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HMS Vengeance : serious Trident missile malfunction

CSDP blog - Mon, 23/01/2017 - 17:45

Downing Street has been accused of covering up a Trident missile malfunction weeks before a crucial Commons vote on the future of the submarine-based missile system.

A Trident II D5 missile test ended in failure after it was launched from the British submarine HMS Vengeance off the coast of Florida in June 2016. The weapon is 13 metres long, weighs 60 tonnes and can carry nuclear warheads with up to eight times the destructive capacity of the bombs that hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the second world war. Trident missile can hit a target 4,000 nautical miles away and be accurate to within a few metres.

The problem is that when HMS Vengeance, one of the UK’s four nuclear submarines, test-fired the missile off the coast of Florida, the missile was not out by a few metres but several thousand miles. It had been targeted at the southern Atlantic off the coast of west Africa. Instead, it was heading in the opposite direction, over the US.

The four previous UK tests – in 2000, 2005, 2009 and 2012 – were successful, it was the only firing test of a British nuclear missile in four years and raises serious questions about the reliability and safety of the weapons system. But the error was hushed up. The cause of the failure remains top secret, but quotes a senior naval source saying the missile, which was unarmed for the test, suffered an in-flight malfunction after launch. According to defence sources, the missile did not veer off in the wrong direction because it was faulty but because the information relayed to it was faulty. This explanation is not reassuring.

It was reportedly intended to be fired 5,600 miles to a sea target off the west coast of Africa but may have veered off towards America instead. There was a major panic at the highest level of government and the military after the first test of our nuclear deterrent in four years ended in disastrous failure. In July, MPs voted by 472 to 117 to back the renewal of Britain's Trident nuclear deterrence. The overwhelming vote supported the Government's plans to spend up to £40 billion on four new Successor-class submarines.

Some analysts say the fact that UK tests are infrequent is not important because the US tests much more frequently and both share the underlying technology. There are over 150 tests over almost 30 years, with a sub-3% failure rate, and well under 1% since British submarines began carrying the missiles.


Tag: HMS VengeanceTridentnucléaire

EDA workshop on MARSUR capabilities held in Rome

EDA News - Mon, 23/01/2017 - 15:33

Last week (15-20 January), an EDA workshop aimed at training operators and technicians in the daily use of Maritime Surveillance (MARSUR) capabilities was held at the HQ of operation SOPHIA in Rome.

The humanitarian crisis resulting from migration via the Mediterranean has led to EU Member States launching a response. So far there are five Naval Operations led by military and civilian entities as well as numerous operations run by Non-Governmental Organisations. While the focus and the aim of military operations such as the NATO-led Ocean Shield and the EU NAVFORMED Operation SOPHIA may differ, one element is vital to all naval operations: Maritime Situational Awareness.
Naval Forces the world over are striving to establish what is called a recognized maritime picture. In basic terms that means finding out exactly what is happening in any given operational area at sea, including whether ships (‘contacts’ in naval terms) are transiting the area or working within it.

Maritime Situational Awareness also includes knowledge about events taking place in and around a maritime area. Current operations in the Mediterranean have underlined the need to include both military and civilian information to get a full picture. There are many different military and civilians systems around – all of which need to be compiled, verified and analysed – so a significant challenge lies in bringing the relevant information together.

To this end, the European Defence Agency (EDA) helped to design an interface acting as a system of systems to support CSDP operations such as the EU NAVFORMED Operation SOPHIA. It does this by enabling maritime headquarters to exchange data and information with other networks through various services such as chat, email, tactical drawing, video recordings and track streaming. The SOPHIA Operational Headquarters was connected to the MARSUR Networking Community which encompasses 17 EU Member States plus Norway.

To enhance the input of information, EDA has sponsored and designed a complex workshop which trains operators and technicians in the daily use of the MARSUR capability. This training took place from 15-20 Jan 2017 in Rome, Italy. As a lead nation of Operation SOPHIA and a host nation for the training, Italy offered ideal training conditions. 36 participants from 12 Member States and Norway spent a week at the Italian Tor di Quinto Naval Club. The participants were joined by MARSUR contractors’ representatives, trainers and representatives from the MARSUR community and representatives from the Italian Navy and Operational Headquarters.

The week provided a unique opportunity to exchange experience, skills and knowledge about the MARSUR capability and the requirements of Operation SOPHIA. Most of all, meeting counterparts from other Member States helped to personalise the otherwise faceless messages on the screen. The resulting network serves to build up the most important asset of information exchange and cooperation: trust.

To provide even more support to Operation SOPHIA, representatives from EDA met with staff from the SOPHIA Operational Headquarters, the Italian Navy and the MARSUR community to ensure that information is sent not only from those ships engaged in Operation SOPHIA, but also all Member States’ ships transiting the Mediterranean.

