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Outcome of EDA Ministerial Steering Board

Thu, 18/05/2017 - 16:05

At the European Defence Agency’s (EDA) ministerial Steering Board which met this Thursday morning under the chairmanship of HR/VP Federica Mogherini in her capacity as Head of the Agency, Defence ministers endorsed the conclusions & recommendations of EDA’s Long Term Review (LTR), approved the establishment the Cooperative Financial Mechanism (CFM) as an EDA Ad-Hoc Cat A programme and encouraged the Agency to continue, together with the EEAS, its work on the definition of the planned Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD).

The Long Term Review (LTR) conclusions and recommendations endorsed by Ministers will reinforce the Agency to keep it fit for purpose in the light of upcoming, more ambitious tasks and challenges deriving from the EU’s new Global Strategy.

Set to be implemented over the coming months, the agreed measures will strengthen the EDA as the main intergovernmental prioritisation instrument at EU level in support of capability development, with a more output-oriented Capability Development Plan (CDP) and a key role in operating the Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD).

They also will enhance the EDA as the preferred cooperation forum and management support structure at EU level to engage in technology and capability development activities, ranging from R&T to critical enablers, exercise and training as well as support to operations, including the industrial dimension. The Agency is also to be reinforced as an interface between Member States and EU institutions and as a central operator for EU-funded defence-related activities such as, for example, the upcoming Preparatory Action on defence research and the future European Defence Research Programme.


Cooperative Financial Mechanism (CFM)

Ministers welcomed the financial and legal package presented by the Agency and approved the setting up of an Cooperative Financial Mechanism as an EDA Ad-Hoc CAT A programme. Negotiations with Member States on a Programme Arrangement will start soon. The EDA was invited to report to the Steering Board on progress made during these negotiations before the signature of the Programme Arrangement.

The objective of the Cooperative Financial Mechanism, to which contributing Member States would participate and contribute on a strictly voluntary basis, is to incentivize defence cooperation by overcoming the lack of budgetary synchronisation between Member States and the problems that this causes for the launch of cooperative defence cooperation projects. Experience has shown that unsynchronized budget availability at the launch phase of a collaborative programme is one of the key challenges.

Through the CFM, Member States can support each other via a system of reimbursable advances and deferred payments. The mechanism can also be used more widely as a hub for managing investments, such as EDA R&T projects, and ring-fencing resources allocated for cooperative purposes. It will facilitate the launch of collaborative projects and have positive repercussions in capability, technological and industrial terms.


Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD)

Ministers welcomed the work carried out by the EDA, in close cooperation with EEAS, on the definition of the scope, principles, methodology and detailed modalities of the CARD which will start with a trial run as of this autumn. The Agency was encouraged to pursue this work. Minister agreed to present a report on the trial run to the Steering Board in November 2018.

The CARD aims at facilitating Member States delivering in particular on EU capability development priorities agreed in the framework of the Capability Development Plan (CDP). The CARD will also allow Defence Ministers to regularly take stock of the European capability development landscape, assess progress in cooperative capability development to date and share information on defence spending plans.


Engagement with industry, other topics

Ministers endorsed EDA’s revised approach towards establishing a structured dialogue and enhanced engagement with industry based on a set of priority actions focused on the capability development process, exercises, R&T prioritization, innovation, SES/SESAR, Key Strategic Activities and support to industry. These priorities will guide the 2017-2018 activities of EDA in relation to industry. The Steering Board tasked the Agency with presenting an assessment report of these priorities and their implementation in November 2018.

Ministers also welcomed the work already conducted by the EDA on the Preparatory Action on Defence Research, with the Delegation Agreement expected to be signed end of May. Ministers also took stock of the Agency’s main cooperative programmes (such as, for example, Air-to-Air Refuelling, Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems - RPAS, GovSatCom and Cyberdefence) and reviewed the progress made in other projects within the portfolio of more than 50 capability projects currently run by the EDA.

Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Zaragoza to permanently host the European Tactical Airlift Center from June

Thu, 18/05/2017 - 13:22

On June 8 the new European Tactical Airlift Centre (ETAC) will be officially opened by Head of the EDA, High Representative and Vice-President of the European Commission, Federica Mogherini and Minister of Defence of Spain Dolores de Cospedal. ETAC represents one of the largest transfers of a project, created and developed by the EDA, to one of its Member States on a permanent basis. 

Zaragoza will officially become the home of the European Air Transport Fleet (EAFT) Programme on June 8th in a ceremony marking the transfer of this project from the EDA to Spain. Created in 2011 by EDA, and signed by 20 participating nations, the EATF partnership aims to increase the EU’s airlift capabilities by addressing shortages and increasing interoperability. The establishment of a permanent multinational airlift training centre (ETAC) marks a major step forward in European defence collaboration in the critical capability domain of tactical airlift. 

An EDA first: Joint Deployment of EAATTC 17-3 and 3D Printing Lab 

The third European Advanced Airlift Tactics Training Course for 2017 (EAATTC 17-3), hosted by the Spanish Airforce at Zaragoza airbase will run from 28 May to 9 June 2017. This edition of EAATTC gathers five aircraft from four different countries (Belgium: C130; Germany: C160; Poland C130 and Spain: C295 and C130). This training aims to provide air transport crews with a robust airlift tactics training syllabus in order to enhance interoperability between European air forces. The graduation ceremony for participating aircrew will take place as part of the opening of the ETAC on June 8 2017.

As part of EDA’s approach to explore new avenues for defence cooperation and enabling technologies, its innovative project on 3D printing in defence will be deployed as part of EAATTC 17-3. The project, officially titled “Additive Manufacturing Feasibility Study & Technology Demonstration”, aims to assess the areas where Additive Manufacturing (AM) (3D printing)  can have a positive impact on defence capabilities and to demonstrate its feasibility. 

The second work strand of this project is a technology demonstration of AM in a simulated deployment scenario. Its aim is to demonstrate the feasibility and operational utility of deploying these technologies in support of a military operation. The deployment of the 3D printing lab represents a significant step in bridging the data gap on 3D printer performance in deployed conditions and will demonstrate the operational utility of these technologies. 

