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Defence`s Feeds

UNITED STATES/POLAND : Poland revives Washington lobbying efforts to protect its defence orders

Intelligence Online - Tue, 30/11/2021 - 08:00
Shaken by the migrant crisis at its border with Belarus (IO, 15/11/21) and concerned about Russian-Ukrainian tensions, the Polish government
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

FRANCE : Tracfin still waiting for its 'Sirano' big data platform

Intelligence Online - Tue, 30/11/2021 - 08:00
The report on the 2022 finance bill submitted to the office of the speaker of the French Senate by Senator
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

LEBANON : BDO, Salamé and Bank Audi's auditor, at centre of Swiss cases

Intelligence Online - Tue, 30/11/2021 - 08:00
Consultancy Alvarez & Marsal (IO, 09/09/20) threatened to abandon its audit of the Central Bank of Lebanon (BDL) on 24 November
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Video of a committee meeting - Monday, 29 November 2021 - 16:44 - Subcommittee on Security and Defence

Length of video : 113'

Disclaimer : The interpretation of debates serves to facilitate communication and does not constitute an authentic record of proceedings. Only the original speech or the revised written translation is authentic.
Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP

Video of a committee meeting - Monday, 29 November 2021 - 13:45 - Subcommittee on Security and Defence

Length of video : 71'

Disclaimer : The interpretation of debates serves to facilitate communication and does not constitute an authentic record of proceedings. Only the original speech or the revised written translation is authentic.
Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP

UKRAINE/RUSSIA : The information war between Kyiv and Moscow reaches fever pitch

Intelligence Online - Mon, 29/11/2021 - 08:00
The US Pentagon and British Ministry of Defence have lent their voices to the growing chorus of warnings of an imminent invasion of Ukraine by the Russian armies. Reporting from the ground, Intelligence Online can confirm that this is fuelling
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

FRANCE : Arrest of French cybersecurity agency volunteer calls cyber ransom negotiation into question

Intelligence Online - Mon, 29/11/2021 - 08:00
The arrest of ethical hacker and businessman Florent Curtet, who was charged with "computer hacking, extorsion in an organised gang
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED KINGDOM/SAUDI ARABIA : Airbus in a cold sweat over Turki bin Salman vs Saudi Arabian Airlines legal fight

Intelligence Online - Mon, 29/11/2021 - 08:00
On 1 November, London's High Court gave Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudia) some respite in the airline's dispute with Aircraft Leasing
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

EUROPE : EUCJ advocate general sends veiled warning to French government on bulk data collection and storage

Intelligence Online - Mon, 29/11/2021 - 08:00
On November 18 European Court of Justice (EUCJ) advocate general ManuelCampos Sánchez-Bordona published an opinion on several cases, including "Spacenet"
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UZBEKISTAN : Mirziyoyev continues overhaul of security service after ousting spymaster Rustam Inoyatov

Intelligence Online - Mon, 29/11/2021 - 08:00
The newly re-elected Uzbek president Shavkat Mirziyoyev put an end to Rustam Inoyatov's long career in intelligence on 16 November.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

EGYPT : Business diplomacy firm Nigma plays key role in Franco-Egyptian defence relations

Intelligence Online - Mon, 29/11/2021 - 08:00
More than 30 French companies will fly the flag for France at Egypt Defence Expo (EDEX) in Cairo from 29
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

QBZ-192 - Mon, 29/11/2021 - 00:55

Chinese QBZ-192 Carbine
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

QBU-191 - Sat, 27/11/2021 - 17:00

Chinese QBU-191 Designated Marksman Rifle
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Highlights - Strategic Compass: debate with Commissioner Breton and EEAS - Subcommittee on Security and Defence

The Subcommittee on Security and Defence will hold a debate with Commissioner Thierry Breton on the priorities of the Commission's work programme to reinforce the development of the objectives of the Strategic Compass, on 29 November. The committee will also discuss with Charles Fries, EEAS Deputy Secretary-General for CSDP and crisis response, the state of play of the Strategic Compass in light of the FAC Defence Ministers' meetings, on 30 November.
Meeting agenda and documents
Live streaming
EU Fact Sheets: Security and defence
Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP

France-Croatia: Enhanced Cooperation

CSDP blog - Fri, 26/11/2021 - 19:33

Croatia's purchase of Rafales aircraft appears to be a hallmark of an important new geopolitical alliance. The strengthened Franco-Croatian cooperation has 6 pillars and is organized by three-year projects

1.) The first pillar deals with strengthening political cooperation and partnership at bilateral and European level.
2.) The second pillar deals with enhanced dialogue and a privileged relationship with South-Eastern Europe.
3.) The third part is devoted to joint cooperation in the environment and international organizations, France's support for Croatia's path to Schengen, the euro zone, the OECD.
4.) The fourth pillar concerns the strengthening of military cooperation, which provides an opportunity to make better use of the funds available within the EU to strengthen military capabilities and the military industry.
5.) The fifth pillar concerns the strategic partnership linked to the strengthening of economic, cultural, scientific and university cooperation.
6.) The sixth part concerns administrative cooperation.

Tag: FranceCroatieRafale

INDIA/IRAN : Tehran briefed on New Delhi's plans for dealing with the Taliban

Intelligence Online - Fri, 26/11/2021 - 08:00
The regional security conference organised in New Delhi on 10 November, which mainly dealt with Afghanistan, enabled its main organiser, Indian national security adviser Ajit Doval, along with Samant Goel, head of the Indian external intelligence service, Research & Analysis Wing
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

RUSSIA : NIIRK spymasters scrutinise Baltic and Central Asian countries via state media

Intelligence Online - Fri, 26/11/2021 - 08:00
The Russian national research institute for the development of communication NIIRK has called on contacts within the Kremlin's media circles
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UKRAINE : Ukrainian pro-Russian tycoon and MP Viktor Medvedchuk fights back against SBU monitoring

Intelligence Online - Fri, 26/11/2021 - 08:00
As Ukraine presses ahead with its programme of reforms (IO, 17/11/21), Volodymyr Zelensky's administration is stepping up the pressure on
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

EUROPE : Multi-service AWO leads anti-Facebook offensive in Brussels

Intelligence Online - Fri, 26/11/2021 - 08:00
Frances Haugen, the former Facebook employee who leaked internal company documents to the US media, made very public appearances before
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

SWEDEN/AUSTRALIA : Saab counts on Scott Morrison's former policy adviser to plug submarines to Australia

Intelligence Online - Fri, 26/11/2021 - 08:00
Canberra and Stockholm discussed a potential order of Swedish shipyard Saab Kockums' (Saab conglomerate) conventionally powered Collins-class submarines, built with
Categories: Defence`s Feeds
