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Updated: 2 months 2 weeks ago

Ethiopia: Mass arbitrary arrests target Tigrayans, says UN rights office

Tue, 16/11/2021 - 16:30
Over the past week, mass arrests of people reportedly of Tigrayan origin have continued in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa and elsewhere, the UN rights office said on Tuesday. 

COVID-19: Licensing agreement for new candidate drug ‘an important first step’

Tue, 16/11/2021 - 13:10
Access to a new COVID-19 drug will be expanded in low- and middle-income countries following a voluntary licensing agreement between the pharmaceutical company Pfizer and a UN-backed global health initiative, announced in Geneva on Tuesday.

Tobacco use continues to fall, but still 'long way to go'

Tue, 16/11/2021 - 00:15
The number of tobacco users continues to decrease globally, going from 1.32 billion in 2015 to 1.30 billion last year, the World Health Organization (WHO) said onTuesday.  

Central African children in crosshairs, UN calls for their protection 

Mon, 15/11/2021 - 22:29
Children in the Central African Republic (CAR) have suffered a spike in grave violations since the end of 2020, according to a new UN report on the situation in the country, issued on Monday. 

‘Under $1’ test kits available to stop mother-child HIV/syphilis transmission

Mon, 15/11/2021 - 18:30
Dual test kits, which cost less than $1, are now available for pregnant women to stem mother-to-child HIV and syphilis transmission, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Monday.  

Ethiopia: $40 million in aid relief for victims ‘living on a knife-edge'

Mon, 15/11/2021 - 17:28
As the humanitarian crisis grows in Ethiopia’s conflict-affected north, the UN announced on Monday that $40 million in funds have been made available to scale up emergency operations. 

Reimagine justice and end child detentions: UNICEF

Mon, 15/11/2021 - 17:18
More than 45,000 boys and girls were released from detention during the COVID-19 pandemic, proving that child-friendly justice solutions “are more than possible”, according to new data released on Monday by the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF). 

COP26 closes with ‘compromise’ deal on climate, but it’s not enough, says UN chief

Sat, 13/11/2021 - 21:12
After extending the COP26 climate negotiations an extra day, nearly 200 countries meeting in Glasgow, Scotland, adopted on Saturday an outcome document that, according to the UN Secretary-General, “reflects the interests, the contradictions, and the state of political will in the world today”.

Climate action can deliver a sustainable future for all: UN deputy chief

Sat, 13/11/2021 - 18:08
Climate action can be the driver for a green and equitable future for all, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed has said at the TED Countdown Summit, urging people everywhere to demand that leaders deliver on their promise to limit global warming. 

Feature: Woman mentor empowers girls to reach for the stars in space careers

Sat, 13/11/2021 - 11:35
Growing up in 1970s New York, Mindy Howard received no encouragement at home and was ridiculed at school for her dream to become an astronaut, it was a time when only boys were supposed to have such aspirations. 

First Person: Telling the tragic story of mercury poisoning in Japan

Sat, 30/10/2021 - 06:05
Masami Ogata is a survivor of Minamata Disease, a debilitating illness caused by industrial mercury poisoning, which originated in the Japanese town of the same name in the 1950s. As a UN conference on preventing future poisoning outbreaks gets underway, we hear Mr. Ogata’s story.

Security Council adopts ‘first of its kind’ resolution on protecting classrooms from conflict

Fri, 29/10/2021 - 23:03
Acting unanimously on Friday, the Security Council adopted a unique resolution strongly condemning attacks against schools, children and teachers and urging conflict parties to immediately safeguard the right to education.

Ahead of Sudan protests, UN chief asks military to ‘show restraint’ 

Fri, 29/10/2021 - 21:39
With mass civil protests against this week’s military coup planned for Saturday in Sudan, the UN Secretary-General has a simple message: “I urge the military to show restraint, and not to create any more victims.” 

World leaders urged to prioritize action on water and climate

Fri, 29/10/2021 - 20:47
Countries must step up urgent action to address the water-related consequences of climate change, the head of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and nine other international organizations said on Friday in a letter to world leaders issued ahead of the COP26 UN climate change conference. 

With crisis deepening in Mali, UN top envoy says ‘all is not lost’  

Fri, 29/10/2021 - 18:22
The UN Special Representative for Mali told the Security Council on Friday that despite collective efforts, “the reality is that the security situation has deteriorated and the crisis is deepening”, across the northwest African nation. 

‘Serious risk’ COP26 may not deliver, warns Guterres, urging more climate action

Fri, 29/10/2021 - 17:38
There is a “serious risk” that the UN climate conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland, “will not deliver”, the UN chief told journalists on Friday in Rome, just ahead of the G20 Summit of leading industrialized nations.

COP26 – what we know so far, and why it matters: Your UN News guide

Fri, 29/10/2021 - 10:15
In a world shaken by a pandemic, and a fast-closing window of opportunity to avoid climate catastrophe, the pivotal COP26 UN climate conference kicks off this Sunday in the Scottish city of Glasgow - the stakes could not be higher. 

Millions missing out on remote learning during emergencies: UNICEF

Thu, 28/10/2021 - 22:38
At least 200 million boys and girls, live in 31 countries which do not have the resources to deal with remote learning during any future emergency school closures, the UN Children’s Fund, UNICEF, said in a study released on Thursday. 

Countries most at risk, lead the way on climate action 

Thu, 28/10/2021 - 22:30
Vulnerable countries are stepping up and taking climate action, amid a slow response from some of the biggest emitters of carbon dioxide, said the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on Thursday. 

UN expert criticises boycott of Durban Process against racism, calls for action 

Thu, 28/10/2021 - 22:20
An independent UN expert on Thursday, strongly criticized countries which continue to boycott the 20-year-old Durban Declaration against racism, and called on them to recommit to combatting discrimination and intolerance, in line with the landmark conference which took place in the South African city, in 2001.