First of all the lab will be deployed on a test flight to examine its feasibility to be deployed by air. During the exercise the lab technicians will interact with the officials deployed at EAATTC 17-3, presenting the possibilities offered by the equipment, and identifying in a close dialogue with them what are the main needs in an operation that could be fulfilled with an AM facility. Together, the technicians the officials will select a number of different test parts to be produced on site and on demand, with different grades of complexity. 

The project represents a clear example of how cross-fertilization of ideas from different domains, from R&T to operations, will enhance defence capabilities, especially when supporting deployed missions. The overall study has the objective of raising awareness in the defence community and of promoting a better understanding of the potential held by these technologies, thereby stimulating their implementation in defence specific areas.

Media Day – June 8
Members of the media can avail of a special one day media flight from Brussels to Zaragoza airbase (kindly provided by the Belgian Ministry of Defence) for the opening of ETAC. All details can be found here

On June 8 EDA will be live from Zaragoza airbase for special coverage of the opening of ETAC. 

Throughout the day we will be bringing you live updates on twitter of the opening ceremony, graduation of aircrews, interviews and visits to the 3D printing lab. 
Visit our twitter page (@EUDefenceAgency) and get involved using #EUdefence.  

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Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Second Test and Evaluation Community Days Conference held in Vienna

Wed, 17/05/2017 - 12:53

The second Conference on Test and Evaluation (T&E) was held in Vienna on 24-27 April 2017 with the title “European priorities - challenges and opportunities for a large EU network of T&E Centres“.

Building on the success of the first conference held in Rome in 2014, the Vienna conference was attended by around 100 experts from 17 EDA Member States, the European defence industry, and the European Commission, as well as NATO representatives. The aim was to provide a forum for the T&E community to exchange ideas, information and experiences.

The conference was opened by Lieutenant General Norbert Gehart, Armament Director, Austrian Federal Ministry for National Defence and Sport, and Mr Rini Goos, Deputy Chief Executive, European Defence Agency, and was hosted by the Austrian Armament and Defence Technology Agency. The conference sessions were moderated by the EDA Cooperation Panning and Support Director Mr. Roland Van Reybroeck, together with members of the Defence Test and Evaluation Base (DTEB) Plenary Group.

Current challenges for T&E requirements derived from the Capability Development Plan (CDP) in the wider context of the under the EU Global Strategy provided the basis for more than 20 presentations and interactive discussions among conference participants. European T&E cooperation examples and visits to Austrian test facilities provided practical insights and the opportunity to exchange experiences and lessons learned.

Main results of the conference included the acknowledgment of common challenges facing the T&E community and the need for a large European network of test facilities. Test and evaluation was recognized as a key enabler in support ofEU capability development priorities contributing to the objectives of the EU Global Strategy Implementation Plan on Security and Defence. The conference encouraged participating Member States to enhance cooperation and coordination of T&E initiatives under the EDA umbrella, to improve awareness of existing T&E capabilities, to explore opportunities for civil and military cooperation and to maintain and further develop key skills and competences in the T&E domain to the largest extent possible.


The Test and Evaluation Community Days Conference is an EDA initiative held every three years in cooperation with a participating Member State. It brings together experts from Europe’s government Test Centres, project managers, T&E Directors, and European Defence Technology Industry Base (DTIB) representatives to exchange information, learn from each other and initiate new T&E projects, and create strategic networks to support EU forces.


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Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Call for submissions: EDA Defence Industry workshop looking at the long-term outlook for RPAS

Tue, 16/05/2017 - 16:33

EDA has opened a call for submissions from defence industry representatives on the topic of Remotely Piloted Air Systems (RPAS). This call is in response to the agreement between EDA defence ministers to develop a more structured and regular dialogue with industry. In this domain, the EDA has developed an approach that is supported by Member States and invites defence industry representatives and research institutes to respond to the call for papers (attachment below). Submissions must be sent to the EDA by the 16th of June 2017.  

The aim of the process is to enrich the CDP long-term view with industry inputs on the long term perspective of the industrial and technological outlook for specific capability areas. This will not be a forum for discussing the commercial aspects of current systems but a dialogue intended to explore the long-term (20 years ahead) aspects of military warfare focused on Remotely Piloted Air Systems (RPAS).

The EDA will hold a one day workshop on the 12th of September 2017. Selected industry representatives will be invited to share their views of long-term outlooks focusing on the questions listed in the questionnaire.  Speakers will be selected based on this call for papers, which will be evaluated by the EDA. Submissions are sought from as wide as possible a range of industries involved in aspects of development related to RPAS. Though responses to all questions in the questionnaire are encouraged, submitters may develop answers to specific questions in greater detail based on their area of expertise. This will allow thematic discussion panels to be formed. Submissions will be judged on their innovativeness and relevance as well as ability to stimulate discussion on the future role of RPAS in the military context. Participation in this call for papers is open to companies of any size as well as academic, semi-governmental research institutes and associations or grouping of industrial suppliers.     

How to submit 

Download the call for papers here: Annex to EDA201705069 - CDP Industry Questionnaire

Send your completed files to with a copy to 

Deadline for submissions is the 16th of June 2017 

Contact point 

Aleksandrs BUCENS

Project Officer Cooperation Planning Strategic Analysis

+32 2 504 28 37 

Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Press day: Opening of the European Tactical Airlift Centre - Zaragoza June 8

Tue, 16/05/2017 - 11:37

The European Defence Agency is pleased to invite you to the official opening of the new European Tactical Airlift Centre (ETAC) on June 8th in Zaragoza. We are delighted that Head of the EDA, High Representative and Vice-President of the European Commission, Federica Mogherini and Minister of Defence of Spain Dolores de Cospedal will official open the ETAC. They will be joined by EDA Chief Executive Jorge Domecq, Members of the EU Military Committee and representatives of European Ministries of Defence. The Belgian Ministry of Defence is kindly providing a complementary flight (Brussels-Zaragoza-Brussels) on June 8th for members of the press.

Press opportunities

Opening of the ETAC: marks a significant moment in European defence cooperation. ETAC represents the largest transfer of a project, created and developed by the EDA, to one of its Member States on a permanent basis. Zaragoza will officially become the home of the European Air Transport Fleet (EAFT) Programme, created in 2011 by EDA and currently numbers 20 participating nations. The opening of the ETAC is a fundamental step forward in European defence collaboration in the critical capability domain of tactical airlift.

