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Dr Thanos Dokos analyses relations between the EU and Turkey on News 247 website, 02/12/2015

ELIAMEP - Thu, 03/12/2015 - 10:49

You can read here the article on relations between the European Union and Turkey, which was written by Director General of ELIAMEP Dr Thanos Dokos. This commentary was published on the website News 247  on 2 December 2015.

Syrien-Einsatz: »Deutschland wird zur Gestaltungsmacht im Nahen Osten«

SWP - Thu, 03/12/2015 - 10:44
Der Militäreinsatz in Syrien bedeutet für die deutsche Politik eine Zäsur, sagt Sicherheitsexperte...

Dr Thanos Dokos analyses relations between the EU and Turkey on Carnegie Europe website

ELIAMEP - Thu, 03/12/2015 - 10:41

European leaders have made a series of high-level visits to Turkey’s imposing presidential palace and issued statements strongly emphasizing Turkey’s role and Europe’s own inability to manage the refugee crisis. Such moves, in combination with the victory of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Turkey’s November 1 parliamentary election, have succeeded in boosting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s self-perception of grandeur.

There is little doubt that Turkey has borne a substantial burden in the Syrian refugee crisis and should be supported financially, together with Lebanon and Jordan. But the agreement reached by the EU and Turkey at a summit on November 29 makes no specific reference to access to the labor market or to primary and secondary education, which would make staying in Turkey more attractive for Syrian refugees. Nor does the agreement mention the creation of hot spots on Turkish territory or a readmission process for economic migrants.

The result will be much less progress in dealing with the refugee crisis than hoped or expected. Only the end of the Syrian conflict with a political solution involving Russia and moderate elements of the current Syrian regime will relieve the refugee pressure on Europe.

Furthermore, neither side has any illusions about real progress on Turkey’s EU accession negotiations. In view of recent developments regarding the rule of law and human rights in Turkey, the best both sides should aim for is closer cooperation on foreign and security policy—and then only if there is a clearer convergence between the two sides’ objectives.

This article was published on Carnegie Europe website.

ELIAMEP launches new research programme LOMIGRAS

ELIAMEP - Thu, 03/12/2015 - 10:26

Local government authorities have a crucial role to play in pursuing immigrant integration and in managing multi-ethnic diversity. Their involvement in this policy area has rapidly grown in many European countries. In Greece, however, the extent and nature of local government interventions in this policy area have not been yet explored. This is a major gap both in academic research and policy-relevant knowledge concerning the prospects and conditions under which the integration of migrants in the Greek society can be better achieved. Towards filling this gap, the purpose of the project LOMIGRAS is twofold: (a) to investigate the local government’s involvement in the process of migrants’ integration and the extent to which it promotes, or conversely hinders their integration, and (b) to develop a usable interactive tool to monitor and assess the effects of local government in promoting migrant integration. The starting assumption of this research is that local government institutions have a profound role in promoting, or conversely hindering, immigrants’ integration, regardless of whether they explicitly assigned competences in this area.

You can find more information here.

France Culture – Laurence Daziano invitée à l’émission « Les Enjeux internationaux »

Fondapol / Général - Thu, 03/12/2015 - 10:17

Mercredi 2 décembre 2015, Laurence Daziano était l'invitée de Thierry Garcin dans l’émission « Les Enjeux internationaux » sur France Culture.

Cet article France Culture – Laurence Daziano invitée à l’émission « Les Enjeux internationaux » est apparu en premier sur Fondapol.


ELIAMEP - Thu, 03/12/2015 - 10:03

Local government authorities have a crucial role to play in pursuing immigrant integration and in managing multi-ethnic diversity. Their involvement in this policy area has rapidly grown in many European countries. In Greece, however, the extent and nature of local government interventions in this policy area have not been yet explored. This is a major gap both in academic research and policy-relevant knowledge concerning the prospects and conditions under which the integration of migrants in the Greek society can be better achieved. Towards filling this gap, the purpose of the project LOMIGRAS is twofold: (a) to investigate the local government’s involvement in the process of migrants’ integration and the extent to which it promotes, or conversely hinders their integration, and (b) to develop a usable interactive tool to monitor and assess the effects of local government in promoting migrant integration. The starting assumption of this research is that local government institutions have a profound role in promoting, or conversely hindering, immigrants’ integration, regardless of whether they explicitly assigned competences in this area.

