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All structures under Machar null and void: Mabior Garang

Sudan Tribune - Mon, 16/08/2021 - 11:05

August 15, 2021 (NAIROBI) – A leading member of South Sudan's armed opposition movement (SPLM-IO) has backed the removal of the group's chairman and the country's First Vice President Riek Machar, saying all structures under him are now “null and void”.

“If the army has deposed the former Chairman and Commander in Chief all structures under him are rendered null and void. A deposed leader cannot expel members of a leadership that has already been overthrown,” Garang Mabior said in a statement extended to Sudan Tribune on Sunday.

Mabior, a former SPLM-IO Chairperson for Information and Public Relations said acknowledged the split in the armed opposition faction, saying the group deviated from its search for a dignified peace for our civil population.

“The SPLM-IO (Juba group) claims to be implementing peace despite the fact that after three years, our civil populations are still languishing in PoCs, refugee camps or suffering the brutality of inter-communal violence in our cattle camps and in the villages,” he stated.

On August 3, the SPLM/A-IO military command under the command of Lt. General Simon Gatwech Dual denounced the leadership of Machar and appointed the former as the interim chairman of the armed opposition group.

The decision to oust the First Vice President, it said, emerged after several members held a meeting at the Magenis area in South Sudan's Upper Nile state.

According to Mabior, the dismal failure to implement Chapter II of the peace agreement, which entails the permanent ceasefire and transitional security arrangements has resulted in fundamental differences in political opinion.

“Chapter II deals with the reform of the security sector. After the former Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Gatwec Dual, called on the former Chairman, Dr Riek Machar, to brief the military on the progress of the Security Arrangements but was ignored, the army deposed Dr Riek Machar as the Chairman and Commander in Chief of the SPLM/SPLA (IO) on 03/08/2021,” he noted.

Last week, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Council of Ministers passed a resolution, calling upon all factions in the dispute within SPLM/A-IO to immediately and unconditionally cease armed confrontation and refrain from any offensive, provocative or retaliatory utterances, behaviours and other actions that will escalate tensions and hostilities and

They further urged the parties to pursue peaceful avenues of resolution of internal differences and disagreements through dialogue, trust and confidence building and demonstrate greater political will and commitment.

“We the SPLM/SPLA-IO (Founding Members) acknowledge the split in the Movement. We are fully committed to a peaceful resolution to the internal political contradictions in our Movement and are ready to make revolutionary corrections,” stressed Mabior.

He added, “We are also committed to the resolutions of the IGAD COMMUNIQUÉ OF THE 73rd EXTRA-ORDINARY SESSION OF THE IGAD COUNCIL OF MINISTERS quoted above".

In September 2018, the warring factions in South Sudan's civil war signed a revitalized peace agreement to end the country's civil war. The peace accord stipulates that there shall be a transitional government formed after eight months of the pre-transitional period.


Categories: Africa

Sudan's mediation to end Ethiopian crisis is still valid: Hamdok

Sudan Tribune - Mon, 16/08/2021 - 09:35

August 15, 2021 (KHARTOUM) - Sudanese Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok said that his initiative to end the war in Ethiopia is still valid.

"The mediation initiative between the Ethiopians within the IGAD framework is still in place," Hamdok said in a press conference in Khartoum on Sunday.

Hamdok had conducted a series of contact with the IGAD countries including Eritrea, and the international community to mobilise support for his bid to stop the fighting in northern Ethiopia between the government forces and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF).

Hamdok underscored he had spoken with the Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed about the initiative.

However, the office of the Prime Minister rejected the offer, pointing to the tensions with Sudan over the Al-Fashaga border area.

Hamdok stressed that the purpose of his initiative, as IGAD Chairman, is to preserve the unity and stability of Ethiopia.

"This is a country that has 110 million of population. Can you imagine if the state collapsed?"

He further pointed that Sudan cannot watch what is happening inside the neighbour's house without seeking to address a crisis that will also impact his country.

The Sudanese prime minister also minimized the recall of the Sudanese ambassador to Addis Ababa saying it was a normal measure to consult with him over the situation in Ethiopia and what should be done.

The foreign ministry in Khartoum had denounced claims by Abiy's office on Al-Fashagah as an Ethiopian territory and announced the recall of its ambassador to express dissatisfaction with the statement of his office.


Categories: Africa

Nigeria's Kano state moves to ban mannequin heads on Islamic grounds

BBC Africa - Mon, 16/08/2021 - 01:44
The Islamic police in Kano, Nigeria, say shop dummies with heads symbolise "idolatry" and are banned.
Categories: Africa

Peace partners welcome calls for unification of forces

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 15/08/2021 - 13:05

August 14, 2021 (JUBA) - Partners involved in South Sudan's peace process have welcomed the presidency calls for the unification of the country's military command.

