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Central Europe

More than €10 million pledged to strengthen control of small arms and light weapons and conventional ammunition in South-Eastern Europe

OSCE - Wed, 03/24/2021 - 18:14

VIENNA, 24 March 2021 – More than 10 million in contributions and resources have been pledged to strengthen action against the illicit proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and Stockpiles of Conventional Ammunition (SCA) in South-Eastern Europe. These pledges and the impact of OSCE assistance in this area were the focus today of a donor meeting hosted by the current OSCE Forum for Security Co-Operation (FSC) Chairpersonship, the United States, in collaboration with the previous FSC Chair, Germany.

“If unchecked, SALW and SCA misuse and trafficking can spread fast and leave deep wounds in the social fabric across our region,” said OSCE Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid. “They make gender-based violence more deadly, exacerbate organized crime and terrorism, and in crisis situations, can help trigger larger-scale armed conflict.” She underscored that SALW and SCA “cannot be dealt with through national policies alone. That’s why at the OSCE we perceive this threat as a shared burden and responsibility.”

The donor meeting brought together more than 100 representatives from over 30 participating States and international organizations, including the OSCE and its six field operations in South-Eastern Europe. Participants discussed SALW and SCA in the South-Eastern Europe region, the OSCE’s assistance projects combatting illicit proliferation of SALW and SCA, including those related to the Western Balkans SALW Control Roadmap, as well as the role donors play in the OSCE’s efforts.

While South-Eastern Europe has seen steady economic and political progress, risks related to SALW and SCA remain, said Demitra Pappas, Counselor and Chief Arms Control Delegate of the United States, during her opening remarks on behalf of the US FSC Chairpersonship. “That is why it is of utmost importance for us to join efforts and provide financial, expert and other types of support to strengthen national capacities in South-Eastern Europe.”

Albrecht von Wittke, Head of the Division for Conventional Disarmament, Arms Control and Confidence- and Security-Building Measures (CSBMs) Worldwide at Germany's Federal Foreign Office, said, “We see this project work, especially in the context of the OSCE, as an excellent way of underpinning policy with concrete action and measurable outcomes on the ground.” He noted that remaining “technical and de-politicized” has been key to the OSCE’s success in SALW and SCA and reaffirmed Germany’s support of the OSCE’s work in South-Eastern Europe and beyond as well as its commitment to the success of the Western Balkans SALW Control Roadmap.

The session closed with statements by donor States and pledges for additional assistance, including a €300,000 commitment announced by France and the United States’ announced commitment totaling €4 million to the OSCE extra-budgetary assistance projects on combatting illicit trafficking of SALW and Conventional Ammunition in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in North Macedonia.

In addition to these announced contributions, 19 OSCE participating States and the European Union have provided more than €6.2 million in funds and resources, bringing total donor contributions to date to €10.2 million for the current portfolio of projects in the field of SALW and SCA in South-Eastern Europe. Further contributions to close the funding gap towards a total budget of €16.2 million are also under consideration.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 68/2021 issued on 24 March 2021

OSCE - Wed, 03/24/2021 - 16:58
SDGs SDGs:  16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions


  • In Donetsk region, the SMM recorded two ceasefire violations. In the previous reporting period, it recorded 65 ceasefire violations in the region.
  • In Luhansk region, the Mission recorded five ceasefire violations. In the previous reporting period, it recorded no ceasefire violations in the region.
  • The SMM continued monitoring the disengagement areas near Stanytsia Luhanska, Zolote and Petrivske. SMM unmanned aerial vehicles spotted people inside the area near Zolote during daytime.
  • The Mission facilitated and monitored adherence to localized ceasefires to enable maintenance and operation of critical civilian infrastructure.
  • The SMM continued following up on the situation of civilians, including at three entry-exit checkpoints and the corresponding checkpoints of the armed formations in Luhansk region.
  • The Mission’s freedom of movement continued to be restricted.*
Categories: Central Europe

Speaking at OSCE’s Forum for Security Co-operation, PA’s Hudson underlines importance of confidence-building

OSCE - Wed, 03/24/2021 - 16:02

COPENHAGEN, 24 March 2021 – Addressing a meeting of the OSCE’s Forum for Security Co-operation today, Chair of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s Committee on Political Affairs and Security Richard Hudson (United States) highlighted the strong relationship between the two OSCE bodies and underlined their many areas of convergence, stressing that to meet pressing challenges, intra-organizational co-operation is essential.

In his remarks to the Closing Session of the four-month U.S. Chairpersonship of the FSC, Hudson reiterated the common agenda for the OSCE in dealing with the conflicts in Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova; countering terrorism; security sector governance and reform; and private military and security companies. He lauded the work by the U.S. Chairpersonship to reduce threats through dialogue and transparency, expressing hope that these confidence-building efforts allow for the long-delayed modernization of the 2011 Vienna Document to proceed.

The Congressman also shared with the FSC the work carried out by the OSCE PA’s security committee over the past year, noting that while the pandemic prevented the OSCE PA from holding formal meetings, its work on critical issues in the OSCE space has been consistent. He highlighted in particular a webinar on COVID-19’s impact on conflicts in the OSCE area and dialogues on institutional challenges facing the OSCE. The PA also responded to political events in Belarus, Russia and Georgia; and remained engaged on the crisis in and around Ukraine, as well as on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, he said.

