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Cyber agencies assess future cooperation opportunities

EDA News - Fri, 29/11/2019 - 11:56

EDA Chief Executive Jorge Domecq today hosted a meeting of the principals of the cyber organisations signatories of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) concluded in May 2018: the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) and the Computer Emergency Response Team for the EU Institutions, Bodies and Agencies (CERT-EU).  

The purpose of the meeting was to assess the progress achieved since the 2018 MoU and to plan the future cooperation activities for 2020-2021. The MoU provides a comprehensive cooperative framework through which civil-military synergies can be promoted, ultimately aiming to improve cybersecurity of all stakeholders and support Member States’ cyber defence programmes.  

In 2019, quadrilateral cooperation was further enhanced with various activities, regular exchanges on topical cybersecurity aspects and participation in respective events of interest. 

Looking ahead, the collaboration roadmap prepared by the MoU working group envisages concrete activities on cyber training & education, technology development. The updated roadmap sets ambitious objectives for the coming year, effectively taking the level of cooperation to a new level. As part of the cooperation, the four partners are planning to organise a major event in the second part of 2020, improve their cooperation along the lines of major cybersecurity policy implementation (notably, the Cybersecurity Act) and the update Cyber Defence Policy Framework. They also commit to pay additional attention to improving incident response mechanisms and processes as well as increased joint contributions to high visibility events on Cybersecurity and Cyber Defence.

EDA Chief Executive Jorge Domecq said: “The efforts required by the implementation of the Cyber Defence Policy Framework and, in general, by our contributing Member States in the cyber defence domain are consistently increasing, and require specialised and committed resources. The collaboration enabled by the MoU is a key factor of our efforts to harmonize these efforts, avoid duplication and support Member States in their capability development programmes”.

ENISA Chief Executive Director Juhan Lepassar said: “I trust this new roadmap will enable the four partners to a closer, more effective collaboration and provide a valuable platform to help the European Union achieve the aims of the EU cyber crisis cooperation Blueprint”. 

The Head of Europol's European Cybercrime Centre, Steven Wilson said: "This agreement has paved the road for a number of significant developments in the fight against cybercrime. At Europol's European Cybercrime Centre, we welcome the challenges and opportunities that are to come and continue to believe that we are stronger together in our efforts of securing Europe in the digital age." 

The Head of CERT-EU, Saâd Kadhi, stated: “As an entity with a mission to act as the cybersecurity information exchange and incident response coordination hub for its constituents, cooperation runs through CERT-EU’s veins. This MoU, and the ambitious deliverables we have set ourselves, is truly key to strengthening our collective capabilities and reinforcing the ties between the cyber defence, security and law enforcement communities".


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Pratt & Whitney Tapped For F135 Support | MLS Wants Patent For Falcon V-Hull Blast Protection System | Jordan’s Old Cobras Delivered To Philippines

Defense Industry Daily - Fri, 29/11/2019 - 05:00

United Technologies, Pratt & Whitney won a $522 million contract modification, which provides performance based logistics sustainment in support of the F-35 Lightning II F135 propulsion system for the Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, non-Department of Defense (DoD) participants and foreign military sales (FMS) customers. Pratt & Whitney’s F135 propulsion system powers all three variants of the F-35 Lightning II fighter aircraft – the F-35A CTOL (Conventional Takeoff and Landing), F-35B STOVL (Short Takeoff and Vertical Landing) and F-35C CV (Carrier Variant). It is a two-spool afterburning turbofan engine. The combat-proven F135 delivers more than 40,000lb of thrust and delivers advances in safety, design, performance, and reliability. Work will take place in Connecticut, Oklahoma, Italy, Florida, California, Arizona and South Carolina. Estimated completion is in November 2020.

The US Army contracted Lockheed Martin with a $7.6 million modification for Modernized Target Acquisition Designation Sight Pilot Night Vision Sensor Systems, subcomponent production and technical services for the Apache Attack Helicopter. The Apache is designed to survive heavy attack. It can zero in on specific targets, day or night, even in terrible weather. The helicopter’s night vision sensors work on the forward-looking infrared (FLIR) system, which detects the infrared light released by heated objects. The FLIR sensor has three fields-of-view, a multi-target tracker, multiple-code laser spot tracking, and internal boresight. Work locations and relevant funding will be determined with each order. Expected completion date is January 1, 2023.