The unified force of instructors pose for a group photo in Juba, October 5, 2019 (Xinhua)

In a statement issued on Saturday, the regional bloc (IGAD), the UN mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), the peace monitoring body (RJMEC) and the ceasefire monitors (CTSAMVM) commended the 10 August 10, 2021 resolution of the Presidency of South Sudan reiterating its commitment to the implementation of the R-ARCSS and calling for inter alia, the immediate cessation of hostilities within the SPLM/A-IO as well as the amicable resolution of the existing dispute.

"This proactive step is yet another manifestation of the capability of the leadership of the Republic of South Sudan to tackle the challenges and issues afflicting the country and of their resolve not to relapse to conflict," partly reads the statement extended to Sudan Tribune.

The partners aaid Chapter 2 of the peace deal on the Permanent Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements is the backbone of the Revitalized Agreement.

"The full implementation of the provisions of this section of the Peace Agreement without further delay, is expected to significantly reduce incidents of fighting and clashes throughout the country, and create an enabling environment for the implementation of the remaining Chapters of the R-ARCSS," the statement further stated.

It added, "Therefore, the unification and redeployment of the Necessary Unified Forces is an urgent priority and IGAD, UNMISS, RJMEC and CTSAMVM call upon the R-TGoNU to allocate and avail the required financial and material resources for this undertaking".

Meanwhile, the partners said they are ready and committed to provide support to the Parties to aid in resolving the extant challenges relating to the Transitional Security Arrangements and towards the timely and full implementation of the R-ARCSS.

"In this regard, IGAD, UNMISS, RJMEC and CTSAMVM have agreed to forge a closer working relationship with a view to coordinate and synchronize efforts towards a smooth transition to sustainable peace, prosperity and development in South Sudan," it stressed.


Categories: Africa

Sudan receives 3rd batch of U.S. wheat aid

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 15/08/2021 - 11:44

August 14, 2021 (KHARTOUM) - Sudan received on Saturday the third batch of wheat aid from the United States.

The official Sudan News Agency said that the 48,000-tonne shipment is part of six batches for this year.

The wheat aid which is part of the Abraham Accords aims to help preserve Sudan's foreign currency reserves.

In June and July, Sudan had already received two shipments of 48,000 metric tonnes each.

Last June, the government said it has sufficient strategic stocks of wheat until April 2022.

The U.S. will supply Sudan with 300,000 tonnes of wheat this year, rising to 420,000 tonnes annually from 2022-2024, according to Reuters.


Categories: Africa

UNMISS expresses concern at division within SPLM-IO

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 15/08/2021 - 11:38

August 14, 2021 (JUBA) - The United Nations Mission in South Sudan said it is concerned at the division that has developed within the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army in Opposition (SPLM/A-IO), and which led to clashes between factions in Magenis last week.

The head of UN mission in South Sudan, Nicholas Haysom (Getty)

“UNMISS is committed to supporting the full implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement and it is important that this process continues to move forward at pace,” said the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Nicholas Haysom.

“Therefore, we join with the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Council of Ministers, the Presidency, and civil society groups in calling for the SPLM-IO factions, and indeed, all signatory parties to work together to overcome their differences peacefully," he added.

Haysom further said it is also important for all stakeholders to expedite the implementation of the transitional security arrangements, including the graduation and deployment of unified forces, which is now critically needed.

On August 3, the SPLM/A-IO military command under General Simon Gatwech Dual denounced the leadership of Machar and appointed the former as the new interim chairman of the armed opposition movement.

The decision to oust Machar, the splinter group declared, emerged after its members held a three-day meeting at Magenis area in South Sudan's Upper Nile state.

But Machar's office, in a statement issued on August 4, said the three generals who met at Mangenis do not constitute the military command leadership of the SPLA-IO.


Categories: Africa

Investigation body on North Darfur clashes recommends collecting weapons, arrest of culprits

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 15/08/2021 - 09:19

August 14, 2021 (KHARTOUM) - An investigation committee on recent clashes in North Darfur between Arab militia and Juba Peace Agreement's armed signatory groups has recommended arresting the responsible for the violence and collecting weapons.

On 7 August, Deadly fighting erupted in Kalogui near Tawila locality in North Darfur between combatants of the Gathering of Sudan Liberation Forces (GSLF) and the Arab tribes. It was reported that three were killed and dozens wounded but there was no official statement.

Following this incident, Arab gunmen gathered around Tawila preparing to attack the GSLF fighters who were almost from the Zaghawa ethnic group. The transitional government, for its part, formed a national investigation committee that immediately travelled to El-Fasher to prevent further escalation.

On Sunday, the Head of the National Investigation Committee Mohamed al-Hassan Eltaishi held a press conference in El-Fasher to announce their recommendations to establish security and achieve stability in North Darfur.

"Parties should avoid verbal escalation, impose the authority of the state, arrest the perpetrators and bring them to justice, and provide full support to solve problems," reads a statement released by the North Darfur State after the press conference.