Based on the knowledge generated from the first research phase, the proposed project will develop a methodology and associated monitoring tool to support effective local immigrant integration in the four largest cities of Greece. Despite the fact that the EU Common Basic Principles have recognized the importance of monitoring and assessment mechanisms, a comprehensive methodology and monitoring tool for effective migrant integration at the local level has yet to be developed. The LOMIGRAS project shall for the first time establish such a tool. Specifically, the project will (a) develop a set of criteria and indicators to measure migrant integration at the local level, and (b) design a technological tool that allows stakeholders, such as local government authorities, other public agencies, and non-government organizations to apply and use this methodology in order to assess migrant integration outcomes. Overall, the project shall make an important contribution to academic research and policy-relevant knowledge both in Greece as well as other EU countries.

In sum, the project LOMIGRAS has the following objectives:

(1)               To explore the extent to which local government policies and measures mainstream integration principles, and assess their effectiveness in promoting the integration of migrant groups in Greece’s four largest cities: Athens, Thessaloniki, Herakleio and Patras.

(2)               To develop a methodology on the basis of which to monitor and assess the integration of immigrants in five policy areas in which local government in involved and/or has competences: employment, social inclusion, education, combatting discrimination, and civic participation.

(3)               To create a technological interactive tool that embeds this methodology and criteria for monitoring and assessing local migrant integration.

(4)               To present and disseminate the integration monitoring tool to local government authorities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and other stakeholders, thereby raising awareness for the need to explicitly introduce integration objectives in the horizontal formulation and implementation of general local government policies, and

(5)               To formulate recommendations and best practices for promoting local integration policy management of migrant groups across Greece.

The research program is implemented in 2015-2016, and it is funded by the “Diversity, inequalities and social inclusion” program of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 operated by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of Greece.

For more information, you can contact:

Professor Dia Anagnostou:

Dr. Eda Gemi:

Política exterior y presencia global: las estrategias de Australia y Sudáfrica

Real Instituto Elcano - Thu, 03/12/2015 - 02:41
ARI 71/2015 - 3/12/2015
Carola García-Calvo
Este ARI estudia cómo ha sido la inserción en la globalización de Australia y Sudáfrica en términos de presencia global, preguntándose si ésta se corresponde con el modelo reflejado en sus documentos estratégicos de política exterior.

The United Nations: Last Station Before Hell

European Peace Institute / News - Thu, 03/12/2015 - 02:05

On December 2nd, IPI together with the Permanent Missions of Italy and Namibia to the UN cohosted the screening of the documentary film on peacekeeping entitled “The United Nations: The Last Station Before Hell.”

Click here to view the event video on YouTube*>>

In 2015, the United Nations is celebrating its 70th anniversary. Among other innovations, members of the UN devised the novel concept of “soldiers for peace.” But can peace be enforced militarily? The original mission of the United Nations was “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war” by maintaining peace and security between states. Now that terrorists and internal conflicts strike far more frequently than traditional inter-state wars, what does international security mean?

For millions of people in conflict zones, UN peacekeepers serve to contain violence, representing “the last station before hell.” From the UN’s oldest mission in Lebanon, to the largest in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, to the newest in the Central African Republic, this film explores the central challenges in UN peacekeeping through field investigations and interviews with key decision makers.

H.E. Mr. Hervé Ladsous, Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations
Mr. Pierre-Olivier François, Documentary Film Director
Dr. Lise Morjé Howard, Associate Professor of Government, Georgetown University (and Special Adviser for the film)

Mr. Warren Hoge, Senior Adviser for External Relations

*Please note: The webcast includes only the trailer of the film, and not the documentary in its entirety.

¿Acierta Europa con la inclusión del yuan en la cesta del FMI?

