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Defence`s Feeds

France seeks mini attack drones

Jane's Defense News - Fri, 13/05/2022 - 13:20
The Direction Générale de l'Armement (DGA), the French defence procurement agency, and the L'Agence de l'Innovation de Défense (AID), the country's defence innovation...
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

IAF strikes target with extended-range BrahMos missile

Jane's Defense News - Fri, 13/05/2022 - 11:05
An extended-range (ER) variant of India's air-launched BrahMos-A missile has successfully struck its designated target.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Kaman Kargo UAV full-scale test expected in second half of 2022

Jane's Defense News - Fri, 13/05/2022 - 08:50
Aerospace company Kaman said it is on track to fly a full-scale model of its Kargo unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in the latter half of third quarter.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds


Intelligence Online - Fri, 13/05/2022 - 08:00
London: Raedas arrives in Washington.Two months in the making, the arrival in the United States of Raedas Consulting, a corporate
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES/TURKEY : Aselsan, Baykar, TOGG: Abu Dhabi eyes acquisition of Turkey's military industry

Intelligence Online - Fri, 13/05/2022 - 08:00
While Turkey gets into reconciliation mode with Saudi Arabia - President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited the country on 28 April,
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

SWITZERLAND : The Moosegg Hotel, the Alpine retreat where private investigators meet up with their Gulf paymasters

Intelligence Online - Fri, 13/05/2022 - 08:00
It is like something out of a James Bond film. The Moosegg Hotel, a boutique hotel 1,000 metres up in
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

CENTRAL ASIA/UNITED STATES/RUSSIA : Russian banks negotiate with US treasury's OFAC to secure presence in Central Asia

Intelligence Online - Fri, 13/05/2022 - 08:00
The sanctions piling up against Russian banks is causing deep concern in Central Asia, where their partners are also being
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

ARMENIA/RUSSIA : Russia's FSB tightens its grip in Armenia

Intelligence Online - Fri, 13/05/2022 - 08:00
Tightening the screws even further on the circulation of information in Russia (IO, 12/07/21), Moscow recently gave the FSB, the
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED STATES/UNITED KINGDOM : The Corporate Intelligence Village Voice: Raedas, Veracity

Intelligence Online - Fri, 13/05/2022 - 08:00
London: Raedas arrives in Washington.Two months in the making, the arrival in the United States of Raedas Consulting, a corporate
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

FINLAND : Rear Admiral Juha Vauhkonen leads Finland's exit from military neutrality

Intelligence Online - Fri, 13/05/2022 - 08:00
The recent joint statement by Finnish president and prime minister Sanna Marin and Sauli Niinisto stating that Finland will apply
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED STATES/ISRAEL : Independent investigations war lurks behind BRG v NSO battle

Intelligence Online - Fri, 13/05/2022 - 08:00
Berkeley Research Group (BRG), the American consulting firm that manages the Novalpina Capital fund, which owns 70% of NSO Group,
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

US Navy plans to augment submarine-building potential through ‘strategic outsourcing'

Jane's Defense News - Fri, 13/05/2022 - 07:50
To ensure it can reach a submarine-build rate of one Columbia-class strategic ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) and two Virginia-class attack boats per year, the US...
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

General Atomics announces MQ-9B STOL upgrade for carrier operations

Jane's Defense News - Fri, 13/05/2022 - 07:50
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc (GA-ASI) said on 10 May that it is developing a kit to provide short take-off and landing (STOL) capability on its MQ-9B...
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Slovakia holds trials of BMP replacement

Jane's Defense News - Fri, 13/05/2022 - 07:05
Slovakia has held trials of three contenders to replace its BMP infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), the Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced on its website on 11 May....
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Indo Pacific 2022: Sentient launches shipborne variant of ViDAR optical sensor

Jane's Defense News - Fri, 13/05/2022 - 06:05
Sentient Vision Systems has launched a shipborne variant of its visual detection and ranging (ViDAR) persistent optical sensor system known as ViDAR Surface.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Hearings - European Defence after the collapse of Afghanistan and Russia war against Ukraine - 17-05-2022 - Subcommittee on Security and Defence

SEDE organises a public hearing on 'The future of European Defence after the collapse of Afghanistan and Russia war against Ukraine: next steps in achieving the European Defence Union' on Tuesday, 17 May 2022 from 9.00 to 10.30hrs in room SPAAK 5B1 and remotely, with external experts.

Location : SPAAK 5B1
Source : © European Union, 2022 - EP

Latest news - Next SEDE meeting - 17 May 2022 - Subcommittee on Security and Defence

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the President of the European Parliament has established a number of measures to contain the spread of the virus and to safeguard Parliament's core activities. The current precautionary measures do not affect work on legislative priorities.

Core activities are maintained to ensure the smooth running of the institution's legislative, budgetary, and scrutiny functions.

The next meeting of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) is scheduled to take place on 17 May 2022.

The meeting agenda and documents will be published here.

SEDE missions:

  • A SEDE mission to Iraq will take place from 24-28 May 2022.
  • A SEDE mission to Georgia took place from 10-14 April 2022.

SEDE meetings' calendar - first half of 2022
EP calendar 2022 revised
Source : © European Union, 2022 - EP

UK launches future military rotorcraft study

Jane's Defense News - Thu, 12/05/2022 - 13:35
The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) has launched an effort designed to address its future military rotorcraft needs from the late 2030s.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Pentagon Budget: Analysis shows future need for 12 aircraft carriers, US Navy leadership acknowledges

Jane's Defense News - Thu, 12/05/2022 - 13:35
Although the US Navy (USN) force of 11 aircraft carriers meets existing operational requirements, studies show a need to add another ship to accommodate future...
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Iraq orders new artillery

Jane's Defense News - Thu, 12/05/2022 - 12:50
The Iraqi Ministry of Defence (MoD) has placed contracts with the United States and France for advanced weapons, including artillery, the state Iraqi News Agency cited...
Categories: Defence`s Feeds
