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UN, African Union urge Somali leaders to resume talks to overcome political impasse

UN News Centre - Africa - Wed, 17/02/2021 - 12:13
The United Nations Secretary-General and the Chairperson of the African Union Commission called on Somali leaders, on Tuesday, to resume dialogue to resolve outstanding differences concerning elections in the country. 
Categories: Africa

S. Sudan sitting on time bombard: army general

Sudan Tribune - Wed, 17/02/2021 - 10:45

February 16, 2021 (JUBA) - A South Sudanese army general has warned that the young nation could disintegrate if president Salva Kiir and his five deputies in coalition government do not act to avert escalation and spiralling out of control of the current situation.

"We are in no peace and no war situation with 8.3 million South Sudanese facing famine, rampant insecurity across the country, soldiers have not been paid for 7 months, foreign missions have gone without salaries for 21 months, unified forces have been abandoned in the training camps with no plans to graduate them and they have threatened to decamp anytime, rampant corruption, inflation with prices of essential commodities increasing every day, the list is long," Major Gen. Peter Mabior Lual said Tuesday

Writing on his Facebook page, the army officer said Kiir and his deputies were sitting on a time bombard if they fail to stop the situation from spiralling of control.

“President Salva Kiir and his five Vice Presidents should know that they are sitting on a ticking time bomb. With this protracted delay of full formation of the government, things could spiral out of control and it will be too late to manage”, he wrote

The military officer's warning comes barely two weeks after the Catholic bishop of Yambio and Tambura diocese, Barani Edwardo Hiboro called on the government to prioritize care, maintenance, organization and the development of men and women in uniform.

He urged members of the organized forces to carry out well their role of protecting people, enforcing justice and order within our country.

“But leaving them in a chaotic way like it is now, is leaving the country at the mercy of disorganization, of confusion, of violence and lawlessness. When these elements are missing among the men and women in uniform, the reality is that they became part of those who are causing confusion. What kind of nation do we have then?” said Hiboro.

The top religious leader said he was aware no group has laid down weapons since the end of the conflict in 2018, expressing a delay could lead to disorder and lawlessness in the country at the expense of peace and unity.

"If they are disorganized, be sure the country is also disorganized because nobody oversees putting things in order. Can we, therefore, prioritize this? We need to prioritize the reorganization of our forces”, he stressed.

The Bishop was speaking at a social function held on February 10 in Yambio.


Categories: Africa

Iran was behind planned attacks on UAE embassies: report

Sudan Tribune - Wed, 17/02/2021 - 08:34

February 16, 2021 (KHARTOUM) - Iran was behind the recently foiled planned terror attacks on the United Arab Emirates (UAE) embassies in Addis Ababa and Khartoum, the U.S. and Israeli officials told the New York Times this week.

On 3 February, Ethiopia's National Intelligence Service (NISS) said it had foiled a terrorist plot to attack the UAE embassies in Addis Ababa and Khartoum, adding they worked with the Sudanese intelligence agency to arrest the group's members.

The Ethiopian authorities, however, did not disclose the identity of instigators who was orchestrating the planned attacks. They only but said they had been monitoring the activities of these groups since November 2020 in collaboration with several foreign intelligence services in Europe, Asia and Africa.

On Monday, the New York Times, based on statements by the U.S. and Israeli security officials reported that Iran was behind the attacks.

"They say the Ethiopian operation was part of a wider drive to seek soft targets in African countries where Iran might avenge painful, high-profile losses such as the death of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, Iran's top nuclear scientist, said to have been killed by Israel in November, and Maj Gen Qassim Suleimani, the Iranian spymaster killed by the United States in Iraq just over one year ago," said the NYT.

Rear Adm Heidi K. Berg, director of intelligence at the Pentagon's Africa Command, said that Iran was behind the 15 people arrested in Ethiopia and that the "mastermind of this foiled plot," the paper further said.

In addition, the Swedish authorities arrested ringleader, Ahmed Ismail who is residing in Stockholm.

The Ethiopian security service earlier this month said that Sudanese General Intelligence Service (GIS) also arrested the suspects who were preparing for similar attacks in Sudan.

However, the Sudanese authorities did not comment on this report.

Nonetheless, the Iranian embassy in Addis Ababa rejected the allegations of the American and Israeli officials.

"These are baseless allegations only provoked by the Zionist regime's malicious media," said a spokeswoman for the Iranian Embassy in Addis Ababa.


Categories: Africa

Al-Burhan renews his support to Sudan's empowerment removal committee

Sudan Tribune - Wed, 17/02/2021 - 07:35

February 16, 2021 (KHARTOUM) - Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, head of the Sovereign Council renewed his support for the Empowerment Removal Committee on Tuesday after a meeting to clarify the misunderstanding between the two sides.

On 31 January, the Committee spokesman Salah Manna accused al-Burhan of directing the Attorney General to release the ousted president's wife from imprisonment. A week later, al-Burhan filed a defamation case

For his part, the committee chairman Yasir al-Atta resigned from his position amid calls to dissolve it.