EAATTC 17-3 Static Display and Presentation: The third European Advanced Airlift Tactics Training Course for 2017 (EAATTC 17-3), hosted by Spain, will also draw to a close on June 8th. This edition of EAATTC gathers four aircraft from four different countries (Belgium, Germany, Spain and Poland). This training aims to provide air transport crews with a robust airlift tactics training syllabus in order to enhance interoperability between European air forces. The media day offers members of the press an opportunity to learn more about this training exercise, European capabilities in military airlift and interact with the crews and planes involved during the static display. 

Additive Manufacturing (3D printing) in defence: ETAC Media Day on June 8th also offers the opportunity to discover more of EDA’s work in defence innovation. EDA will deploy its new 3D printing lab as part of a project project’s to assess the areas where Additive Manufacturing (3D printing) can have a positive impact on defence capabilities and to demonstrate its feasibility. The lab’s deployment to seeks to bridge the data gap on 3D printer performance in deployed conditions and will demonstrate the operational utility of these technologies in a realistic operational environment.

Registration for Media Flight & Programme 

A full press programme will be communicated closer to the date, however departure of the flight is expected between 07:30 - 08:30 from Melsbroek Airbase returning between 17:00 - 18:00. Final times will be confirmed at a later date. The EDA is coordinating media registration for the complementary flight* on June 8th. 

Members of the press can apply for a seat on the media flight by contacting: Mr Paul Quinn ( EDA Media and Communication Officer.

Registration will close on May 22 2017. 

*Seats are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. 

Flight time to Zaragoza is approximately 2 hours. Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. 

We very much hope you will be able to attend and look forward to welcoming you for the Opening of the European Tactical Airlift Centre. 

Contact point

Paul QUINN, Media & Communication Officer

European Defence Agency
Rue des Drapiers 17-23
B-1050 Brussels (Belgium) 

Tel: ++3225042842

Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Cyber Ranges: EDA’s First Ever Cyber Defence Pooling & Sharing Project Launched By 11 Member States

Fri, 12/05/2017 - 14:43

On May 5th, the Project Arrangement (PA) for the first ever Cyber Defence Pooling & Sharing Project was signed by all eleven contributing Member States. The Cyber Ranges Federation Project brings together Austria, Belgium, Germany, Estonia, Greece, Finland, Ireland, Latvia, the Netherlands, Portugal and Sweden  under the co-lead of the Netherlands, Finland and Greece. The project originates from an EDA initiative and will be carried out under the EU pooling & sharing agenda with support from EDA. The core aims of the project include: increasing the availability of existing and emerging cyber range facilities; increasing the occupation rate and efficiency of cyber ranges and platforms;  mainstream and improve cyber defence training, exercises and testing at European level. Under this PA, the objectives will be achieved in a spiral approach over the next 36 months.

The Cyber Ranges Federation Project is the first of four Cyber Defence Projects launched so far under the Pooling & Sharing agenda. While other projects such as Improved Cyber Situation Awareness, improved Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) detection, and pooling of Member States’ demand for private sector-provided cyber training are still in the preparation phase, the Cyber Ranges Federation Project is the first cyber defence related collaborative EDA project that is moving from the preparation phase to the implementation phase.

A total of 30 work packages are foreseen for the project, divided between two spirals. Work on the first spiral, composed of 19 different work packages, will commence with the first meeting of the Project Management Committee under the lead of the Netherlands. Spiral 1 is expected to be completed within 18 months. The remaining 11 work packages will be completed after a review of the results of spiral 1 under the lead of Finland in spiral 2. It is expected that the projects will substantially contribute to improving the quality and authenticity of cyber defence related education, training and exercise formats for all stakeholders in Europe. This will be achieved by providing on the one hand wide ranging and capable technical platforms and on the other by establishing a European community of experts on up-to-date cyber defence training and exercises. 

The sharing of knowledge and best practice is also an implicit objective of the project. In doing so, the Cyber Ranges Federation will also be supported by an EDA developed web-based Cyber Defence Training and Exercise Coordination Platform (CD TEXP), which is expected to be operational by the end of this year. In addition to training and exercise support, the cyber ranges can also be effectively employed in the areas of research as well as modelling, simulation and testing. Project preparation was observed by NATO, and in the light of the NATO-EU Joint Declaration, additional ways for cooperation with the project of NATO to establish its own cyber range capacity will be sought by the contributing Member States.  


The success of military operations, including EU-led operations, is increasingly dependent on the availability of, and access to, cyberspace. The EU Cyber Security Strategy 2013 recognizes Cyber Defence as one of the strategic priorities of the EU and Heads of State and Governments decided in December 2013 that Cyber Defence should be one of four key areas for capability development.  An essential element of EU cyber defence capability is highly skilled and well-trained personnel. Enhancing awareness and education of technicians, operators and decision-makers is urgent. Cyber ranges to support training and exercises are both essential and scarce. In the 2014 Capability Development Plan, the scarceness of cyber range facilities in support of Training and Exercises was recognized as an important capability gap that urgently needs resolution. The now established project serves to close this capability gap. Pooling & Sharing projects are an integral means for closing capability gaps in the cyber domain. 


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MARSUR put to the test during live demonstration at OHQ EUNAVFOR MED SOPHIA

Wed, 10/05/2017 - 18:45

Today (10 May 2017) the OHQ EUNAVFOR MED Operation SOPHIA with the sponsorship of the European Defence Agency hosted the Maritime Surveillance Networking (MARSUR) Live Demonstration at the OHQ in Rome. MARSUR Networking was designed to enhance the  Recognized Maritime Picture and to support CSDP Operations. Following its launch in 2006, MARSUR has grown to become EDA’s longest running project, with 17 EU Member States plus Norway now forming the MARSUR Community. Today’s capability demonstration was attended by 30 distinguished guests from 15 EU Member States and Norway plus representatives from the EUMC, EMSA and the EU SATCEN. The forum was also addressed by EDA Deputy Chief Executive Mr. Rini GOOS and the EUNAVFOR MED operation SOPHIA Deputy Commander, Rear Admiral Luc-Marie LEFEBVRE.

