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Updated: 2 months 2 weeks ago

Universal Health Coverage ‘more urgent than ever’ – UN chief

Thu, 08/10/2020 - 23:28
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that “our health systems are inadequate”, the UN chief told a ministerial meeting on Thursday, citing weak structures and unequal access to healthcare as “major reasons” why the coronavirus has killed one million people and infected more than 30 times that, globally.

Guterres: UN working ‘relentlessly’ to advance women, peace and security agenda

Thu, 08/10/2020 - 22:45
Armed conflict has a disproportionate impact on women and girls – a key reason why women’s “full, equal and meaningful participation” in UN peacekeeping is such a priority, the Secretary-General said on Thursday. 

Pandemic has forever changed online shopping, UN-backed survey reveals

Thu, 08/10/2020 - 21:39
The COVID-19 pandemic has forever changed the way consumers shop online, the UN trade and development body, UNCTAD, said on Thursday, announcing results of a survey of some 3,700 consumers across nine countries. 

UN refugee agency condemns ‘brutal and callous’ killings in Burkina Faso

Thu, 08/10/2020 - 11:27
The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) has strongly condemned an attack, on the night of 4 October, targeting a convoy carrying internally displaced persons in Burkina Faso, in which 25 people were killed.

Stillbirths: An unnecessary, unspeakable tragedy – UN report

Thu, 08/10/2020 - 02:01
A stillborn baby is delivered every 16 seconds, which translates into nearly two million infants over the course of a year that never took their first breath, according to a new UN report published on Thursday. 

Report reveals linkages between human trafficking and forced marriage

Wed, 07/10/2020 - 21:39
Across the world, girls as young as 12 are being forced or tricked into marrying men who exploit them for sex and domestic work, in what the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has called an “under-reported, global form of human trafficking”. 

Guinea: Steer clear of campaign hate speech, top UN officials warn

Wed, 07/10/2020 - 18:55
Given the history of intercommunal violence in Guinea, two high-level UN Officials voiced concern on Tuesday over the risk of “incitement to hostility, discrimination or violence” as the country gears up for elections on 18 October.

UN condemns deadly suicide attack in eastern Afghanistan

Mon, 05/10/2020 - 06:25
The United Nations has strongly condemned Saturday’s suicide attack on a government building in Nangarhar province, eastern Afghanistan, and underlined that the perpetrators must be brought to justice. 

Greening of India's railway network on track

Sun, 04/10/2020 - 06:30
An ambitious plan to make one of the world’s largest and most complex railway networks a net zero carbon emitter by 2030 is moving full steam ahead, although without the steam, thanks, in part, to support from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).

First Person: ‘I’m happy to be able to give back’

Sat, 03/10/2020 - 06:25
Luis Jose Faife, a UN refugee agency (UNHCR) worker from Mozambique, survived the devastation of Cyclones Idai and Kenneth, which killed more than 600 people in Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe, and displaced some 2.2. million people, in March 2019. Now COVID-19 is posing a new challenge to humanitarian workers, and they people they help.

Countries face ‘critical moment’ in COVID response: UN health agency chief

Fri, 02/10/2020 - 22:59
With strong leadership and comprehensive strategies it’s never too late for countries to change the trendlines of the COVID-19 pandemic, despite passing the tragic milestone of one million deaths this week amid regional surges in infections, said the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday.

Mediterranean Sea: ‘Cycle of violence’ for fleeing migrants must be addressed

Fri, 02/10/2020 - 22:19
The UN human rights office OHCHR, called on Friday for urgent action to address the “unimaginable horrors” faced by migrants attempting to cross the central Mediterranean Sea in search of safety in Europe.

Guterres: Only way to remove nuclear risk, ‘completely eliminate nuclear weapons’

Fri, 02/10/2020 - 18:38
The elimination of nuclear weapons is vital to the “survival of life on this planet”, the UN chief told the final major event of the General Assembly’s high level week on Friday.  

Iraq urged to investigate attacks on women human rights defenders

Fri, 02/10/2020 - 17:13
UN-appointed independent rights experts have urged the Iraqi authorities to investigate the murder of a female human rights defender, and the attempted killing of another, targeted “simply because they are women”.

Sudan alert: Flooding and surging inflation threaten humanitarian assistance 

Fri, 02/10/2020 - 15:24
Catastrophic flooding and rising food and health costs in Sudan, have driven up the number of people in need, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said on Friday. 

UN chief reiterates call for global ceasefire, marking International Day of Non-Violence

Fri, 02/10/2020 - 12:04
The UN Secretary-General repeated his call for a global ceasefire on Friday, commemorating the International Day of Non Violence, which is taking place this year in the shadow of the devastating human and socio-economic impacts resulting from the coronavirus pandemic. 

Central African Republic: elections are ‘unique opportunity’ for peace - Guterres

Thu, 01/10/2020 - 22:44
The UN Secretary-General has called for parties in the Central African Republic (CAR) to prioritize national dialogue and consensus-building ahead of elections scheduled to begin in December. 

Annual report: Pandemic recovery must be measured in ‘human rather than economic terms’

Thu, 01/10/2020 - 21:18
We must “commit” to building a more inclusive and sustainable world, the UN chief underscored in his annual report on the Work of the Organization, launched on Thursday.

COVID-19 underscores need to deliver on promise of landmark women’s rights conference

Thu, 01/10/2020 - 19:58
Unless countries act now, the COVID-19 pandemic could erase recent “fragile progress” towards gender equality, the UN Secretary-General warned on Thursday, urging governments to put women at the centre of recovery and response. 

Top humanitarian award winner ‘nothing short of heroic’: UN refugee chief 

Thu, 01/10/2020 - 17:57
An educator and rights defender who has spent more than 20 years rescuing exploited and trafficked children in Colombia, represents “the best of us”, the UN refugee chief said on Thursday, as she was named the winner of this year’s Nansen Refugee Award.
