June 18, 2015 (ADDIS ABABA) – South Sudan's former vice-president, Riek Machar, who leads an armed opposition faction against president Salva Kiir's government, has written to the United Nations secretary-general, Ban Ki Moon, over what he said were “many shortcomings” in a proposed draft agreement by the East African regional bloc, IGAD, in order to end the 18-month long civil war in the young country.
Machar said the document which the IGAD special envoys proposed mainly on power-sharing and security arrangements, and distributed to regional heads of state and government as the basis for a final peace agreement, would not bring peace between the warring parties.
“I am writing to point out the shortcomings in the IGAD Special Envoys' document that is distributed to the Heads of State and Government…However, this document has many shortcomings and leaves a lot of problems unaddressed,” partly reads the letter to the UN secretary general, dated 11 June, which copy Sudan Tribune has obtained.
In the six-page long letter, Machar narrated to the UN chief in details “fundamental” issues that should have been addressed by IGAD proposal, but not addressed, and the faults in their proposal in regard to various outstanding issues.
For instance, the armed opposition leader criticized IGAD proposal for leaving out the issue of compensation and reparation of victims of what he said was a genocide in the capital, Juba, and beyond that allegedly left over 20,000 people dead, mainly from the Nuer ethnic community, killed in cold blood by president Salva Kiir's presidential guards and allied ethnic Dinka militias from his home region of Bahr el Ghazal.
He also reiterated his call for release and publication of report of the African Union's (AU) Commission of Inquiry on the crimes committed and for those responsible to be held accountable, saying non-disclosure of the report implied lack of transparency. He also decried the dire situation faced by over a hundred thousand internally displaced persons in the UN camps across the war-torn country.
The rebel leader said a hybrid court to try those responsible for the war crimes and crimes against humanity should be established outside South Sudan, and that a program of reconciliation should also be anchored to final peace agreement. He stressed that many of the present problems persisted because the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed between South Sudan and Sudan in January 2005 did not address the issue of reconciliation internally in South Sudan.
The opposition leader further argued that federal system of governance should be part and parcel of a final peace agreement and implemented in the transitional period, saying this had been a popular demand of the people since 1947 and should not be referred to future permanent constitutional making process.
On institutional reforms he said there was need to overhaul the system in all its sectors and expressed pessimism that such a change would not take place under the current leadership in South Sudan.
“The current regime has been described as kleptocracy. I agree with this description. It is corrupt. It is difficult to envisage any reforms under the current leadership. However difficult, fundamental reforms must be done in the economy, security, public service, judiciary and political pluralism practice,” he said.
In the area of security arrangements, Machar attacked the IGAD proposal, saying it only limited scope of ceasefire to the three states of the oil-rich Upper Nile region, which included Unity, Upper Nile and Jonglei, leaving out the other seven states of Central, Eastern and Western Equatoria states in the greater Equatoria region and the four states of Lakes, Warrap, Northern and Western Bahr el Ghazal in the greater Bahr el Ghazal region.
He said war started in the national capital, Juba, and spread to the other states, adding that the war was also raging and spreading to the other two regions.
Machar also argued in the letter to the UN chief that although the intensity of the war was being felt in greater Upper Nile, government forces fighting in the three Upper Nile states came from all the ten states of the country.
He proposed that the national capital plus all the ten states capitals and other major towns must be demilitarized and the United Nations peacekeepers in the country take over the security of these capitals and major towns.
The rebel leader further said both the opposition forces and forces of the government should be cantoned, and described IGAD's proposal on security arrangements as only biasedly targeting the rebel forces.
“Cantonment must include regime's forces. IGAD proposal tackles only SPLM/SPLA forces. It is a project for disarmament of SPLM/SPLA, that is a disaster plan and cannot contribute to peace,” he said.
He also added that the proposed 18 months for reunification process of the two rival armies during a transitional period was not feasible as the process needed a lot of activities before they could come under a unified command.
“Unification of both SPLM/SPLA and GRSS forces involves selection, amalgamation, integration, training, deployment of the unified forces (Army, Police, Correctional Services, Fire Brigades and Wildlife and National Security) under unified command. This task cannot be completed in 18 months period,” he told the UN secretary general.
On the ceasefire agreement signed between the two warring parties since 23 January 2014, he said this could not hold because one of IGAD's member states, Uganda, plus “four” Sudanese rebels and Chadian rebels involved in the war on the side of president Kiir's government.
“This agreement was born dead,” he said.
On power-sharing he said this should be applied across the ten states of the country, including the other seven states of Bahr el Ghazal and Equatoria, not only in the three states of Upper Nile region. He also questioned the logic behind IGAD's proposed 33% of share to the government, saying populations in Upper Nile region had risen against the government. He added that war was also going on in the other regions against the government.