“These discussions have underlined the depth of the challenges to the political and security environment in the OSCE area that is the shared remit of the FSC and of our Committee,” Hudson said. “But they have also confirmed the validity of the principles enshrined in the Helsinki Final Act, and the unique role of parliaments and parliamentary diplomacy, in addressing these challenges.”

Another area of convergence with the FSC highlighted by Hudson was the OSCE PA’s focus on the problem of non-compliance with key elements of the arms control and confidence building framework in the OSCE area. He shared the Committee on Political Affairs and Security’s recent call for all sides to recommit to the restoration of a functioning regime of arms control and confidence building measures, including by updating the Vienna Document.

He concluded by commending the work of the U.S. FSC Chairpersonship and pledging continued support for incoming FSC Chairs Armenia and Austria.
Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe helps train Women’s Resource Centres staff in providing support to domestic violence victims

OSCE - Wed, 03/24/2021 - 14:32
482113 Munira Shoinbekova, OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe

The OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe concluded a five-day training course on "Providing Psychological Support to Victims of Domestic Violence" on 19 March 2021 in Dushanbe. Some 19 representatives from Women’s Resource Centres and Tajikistan’s Committee on Women and Family Affairs from Sughd, Khatlon, Rasht and Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast regions participated in the course.

They learned the best psychological approaches in helping survivors of domestic violence  and had the opportunity to analyse domestic violence situations using various psychological methods and techniques. They acquired new interpersonal skills and practiced applying these skills in hands-on exercises and role-plays.

“The training helped me to understand how to provide psychological consultation to  victims of domestic violence and help them cope with stress and overcome psychological trauma,” said Zulfiya Erkaeva, representative of Tajikistan’s Committee on Women and Family Affairs in the Istaravshan District. She added that the Committee will continue to work closely with the Women’s Resource Centre in the District to prevent violence against women and girls and provide necessary support to the survivors of domestic violence.

“I liked the training course because its methodology takes into account Tajikistan’s current law, local traditions and customs, which is very important while providing psychological support to the survivors of domestic violence,” noted Gulchehra Sadulloeva, Psychologist in the Women Resource Centre in the Ayni district.

The OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe continues to support the Government of Tajikistan in implementing the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence. The Office provides a comprehensive support to victims of domestic violence in the regions through a network of 14 OSCE-established Women’s Resource Centres in Tajikistan.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE workshop on gender mainstreaming in human resources departments of border and law enforcement agencies

OSCE - Wed, 03/24/2021 - 13:15

More than 90 participants took part in an online workshop on gender mainstreaming in human resources departments of border and law enforcement agencies, which was organized on 23 March 2021 by the Border Security and Management Unit in the OSCE’s Transnational Threats Department.

“We need to remove many built-in obstacles in hiring, retaining and promoting women in border and law enforcement agencies. Human Resources departments play an essential role in this endeavor,” said Dennis Cosgrove, Head of the OSCE Border Security and Management Unit, in his opening remarks. “Successful organizations are diverse organizations. In order to be successful in the 21st century, border and security management agencies need to observe the surrounding world through gender lenses and women officers can contribute to this success.”

The workshop participants were members of the OSCE Gender Equality Platform in Border Security and Management from 15 OSCE participating States and 3 Partners for Co-operation, and were joined by relevant experts and representatives from OSCE field operations, international organizations and networks.

During the online workshop, the participants explored successful techniques and methods for mainstreaming gender in recruiting and for retaining and promoting women officers in the security sector. The participants also shared best practices and experiences on gender mainstreaming in talent acquisition within border and law enforcement agencies from Montenegro, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova.
Categories: Central Europe

United States holds last meeting as Chair of OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation

OSCE - Wed, 03/24/2021 - 12:42

VIENNA, 24 March 2021 — The United States fostered meaningful dialogue and sought to set the stage for rebuilding military transparency and confidence over the course of its Forum for Security Co-operation (FSC) Chairpersonship, said Courtney Austrian, United States Chargé d’Affaires, as she opened the last FSC meeting under the US FSC Chair.

“The core objective of the US FSC Chairpersonship has been to promote ‘goal-oriented dialogue’ to enhance security cooperation — a foundational principle of the FSC, ever more relevant and necessary today for us to collectively address current challenges to European security and build back trust,” said Austrian.

Austrian provided an overview of the activities organized by the United States since it took over the FSC Chairpersonship in January. These included security dialogues that addressed perceptions about NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence, advancing modernization of the Vienna Document, nonproliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons, and the importance of implementing United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.

In her keynote remarks, Laura Cooper, United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia at the Office of the Secretary of Defense, highlighted the US FSC Chair’s efforts to foster trust, transparency, and predictability among participating States to help counteract the deterioration of security in the OSCE region.

