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EDA programme launched to improve IED Detection

Thu, 12/01/2017 - 10:24

A new promising EDA research and technology (R&T) programme aimed at improving Member States’ capabilities in detecting Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) was launched on 23 December 2016 when four EDA Member States (Austria, Belgium, The Netherlands, Poland) as well as Norway (which has an Administrative Arrangement with the Agency) signed an agreement for the 3-year ‘IED Detection’ (IEDDET) ad hoc R&T programme with a total budget of €14 million.

The main objective of the IEDDET programme is to develop, improve and field-test IED detection capabilities in order to better protect troops and increase Armed Forces’ operational freedom of movement. Concretely, the programme encompasses three main projects, each of them dealing with a specific topic, namely:

  • Vehicle Mounted Early Warning of Indirect Indicators of IEDs (VMEWI3). The objectives of this project is to focus on the detection of indirect indicators with forward looking camera systems. The technology demonstrator will be based on remotely operated unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) platforms with multi-camera head. The UGV platform will be controlled from a manned vehicle. The aim is to detect indicators of IED presence even while moving with a speed of at least 20-30 km/h (early warning capacity).
  • UGV stand-off multi-sensor platform for IED component detection (MUSICODE). This project will develop new unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) stand-off capabilities for detection of IED components by using remotely operated multisensory platforms.
  • Confirmation, Identification and Airborne Early Warning of IEDs (CONFIDENT). The objectives of this project are two-fold: (i) to focus on the confirmation and the identification of relevant components of IEDs including electronic parts, explosives and chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) payloads prior to the release of the agents and (ii) to provide complementary early warning capability. The demonstrators will be based on remotely operated platforms (robot and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV). The UAV will be used for airborne early warning.

In order to ensure the coherence and interoperability between the projects, an offline detection map will be produced and shared to best explore the full set of information available for future route clearance operations and the programme will be concluded by a joint demonstration. IEDDET will involve technology companies (including SMEs), academic institutions as well as governmental and non-governmental research organisations which will all cooperate under the guidance of a management committee consisting of experts from the contributing Member States.

Countering Improvised Explosive Devices (C-IED) was confirmed as a top priority in the EDA Capability Development Plan (CDP) revision of 2014. The launch of the IEDDET programme is part of the practical implementation of this priority in terms of technology development and seen as a crucial step towards improving existing C-IED capabilities.


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3D printing: EDA launches new project to test feasibility in the defence field

Thu, 22/12/2016 - 10:28

A innovative and promising defence-related project on Additive Manufacturing (AM, better known as 3D printing) was launched by the European Defence Agency at the kick-off meeting held on 21 December 2016.

The project’s objective is to assess the areas where AM can have a positive impact on defence capabilities and to demonstrate its feasibility.

The rise of Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies has created a variety of possibilities and potential benefits for the defence community. The “Additive Manufacturing Feasibility Study & Technology Demonstration” was initiated in the framework of the CapTech Materials & Structures, within the EDA Research & Technology (R&T) domain. Raising awareness and promoting a better understanding of AM’s application and potential in different military contexts will contribute to its timely and effective implementation in defence specific areas.

The first activity carried out under this initiative will be a desktop study to place AM and its potential in a defence context. This work will summarise the state of the art ability of relevant AM technologies, identify existing R&T and manufacturing capabilities in Europe, and determine areas where further R&T activities should be carried out.

The second work strand is a technology demonstration of AM. To this end, a 3D printer will be deployed as part of the EDA Sponsored Airlift Exercise, to be held in Zaragoza (Spain). This represents a significant step in bridging the data gap on 3D printer performance in deployed conditions and will demonstrate the operational utility of these technologies.

At the end of the project, the results will be presented at an exhibition to high-ranking military staff, along with equipment and demonstrators, in order to raise awareness on the possible impact of AM in defence.

The project represents a clear example of how cross-fertilization of ideas from different domains, from R&T to operations, will enhance defence capabilities, especially when supporting deployed missions.

The EDA contractors, the research centre Fundación Prodintec, and the defence industry MBDA France, will work together to support the activities described, and help to create the synergies that will strengthen the links between research activities, industrial development, and the Armed Forces.

The project aims to demonstrate how R&T can contribute to strengthening European cooperation, defence capabilities and European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB).

The meeting was attended by EDA staff and consortium, European Commission, FOI (SE), FFI (NO), and ES MoD representatives.

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EDA Chief Executive visits Serbia

Tue, 20/12/2016 - 17:25

EDA Chief Executive Jorge Domecq held talks today (20 December) in Belgrade with Serbian Minister of Defence Mr. Zoran Đorđević, as well as Representatives of the Defence and Internal Affairs Committee at the Serbian National Assembly. Current and future opportunities for cooperation between the EDA and Serbia were among the main topics of discussion. 