Middle East & Africa

Mobile Land Systems (MLS) applied for intellectual property design protection in Saudi Arabia and its home jurisdiction of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for the Falcon V-Hull on its Viper 4×4 mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicle. MLS developed Viper with internal research and development funding to meet potential domestic and export requirements. The low-profile vehicle has a modular interior design and includes the all-welded monocoque steel Falcon V-Hull, which was designed and developed by engineering teams in the UAE and Saudi Arabia. The hull can be supplied with ballistic protection from NATO STANAG 4569 Levels 1 to 4, and blast protection to STANAG 4569 Level 3a/2b, depending on customer requirements.


According to Jane’s MBDA Deutschland is pitching an air-launched version of its Enforcer missile to Germany and beyond. Speaking at the Berlin Security Conference 2019 in the German capital, Head of Sales and Marketing, Guido Brendler, said that Enforcer Air, as the particular variant of the normally shoulder-launched missile is known, is being focused at the German customer in particular, but could also be offered to the wider international market. The Enforcer could be carried by helicopters, tactical unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and medium-latitude long-endurance (MALE) UAVs in particular. While the baseline-Enforcer is shoulder-launched, the Enforcer Air could be drop-launched, tube-launched, or rail-launched depending on the host platform and the customer requirement.

BAE System announced that it received deals to deliver $71 million in aircraft survivability equipment to several US allies via US Army Foreign Military Sales. The Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United Arab Emirates have agreed to purchase the AN/AAR-57 Common Missile Warning System CMWS and associated equipment to protect their aircraft and crews from sophisticated threats. The AN/AAR-57 Common Missile Warning System (CMWS) is a infrared-guided missile warning system available for fixed and rotary wing aircraft. The CMWS is designed for a wide variety of aircraft, and its line-replaceable units and customizable algorithms allow it to adapt to emerging threats. The third-generation system combines hostile fire indication and data recording with its core missile warning capabilities in a single unit – providing protection from more diverse threats and enabling detailed post-mission analysis.


Two former AH-1S from Jordan have arrived in the Philippines on November 26, the country’s national security adviser has confirmed. Hermogenes Esperon says the rotorcraft are being assembled and will be operational by next month. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte confirmed the donation of the helicopters in 2018 in remarks reported by the official Philippine government news wire service. The Philippine Air Force has allotted $900.000 for maintenance and spare parts for the aircraft’s night targeting system. PAF pilots and a team of maintenance crew were also sent to Jordan to train and familiarize themselves with flying and handling the attack helicopters. The AH-1 Cobra is a two-blade, single-engine attack helicopter. The Royal Jordanian Air Force has at least one squadron of Cobras currently in service, and is supposed to have used them in combat in Iraq and Syria.

Today’s Video

Watch: SAAB DAMEN Team for the Dutch Walrus Submarine Replacement Program

Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Annual Conference closes with call for coherent implementation of EU defence tools

EDA News - Thu, 28/11/2019 - 17:15

EDA Chief Executive Jorge Domecq this afternoon closed the Agency’s 2019 Annual Conference which was devoted to debating the current state of implementation and the future prospects of the new EU defence initiatives. Before that, NATO's Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment, Camille Grand, had underlined in his speech the strong relationship, cooperation and complementarity between NATO and the EU, two organisations which are "two sides of the same coin".      

Although it is premature to declare today that the new EU defence cooperation tools (CARD, PESCO, EDF) will deliver on all their promises, they definitely have the potential to be very successful and lead, over time, to a more structured joint European defence planning framework that will enable systematic cooperation, from investment and capability development to the joint operational use of those capabilities, Mr Domecq said in his concluding remarks. However, everything will depend on how efficiently and coherently they are implemented, and to what extent Member States will actually use and embed these tools into their national defence thinking and planning, the EDA Chief Executive stressed, reflecting a general assessment expressed throughout the conference.  


Main takeaways

Mr Domecq singled out a number of commonalities expressed during the conference which could serve as the main takeaways of today's event, such as:

  • the sense of urgency to use the current window of opportunity to push ahead with the Europe of Defence;
  • the need to deliver quick results by ensuring an efficient, coherent and output-oriented implementation of the tools;
  • the importance of following an integrated approach which includes all the actors on EU level (EDA, EEAS, EUMC, EUMS, Commission, Council) as well as national Ministries of Defence;
  • the priority of the operational military needs and requirements which have to guide the industrial needs, not the other way around
  • the need to safeguard and invest in Key Strategic Activities to make the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base more sustainable, as a key aspect of strategic autonomy.   


