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Over 80 per cent of schools in anglophone Cameroon shut down, as conflict worsens

UN News Centre - Africa - Fri, 21/06/2019 - 22:48
More than 80 per cent of schools in the English-speaking North-West and South-West regions of Cameroon are closed, as the security situation and living conditions continue to deteriorate due to the three-year conflict between the Government and armed groups, the UN Children’s Fund, UNICEF, reported on Friday.
Categories: Africa

Crackdown on Christians in Eritrea spurs UN expert to press Government 'to live up to its international commitments'

UN News Centre - Africa - Fri, 21/06/2019 - 19:55
Cracking down on Catholic Church activities, arbitrary arrest and imprisonment of Orthodox and other Christian congregation members in Eritrea, prompted a call from a UN independent rights expert on Friday for the Government to respect citizens' freedom of religion and to “release those who have been imprisoned for their religious beliefs”.
Categories: Africa

Despite peace deal, Central African Republic’s population faces daily acts of violence, UN envoy warns

UN News Centre - Africa - Fri, 21/06/2019 - 01:33
Although the Government of the Central African Republic (CAR), armed groups and civil society representatives are all taking part in the process that followed the signing of a deal signed in February, civilians continue to suffer daily acts of violence, the top UN official in the country told the Security Council on Thursday. 
Categories: Africa

‘Now is the time to act’ for victims of violence in Sudan, ICC Prosecutor urges Security Council

UN News Centre - Africa - Wed, 19/06/2019 - 20:46
The UN Security Council must “seize this moment” presented by the current turmoil in Sudan, to provide justice at long last for the victims of violence in Darfur, and those who have suffered at the hands of the brutal military crackdown earlier this month.  
Categories: Africa

300,000 flee flare-up of ethnic violence in north-eastern DR Congo

UN News Centre - Africa - Tue, 18/06/2019 - 16:55
More than 300,000 people have been forced to flee resurgent inter-ethnic violence in north-east Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) just this month, the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, said on Tuesday.
Categories: Africa

UN chief condemns terrorist attacks in Kenya and Somalia

UN News Centre - Africa - Mon, 17/06/2019 - 00:26
The UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, on Sunday condemned an attack that took place on Saturday in Wajir County, Kenya, in which at least eight police officers were killed when their car struck an improvised explosive device (IED), as well as a car bomb attack in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, in which at least eight people were killed. 
Categories: Africa

UN suspending handover of camps in Darfur, peacekeeping chief tells Security Council

UN News Centre - Africa - Fri, 14/06/2019 - 18:22
The joint African Union-UN Mission in Darfur (UNAMID), is suspending the handover of any more camps for displaced civilians to the Sudanese military, against a backdrop of worsening violence and insecurity across the country.
Categories: Africa

South Sudanese facing famine in all but name, warns UN food agency

UN News Centre - Africa - Fri, 14/06/2019 - 17:47
Record numbers in South Sudan – some seven million people – face acute food shortages, while more than 20,000 are close to famine, the World Food Programme (WFP) warned on Friday.
Categories: Africa

Sudan: top UN official demands cessation of violence and rape against civilians by security forces

UN News Centre - Africa - Thu, 13/06/2019 - 23:36
Following recent reports of attacks and rape by security forces and paramilitaries against the pro-democracy protesters in Sudan who have been holding a sit-in outside army headquarters in the capital, Khartoum, the United Nations Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Pramila Patten, expressed “grave concern” on Thursday and called for an “immediate and complete” end to the violence.
Categories: Africa

Second Ebola death confirmed in Uganda as UN health agency mulls global emergency call

UN News Centre - Africa - Thu, 13/06/2019 - 20:32
Together with Uganda, UN humanitarian agencies are racing to contain deadly Ebola virus disease (EVD) there, after the announcement that it has claimed a second victim.
Categories: Africa

President Kiir relieves South Sudan's oil minister

Sudan Tribune - Wed, 12/06/2019 - 23:44

June 12, 2019 (JUBA) - South Sudan President Salva Kiir Wednesday unexpectedly relieved his Oil Minister Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth who served for nearly three years in this position.

Gatkuoth was appointed as oil minister on 2 August 2016; following the defection from the SPLM-IO of a faction led by First Vice President Taban Deng who joined the government of President Salva Kiir.

Government officials declined to comment on the sack of the former oil minister but some others hinted that he was appointed under the proposition of the leader of his party.

In another separate decree, the South Sudanese leader appointed Awow Daniel Chuang, who was the director general at the petroleum ministry, as the new minister.

It has been admitted that Gatkuoth worked hard to increase oil production as it is the only source of revenue to the country.