The key enabler for maritime operations is having the maritime information needed to operate on dangerous seas. Within this challenging domain, decision-makers need to receive the information they need in a readily usable format, allowing to them incorporate different data and information from civilian and military actors. To respond to this need an innovate capability that allows actors to exchange operational data, which in turn enhances situation awareness, was created by EDA, MARSUR. Speaking before the launch of the live demonstration, EDA Deputy Chief Executive Mr. Rini Goos addressed the forum and highlighting how MARSUR represents a vital aspect of EDA’s strong commitment to supporting the naval aspects of European defence. “The link between Operation SOPHIA and MARSUR is the perfect example of constructive and targeted efforts to implement the EU Maritime Security Strategy, ensuring overarching information exchange among European actors in a cross-sectoral and comprehensive way. This interaction with multiple maritime security stakeholders and the backing it provides to EUMMS’ vision, makes MARSUR and SOPHIA’s endeavor an excellent implementation example of the goals and principles we have set for our Union in the maritime domain.” 

For the first time, the event brought together the input provided by Member States via the respective Maritime Operations Center’s (MOCs) and demonstrated how they can be used to create a comprehensive Maritime Situation Picture. At the live capability demonstration, EUNAVFOR MED Operation SOPHIA Deputy Operation Commander stressed the role and relevance of Operation SOPHIA and its dependance on maritime situational awareness. The success of Operation SOPHIA depends on a large extent on the cooperation of EU Member States which is true for the recognized maritime picture profiting from the input of the MARSUR Networking, as well.

In building the demonstration, a storyboard created for this event outlining the contribution of several MARSUR Participating Member States (PMS) over several months with information gathered in the MOCs by naval assets not assigned to Operation SOPHIA providing valuable input to the Operations situational awareness. The picture quickly filled up with relevant information in a short time. 6 MOCs corresponded to specific requests by relevant core services offered by the MARSUR capability: Live Chat, Email, Voice of IP and Track Streaming were specific services provided, and helped to add, analyse and deal with suspicious or otherwise relevant tracks in Operation SOPHIA. Even PMS without a completely developed MARSUR capability were able to contribute by helping to identify different Vessels of Common Interest (VCI) or providing amplifying information about their movement. 

During today’s live demonstration, a mobile component of the MARSUR capability was presented - a German Auxiliary Vessel assigned to Operation SOPHIA, the FGS RHEIN, demonstrated the use of the MARSUR capability as a maritime situational awareness tool installed on a potential Force Headquarter afloat. 
With some further support and integration into national systems MARSUR could become a most valuable tool for any future CSDP Operation, making best use of naval units already deployed in an area of responsibility not part of the Operation. Pointing to this aspect, Mr. Rini Goos commented, “I am certain that this standard of European concerted effort will be taken further because, as the demonstration will show, the use of the MARSUR capability could become a blueprint for any future CSDP Operation.” 

The significance of the live demonstration at OHQ EUNAVFOR MED SOPHIA has also helped to advance the trust and close cooperation among Navy MOCs in Europe, uniting a common European cause pursued through Operation SOPHIA. 





EUNAVFOR MED operation SOPHIA, launched in June 2015, presents its core task to contribute to wider EU efforts to disrupt the business model of human smuggling and trafficking networks in the Southern Central Mediterranean. To date, we have apprehended 109 suspected smugglers and traffickers and neutralized 426 boats, preventing them from being re-used by smugglers. Additionally, from October 2016, we are fully involved in the training of the Libyan Navy and Libyan Navy Coast Guard and in the implementation of the arms embargo off the coast of Libya according to UNSCR 2292(2016).

European Defence Agency

The European Defence Agency was established under a Joint Action of the Council of Ministers on 12 July, 2004, "to support the Member States and the Council in their effort to improve European defence capabilities in the field of crisis management and to sustain the European Security and Defence Policy as it stands now and develops in the future”. It is an Agency of the EU. Visit us: 


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Categories: Defence`s Feeds

EDA at EU Open Doors Day

Fri, 05/05/2017 - 12:12

This Saturday 6 May, the European Defence Agency (EDA) participates in the 'EU Open Day'. Pass by and meet the EDA staff at information stand 27 in the building of the European External Action Service (EEAS) at Rond Point Schuman in Brussels.

Every year, the European Union celebrates peace and unity on 'Europe Day'. The event marks the anniversary of the 'Schuman Declaration', outlining a vision to unite separate European states into a single community.The public is invited to visit the main European institutions in Brussels on 6 May.

For more information on the celebrations in Brussels, click here.

EU Open Day at the European External Action Service

Time: 10.00 - 18.00 hrs
Address: EEAS Building, 9A Rond Point Schuman, 1000 Brussels

Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Delivered EDA study to help improve medical support for ,,small” operations

Thu, 04/05/2017 - 10:07

The larger a military operation is in size (Member States, troops, equipment involved), the more sophisticated and complete the medical support tends to be. The military medical support options in Europe used to be designed and optimised for military operations of a larger scale. For some of the current missions conducted in the context of the European Union’s Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP), such as antipiracy or training missions, a far smaller number of personnel has to be deployed than in the operations mentioned above.

Against that background EDA carried out the study “Medical Support to Light Footprint Operations” which involved EDA’s ‘Project Team Medical’ and other Ad Hoc Medical Working Groups. The key issue investigated by the study was to keep the quality of medical support at the highest possible level for missions of smaller scale.

The overarching goal was to provide participating Member States with the analytical means to identify new ways of providing effective medical support to so-called ‘Light Footprint Operations’ (LFO) in the context of CSDP. As LFOs are not formally described in current EU or NATO doctrines, there is no agreed set of principles or best practices to tailor medical support to this type of missions.

