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EU's lost influence in Sahel is 'a disaster', experts tell MEPs

Euobserver.com - mer, 24/01/2024 - 17:30
The EU must accept the 'new realities' of military regimes in the Sahel region or risk losing what remains of its influence to Russia and China, experts have warned EU lawmakers.
Catégories: European Union

Elections to be held in Azerbaijan following successful military operation

Foreign Policy Blogs - mer, 24/01/2024 - 17:24

It was recently announced in Azerbaijan that elections will be held in the country early, following the Azerbaijani military’s victorious campaign against the successionist regime in Khenkendi, which permitted Azerbaijan to reclaim all of the Karabakh region that was illegally occupied by Armenia in violation of four UN Security Council resolutions over the course of thirty years.    Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev wishes to capitalize on his great success on the battlefield in order to reinforce his government at home.   Presently, the support for the Aliyev government is at an all-time high among local Azerbaijanis, who are hoping that the recent Azerbaijani victory over the secessionist regime will lead to one million Azerbaijani displaced people being able to return to their homes.

During the First Karabakh War, the Armenians had ethnically cleansed Karabakh and the seven Azerbaijani districts of Azerbaijani, leading to the loss of one fifth of Azerbaijan.    They destroyed all of the homes and nature in the area, replacing them with landmines designed to keep Azerbaijanis out.   The destruction was so vast that former Israeli Communication Minister Ayoob Kara claimed that it was worse than anything he witnessed in Southern Lebanon.   But now, after the Azerbaijani military victory, it is a different reality and Karabakh is slowly getting rebuilt thanks to the strong leadership of President Ilham Aliyev and all Azerbaijanis are grateful for that.   

In a recent New Year address, President Ilham Aliyev stated: “The year 2023 is coming to an end. A number of significant events took place in the life of our country in 2023. Of all these events, however, the restoration of our state sovereignty will forever remain in the memory of the Azerbaijani people. Following a one-day anti-terrorist operation carried out in 2023, Azerbaijan fully restored its state sovereignty, the occupying forces were expelled from the territory of Azerbaijan, the enemy army was crushed, and its military hardware was either destroyed or taken over as trophy. I would like to once again sincerely congratulate all the people of Azerbaijan on the occasion of this historic event.”

He added: “We wanted to resolve the issue peacefully for three years. We believed that the Armenian leadership would properly analyze the results of the Second Karabakh War and draw the right conclusions. Unfortunately, this did not happen. For three years, not only did Armenia fail to fulfill its obligations, but it actually staged new military provocations against us and carried them out. The 15,000-strong Armenian army illegally stationed on our lands was not withdrawn from Karabakh. On the contrary, new weapons, ammunition, military equipment and mines were delivered into Karabakh, and mine terror against us continued.”

The Azerbaijani President noted that his country could not put up with this situation: “We repeatedly warned the leadership of Armenia and the western countries behind it that this situation could not continue like that. Either the separatist regime is dissolved, and the Armenian army is withdrawn from our territory, or we would restore our state sovereignty by force. Regrettably, our words fell on deaf ears. The anti-terrorist operation, which started on September 19 and lasted only one day, even less than that, ended with complete victory of the Azerbaijan army. The separatist regime collapsed, fell to its knees before us, waved the white flag, surrendered, was forever expelled from our lands, and thrown into the trashcan of history. With this, the very roots of separatism in Azerbaijan were eradicated, and separatism – that scourge will never raise its head in our lands again.”

And it is in the wake of this era that Azerbaijan seeks to hold elections.  Mazahir Afandiyev, Member of the Milli Majlis, recently wrote: “In this moment of transformation and the creation of modern political architecture, the Republic of Azerbaijan, as the locomotive of the South Caucasus and new center of power, is embarking on a new path, and, of course, new approaches should be used. From this point of view, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on holding early presidential elections fully reflects current reality while also demonstrating to the world how the Azerbaijani people are mobilized around their President, statehood traditions, and ideology.”

Slovakia’s Fico softens harsh tone in U-turn on Ukraine

Euractiv.com - mer, 24/01/2024 - 17:18
According to Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, his Slovak counterpart Robert Fico assured him that Bratislava will continue to support Ukraine's accession to the EU and will not block €50 billion in EU financial aid, despite Fico's previous harsh rhetoric towards Kyiv.
Catégories: European Union

How a Start-Up Utopia Became a Nightmare for Honduras

Foreign Policy - mer, 24/01/2024 - 17:13
U.S. investors are suing Honduras over special economic zones, and the dispute could bankrupt the country.