Lively and interactive panel discussions 

Throughout the day, between the various keynote speeches (see other related webnews on the opening speeches and the ministerial debate), conference attendees also enjoyed two lively, interactive and highly interesting panel debates, each of them focusing on a specific aspect of European defence.

Moderated by EUISS Director Dr Gustav Lindstrom, the first panel entitled 'CARD, PESCO, EDF: taking stock and looking ahead' featured Admiral Rob Bauer (Dutch Chief of Defence), Dirk Hoke (CEO of Airbus Defence & Space), Herald Ruijters (Director at the European Commission's DG MOVE), Esa Pulkkinen (Director General of the EU Military Staff) as well as Benedikt Zimmer (German State Secretary for Defence Procurement). The panelist focused on the need to ensure a smooth and hands-on implementation of the new EU defence cooperation tools, and to always keep in mind the armed forces' real capability needs and priorities. The key driver of all cooperation must be the capability requirements and needs of our forces, and nothing else, said Mr Zimmer. He also called for "proper and fair partnerships" between the European defence industries and countries to unleash the full potential of defence cooperation. In this respect, Dirk Hoke (Airbus) raised the importance of solving the sensitive issue of intellectual property rights. "As long this question is not solved, we will see duplication" in the development of capabilities, he said. The current fragmentation of Europe' capability landscape is not sustainable, stressed Admiral Bauer. Capabilities, such as for example military helicopters, can be produced by different industries in different countries "but please build just one type of them, not 28", he said.       

The second panel, moderated by EDA's Industry, Synergies & Enablers Director, Emilio Fajardo, discussed the 'Technological and industrial dimension of the EU's new level of ambition on defence'. It featured Thierry Carlier (Director International Development, Direction Générale de l'Armement), Éric Béranger (CEO of MBDA),  Steven Blockmans (Head of the EU Foreign Policy Unit at the Centre for European Policy Studies CEPS), Micael Johansson (President/CEO of SAAB Group) Paula Queipo Rodriguez (Director of Business Operations, IDONIAL Centro Tecnológico),  Dr Margriet Drent (Senior Research Fellow at Clingendael). A strong focus was put on Europe's so-called Key Strategic Activities (skills, technologies, manufacturing capabilities) which should be safeguarded to maintain and increase Member States armed forces' freedom of action and allow the EU to move towards strategic autonomy.

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AI-driven decision aid project wins EDA Defence Innovation Prize

EDA News - Thu, 28/11/2019 - 14:53

EDA today announced the winner of the 2019 EDA Defence Innovation Prize which, this year, rewards the most innovative idea or application for the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in defence. The trophy goes to, a young Belgian company specialised in Location Intelligence Systems, for their idea to use AI-driven tactical decision aids to provide commanders of military operations with accurate and seamless positioning data of teams in GNSS-denied environments. The Prize was handed over by EDA Deputy Chief Executive Olli Ruutu at a ceremony in the margins of the Agency’s Annual Conference today in Brussels.

The availability, in all circumstances, of precise, reliable and constantly updated data on the current operational status and environment of an operation is crucial and helps military commanders to speed up and improve their decision-making. The benefits for military operations using new AI-based location intelligence tools are increased situational awareness, safety and operational effectiveness. 

The starting point for the winning idea was the fact that commanders are more and more overwhelmed by a deluge of information, driven by the continuous rise of available sensor data and the increased inter-connectivity of deployed systems. By contrast, a long-standing information gap still exists: accurate positioning of teams in GNSS-denied environments. The solution proposed in the winning project is thus to create a range of AI tactical decision aids (TDA) which, together with humans in the loop, can considerably augment commanders’ thought processes and speed of decision-making, thanks to accurate and seamless positioning of their troops, even in GNSS-denied environments. 