Machar further stressed that the document failed to share power in the Council of States, an upper house of the national legislature.
He also criticized the draft proposal for giving more percentage to only “10 individuals” known as former detainees than all the 16 opposition political parties combined in the country. He said these individuals were also lumped with 7% share in Upper Nile region although some of them did not come from the region.
The rebel leader also criticized IGAD for going against the 75% decision-making threshold at executive and legislative organs as initially agreed by the warring parties and instead introduced 67% threshold.
He accused the regional bloc of playing to the tune of tribal politics by proposing a divisive power-sharing deal for the regions and states.
“Is IGAD submerged in tribal politics in South Sudan? We cannot understand this mindboggling logic. South Sudan is one country striving to create a multi-national, multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural nation based on equality, justice, freedom, democracy that shall prosper in the Nile Basin,” said the opposition leader.
On illegitimacy of the current government in Juba, Machar said both the national legislature and the president had become illegitimate, explaining that their elected terms in office had already expired on 8 March 2015 for the national legislature and on 21 May 2015 for the president.
He also added that president Kiir became illegitimate with additional counts including the act of genocide in Juba and beyond, usurping power of the people and fabricating a coup that led to the current war, a case he said the president lost in his own court in Juba.
Machar in the letter to the UN secretary general further accused the national legislature of usurping the power of the people of South Sudan in amending and enacting laws extending their lifespan and that of the president when the national legislature itself was already illegitimate.
The amendment of the constitution done by the national legislature after 8 March 2015 by an “illegitimate” body, he said, was unconstitutional.
“An illegitimate president and an illegitimate national legislature are now ruling South Sudan,” he told the UN chief.
“Finally, we urge the world to declare president Salva and the national legislature constitutionally illegitimate on July 9, 2015,” he concluded.
The former vice president however said his organization was committed to the IGAD peace process and welcomed the new IGAD-Plus mechanism, saying there was need to allow the parties to the conflict to negotiate a peaceful settlement to the conflict.
By Mahmoud A. Suleiman
This article comes against the backdrop of the Génocidaire Omer al-Bashir escaping arrest by South African Court through a plot hatched by the Government of President Jacob Zuma on Monday 15, June 2015.
Background information about Omer al-Bashir's crimes is important before delving into the current events that led to his escaping arrest. In 2009, Omer al-Bashir and three of his senior aides, Abdelrahim Muhammed Hussein, Ahmed Harun and a Janjaweed commander Ali Abdelrahman Kosheib indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur. The following year, 2010, the ICC also charged Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir with three counts of genocide and issued arrest warrant.
Troops under al-Bashir's command in Darfur have spent years attacking and destroying villages, chasing survivors into the dessert, surrounding refugee camps, killing almost 500,000 in cold blood and uprooting millions of civilians from land –known locally as Hawakeer they possessed for centuries. When applying for a warrant for his arrest, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) said clearly that al-Bashir's “intent was genocide” and that he wanted to erase the history of an entire people.
The Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir oversaw it all. He remained as one of the world's most wanted men, charged with a horrific genocide. Nevertheless, for 6 years no one has succeeded in apprehending al-Bashir and locking him up.
During the period Sunday 14 – Monday 15, June 2015, Omer al-Bashir was in a state of ruefulness in South Africa fearing apprehension and handing him over to the ICC at The Hague. Nevertheless, the Génocidaire Bashir managed slipping and flying out of South Africa despite Pretoria High Court decision. Political analysts strongly believe that a plot Hatched by the government of President Jacob Zuma facilitated for Bashir escaping Arrest in Pretoria.
The position of Zuma in Pretoria is not surprising given the issue of the African dictatorship Club whose members work for their survival in power. The authoritarianism group sticks to the conspiracy theory that the West always targeted its members and conspired to incarcerate them into the darkness of prison in the International Criminal Court at The Hague. The Pan-Africanist rhetoric says that the ICC only targets the African leaders.
Thus, the Génocidaire Omar al-Bashir managed to escape from the mousetrap of South African Court for survival and fled to his den in Khartoum. The disgusting and abhorrent conspiracy theory utilized by the African Union (AU) Dictators Club to cover up their heinous crimes against the disenfranchised fellow citizens and to exonerate the perpetrators among their ranks.
The Southern African Litigation Centre, a legal rights group, had launched an urgent application in the Pretoria High Court to force the authorities to arrest the Génocidaire Omer Hassan Ahmed al- Bashir. South Africa is a signatory to the States Parties to the Rome Statute, which established the (ICC) that has often been criticised for only targeting Africa leaders.