Talks with the Minister of Defence mainly focused on the state of play of Serbia’s participation in EDA projects, via its 2013 Administrative Arrangement. Mr. Domecq welcomed Serbia’s involvement in EDA projects and activities, which has grown steadily over the last three years across a diverse range of EDA programmes, such as Countering Improvised Explosive Devices (C-IED), the Collaborative Database (CODABA) and EU SatCom Market, which was the first EDA project Serbia joined in March 2016.
Mr Domecq commended Minister Đorđević for Serbia’s overall involvement with the EDA and encouraged further engagement in the Agency’s work in the future. “Our Administrative Arrangement has provided a fruitful foundation for EDA-Serbia cooperation. I am pleased to see that Serbia has become increasingly active and now participates in several EDA projects. I believe that we will also identify possible new areas for cooperation going forward.” 

Mr. Domecq also held productive discussions at the Serbian National Assembly, where he met with representatives of the Defence and Internal Affairs Committee. Talks took place on the implementation of the EU Global Strategy, the European Defence Action Plan and the EU-NATO Joint Declaration, focusing on the role of the EDA.  

During a packed agenda, Mr. Domecq also attended a meeting with the Serbian Chief of Defence, General Ljubiša Diković, and met with officials at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Military Academy of Serbia. 

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EDA and SESAR JU sign Memorandum of Cooperation

Mon, 19/12/2016 - 17:14

The Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency (EDA), Jorge Domecq, and the Executive Director of the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU) Florian Guillermet, have today signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) which promotes collaboration on SESAR 2020, the next phase of research and innovation in air traffic management.

The MOC builds on existing working arrangements and ensures that, pursuant to EDA’s role, military views will be taken into consideration in the context of SESAR ATM Research and Development.

The MOC seeks to align civil and military technological development initiatives wherever possible and optimises the use of expertise and available resources, notably in relation to space based systems, remote piloted aircraft systems, cyber security, ATM standards development, the European ATM Master Plan and evolutions of military capabilities and technologies.

“This memorandum of cooperation reinforces EDA’s relationship with the SJU, in support of our role to ensure that military interests and specificities are taken into account in the further evolutions in the Single European Sky, particularly in relation to SESAR 2020 and RPAS Air Traffic Insertion (ATI). It also underpins our joint objective to identify opportunities for civil-military synergy in the context of dual-use R&T projects, notably in support of the recently established RPAS ATI coordination mechanism between the European Commission, EASA, SJU and EDA”, said Jorge Domecq, EDA.

“It is only through the effective collaboration of military and civil aviation stakeholders that we will achieve our mission to modernise Europe’s skies. Building on an already solid relationship, this renewed cooperation with the EDA will further facilitate coordination of military views across the SESAR JU research and innovation activities in SESAR 2020”, said Florian Guillermet, SJU.


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EDA prepares next phase on Governmental Satellite Communcations (GOVSATCOM)

Mon, 19/12/2016 - 14:16

Satellite communication (SATCOM) is a crucial capability required for the conduct of operations, today and in the future.

The demand for SATCOM capacity will increase over the next decades due to growing information exchange demands, increasingly networked capabilities and significantly improved sensor technology. Both in the civil and military environment the requirement to meet this demand through reliable, secured and cost-effective satellite communication services for EU and national public authorities managing security critical missions and operations has been identified.

In 2013, the European Council recognized that there is a clear need for a new solution combining the advantages of commercial and military satellite systems in order to address both civil and military needs through European cooperation.

The European Defence Agency, in collaboration with the European Commission and the European Space Agency, is preparing this next generation of GOVSATCOM (watch this video).

The EDA currently is finalising the preparation phase on GOVSATCOM and will propose to its Member States as the next step a pooling and sharing demonstration of governmental satellite systems. With this demonstration a secure and guaranteed access to satellite communication solutions to a wide range of European and national civil and military users shall be proven.

The roadmap towards this next step will be launched by the EDA Steering Board in May 2017.


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Commission VP Katainen attends R&T Steering Board meeting

Thu, 15/12/2016 - 17:46

Jyrki Katainen, the European Commission Vice-President in charge of Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, today joined the European Defence Agency’s R&T Steering Board meeting at directors level to present the Commission’s European Defence Action Plan (EDAP) and discuss its research implementation.

It was the first time a European Commissioner participated in an EDA Steering Board meeting at directors level which, in itself, reflects the increased importance defence related policies have gained in recent weeks and months, and with it the work done within the Agency.

Vice-President Katainen presented R&T Directors of Member States’ MoDs with the main elements of the European Defence Action Plan (EDAP) adopted by the Commission on 30 November, especially the proposed setting up of a European Defence Fund and its ‘research window’ to fund collaborative defence research projects at the EU level. This ‘window’ will be mainly implemented through the Preparatory Action on defence research and should lead to a dedicated European Defence Research Programme (EDRP) in the post-2020 EU multiannual financial framework.
R&T directors reviewed and discussed the EDA involvement in the Preparatory Action as well as the Agency’s role within a potentially upcoming EDRP. They were also updated on how the EDA intends to engage industry in the Capability Development Plan (CDP) process.