The proposed AI decision aids would use 4D data generated and collected during trainings and operations: movement of forces, time and location of hostile encounters, theoretical planning and movement, etc.. All that 4D data captured by the system is stored with timestamp and location to create a storyboard for post-mission analysis. Using this data, AI can then be made to learn which are normal movement and timing patterns of safe operations. This creates an understanding of the normal situation, without needing a lot of human intervention. If the AI detects deviations of the norm, alerts are raised and alternate courses of action can be proposed. Prediction capacities could also be included in the future. The resulting capability would be an AI-driven tool which can observe current operations and propose alternatives as required by the operational circumstances. 

"We are very pleased to receive EDA’s Defence Innovation Prize.’s mission is to ensure the safety, security and effectiveness of field teams. This recognition enables us to further carry our mission into the security domain and create strong partnerships", stated the company’s CEO, Michael Ilsbroux.

About is a leading technology company providing COTS software for high-performance and highly accurate location intelligence in business critical systems. it is specialised in combining and visualizing so-called 4D data (3D location and Time) and IoT sensor data. The Artificial Intelligence engine the company has developed manages a dynamic digital representation of field operations. It enables to understand, predict and optimise the performance of operations in real-time. This engine also powers ‘Shyn’, the company’s personal location and safety device for seamless positioning in GNSS-denied environments. currently serves the First Responder community and the Pharmaceutical and Industry 4.0 markets.

Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Annual Conference: Ministers join high-level debate on future of EU defence

EDA News - Thu, 28/11/2019 - 12:14

After the opening by the Head of Agency and keynote speeches by European Commission Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier and the Chairman of the EU Military Committee, General Claudio Graziano, attendees of EDA’s 2019 Annual Conference witnessed a lively and inspiring high-level strategic debate on the future of European defence featuring three Defence Ministers: François Bausch of Luxembourg, João Gomes Cravinho of Portugal, and Thomas Starlinger of Austria.

Moderated by EDA Chief Executive Jorge Domecq, the debate showed a common understanding on the fact that all EU Member States' armed forces have a lot to gain from enhanced defence cooperation and a more coherent and integrated capability planning and development framework in Europe, both in terms of efficiency (cost savings) and interoperability. "We lack efficiency and could be much more effective and save money if we worked closer together", said Minister Bausch.

All the required tools for moving into that direction are now in place with the revised Capability Development Plan (CDP), the Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD), the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) and the European Defence Fund (EDF), "but the crucial task laying ahead of us now is to create a smooth and efficient workflow among them", including with the European Commission's new DG on Defence Industry & Space, "and to implement and use them in the right way", said Minister Starlinger. Three aspects are particularly important in this respect, the Austrian Defence Minister added: first, that Member States remain in the driving seat when it comes to prioritisation of the defence capabilities needed; second, that we don't reinvent the wheel and, instead, use the tools, processes and assets we have already in place; and third, that we ensure there is coherence among the various EU defence initiatives and the actors driving them.

Portuguese Minister Gomes Cravinho thought that the successful setting up of CARD, PESCO and the EDF showed that the EU was "on the right track" at a technical level.On the political level, however, more needs to be done to move towards a more common defence policy in Europe, he stressed. The need for progress on the political level, especially with a view to shaping a common defence policy, was highlighted by all participants. Things are moving into the right direction with the new EU tools which show that, in the capability domain, "we are going from a national, industrial driven process to a multilateral, European approach", said Minister Starlinger.

The three Ministers also agreed that EU defence cooperation was in no way directed against NATO,"which will remain the cornerstone of our collective defence" as Minister Bausch put it, but that, on the contrary, a stronger European defence will also strengthen NATO. "NATO's efficiency will also rely on how successfully EU countries can strengthen their respective defences", said the Luxembourg Minister.

Asked what the most urgent next steps would be in order to move the Europe of Defence forward, the three Ministers agreed once more: it is the need to develop a common defence policy in Europe which goes beyond purely national interests, "because no country alone can face the new challenges ahead of us"

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Annual Conference takes stock of EU defence initiatives and looks ahead

EDA News - Thu, 28/11/2019 - 10:47

The European Defence Agency’s Annual Conference 2019 entitled 'Taking European Defence Cooperation to the Next Level - Prospects for the decade ahead’ was opened this morning in Brussels with a message from the outgoing Head of the Agency, Federica Mogherini.