Connecting and exchanging viewpoints among officials is “absolutely critical when regional tensions run high,” Cooper said, noting how the FSC’s High-Level Military Doctrine Seminar (HLMDS), organized by the US FSC Chair, facilitated “candid and open engagement” among more than 300 senior-level military officials from across the OSCE area. “In the OSCE, we must continue to engage on the real security threats facing our region, rather than seeking to sweep issues under the rug as somehow too sensitive to discuss,” she added.  

Cooper emphasized that the FSC has a unique role to play in strengthening transparency and reducing risks toward rebuilding confidence, and that the informal Structured Dialogue can also continue to advance these issues.

“The FSC has the right expertise and tools to put in place measures to combat misperceptions amidst deep deficits in trust and heightened tensions,” she said. “I truly think the FSC has the ability to contribute to incredibly positive changes, especially by openly and candidly addressing the most difficult challenges facing Europe and Eurasia.”

Richard Hudson, Chairman of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s Political Affairs and Security Committee and representative of the United States to the Parliamentary Assembly, addressed the US FSC Chair’s agenda and outlined complementary work being carried out by the Parliamentary Assembly.

Following the close of its FSC Chairpersonship, the United States will become part of the FSC Troika, which is formed by the incoming and outgoing FSC Chairpersonships. On 12 April 2021, Armenia will take up the FSC Chairpersonship, and Austria will join the FSC Troika.

Categories: Central Europe

Weekly Update from the OSCE Observer Mission at Russian Checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk based on information as of 23 March 2021

OSCE - Tue, 03/23/2021 - 19:41


Kamensk-Shakhtinskiy, Russian Federation. The Observer Mission (OM) continues to operate 24/7 at both Border Crossing Points (BCPs). The overall number of border crossings by persons increased at both BCPs compared to the previous week. 


The OM is currently operating with 22 permanent international Mission members, including the Chief Observer (CO). The Mission is supported administratively by a staff member and the Chief of Fund Administration based in Vienna.

Update on COVID-19 measures

Activities have been impacted by COVID-19 and measures undertaken by the OM to ensure the safety and duty of care of its Mission members and compliance with measures set by the host country authorities. The Mission is continuing to keep the situation under review, in close contact with the OSCE Secretariat and the Chairpersonship. Following the host country’s recommendations, the observers are adhering to distancing. Due to the preventive measures taken by the central and regional authorities, the OM is faced with certain difficulties, but is still able to continue to fulfil its mandate without any limitations in its observation and reporting activities.


Persons crossing the border                                                                                                                                                                               

The profile of persons crossing the border can be categorized as follows:

  1. Adults travelling on foot or by car with little or no luggage.
  2. Persons in military-style outfits.
  3. Families (often including elderly persons and/or children) travelling on foot or by car with a significant amount of luggage.

The average number of entries/exits increased from 7,112 to 7,976 per day at both BCPs compared to last week.

During the reporting period, the majority of border crossings were to the Russian Federation, with an average net flow of 161 per day for both BCPs. The Donetsk BCP continued to experience much more traffic than the Gukovo BCP.

Responding to the COVID-19 situation, the host country closed its borders for the majority of foreigners starting from 18 March 2020. Among the exceptions of persons allowed to cross the border (which entered into force on 19 March) are Ukrainian citizens and stateless persons holding passports or identification documents proving permanent residence in certain areas of Luhansk and Donetsk regions of Ukraine. In addition, reportedly, due to the threat of the spread of COVID-19, starting from 10 April 2020, the organized passenger transport commuting between the non-government-controlled areas of Luhansk region of Ukraine and the Russian Federation was temporarily suspended and restored from 25 June.

Persons in military-style outfits

During the reporting period, the number of persons in military-style outfits crossing the border was seven, compared to three last week; six persons crossed into the Russian Federation while one person crossed into Ukraine. These individuals crossed the border on foot.

Families with a significant amount of luggage

The OTs continued to report on families, sometimes with elderly persons and/or children, crossing the border at both BCPs with a significant amount of luggage, or travelling in heavily loaded cars. During this reporting week, one family was observed crossing into the Russian Federation while four families were observed crossing into Ukraine, compared to the previous reporting period when five families were observed crossing into the Russian Federation and four families were observed crossing into Ukraine.

Bus connections                                         

Regular local and long-distance bus connections continued to operate between Ukraine (mostly from/to the Luhansk region) and the Russian Federation. During the reporting period, the OTs observed a decrease in the overall number of buses crossing the border at both BCPs (279 compared to 294 observed during the previous week). There were 145 buses bound for the Russian Federation and 134 bound for Ukraine.

On some occasions, the OTs noticed the bus drivers removing the itinerary signs from the windshields of their buses, while some buses did not display their route at all. The majority of long-distance buses commuting between the Luhansk region and cities in the Russian Federation had Ukrainian licence plates issued in the Luhansk region.


During the reporting period, the OTs observed a slight increase in the overall number of trucks crossing the border at both BCPs (794 compared to 772 during the previous reporting week); 429 at the Gukovo BCP and 365 at the Donetsk BCP, 416 of these trucks crossed into the Russian Federation, and 378 crossed into Ukraine. Most of the trucks observed by the OTs had Ukrainian licence plates issued in the Luhansk region; however, on a daily basis, the OTs also noted trucks registered in Belarus, Lithuania, the Russian Federation, and trucks with “LPR” plates.