However, he was seen as an ambitious politician, seeking to promote people from his clan in the party's sections particularly in Latjor State.

last February, South Sudanese Water Resources and Irrigation Sophia Pal Gai accused Gatkuoth of interfering in the activities of her ministry and supplying water facilities to in various areas of Juba, Northern Liech and Ruweng states without coordination with her ministry.

Nonetheless, the former minister at the time refuted the accusations.

Also, on Wednesday, Kiir also relieved Jonglei government Philip Aguer the former SPLA spokesperson.


Categories: Africa

Mali peace process in a ‘critical phase’, says head of UN Mission

UN News Centre - Africa - Wed, 12/06/2019 - 23:29
Addressing the Security Council at UN Headquarters in New York on Wednesday, the head of the UN Mission in Mali, MINUSMA, said that amid ongoing violence, including scores of civilian deaths and deadly attacks on UN peacekeepers, a critical phase of the peace process had now been reached.
Categories: Africa

Security Council condemns killing of civilians in Sudan

Sudan Tribune - Wed, 12/06/2019 - 09:43

June 11, 2019 (KHARTOUM) - The United Nations Security Tuesday strongly condemned the attacks on civilians by the militiamen of the Rapid Support forces nine days ago.

A UN Security Council meeting (Photo: UN/Paulo Filgueiras)

Despite the important number of victims which has reached over 100 peaceful protesters, China and Russia had blocked a bid at the Security Council by Germany and United Kingdom on 5 June to condemn the killing of civilians on 3 June.

However, after the decision of the African Union's Peace and Security Council to suspend Sudan's membership the two countries had to pretext to veto the condemnation of the flagrant violation of human rights.

“The Members of the Council strongly condemned the recent violence in the Republic of the Sudan and expressed their regret for the loss of lives and injuries amongst civilians,” reads the statement which was unanimously adopted.

The (…) Council encouraged the Secretary-General to continue to support regional and international efforts, in particular, those led by the African Union, to facilitate and agree on a national transitional process for the benefit of the people of Sudan, and without prejudice to future agreements of Sudanese stakeholders and, as stated by the African Union, without external interference,” further stressed the statement.

The ruling military council on Monday acknowledged that some of its military elements were involved in the attack on the pro-democracy sit-in, and pledged to release the findings of its investigations.

Several texts released on the social media claims that the bloody attack was planned by Islamist in the security apparatus who used the militia of the former ruling National Congress Party.

However, activists who were at the protest site asserted that the was carried out by the RSF forces from Darfur region.


Categories: Africa

Sudan's rivals to resume talks on Sovereign Council soon: Ethiopian mediator

Sudan Tribune - Wed, 12/06/2019 - 06:31

June 11, 2019 (KHARTOUM) - The ruling Transitional Military Council (TMC) and the opposition Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) have agreed to resume talks on the Sovereign Council and to cease escalation, said the Ethiopian mediator Mohamoud Dirir on Tuesday.

Opposition officials leaked that the TMC in its meetings with Dirir agreed to give the presidency of the collegial presidential body to the civilians together with the majority of seats, after refusing during the past weeks.

In a press conference held on Tuesday, the special envoy of the Ethiopian Prime Minister said he held separate discussions with the TMC head Ahmed al-Burhan and the FFC leaders to facilitate the resumption of talks on the remaining sticking points.

In addition, he said the two sides agreed to "refrain from inflammatory statements" and create a conducive environment before the resumption of talks.

The TMC "agreed to take confidence-building measures including the release of Political Prisoners" and the FFC "agreed to call-off the Civil-Disobedience," he added.

Following the attack on the main site of protest on 3 June and the killing of over 100 people, the opposition suspended sine die the talks and declared open-ended general protest to force the army to leave power.

On Monday, the military council admitted that some military personnel have been involved in the bloody attack on the sit-in of pro-democracy protesters and pledged to release the finding of its investigation committee within 72 hours.

For its part, the FFC announced the temporary suspension of the general strike starting from Wednesday but called on its neighbourhood committees to continue the mobilisations for the resumption of the strike.

The three-day strike was largely followed by the Sudanese and allowed the opposition to show its strong popular support.

In their previous discussions, the two sides agreed that during the three-year transitional period the county will be ruled by a collegial presidency, and a government of technocrats to achieve democratic and economic reforms and an appointed parliament with a majority of 67% to the FFC.


Categories: Africa

South Sudan court sentences rights activist to two years in prison

Sudan Tribune - Tue, 11/06/2019 - 22:51

June 11, 2019 (JUBA) - A South Sudanese court Tuesday sentenced for two years of imprisonment South Sudanese rights activist and vocal critic Peter Biar who is indicted of spying after giving interviews to a foreign media.

Peter Biar Ajak poses with Bishop Emeritus Paride Taban, on 7 April 2018 (ST Photo)

Biar who was arrested on 28 July 2018 was initially charged with national security-related offences after posting several tweets criticizing the peace process.

