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RDC: pour le gouvernement, la vidéo du massacre au Kasaï est un «montage»

RFI /Afrique - Sun, 19/02/2017 - 06:59
Une vidéo d'un peu plus de sept minutes montre des soldats congolais en train de commettre des exactions contre des civils. Ces images auraient été tournées lors d'affrontements entre l'armée congolaise et la rébellion Kamuina Nsapu dans le sud de la province du Kasaï-Central. Elle a été diffusée sur les réseaux sociaux. Samedi 18 février, le gouvernement congolais a qualifié cette vidéo de « montage ».
Categories: Afrique

Centrafrique : l'ONU et ses partenaires condamnent les dernières violences perpétrées par les groupes armés

Centre d'actualités de l'ONU | Afrique - Sun, 19/02/2017 - 06:00
L'Organisation des Nations Unies, la Communauté économique des Etats de l'Afrique centrale, l'Union africaine, l'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie et l'Union européenne ont exprimé dimanche leur profonde préoccupation concernant la situation sécuritaire en République centrafricaine.
Categories: Afrique

Sudan's Bashir holds bilateral talks in the UAE

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 19/02/2017 - 05:46

February 18, 2017 (ABU DHABI) - Sudanese President Omer al-Bashir Saturday has held talks with the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, focusing on bilateral ties as well as regional and international issues of common concern.

Al-Bashir, who arrived in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Saturday in an official visit, was received at the airport by the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and several members of the diplomatic community.

According to the Emirates News Agency (WAM), the meeting between the two sides discussed ways to enhance cooperation on political, economic, development and cultural fields besides regional and international issues of common concern.

The Sudanese President stressed his country's keenness to promote ties with UAE for the benefit of the two nations, expressing appreciation for the role played by the UAE in support of the Arab issues and on preserving security, stability and identity of the region.

For his part, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi expressed his delight for the recent development of fraternal ties between the two countries in light of the growing attention from President Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan and his keenness to support and develop these relations to serve common interests of the two countries and the two brotherly peoples.

He underscored UAE's strong ties with Sudan, pointing to the historical and economic relations between the two countries besides their cooperation to defend interests of Arab nation against foreign aggression.

The Sudanese President was accompanied by the Minister of Presidential Affairs Fadl Abdalla Fadl, Foreign Minister Ibrahim Ghandour, Minister of Investment Mudathir Abdel-Ghani, Minister of Social Welfare Mashai'r al-Dawalab and Minister of State and Director of the Office of the President Taha Osman al-Hussein.

It is noteworthy that Al-Bashir will attend the inauguration ceremony of the International Defence Exhibition and Conference (IDEX 2017) that will kick off in Abu Dhabi on Sunday.

Sudan managed to achieve a breakthrough in ties with UAE after a long period of strained relations over Khartoum's close ties with Tehran.

UAE is in a long-standing territorial dispute with Iran over the three Gulf islands of Abu Musa and Greater and Lesser Tunb.

Iran refuses international arbitration over the dispute and insists that its sovereignty over the islands is non-negotiable.

In 2014, Sudanese authorities ordered the closure of Iranian cultural centre in the capital Khartoum, and other states in a move which was seen as a gesture to the Arab Gulf states.

The estimated size of UAE investments in Sudan is $11 billion approximately, of which about $5 billion are projects in progress while the rest are still in pre-execution phase.

In May 2015, Sudan said it offered UAE's companies $59 billion investment opportunities mainly in agricultural projects.


Categories: Africa

Sudan welcomes Troika continued support for peace process in the country

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 19/02/2017 - 05:45

February 18, 2017 (KHARTOUM) - Sudan on Saturday has welcomed a statement by the Troika countries expressing support for the peace process brokered by African Union High-Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP), and called on the rebels in the Two Areas to accept an Amercian proposal aiming to facilitate the signing of a humanitarian cessation of hostilities.

The joint statement issued by Norway, U.K. and U.S. called on the signories of the Roadmap Agreement to conclude "comprehensive cessations of hostilities and engaging in an inclusive political dialogue”. It further called on the Sudanese government to “create an environment that is conducive to freedom of expression and political participation by both armed and unarmed opposition in Sudan”.