Real Instituto Elcano - Wed, 02/12/2015 - 13:20
Opinión - 2/12/2015
Miguel Otero Iglesias
El autor se pregunta si la presión europea para incluir en la cesta del FMI la moneda de China, que no cumple aún los requisitos, acelerará las reformas aperturistas en este país.

New climate investments must strengthen sustainable development and minimize trade-offs

The impacts of global warming threaten to undermine the core objectives of sustainable development: Large-scale invest¬ments that aim to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) are indispensable. A just low-carbon transformation requires that mitigation investments seek to generate sustainable develop¬ment (SD) benefits while also minimizing their adverse effects.
A central goal of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is alignment of the climate and the sustainable development agendas. Govern¬ance and operational structures of policy instruments and funds should attempt to prevent local communities being confronted with the impacts of both climate change and climate protection measures.
Ongoing negotiations of the rules governing post-2020 climate protection measures offer the opportunity to address these issues. This briefing paper begins by analysing how activities under the Clean Develop¬ment Mechanism (CDM) both positively and negatively impact sustainable develop¬ment.
It then compares these experiences with emerging climate governance approaches by examining the Warsaw Frame¬work for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF).
Key conclusions:
  • Activities under the CDM have both positively and nega¬tively affected sustainable development, depending on the type and local circumstances: Community-based activities regarding energy access reap high benefits for sustainable development and large-scale hydropower and reforesta¬tion projects can create negative impacts.
  • The CDM requires stakeholders to be consulted at the beginning of the project design but does not include international safeguards to prevent ongoing activities harming local communities.
  • More recent financing instruments and investment frame¬works such as the GCF and REDD+ have begun to formu¬late additional regulatory frameworks to promote sustain¬able development and avoid harmful side effects. While these frameworks still must be tested in practice, the GCF stipulates verification of sustainable develop¬ment impact and mechanisms for independent redress.
  • The future of a reformed CDM for financing climate protection and sustainable development depends on political decisions. However, the CDM offers critical in¬sights for designing a new generation of multilateral cli¬mate finance mechanisms. Post-2020 mechanisms should create strong and harmonized standards to help align the sustainable development agenda with climate protection.
While sustainable development and climate goals can be mutually reinforcing, there may be trade-offs between these agendas. Future climate finance mechan¬isms should minimize trade-offs and allow for appeals by vulnerable communities affected by investments in climate protection.

Cooperación española 2030: ideas para contribuir eficazmente a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

Real Instituto Elcano - Wed, 02/12/2015 - 11:51
ARI 70/2015 - 2/12/2015
Iliana Olivié y Aitor Pérez
En noviembre de 2015, pocas semanas después de la celebración de la Cumbre en la que se aprobaron los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), tuvo lugar un seminario para abordar las implicaciones de esta nueva agenda global de desarrollo para la Cooperación Española. Este documento resume las principales ideas de este seminario.

Roundtable Discussion: ‘Security Issues in Europe’s Southern Neighborhood and in Southeast Asia: A Comparative Analysis’, 30/11/2015

ELIAMEP - Wed, 02/12/2015 - 10:37

The Embassies of the Association of South East Asia Nations (ASEAN) in Athens and the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) organized a seminar on ‘Security Issues in Europe’s Southern Neighborhood and in Southeast Asia: A Comparative Analysis’ on Monday, 30 November 2015, 10.00-13.00, at Divani Caravel hotel.

The programme is avalaible here.

Die bittere Ernte des Arabischen Frühlings

SWP - Tue, 01/12/2015 - 17:54

Fast fünf Jahre nach Beginn des sogenannten Arabischen Frühlings ist die arabische Welt erheblich destabilisiert. Innere und regionale Konflikte stellen das Staatensystem und die Integrität einzelner Nationalstaaten in Frage. In keinem arabischen Land konnte ein breiter Konsens über eine neue Ordnung hergestellt werden.

