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the Global Magazine of News and Ideas
Updated: 3 weeks 5 days ago

Taliban Issues Cold Response to U.S. Withdrawal Plans

Wed, 14/04/2021 - 11:56
The group has promised to avoid peace talks until "all foreign forces completely withdraw."

The Future of Solar Is Small

Wed, 14/04/2021 - 00:52
Local community projects are already powering parts of London and could pave the way for a green transition.

Nuclear Sabotage Could Be What Iran Needed

Tue, 13/04/2021 - 23:08
This week’s attack on an Iranian enrichment facility has improved the country’s negotiating position.

Assad Regime Continues Stonewalling U.S. Aid to Syria

Tue, 13/04/2021 - 21:35
Syrian government is using aid deliveries as a weapon, State Department reports.

Biden to Complete Full Afghanistan Withdrawal by Sept. 11

Tue, 13/04/2021 - 19:28
The move will finally end the United States’ longest war.

India’s Suffering Female Farmers Have the Most to Lose

Tue, 13/04/2021 - 18:10
The country’s rural Dalits are already exploited—and know it can get worse.

Jordan’s King Is His Own Worst Enemy  

Tue, 13/04/2021 - 16:14
There’s much more evidence of the monarch’s poor governance than a foreign conspiracy against him.

Asaduddin Owaisi’s Bid to Redefine Indian Secularism

Tue, 13/04/2021 - 15:54
Muslims need their own nationwide party, he believes. And he’s going to build it.

World Leaders Denounce Russian Military Buildup

Tue, 13/04/2021 - 12:31
Border tensions have increased calls from Ukraine for entry into the NATO alliance.

How Brexit Lit the Fuse in Northern Ireland

Tue, 13/04/2021 - 11:47
Loyalist fears that Boris Johnson is abandoning them have sparked a wave of violence that could endanger the Good Friday Agreement.

Biden Faces His First Disasters in Yemen and Afghanistan

Tue, 13/04/2021 - 10:12
Unless it changes tack, the administration is about to make bad situations even worse.

The United States Can’t Welcome More Refugees Without Reforming Its Resettlement System

Mon, 12/04/2021 - 22:16
Trump gutted the programs that helped aid and place migrants. Now Biden is left with a mess.

You Say ‘Coup,’ I Say ‘Koo’

Mon, 12/04/2021 - 22:06
India is a warning about unintended consequences for those looking to regulate Big Tech in the United States.

Ukraine Needs a Clear Path to NATO Membership

Mon, 12/04/2021 - 21:30
Russia’s recent aggression along its border shows why Kyiv needs decisive action from the alliance.

When Clean Energy Is Powered by Dirty Labor

Mon, 12/04/2021 - 20:53
Most solar panels come from China, and using them to fuel a clean energy transition risks reliance on Uyghur slave labor in Xinjiang.

Afghanistan Needs a Weaker President

Mon, 12/04/2021 - 20:39
Decentralizing power can be key to long-term peace.

The ICC’s Israel Investigation Could Backfire

Mon, 12/04/2021 - 20:12
It’s more likely to inflame nationalist sentiments than change anything on the ground.

Even With Seoul Paying More, America Can’t Afford to Defend South Korea

Mon, 12/04/2021 - 18:24
A rich and strong nation can pay for its own military.

State Dept. Out to Tackle Diversity Failings With New Appointment

Mon, 12/04/2021 - 18:01
Career diplomat Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley will be tasked with reversing the department’s record of big promises and little results.

Sanctioning India Would Spoil the Quad

Mon, 12/04/2021 - 16:36
Let India buy its weapons from Moscow. The real strategic threat is Beijing.