The OTs also continued to observe tanker trucks crossing the border in both directions. During the reporting period, the OTs observed a decrease in the overall number of tanker trucks crossing the border at both BCPs (32 compared to 39 during the previous reporting week). These trucks were observed crossing the border at both BCPs. The trucks had the words “Propane” and “Flammable” written across the tanks in either Russian or Ukrainian. The majority of tanker trucks had hazard signs, indicating that they were transporting propane or a mix of propane and butane. All trucks underwent systematic inspection by Russian Federation officials, which could include an X-ray check. Due to the unfavorable observation position at the Gukovo BCP, the OTs continued to be unable to observe any X-ray checks.

Compared to the previous week, the total number of X-ray checks at the Donetsk BCP significantly increased from 48 to 128. Of the total number of trucks scanned, 125 trucks (98 per cent) were bound for Ukraine, and the remaining three (two per cent) crossed into the Russian Federation.


The OM continued to observe passenger and cargo minivans[1] crossing the border in both directions at both BCPs. The OTs observed minivans predominantly with Ukrainian licence plates issued in the Luhansk region; however, the OTs also saw minivans registered in the Russian Federation. During the reporting period, the OTs observed a decrease in the overall number of minivans crossing the border at both BCPs (125 compared to 170 observed during the previous week); 70 crossed into the Russian Federation and another 55 into Ukraine.


The OTs continued to pick up the sound of trains on the railway tracks located approximately 150m south-west of the Gukovo BCP. During the reporting week, the OTs heard trains on 20 occasions; the OTs assessed that eight trains were travelling to the Russian Federation and the remaining 12 trains were travelling to Ukraine (more details are provided in the sections “trends and figures at a glance” below).

Visual observation was not possible because of the line of trees located between the train tracks and the BCP.

Other observations

The majority of vehicles crossing the border had Ukrainian licence plates issued in the Luhansk region or Russian Federation licence plates. A significant number of vehicles with “LPR” plates were also observed crossing the border in both directions on a daily basis. The OTs also observed vehicles with Georgian and Lithuanian licence plates.

On 18 March at 10:39, the OT at the Gukovo BCP observed an ambulance with Russian Federation licence plates, entering the BCP from the Russian Federation side and parking in the customs control area. Two women in military uniform left the vehicle and entered the BCP’s main building. At 12:18, the two women returned into the ambulance and the vehicle left the BCP towards the Russian Federation.

On 18 March at 14:55, the OT at the Donetsk BCP observed a group of four brand-new ambulances with no licence plates, accompanied by another ambulance with “LPR” plates, entering the BCP from the Russian Federation side and parking in the customs control area. All the vehicles underwent customs control procedures and left for Ukraine at 17:45.

On 21 March at 19:30, the OT at the Donetsk BCP observed an ambulance with Russian Federation licence plates and three persons on board entering the BCP from the Russian Federation side and parking in front of the BCP’s main building. At 19:49, another ambulance with “LPR” plates and five persons on board arrived at the BCP from Ukraine and parked next to the first ambulance. The OT was unable to notice any other details from its position. At 20:43, the vehicles left the BCP in the directions from which they had arrived.

For trends and figures at a glance covering the period from 16 February 2021 to 23 March 2021, please see the attachment here.

[1] Cargo minivans: light commercial vehicles with a maximum authorized mass of more than 3.5 t and not more than 7.5 t; with or without a trailer with a maximum mass of less than 750 kg (small cargo vehicles that correspond to driving licence C1).

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 67/2021 issued on 23 March 2021

OSCE - Tue, 03/23/2021 - 19:16
SDGs SDGs:  16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions


  • In Donetsk region, the SMM recorded 65 ceasefire violations. In the previous 24 hours, it recorded 15 ceasefire violations in the region.
  • In Luhansk region, the Mission recorded no ceasefire violations, as in the previous 24 hours.
  • The SMM lost spatial control of its mini-unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in non-government-controlled Donetsk city and small-arms fire was assessed as directed at another   UAV in Spartak, Donetsk region.
  • The SMM continued monitoring the disengagement areas near Stanytsia Luhanska, Zolote and Petrivske. An SMM mini-UAV spotted a person, and for the first time, a trench extension inside the area near Zolote. 
  • The Mission facilitated and monitored adherence to localized ceasefires to enable maintenance and operation of critical civilian infrastructure.
  • The SMM continued following up on the situation of civilians, including at five entry-exit checkpoints and four corresponding checkpoints of the armed formations in Luhansk region.
  • The Mission’s freedom of movement continued to be restricted, including at a border crossing point outside government control near Izvaryne, Luhansk region .*
Categories: Central Europe

OSCE launches report on the Institution of Additional Judges as a Potential Threat to Judicial Independence in BiH

OSCE - Tue, 03/23/2021 - 16:04

SARAJEVO, 23 March 2021 - The OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) published today the report The Institution of Additional Judges as a Potential Threat to Judicial Independence in BiH.

Additional judges are usually appointed on a temporary basis, either to reduce case backlogs, or to replace a judge absent for a long time.