EDA Chief Executive Jorge Domecq thanked Vice-President Katainen for his presence and welcomed his EDAP presentation. “Any initiative or measure that can help strengthening European defence cooperation and the underlying European Defence and Technological Industrial Base is more than welcome. The Commission has some powerful instruments at its disposal as set out in its Action Plan and I sincerely believe that we should make best use of, interact with and complement those”, he said. Mr Domecq added: “There is a need to carefully articulate and find the right balance between the intergovernmental and the community approach. Finding such balance will determine whether we will be successful together in generating more capabilities, more in cooperation and on a more cost-effective basis”.

Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Third conference of the Consultation Forum for Sustainable Energy in Defence held in Rome

Wed, 14/12/2016 - 12:03

The third in a series of five meetings of the Consultation Forum for Sustainable Energy in the Defence and Security Sector (CF SEDSS) was held in Rome on 22 – 24 November 2016.

The conference was opened by Major General Francesco Maurizio Noto Director, Energy Task Force, Italian MoD, from the Italian Ministry of Defence, Mrs Claudia Canaveri Deputy Head of Energy Efficiency at DG Energy, and Mr Denis Roger, Director European Synergies and Innovation at the European Defence Agency. It was closed by Mr Rini Goos, Deputy Chief Executive European Defence Agency.

“We need to maintain the momentum of the Consultation Forum events and gain an increased pace on delivering sustainable energy to the Defence sector,” EDA Director European Synergies and Innovation Denis Roger said during his opening address. “We need to develop a framework for increasing resilience to the impacts of energy insecurity on Defence capability, whilst enabling MODs to meet international and national commitments. Energy must increasingly be an integral element to the planning and delivery of military capability.”

Building on the success of the first and second events held in Brussels and Dublin earlier this year, this third conference was attended by around 100 experts from government administrations representing the majority of EDA Member States, as well as industry, academia, NATO representatives and the European Commission.

In closing the conference, EDA Deputy Chief Executive Rini Goos set out, “The sustainable energy challenge that all of us in the European Defence community need to address is how we are going to confront our own entrenched thinking and approaches, embracing innovative new concepts to ensure that we can continue to deliver world class military capability”. Mr Goos concluded, “Through an approach of cooperation, collaboration, and complementarity, you have the combined and continued support of the European Defence Agency and the Commission in this endeavor.”



The Consultation Forum for Sustainable Energy in the Defence and Security Sector is a European Commission initiative managed by the European Defence Agency. It brings together experts from the defence and energy sectors to share information and best practice on improving energy management, energy efficiency, and the use of renewable energy.
The Consultation Forum takes place in a series of five plenary meetings over 24 months, concluding in October 2017. The work is carried out in three parallel working groups each with a particular focus: (1) Energy Management, (2) Energy Efficiency & 3) Renewable Energy.


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Personnel Recovery (PR) course hosted by European Personnel Recovery Centre

Mon, 05/12/2016 - 15:32

The 9th edition of the Personnel Recovery Controller and Planner Course (PRCPC), a project initiated and supported by the European Defence Agency (EDA), was organised and hosted for the third time by the European Personnel Recovery Centre (EPRC), a close partner of the Agency.

The course was successfully conducted from 21 November to 2 December in Poggio Renatico Air Base (Italy). 21 students from 11 countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Cyprus, Ireland and the United States) benefitted from the knowledge and experience of a team of instructors coming from Belgium, France, Germany, UK, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain and Canada.

The main objective of the course was to train Personnel Recovery (PR) staff working in tactical operation centres (TOCs), personnel recovery coordination cells (PRCCs) or joint personnel recovery cells (JPRCs) in supporting their commanders in any future PR activities.

Personnel Recovery is a vital element of modern operational planning as it provides a security net for deployed personnel. Most importantly, it boosts morale and acknowledges national as well as European Union responsibilities to effect the recovery and reintegration of isolated personnel deployed in the context of Crisis Management Operations under the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP).

The next EU PRCPC will take place in Karlsborg (Sweden) from 27 March to 7 April 2017 and will be organised by the Swedish Armed Forces.



The EDA PRCPC project was established on 30 May 2013 as an EDA Category B project under the lead of Sweden. As of today, it includes six contributing EU Member States (cMS): Austria, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands and Sweden. On 31 May 2015, the cMS agreed to extend the PRCPC Cat B project until 30 May 2017. The EPRC is a potential candidate for the continuation of the project.