The study commissioned by EDA analysed key elements of LFOs provides recommendations on a way forward on how to tailor and improve medical support for LFOs, namely:

  • EU Medical Concept - requirements for medical support for LFOs and best practices for the provision of medical support must be introduced into the current EU Medical Concept;
  • Further harmonization of qualification, material and concepts – based on lessons identified in recent CSDP missions, including difficulties and major obstacles, the study describes options for improved interoperability between units providing medical support, including to facilitate harmonisation and standardisation;
  • Categorization of Medical Treatment Facilities (MTF) - based on lessons identified in recent CSDP missions, the study analyzed that the concept of allocation roles should be revisited to consider modularization of medical units as a cost-effective way;
  • New technologies and research activities - the study indicates opportunities for multinational cooperation in development and research activities for new technologies, that could be used for both reduce the footprint of medical support in LFOs and the improvement of medical care;
  • Engagement between military and civilian medical community - the study identified a number of crossovers in the domains of training of medical professionals and the make-up of deployed medical staff, medical practices of information sharing and medical technologies. To address the synergies and concerns, the study suggests that EDA should seek opportunities to serve as a forum to build trust between the consumers of the technology, the developers and the manufacturers.


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Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Enhancing EDA-Norway cooperation discussed during visit of the State Secretary of Norway Øystein Bø to EDA.

Wed, 03/05/2017 - 15:06

Today (3 May 2017) Chief Executive Jorge Domecq welcomed Mr. Øystein Bø (State Secretary at the Ministry of Defence of Norway) to the EDA for productive talks focused on further enhancing EDA-Norway cooperation. As a non-member of the European Union, Norway signed an Administrative Arrangement with the EDA in 2006, and is now actively involved in a range of EDA projects and programmes. The meeting provided an excellent opportunity to access progress on EDA-Norway cooperation as well as investigate areas where cooperation could be expanded. 

Mr. Domecq welcomed State Secretary Bø  by expressing his deep appreciation for Norway’s involvement and support to the EDA through Norway’s overall commitment to cooperation with the agency. As an example of this cooperation, Mr. Domecq highlighted that almost all the actions agreed between the EDA and Norway during his meeting with the Norwegian Minister of Defence Ine Eriksen Søreide in January 2016 have been concluded. One of the most concrete actions has been the successful secondment if a Norwegian expert to EDA who leads EDA’s work on CBRN R&T.   

Before the meeting began, EDA Project Officers presented State Secretary Bø with selected EDA capability development projects, offering an opportunity to demonstrate the work that the EDA is currently undertaking in CBRN, SESAR and Cyber. 

Norway has a long standing and deep participation in EDA activities, most notably in Air-to-Air Refuelling (Norway signed in February 2017 together with Belgium and Germany a Declaration of Intent confirming that it will sign the MMF MoU in 2017), GOVSATCOM which Norway is now officially participating in, also equally involved in projects and programmes related to C-IED such as JDEAL and CBRN. Furthermore, as a full member of the European Tactical Airlift Center (ETAC), Norway will participate in EAATTC (Tactical Airlift Training) 17-4 in Zaragoza this September. However most prominent involvement of Norway in EDA’s work is its active participation in projects and programmes in the field of research and technology.

Speaking at the conclusion of the visit, Mr. Domecq commented; “I am delighted to have welcomed State Secretary of Norway Øystein Bø to the EDA for positive and forward looking discussions. I am particularly grateful for Norway’s participation and contribution to the EDA. The cooperation we have built has been very fruitful and also serves as a model for EDA’s cooperation with partners. I believe we can look forward to developing new ways to enhance cooperation with Norway.


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11th EDA Helicopter Exercise “FIRE BLADE” ready for take-off in Hungary!

Fri, 28/04/2017 - 16:31

Exercise FIRE BLADE 2017 (FB17) will take place at Papa Airbase in Hungary from 1-12 May 2017 with around 500 personnel and 16 aircraft taking part from 5 Member States. This is the 11th Helicopter exercise to be conducted under the umbrella of EDA’s Helicopter Exercise Programme (HEP).

The European Defence Agency continues to offer an operationally realistic framework for Member States to develop, consolidate and share best practice in advanced helicopter operations. The conflict in Afghanistan brought several contributing Member States (cMS) together to jointly overcome reduced availability of combat ready crews and platforms. Several common factors were identified: a lack of effective crew training, sub-optimal technical equipment and the challenges of logistic support to remote deployed operations. The HEP successfully addressed the training need and continues to offer a unique vehicle for improved helicopter capability development. Exercise FIRE BLADE will provide an operationally demanding environment for participating Member States to train together and improve tactics and interoperability, including the coordination and integration of Joint Terminal Air Controllers (JTAC’s) into live fire scenarios.

Exercise FIRE BLADE 2017

FIRE BLADE will not only provide crews with the opportunity for live weapon engagement, it will also allow them to conduct complex air operations in a realistic and challenging environment. A total of 14 helicopters from Austria, Belgium, Germany, Hungary and Slovenia, as well as two fixed wing aircraft from Hungary will take part.

FIRE BLADE will deliver tactical training, over the two week period, offering participants a unique opportunity to plan and execute Composite Air Operation (COMAO) missions within a joint and combined framework. Trained Helicopter Tactics Instructors trained under EDA’s Helicopter Tactics Instructors Course (HTIC) will mentor the multinational crews in the preparation and execution of theses challenging COMAO missions. The mentor team for FIRE BLADE will include 5 instructors from Austria, Germany, Sweden and the UK.

EDA’s Director for Cooperation Planning and Support, Roland van Reybroeck, highlighted some of the key benefits of the exercise: “FIRE BLADE marks another major milestone in EDA’s Helicopter Exercise Programme and will offer a very demanding period of training for the operational crews. Since its launch, the HEP has developed into one of the most intensive formats for joint European helicopter training. The realistic settings and complex missions are particularly challenging and the crews and aircraft will be stretched to their limits. I would especially like to thank Hungary for hosting the exercise for the first time and congratulate them on becoming the 7th Member State to do so.” 


The overall aim of the HEP is to enhance interoperability at tactical level  between helicopter units by using the COMAO concept in a combined, joint, realistic and challenging environment and to teach and learn helicopter Techniques, Tactics and Procedures (TTPs). During FB17 the units will fly a diverse set of day and night training missions, with a focus on live firing operations. FB17 is a real-world example of what can be achieved through European defence cooperation. 

Further updates on FB17 can also be found on Twitter using #FIREBLADE2017.