However in March 2019 he was accused with six others of orchestrating a riot at the National Security detention facility in Juba, the "Blue House" when armed inmates took two guards hostage on 7 October 2018.

The prosecution said Biar who at the time gave interview to Voice of America Radio from the prison disturbed peace and that his interviews amounted to espionage.

The court sided with prosecutors and sentenced Biar to two years in prison as the judge found him guilty of spying.

His lawyer, Ajak Mayol Bior, told reporters that his client was innocent and vowed to appeal the sentence. he further said the rule violates the constitutional right of freedom of expression.

During his interview from the Blue House with Voice of American Radio on 7 October 2018, the activist called on the government to negotiate with the detainees who organised the insurrection saying what they demand was to be tried or released.


Categories: Africa

U.S. top diplomat for Africa visits Sudan to encourage power transfer

Sudan Tribune - Tue, 11/06/2019 - 21:34

June 11, 2019 (KHARTOUM) - U.S. Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Tibor Nagy will hold talks with Sudanese stakeholders on Wednesday to encourage the resumption of talks over power transfer to a civilian government.

Nagy's visit to Khartoum comes within an African tour from 12 to 23 June to Sudan, Mozambique, and South Africa to discuss bilateral relations and to highlight the importance of democracy, human rights.

"In Sudan, he will meet with members of the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) and the Transitional Military Council," said a statement released by the State Department.

"He will call for a cessation of attacks against civilians and urge parties to work toward creating an enabling environment between the FFC and TMC for talks to resume," further said the statement.

The killing of over 100 peaceful protesters by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on 3 June triggered condemnation from the U.S. lawmakers and activists who increased pressures on Washington to take swift action to prevent further attacks by the notorious militiamen who committed atrocities and grave human right violations in Darfur.

President Trump who cancelled the post of US special envoy to Sudan and South Sudan has finally accepted to reappoint the former special envoy for Sudan Donald Booth as special adviser to the assistant secretary for African affairs.

Booth who worked closely with the former government of ousted Omer al-Bashir and Sudanese opposition will be in Nagy's delegation to Khartoum.

In Addis Ababa, he will meet with African Union representatives and Ethiopian government officials to discuss the situation in Sudan and efforts to support a political solution.

Reports from Khartoum say the FFC and TMC will ink an agreement on the formation of the transitional institutions. As the military council finally has accepted to give the opposition the presidency of the Sovereign Council and the majority of its membership.

Freeze assists of TMC's generals

In an op-ed published in Politico on Tuesday, George Clooney and John Prendergast called on the U.S. Congress and President Trump's Administration to freeze and seize assets of Sudan's military leaders responsible for brutal attacks on peaceful protesters.

The two activists urged strong actions including targeted sanctions against the members of the ruling junta and actions by the U.S Treasury, aimed at preventing an escalation of mass violence in Sudan.


Categories: Africa

U.S. administration to appoint special adviser for Sudan

Sudan Tribune - Tue, 11/06/2019 - 11:55

June 11, 2019 (KHARTOUM) - Former U.S. Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan Donald Booth will be appointed as Special Adviser on Sudan to Tibor Nagy the Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, reported The Foreign Policy Magazine on Monday evening.

U.S. Special Envoy Donald Booth, speaks at the U.S. House Subcommittee on Africa, on April 28, 2016 (ST Photo)

The move comes as over 70 U.S. lawmakers last May urged the State Department to put pressure on the military council to ensure rapid power transfer to a civilian-led government in Sudan.

Also, the US House of Representatives is set to endorse a resolution on Sudan urging “the United States Government to continue efforts to convene and work with the international community in support of a civilian-led government in Sudan”

However, US officials admitted that the lack of a clear policy towards the Sudanese crisis can explain the absence of strong action to bring the Sudanese junta to hand over power to the peaceful protesters in Sudan.

“There's no leadership on this issue in State (Department) or the White House,” said a U.S. official involved in deliberations, who spoke on condition of anonymity to Foreign Policy.

Recently, U.S. President Donald Trump's National Security Adviser John Bolton had to tweet twice on Sudan to express his support for the power transfer to civilians.

Also, Nagy kept posting several tweets related to the situation in Sudan to show that the State Department has been following with concern the dramatic developments in the east African nation.

Further, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, David Hale had to speak with Saudi and Emirati officials to encourage them to put pressure on the military junta which has been suddenly under international focus after the bloody raid on the main protest site killing over hundred people.

U.S. top diplomat for Africa will visit Sudan in the coming days as part of a tour in the African continent from 12 to 23 June. He is expected to meet the military council and the opposition Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC).

The ruling junta, according to opposition sources, has finally admitted giving the chairmanship of the Sovereign Council and the majority of the 15-member presidential body to the opposition.

