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Le Débat BBC Afrique avec Gérard Adja

BBC Afrique - ven, 01/12/2023 - 20:14
Le Débat BBC Afrique avec Gérard Adja
Catégories: Afrique

Le Débat BBC Afrique avec Gérard Adja

BBC Afrique - ven, 01/12/2023 - 20:14
Le Débat BBC Afrique avec Gérard Adja
Catégories: Afrique

L'Afrique Réelle N° 168 - Décembre 2023

L'Afrique réelle (Blog de Bernard Lugan) - ven, 01/12/2023 - 18:51

Aux sources du « Mal algérien »
Dossier : Réflexions sur la question sahélienne
- Les Touareg vont-ils disparaître ?
- Mali : la cécité des décideurs français
- Ne pas oublier le « jihad business »
Heia Safari : la Première guerre mondiale en Afrique orientale

Editorial de Bernard Lugan

La question du Sahel s’observe à travers la fragilité de ses Etats, l’action du jihadisme et l’omniprésence de la criminalité. Faute d’avoir inscrit ce constat d’aujourd’hui dans la longue histoire régionale, les décideurs politiques  occidentaux ont additionné les erreurs d’analyse.
Les clés de compréhension de la problématique sahélienne peuvent être  articulées autour de dix grandes questions :
1) Espace de contact et de transition, mais également rift racial entre l'Afrique « blanche » et l'Afrique « noire », le Sahel met en relation la civilisation méridionale des greniers ou Bilad el-Sudan (pays des Noirs), et celle du nomadisme septentrional, le Bilad el-Beidan (le pays des Blancs). 
2) Milieu naturellement ouvert, le Sahel est aujourd’hui cloisonné par des frontières artificielles, véritables pièges à peuples, dont le tracé ne tient pas compte des grandes zones de transhumance autour desquelles s’est écrite  son  histoire.
3) Les immensités sahéliennes sont le domaine du temps long dans lesquelles l’affirmation d’une constante islamique radicale est d’abord l’alibi de l’expansionnisme de certains peuples (Berbères almoravides au XIe siècle, Peul aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles). 
4) A partir du Xe siècle, et durant plus d’un demi-millénaire, du fleuve Sénégal au lac Tchad, se succédèrent royaumes et empires (Ghana, Mali et Songhay), qui contrôlaient les voies méridionales d’un commerce transsaharien. Sur ces grands axes s’articulent les trafics d’aujourd’hui.
5) A partir du XVIIe siècle, les populations sédentaires furent  prises dans la  tenaille prédatrice des Touareg au nord et des Peul au sud.
6) A la fin du XIXe siècle, la conquête coloniale bloqua l’expansion de ces entités nomades et offrit la paix aux sédentaires. 
7) La colonisation libéra certes les sudistes de la prédation nordiste, mais, en même temps, elle rassembla razzieurs et razziés dans les limites administratives de l'AOF (Afrique occidentale française). 
8) Avec les indépendances, les délimitations administratives internes à l’AOF devinrent des frontières d'Etats à l'intérieur desquelles, comme ils sont les plus nombreux, les sudistes l’emportent sur les nordistes selon les lois de l’ethno-mathématique électorale.
9) La conséquence de cette situation fut qu’au Mali, au Niger et au Tchad, dès la décennie 1960, les Touareg et les Toubou qui refusaient d’être soumis à leurs anciens tributaires sudistes se soulevèrent. 
10) Dans tout le Sahel, prospérèrent ensuite les trafiquants. Puis, à partir des années 2000, les islamo-jihadistes s’immiscèrent avec opportunisme dans le jeu politique local, y provoquant la surinfection de la plaie ethno-raciale ouverte depuis la nuit des temps. Cette dernière est d’autant plus difficile à refermer que la région est une terre à prendre en raison de ses matières premières et de son rôle de plaque tournante de nombreux trafics. Avec, en arrière-plan, la suicidaire explosion démographique.
Catégories: Afrique

EDA Innovation Prize 2023

EDA News - ven, 01/12/2023 - 13:37

Since 2018, the European Defence Agency (EDA) Defence Innovation Prize has been rewarding companies and research entities that come up with technologies, products, processes or services applicable to the defence domain. The prize promotes defence innovation in Europe and provides civilian industries, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), research organisations and universities with an opportunity to showcase their know-how.

This year, the prize focused on two categories: 

• Technologies for situational awareness Innovative solutions and technologies for immersive training, battlefield situational awareness and other defence applications.

• Technologies for communication and information systems Innovative solutions and technologies for implementing Zero Trust Architecture in tactical defence communication and information systems.