The EPRC closely cooperates with the EDA. It was created on 8 July 2015 by seven nations (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and Great Britain) with the aim of improving the four phases of Personnel Recovery (Preparation, Planning, Execution and Adaptation) by developing/harmonising the Personnel Recovery Policy, Doctrine and Standards through clear lines of communications with partners/stakeholders (nations and international organisations), and providing assistance in support of education and training, exercises and operations.


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Pictures from Exercise Black Blade

Wed, 30/11/2016 - 16:00

Since the 14th of November the 10th EDA Helicopter Training Programme Exercise (Black Blade) has been underway in Florennes Airbase in Belgium. 

Photographers from the participating Member States have been embedded with participating aircrews during the exercise. They have kindly provided the EDA with their work which is available on our Flickr page

Exercise Black Blade will officially conclude on December 2.

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Lithuania becomes 20th member of EU Satcom Market

Tue, 29/11/2016 - 18:34

On 28 November Lithuania joined the EU SatCom Market becoming the 20th member of this EDA initiative launched in 2009 to provide flexible commercial satellite communication solutions for contributing members. Recently, the project has benefitted from an increased interest, with eight new members joining in the course of 2016.

Commercial satellite communications are used by all nations to provide extra capacity on top of their own military and governmental satellite communications. The EU SatCom Market project provides a flexible and cost-effective way of doing this because it offers its members a pay-per-use solution without imposing any binding financial commitments beyond services ordered. 

Within the EU SatCom Market project, the EDA acts as the central purchasing body on behalf of the contributing members. In January this year EDA signed a framework contract with Airbus Defence and Space. Over the last year more than 20 orders have been passed adding up to a total of 57 to date, with a total value €7.5 million. 

The current 20 contributing members are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Portugal, Romania, the United Kingdom, Serbia, the Athena Mechanism and the civilian missions EUCAP SAHEL Niger, EUCAP SAHEL Mali, EUAM Ukraine, EUCAP NESTOR and EUMM Georgia.


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Cyber: EDA, ENISA, EC3 and CERT-EU discuss future cooperation

Wed, 23/11/2016 - 14:38

The Executive Directors of four key European agencies dealing with security and defence - the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA), Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3), the EU institutions’ permanent Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-EU) and the European Defence Agency (EDA) - met today (23 November) at the EDA premises to identify and discuss cooperative opportunities in the field of cyber security and defence.

In his opening remarks, EDA Chief Executive Jorge Domecq recalled that the 2014 EU Cyber Defence Policy Framework, adopted by the Foreign Affairs Council in November 2014, explicitly encouraged the four agencies to enhance their cooperation in a number of areas, for instance to develop common cyber security and defence competence profiles based on international best practices and certification used by EU Institutions, to work on public sector cyber security and defence organisational and technical standards for use in the defence and security sector and to develop a working mechanism to exchange best practice on exercises, training and other areas of possible civilian-military synergy.

“In the spirit of the EU Global Strategy and its implementation plan on security and defence, EU entities need to think cross-sectoral. We need to joint forces where appropriate in order to anticipate the security challenges and adapt to Member States’ expectations. And nowhere does this better apply than in the Cyber domain”, Mr Domecq stated.


Task force

The aim of the meeting was not yet to agree on a list of concrete projects to work on but to brainstorm and discuss possible options for future cooperation.

A joint task force was set up to further discuss first initial ideas exchanged at today’s meeting; it will report back by spring 2017 with an in-depth assessment and concrete recommendations for cooperation projects.

The next Executive Directors’ meeting of the four agencies is scheduled for May or June 2017.


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EDA supports Operation Sophia with Cyber Awareness Seminars

Fri, 18/11/2016 - 10:50

Last week (8-11 November), and for the second time since December 2015, the European Defence Agency (EDA) provided cyber awareness training to more than 100 staff from EUNAVFOR MED operation SOPHIA at the mission’s Operations Headquarters (OHQ) in Rome, Italy.

The seminars covered important aspects such as mission-specific cyber threats, the legal framework applicable to cyberspace, common vocabulary and best practices when using communications and information systems. They also served to inform participants about the development and establishment of EU cyber defence capabilities for CSDP military operations and missions.

The seminars also allowed the command team of OHQ Rome and the EDA to exchange views on the next steps to be taken to enhance the cyber defence capabilities for EUNAVFOR MED Operation Sophia and other EU-led military operations.

The seminars were conducted with the support of the Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCD COE) in Tallinn and from SYMANTEC Corporation.
The EDA started organizing Cyber Awareness Seminars in 2014 in support of EUFOR RCA as a valuable contribution to raising cyber awareness for all the personnel of activated Headquarters (HQ) for EU-led military operations.



The EU Cyber Defence Policy Framework, as adopted by the Council on 18 November 2014, states that “Cyberspace is often described as the fifth domain of military activity, equally critical to European Union (EU) Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) implementation as the domains of land, sea, air, and space. The successful implementation of CSDP has been increasingly dependent on the availability of, and access to, a secure cyberspace. Robust and resilient cyber defence capabilities are now required to support CSDP structures and CSDP missions and operations”. The Policy Framework puts strong emphasis on cyber education and training.