The justification that the Government of Jacob Zuma relied on for allowing al-Bashir to leave as the duty to protect its invited guests the heads of states of the African Union (AU) countries is utterly flimsy, given the fact that South Africa is in the Rome Statute of 2002 members.
President Jacob Zuma had betrayed the noble spirit of the people of South Africa's struggle against apartheid. At the time of the Apartheid, the people of Sudan stood steadfast with the struggle of the disenfranchised South African people. The people of Sudan were not waiting for the leadership of South Africa to deal the Sudanese cause with such flout that ignores the blood of the victims and the noble Sudanese people struggle for freedom, justice and democracy. The judiciary in South Africa is exposed to a difficult and historic test to either prove its integrity and independence or trample its glory and reputation in the ground. The ruling African National Congress (ANC) party has already protested against arrest and could pressure the court to give in. However, a massive outcry can ensure they stay out of it, given the fact that it is a legal decision, not a political one. South Africa should arrest al-Bashir and either try him for genocide, or send him to the International Criminal Court, political analyst said.
On Sunday14, June 2015, Judge Hans Fabricius ordered authorities to stop Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir from leaving the country, pending a decision on whether it should order his arrest or not. The court was due to reconvene at 11.30am (09.30 GMT) on Monday, 15 June 2015 when a member of al-Bashir's delegation brushed aside the court case, telling Agence France-Presse (AFP) “President Bashir... will leave on Monday 15, June 2015.”
The African Union (AU) 54-member summit chaired by Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe in Johannesburg invited al-Bashir to attend. The International Criminal Court (ICC), arrest warrant for the Génocidaire Omer al- Bashir overshadowed the AU meeting. Al-Bashir is a genocidal criminal fugitive from the international justice. He annihilated more than 500000 innocent civilians and forced more than half the population to leave their homes fleeing into the middle of nowhere in makeshift camps for refugees, as Internally Displaced People (IDP), or as Diasporas. There is indistinguishable similarity between the National Congress Party (NCP) regime in Sudan and the White Supremacy entity of the former Apartheid South Africa.
Sudan's ruling regime of the NCP-led by the genocidal criminal Omar al-Bashir has been practicing the same apartheid tactics but tougher and more arbitrarily against the people of Sudan in the Darfur region, as was practiced by the White minority against the Majority People of South Africa. President Jacob Zuma and his government is definitely aware of this, but intersection of the interests played a major role in allowing Omar al-Bashir to escape from being arrested and handed over to the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague. The United States imposed sanctions against the Islamist regime of the National Islamic Front (NIF). More than 20,000 international peacekeepers, known as United Nations and African Union Mission for Darfur (UNAMID), poured into Darfur.
Omer al-Bashir who has been ruling people of Sudan with iron fist for 26 years and starting further five-rear term will inevitably attend under arrest to The Hague to face the result of the crimes he committed in the right of the people of Sudan in Darfur. The African dictators club has nothing to do with the rights of peoples of the continent. All that they care for is to stay in power for indefinite terms, whether the people of the country people refused or accepted the feta accompli situation.
The ICC is still young and a nascent institution and because of political maneuvers, al-Bashir has avoided arrest in several countries over the years. Some — including the ANC — have criticized the court for focusing on crimes in Africa. Nevertheless, most of the cases at the ICC were brought forward by the countries themselves and Sudan is one of just two cases where the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) managed to agree to bring perpetrators to the court. Moreover, when it comes to crimes as horrific as those in Darfur, its justice that should matter, not politics, political analysts continued saying. The accused of leading a horrific genocide in Darfur, Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir has escaped arrest for 6 years. The world needs taking action to bring Omar al-Bashir to justice. Omer al-Bashir sneaked out of South Africa fearing impending apprehension and handing him over to the (ICC). Bashir's scape has been decried as disgraceful scar on the non-apartheid state of South Africa.
The blood of the victims of genocide in Darfur, the Nuba Mountains, Ingasana in South Blue Nile, the victims of the massacres of the Beja in Eastern Sudan and the Nubians in the far north of Sudan await Justice. As well, the victims of human rights violations in all parts of Sudan, and the recent massacre of the civilians in the Khartoum North neighbourhood of Al-Jiraif Sharg, who struggled steadfast for their land rights and the wails of the widows would not go unheeded without accountability or transitional justice and revenge.
Sudan's army, National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) and militia, the notorious Rapid Support Force (RSF) have been terrorizing and displacing the population of Darfur out of their homes for years. They murdered the men, raped women and small girls in front of their families. Moreover, they have escaped justice until now. The hope rests on the good humane people of the world to support the efforts of the components of the Sudanese people to bring about change in the country by ousting the National Congress Party (NCP) regime by all available means. The people of Sudan are struggling for democracy, freedoms, rule of law, good governance, sustainable peace and prosperity with decent living.
