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Council lTV - Thu, 21/05/2015 - 17:00

The EU and Israel committed themselves to establishing a partnership which provides for close political and mutually beneficial trade and investment relations together with economic, social, financial, civil scientific, technological and cultural cooperation.

Download this video here.

Categories: European Union

Commission statement on the adoption of the Digital Single Market

EU-Logos Blog - Thu, 21/05/2015 - 17:00

Commission’s Vice President in charge of Digital Single Market Mr. Ansip, presented, Tuesday May 19th, the Single Digital Market Strategy to the members of the European Parliament during the plenary session hold in Strasbourg. The long awaited strategy, unveiled Wednesday May 6th, was positively welcomed by the MEP, who agreed on the urgent necessity to implement a real Single Digital Market in order to lead the EU back to a dominant market position in the digital age.

 In his speech to the deputies, Ansip reviewed and discussed the essential points of the strategy, which is based around three interlinked policy pillars and encompasses 16 central measures to be implemented by the end of the year 2016.

 Opening statements by Andrus Ansip:

 “The Single Digital Market Strategy is the fruit of six months of constructive work within the European Commission and with all of the members of the EP. During this time I had many contacts with different EP Committees expressing their support for building a Single Digital Market. We all recognize the importance and benefits that it will bring, for both people and businesses in creating economic growth and employment. Our strategy has a clear timetable with 16 ambitious initiatives based around 3 interlinked policy pillars:

 Better access for consumers and businesses to digital goods and services across Europe;

  • High quality infrastructure that works smoothly across Europe;
  • Create the right and fair conditions in the underlying environment preparing for the future to maximize to growth potential of the digital economy.

  I will highlight few initiatives under each pillar:

 An urgent first task is to secure and warrant free movement of goods and services in a unified digital space and to improve online access generally. The Digital Single Market aims to boost cross-boarder e-commerce by encouraging SMEs to sell across boarders. One of our first initiatives will be to bring rules for online purchases more into line across the European Union. People could save 11.7 billion € per year if they could choose from a full range of EU good and services when they shop online. We want to improve people’s access to cultural content online while opening new opportunities for creators and the content industry. This will also promote cultural diversity. We will present legislative proposals before the end of 2015 to reduce the differences btw national copyright regimes and allow worldwider online access to works across the European Union.

 Under its second pillar the strategy will look to improve conditions for digital networks and services to underbin the digital single market. The Commission will propose an ambitious reform of EU-telecoms rules. This will include more effective spectrum coordination, it will also tackle regulatory differences around Eu national markets and create better incentives for investments in high-speed broadband.

 The Commission will also conduct a comprehensive analysis of the role of online platforms, it will focus on transparency liability and equal conditions for competition. Lastly we will build a solid foundation for long-term growth. Europe needs to take full advantage of the digital economy, where data is becoming more and more important and where the people have the skills to fill new jobs. They must also have trust and confidence when they go online. Common standards and interoperability are essentials to make the best of fast growing sectors such as cloud computing and the Internet of things. We also need them in the context of promoting e-government services around Europe and a more inclusive e-society. Together this initiatives form a realistic roadmap for us to work together over the next four and a half years. They will prepare Europe for a bright digital future, they will help people and companies to get the best from the online world. I want Europeans to have better protection when buying online, lower cost for deliveries, more choice and better access to content goods and services from other Eu countries. With the Digital Single Market strategy the European Commission looks at the opportunities that our citizens could enjoy to help us create a vibrant creative Digital Economy and society in Europe.

 For businesses the Commission will focus on bringing opportunities to create new innovative products for a Single Market of 500 million people not 28 splinted different national markets. European companies and industries must be at the forefront of the Digital Revolution, using the Digital Single Market to scale up not to move out. We need equal conditions for all to compete openly and fairly in this digital market. Every company, large or small, plays by the same rules: no discrimination, no favouritism.

 Finally I will not go into detail of each initiative we are planning, but I can tell you that these initiatives must be taken together as a coordinated and balanced package. If we only succeed in putting half of them into effect, we will not end up with a true Digital Single Market. “ 



 Patrick Zingerle

Pour en savoir plus:





Classé dans:Actualités, BREVES
Categories: Union européenne

Quelle stratégie de sécurité pour l’Europe ?

IRIS - Thu, 21/05/2015 - 16:46

Pierre Vimont est Senior Associate, Carnegie Europe, ancien ambassadeur de France auprès des États-Unis et ancien secrétaire général exécutif du SEAE. Il répond à nos questions à l’occasion de son intervention dans le cadre de la conférence-débat organisée par l’IRIS le 18 mai 2015 :

– Quels sont les défis sécuritaires auxquels l’Europe doit répondre aujourd’hui ?
– Les pays européens ont-ils les mêmes priorités et les mêmes attentes en termes de sécurité ?
– Selon vous, est-il possible de concilier les intérêts de tous au sein d’une stratégie commune ? Par quels moyens ?

Emploi atypique en Allemagne

Le Monde Diplomatique - Thu, 21/05/2015 - 16:44
/ Allemagne, Inégalités, Travail - Europe / , , - Europe

Richesse et pauvreté en Allemagne

Le Monde Diplomatique - Thu, 21/05/2015 - 16:44
/ Allemagne, Développement, Inégalités - Europe / , , - Europe

Wounded Warrior Project suing others over name, forcing them to change names

Foreign Policy - Thu, 21/05/2015 - 16:43
The outfit seems to think it has a copyright on the notion of helping wounded warriors.

The novels Winston Churchill read while winning his part of World War II

Foreign Policy - Thu, 21/05/2015 - 16:40
If people tell you they don’t have time to read for pleasure, here are some of the books Winston Churchill read while leading the West during World War II.