Another important milestone for the EDA 

 The HEP is one of the EDA’s helicopter training programmes. The exercises focus on individual, environmental and multinational training, increasing interoperability through practical experiences, sharing operational experience and developing common tactics, techniques and procedures. HEP started in 2012 as a ten-year programme, it offers a tangible example of how collaboration in training can be a critical component of improved European helicopter capability and interoperability.

EDA Helicopter Exercises In Numbers

Between 2009 and 2017 : 229 helicopters, 1.590 aircrew members and almost 13.500 technical and logistics personnel, as well as infantry and special forces, from 19 Member States have deployed to the EDA exercises which were held in France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Finland and Belgium.

DVD exercise FIRE BLADE 2017

A Distinguished Visitors Day (DVD) will be held on May 11th, which senior officials of the participating Member States will attend. This FIRE BLADE DVD will be combined with a Media day with international media visiting the airbase. The e-mail address where media can register for the whole exercise and the DVD program: 

Future HEP Event 

 The next HEP event will be Exercise HOT BLADE, which will be held in June 2018 at Ovar Airbase in Portugal.


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Jorge Domecq extended as European Defence Agency (EDA) Chief Executive

Thu, 27/04/2017 - 10:59

Following a proposal by Federica Mogherini, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Vice-President of the European Commission, as Head of the European Defence Agency, EDA Member States have decided unanimously to extend the initial three year mandate of Jorge Domecq as Chief Executive of the Agency for an additional two years, up to 1 February 2020. 

Jorge Domecq leads the EDA since February 2015. Mr Domecq’s prolongation comes at a crucial time for EU defence in general, and for the European Defence Agency in particular. As the Agency is crucially involved in the practical implementation of all recent European defence initiatives - from the EU Global Strategy and its Implementation Plan to the European Defence Action Plan (EDAP) and the implementation of the EU-NATO Joint Declaration – Mr Domecq’s extension will provide the necessary continuity in EDA’s top team to make sure the Agency can play its role to the full.

The implementation of the EDA’s Long Term Review, which was set in motion by the Head of the Agency last autumn and that Ministers will consider at the 18 May Steering Board and the upcoming launch of the European Commission’s Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR), in which the EDA will play a central managing role through the signing of a delegation agreement with the Commission, are two additional challenges lying ahead of the Agency and its re-confirmed Chief Executive.

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Defence Energy Managers' Course Holds First Session

Mon, 24/04/2017 - 16:12

On 24 April, EDA welcomed 20 students from nine Member States to the opening session of a 16-month course aimed specifically  at reducing the energy usage within military installations.  The ‘Defence Energy Managers’ Course (DEMC)’ is the first of its kind to be run at the multi-national level and will deliver both theoretical and practical energy management system  training to facility managers from the navies, armies and air forces of Europe.  

Beginning with a 5-day classroom session covering the fundamentals of energy management, the students will receive project specific mentoring to deliver energy savings within their own national sites  and will benefit from one-on-one instruction from market leading experts.  The course is split into 5 distinct modules (3 classroom and two practical) and is based on the ISO 50001 standard but with specific applicability to the defence sector.    

The course marks another important milestone in EDA’s approach to sustainability in defence and runs in parallel with the Consultation Forum for Sustainable Energy in the Defence and Security Sector sponsored by the European Commission and EDA’s own Energy and Environmental Working Group, which looks to mainstream sustainability concepts within the military as enablers for improved military capability and to reduce the negative environmental effects of military operations.


In January 2017 EDA launched a new specialised Defence Energy Managers’ Course (DEMC), which aims to enhance MoD capabilities through the establishment and implementation of the EDA’s Energy & Environment Working Group (EnE WG) within their organisations.  The participants of the new DEMC will reinforce their understanding of the complexities of managing energy within a defence organisation or sub-organisation and will acquire the capacity to structure, implement and improve effective Energy Management Systems (EnMS).

Through the attendance of the course, MoD/Armed Forces personnel will be trained to the required technical standard to deliver practical, cost-effective solutions and, uniquely, will benefit from case-specific mentoring support to their first project delivered within the context of their normal work activities. After the course, the trainees will have sufficient knowledge to continue to develop their skills in a continuous cycle of self-improvement through on-going mentoring, alumni relations and as members of the European Defence Energy Network (EDEN) with permanent access to its established on-line resources. 

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Chief Executive Domecq visits Estonia for Defence talks ahead of Estonian EU Presidency

Fri, 21/04/2017 - 16:31

EDA Chief Executive Jorge Domecq held talks today (21 April) in Tallinn with Estonian Minister of Defence Mr Margus Tsahkna, Commander of the Defence Forces General Riho Terras, as well as with the representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Estonian Defence Industry Association, and NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCoE). Discussions focused on the preparation for the upcoming Estonian Presidency of the EU Council during the second half of 2017 and namely on EDA’s support to defence related events organised in the framework of the Estonian Presidency. Talks also focused on Estonia’s current and potential future contributions to EDA projects and programmes.    

Discussions with the Minister of Defence dealt primarily with the upcoming Estonian Presidency of the EU Council and Estonia’s current and potential future contributions to EDA projects and programmes. Mr. Domecq and Minister Tsahkna also spoke about the general state of play regarding the Implementation Plan on Security and Defence, European Defence Action Plan, and other new initiatives that now are high on the EU defence agenda.

Mr. Domecq ensured Minister Tsahkna of the Agency’s support to defence related events organised in the framework of the Estonian Presidency. In this regards, the EDA has offered to co-organise the cyber exercise EU CYBRID 2017 together with the Estonian Presidency that will test crisis response on a strategic level in the context of major cyber-attack with the aim to raise awareness on a political/ministerial level of cyber effects.

Continuing a busy day in Tallinn, Mr. Domecq also held a meeting with the Director of the Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCoE). EDA and CCDCoE, widely acknowledged as crucial actors for developing higher resilience against cyber threats, agreed to continue cooperating in order to bring added value to EDA participating Member States and CCDCoE sponsoring nations.

Mr. Domecq concluded his visit to Tallinn at the Estonian Defence Forces HQ where he held a meeting with Chief of Defence, General Riho Terras. 