Quote about a Tyrant states: “In every age it has been the tyrant, the oppressor and the exploiter who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both to deceive and overawe the People." Eugene V. Debs, Voices of a People's History of the United States.
Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is http://thussudan.wordpress.com/
June 17, 2015 (WAU) - Leader of the newly established People's Liberal Party (PLP) in South Sudan, Peter Mayen Majongdit, said a power-sharing proposal revealed by the East African regional bloc (IGAD) to end the 18-month long civil war in the country needed to be renegotiated by the parties in an inclusive process.
The draft power-sharing deal gave president Salva Kiir's government 53% of executive power at the national level while 33% went to the armed opposition faction led by former vice president, Riek Machar, and 14% to be equally divided between the former political detainees led by former secretary general of the ruling (SPLM) party and the other political parties.
In greater Upper Nile region reforms are to be effected with the reverse of giving the rebel faction 53% in charge of the three states of Unity, Upper Nile and Jonglei in the oil-rich region. The government in that region will get 33% and former detainees plus other political parties to equally share the remaining 14%.
Majongdit however said the draft deal was unfairly distributed, questioning why should only 10 individuals of former detainees be given a share in the 14% with the other political parties while majority of these individuals were already members of the national parliament or ruling party's political bureau.
“Why should the former political detainees share 14%,” he inquired.
He was referring to the notion that the 10 membership of the former detainees, sometimes known as G10, were just individuals without declared constituencies as far as the war is concerned. Critics also describe them as “opportunists” who were only hoping for an opportunity to sneak into the leadership of the country by portraying themselves as neutral “good boys” in the eyes of the international community while they were partly responsible for the current crisis.
According to Majongdit, he argued that the former detainees were either members of the SPLM highest political executive and legislative organs which should share from the 53% taken by the government because there were cadres of the SPLM if the Arusha agreement was to be incorporated into IGAD proposal.
He further warned that other opposition political parties might reject the participation in a transitional government of national unity if not allocated proper percentage.
“That means it will not be called government of national unity in the absence of opposition parties,” he said.
Majongdit, whose party base is in Warrap state from where he hails, further revealed that his political party may not take part in the transitional government and shall only focus on preparations for the upcoming general elections at the end of interim period.
“PLP shall be aspiring for country's leadership when the time is due, through election, so it has no interest to be part of government which they shall soon challenge. Our priorities are peace for now,” he said, adding that the preparations may not be easy.
He said there was need for institutions such as election commission to be independent from government's influence.
He also stressed the need for the peace talks to be inclusive, rather than bilateral between the warring parties so that issues were also widened beyond the mere power-sharing to include ensuring that accountability was addressed.
He also called on IGAD and the warring parties to extend power-sharing deal in the other two greater regions of Bahr el Ghazal and Equatoria, saying these regions equally needed reforms and the change should therefore not be benefiting only Upper Nile region.
The opposition leader, who hails from Warrap state like president Salva Kiir, was kidnapped this year, severely beaten and detained for several days by security operatives. He said as a condition for his release he was warned not to talk much about the shortfalls in the country's leadership or risk disappearance. He however said he defied such threats against his constitutional right.
PLP was formed earlier this year with the aim to create liberal democratic society with human values, according to its statement. Since its formation the party chairperson has been actively engaged in the country's political affairs winning public attraction.
June 17, 2015 (RUMBEK) - Traders in Rumbek, capital of Lakes state, have gone on strike following the killing of Sudanese trader last Sunday by unknown gunmen. The shops in Rumbek market have remained closed for three days in protest of endangered traders.
Head of traders union, Alfred Makur Acuoth, confirmed to Sudan Tribune markets were closed and that traders were demanding safety and for local tax to be reduced by the state government.
Acuoth said traders were experiencing losses in life and in materials due to rampant insecurity while the state government was levying more taxes from them, saying the strike aimed to address the grievances.
“Yes we close market for three days and it will continue till clear message would come from state government – we are losing life and properties – we need protection and tax to be easy on our goods – we gain nothing in all our goods – we are being killed and being harassed,” lamented Acuoth.
Also the exchange rate of US dollars, he said, had increased from 1,000SSP to 1,500SSP per $100 in Rumbek market, making it difficult to import goods from the neighbouring countries as South Sudanese pounds has either not been recognized by the exporting countries or it has become almost worthless.
South Sudanese pound' exchange rate against the US dollar in 2005 was only 2SSP per $1 when the new local currency was introduced, becoming the strongest currency in Africa at the time. Now it has rapidly depreciated by nearly 1000% in the black market, especially after the 2013 crisis in the country.
Acuoth also said Rumbek town, Lakes state's capital, has become more synonymous with insecurity, adding traders were always in danger from unknown gunmen. He called upon state government to provide security and to reduce local tax.