Also, the committee recommended collecting weapons, support the displaced people who fled their areas after the clashes.

Eltaishi further called the residents of the Kalogui and Gallab areas to accept each other and promote peaceful coexistence.

The Arab accused the GSLF fighters of attacking them in support of their tribe people while the latter say they were heading to join a gathering site when they were ambushed by the Arab gunmen.

The Arab tribes after the tribal clashes in EL-Genina the capital of West Darfur earlier this year had accused the former rebels of supporting the IDPs while Rapid Support Forces (RSF) were accused of backing the Arabs.

Suleiman Sandal Political Secretary of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) who is a member of the investigation committee expressed said there is no return to war and expressed their return to implement the Juba Peace Agreement despite these challenges.

He denied that the peace agreement was limited to a particular tribe adding that it was "an agreement for all the Sudanese people," and the armed groups are part of the government forces working under the command of the state security committee to protect civilians.

The Sudanese government last July decided to deploy the joint forces which include the former rebels to protect farmers during the farming seasons.

RSF Second Commander Abel Rahim Dalgo, for his part, reassured that the joint forces are now deployed in the clash zones to prevent any hostilities.

On 10 August, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan Head of Sovereign Council announced the launch of the security arrangements implementation, 10 months after the signing of the Juba peace agreement.

The former regime conducted several operations to disarm civilians and collect weapons. However, the Arab herders who were used by the al-Bashir regime to fight the rebel groups clashed with other ethnic groups many times in different parts of Darfur.


Categories: Africa

Ethiopia: What do we know about aid going into Tigray?

BBC Africa - Sun, 15/08/2021 - 01:52
Who's preventing desperately needed aid supplies reaching Ethiopia's Tigray region?
Categories: Africa

Viewpoint: Why Twitter got it wrong in Nigeria

BBC Africa - Sat, 14/08/2021 - 02:38
Complex issues have been raised about policing speech and censoring unpopular voices.
Categories: Africa

DR Congo: ‘Widespread and systematic’ violence linked to clashes over gold

UN News Centre - Africa - Fri, 13/08/2021 - 17:27
Rival armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are carrying out horrific sexual attacks against women and girls, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) warned on Friday.
Categories: Africa

Childhood cancer care in Africa hit hard by pandemic

UN News Centre - Africa - Fri, 13/08/2021 - 17:23
Nearly 30,000 children in sub-Saharan Africa are believed to have died from cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Regional Office of the World Health Organization (WHO). 
Categories: Africa

Wildfires rage in Algeria as heatwave hits North Africa

BBC Africa - Thu, 12/08/2021 - 12:17
The blazes in the mountainous Kabylie region are some of the worst in the country's history.
Categories: Africa

First Person: From a life of violence to a culture of peace

UN News Centre - Africa - Thu, 12/08/2021 - 06:30
A young peace campaigner from Cameroon who turned his back on the violence prevalent in his hometown and became a youth civil society activist, has been telling the United Nations about how he is helping other young people to reject conflict, and take a greater role in building peace in the country.
Categories: Africa

WHO supports Guinea after detection of first-ever case of Marburg disease

UN News Centre - Africa - Wed, 11/08/2021 - 19:35
The World Health Organization (WHO) is supporting Guinea following a confirmed death from Marburg virus disease, the first known case in the country and West Africa, the UN agency reported on Wednesday. 
Categories: Africa

Dutch medallist - no regrets about quitting Ethiopia

BBC Africa - Wed, 11/08/2021 - 17:05
Dutch triple Olympic medallist Sifan Hassan has no regrets over leaving Ethiopia and calls for peace to stop more athletes following suit.
Categories: Africa

The illegal gold mines killing rivers and livelihoods in Ghana

BBC Africa - Wed, 11/08/2021 - 01:02
Sixty percent of Ghana's water bodies are now polluted, largely due to illegal mining operations.
Categories: Africa

UN Libya mission ‘deeply concerned’ over abduction of top Government staffer

UN News Centre - Africa - Tue, 10/08/2021 - 22:10
The UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) said on Tuesday that it is “deeply concerned” over the abduction of a senior Government staff member, who disappeared last week after being taken away by unidentified armed men.
Categories: Africa

Zambia elections: What you need to know

BBC Africa - Tue, 10/08/2021 - 19:27
The economy is struggling and there's a tense political atmosphere ahead of Thursday's elections.
Categories: Africa

Tanzania: President Samia Suluhu Hassan on leadership, Covid-19 and democracy

BBC Africa - Tue, 10/08/2021 - 10:05
Tanzania's president says there were people who doubted she was qualified.
Categories: Africa

Tigray: Intensified fighting across borders ‘disastrous’ for children

UN News Centre - Africa - Mon, 09/08/2021 - 22:24
UN agencies continue to sound the alarm over the growing “humanitarian catastrophe” in northern Ethiopia, sparked by the conflict in the Tigray region, now in its ninth month. 
Categories: Africa