EU-Wahl: Europäische Linke setzt auf relativ unbekannten Spitzenkandidaten

Euractiv.de - mer, 24/01/2024 - 17:13
Die Europäische Linke dürfte einen weithin unbekannten österreichischen Kommunisten zu ihrem Spitzenkandidaten für die EU-Wahlen machen. Damit spiegelt sich auch der allgemeine Mangel an Begeisterung für das umstrittene Spitzenkandidaten-System wider.
Catégories: Europäische Union

EU Parliament gives first green light to new rules for gene-edited plants

Euractiv.com - mer, 24/01/2024 - 17:08
The European Parliament’s Environment Committee (ENVI) approved on Wednesday (24 January) new rules for new genomic techniques (NGTs). The plenary will vote in two weeks, but doubts remain on whether a law can be approved before the elections. 
Catégories: European Union

EU Commission’s last-minute attempt to keep private companies in world’s first AI treaty

Euractiv.com - mer, 24/01/2024 - 17:02
Despite pressure from some EU countries, the European Commission is still trying to prevent private companies from being excluded by default from the first international treaty on Artificial Intelligence.
Catégories: European Union

Most cars on EU roads emit same carbon levels as 12 years ago: report

Euractiv.com - mer, 24/01/2024 - 17:01
EU regulation failed to meaningfully reduce the level of carbon emissions from combustion engine vehicles over the last 12 years, making the uptake of zero-emission vehicles imperative to the bloc’s climate goals, a new audit has found.
Catégories: European Union

How Russia’s ‘shadow war’ could impact Moldova’s pro-EU polls

Euractiv.com - mer, 24/01/2024 - 17:00
Russia’s “hybrid warfare” against Moldova is expected to increase in intensity through 2024, focusing on Moldova’s planned constitutional referendum on joining the EU expected to happen in November.
Catégories: European Union

Germany to miss 2024 heat pump target by half

Euractiv.com - mer, 24/01/2024 - 16:46
Despite record sales in 2023, Germany’s political target of 500,000 heat pumps for 2024 looks out of reach amid a drastic drop in natural gas prices and a drawn-out political fight over heat pump mandates.
Catégories: European Union

EU-Chefdiplomat: Wahljahr 2024 könnte von russischer Desinformation dominiert werden

Euractiv.de - mer, 24/01/2024 - 16:38
Wahlen weltweit seien in diesem Jahr das "Hauptziel" für Länder wie Russland, die Desinformationen verbreiten und die Demokratie untergraben wollen, warnte der EU-Chefdiplomat Josep Borrell am Dienstag (23. Januar).
Catégories: Europäische Union

EU presents economic security plan, amid China rivalry

Euobserver.com - mer, 24/01/2024 - 16:26
The European Commission tabled a proposal to strengthen so-called 'economic security' in the bloc. These are the most important elements.
Catégories: European Union

Baltic states want to sanction Russian food imports into the EU

Euractiv.com - mer, 24/01/2024 - 16:20
The European Union and its member states must take "concrete and immediate" action to put sanctions on Russian food imports, Latvia's Agriculture Minister Armands Krauze stressed at the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council on Tuesday (23 January).
Catégories: European Union

The Brief – Farmers and politics: Time for choices

Euractiv.com - mer, 24/01/2024 - 16:20
Farmers taking to the streets are making headlines all over Europe, and this is not their first season of discontent.
Catégories: European Union

Why an End to the War in Gaza Is Still Far Off

Foreign Policy - mer, 24/01/2024 - 16:14
A major U.S. diplomatic push is unlikely this year.

Franco-German energy paper was worked on by Paris before reshuffle

Euractiv.com - mer, 24/01/2024 - 16:13
Before the ministry was disbanded in the latest government reshuffle, former energy minister Agnès Pannier-Runacher was preparing a joint paper to be co-signed by her German counterpart as a show of conciliation ahead of the EU elections - though whether the paper will now ever see the light is unclear.
Catégories: European Union

Neue Unruhe am Horn von Afrika

SWP - mer, 24/01/2024 - 16:10
Somaliland bietet Äthiopien Hafen gegen Anerkennung

Closing the Loop on PPWR: Member States and MEPs’ alignment could secure complementary solutions and an EU level-playing field. [Promoted content]

Euractiv.com - mer, 24/01/2024 - 16:00
After a year-long discussions, the EU Parliament and the Council of the EU reached their negotiating positions on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation. SBFE shares its take on the likely outcome of reuse and refill obligations, as well as suggestions for enhancing recyclability.
Catégories: European Union

European Left to pick no-name lead candidate amidst lack of appetite for role

Euractiv.com - mer, 24/01/2024 - 15:56
Lack of enthusiasm among national members of the European Left is driving the party to pick a widely unknown politician for its lead candidate in EU elections, echoing a general lack of appetite for the contested Spitzenkandidaten system.
Catégories: European Union

La Côte d'Ivoire limoge son entraîneur Jean-Louis Gasset

BBC Afrique - mer, 24/01/2024 - 15:55
Jean-Louis Gasset a été limogé de son poste d'entraîneur de la Côte d'Ivoire, hôte de la Coupe d'Afrique des Nations 2023, deux jours après sa défaite 4-0 contre la Guinée équatoriale.
Catégories: Afrique