He also called on the state government to ensure US dollars were in circulation in the state in order to ease importation of goods from neighboring countries.
“Let state government make dollar available for us as well as roads to be secure from robberies,” he added.
Lakes state has been in turmoil for years due to rampant insecurity caused by inter-sectional fighting and revenge killings between ethnic Dinka rival clans, coupled with robberies in towns and along the roads.
A rebellion is also in the making as Brigadier General Khamis Abdel Latif, allied to the former vice president, Riek Machar, has been mobilising, recruiting and training youth from the area to begin military activities against the state government.
June 17, 2015 (JUBA) - A bid by Warrap state government in South Sudan, home to president Salva Kiir, to extend the term in office of governor Nyandeng Malek, has sparked street protest amid deployment of a joint police and security forces in Kuacjok town, capital of the state.
Governor Malek, whose term came to an end in May is the first elected woman politician into the office of governorship in the country. She was elected in April 2010 and took oath of office on 10 May 2010, marking the beginning of her five year term in the top elected state executive position.
Some members of parliament and critics of her administration however argued that she was no longer a legitimate governor after her term has expired; pointing out that the latest attempt for new mandate was not in the interest of the public.
Protesters in reaction to move for extension took to the street on Wednesday as the state parliament was holding its first discussion on the report examining request presented last week to the house by the state minister of local government, General Acuil Tito.
It remained unclear whether the state parliament would approve or reject the request seeking the extension of the term of governor Malek for three more years in office since the national elections commission postponed holding of elections in response to the request by the national government to cancel the polls due to lack of conducive environment to carry out prerequisite processes.
Karlos Maluil Makuek, a member of the youth group coordinating the protest told Sudan Tribune on Wednesday from Kuacjok, Warrap state's capital, that they were barricaded in parts of the town by security and police forces in an attempt to block members of the general public from joining them.
“Police are blocking people from joining the demonstration because they are aware that more people want to come to the parliament to protest this request seeking extension of the term of the governor,” Makuek told Sudan Tribune.
“The security forces and police have been deployed to quell the protests but we are determined to not allow this to happen. We are more than 200 members but this will [increase] group,” he said.
Acting head of parliamentary committee responsible for information, communications and public relations, Ariech Mayar Ariech, said he told the house at the start of the discussion of the request to put the common interest first and stand with the desire of the public rather than with individuals.
The legislator said youth came to the parliament holding placards showing “no extension for the term of the governor, yes for extension of the state legislative assembly and the office of the president.”
Observers however said the protesting Warrap youth were contradicting themselves since they only rejected extension of the governor's term in office while at the same time approving of the extension of terms in office of both president Salva Kiir and state legislative assembly who were elected in the same 2010 elections.
All the South Sudanese elected officials in April 2010 at all levels of executive and legislature have their terms expired either in March or May this year.
June 17, 2015 (JUBA) – The United States on Wednesday announced $133 million additional humanitarian assistance for South Sudanese displaced by the 18-month old conflict at a conference held in Geneva, Switzerland.
“The United States joined other countries in voicing support for South Sudan's citizens who are internally displaced or have fled to neighboring countries as refugees and others caught up in the conflict,” party reads a statement extended to Sudan Tribune.
A US delegation led by its special envoy for Sudan and South Sudan Donald Booth announced this during an international conference on the humanitarian crisis in South Sudan and its impact on the region.
The leading humanitarian provider in South Sudan, the US said it intervened “in response to a surge in conflict and rapidly deteriorating humanitarian conditions in South Sudan over the last two months.”
Meanwhile, US delegation reportedly emphasised the urgent need for the warring parties in South Sudanese conflict to negotiate a peaceful solution to end the fighting.
Since the outbreak of conflict in December 2013, the US government has contributed more than $1.2 billion in humanitarian assistance for South Sudan.
“This new funding will allow US-funded organisations to provide food and livelihood support and prevent the spread of diseases by providing emergency health services, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, and hygiene education,” noted the statement.
“The fund will help survivors of gender-based violence, malnourished children, and persons with disabilities among affected populations in South Sudan, and neighboring countries",
Over 4 million people, aid agencies say, are at risk of starvation in South Sudan. The US, however, said no amount of money will end the suffering of those affected by the conflict.
(Johannesburg) – Angolan authorities should drop politically motivated charges against the author Rafael Marques de Morais and two other human rights activists.
June 17, 2015 (WAU) – The governor of South Sudan's Western Bahr el Ghazal state, Rizik Zakariah Hassan has been granted three additional years in power by lawmakers.
Speaking to reporters after handing Hassan a certificate, the assembly speaker, John Mario Nyibang acknowledged the MPs' decision.