While the Attorney General said that the release of al-Bashir's wife took place by the Public Prosecution without any interference from al-Burhan but was decided in accordance with the law and after seizing her property and money and preventing her from travelling.

In a statement issued on Tuesday evening, the Sovereignty Council said that al-Burhan held a meeting with the members of the committee to the removal of the former regime including its alternate president, Mohamed al-Faki, and committee members Salah Manna, Wajdi Saleh, Taha Osman and Ihab al-Tayeb.

"The meeting discussed the statements issued during the last period, and the wrong information was corrected," reads the statement.

For his part, "the Chairman of the Sovereign Council renewed his support for the Empowerment Removal Committee, and as the most important demand of the revolution," stressed the statement.

The meeting further emphasized that the committee chairman al-Atta should retract his resignation and resume his activities within the removal body.

The divergence between the removal committee and al-Burhan was seen in Khartoum as an example of the difficult cohabitation between the civilians and the military.

FFC voice support to removal committee

Before the meeting between the committee and al-Burhan, the Central Council of the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) issued a statement expressing its support and praising the performance of the removal body.

The council reiterated "its unlimited support for the committee", describing it as "the revolution's first line of defence", and that any attempt to damage it means prejudice to the revolution and its gains."

FFC called on the Public Prosecution to arrest the remnants of the ousted regime involved in sabotage and collect evidence that would allow to bring them to fair trials.


Categories: Africa

China aids fight against child malnutrition in South Sudan

Sudan Tribune - Wed, 17/02/2021 - 06:54

February 16, 2021 (JUBA) – China has donated over 14,056 boxes of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to fight child malnutrition in South Sudan.

A South Sudanese boy has a MUAC test, designed to detect malnutrition (Photo: ACF-South Sudan/T. Frank)

"We are very proud to be in association with UNICEF to deliver the nutrition food to the children who are in dire need of food," the Chinese ambassador to South Sudan, Hua Ning said on Monday.

He said China is committed to improve bilateral relations with Juba.

"We hope that the donation from China will help to ease the nutrition situation here in South Sudan and we also hope that continued progress of South Sudan's peace talks will help to ease and finally eliminate the root (cause) of the humanitarian crisis," said Hua

"We hope that every child in South Sudan will enjoy a better future," he added.

For his part, the UNICEF South Sudan Representative, Andrea Suley, said the Chinese aid will help treat over 14,000 children with severe acute malnutrition.

"This RUTF from China will save lives and give children a second chance," he said.

According to UNICEF, an estimated 313,000 children in the world's youngest nation currently suffer from severe acute malnutrition.


Categories: Africa

FROM THE FIELD: Life after conflict in the Central African Republic

UN News Centre - Africa - Tue, 16/02/2021 - 21:59
Behind each case brought to the International Criminal Court (ICC), lie countless personal stories of horror, trauma and, sometimes, hope. “Life after conflict”, a photo-led series published by the ICC, shows the devastating impact that war crimes have on people’s lives.
Categories: Africa

Burundi: UN refugee agency appeals for over $220 million in ‘crucial’ support

UN News Centre - Africa - Tue, 16/02/2021 - 21:34
An urgent appeal for $222.6 million was made on Tuesday by the UN refugee agency and partners to assist more than 315,000 Burundian refugees this year. 
Categories: Africa

Armed group atrocities creating havoc in eastern DR Congo: UN refugee agency

UN News Centre - Africa - Tue, 16/02/2021 - 18:17
Atrocities committed by armed groups in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) have become part of a systematic pattern to disrupt lives, instill fear and create havoc, the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, said on Tuesday, expressing alarm over the ongoing situation. 
Categories: Africa

Secretary-General underscores need for peace and stability in Africa’s Sahel region

UN News Centre - Africa - Tue, 16/02/2021 - 17:03
The UN Secretary-General has underlined his concern for Africa’s Sahel region, where deteriorating security and violence are aggravating an already difficult humanitarian situation that is unfolding amid the COVID-19 pandemic and climate emergency. 
Categories: Africa

'We had to run for our lives’: The pregnant women fleeing Tigray

UN News Centre - Africa - Tue, 16/02/2021 - 15:45
Pregnant women are amongst the tens of thousands of people in need of assistance in the Tigray region of Ethiopia, where fighting between the Government and regional forces of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) have been ongoing since November 2020. Hiwot* is one of them.
Categories: Africa

EU calls for bold measures to control deteriorating economic situation in Sudan

Sudan Tribune - Tue, 16/02/2021 - 08:03

February 15, 2021 (KHARTOUM) - European Union diplomats in Khartoum urged the Sudanese government to take bold reforms to halt the deteriorating economic situation in the country.

