during the conference revolved around several key topics, such as the physical and online safety of journalists, the comprehensive viability of media organizations, legal harassment, the impact of artificial intelligence on freedom of expression, media self-regulation, and the detrimental effects of hate speech. Participants shared their experiences and insights, focusing on ongoing reforms and best practices to further enhance the environment for media freedom in the region.

More information about the conference can be found here: OSCE South East Europe Media Conference "At a crossroads: Safeguarding media freedom to protect democracy" | OSCE

The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media observes media developments in all 57 OSCE participating States. She provides early warning on violations of freedom of expression and media freedom and promotes full compliance with OSCE media freedom commitments. Learn more at, Twitter: @OSCE_RFoM and on

Categories: Central Europe

Parliamentary staff receive expert support from OSCE Mission to Montenegro in preparing budget circulars from gender perspective

OSCE - Wed, 05/17/2023 - 11:19
543852 Marina Živaljević

How to draft a gender responsive budget was the focus of a two-day workshop for staff of parliamentary committees and units, organized by the OSCE Mission to Montenegro on 15 and 16 May in Podgorica.

Two Mission-engaged local experts provided hands-on support to 20 parliamentary staff helping them understand the essence of gender responsive budgeting and how to incorporate it into budget circulars. Through practical examples, the participants learnt how the needs of women and men could be equally reflected in budget, through developing a gender-responsive analysis, identifying gender inequality and defining gender-responsive goals, indicators and target values.

Opening the workshop, Siv-Katrine Leirtroe, Deputy Head of Mission said that gender-responsive budgeting is essential both for gender and fiscal justice. “It involves analysing government budgets for their effect on genders, and norms and roles associated with them. Promoting equal rights is not only an issue of fairness towards women, but it also brings socio-economic progress and welfare to a society,” said Leirtroe.

Since 2018, the Mission has supported parliamentary Committee on Gender Equality in employing gender responsive budgeting as an effective strategy and a tool to reduce inequalities between women and men. Introducing gender responsive budgeting through Parliament and government is an important step in achieving such equality and removing barriers to public services.

The Mission will continue to support introduction of gender responsive budgeting as a requirement that will contribute to enhancing the level of overall social justice and equality.

Categories: Central Europe

Empowering higher education institutions: OSCE launches "Crime Prevention and Culture of Lawfulness" university curriculum in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

OSCE - Wed, 05/17/2023 - 09:13

On 16 May 2023, the OSCE and regional partners held a seminar in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan for higher education institutions to present the OSCE-developed "Crime Prevention and Culture of Lawfulness" curriculum.

Recognizing that education is a powerful tool in preventing crime, the curriculum will equip university students in Kyrgyzstan with knowledge about the risks and consequences of criminal behavior, including organized crime, corruption, and illegal drugs. The course will help strengthen students’ resilience and reduce their likelihood of engaging in such harmful activities.

Following consultations with stakeholders across Kyrgyzstan, the curriculum was developed by the OSCE under a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed in April 2022 between the OSCE Academy and the Government of Kyrgyzstan on youth crime prevention.  As part of the MoU, the OSCE supports Kyrgyz authorities in implementing their national commitments within the Youth State Policy and the State Anti-Corruption and Drug Control Strategies, both of which emphasize the importance of youth education in the rule of law and integrity.

The seminar presenting the curriculum involved 50 professors and administrators from 20 universities across the country and was organized by the OSCE Transnational Threats Department and the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities, in co-operation with the OSCE Academy in Bishkek and in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan. It is part of the OSCE-wide multi-year project: “Enhancing youth crime and drug use prevention through education on legality and awareness campaigns addressing threats of organized crime and corruption”, which is funded by Germany and Poland. Other donors supporting this project are Andorra and Italy.

As a next step, a targeted capacity-building course on the curriculum for professors of higher education institutions will be organized in co-operation with the Ministry of Education and Science in June 2023. The curriculum is then set to be launched during the 2023/2024 academic year in at least 15 universities countrywide, and will thereby be made available to over 1,000 students.

Categories: Central Europe

First OSCE training on cybercrime and digital evidence in Turkmenistan

OSCE - Tue, 05/16/2023 - 14:07
543747 Communication and Media Relations Section

From 9 to 12 May 2023, the OSCE Secretariat’s Transnational Threats Department (TNTD), in co-operation with the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat, organized an introductory training course on cybercrime and digital evidence at the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan.

25 representatives of Turkmenistan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs, Office of the Prosecutor General and Cybersecurity Service of the “Turkmenaragatnashyk” Agency took part in the course delivered by two OSCE Secretariat staff members and an international expert from Estonia. The participants were introduced to key concepts regarding cybercrime, digital evidence and digital forensics. They also learnt how to identify, seize and secure potential sources of digital evidence at a crime scene and on the internet, and discussed how to ensure compliance with human rights in cybercrime investigations.

On the margins of the course, representatives of the TNTD and the OSCE Centre met with the Rector and Vice-Rector of the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as well as with the Head of the Department for Law and International Relations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Discussions focused on the forthcoming national and regional activities on combatting cybercrime in Turkmenistan, as well as further co-operation on police-related matters.

“Digital technologies are developing rapidly and the police need to have adequate knowledge and skills to be able to effectively respond to cyber-related security threats. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is looking forward to continuing the work with the OSCE on this important issue,” said the Head of the Department for Law and International Relations during the meeting.

“Cybercrime poses a growing risk across the OSCE area, including in Turkmenistan”, said Martha Stickings, Deputy Head of TNTD’s Strategic Police Matters Unit’. “It is crucial that criminal justice practitioners have the skills they need to effectively investigate and prosecute these crimes in line with international best practice and human rights standards.”

The training course was delivered under the extra-budgetary project “Capacity Building on Combating Cybercrime in Central Asia”, which is funded by the United States of America, Germany and the Republic of Korea. This was the first national training event in Turkmenistan under the project, and two additional training courses for the same group of participants are scheduled for the autumn of this year.

Categories: Central Europe


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