The state assembly members extended the governor's mandate up to 9 July 2018.
“I have come to the governor to present him a certificate extending his office term and of assembly members for three years,” said the speaker.
Nyibang said members of the state legislative assembly reached amended Article 62 (2) [of the State Transitional Constitution], which would terminate the state legislative assembly period on 9 July 2015.
“We have also amended the article 92 (2) which terminates the period of the state governor on the 9 July 2015,” said the speaker.
Hassan thanked the state assembly members for extending his mandate
“Your move to extern my period means that the state assembly is working towards the needs of the citizens of Western Bahr el Ghazal because our people need services from this government,” said the governor, vowing to prioritise development and security.
June 17, 2015 (KHARTOUM) – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) gave its blessings to the economic reforms carried out by the Sudanese government, an official here said today.
Sudan's economy has suffered an economic shock after it lost 75% of the country's oil reserves following the secession of South Sudan in July 2011 which subsequently led to soaring inflation levels and the sharp decline of the local currency value relative to major currencies.
The Sudanese Finance Minister Badr al-Din Mahmoud urged the IMF to support Sudan in achieving further economic reforms, especially in the field of development and modernization of revenue collection tools and to back the zero option with the government of South Sudan for resolving the external debt issue.
The minister stressed during his meeting on Wednesday with the IMF mission headed by Eric Mutu his government's commitment to respecting the agreements it signed with Juba and affirmed the success of the reform policies pursued by the ministry in 2014 and the first year of 2015.
He explained that performance indicators confirm this success where inflation has been reduced from 39% to less than 25% and the enforcement of tax reform through computerization of tax processes and the implementation of a single treasury system.
For his part, the IMF official confirmed their interest in promoting economic stability in Sudan and acknowledged the economic reforms that have been implemented, and attention given to development and economic stability and support of vulnerable segments of society.
Mutu said that the mission's visit to Sudan is aimed at reviewing economic performance in the previous period and agreeing with the government on a new program for the coming period aimed at achieving stability in line with the government's priorities.
The IMF Staff-Monitored Program (SMP) for Sudan has expired in December and has yet to be renewed and it appears that Sudan is looking to renew it.
The SMP is an informal agreement between country authorities and IMF to monitor the implementation of the authorities' economic program. SMPs do not entail financial assistance or endorsement by the IMF executive board.
In 2009, Sudan agreed to SMP to help it achieve a set of economic and financial policies and objectives which include sustaining economic growth, controlling inflation, reforming the banking sector and reducing budget deficit among others.
June 17, 2015 (JUBA)- South Sudanese president Salva Kiir has reiterated his rejection of a new peace proposal by Intergovernmental Authority on development (IGAD) mediators, aiming to end the 18-month conflict in which several lives have been lost and millions more displaced since December 2013.
According to the minister at the presidency, Awan Guol Riak, President Kiir told the heads of state and government attending the African union summit in Johannesburg that his government was committed to peaceful settlement of the conflict but the new proposal undermines peaceful coexistence, hardens ethnic sentiments and polarization of the country.
“Regarding the new IGAD proposal, the President of the Republic and our team made reservations and gave them to the African Union. It is our view that some areas of the proposal should be revised or removed and so we felt that it should be returned to the chief negotiators to hold exhaustive discussions in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, so that the result of the consultations would be the basis of new proposals and the agenda”, Riak told reporters on Tuesday upon his arrival at Juba international airport from South Africa.
Earlier this month, the mediation proposed a draft agreement that gives the SPLM-IO 33% power-sharing ratio at the national level and 53% in the three states of Unity, Upper Nile and Jonglei within the oil-rich greater Upper Nile region.
South Sudanese government officials rejected new proposal pointing it undermined national unity and social cohesion as it put the oil-rich greater Upper Nile region under the control of the opposition faction of the former vice-president, Riek Machar.
Also the rebels who call for a federal system in the country brushed aside the proposal saying it encourages the other two regions of Bahr el Ghazal and Equatoria to continue with the war.
The minister explained that issues discussed at the summit were vast and complex. He added that African leaders made significant efforts to address challenges from the wider problems of security and immigration to more specific matters.
The recent 25th African Union (AU) summit discussed xenophobic attacks in South Africa, and the current political upheaval in Burundi, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan.
However, observers have argued that the summit did not come out with significant resolutions especially in the light of the continent turning into part of the world in which some of the leaders are trying to remain in power by changing their countries' constitutions.
Other questions which have continued to be posed include those asking whether the continental body is achieving its original goals for greater unity and good governance.
The activities of the summit were overshadowed by the presence of Sudan's President Omer al-Bashir, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court on war crimes and genocide charges.