This report assesses the Institution of Additional Judges and systemic issues, identified by the Mission’s monitoring of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of BiH (HJPC) sessions. The report examines fundamental concerns relating to the independence of additional judges, due to the time limits of their mandates, the effects on case management, potential pressure on court presidents to request the appointment of an additional judge, and inconsistencies in decisions on their mandate extension. According to the report’s findings, the institution of additional judges has proven ineffective in reducing case backlog.  This presents a serious risk to judicial independence in BiH.

“The purpose of this report is not to merely underscore these inconsistencies and to offer a critique, but rather to support the HJPC in preserving and strengthening judicial independence,” said Kathleen Kavalec, Head of the OSCE Mission to BiH. “I hope this report will stimulate a broader policy and legal discussion on this crucial issue, including through discussion at one of the next sessions of the HJPC. There is currently a window of opportunity to reform this institution in the interest of judicial independence and respect for the rule of law, especially in light of efforts aimed at the adoption of an amended law on HJPC and justice sector reform more broadly.”

The report puts forward tailored recommendations to the HJPC and justice sector actors based on the Mission’s identified challenges, including: ceasing the practice of extending mandates of additional judges, prioritizing filling vacant positions for regular judges over appointing additional judges, and continuing to explore alternative means to address the case backlog through law, policy, or practice.

"The HJPC BiH has been co-operating with the OSCE Mission to BiH for many years and assisting us in analyzing the situation in the judiciary and finding solutions to improve the quality and efficiency of the judiciary in BiH. In this context, this report is welcome, especially in light of the reform proposals that the HJPC BiH intends to implement in the BiH judiciary. The report, which refers to additional judges, also states what we see in our practice, so this analysis will help us in the plans related to the selection and appointment of judicial office holders. The proposal of these measures that are planned to be implemented will be adopted by the end of April this year," said Selim Karamehić, member of the Presidency of the HJPC.

“An independent, autonomous, accountable and efficient judiciary is a precondition for functioning rule of law. This report is a timely contribution, supporting the new High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council leadership in undertaking necessary actions that will accelerate judicial reforms in order to increase the institution’s credibility in the eyes of the public and the pace of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s EU integration. This will include implementing integrity-related amendments to the HJPC Law, once the current draft is adopted by the BiH Parliamentary Assembly,” says Johanna Strömquist, Ambassador of Sweden in BiH, representing the Swedish Chairpersonship of the OSCE.

The Mission will continue to provide support to the HJPC in preserving and strengthening judicial independence among judicial institutions in BiH.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media meets with Vice-President of the European Commission

OSCE - Tue, 03/23/2021 - 10:19

On 22 March 2021, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media (RFoM), Teresa Ribeiro, met online with Věra Jourová, Vice-President for Values and Transparency of the European Commission to discuss the media freedom situation across the European Union.

Ribeiro and Jourová spoke about the safety of journalists, including the upcoming European News Media Forum that focuses on this issue. They also discussed the digital agenda and impact of the online sphere on the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, and the importance of addressing media freedom in the larger context of human rights and comprehensive security.

Ribeiro and Jourová agreed to increase collaboration, in particular with regard to protection of media freedom and freedom of expression through education, increased resilience and media and digital literacy.

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 66/2021 issued on 22 March 2021

OSCE - Mon, 03/22/2021 - 17:58
SDGs SDGs:  16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions


  • In Donetsk region, between the evenings of 19 and 21 March, the SMM recorded 46 ceasefire violations. In the previous reporting period, it recorded 29 ceasefire violations in the region.
  • In Luhansk region, between the evenings of 19 and 21 March, the Mission recorded one ceasefire violation. In the previous reporting period, it recorded 34 ceasefire violations in the region.
  • The SMM continued monitoring the disengagement areas near Stanytsia Luhanska, Zolote and Petrivske.
  • The Mission facilitated and monitored adherence to localized ceasefires to enable maintenance and operation of critical civilian infrastructure.
  • The SMM continued following up on the situation of civilians, including at three entry-exit checkpoints and the corresponding checkpoints of the armed formations in Luhansk region.
  • The Mission observed a calm situation in south-east Kherson region.
  • The SMM monitored a gathering in Kyiv in front of the Office of the President of Ukraine, during which it saw a group of protesters throw flares at the building and spray graffiti on it.
  • The Mission’s freedom of movement continued to be restricted.*
Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media meets with Ambassador of Ireland

OSCE - Mon, 03/22/2021 - 16:35

On 15 March, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media (RFoM), Teresa Ribeiro, met with Ambassador Kevin Dowling, Permanent Representative of Ireland to the OSCE, to discuss the current media situation in Ireland and across the OSCE region.

Ribeiro and Dowling shared the view that safety of journalists remains a priority issue across the OSCE region, with threats against journalists and other media workers increasingly arising from a growing distrust of the media by the public. While discussing the challenges around tackling disinformation, they underlined that the OSCE provides an appropriate framework to discuss the matter, which goes far beyond freedom of expression.

Ribeiro and Dowling agreed that rapidly advancing technologies are heavily influencing the media landscape, and its sustainability. Artificial intelligence is used to shape behavior, manipulating the way media and information is consumed; Ribeiro confirmed that her Office is addressing this issue by developing guidance for various stakeholders.