The statement urged the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/North (SPLM-N) “to swiftly accept this proposal and facilitate the delivery of life-saving assistance to those in need in the Two Areas”. And called on the Sudan Liberation Movement - Abdel Wahid al Nur "to cease hostilities and immediately engage with the AUHIP peace process".

“The U.S. proposal was intended to facilitate humanitarian assistance to the affected populations in the Two Areas, in line with AUHIP efforts for broader negotiated humanitarian access,” said the statement which marks the endorsement of the new American administration of President Donald Trump of the proposal made by the former U.S. Special Envoy Donald Booth.

In a statement extended to Sudan Tribune on Saturday, Sudan's Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Gharib Allah Khidir welcomed the support of Trump's administration to the humanitarian proposal, and expressed his government commitment to continue its efforts to achieve peace as strategic option.

“The government is working very hard and wholeheartedly with the Sudanese parties, and cooperates in all honesty and appreciation with the African Union mediator Thabo Mbeki, who is making strenuous efforts to achieve peace[in Sudan],” he said.

Khidir added that the government seeks to address the root causes of the conflict in Sudan which requires support from the international community.

“In order to integrate the Sudanese economy into the world's economy, cancel external debt and allow Sudan to join the World Trade Organization besides increase development funding, investment and trade exchange,” he said.

The Sudanese diplomat pointed out that “the Sudanese government highly appreciates continued efforts by the Troika to achieve sustainable peace in Darfur region, the South Kordofan and Blue Nile states”.

“As the government of Sudan renews full commitment to the cease-fire, it calls on the armed opposition movements to urgently and seriously respond to calls for dialogue and peace and to join the dialogue and negotiation process in order to consolidate security, stability, national reconciliation and comprehensive development,” he said.

The Sudanese foreign ministry further renewed call for the SPLM-N to endorse the U.S. proposal to deliver humanitarian assistance to the Two Areas.

South Kordofan and neighbouring Blue Nile states have been the scene of violent conflict between the SPLM-N and Sudanese army since 2011.

The African Union has been seeking to end the conflict for several years. However, last August, the two sides failed to sign a humanitarian cessation of hostilities agreement.

Khartoum refuses to allow the direct delivery of food to civilians the rebel-controlled areas in the Blue Nile State through Asosa, an Ethiopian Town near the border with Sudan. While the SPLM-N sticks to its demand saying they made much of concessions in the past.

In a bid to break the deadlock in the peace talks between the two parties, the former U.S. Special Envoy Donald Booth last November proposed that the USAID will deliver medical humanitarian aid to civilians in the rebel-held areas by air directly after its inspection from the government.

The SPLM-N declined the proposal insisting on the need to transport 20% of the humanitarian aid directly from Asosa to the rebel areas.


Categories: Africa

S. Sudan's military court boss resigns, cites ethnic "bias"

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 19/02/2017 - 05:37

February 18, 2017 (JUBA) - The South Sudanese army confirmed on Saturday the resignation of yet another senior military officer, days after its head of logistics quit over allegations the army was being turned into an ethnic institution.

SPLA soldiers are seen at the airport in Bor January 19, 2014. (Photo Reuters/Andreea Campeaunu)

The army spokesman, Brigadier general Lul Ruai Koang, confirmed the resignation of Colonel Khalid Ono Loki, who headed the military court in Juba.

Koang said Khalid quit the army last year and has been absent and outside the country.

“That man [Khalid] resigned last year and he decided to not publicize. Why now. It is not important and has no bearing on the SPLA," Koang told reporters in Juba on Saturday.

Khalid becomes the third top official in a week to resign while criticizing the government of President Salva Kiir over its alleged failure to implement the August 2015 peace deal.

The former head of the miltary court described the justice system as "arbitrary", " corrupt" and "discriminatory" against those who are not part of the president's ethnic group.

He also accused chief of general staff, Paul Malong Awan, of being engaged in "relentless endeavors" to protect his Dinka tribesmen and advocated for his resignation.