June 17, 2015 (KHARTOUM) - June 17, 2015 (KHARTOUM) - Sudan's Armed Forces (SAF) said its troops repulsed an attack by unnamed rebel group against its positions in Silai'a area, 64km north of West Darfur state capital of El-Ginaina.
The official news agency SUNA on Wednesday quoted SAF spokesperson, Col. al-Sawarmi Khaled Saad as saying that a rebel group on Tuesday attacked army position in Silai'a area, noting their troops repulsed the attack and inflicted a number of dead and wounded on the rebels.
Saad added the government forces seized two Land Cruiser vehicles and destroyed two others, pointing that one army soldiers was killed in the attack and four others injured.
The Sudanese military also said their forces combed the area and chased the fleeing rebels, noting the situation is currently stable in the area.
However, the spokesperson did not clarify whether the attackers belong to an armed rebel group or they belong to an armed gang.
Armed clashes between government army and rebel groups are rare in West Darfur which has been recently classified as the most secure and stable state amongst Darfur's five states.
Meanwhile, the pro-government Sudan Media Center (SMC) said that a joint regular force has contained Wednesday rioters in downtown Zalingei, capital of Central Darfur state.
According to SMC, the protest was carried out by a group of former fighters from rebel groups who are seeking integration into the Sudanese army.
A reliable source from the state's security told SMC that a joint force from the army, police and security services managed to contain the situation by driving the rioters out of commercial market.
The same stressed that the security situation is stable and life is going on as normal in Zalingei, describing the way the regular forces dealt with the protesters as “wise”.
June 17, 2015 (KHARTOUM) - Darfur's National Liberation and Justice Party (NLJP) led by Tijani al-Sissi on Wednesday has decided to suspend its political partnership with the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) and to withdraw from the government.
The former rebel Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM), formed by 19 rebel factions, signed the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) on 14 July 2011 with its leader Sissi became the chairman of the Darfur Regional Authority (DRA).
However, last March the LJM split into two political parties following deep differences between Sissi and the group's secretary general Bahar Idris Abu Garada. The two parties participated in April's general elections at the national constituencies' level.
The NLJP did not explain the reasons behind the decision to withdraw from the government which has been taken in an emergency meeting on Wednesday.
It said in a short statement following the meeting that it will hold a press conference on Thursday to disclose details of the decision.
The decision provides for pulling all party officials off their posts in the federal and states' governments.
Sources told Sudan Tribune that the NLJP continued to complain that the NCP didn't carry out understandings reached by both parties before the elections regarding its participation in the government.
They pointed that the NLJP expressed reservation on the distribution of ministerial portfolios, saying the NCP ignored to appoint its officials in the recent cabinet formation.
June 17, 2015 (JUBA) - South Sudanese rebel fighters in Western Bahr el Ghazal state denied on Tuesday any link to youth arrested by the state authorities allegedly on the ground that they were found in an apparently declared “no go area” for civilians in the state.
The rebel appointed governor of Western Bahr el Ghazal state, Tingo Peter, told Sudan Tribune on Tuesday they were not in any way connected to eight suspected members of the youth currently being held by the pro-government state authorities.
On Monday, state authorities claimed to have intercepted the movement of a group of youth from the area south of the state capital, Wau town, towards the rebels held areas, 50km away, with the suspected aim to join the armed opposition fighters.
The youth, allegedly including a 12-year-old boy, were taken to Wau town where they were paraded before journalists.
The general commanding officer of the government forces in its fifth division, Major Geneneral David Manyok, told reporters on Monday that the youth were captured during a night patrol in Namatina area.
The state governor, Rizik Hassan Zechariah, said the youth will be investigated for the alleged accusations that they were mobilizing to join the rebellion.
Fighting occurred two weeks ago in Bazia area, 50km from the state capital, when rebel forces allied to the former vice president, Riek Machar, launched attacks in Western Bahr el Ghazal state.
While the rebels claimed to have remained under the full control of Bazia including other villages in the payam [sub-district], the government said it had retaken the area from the opposition forces.
Sources however told Sudan Tribune that the rebels have been present in many pockets in the state and were mobilizing and recruiting youth to join the struggle against president Salva Kiir's government.
The number of the arrested youth members was not however disclosed.
June 16, 2015 (JUBA) – South Sudan has criticised recent calls for sanctions by non-governmental entities, describing it as “disincentive” for achieving peace in the young nation.
Last week, six international organisations urged leaders from the United States to impose targeted sanctions against more individuals from all parties to the ongoing conflict in South Sudan, said to be responsible for serious violations of human rights and humanitarian law.
“The increase in fighting in recent weeks which has included law of war violations including rape, abductions and deliberate killing of civilians makes clear that additional steps need to be taken to protect civilians from further harm,” partly the 10 June letter to the US secretary of state, John Kerry and national security advisor, Susan Rice.
