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Ban Ki-moon préoccupé par le regain de tensions au sud-ouest du Sahara occidental

Centre d'actualités de l'ONU | Afrique - Sun, 28/08/2016 - 07:00
Le Secrétaire général de l'ONU, Ban Ki-moon, s'est dit « profondément préoccupé » par la situation tendue dans l'étroite zone tampon au sud-ouest du Sahara occidental entre la berme marocaine et la frontière mauritanienne suite à des changements dans le statu quo et à l'introduction d'unités armées du Maroc et du Polisario proches les unes des autres.
Categories: Afrique

Kiir acted out of wisdom against anti-UN statements: JCE

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 28/08/2016 - 06:33

August 27, 2016 (JUBA)- The head of the Jieng Council of Elders (JCE), has commended the decision by President Salva Kiir to disown hostile statements from members of his administration towards the United Nations, saying it demonstrated wisdom and responsibility.

President adresses a joint press conference on 9 July 2016 (Reuters Photo)

“The country is in crisis and for this reason there is a need to exercise strong leadership and take decisions and actions which may be protested by others but which are necessary and good for the interest of the country. The world was waiting to hear what he would say in the parliament. So he acted wisely," said Ambrose Riiny Thiik.

"He [Kiir] demonstrated strong leadership and should people appreciate the address and support the speech", he added.

A former chief of justice in the regional administration before South Sudan seceded from Sudan, Thiik said Africa's newest nation was not an island to be isolated from the region.

The JCE is a tribal group largely comprising of relatives to the president and Dinka politicians loyal to him who mainly act as informal advisors to the South Sudanese leader.

“Yes, we are a sovereign state. We are independent country. There is no argument about. But the truth of the matter is that we support from other countries because we are part of a family of the world. Because of this the government decided to accept in principle the deployment of the protection force but this what does this mean? It means that they will not automatically be deployed without the approval of the government," stressed Thiik.

He added, "They government will have to get into discussions with IGAD, with the African Union and the United Nations to discuss the specific details of what they would do. There are things government can do, then that will be agreed and left to the government”.

President Kiir recently said those speaking against the deployment of regional protection forces in the South Sudan capital, Juba do not necessarily reflect his government's position.


Categories: Africa

Sudan's FM says differences on Ethiopia's Renaissance dam settled

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 28/08/2016 - 05:47

August 27, 2016 (KHARTOUM) - Sudan's Minister of Foreign Affairs Ibrahim Ghandour has said differences that existed among Sudan, Ethiopia and Egypt on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) have completely been settled.

The Grand Renaissance Dam is under construction on the Blue Nile River in Ethiopia. (Photo AFP/William Lloyd-George)

The Dubai-based Al Bayan newspaper reported on Saturday that Ghandour said relations among the three nations have moved into a new phase, saying they are now considering proposals developed by Egypt in this regard.

Ghandour underscored the three countries have overcome the differences on the GERD, saying the international consultants would achieve solutions pertaining to the technical aspects of the project.

He pointed the three countries are currently developing a strategic cooperation agreement covering political, security and economic issues that serve the interests of their peoples and the region.

The Sudanese top diplomat pointed that leaders of three nations would meet soon to discuss the latest developments pertaining to the GERD, saying they would also discuss ways to enhance tripartite cooperation and to establish a comprehensive development fund.

Last year, Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia signed a declaration of principles on the dam project that tacitly approves the dam construction but calls for technical studies aimed at safeguarding the water quotas of the three riparian states.

On September 22, 2014, a tripartite committee from the three countries proposed the conduction of two additional studies on the dam project, the first one on the effect of the dam on the water quota of Sudan and Egypt and the second one to examine the dam's ecological, economic and social impacts of the dam on Sudan and Egypt.

The French Artelia and BRL groups have been selected to undertake the dam impact studies. The U.K.-based law firm Corbett & Co was selected to manage the legal affairs of the tripartite committee.

Last month, Egyptian Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Mohamed Abdel Ati said the final contracts on the impact studies of the GERD would be signed within a few days. However, the three nations are yet to sign the contracts.

The multi-billion dollar dam is being constructed on the Blue Nile, about 20 kilometres from the Sudanese border, and has a capacity of 74 billion cubic meters, and is expected to generate electrical power of up to 6,000 megawatts.

Egypt is concerned that the dam could reduce its quota of 55.5 billion cubic meters of the Nile water, while the Ethiopian side maintains that the dam is primarily built to produce electricity and will not harm Sudan and Egypt.