"You have indeed brought shame and an unfamiliar ethos to South Sudan that will only lead the country to more calamities," wrote Khalid.

This comes days after Thomas Cirillo Swaka, the deputy chief of general staff for logistics resigned from the army, saying the military was dominated by the ethnic Dinka.

The minister of labour and public service, Gabriel Duop Lam, also resigned his position in the unity government and joined the armed opposition faction led by Riek Machar.

These resignations, observers say, are signs that Kiir is struggling to retain his coalition of support. South Sudan is experiencing hyperinflation, worsened by renewed conflict.

Tens of thousands of people have been killed and millions displaced in the country's worst ever outbreak of violence since it broke away from neighboring Sudan in July 2011.


Categories: Africa

Sénégal-Gambie: Macky Sall et Adama Barrow renouent des liens historiques

RFI /Afrique - Sun, 19/02/2017 - 04:51
L'ère Yahya Jammeh semble définitivement terminée en Gambie. Samedi 18 février, le pays a célébré les 52 ans de son indépendance mais surtout la prise de fonction devant le peuple d'Adama Barrow, un président rassembleur fêté comme jamais au Stade de l'indépendance. Un président très proche de son homologue sénégalais Macky Sall. Et cette cérémonie a également définitivement rapproché les deux pays divisés durant l'ère Yahya Jammeh.
Categories: Afrique

Afrique du Sud: louer des voitures sales pour lutter contre la sécheresse

RFI /Afrique - Sun, 19/02/2017 - 03:49
En Afrique du Sud, une initiative étonnante pour lutter contre la sécheresse a été lancée. Une agence de location de voitures propose de louer des voitures sales. Depuis plusieurs années le pays enregistre des précipitations très faibles. Les réserves d'eau sont au plus bas, notamment dans la région du Cap où des restrictions d'eau ont été imposées.Cette semaine, la mairie du Cap a mis en garde : il ne reste plus que 130 jours d'eau disponible.  
Categories: Afrique

Kenya: fin de la campagne controversée d’enregistrement massif des électeurs

RFI /Afrique - Sun, 19/02/2017 - 02:28
Au Kenya, la campagne d’enregistrement massif des électeurs en vue de l’élection présidentielle d’août prochain, commencée il y a un mois, s’achève ce dimanche soir 19 février. Son but est d’enregistrer un tiers du corps électoral kényan qui n’est pas inscrit sur les listes électorales. Depuis, majorité et opposition se sont engagées dans une véritable course contre la montre pour mobiliser les électeurs dans leurs fiefs respectifs. Mais le processus est très controversé.
Categories: Afrique

Drought battle

BBC Africa - Sun, 19/02/2017 - 02:27
Kenyan herders are giving their own food to animals to keep them alive during the severe drought.
Categories: Africa

Grand prix du jury pour l'unique film africain de la Berlinale

Slateafrique - Sun, 19/02/2017 - 01:46

L'unique film africain en compétition à la Berlinale, "Félicité", portrait d'une chanteuse de bar à Kin

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Categories: Afrique

Est de la RDC: 25 civils tués dans une attaque

Slateafrique - Sun, 19/02/2017 - 01:46

Vingt cinq civils ont été tués lors d'une attaque menée par une milice de l'ethnie nande dans une localité de l'Est de la République démocratique du Congo, a-t-on appris samedi soir de source officielle. 

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Categories: Afrique

ÚJ pályázat - megjelent a helyi gazdaságfejlesztés pályázat a TOP keretében

Pályázati Hírek - Sun, 19/02/2017 - 01:21

A TOP 1.1.3-16 pályázat 8,1 milliárd forint értékben támogatja a 10.000 fő feletti önkormányzatok és az önkormányzati többségi tulajdonú vállalkozások kisléptékű termék-előállításhoz, rövid ellátási láncokhoz kötődő logisztikai fejlesztéseit akár 100%-os támogatással. A pályázat keretében támogatható a helyi termelők, helyi termékek piacra jutásának; az önkormányzati, saját közétkeztetési célokat szolgáló fejlesztések; és a helyi termékek piacra jutását segítő agrár-logisztikai fejlesztések támogatása. 