Addressing a 400-strong audience representing the whole European defence spectrum - governments, armed forces, industry, EU institutions, NATO, think tanks and media - Ms Mogherini said she had been honored to lead EDA over the past five years. She recalled the first steps and the "shared goal"  set at the time, namely to make European cooperation the norm – not the exception – on defence matters. "And we took the commitment to stubbornly work on this path", she said in her message to the audience. 

Federica Mogherini: "European defence cooperation has expanded like never before"

Devoting this year's Annual Conference to taking stock of what has been achieved since then, especially with the new EU defence initiatives - revised Capability Development Plan (CDP), Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD), Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), European Defence Fund (EDF) - proved a good choice because during that short timeframe, "European defence cooperation has expanded like never before”, Ms Mogherini said.  "Five years ago, no one imagined how far we would have come. But we made it (...) And the Agency has been at the core of our work and of all the progress we have achieved together". Importantly, all this impressive work has been done while strengthening cooperation with NATO, "because a stronger European Union makes NATO stronger", Ms Mogherini said.

EDA made "essential contributions to crafting these initiatives all along the way, and now plays a central role in their implementation", the Head of the Agency stressed. "The Agency is the secretariat for both CARD and PESCO, together with the European External Action Service and the EU Military Staff. It is also a central operator for EU-funded defence activities. The Agency is today in a unique position to contribute to coherence among the various initiatives, efficiency and a steady focus on our capability priorities". She also insisted on the importance of ensuring a good and efficient cooperation between the EU institutions and bodies involved (EDA, EEAS, Commission, Council) but also with the Member Stares. "This will be even more crucial in the years ahead, to make the most of all the tools we have set up together", Ms Mogherini concluded.

Michel Barnier: "We want the UK to be our closest an most strategic partner in security and defence"

Ms Mogherini’s intervention was followed by a keynote speech delivered by Michel Barnier, the European Commission’s Chief Negotiator, Head of the Task Force for Relations with the United Kingdom and former chair of the 2002 European Convention’s Working Group on Defence which laid the foundation for the creation of EDA. Brexit is an immense challenge and will have consequences, sometimes underestimated ones, on our citizens and businesses, including our defence industries, Mr Barnier said. This has to be dealt with in an "international context which is more challenging than ever with instability becoming the new norm", he stated. Against that backdrop, "Europe must be the shaper of a better global order", and in order to do that, "Europe must upgrade its cooperation if it wants to uphold its values". The UK must be integral part of this endeavor because even if it leaves the European Union, it will not leave Europe, Mr Barnier said.Therefore, the EU wants the "closest possible partnership" with the United Kingdom, also in foreign and security policy, including to build cutting-edge defence capabilities and interoperability among our Armed Forces. "Cooperation is Europe's DNA. Therefore, we want the UK to be our closest and most strategic partner", as a member of NATO and as a member of our "European family of Security and Defence" , stated Mr Barnier.

Jorge Domecq: “We need a complete change of mindset” 

Previously, in his welcome speech, EDA Chief Executive Jorge Domecq had recalled the huge progress EU defence cooperation has made over the past three years, as well as the role EDA plays in the implementation of all new EU defence tools. “Even though much has been achieved over the last years, even more needs to be done. If we want EU defence initiatives to lead towards a more coherent and integrated European defence landscape with a more capable, deployable, interoperable and sustainable set of military capabilities and forces that are able to deliver on these strategic priorities, we need sustained efforts and unfaltering political commitment”, he said. 

A key factor for success of the new EU defence initiatives’ success will be the extent to which Member States will actually use and embed the new cooperation tools into their national defence planning processes, Mr Domecq stressed. “This is certainly not an easy task. In my discussions in capitals I have seen that embedding the EU defence initiatives into national processes not only puts a burden on financial and human resources but it also requires a complete change of mindset, sometimes even a change of culture”.