If implemented, this means that Booth will be tasked with the follow-up of the implementation of democratic reforms and the peace process which should take place during the transitional period.


Categories: Africa

Opposition FFC to lead Sudan's Sovereign Council

Sudan Tribune - Tue, 11/06/2019 - 06:48

June 11, 2019 (KHARTOUM) - The opposition Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) are expected to announce the name of its candidates for the Sovereignty Council, the Prime Minister and judicial bodies in the transitional ruling authority, in line with a proposal made by the IGAD chair Abiy Ahmed.

Opposition sources close to the ongoing discussions talks between the two sides confirmed to Sudan Tribune that the FFC will hand over to the Transitional Military Council (TMC) the names of eight members of the collegial presidency as the latter will designate seven before to announce the formation of the 15-member Sovereign Council.

However, the sources said the public announcement may be delayed following leaked reports revealing the deal struck after a mediation brokered by the Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed who is also the IGAD Chair.

The composition and the chairmanship of the Sovereign Council were the sources of contention between the TMC and FFC. Since last May, they have agreed that the transitional government will be appointed by the FFC from independent qualified Sudanese persons to carry out political and economic reforms before to hold elections within three years.

Last Friday, Abiy was in Khartoum upon the recommendation of the African's Union Peace and Security Council (PSC) to mediate between the Sudanese stakeholders.

Also, the PSC suspended Sudan's membership and threatened to sanction the TMC members in the event they continue to hand over power to a civilian-led government. In the same tread, the region and the international community increased pressures on the junta.

According to the sources, the opposition has picked Abdalla Hamdok former Executive Secretary, a.i. of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa(UNECA) for the position of the prime minister.

The coalition will further announce candidates for the post of Attorney General, the President of the judiciary.

The opposition has launched a successful general strike that was followed by the Sudanese who showed their support to the FFC.


Categories: Africa

Sudan's junta expels SPLM-N leading members to Juba: Agar

Sudan Tribune - Mon, 10/06/2019 - 17:38

June 10, 2019 (KHARTOUM) - Sudan's Transitional Military Council has expelled to Juba Yasir Arman the deputy head of the SPL0M-N Agar, the Movement's Secretary Ismail Jalab and its Spokesperson Mubarak Ardol.

The official Sudan News Agency issued a short statement on Monday morning saying the three have been released from jail without further details. Also, the authorities did not explain the reason for their arbitrary detention.

SPLM-N AgarDeputy Chairman Yasir Arman

However, the group's leader Malik Agar issued a statement in the afternoon saying the three have been deported to Juba and thanked the South Sudanese president for "the good reception and hospitality".

"They were denied access to their accommodation, on the contrary, the TMC deported them against their will using a military aeroplane to Juba. This happened despite their rejection of the forceful deportation," Agar said.

Agar further condemned "the uncouth behaviour" of the military council stressing it "is a manifestation of the intentions of the TMC not to hand power to the civilians and not to reach peace".

Arman had been arrested on 5 June while Jalab and Ardol were arrested on 8 June after a meeting the Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed who convinced the opposition to accept resuming talks with the government under some conditions.

The three SPLM-N Agar leading members arrived in Khartoum as a goodwill delegation to promote peace and reconciliation after the fall of al-Bashir's regime.

For his part, in a tweet posted after his in Juba, Arman said he was deported by a military helicopter to Juba.

"I was not aware of where they were taking me. I asked them many times. They tied me up in the helicopter together with Comrade Ismail Khamis Jalab and Mubarak Ardol," he added.

The arrest of the three SPLM-N Agar leading member was condemned by the Sudanese opposition, the region and the international community.

The military junta had pledged to release Aram soon, Abiy told the opposition groups during his meeting with them.


Categories: Africa

SPLM-N Arman and his comrades have been released: Sudan's official agency

Sudan Tribune - Mon, 10/06/2019 - 12:20

June 10, 2019 (KHARTOUM) - Sudanese security service Monday released Yasir Arman the deputy head of the SPL0M-N Agar, the Movement's Secretary Ismail Jalab and its Spokesperson Mubarak Ardol.

Arman waves the V for victory during a visit to the site protest on Monday evening 27 May 2019 (ST Photo)

The official Sudan News Agency issued a short statement confirming that the three have been released without further details.

The authorities did not explain the reason for their arbitrary detention.

Arman had been arrested on 5 June while Jalab and Ardol were arrested on 8 June after a meeting the Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed who convinced the opposition to accept resuming talks with the government under some conditions.

The three SPLM-N Agar leading members arrived in Khartoum as a goodwill delegation to promote peace and reconciliation after the fall of al-Bashir's regime.

Their arrest was condemned by the Sudanese opposition, the region and the international community.

The military junta had pledged to release Aram soon, Abiy told the opposition groups during his meeting with them.


Categories: Africa