In vier Ländern – Ägypten, Jemen, Libyen und Tunesien – wurden 2011 Transformationsprozesse eingeleitet, die anhand eigens ausgearbeiteter Fahrpläne eine neue politische Ordnung schaffen sollten. Die bisherigen Resultate enttäuschen indes. Tunesien ist das einzige Land, in dem der Transformationsprozess gemäß Übergangsfahrplan nominell erfolgreich zum Abschluss geführt wurde. Der fragile Kompromiss zwischen den beiden stärksten politischen Kräften des Landes – der säkularen Sammlungspartei Nidaa Tounes und der moderat islamistischen Ennahda – bietet jedoch weder Raum für effektive Partizipation, noch verspricht er substantielle Reformen. Fragen von Verteilungsgerechtigkeit, die im Zentrum der Proteste von 2011 gestanden hatten, bleiben hier wie auch in anderen Ländern weiterhin der politischen Diskussion entzogen.

Deutschland und seine Partner in der EU können sich nicht von der Nachbarregion abschotten. Sie müssen daher nach Wegen suchen, dort wirkungsvoller als bislang zu einer nachhaltigen Stabilisierung beizutragen. Dies kann nur gelingen, wenn europäische Politik der Tatsache Rechnung trägt, dass Sicherheit, Gewährleistung von Menschenrechten, inklusive politische und soziale Ordnungen sowie Entwicklung unauflöslich miteinander verknüpft sind. Deutschland und seine Partner in der EU sollten daher auf Stabilisierung durch Transformation, nicht durch die Stärkung von Repressionsapparaten setzen.

Kuba: Kooperation mit bayerischen Universitäten und Hochschulen

Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung - Tue, 01/12/2015 - 16:39
Die Universidad de La Habana ist einer von mehreren Projektpartnern der Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung auf Kuba. Durch die Kooperation sollen Führungs- und Fachkräfte, aber auch Repräsentanten der kubanischen Regierung und kubanische Forschungseinrichtungen über aktuelle Entwicklungen in Europa informiert werden.

Nato-Verteidigungsplanung zwischen Wales und Warschau

SWP - Tue, 01/12/2015 - 16:37

Die von der Nato 2014 auf ihrem Gipfel in Wales beschlossenen Maßnahmen erhöhen die Einsatzbereitschaft der Allianz deutlich – letztlich reichen sie jedoch nicht aus, um die Sicherheit aller Bündnispartner gegenüber Russland glaubhaft zu garantieren. Somit steht das Bündnis vor dem nächsten Gipfel in Warschau im Juli 2016 vor schwierigen Debatten: Die Mitgliedstaaten werden die Einsatzfähigkeit ihrer nationalen Armeen verbessern müssen, was nicht umsonst zu haben sein wird. Die Frage der Rolle von Nuklearwaffen in der Verteidigung der Allianz wird nicht dauerhaft umschifft werden können. Und schließlich: Jede glaubwürdige Rückversicherung des Baltikums würde wohl nicht im Rahmen der Nato-Russland-Grundakte zu erreichen sein. Vorübergehend sind Kompromisse denkbar, so etwa in Form der Errichtung einer hinreichend funktionsfähigen Infrastruktur zur umfassenden Vorausstationierung von Material. Sollte sich das Verhältnis zu Russland jedoch nicht grundlegend verbessern, scheinen langfristig weitergehende Schritte nötig.

Elecciones Generales en España 2015: las prioridades internacionales de los partidos políticos

Real Instituto Elcano - Tue, 01/12/2015 - 07:55
Real Instituto Elcano
El Real Instituto Elcano ha enviado un cuestionario sobre política internacional y europea a los cuatro partidos que, según todos los sondeos, protagonizarán la XI Legislatura. Este documento pretende ofrecer una panorámica más o menos completa de las grandes prioridades de los partidos españoles en la agenda exterior.

Der Bologna-Prozess - eine Zwischenbilanz

Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung - Mon, 30/11/2015 - 16:55
15 Jahre nach Beginn des Bologna-Prozesses wurde bei einer Podiumsdiskussion am 30. November 2015 Bilanz gezogen. Aus der Sicht der Wissenschaft, der Wirtschaft, der Studentenvertretung, der Hochschulen und der Politik erfolgte eine Bewertung der Ist-Situation.