This type of cooperation is a good example of the implementation of the EU Maritime Security Strategy which envisions cross-sectoral information exchange among European actors.


More information:



Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Reducing air pollution: National emission ceilings for air pollutants [EU Legislation in Progress]

Written by Didier Bourguignon (6th edition)

© daizuoxin / Fotolia

Despite significant progress in recent decades, air pollution levels in the European Union still have adverse impacts on the environment and on health. The European Commission estimates that health-related costs of air pollution in the EU range from 390 to 940 billion euros per year.

The proposed directive, which would replace the current National Emission Ceilings Directive, sets binding national reduction objectives for six air pollutants (SO2, NOx, NMVOCs, NH3, PM2.5 and CH4) to be met by 2020 and 2030. It will also implement the Gothenburg Protocol as amended in 2012. The European Commission estimates that implementation costs would range from 2.2 to 3.3 billion euros per year.

After completion of the legislative procedure at first reading in the European Parliament and the Council, the presidents of the co-legislators signed the final act on 14 December 2016. Member States are required to transpose the new directive into national law by 1 July 2018.

Versions Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants and amending Directive 2003/35/EC

Committee responsible:


Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI)

Julie Girling (ECR, UK)

COM(2013)920 of 18.12.2013

procedure ref.: 2013/0443(COD)


Ordinary legislative procedure

Procedure completed: Directive (EU) 2016/2284

OJ L 344, 17.12.2016, p. 1


Click to view slideshow.
Filed under: Economic and Social Policies, PUBLICATIONS Tagged: air quality, briefings, CO2 emissions, Didier Bourguignon, environment, EPRS briefings, EU Legislation in Progress, pollution

Highlights - Security Challenges in the Baltic Sea Region - Subcommittee on Security and Defence

The continuing security challenges in the Baltic sea region continue to constitute an issue of concern for the EU's security and defence policy. On 25 January, the SEDE committee will meet Lieutenant Colonel Jyri Raitasalo, Strategic Planning, Finnish Ministry of Defence and Commander Håkan Andersson, Military Advisor, Department for Security policy and International relations at the Swedish Ministry of Defence to discuss their national perspectives on the current situation in the Baltic sea.
Further information
Draft agenda and meeting documents
Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP

Reviving risk capital: The proposal to amend EuVECA and EuSEF [EU Legislation in Progress]

Written by Angelos Delivorias (2nd edition),

© duncanandison / Fotolia

The European Venture Capital Funds (EuVECA) and European Social Entrepreneurship Funds (EuSEF) are collective investment schemes that have been harmonised at European Union (EU) level since 2011 by means of two Regulations: (EU) No 345/2013 (EuVECA) and (EU) No 346/2013 (EuSEF). In its 2016 review, the Commission noted that these funds remain small and concentrated in a few Member States and that, while the take-up of EuVECA could be considered successful, the EuSEF results have been disappointing. Three main obstacles to further growth have been identified: limitations imposed on managers; product rules; and the (varying) application of regulatory fees in Member States with regards to funds’ marketing and management. To overcome those obstacles, the Commission has identified some measures that − by removing limitations on larger managers managing EuVECA and EuSEF funds, decreasing costs for EuVECA and EuSEF funds, and broadening the range of eligible assets EuVECA funds may invest in − should increase investment into these funds.

Interactive PDF Proposal for a Regulation amending Regulation (EU) No 345/2013 on European venture capital funds (EuVECA) and Regulation (EU) No 346/2013 on European social entrepreneurship funds (EuSEF) Committee responsible:


Shadow rapporteurs:



  Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON)

Sirpa Pietikäinen (EPP, Finland)

Andrea Cozzolino (S&D, Italy)

Syed Kamall (ECR, UK)

Cora Van Nieuwenhuizen (ALDE, the Netherlands)

Marco Zanni (EFDD, Italy)

COM(2016)0461 14.07.2016, 2016/0221(COD)

Ordinary legislative procedure (COD) (Parliament and Council on equal footing – formerly ‘co-decision’)

Next steps expected: Vote in Committee



Filed under: Economic and Social Policies, PUBLICATIONS Tagged: Angelos Delivorias, briefings, capital markets, EU Legislation in Progress, social venture capital

DRDO outlines future MBT requirements

Jane's Defense News - Mon, 23/01/2017 - 04:00
Further details have emerged about India's plans for the main battle tank (MBT) element of the Future Ready Combat Vehicle (FRCV) programme. Requirements for the main armament, powerpack, and mission systems have been revealed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). Speaking
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