The award for Technologies for situational awareness goes to the Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre, and its concept ‘Tactical Environment Model for Battlefield  Awareness (TEMBA)’.  The award for Technologies for communication and information systems goes to Cyber Noesis, and its concept paper for ‘AI-assisted dynamic risk management for context-aware access control in Zero Trust Architecture.

For a full article see: European Defence Matters Issue 26

The prize winners are given access to EDA’s network of experts, having the opportunity to form valuable partnerships to leverage some of the EDA and EU funding opportunities.

Proposals judged to be at a high level by the evaluation committee, including the winners, will be presented to EDA’s Capability Technology groups, known as CapTechs, in a dedicated workshop to explore ways to apply them within the CapTechs’ areas of responsibility.



Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Communiqué de presse - Prix Sakharov 2023 : entretiens avec les lauréates et les finalistes

La cérémonie de remise du prix Sakharov pour la liberté de l'esprit, décerné cette année à Jina Mahsa Amini et au mouvement Femme, Vie, Liberté en Iran, aura lieu le 12 décembre à 11h30.
Commission des affaires étrangères
Commission du développement
Sous-commission "Droits de l'homme"

Source : © Union européenne, 2023 - PE
Catégories: Union européenne

Prioritizing Africa’s Needs: How to Strengthen Africa-German Cooperation on Migration

SWP - ven, 01/12/2023 - 11:36


There is growing interest from the German government to strengthen its relations with African partners. As the government revises its Africa policy, German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, visited Ghana & Nigeria in November 2023 to discuss cooperation opportunities in the areas of energy, digitalization and agriculture. One very important area of Africa-German relations is migration. Official statistics dating to December 2022 show that about 611,000 foreign-born Africans currently reside in Germany. Looking at Africa-EU relations on migration historically, curbing irregular migration is high on the agenda. This is evident through funded projects on strengthening border controls and on return and reintegration. However, from the African side, especially among West African countries, research shows that curbing outflows of people and return and reintegration are not political priorities. These are sensitive topics for national governments because it is politically unfavourable among their citizens.

Aligning interests on migration and development

High on the agenda for African states is the development side of migration. In particular, countries like Senegal show great interest in diaspora engagement. African countries are interested in harnessing development opportunities that come with migration through remittances and diaspora investment in the countries of origin. Studies show that remittances contribute positively to economic growth in the African context when the financial environment is healthy (Olayungbo and Quadri, 2019; Nyamongo et al., 2012).

The new Africa-German policy needs to take this into account. It could be particularly relevant in the context of Germany’s interest in increasing labour migration of skilled workers. This is due to a shortage of skilled workers in parts of Germany, e.g. in the fields of STEM (Science, Technology, Mathematics). However, there are barriers associated with attracting these workers to Germany, especially from African countries.  Long visa processing times and bureaucratic hurdles are barriers that may deter potential workers from Germany as a labour migration destination. In Nigeria for example, current processing times for long-term visas can take up to a year.

Cooperation on Climate change and human mobility

A second area to be accounted for in a new Africa policy is a strong emphasis on climate change and human mobility. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) sixth assessment report clearly highlights that the adverse impacts of climate change increasingly influence human mobility in Africa. Impacts on food security, livelihoods, well-being or habitation drive people to leave their homes or to be trapped in high-risk areas for those who lack the resources to move. Climate change also contributes to conflict situations and displacement in places like the Lake Chad region and the Horn of Africa where we see competition for scarce resources increase.

This area is a shared priority and needs to be addresses in the new Africa Policy Guidelines. The German Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Development (BMZ)’s 2030 strategy highlights climate and energy as one of five core areas of collaboration with partners. Furthermore, the BMZ has identified migration – understood as an adaptation strategy - as possible area of cooperation e.g. through financed projects that support labor migration to fill labor gaps in Germany, while also providing development benefits to countries of origin.

In the African context, the climate-human mobility nexus is a key issue that is reflected in several national migration and climate policies, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), climate communications and even regional initiatives. For example, Ghana’s National Migration Policy strongly emphasizes the impact of climate change on human mobility in the country. In 2022, Ministers of Environment, Interior and Foreign Affairs of countries in the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the East African Community (EAC), and States of the East and Horn of Africa also launched the Kampala Ministerial Declaration on Migration, Environment and Climate Change. These types of initiatives enable stakeholders to identify priorities and foster cooperation on the nexus of climate change and human mobility.

Funds for climate adaptation and loss and damage in the context of human mobility

In the area of migration, new Africa Policy Guidelines must reflect climate-induced human mobility as key areas of cooperation. The agreement to establish a loss and damage funding arrangement at COP 27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, is an opportunity for Germany to contribute towards supporting affected communities in Africa dealing with displacement. Germany can also support efforts to build resilience of communities against climate risks to mitigate displacement. In this, adaptation is paramount and should be scaled up. Furthermore, migration and/or climate policies need to reflect these issues that did not get the proper attention so far. For example, in West African cities like Accra and Dakar, urban climate plans do not sufficiently address the climate and human mobility nexus even though these cities are top destinations for migrants internally and from outside the respective countries.