Hamdok government had failed to stop the collapse of the Sudanese pound as one dollar is sold for over 400 pounds; while in January it was sold for over 250 pounds. However, the official exchange rate is 55 pounds for one dollar.

Also, the inflation rate in Sudan for the month of January jumped to 304.33% compared to 269.33% in December 2020, which represents n increase of 35 points.

On Monday, the head of the Sovereign Council Abdel Fattah al-Burhan received a number of EU diplomats to Sudan including ambassadors of the European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and Sweden.

Following the end of the meeting, Robert van den, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Sudan told the media they discussed with al-Burhan a range of issues related to the recent political developments and the formation of the new transitional cabinet, tensions with Ethiopia, and the economic situation.

Dool said they briefed al-Burhan about the current size of the EU support to the democratic transition process and the humanitarian assistance to Sudan.

"We noted that the pressure on the Sudanese people is palpable, but we also noted that the government has to take bold and fast solutions to reform the economy," he stressed.

The government has implemented a number of economic reforms and ended the fuel subsidy but it is reluctant to liberalize the currency and to end administrative controls over foreign exchange.

A week ago, a Western diplomat told Reuters that donors countries are frustrated by the government delay to float the pound would not trigger more pressure on the pound or inflation since almost all transactions are already carried out at black market rates.

The message from donors to Sudanese authorities was: “This will unlock huge amounts of financing, grants, assistance, development, investment, and the situation is just becoming worse and worse day by day,” the diplomat told Reuters.

The delay of the pound liberalization in exchange rate reform is holding up the launch of a family support programme to pay a monthly $5 cash subsidy to 80% of Sudan's population.

"Some $400 million in aid and World Bank pre-arrears clearance grants for the first phase of the programme has been withheld because the money would be worth much less if converted at the official exchange rate," further said Reuters.

Recently, a series of protests denounced the government's failure to redress the economic situation, as Prime Minister appeared under pressure from the left groups.

Now, with his recently-formed all parties government, it is not clear if he would keep on reforms and meets the IMF requirements for debit removal and get the needed economic support from the international financial institutions.

EU Ambassador Dool said they also discussed the situation of the eastern Sudan border with Ethiopia, as the two sides are massing troops, creating conditions for a conflict that would destabilize the whole region.

He said they expressed "concern about the troubled period the Horn of Africa is currently traversing".

"We commended the constructive role played by Sudan as the Chair of IGAD and declared our support for a peaceful and diplomatic solution to the tensions between Sudan and Ethiopia," he further stressed.


Categories: Africa

How Congo-Brazzaville's shark population came under threat

BBC Africa - Tue, 16/02/2021 - 01:12
The shark population off Congo-Brazzaville is threatened as desperate fishermen search deeper waters.
Categories: Africa

Two die as new Ebola outbreak declared in southern Guinea

UN News Centre - Africa - Mon, 15/02/2021 - 09:21
Guinean health authorities have declared an outbreak of Ebola in a rural community in the south of the country, with at least seven people infected, two of whom died, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed on Sunday.  
Categories: Africa

Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: 'I lost my hand when a soldier tried to rape me'

BBC Africa - Mon, 15/02/2021 - 01:57
A teenager caught up in Ethiopia's Tigray conflict tells of her and her grandfather's near-death encounter.
Categories: Africa

Where are Cape Town's great white sharks?

BBC Africa - Sun, 14/02/2021 - 01:02
Barely a single great white shark has been spotted off the city's coast for two years, where once there were hundreds.
Categories: Africa

Mali: UN chief says ‘complex attack’ against blue helmets may constitute war crime 

UN News Centre - Africa - Sat, 13/02/2021 - 18:14
 Secretary-General António Guterres condemned  on Saturday, a “complex attack” against the UN mission in the West African country of Mali 
Categories: Africa

Ethiopia: ‘Incomplete but troubling picture’ reveals impact of Tigray crisis on children

UN News Centre - Africa - Fri, 12/02/2021 - 17:21
Humanitarians are learning more about the dire situation of children in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, where fighting continues between Government troops and regional forces of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). 
Categories: Africa

Ethiopia’s Tigray crisis: What does the future hold?

BBC Africa - Fri, 12/02/2021 - 13:43
What does the future hold for Ethiopia, and what challenges remain in the Tigray region?
Categories: Africa

South African variant: What is behind the Covid-19 surge in southern Africa?

BBC Africa - Fri, 12/02/2021 - 10:02
Coronavirus cases have been on the increase across countries in southern Africa.
Categories: Africa

You're divisionist, mischief maker if you disagree with some church activities — Pastor Chris to congregants

ModernGhana News - Fri, 12/02/2021 - 04:46
The LoveWorld Incorporated which is also known as Christ Embassy leader, Pastor Dr Chris Oyakhilome has pointed out what constitutes a mischief maker in the church. He stated that, if anyone says I don 39;t agree with everything or some of the things done in the church even though I 39;m a member of the church, then, something is wrong with you.
Categories: Africa