Last May, Ethiopia's Minister of Information and Communication Getachew Reda said the GERD is almost 70% complete.


Categories: Africa

Sudan's FVP, Museveni discuss bilateral relations

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 28/08/2016 - 05:46

August 27, 2016 (KHARTOUM) - Sudan's First Vice-President Bakri Hassan Salih on Saturday has discussed with the Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni bilateral ties between Kampala and Khartoum and the regional developments.

Sudan's President Omer Hassan al-Bashir waits to welcome Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni at Khartoum Airport September 15, 2015 (REUTERS/Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah)

The meeting was held on the sidelines of the Sixth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) in Nairobi, Kampala.

Sudan's official news agency (SUNA) quoted the Sudanese Foreign Minister as saying that the meeting also discussed the ongoing arrangements for the upcoming visit of the Sudanese President Omer al-Bashir to Kampala besides the meeting of the joint security and political committees between the two countries.

Following ten years of strained relations, Museveni visited Khartoum last September where he and al-Bashir agreed to work together to bring stability in South Sudan and the region, and to end tensions between the two countries over the issue of rebel groups.

Last May, al-Bashir, who was indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) on counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity, was one of the dignitaries at President's Yoweri Museveni's inauguration in Kampala.

The two presidents held a short meeting on the sidelines of the inauguration ceremony where Museveni invited Bashir to visit Kampala again within the framework of bilateral relations.

Uganda is a state party to the Rome Statute and has an obligation to arrest the Sudanese president.

However, during his inauguration, Museveni described the ICC as a “bunch court” to be ignored by African leaders, downplaying the its case against the Sudanese president.


Categories: Africa

IGAD moves to recognize Gai as new S. Sudan Vice President

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 28/08/2016 - 05:45

August 27, 2016 (JUBA) - Regional countries that negotiated South Sudanese shaky peace agreement have signalled recognizing controversially appointed new First Vice President Taban Deng Gai according to media reports.

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) said Gai is "naturally accommodated" by provisions of the Agreement to Resolve Conflict In Republic of South Sudan (ARCSS). The agreement gave position of first Vice President to SPLM in opposition leader Riek Machar. Machar fled was sworn in April but fled Juba in Juba when his bodyguards clashed with thousands of soldiers loyal to President Slava Kiir.

In an email message to the press on Friday, Sharon Kuku, a spokesperson for the IGAD states, said that the decision by Juba to replace Machar has never being rejected by IGAD.

"[This decision] is naturally accommodated by IGAD and IGAD did not stop Gen. Deng from attending the summit nor speaking for the South Sudan government," said Kuku as quoted by Kenyan independent newspaper, Nation.

IGAD statement is the second such utterance after the United States Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters in Nairobi on Monday that Machar replacement is "legal" under the provisions of the peace accord.

The top U.S diplomat's statement was echoed by State Department spokeswoman on Friday in Washington.

US State Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudea said that ''the [peace] agreement provides the top leadership of the armed opposition the power to nominate a new first vice president if that position is vacant.''

Machar supporters said the replacement is illegal and insist that Gai is an illegal First Vice President.

But Machar's silence, after exiting South Sudan to Democratic Republic of Congo and being hospitalized in Khartoum, Sudan last week, is fuelling speculations that he is not capable of making his comeback in politics.

Analysts say the diplomatic change of position is attempt to persuade Juba to allow United Nations Security Council-authorized 4,000 troops to be allowed deployment in Juba. The government has rejected the extra troops, claiming it's an attempt to effect regime change. But president Kiir has since softened his stance rejection to the force.


Categories: Africa

S. Sudan's Kiir says imposition of Machar will prolong conflict

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 28/08/2016 - 05:43

August 27, 2016 (JUBA)- South Sudan president Salva Kiir warned on Saturday that any attempt to impose a return to power his main political rival and the leader of armed opposition, Riek Machar, will prolong the war and increases the suffering of the people.

Riek Machar, left, first vice president of the Republic of South Sudan, and Salva Kiir, the president, at the first meeting of the new transitional coalition government in Juba, South Sudan, in April, 2016 (Jason Patinkin/AP)

Machar was replaced as the country's first vice president when he left the capital, Juba days after his forces clashed with those loyal to Kiir outside the presidential palace.