The petitioners, in their letter, queried why only four commanders have been sanctioned ever since the Obama administration issued Executive Order 13664 in April 2014, making way for US sanctions on South Sudanese individuals who commit human rights violations.
But the South Sudanese embassy in Washington said calls for sanctions by these organisations only showed feelings of “frustration” and would, in no way, support government efforts to bring peace.
“The government strongly believes that ending the war and the humanitarian crisis should be the first priority and this can be achieved through supporting the IGAD-Plus initiative and encouraging parties to the conflict to return to the negotiating table,” the embassy said in a 16 June statement extended to Sudan Tribune.
“Threats of sanctions and arms embargo at this juncture will only serve as a disincentive for peace,” it added.
The South Sudanese government reiterated its commitment to work with international organisations in efforts to end the conflict and bring peace, insisting it had accommodated some of the demands given by the armed opposition groups.
Tens of thousands of people have killed and about two million displaced since violence broke out in South Sudan in 2013. At least 4.6 million people are reportedly at risk of starvation by end of year if fighting continue between South Sudan's warring factions.
The Obama administration has, in the past, threatened sanctions on leaders in South Sudan, but activists want such threats implemented.
A coalition of human rights bodies urged the United Nations Human Rights Council to address serious, widespread and ongoing violations of international human rights and humanitarian law in South Sudan during its 29th session due in Geneva this week.
The coalition, in the their petition, called on members and observer states of the Council to push for accountability for war crimes and possible crimes against humanity in the country, including by creating a Special Rapporteur on South Sudan with a mandate to monitor and publicly report on violations of international humanitarian law and violations and abuses of international human rights law, and to make recommendations for achieving effective accountability for past and ongoing crimes.
June 16, 2015 (PARIS) - A member of the European Union Parliament called to reconsider the Khartoum Process on human trafficking in a way to support peace and democratic reforms in the Horn of Africa countries, particularly in Sudan.
Marie-Christine Vergiat, a member of the committee on Civil Liberties and Justice at the European Union Parliament criticized the EU-Horn of Africa Migration Route Initiative, also known as the ‘Khartoum Process' saying the African government involved in this process are the ones which should be held accountable for causing this recent waves of illegal migration into Europe.
In a meeting held in Rome on 28 November 2014, EU countries and Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia South Sudan, Sudan and Tunisia agreed to coordinate efforts to stop human trafficking and smuggling of migrants between the Horn of Africa and Europe.
They further agreed to promote sustainable development in countries of origin and transit in order to address the root causes of irregular migration.
Vergiat said the Italian presidency of the European Union, at the time, played a negative role by talking directly with the heads of state and government in the whole countries in the Horn of Africa in way to legitimize them and give them some credibility.
"From the beginning, I have been opposed to the Khartoum Process because I do not see how we can work with those governments, as they are fully involved in the trafficking issue. Instead, we risk reinforcing the repression of people looking to immigrate because they are victims of violence and conflicts," she said.
"So, if the EU really wants to find solutions to these issues we must first stop legitimizing those governments," added the EU legislator who is a member of the European United Left - Nordic Green Lef.
The French lawmaker who organized a hearing for the opposition "Sudan Call" forces at the EU parliament in Strasbourg on 9 June pointed out that the Sudanese opponents deserve a special treatment because they worked hard to unify their ranks.
She added that they are also interested by the situation of the human rights in countries like Eritrea but divisions among the opposition forces there prevent them from engaging in constructive dialogue with them.
"So, from the moment that there is an organized opposition, able to work together, make proposals and meet European officials, I think it can be intelligently argued to deliver a counter-model and demonstrate that in these countries there can be no solution without implementing peace processes involving all stakeholders in a genuine and serious dialogue," she said to explain her position on Sudan.
Vergiat disclosed that the EU civil liberties committee would receive Sudanese civil society groups during the upcoming period. She further said that they seek to mobilize EU MPs and draw attention to the Sudanese issue and to work closely with the foreign affairs committee at the European Parliament.
The Sudan Center for Transitional Justice and Peace Studies (SCTJPS), which supported the hearing of the Sudanese opposition forces earlier this month also confirmed the meeting with the Sudanese civil society groups.
SCTJPS officials told Sudan Tribune that the EU MPs agreed to received them and they are seeking to determine a date for this meeting, pointing that Sudan is not the only priority at the agenda of the EU Parliament.
Vergiat said they need to hear the civil society groups particularly those who had been prevented by the Sudanese authorities from participating in the hearing of the "Sudan Call" forces.
The Sudanese security services imposed a travel ban on the rights groups and political leaders who were invited to participate in a meeting with the European legislators on the perspectives of peace in Sudan after the general elections held last April.