Categories: Pályázatok

Sénégal: le gouvernement appelle les pêcheurs à éviter les eaux mauritaniennes

RFI /Afrique - Sun, 19/02/2017 - 01:12
Le Sénégal demande à ses pêcheurs de ne pas se rendre dans les eaux de la Mauritanie s'ils ne sont pas en règle, afin de respecter la nouvelle législation mauritanienne, en attendant la signature d'un protocole entre les deux pays. De nouveaux textes sur la pêche sont entrés en vigueur en Mauritanie début février. La récurrence des conflits entre garde-côtes mauritaniens et pêcheurs sénégalais est source de tension entre les deux pays.
Categories: Afrique

ÚJ pályázat - 10 milliárd forinttal támogatják a fiatalok vidékre költözésének ösztönzését!

Pályázati Hírek - Sun, 19/02/2017 - 00:41

10 milliárd forintos keretösszegű pályázat indul március elején a fiatal vidékre költözésének ösztönzése céljából. A támogatást önkormányzatok igényelhetik, az elnyerhető 100%-os intenzitású vissza nem térítendő támogatás 50 és 200 millió forint között lehet. Az EFOP-1.2.11-16 Esély Otthon felhívás keretein belül megvalósítható ingatlanok fejlesztése lakhatási célból, munkaszerzési ismeretek bővítése, gazdasági együttműködések szervezése, pályázati részvételek, egyéb gyakorlatok folytatása. A támogatási kérelmek benyújtására 2017. március 6-tól 2017. április 15-ig van lehetőség.  Jelentkezés előminősítésre és bővebb információ alább!

Categories: Pályázatok

Délégation française aux Comores: Assoumani souligne la souveraineté de l'Etat

RFI /Afrique - Sat, 18/02/2017 - 23:48
Une délégation française a été reçue vendredi 17 février par le chef de l’Etat comorien Azali Assoumani au palais présidentiel. A l’ordre du jour, les différents dossiers et projets entre la France et les Comores. Cette visite s’inscrit dans le prolongement de celle du président Azali à Paris en octobre dernier.
Categories: Afrique

Ouganda: lancement du mécanisme conjoint de lutte contre les ADF

RFI /Afrique - Sat, 18/02/2017 - 23:45
En Ouganda, un nouveau centre de collaboration régional chargé de la lutte contre les ADF a été inauguré samedi 18 février. Une initiative originairement discutée lors du sommet de la CIRGL en Angola en juin 2016, alors que l'est du Congo subissait un regain de violence attribué aux ADF. Situé à Kasese dans l'ouest de l'Ouganda, près de la frontière congolaise, ce bâtiment officiellement inauguré va accueillir le « mécanisme conjoint de suivi », un nouveau programme de la CIRGL dont l'objectif est de mieux combattre le groupe rebelle.
Categories: Afrique

FM: Azerbaijan concerned about OSCE Yerevan Office’s activity

News.Az - Sat, 18/02/2017 - 23:06
Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov met with Austrian counterpart Sebastian Kurz and OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier on the sidelines of the 53rd Munich Security Conference Feb. 18, according to Trend.
Categories: Russia & CIS

SOCAR, NIOC to create international joint venture

News.Az - Sat, 18/02/2017 - 23:03
State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) offered the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) to create a joint international (IJV), NIOC managing director Ali Kardor told APA.
Categories: Russia & CIS

Azerbaijani president meets with UN Secretary-General in Munich

News.Az - Sat, 18/02/2017 - 22:59
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has met with the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in Munich, APA reports citing to the president’s press service.
Categories: Russia & CIS

Tariff Council: Rules for regulation of prices of medicines not changed

News.Az - Sat, 18/02/2017 - 22:57
Some sites spread false news on the regulation of prices of medicines by new rules, but these news do not reflect reality, the Secretariat of the Tariff (Price) Counci told APA.
Categories: Russia & CIS