“What is that they want in South Sudan? If it is peace and end of sufferings, they should wait and see whether comrade Taban and I will do. We know our people are suffering and for this comrade Taban and his group have agreed in principle with me to cooperate to implement this agreement”, he said.

The South Sudanese leader made these remarks after receiving a security briefing from is advisor on security affairs, Tut Kew Gatluak and the security team comprising of the director general for external bureau at the national security service, Thomas Duoth.

Kiir, according to a close aide, opposed diplomatic engagements pushing him to reinstate Machar as first vice president and indicate readiness to work with the latter.

“If they are for peace, they should work with us and the transitional government of national unity to implement this agreement. We do not want more time to be wasted again. If it is because of war is reason they want to send more troops, let them give us and see what we will do and let them talk to Riek to denounce violence and wait elections," stressed the South Sudanese leader.

When time comes for election, nobody will stop him to contest for whichever position he wants but he should not continue to agitate for war to prolong suffering because he is not part of this government”, he added.


Categories: Africa

Panama Papers Schäuble ließ Informanten abblitzen - Sun, 28/08/2016 - 00:01
Erinnert an die Betrugs und Bestechungs Geschäfte des Ludgar Vollmer mit der damals Privatisierten Bundesdruckerei überall in der Welt. Huldigung des vollkommen korrupten und kriminellen Vorgängers, Josef Ackermann der die Deutsche Bank in eine Betrugs Bank verwandelte. Die einzige Energie ist von Wolfgang Schäuble: möglichst viel Geld für möglichst viele Betrugs Geschäfte im Sinne der Banken Mafia zuversencken. Ackermanns Marionette: Wolfgang Schäuble macht, was die Deutsche Bank vorschlägt Panama Papers Schäuble ließ Informanten abblitzen Mehrmals wandte sich ein Whistleblower nach SPIEGEL-Informationen an den Bundesfinanzminister. Der Insider wollte über dubiose Geschäfte der Bundesdruckerei auspacken – wurde aber abgewiesen. mehr… Bundesfinanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble und sein Staatssekretär Werner Gatzer haben nach SPIEGEL-Informationen jahrelang […]
Categories: Balkan News

Pacsér: Sikeres volt a sertéskiállítás

VajdaságMA (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Sat, 27/08/2016 - 22:52
Sertéstenyésztők és érdeklődők gyűltek össze ma Pacséron a lóversenypálya melletti területen, ahol a helybeli Mezőgazdasági Termelők Egyesülete és Micracoop Kft szervezésében 9.

Gabon: les partisans de Ping ont "peur de se faire voler leur victoire"

Slateafrique - Sat, 27/08/2016 - 22:15

"Qu'ils essayent de tricher et ils vont

read more

Categories: Afrique

Au Touquet, Nicolas Sarkozy appelle à « l’unité »… en attaquant ses rivaux

Le Monde / Politique - Sat, 27/08/2016 - 22:08
Jurant « ne pas être revenu pour régler des comptes avec qui que ce soit », l’ancien président a pourtant copieusement attaqué ses concurrents pour la primaire.
Categories: France

Helló Világ!

Vajdasághírek / Szerbia - Sat, 27/08/2016 - 21:52

Üdvözlet! Ez az első saját WordPress-bejegyzés. Módosítható, vagy törölhető, aztán megkezdhető a honlap tartalommal történő feltöltése!

Feuer: in Montengro, Shengin den Nord Albanischen Gebieten - Sat, 27/08/2016 - 21:46
Panikë tek pushuesit si pasojë e zjarrit në malin mbi Ulqin Insajderi Artikuj të tjerë nga autori 18:42 – 27 Gusht, 2016 Mali mbi qytetin bregdetar të Ulqinit është përfshirë nga flakë të mëdha. Zjarri sipas medieve lokale ka shkaktuar panik të madh te pushuesit dhe banorët, transmeton Zjarri, sipas banorëve është afër shtëpive dhe pyllit të pishave që paraqet rrezik të djegies së shpejt. Aty ka edhe shtëpi, të cilat janë evakuuar, ndërsa është shpërndarë apeli për ndihmë. Mirdite Shengin Shengin Die Albaner regen sich über den Staat auf, nur weil ein Idiot eine Zigarette in den Heuhaufen geworfen hatte
Categories: Balkan News

Au Touquet, Nicolas Sarkozy se pose en rassembleur

Le Figaro / Politique - Sat, 27/08/2016 - 21:31
VIDÉO - L'ancien président était en campagne au Touquet samedi. Il entend «préserver l'unité de la famille». «Il n'y aura pas de victoire sinon», prévient-il.
Categories: France