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EDA Personnel Recovery course hosted by Swedish Armed Forces

Thu, 20/04/2017 - 16:00

The 10th edition of the Joint Personnel Recovery staff Course (JPRSC), a project initiated and supported by the European Defence Agency (EDA), was organised and hosted by the Swedish Armed Forces SERE School, a close partner of the Agency.

The JPRSC, which is part of the EDA’s Personnel Recovery Controller and Planner Course (PRCPC) Cat B project, was successfully conducted from 27 Marsh to 7 April 17 in Karlsborg, Sweden. It was organised by the Swedish Armed Forces SERE School with the support of the seven Member States contributing to the project. 

All in all, 23 students from  Sweden, Germany, Norway, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Austria and Switzerland benefitted from the knowledge and experience of a cadre of instructors from Sweden, Germany, Hungary and the European Personnel Recovery Centre (EPRC).

The main focus of the course was to train staff officers in supporting their commanders in Personnel Recovery related issues. The course is designed for personnel who man personnel recovery positions in tactical operation centres (TOCs), personnel recovery coordination cells (PRCCs) or joint personnel recovery cells (JPRCs). Most of all, the course ensures that trained personnel is available to support any future Personnel Recovery activities.

Personnel Recovery (PR) is an essential element of modern operational planning as it provides a security net for deployed personnel. Most importantly, it boosts morale of service women and men on mission and acknowledges national as well as European Union responsibilities to affect the recovery and reintegration of isolated personnel deployed in the context of Crisis Management Operations under the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). 

The next EU Joint Personnel Recovery staff Course (JPRSC) will take place in Veszprem, Hungary from 22 May to 2 June and will be organised by the Hungarian Armed Forces. 



The EDA PRCPC project was established on 30 May 2013 as an EDA Category B project under the lead of Sweden. As of today, it includes seven contributing EU Member States (cMS): Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands and Sweden. The Course was extended three times and will be finalised on 30 May 2019. 


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PA on Defence Research: Commission adopts financial decision with project details

Wed, 19/04/2017 - 12:47

On 11 April, the European Commission adopted the ‘Decision on the financing of the Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR) and the use of unit costs for the year 2017’.

In its annexes, the Financing Decision also includes detailed descriptions of three topics/actions for which calls for proposals will be launched in late May 2017, namely:

  • A technological demonstrator for enhanced situational awareness in a naval environment. The project aims to show the added value of unmanned systems in enhancing situational awareness while operating alongside and communicating with other manned and unmanned systems;
  • Research in technology and products in the context of Force Protection and Soldier Systems. This topic focuses on aspects such as future generic open soldier system reference architecture; technology advancements in tailor-made blast, ballistic and Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) protection of military personnel; as well as novel developments in active and passive military camouflage methods;
  • Strategic technology foresight. Proposals will need to develop and validate a methodology and/or process to gather data. These foresight activities will be carried out on a recurring basis.  They will be used to develop realistic scenarios of potential future conflicts which will help scoping EU-funded defence research.



The Preparatory Action on Defence Research, which will be run by the European Defence Agency (EDA) through a Delegation Agreement expected to be signed with the European Commission in the coming weeks, is the first step towards a future European defence research programme (EDRP) as part of the EU’s next Multiannual Financial Framework (2021-2027).
The budget for the PADR related actions in 2017 is €25 million. Its main implementation will be through grants. The call for proposals and the participation modalities will be published in late May.


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IED detection: three new EDA projects launched

Wed, 19/04/2017 - 10:10

Around 40 government representatives as well as military, industrial and research experts met end of March in Vienna for the kick-off meeting for three new projects which will be run by the European Defence Agency within the EDA IED Detection (IEDDET) programme.

The IEDDET programme aims to develop and demonstrate multisensor detection systems for countering Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) in order to support the development of improved Route Clearance Capabilities for the contributing nations (Austria, Belgium, The Netherlands, Norway and Poland). Each of three projects addresses different phases of route clearance operations: early warning, stand-off detection and confirmation & identification. A key goal is to improve overall performance of route clearance operations by exchanging information between the three phases.  


Here are more details on the projects’ objectives and the consortia in charge of them:

  • Vehicle Mounted Early Warning of Indirect Indicators of IEDs (VMEWI3). The objective of this project is to detect indirect indicators of IED’s by using forward looking camera systems. The project will develop, test and demonstrate unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) based early warning and forward looking multisensor optical systems for the detection of IED indicators. The project is led by Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) in cooperation with industry, SME, academia and research institutions: Armament and Defence Technology Agency (ARWT) from Austria, Royal Military Academy (RMA) from Belgium, Nederlandse Instrumenten Compagnie (Nedinsco), ViNotion B.V., Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e), Quest Photonic Devices BV (Quest) from the Netherlands  and  PCO S.A. and Military University of Technology (WAT) from Poland. 
  • UGV stand-off multi-sensor platform for IED component detection (MUSICODE). This project will develop new unmanned ground vehicle stand-off capabilities for detection of IED components by using remotely operated multisensory platforms. The project develop, test and demonstrate a UGV based multisensor detection system for IED components. The system will employ a combination of downward looking and forward looking sensors, and exploit information from the early warning system to further improve efficiency. The project is  coordinated by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) in cooperation with ARWT from Austria, RMA from Belgium, TNO from the Netherlands, Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements (PIAP), Military Institute for Engineering Technology (WITI), Consortia Electronica (Cons-el), Advanced Protection Systems (APS) and WAT from Poland and Augmenti AS from Norway.
  • Confirmation, Identification and Airborne Early Warning of IEDs (CONFIDENT). The objectives of this project are two-fold: (i) to focus on the confirmation and the identification of relevant components of IEDs including electronic parts, explosives and chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) payloads prior to the release of the agents and (ii) to provide complementary early warning capabilities. The demonstrators will be based on remotely operated platforms (robot and CAMCOPTER® S-100 Unmanned Air System (UAS)). The UAS will be used for airborne early warning. The project will deal with the integration of various sensors or tools on either UGV or UAS platforms. The project is led by ARWT in cooperation with CBRN Defence Command/CBRN Defence School (ABCAbwS), Logistic School (HLogS) and Schiebel Aircraft GmbH from Austria, RMA from Belgium, WAT from Poland and FFI  from Norway. 