EUNAVFOR MED Operation Sophia

EUNAVFOR MED operation Sophia is only one element of a broader EU comprehensive response to the migration issue, which seeks to address not only its physical component, but also its root causes such as conflict, poverty, climate change and persecution.

The mission core mandate is to undertake systematic efforts to identify, capture and dispose of vessels and enabling assets used or suspected of being used by migrant smugglers or traffickers, in order to contribute to wider EU efforts to disrupt the business model of human smuggling and trafficking networks in the Southern Central Mediterranean and prevent the further loss of life at sea.

Since 7 October 2015, the operation has moved to phase 2 International Waters, which entails boarding, search, seizure and diversion, on the high seas, of vessels suspected of being used for human smuggling or trafficking.

Last June , Operation Sophia’s mandate was extended until 27 July 2017 and also reinforced by adding two supporting tasks:

  • training of the Libyan coastguards and navy;
  • contributing to the implementation of the UN arms embargo on the high seas off the coast of Libya.

On 30 August and 6 September 2016, the Political and Security Committee (PSC) authorized the launch of the capacity building and training task, and the start of the mission’s role contributing to the implementation of the UN arms embargo respectively.


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EUROCONTROL and the European Defence Agency consolidate their cooperation

Thu, 17/11/2016 - 15:25

Following the agreement between EUROCONTROL and the European Defence Agency (EDA) signed in 2013, both organisations have started a close cooperation on the SESAR programme. In compliance with the initial agreement, the cooperative work has been updated by the two organisations for the years 2017-2018 in order to accommodate the tasks as defined in the SESAR 2020 programme.

The work programme makes EUROCONTROL’s expertise in civil-military ATM coordination available to EDA to facilitate EDA’s role regarding the coordination of military views in the context of the Single European Sky (SES) and its interface towards the EU institutions.

During the implementation of the previous joint work programme, the EDA-EUROCONTROL cooperation successfully contributed to the provision of harmonised military inputs to the 2015 ATM Master Plan update campaign, supported Member States bidding for EU co-financing in INEA calls and provided technical impact analysis on the SESAR deployment programme and EASA regulatory material under development.

“The needs of military aviation often go beyond the scope of civil aviation,” said Frank Brenner, Director General of EUROCONTROL. “To work effectively, European airspace management must address both military and civil airspace user needs with coordinated processes and consultation between civilian and military stakeholders. EUROCONTROL and EDA are working together to contribute to this process”.

“To preserve military access to all airspace, it remains essential that we develop harmonised low-cost interoperable SESAR solutions, including standardisation and certification processes, and that we provide common mitigation actions”, said Jorge Domecq, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency. “Moreover the deployment phase of SESAR offers an opportunity for the military, to avail itself of funding to enhance their ATM technology, when appropriate. This has already been the case for INEA Call 2015, whereby 14 military projects submitted through EDA have been awarded funds adding up to a total of €53.5 million, which is roughly 10.5% of total funds awarded.”

EUROCONTROL and EDA have been working closely together since 2008 to ensure improved coordination and cooperation between civil and military air traffic, moving towards a Single European Sky for both military and civil air transport.


For further information, please contact:

Kyla Evans
Head of Corporate Communications
Tel: +32 2 729 51 51

Eric Platteau
Head of Media & Communications
European Defence Agency
Tel: +32 2 504 28 23

Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Members of European Parliament Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) visit the EDA

Wed, 16/11/2016 - 16:59

A delegation from the SEDE Subcommittee of the European Parliament, led by Subcommittee Chair Anna Elżbieta Fotyga MEP, held discussions with EDA Chief Executive Jorge Domecq on defence-related research and the EDA’s role in the implementation of the EU Global Strategy.

Welcoming the MEPs to the EDA, Chief Executive Jorge Domecq expressed his appreciation for the SEDE Subcommittee’s support to the EDA and especially “with regard to the Pilot Project and Preparatory Action for defence-related R&T”. During the meeting Mr. Domecq and the SEDE members discussed current developments in relation to the Security & Defence Implementation Plan of the EU Global Strategy, progress on defence-related research, and on-going EDA activities and projects. 

Ms Anna Elżbieta Fotyga, Chair of the SEDE Subcommittee on Security and Defence, commented; “I think I speak for all our members when I say that we are impressed with the work the EDA has done on the development of the EU Member State's security and defence capabilities. This is particularly important in a time of challenges for global security."

In working to enhance the relationship between the EDA and the SEDE subcommittee, Mr. Domecq said; “I believe that regular EDA participation at the SEDE meetings, as well as visits of Members of the SEDE Subcommittee to EDA, will improve transparency and information-exchange on EDA activities, at a time when European Parliament support in defence matters is key.” 