Séisme en Italie: l’aide s’organise pour porter secours aux sinistrés

RFI (Europe) - Sat, 27/08/2016 - 21:26
L'Italie a rendu hommage ce samedi 27 août 2016 aux 290 personnes mortes lors du séisme qui a touché le centre du pays mercredi. Dans la ville d'Ascoli Piceno, le président de la République Sergio Mattarella et le chef du gouvernement Matteo Renzi se sont joints aux habitants pour les funérailles d'une partie des victimes. Une journée de deuil national a été décrétée aujourd'hui. Il faut également gérer les personnes privées de toit. Elles ont près de 2 500 selon la protection civile. Des camps de tentes ont été installés pour abriter les personnes.
Categories: Union européenne

Politik Studenten: Matheus Meinlschmidt und Markus Jaggo steigen ins Schleuser Geschäft ein - Sat, 27/08/2016 - 21:08
Frauen gibt als Eintritts Geschenck, damit die Politik Spinner im Anfang ihres Hirnlosen Daseins, wenigsten etwas Freude haben. Gearbeitet haben die beiden Gestalten mit 24 Jahren noch nie, denn sonst würde man nicht Politik studieren, wo man Nichts lernen. Aber was soll dieser weitere Politik Murks, mit einer Bürgerinitiative zutun haben, leuchtet nicht ein. „Let’s fly to Europe“Bürgerinitiative will Flugtickets an Flüchtlinge bringen Wenn sich Flüchtlinge in kleinen Schlauchbooten auf den Weg nach Europa machen, riskieren sie damit ihr Leben. Oft haben sie aber keine andere Wahl. Die neue internationale Bürgerinitiative „Let’s fly to Europe“ will erreichen, dass Flüchtlinge zukünftig einfacher an Flugtickets kommen, um legal und ohne Risiko in […]
Categories: Balkan News

Hirnlos CIA Kaspar: Daniel Fried, versucht den Albanischen Terrorismus zuerklären - Sat, 27/08/2016 - 20:40
Dumm umgibt sich mit Dumm und bei Daniel Fried, sind die Befehls Empfänger und gekauften Politker wie Frank Walter Steinmeier nicht weit. Steinmeier im Auftrage des CIA unterwegs und schweigt, wenn seine Telefon Nummern und Kontakte überwacht werden, denn das Niveau einer Müll Halde und Sprachrohr auch der Banken Mafia schweigt. Das Niveau einer peinlichen Ratte des Nichts mit seiner Scheckbuch Politik für kriminelle Politiker. Mentor des Volks Verräters Frank Walter Steinmeier, neben dem CIA Gangster und Betrüger: Frank Wisner Daniel Fried: Ekstremizmi dhe islami radikal nuk janë pjesë e kulturës shqiptare Për zgjidhjen e problemit të radikalizimit fetar, Kosova dhe vendet e Ballkanit duhet të ndihmohen në rrugën e […]
Categories: Balkan News

Tokyo s’engage à verser 30 milliards de dollars en Afrique

France24 / Afrique - Sat, 27/08/2016 - 20:26
Le Premier ministre japonais, Shinzo Abe, a promis samedi à des dirigeants africains réunis lors d'un sommet Japon-Afrique à Nairobi, d'investir 30 milliards de dollars, dont un tiers pour les infrastructures, au cours des trois prochaines années.
Categories: Afrique

Par petites touches, Alain Juppé répond à Nicolas Sarkozy

Le Monde / Politique - Sat, 27/08/2016 - 19:13
Lors de sa rentrée politique à Chatou (Yvelines), le candidat à la primaire s’est démarqué de son principal rival. Il n’a pas l’intention de se laisser entraîner sur le terrain identitaire et clivant de l’ancien chef de l’Etat.
Categories: France

Paris salue l'implication d'Ankara en Syrie mais lance une mise en garde

RFI (Europe) - Sat, 27/08/2016 - 19:00
Trois jours après l’entrée en Syrie des premiers chars turcs depuis le début de guerre il y a cinq ans, la France a salué l’implication de la Turquie. Dans une interview accordée au quotidien Le Monde, daté de dimanche 28 août, le chef de la diplomatie française, Jean-Marc Ayrault, lance toutefois une mise en garde à Ankara.
Categories: Union européenne