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Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Hearings - Public hearing on Artificial Intelligence - enabled systems in security and defence - 03-12-2019 - Subcommittee on Security and Defence

SEDE organises a public hearing on 'Opportunities and challenges of the use of Artificial Intelligence - enabled systems in security and defence' on Tuesday 3 December 2019, from 10.30 to 12.30hrs, with external experts.
Location : SPINELLI 3E2
Further information
Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP

Highlights - Public hearing on Artificial Intelligence - enabled systems in security and defence - Subcommittee on Security and Defence

SEDE organises a public hearing on 'Opportunities and challenges of the use of Artificial Intelligence - enabled
systems in security and defence' on Tuesday 3 December 2019, from 10.30 to 12.30hrs in room SPINELLI 3E2, with external experts.
Further information
Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP

Bogdan 2351 - Wed, 27/11/2019 - 07:30

Ukrainian Bogdan 2351 Light Utility Vehicle
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Curtiss-Wright to buy US Navy supplier 901D Holdings

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/11/2019 - 04:00
US industrial conglomerate Curtiss-Wright has announced plans to expand its naval footprint by buying 901D Holdings, which makes ruggedised shipboard enclosures and electronic subsystems for the US Navy. Curtiss-Wright, whose existing naval products include electronic monitoring systems and nuclear
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Islamic State-Khorasan group remains ‘enduring threat’ to US interests in South and Central Asia, says Pentagon report

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/11/2019 - 04:00
The Islamic State-Khorasan (IS-K) militant group in Afghanistan remains “an enduring threat to US and allied interests in South and Central Asia”, the Lead Inspector General (Lead IG) at the Pentagon for the US Operation ‘Freedom’s Sentinel’ said in his latest quarterly
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Israel reports drop in Iranian ballistic missile launches

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/11/2019 - 04:00
Iran launched three ballistic missiles between March and June this year, the Israeli ambassador to the UN informed the Security Council in a letter released on 27 November. Ambassador Danny Danon said an unidentified missile was launched from Jalnabad in March, a Fateh-110 variant from Kuh Gitchen
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

MBDA Deutschland pitches air-launched Enforcer missile

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/11/2019 - 04:00
MBDA Deutschland is pitching an air-launched version of its Enforcer missile to Germany and beyond, a senior company representative told Jane’s on 27 November. Speaking at the Berlin Security Conference 2019 in the German capital, Head of Sales and Marketing, Guido Brendler, said that
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Turkey test fires OTMAS missiles from moving anti-tank vehicles

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/11/2019 - 04:00
Roketsan medium-range anti-tank missiles that were test fired from moving Pars 4×4 and Kaplan armoured vehicles hit their targets, Turkey’s Presidency of Defence Industries (SSB) tweeted on 25 November. Qualification testing is scheduled to be completed by the end of this year and
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UK Watchkeeper UAV flies from Cyprus

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/11/2019 - 04:00
British Army Watchkeeper tactical unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have deployed to the UK air base in Cyprus for a six-month training mission. The deployment by 47 Regiment Royal Artillery, the British Army’s only unit equipped with the Watchkeeper, is aimed at boosting the pilot competency
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

China expanding support infrastructure at Yulin Naval Base

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/11/2019 - 03:00
Key Points China is expanding support infrastructure at Yulin Naval Base on Hainan Island The new facilities could support long-term operations of an aircraft carrier Commercial satellite imagery captured on 19 November shows that China is expanding support infrastructure at the Yulin Naval Base
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Iran uses new SAM with indigenous HAWKs

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/11/2019 - 03:00
A new type of surface-to-air missile was used with a Mersad system during a recent air defence exercise, Iranian media coverage from 22 November showed. Photographs and TV news footage showed the modified system in action during Exercise ‘Guardians of the Velayet Sky 98’ earlier in the
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Kazakhstan to begin producing Elbit UAVs in 2020

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/11/2019 - 03:00
Kazakhstan Aviation Industry will begin producing Israeli unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) from 2020, the company’s parent company Kazakhstan Engineering announced on 22 November. The move comes following training and production preparation in Kazakhstan, with Kazakh engineers being trained in
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Lockheed Martin eyes expansion in Latin America

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/11/2019 - 03:00
Lockheed Martin has opened an office in Santiago, Chile, and hired a veteran of the region’s defence industry in a bid to spur its growth in Latin America. Patricia Tobar, who has worked for nine years in the Chilean and Colombian defence sector and for three years as a defence and security
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

MLS seeks patent protection for Viper hull

Jane's Defense News - Wed, 27/11/2019 - 03:00
Privately owned Mobile Land Systems (MLS) has applied for intellectual property design protection in Saudi Arabia and its home jurisdiction of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for the Falcon V-Hull on its Viper 4×4 mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicle. Viper was developed by MLS with
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