In conclusion, it is important for Germany’s Africa policy to strengthen two key areas: the migration and development nexus and the climate-human mobility nexus. On one hand, the policy should reflect the integration of climate change concerns within cooperation efforts on migration, accounting for human mobility within countries, regional movements and international migration to Germany. On the other hand, in terms of international migration, there is an opportunity for cooperation on skilled labour migration from Africa. This will potentially yield co-benefits to Germany and Africa by filling labour gaps in Germany but also increasing remittances for African states to contribute to development and resilience building in countries of origin.

Responsibility for the content, opinions expressed and sources used in the articles and interviews lies with the respective authors.

Susan S. Ekoh is a researcher with the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) in Bonn, Germany. Her research covers the topics of climate (im)mobility in African cities, climate adaptation and resilience in Africa.

China/Europe/United States : Disruptive weather ahead, part 3: the private sector takes position

Intelligence Online - ven, 01/12/2023 - 06:00
Faced with the growing rivalry between Beijing and Washington over global weather capabilities, private players are positioning themselves across the
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Ukraine : Homemade drones deployed on front line in Ukraine

Intelligence Online - ven, 01/12/2023 - 06:00
In a strike against its Chinese drone supplier DJI's secretly sending anti-drone systems to Russia (IO, 13/11/23), individuals and associations
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

United States : Two blocks away from the White House, the Metropolitan Club attracts Washington's political elite and intelligence operatives

Intelligence Online - ven, 01/12/2023 - 06:00
Washington has a number of members-only organisations that cater to the rich and powerful, such as the University Club and the Cosmos
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

France : DGSE gets its marching orders on gender equality

Intelligence Online - ven, 01/12/2023 - 06:00
A decree published on 15 November, which makes changes to French civil service legislation applicable to the DGSE, provides for
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Ukraine : Vasyl Malyuk, Ukraine's mole-catcher in chief

Intelligence Online - ven, 01/12/2023 - 06:00
The spymaster at the head of Ukraine's domestic intelligence service (SBU), Vasyl Malyuk, 40, increasingly likes to talk about operations
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Russia/Thailand : Wagner-linked companies continue operating in Thailand

Intelligence Online - ven, 01/12/2023 - 06:00
Faced with suffocating sanctions on its network of companies, Russia's Wagner mercenary group has been using several little-known Thai entities
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

France/Indonesia : Republikorp keen to house Subianto fighter jet fleet in air warfare centre

Intelligence Online - ven, 01/12/2023 - 06:00
Defence minister and presidential candidate for the 14 February elections, Prabowo Subianto, is, according to our information, keen to develop a
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Rethinking Civil-Military Relations in Turkey

SWP - ven, 01/12/2023 - 01:00

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony in June after being sworn in for the third time as the president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan promised the nation that his policies in the coming five years would “crown the second century of the republic with the Century of Türkiye”. Turkey has undergone a massive transformation in the last two decades since the Justice and Development Party (AKP) rose to power in 2002. Undoubtedly, the reconfiguration of civil-military relations has been one of the most critical markers of such change. The Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) has, under AKP rule, become an executor of foreign policy in an empowered security ecosystem consisting of the Ministry of Interior (MoI), the National Intelligence Organization (MİT), and the defence industry. These shifts in the security environment as such have been shaped by the dynamics of regime change in Turkey and post-Cold War security imperatives.

Libérons l'information : états généraux de la presse indépendante

Courrier des Balkans - jeu, 30/11/2023 - 23:59

Plus de 60 médias et onze organisations de journalistes se réunissent pour défendre une presse indépendante, libre et de qualité. Le Courrier des Balkans en fait partie. Rendez-vous le 30 novembre à l'Espace Reuilly, à Paris.

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Catégories: Balkans Occidentaux

Exposition : Paraschiv 70/45

Courrier des Balkans - jeu, 30/11/2023 - 23:59

L'exposition de Christian Paraschiv est l'occasion d'un double anniversaire : le célèbre artiste roumain fête ses 70 ans, dont 45 ans d'activité artistique.
Christian Paraschiv, né à Bucarest le 24 décembre 1953, s'est fait connaître dans les années 1980 comme la voix de la génération qui a radicalement transformé l'art expérimental roumain en suivant l'esthétique du postmodernisme international. Il a quitté la Roumanie en 1986 et s'est installé à Paris, où il est représenté par la (...)

- Agenda /
Catégories: Balkans Occidentaux
