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the Global Magazine of News and Ideas
Updated: 3 weeks 4 days ago

What Most People Get Wrong About the Iran Nuclear Deal

Sun, 07/05/2023 - 13:00
It ensured that even in the worst-case scenario, Iran would be proliferating from a lower baseline.

China’s Wolf Warrior Ambassador Is a Hit in Beijing, Not Paris

Sun, 07/05/2023 - 12:00
Lu Shaye keeps alienating his foreign hosts.

Americans Need to Acknowledge Their Unwritten Constitution

Sat, 06/05/2023 - 13:00
Understanding how politics and law work requires facing the realities of power.

Mao’s Legacy Is a Dangerous Topic in China

Sat, 06/05/2023 - 12:00
Discussing the Cultural Revolution has become increasingly risky.

Serbia’s Vucic Pledges to ‘Disarm’ Nation After Second Mass Shooting

Sat, 06/05/2023 - 01:00
Despite having among the highest gun ownership in Europe, the country has not experienced high levels of gun violence in recent years—until now.

Arm Ukraine or Prepare for China? Wrong Question.

Mon, 13/03/2023 - 17:41
Washington needs to quickly ramp up defense production, especially munitions.

Sunak Pulls a Brexit Rabbit Out of His Hat

Mon, 13/03/2023 - 16:02
Northern Ireland’s thorny border problem may finally have an answer.

The U.S.-Israel Relationship No Longer Makes Sense

Mon, 13/03/2023 - 15:50
If Israel and its supporters want the country to continue receiving U.S. largesse, they will need to come up with a new narrative.

U.S. Slams Iran’s Claim of Prisoner Swap as ‘Cruel Lie’

Mon, 13/03/2023 - 11:08
The news comes days after Iran and Saudi Arabia announced they were reinstating ties with China’s help.

Don’t Trust Russia’s Numbers

Mon, 13/03/2023 - 11:00
Moscow has made economic statistics a central part of its information war.

How the World Forgot About Russian Imperialism

Sun, 12/03/2023 - 15:00
And why recovering this history matters for understanding the war in Ukraine.

India’s Global Blockbusters Paint an Incomplete Picture

Sun, 12/03/2023 - 11:00
Online streaming is more representative of the country's diversity but is becoming a double-edged sword.

The Road to Democracy in Russia Runs Through Chechnya

Sat, 11/03/2023 - 15:30
Russia will only democratize when it faces its war crimes in the Caucasus and abandons imperial nostalgia.

Germany’s Oscar Nominee Isn’t Nearly German Enough

Sat, 11/03/2023 - 15:17
The depiction of war in “All Quiet on the Western Front” has put it far out of step with its home country.

Democracy Isn’t Just About Voting

Sat, 11/03/2023 - 13:00
Precolonial kingdoms challenge our beliefs about people power and monarchies.

‘Money Machine’ Is Missing the Juicy Details of Chinese Banking

Sat, 11/03/2023 - 12:00
Weijian Shan’s new book is notable mostly for what it leaves out.

Ukraine’s Newest Weapons Shipment Is From 300 B.C.

Fri, 10/03/2023 - 23:18
An embassy event celebrates the seizure of ancient swords from a would-be Russian smuggler.

Biden’s AUKUS Point Man to Exit

Fri, 10/03/2023 - 22:18
With the big sub deal in hand, it’s no longer Miller time.

America Is Still Losing the Information War

Fri, 10/03/2023 - 19:36
Washington urgently needs a 21st-century communication strategy.

Adam Tooze: What Is ESG Investing and Why the Sudden Backlash?

Fri, 10/03/2023 - 19:31
Some Republicans are calling it “woke capitalism.”
