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the Global Magazine of News and Ideas
Updated: 3 weeks 5 days ago

Putin Testing Trump Early With Ukraine Attacks

Wed, 01/02/2017 - 21:25
After the two presidents spoke by phone this weekend, attacks on government-held territories in Ukraine have skyrocketed.

We Must Reclaim Patriotism From Leftists — and From Trump

Wed, 01/02/2017 - 21:21
On rescuing Andrew Jackson from the extremists and restoring both pride and prejudice to America’s great history.

U.N. Chief Rebukes Trump Over Travel Ban

Wed, 01/02/2017 - 20:54
Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says U.S. travel restrictions will increase America’s terrorism risk.

Flynn calls out Iran

Wed, 01/02/2017 - 20:30
National Security Advisor Michael Flynn just called out Iran in the White House briefing room.

The Kurdish Government Is Torturing Boys

Wed, 01/02/2017 - 20:20
Boys as young as 11, accused of fighting for the Islamic State, are being detained and brutally tortured in prisons.

The Art of the Deal — With Putin

Fri, 27/01/2017 - 23:47
If there is anything we know for sure about Trump, it is that he likes making deals. But is he capable of cutting a good deal with Russia?

Draft Trump Order ‘Kicks the Can Down the Road’ on Cybersecurity

Fri, 27/01/2017 - 22:51
A leaked executive order sets up a series of reviews to examine computer security.

Trump’s Refugee Ban Has Ripple Effects Even Before It’s Issued

Fri, 27/01/2017 - 21:58
DHS has halted refugee interviews, Arab students complain of being barred from re-entry, and lawyers warn visa holders not to leave the country.

Trump Sours Relations With Mexico After Tariff Talk

Fri, 27/01/2017 - 20:40
Vague plans for an import tax would shift the cost of the wall to U.S. consumers and hurt key parts of the U.S. economy.

Denmark Creates the World’s First Ever Digital Ambassador

Fri, 27/01/2017 - 20:37
Diplomacy goes digital.

Trump Is Already Damaging the Ability of the State Department to Function

Fri, 27/01/2017 - 20:19
A wave of forced resignations of critical staff — with no replacements — is a recipe for disaster.

Chile Is Battling the Worst Wildfire in Its History

Fri, 27/01/2017 - 18:27
And the worst may be yet to come.

Trump’s Hiring Freeze Could Hurt U.S. in Afghanistan, Raise Costs

Fri, 27/01/2017 - 18:23
U.S. commanders in Kabul fear the freeze will create a manpower crisis

For Empathy in Politics and Policy, Check out This Chekhov Checklist

Fri, 27/01/2017 - 18:10
A different kind of Russian story.

Tony Soprano visits the CIA HQ: Who does Trump think he is fooling with this?

Sun, 22/01/2017 - 20:13
Read it aloud in Tony Soprano accent.

The Women’s March Heard Round the World

Sat, 21/01/2017 - 23:49
A round-up of marches and reactions from Women’s March events around the world.

Trump Goes to CIA to Attack Media, Lie About Crowd Size, and Suggest Stealing Iraq’s Oil

Sat, 21/01/2017 - 23:27
The new president keeps his campaign stump speech handy for a visit to the intelligence officials he spent months denigrating.

Putin Signs Long-Term Basing Deal With Syria

Sat, 21/01/2017 - 21:48
Russia’s military foothold in Syria just got a lot firmer and will last for decades, boosting Moscow’s heft in the region.

Trump’s Civil Religion Has an Angry God

Fri, 20/01/2017 - 23:55
America’s 45th president isn’t the first populist to be inaugurated — but he’s the loneliest.