The multifaceted and intricacy of media freedom challenges today require a comprehensive approach. Ribeiro emphasized her commitment to having a systematic approach, underlining that isolated incidents of media freedom violations do not always provide a full picture, which is of particular relevance for the early warning function of her mandate. To this end, Ribeiro insisted, she wants to give diplomacy a chance and maintain regular dialogue with all OSCE participating States.

To conclude, Dowling extended an invitation to the RFoM for an official visit to Ireland, once it is safe to travel.

Categories: Central Europe

New e-learning course on OSCE cyber/ICT security Confidence-Building Measures now available

OSCE - Mon, 03/22/2021 - 13:53
482044 Communication and Media Relations Section

The OSCE’s Transnational Threats Department launched a new e-learning course on OSCE cyber/ICT security Confidence-Building Measures on 22 March 2021. The course aims to raise awareness among non-experts and to bolster the knowledge of experts toward further strengthening cyber/ICT security in the OSCE area.  

Cyber/ICT security Confidence-Building Measures (CBMs) offer concrete tools to enhance interstate transparency, communication, and co-operation in cyberspace. Since 2013, OSCE participating States have adopted 16 such measures.

Cyber/ICT security is a transnational issue as it relates to digital networks, which transcend borders and connect people in a global cyberspace. While States bear the primary responsibility for national cybersecurity, regional and international processes also play a role in addressing the security of information and communication technologies.

Over three modules, the interactive course introduces participants to the topic of cyber/ICT security and briefly discusses the international and regional context before focusing on the 16 OSCE cyber/ICT security CBMs in detail. The course features interactive elements, such as knowledge checks and a learning scenario, as well as video presentations from a number of OSCE participating States who share their experiences with the practical implementation of individual CBMs.

To access the e-learning course, participants are invited to register on the OSCE’s e-learning platform:

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media meets with Ambassador of Luxembourg

OSCE - Mon, 03/22/2021 - 12:39

On 18 March, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media (RFoM), Teresa Ribeiro, met with Ambassador Marc Ungeheuer to discuss current challenges and threats to media freedom in the OSCE region.

Ribeiro and Ungeheuer spoke about the diminishing media pluralism in several countries in the OSCE region, with some national regulatory bodies only allowing government-friendly media outlets, and the difficulties that the current economic environment, especially the current pandemic, and changing business models pose to the media. They discussed the danger of rapidly changing rhetoric in some participating States, which can be detrimental to the position of several media. These challenges and cross-cutting themes warrant an interlinked and versatile approach, they agreed.

Ribeiro and Ungeheuer also agreed upon the importance of the work of the RFoM in the larger OSCE security framework and the need to discuss media freedom within the broader human rights context. For this, an international approach must be taken, including co-ordination and regular dialogue with other organizations and institutions, they said. Ungeheuer confirmed once more his country’s dedication to media freedom.

Categories: Central Europe

British Diplomat Michael Davenport Appointed New Head of OSCE Mission in Kosovo

OSCE - Mon, 03/22/2021 - 11:58

PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 22 March 2021 – Ambassador Michael Davenport, a British career diplomat, today assumed his duties as Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo.

“The OSCE is providing excellent support in Kosovo on human rights, democratisation and public safety.  It is a privilege to be leading a strong team who bring exceptional expertise and experience in all these areas. I look forward to working in partnership with all stakeholders on the implementation of the Mission’s mandate,” said Ambassador Davenport

Ambassador Davenport has extensive experience of the Western Balkans region, having served as EU Ambassador and Head of the EU Delegation in Serbia from 2013 to 2017 and as British Ambassador to Serbia from 2010 to 2013. Between 2007 and 2010 he served as Director for Russia, South Caucasus and Central Asia in the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Ambassador Davenport has since 2017 been serving as British Ambassador to Kuwait.

Ambassador Davenport, a qualified British solicitor and experienced diplomat, has a track record of overseeing programmes in the areas of rule of law, minority rights and good governance. He is the eighth Head of the Mission in Kosovo since its establishment in 1999, and succeeds Ambassador Jan Braathu of Norway.

Categories: Central Europe

Constitutional changes raise serious concerns over respect for democratic standards in Kyrgyzstan, Venice Commission and ODIHR say

OSCE - Mon, 03/22/2021 - 07:19

Strasbourg/Warsaw, 22 March 2021 – Kyrgyzstan’s draft constitution would result in a complete change of the country’s constitutional order if adopted and raises grave concerns over the lack of respect for the principles of the rule of law, separation of powers, and inherent lack of checks and balances, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe said in a joint legal opinion.

While the joint opinion notes some positive changes in the draft constitution, such as giving human rights and freedoms a prominent place in the overall framework and re-establishing the Constitutional Court in line with earlier recommendations, it also finds that many provisions regulating the institutional framework and separation of powers as well as the foreseen timeline and procedures leading to the adoption of the constitutional amendments raise serious concerns. As well as demonstrating a lack of respect for the principles of rule of law and legality, they also took place with little or no public consultation or parliamentary debate.