Members of the SEDE subcommittee also received presentations on some of the Agency’s capability projects and programmes, such as the Joint Deployable Exploitation and Analysis Laboratory (JDEAL) and the Multinational Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) Fleet (MMF).

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10th EDA Helicopter Training Exercise Programme takes off in Belgium

Wed, 16/11/2016 - 10:55

Exercise BLACK BLADE is hosted by Belgium at Florennes airbase and takes place from the 14th of November to the 2nd of December. Over 400 personnel will take part in this exercise, with a total of 14 air assets from 4 Member States being deployed. This edition marks the 10th helicopter exercise under the umbrella of the EDA Helicopter Exercise Programme (HEP).

The European Defence Agency is working to provide Member States with a framework to develop, consolidate and share best practices in order to meet the challenges of flying helicopters in a modern operational environment. In consultation with Member States (MS), several factors were identified which were thought to contribute to the non-employability of helicopters; a lack of training for the crews, a lack of technical equipment for the aircraft, and the challenges of logistic support to deployed operations.

The EDA is helping participating MS address these issues with the training element being the main focus. Exercises such as BLACK BLADE are fundamental to the EU capability development process.


BLACK BLADE marks the 10th helicopter exercise under the umbrella of the Helicopter Exercise Programme (HEP). BLACK BLADE is a Special Operations Forces oriented helicopter exercise, focusing on enhancing interoperability at a tactical level in a realistic and challenging environment. Over 400 personnel will take part in this exercise programme. A total of 14 air assets from 4 Member States (13 helicopters from Belgium, Slovenia and Austria and one Falcon aircraft from the UK) will be used.

BLACK BLADE will deliver tactical training, over a three week period, offering participants a unique opportunity to plan and execute missions within a joint combined framework. The seamless coordination and integration of the Belgium Special Operations Ground Forces into individual scenarios for the benefit of training will be one of the specific focuses of the exercise.

Commenting at the start of exercise BLACK BLADE, EDA Chief Executive, Jorge Domecq pointed to the significance of this edition: 

The 10th edition of the Helicopter Training Exercise Programme, comes at a moment when European defence is high on the political agenda. The 10th edition is a milestone for this programme, the EDA and the Member States involved. Exercise BLACK BLADE is European defence cooperation in action. It represents a dynamic and tangible example of what cooperation among the Member States can achieve. It also highlights the importance of joint training as a prerequisite to enhance interoperability and a key enabler to ensure readiness to deploy. A positive step forward for European defence”.

The ultimate goal for BLACK BLADE is to develop and improve immediate output through pooling and sharing, enhance training skills among European countries for flying in different environments, and to train for future European crisis management operations.BLACK BLADE is a real-world example of what can be achieved through European defence cooperation and highlights that at very low cost, immediate operational output can be realised.

New milestone for the EDA

The HEP is one of the EDA’s helicopter training projects and programmes. By enhancing the operating skills of helicopter crews across Europe, the HEP plays a part in increasing the deployable helicopter capability for contingency operations. The exercises focus on individual, environmental and multinational training, increasing interoperability through practical experiences, sharing operational experience and developing common tactics, techniques and procedures. HEP is a ten-year programme, a concrete indication that training together is an integral part of enhancing European capability and interoperability.

EDA Helicopter Training In Numbers

Between 2009 and 2016 : 206 helicopters, 1320 aircrew members and almost 13000 infantry from 19 Member States have deployed to the exercises which were held in France, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Belgium.

Future Events

A Distinguished Visitors Day (DVD) will be held on November 30th , which the Head of the EDA, High Representative and Vice-President of the European Commission, Federica Mogherini will attend.

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Outcome of EDA Ministerial Steering Board

Tue, 15/11/2016 - 14:03

At the EDA ministerial Steering Board which met this Tuesday morning (15 November) under the chairmanship of HR/VP Federica Mogherini in her capacity as Head of the Agency, Defence Ministers tasked EDA to review the Capability Development Plan (CDP), approved the 2017 general budget and agreed to set up a working group to study the potential creation of a Cooperative Financial Mechanism.

Ministers agreed to the review of the Capability Development Plan (CDP), to improve the capability development process by taking into account R&T and industrial aspects, and tasked the EDA to present a new set of EU priorities for military capability development for Steering Board adoption by spring 2018.

The CDP review is a key element of the new EU Global Strategy (EUGS) which states that, in order to match the level of ambition set out in the strategy, Member States will need high-end military capabilities, i.e. full-spectrum land, air, space and maritime capabilities, including strategic enablers. The CDP serves as a reference for national capability planning by informing Member States about capability requirements over time, identifying areas for capability improvements and translating capability priorities into concrete collaborative programmes.


EDA 2017 budget: first increase since 2010

Ministers approved EDA’s general budget for 2017: €31 million compared to €30.5 million in 2016.