A subsequent joint test and evaluation phase will be conducted in selected areas in Austria to ensure identical testing conditions for all three project. The final joint demonstration of the programme is scheduled to take place in second half of 2019.

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JDEAL training in Spain before final delivery of 2nd deployable laboratory in May

Tue, 18/04/2017 - 16:59

As part of its Joint Deployable Exploitation and Analysis Laboratory (JDEAL) project, which has been launched in 2013 to support the fight against Improvised Explosive Devices (IED), the European Defence Agency (EDA) has launched today (18 April) a technical course which will last until 28 April and which is specifically designed to train military staff on the setting up and technical management of a new joint deployable capability (JDC) which will be delivered to the permanent technical exploitation training facility based in Soesterberg (The Netherlands) by the end of May.  

This new JDC is already the second deployable capability developed and delivered within EDA’s JDEAL project. The course is being hosted by the Spanish company Indra Sistemas at its facilities in San Fernando de Henares (Madrid). Trainees from the 13 EDA Member States participating in JDEAL will be instructed to handle the specific electronics items and tools, and to acquire the required skills to manage and operate the complex deployable laboratory. A visitor’s day for participating Member States will take place on 27 April.

This scalable and rapidly deployable capability will enable the participating Member States to deploy exactly the equipment that is required in a given situation, from a full laboratory deployment with all essential equipment to limited interventions with specific material only.  

Once the course is finished, the laboratory will be packed up and moved to Soesterberg where the delivery is expected by the end of May. After a final review and acceptance process in Soesterberg, this second deployable capability will be considered to have reached Full Operational Capability (FOC). 


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EDA consultation to identify impact of 3D-printing technologies in defence

Fri, 07/04/2017 - 12:27

Additive Manufacturing (AM), widely known as 3D-printing, has been identified as one of the key enabling technologies to improve European industrial competitiveness.

Although AM technologies have been developed in the civil sector, it is considered that there is significant potential for additive manufacturing technologies to enhance defence capabilities. Among them, the most likely are mobility, sustainability, effect and protection through e.g. field repair & maintenance, reduced logistic burden and improved sustainability in warfightingand peacekeeping missions. Substantial economic benefits are also expected.

To identify and explore areas where additive manufacturing will have a wider  impact, the European Defence Agency (EDA) has commissioned Fundación Prodintec ( and MBDA FR ( to conduct a project on “Additive Manufacturing Feasibility Study & Technology Demonstration”, with expected delivery in December 2017. The study  targets the entire spectrum of European defence and Additive Manufacturing (AM) stakeholders, at all levels of defence and AM supply chains.

The project is composed of three work strands with specific and intertwined objectives: 

  • A desktop study to place AM and its potential in a defence context. The main outcome of this work strand will be the identification of opportunities for AM in the European defence sector. At the same time, it will aim to highlight factors preventing European defence forces from reaping the benefits of this breakthrough technology
  • The second work strand is a technology demonstration of AM  in a simulated deployment scenario. Its purpose is to demonstrate the feasibility and operational utility of deploying these technologies in support of a military operation
  • Following the desktop study and the technology demonstration, the conclusions of this feasibility study, including the equipment used and typical objects and materials produced, will be presented in an exhibition. The objective is to raise the military awareness of AM  technology and to exemplify how it could improve the way operations, logistic support or maintenance of platforms are conducted.

Therefore, this study has the objective of raising awareness in the defence community and of promoting a better understanding of the potential held by these technologies, thereby stimulating their implementation in defence specific areas. By doing so, not only the R&T community will be informed, but also other potential beneficiaries of the technology, linked to the EDA capabilities mentioned above. This will create a synergy between the Materials R&T community and the operational staff, helping the R&T community to understand the requirements from the operational side.

The contractor for the study has recently kicked off the consultation process through different means (questionnaires, interviews, etc.) with all competent stakeholders, such as: participant Member States MoDs, European Commission, European Space Agency (ESA), European Defence Technology and Industrial Base (EDTIB), and AM related stakeholders (Industry, SMEs and academia).

Ministries of Defence stakeholders are especially invited to take part in the consultation, by replying to the questionnaire from the dedicated link (below), by Thursday, 30 April 2017 at the latest. If you have any technical difficulty or if you need any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the EDA contractor via

For additional information/clarifications, the contractor’s point of contact Almudena GONZÁLEZ ÁLVAREZ (e-mail:, phone: +34 984 390 060 (Ext: 1505)), while the EDA point of contact is Patricia LÓPEZ VICENTE (e-mail:, phone: +32 (0)2 504 2890).


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EDA welcomes Switzerland’s first project participation

Thu, 06/04/2017 - 16:48

EDA Chief Executive Jorge Domecq today welcomed the announcement made by the Swiss government that Switzerland is going to participate in its first EDA project under the ‘Framework for Cooperation’ agreed with the Swiss ministry of Defence in 2012. The research project in question deals with the Protection of Autonomous Systems against Enemy Interference (PASEI). Germany, as the lead nation, as well as Finland and Austria are also participating.

“I very much welcome that Switzerland, beyond its current involvement in different EDA activities of common interest, has decided to make full use of the ‘Framework for Cooperation’ that has been set up with the EDA in 2012 by participating in its first concrete cooperation project.  The PASEI project, which deals with the protection of autonomous systems against enemy interference, is an important topic on which European cooperation makes sense, even beyond EU borders. The Agency looks forward to cooperating with the Swiss government and industry on this interesting project”, Mr Domecq stated. He also expressed the hope that Switzerland will participate in more EDA projects in the future. 

The aim of the PASEI project is to carry out a 1-year study to identify the potential types of enemy interference with autonomous and semi-autonomous unmanned mobile systems and the disturbing or disrupting impact they can have on the systems’ military tasks (including remote controlled operations). Based on this identification work, the study should also propose methods to detect enemy interference and recommend possible technical countermeasures to avoid and mitigate the risks of interference. In a next phase, the project could be followed up by the development of a technical demonstrator applying the recommended techniques to protect against hostile takeovers of current or future unmanned systems. 

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