One of the fundamental concerns with the draft constitution in its current form is the overly prominent role and power of the president in relation to the other branches of government, weakening the role of parliament and potentially curtailing judicial independence. This creates a real risk of undermining the separation of powers and the rule of law in the Kyrgyz Republic.

ODIHR and the Venice Commission therefore recommend that the national authorities:

  • ensure that the constitutional reform process allows for informed, inclusive and meaningful discussions within and outside parliament, with the participation of all relevant stakeholders, guaranteeing adequate time for discussion of the draft constitution at all levels;
  • review the privileges given to the president in order to ensure the separation of powers, including by completely reconsidering the power to single-handedly appoint and dismiss almost the entire state administration and/or key office-holders (including the Cabinet of Ministers, Prosecutor General, Ombudsman for Children’s rights,), as well as the president’s far-reaching powers in the selection and dismissal of judges of the highest and lower level courts, and restricting the president’s power to initiate laws and referendums;
  • provide stronger oversight capacities to the parliament, including through committees to both initiate and review draft laws and ensure an appropriate budget to support this important function of checks over the powers of the president and the executive;
  • reinforce the independence of the judiciary by specifying in the draft constitution that judge members of the Judicial Council are chosen by the judiciary, explicitly stipulating the length and security of tenure, and strengthening the decision-making powers of the Judicial Council regarding the appointment, promotion, transfer and disciplinary procedure for all judges, except for the Constitutional Court judges;
  • revise the provisions on human rights and fundamental freedoms, avoiding vague wording and language in the formulation both of the rights of individuals and the obligations of the State, clearly state the absolute nature of specific rights and freedoms that remain applicable regardless of circumstances, even in a state of emergency, and revise the provisions related to the media, freedom of expression and access to information in line with international standards.

Press Contacts

Tatiana Baeva, Spokesperson/Media officer, or +33 3 88 41 21 41

Katya Andrusz, ODIHR Spokesperson,  or +48 609 522 266

Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 65/2021 issued on 20 March 2021

OSCE - Sat, 03/20/2021 - 16:08
SDGs SDGs:  16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions


  • In Donetsk region, the Mission recorded 29 ceasefire violations. In the previous reporting period, it recorded 113 ceasefire violations in the region.
  • In Luhansk region, the SMM recorded 34 ceasefire violations. In the previous reporting period, it recorded no ceasefire violations in the region.
  • Small-arms fire was assessed as directed at an SMM mini-unmanned aerial vehicle near Vesela Hora, Luhansk region.
  • The Mission continued monitoring the disengagement areas near Stanytsia Luhanska, Zolote and Petrivske.
  • The Mission facilitated and monitored adherence to localized ceasefires to enable maintenance and operation of critical civilian infrastructure.
  • The SMM continued following up on the situation of civilians, including at four entry-exit checkpoints and four corresponding checkpoints of the armed formations in Luhansk region.
  • The SMM’s freedom of movement continued to be restricted, including at a checkpoint of the armed formations on the north-western edge of Donetsk city.*
Categories: Central Europe

OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 64/2021 issued on 19 March 2021

OSCE - Fri, 03/19/2021 - 18:24
SDGs SDGs:  16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions


  • In Donetsk region, the Mission recorded 113 ceasefire violations. In the previous reporting period, it recorded 44 ceasefire violations in the region.
  • In Luhansk region, the SMM recorded no ceasefire violations for the third consecutive day.
  • The SMM lost spatial control of its mini-unmanned aerial vehicle near Verkhnotoretske, Donetsk region.
  • The Mission continued monitoring the disengagement areas near Stanytsia Luhanska, Zolote and Petrivske. It recorded one burst of heavy-machine-gun fire inside the area near Petrivske.
  • The Mission observed five weapons in violation of withdrawal lines in a non-government-controlled area of Donetsk region.
  • The SMM saw anti-tank mines, some for the first time, near Lohvynove, Zaitseve and Pyshchevyk, Donetsk region.
  • The Mission facilitated and monitored adherence to localized ceasefires to enable maintenance and operation of critical civilian infrastructure.
  • The SMM continued following up on the situation of civilians, including at three entry-exit checkpoints and two corresponding checkpoints of the armed formations in Luhansk region.
  • The SMM’s freedom of movement continued to be restricted.*
Categories: Central Europe

ODIHR opens election observation mission in Albania

OSCE - Fri, 03/19/2021 - 09:50

TIRANA, 19 March 2021 – The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) today opened an observation mission for the 25 April parliamentary elections in Albania, following an invitation from the country’s authorities.

The mission is led by Ambassador Urszula Gacek and consists of a core team of 12 election experts, based in Tirana, and 24 long-term observers who will be deployed throughout the country from 26 March.

The mission will assess the elections for their compliance with OSCE commitments and other international obligations and standards for democratic elections, as well as with national legislation. Observers will closely monitor the voter registration process, campaign activities, the work of the election administration and relevant governmental bodies, election-related legislation and its implementation, and the resolution of election-related disputes. As part of the observation, the mission will also monitor the media coverage of the campaign.

Meetings with numerous representatives of state authorities, political parties, civil society, the media and the international community form an integral part of the observation.