British Army think-tank recommends ditching procurement competitions

Jane's Defense News - Mon, 23/01/2017 - 03:00
Key Points The British Army's think-tank has suggested the United Kingdom end competitive tenders for defence procurement CHACR's report instead envisages greater investment in the UK defence industry The UK's default preference for competition in equipment procurement should be reversed to help
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

China's North Sea Fleet receives first Type 052D destroyer

Jane's Defense News - Mon, 23/01/2017 - 03:00
China's People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) commissioned its fifth Luyang III-class (Type 052D) destroyer on 22 January. Named Xining (with pennant number 117), the vessel is the first Type 052D to be assigned to the PLAN's North Sea Fleet, with the other four ships allocated to the South Sea
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Russian military to replace Soviet-era passenger aircraft

Jane's Defense News - Mon, 23/01/2017 - 03:00
The Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) is looking at replacing all of its Soviet-era passenger aircraft following the fatal loss of a Tupolev Tu-154 late last year, state media disclosed on 20 January. Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu has instructed that modern replacements to the current Tu-154,
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Ukraine seizes missile components destined for Iran

Jane's Defense News - Mon, 23/01/2017 - 03:00
The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (DPSU) announced on 20 January that it had found missile system components on an aircraft that was about to leave Kiev's Zulyany airport for Iran. The DPSU said that, during an inspection of the aircraft on 19 January, its personnel had found 17 boxes with
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

DSME launches Thailand's first multipurpose frigate

Jane's Defense News - Mon, 23/01/2017 - 02:00
South Korean shipbuilder Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME) launched a 122 m frigate on order for the Royal Thai Navy (RTN) on 23 January. The vessel, which has been ordered under a THB14.6 billion (USD396 million) contract inked between the Thai government and DSME in August 2013,
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Mattis officially becomes US secretary of defense

Jane's Defense News - Mon, 23/01/2017 - 02:00
Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis was confirmed by the Senate and sworn in as the next secretary of defense on 20 January. The Senate voted favourably on his nomination, 98-1, several hours after President Donald Trump officially took office. Immediately after his own swearing in, Trump
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Missile defences a top priority for Trump

Jane's Defense News - Mon, 23/01/2017 - 02:00
Key Points President Trump wants a "state-of-the-art missile defense system" to defend against potential ICBM threats from North Korea or Iran Republicans in Congress are likely support new investments in missile defences President Donald Trump, who took office on 20 January, called for
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Two Chinese helicopter pilots die in crash

Jane's Defense News - Mon, 23/01/2017 - 02:00
A helicopter of the People's Liberation Army Ground Force's aviation wing crashed in southeast China's Fujian Province on 19 January, killing both pilots, the China Military Online website reported on 23 January. Three other people suffered minor injuries and four houses were damaged as a result of
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

US strikes Al-Qaeda camp in Syria

Jane's Defense News - Mon, 23/01/2017 - 02:00
The US Department of Defense (DoD) announced on 20 January that more than 100 Al-Qaeda fighters had been killed during an air strike on a Syrian training camp conducted the day before. The disclosure on the final day of the Obama administration said the Shaykh Sulayman camp in Idlib Province, which
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Royal Navy's Carrier Strike Group conducts transatlantic tests

Naval Technology - Mon, 23/01/2017 - 01:00
The Commander UK Carrier Strike Group (COMUKCSG) has been conducting transatlantic exercises in a bid to learn how to work as part of a combat force with the country’s new Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Nammo Energetics signs P3 agreement with NSWC IHEODTD

Naval Technology - Mon, 23/01/2017 - 01:00
Nammo Energetics Indian Head (NEIH) has signed a public-private partnership (P3) agreement with the US Naval Surface Warfare Centre Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division (NSWC IHEODTD).
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

US Navy marks keel authentication of EPF 9 and EPF 11 fabrication

Naval Technology - Mon, 23/01/2017 - 01:00
US-based shipbuilder Austal USA has conducted keel authentication of the US Navy’s ninth expeditionary fast transport (EPF), the future USNS City of Bismarck, as well as fabrication for its 11th EPF, USNS Puerto Rico.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

EXPAL and Proytecsa Sign Agreement for Ammunition Demilitarisation and Improvised Explosive Sector Collaboration

Naval Technology - Mon, 23/01/2017 - 01:00
IEDD and EOD solutions provider EXPAL Systems is a developer and manufacturer of products and services such as clearance of terrains and soil remediation works. EXPAL has been integrated within solutions for defence and security industries for the pa…
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

ASG militants release two hostages in the Philippines' Sulu

Jane's Defense News - Mon, 23/01/2017 - 01:00
TWO people - kidnapped by Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) militants off the coast of the town of Pangutaran in the Philippines' Sulu province on 25 October - were released by the group in the town of Indanan on 19 January, GMA Network reported. Reports did not specify whether a ransom was paid for their
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