Cooperative Financial Mechanism (CFM)

Ministers were presented with EDA proposals for the potential establishment of a ‘Cooperative Financial Mechanism’ (CFM) the objective of which would be to overcome the lack of budgetary synchronisation between Member States and the problems that this causes for the launch of cooperative defence cooperation projects.

They agreed to set up a working group within EDA in view of submitting a legal and financial package and associated recommendations in spring 2017.

Experience has shown that one of the key factors that block or hinder cooperation is budget asymmetry or lack of synchronisation of budget availability. A potential Cooperative Financial Mechanism could alleviate this challenge by supporting the launch of projects (R&T, capability development). It would potentially incentivise cooperation by tackling the problem of absence of budgetary synchronisation, but also increasing the availability of common resources/ring-fencing budgets allocated to cooperation.

The CFM will have to respect the budgetary specialty principle as expressed in the national budgetary laws and ensure that Member States keep full control of their resources and on the use of the mechanism. These aspects will be dealt with in the EDA working group.


Implementation of EDA key taskings

Ministers welcomed the progress made on the implementation of the Agency’s ‘key taskings’ in the various capability programmes and the work carried out in relation to the Preparatory Action, and were briefed on the planned next steps, notably in the context of the taskings that emerge from the Council conclusions adopted yesterday (14 November) on implementing the EUGS in the area of Security and Defence.

The EDA was invited to develop a structured dialogue with industry, including not only prime companies but also national defence industry associations (NDIAs) and SMEs from Member States, in support of Key Strategic Activities (KSA) the first five test cases for which have also been welcomed.

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EDA to offer new C-IED application for improved situational awareness

Tue, 15/11/2016 - 12:19

As part of its ongoing efforts to improve Counter Improvised Explosive Devices (C-IED) capabilities, the European Defence Agency (EDA) will shortly share a new C-IED tool with its participating Member States.

Under the umbrella of the existing Framework Cooperation Agreement with the C-IED Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Madrid/Spain, a new ‘Counter-IEDs analyst Interagency Unclassified Situational Awareness Tool’ (C-IUSAT) will soon enter into service in order to promote information sharing between C-IED operators. The application is expected to be released in December 2016.

The tool will help users to gain a better situational understanding by projecting, with several degrees of probability, the next actions that the enemy or other threat elements are likely to carry out. Thereby, further exchanges of information between military and other involved agents such as host nations, Law Enforcement, governments, NGOs, private companies, etc. can be ensured.

C-IUSAT will be a common information exchange tool, with restricted access, available to different services/agencies and private organizations. It will help them to collect information, show it on maps and generate models which can subsequently identify expected paths or ways of action.

C-IUSAT will be a web based tool, accessible by PC or mobile phone. It stores its own map data which can be used to generate different data layers for various events/activities/sources thereby enhancing situational awareness.

A meeting will be organized at the EDA in early 2017 to proceed with a live demonstration of the tool’s main features.


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EDA Helicopter Tactics Symposium held in Athens

Mon, 14/11/2016 - 12:06

The European Defence Agency’s 7th Helicopter Tactics Symposium, organised under EDA’s Helicopter Exercise Programme (HEP), was held in Athens/Greece from 7-9 November. As in previous years, the symposium offered a unique opportunity for European helicopter crews to discuss and share experience in helicopter techniques, tactics and procedures.

The symposium was opened by Brigadier General Iliopoulos (Hellenic Army Aviation Directorate) in the Greek Officers’ Mess in Athens. Over 40 helicopter tactics instructors and experts from 14 countries, with representatives of the Helicopter Tactics Course (HTC), of the Helicopter Tactics Instructor Course (HTIC) and of the Joint Air Power Competence Centre (JAPCC) gathered for this annual Helicopter Exercise Programme (HEP) event to analyse lessons learned and best practices identified in recent exercises, and to learn about new training opportunities offered by the contributing Member States of the HEP.

Briefings and discussions covered the tactical lessons learned from Dutch helicopter operations in Mali, the Czech Special Operations Aviation Task Unit (SOATU) training, the mentoring of Afghan aircrew by Hungary, the Belgium Mission Planning Process and the environmental training in extreme conditions experienced during exercise Cold Blade 2016 in Ivalo, Finland. In addition, host nation Greece presented its approach to Helicopter Aviation training, fire-fighting and MEDEVAC missions with their CH-47D Chinook helicopters.

The presentations were followed by panel discussions for both attack and support helicopter operators; they brought a useful insight into the latest developments in night vision goggles training, Electronic Warfare, landing zone tactics, use of sensors and technologies applied in Degraded Visual Environments, currency and proficiency challenges and helicopter self-defence aids used by the Member States. The discussions triggered new proposals for updating the HEP Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) - the capstone tactics manual for multinational helicopter operations.