The most interesting close encounters between NATO and Russian planes since 2013 in one infographic

The Aviationist Blog - Thu, 21/05/2015 - 16:37
Mapped, all the most interesting close encounters between NATO and Russian warplanes all around the world since 2013.

Last week, all those readers who completed a quick survey on The Aviationist were given the possibility to download an exclusive ebook: “Cold War 2.0: All the most significant close encounters between NATO and Russian warplanes since 2013″

The ebook is a collection of posts we have published on this site between 2013 and 2015, and helps you understand how routine interceptions have become recurrent, tenser and more dangerous; the proof that we live in a new Cold War, or a “Cold War 2.0″, as we dubbed it.

Based on our ebook, Willum Morsch, Graphics editor at The Volkskrant prepared an interesting infographic that maps all the events we have reported about in our 70-page report.

Click below for a larger version of the infographic; by the way, you can still download the ebook after taking the survey here.

Image credit: de Volkskrant/The Aviationist


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Foreign Policy - Thu, 21/05/2015 - 16:34
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Chairperson Dačić discusses mediation efforts in the protracted conflicts in the South Caucasus with his Representatives, Minsk Group Co-Chairs

OSCE - Thu, 21/05/2015 - 16:27

BELGRADE, 21 May 2015 – The OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić, received in Belgrade today the Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group - Ambassadors Igor Popov of the Russian Federation, James Warlick of the United States of America and Pierre Andrieu of France, as well as the Representatives of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, his Personal Representative on the conflict dealt with by the OSCE Minsk Conference, Ambassador Andrzej Kasprzyk, and his Special Representative for the South Caucasus, Ambassador Angelo Gnädinger.

Dačić pledged the support of Serbia’s OSCE Chairmanship to his Representatives and the Co-Chairs of the Minsk Group, expressing his appreciation for their work.

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Klaus Johannis: Nincs bizonyíték arra, hogy befolyással való üzérkedés történt az erdészeti törvény kapcsán

Erdély FM (Románia/Erdély) - Thu, 21/05/2015 - 16:11

Klaus Johannis államfő ma azt mondta, választ kapott a Román Hírszerző Szolgálattól a múlt heti kérdésére, és a SRI szerint nincs arra utaló bizonyíték, hogy az államfőhöz közeli emberek közbenjártak volna a fakitermelő vállalatok érdekében az erdészeti törvény kapcsán. Múlt héten Victor Ponta kormányfő azzal vádolta a PNL-t, hogy egyes vezetői tárgyaltak a Schweighofer fafeldolgozó vállalat képviselőivel az erdőtörvény kapcsán, és ezt követően félreinformálták az államfőt. Klaus Johannis ma azt mondta, nem fogja beperelni a miniszterelnököt a rágalmakért.

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Jeune Afrique / Economie - Thu, 21/05/2015 - 16:10

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Union des marchés de capitaux : la place de Paris veut un projet « ambitieux » - Thu, 21/05/2015 - 16:08

Dans le cadre du Comité Place de Paris 2020, Fabrice Demarigny a remis à Michel Sapin un rapport sur le projet d’union des marchés de capitaux. La Commission européenne doit annoncer son plan d’action sur le sujet d’ici trois à quatre mois.

Categories: Union européenne

2 soirées à l’A38 – Terence Fixmer ce samedi, Bristol jeudi prochain

HU-LALA (Hongrie) - Thu, 21/05/2015 - 16:04

Bristol, le nouveau projet du fondateur de Nouvelle Vague, le français Marc Collin, donne son premier concert en Hongrie, jeudi 28 mai à la péniche A38.

Et pour ce premier concert à Budapest, ils se produiront sur la scène de l’A38, pour présenter leur premier album sorti en début d’année. Une scène que Marc Collin, et ses fans budapestois connaissent bien puisque Nouvelle Vague s’y est produit à plusieurs reprises.

Alors que la musique de Nouvelle Vague consiste à reprendre des morceaux des années 80 joués d’une façon bossa nova, Bristol, suivant le même schéma se propose de faire des reprises de morceaux trip-hop en version pop des années 60.

  • Jeudi 28 mai, 20h, Bristol (Fr), lamyank Live Band. (2500 huf en avance, 3000 huf sur place, 6000 huf concert + diner en avance)
  • Site de l’A38

Terence Fixmer, le boss de la techno française

Dans un autre genre, les amateurs de techno et de gros son pourront se rendre à l’A38 ce samedi (le 23 mai), pour y écouter le lillois Terence Fixmer. Chef de file de la techno française, Terence Fixmer produit une techno sombre et industrielle, proche de l’EBM. Pour l’after, les Hongrois Isu et Dork seront aux platines.

  • Samedi 23, 23h, Terence Fixmer (Fr) Live, Isu, Dork. (2500 huf en avance, 3000 huf sur place)

Categories: PECO

Océan Indien: entraînements interalliés au large des côtes seychelloises

Entre le 27 avril et le 4 mai 2015, le BCR Var, qui embarque l’état-major de la Combined Task Force (CTF) 150 engagée dans des missions de lutte contre le terrorisme, était en relâche opérationnelle à Victoria, aux Seychelles. Le bâtiment a ainsi mené plusieurs interactions avec les garde-côtes seychellois, ainsi qu’avec le HMAS Newcastle de la Marine australienne, également déployé au sein de la Task Force. Par ailleurs, cette visite a été l’occasion pour le capitaine de vaisseau Crignola, commandant la CTF 150, de rencontrer les autorités seychelloises dans le cadre du volet « engagement régional » de la coalition.
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