Due to the continued health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic across the OSCE region and the related travel restrictions, ODIHR is not able to deploy short-term observers ahead of the 25 April elections as originally planned. The format of the observation activity has therefore been adjusted to a Limited Election Observation Mission (LEOM), which will include long-term observers based around the country. While mission members will visit a limited number of polling stations on election day, there will not be any systematic observation of voting, counting or tabulation of results.

On election day itself, the ODIHR observation mission will join efforts with delegations from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

An interim report will be published to update the public and media during the course of the observation. The day after the elections, a statement of preliminary findings will be presented at a press conference. A final report summing up the observation and making recommendations for improvements will be published approximately two months after the end of the election process.

The ODIHR Observation Mission and the OSCE Presence in Albania operate separately under their respective mandates. For further information, please visit:

Media contacts:

Kira Kalinina, media analyst, at or +355 68 394 2987


Katya Andrusz, ODIHR spokesperson, at: or +48 609 522 266

Categories: Central Europe

Respect human rights to rebuild our societies in all their diversity, say human rights heads on International Anti-Racism Day

OSCE - Thu, 03/18/2021 - 19:33

Geneva/Strasbourg/Vienna/Warsaw, 19 March 2021 – The pandemic poses unprecedented challenges for governments, health systems and societies at large, with many people in despair. We also witnessed solidarity with generosity, care and commitment towards the most vulnerable. This crisis offers us a unique opportunity to create more inclusive and equal societies, said the heads of four human rights institutions ahead of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Maria Marouda, Chair of the Council of Europe’s European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), Yanduan Li, Chairperson of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), Michael O’Flaherty, Director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), and Matteo Mecacci, Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), underline the pandemic’s great toll on racial justice and call for equitable, concerted and determined action across society to reverse this trend.

The Covid-19 pandemic not only cast a spotlight on the structural inequalities and discrimination in our societies, but has made them even worse, in Europe and beyond, as we see from this week’s spate of shootings in the United States. We see new forms of inequality and discrimination, particularly in access to healthcare and vaccinations. There have been attacks against ethnic and religious minority groups, terrifying entire communities. Online hate speech spread widely and scapegoated specific groups such as migrants. The economic fallout of the pandemic has led to a rise in inequality, stigmatisation and hatred. To turn the tide on the vicious circle of racism, discrimination and poverty, greater efforts and closer cooperation are vital.

“Like the coronavirus, racism also mutated and new variants have developped during the pandemic. All political and other actors need a deep dive into current challenges in order to build a racism-free Europe and a racism-free world; they must address novel risks urgently,” said ECRI’s Chair Maria Marouda. “Many believe that the current global health crisis provided them with a carte blanche for manifesting hostile attitudes towards specific groups and individuals on several grounds, which profoundly mirror the intersectional dimension of discrimination. This leads to greater social polarisation. We have to fight the battle by reaching out to victims of racism and racial discrimination and protecting those who are assisting them and by establishing solid legal and policy frameworks to make non-discrimination and inclusion a reality”, she continued.  

More than a year after its appearance, COVID-19 remains a serious global health and human rights challenge. It has touched all countries and, unfortunately, exacerbated the inequalities already faced by many minority and vulnerable groups, such as people of African descent, indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers. Indeed, its consequences have impacted the most vulnerable we should pay more attention to,” said Yanduan Li, Chairperson of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD). “States should pursue their efforts to address the disparate effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on minority and vulnerable groups with regard to access to education, health care services including to vaccines, employment, housing”.  

“Even before the pandemic, persistent racism and intolerance blighted the lives of many people across Europe. Covid-19 further exposed the divisions in our societies. Not one person is defined by a single trait; gender, age, economic and social standing all combine to multiply the impact of discrimination and exclusion,” said Michael O’Flaherty, Director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). “We must work together with impacted people in building societies that strive to respect everyone’s human rights in all their diversity. With targeted measures we can tackle racism in all its complexity.”

“The pandemic has had a particularly devastating impact on racial and ethnic minority communities, who have often met with prejudice and exclusion where they needed equal treatment and care,” said ODIHR Director Matteo Mecacci. “States have a responsibility to protect vulnerable minorities by adopting policies that favour inclusion and counter discrimination at all levels, starting with public institutions and the education system. By both preventing and countering acts of racial discrimination and hate crimes societies become more inclusive and resilient in times of crisis.”

Since the beginning of the pandemic, FRA has regularly published bulletins on the fundamental rights implications of Covid-19 and the groups most at risk in the European Union. Its wide range of surveys regularly underscore widespread racial discrimination and intolerance that many people continue to face. ODIHR has also published guidance on human rights challenges caused by the Covid-19 pandemic throughout the OSCE region. CERD has adopted a statement laying down States obligations under the ICERD Convention in the context of COVID-19.  At the same time, in its country monitoring reports and statements as well as in its recently published annual report, ECRI has helped countries to detect and address pandemic-related problems being experienced by groups of concern to ECRI.

The United Nations designated 21 March the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in 1966, in memory of the 69 people killed six years earlier in Sharpeville, South Africa, during a peaceful demonstration to protest the apartheid system.

Categories: Central Europe


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