The academic sessions were followed by operational and planning discussions with a view to updating the HEP SOP, the HEP, HTC and the HTIC programmes as well as the NATO ATP-49. The aims and objectives of the upcoming HEP exercises were presented in detail, including Black Blade 2016 in Belgium (with a focus on helicopters and Special Operations Forces exercise) and Fire Blade 2017 in Hungary (helicopter live-firing and urban operations).

The next HEP event, Exercise BLACK BLADE 2016, starts today (14 November) at Florennes Airbase in Belgium and will last until 2 December.


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EDA Annual Conference 2016 closes with call for cooperation on defence innovation

Thu, 10/11/2016 - 17:14

EDA Chief Executive Jorge Domecq closed today's Annual Conference 2016 with a call for "cooperation to generate innovation".

In his final remarks wrapping up a "very insightful and constructive conference", Mr Domecq thanked all the speakers for their interesting contributions: Federica Mogherini, Head of the Agency, High Representative and Vice-President of the European Commission, Commissioner Bieńkowska, Slovak State Secretary Ondrejcsák and Mr. De Spiegeleire. He also expressed gratitude to the members of two panels "who brought their insights, expertise and assessments to the table today".

Main takeaways

Mr Domceq singled out a number of takeaways from this year's EDA conference, in particular:

  • in our increasingly challenging security environment, innovation in research, planning and funding is paramount; therefore, safeguarding leadership in strategic technologies is more pressing than ever. Especially fields like biotechnology, nanotechnology and deep intelligence will have a profound impact on Europe’s ability to develop strategic assets
  • at the same time, new technologies and new innovation will require a new mind set: to seek out and import commercial sector innovations and quickly develop new concepts of operation; to tap into innovation in the private sector and channel it into defence; and also to achieve cross-border competition which is speciually important to SME's and start-ups in Member States which do not have prime defence companies
  • we have to find a balance between not suffocating SME's and start-ups and taping their knowledge for defence and, on the other hand, provide our governments with assurances that these new players will respect the specificities of the defence and security world
  • European collaboration generates innovation and "remains the best guarantee for achieving value for money and developing cutting-edge defence capabilities". "Cooperation is voluntary but it is a need" 
  • the main challenges arising from a third industrial revolution are to integrate future innovations into development and production cycles, gain awareness of emerging leap-ahead technologies, access non-traditional sources of innovation, and ensure the reliability of trusted supply chains
  • innovation does not come for free: the massive decline in budgetary terms of our defence R&T efforts is a matter of the highest concern because capabilities of the future are at stake here and the competitiveness of our defence industry is at risk. Therefore, fresh funding and the reinforcement of our R&T and innovation efforts will be key to structure European cooperation
  • to reap the benefits, and not just adapt, to a third industrial revolution, Member States should make systematic use of the programmatic, financial and policy instruments offered by the EU which can support defence research, identify key enabling technologies and support testing and experimentation in view of potential uptake in defence products
  • the EDA is looking to get ahead by also working “up-stream”, notably by facilitating Member States’ convergence on identifying and prioritising research topics
  • without a strong incentive, the current momentum may tail off. We must incentivise the right actions and the right programmes
  • cooperation in defence is still not part of Europe’s DNA. Yet, it remains the most efficient and cost effective way to ensure Europe’s strategic autonomy
  • strategic autonomy and a committment to a strong relationship with our partners are two sides of the same coin; otherwise, the technological gap will create a political gap 
  • as a hub for innovation, collaboration and action, EDA will continue to engage with industry and R&T innovators as valuable partners in providing technology and solutions which address the needs of Member States.
EDA : "At the service of Member States"

Mr Domecq concluded the Annual Conference 2016 by recalling "EDA's mantra: at the service of its Member States". However, "the Agency's output depends entirely on Member States input. So, view this agency as a crucial and natural partner. Use our resources and expertise".

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Commissioner Bieńkowska outlines upcoming European Defence Action Plan at EDA Annual Conference

Thu, 10/11/2016 - 17:06

Elżbieta Bieńkowska, the European Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, today delivered an interesting 'outlook speech' at the European Defence Agency's (EDA) Annual Conference 2016 in which she described the main pillars of the Commission's upcoming European Defence Action Plan (EDAP). 

"There is a clear political momentum to move towards more defence integration and we have to seize it", the Commissioner said.

The objective of the Commission's EDAP which will be presented on 30 November is to provide support to the whole supply chain of European defence. Mrs Bieńkowska briefly outlined the main pillars of the EDAP: supporting defence research with the launch of the Preparatory Action on defence research in 2017; unlocking EU tools to invest into the whole European defence supply chain (especially SME's); working towards a possible European Defence Fund; improving the functioning of the Single Market for defence. 

The actions taken by us do not undermine Member States' national sovereignty nor the cooperation with NATO, the Commissioner stressed.

Mrs Bieńkowska welcomed the good cooperation between the Commission and the EDA.

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