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Minnawi denies succumbing to foreign pressures to endorse Sudan's roadmap: Interview

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 14/08/2016 - 09:23

August 13, 2016 (ADDIS ABABA) - Leader of the rebel Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM-MM) Minni Minnawi has denied that they signed the Roadmap Agreement brokered by the African Union due to American pressures but acknowledged that pressures within the Sudan Call have pushed the opposition umbrella to endorse the peace plan.

Leader of the Sudan Liberation Movement Minni Minnawi (AFP)

Last Monday, four groups from the opposition umbrella Sudan Call including the SLM-MM, Sudan People's Liberation Movement /North (SPLM-N), Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and the National Umma Party (NUP) signed a roadmap for peace and dialogue proposed by the African Union High Implementation Panel (AUHIP).

In an interview with Sudan Tribune at the negotiation venue in Addis Ababa on Saturday, Minnawi said neither the United States nor the international community have put pressures on the Sudan Call forces to sign the Roadmap.

“Sudan Call forces have their own varying positions and considerations on whether to sign the [Roadmap] or not and with regard to amending its items and adding the issues that have been overlooked last March,” he added.

He pointed to existence of two views within the Sudan Call, saying the first called for sticking to the opposition demands and reservations while the other advocated the signing of the peace document particularly as mounting pressures could force the government to make concessions.

Some political parties within the internal opposition umbrella of the National Consensus Forces (NCF) including the Sudanese Communist Party (SCP), the Arab Ba'ath Party (ABP), Nasserite Socialist Party (NSP) have refused to sign the Roadmap, saying it would reproduce the regime.

Minnawi described the controversial Roadmap as “unnecessary and unimportant”, saying it is only a gateway and timetable for commencing the talks and finding solutions.
He mocked the government declaration of Darfur as a region free of rebellion, saying it continued to use this kind of rhetoric since 27 years.

“Today, the Antonov war planes are bombing Jebel Marra. If [Darfur] is really free of rebellion why are they doing that? The answer is that they are bombing civilians... that means the International Criminal Court was right and President al-Bashir must turn himself in to the tribunal immediately” he said .

The rebel leader acknowledged that Darfur armed groups have retreated but underscored their presence on the ground.

“It is true that we have withdrawn from several areas [but] we seized control of new areas and this is how the rebellion works” he said.

Minnawi has expressed pessimism over the outcome of the ongoing talks with the Sudanese government on the cessation of hostilities and the humanitarian issues, saying no progress has been gained.

On Wednesday the government and the SLM-MM and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) have kicked off direct negotiations on the Darfur track.

He added the Sudanese government is sticking to its old positions and refusing to make any concessions, saying he doesn't see any breakthrough looming.

“The government is taking intransigent position on all points pertaining to the cessation of hostilities and humanitarian issues” he said
Minnawi further criticised statements made by the head of the government delegation for the Darfur track Amin Hassan Omer in which he said the two sides would reach an agreement during this round of talks.
“Amin looks at the Darfur issue from the investment perspective, we are not concerned by his statements but the real question is: has any progress been made inside the negotiations rooms?”

Meanwhile, in a statement extended to Sudan Tribune on Saturday, JEM Top Negotiator Ahmed Tugud Lisan said no progress was made in all contentious issues pertaining to the cessation of hostilities and humanitarian issues.

He said the two sides are sticking to their old positions with regard to the core issues under discussion, pointing the government delegation continued to repeat its old arguments.

Lisan added the government position reflects its ill will, saying it is a naive attempt to buy time and win political gains without paying any price.

He said this round of talks has come to an end without reaching any tangible results unlike what the government media has been portraying during the past couple of days.

“All signs and indications underline that this round [of talks] came to a conclusion without achieving any results, and that direct negotiations revealed the size of differences between the parties to the conflict and the intentions of the regime and its way of thinking towards issues of peace and democratization,” he said.

JEM Top Negotiator further added that true peace can't be achieved unless the regime takes a strategic decision that puts national interests ahead of partisan politics.

Categories: Africa

Equatoria's Imotong governor appoints new commissioners

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 14/08/2016 - 09:22

August 13, 2016 (TORIT) - Imotong state governor has issued gubernatorial decree appointing twelve County commissioners for the newly established local administrations in the area.

Governor Nartisio Loluke Manir

Nartisio Loluke Manir in a decree issued on Friday, appointed Fermo peter Ofere as a Commissioner of Torit County, Bernard primo as a Commissioner of Lopa County, Ben Kingston loduk as a Commissioner of Magwi County, Salvatore Abddala Orisa Moi as a Commissioner of Ikotos County, Emilio Igga as a Commissioner of Pageri County, Severino Loful Obong as a Commissioner of Lopit West County.

Meanwhile, Ukang Wang has also been appointed as a Commissioner of Lafon County, Vigilio Bernard take up Torit West County, Claudio Opwonya as a kidepo valley Commissioner, Emma Albino Aworu task for Torit east County, Onek Benson Mark for Ayaci County and Dominic Oywee Paul as Commissioner of Eriya County.

The governor is his decree urged the newly appointed commissioners to work hard in coordination with the local assembly, chiefs, security committees and the business communities to render services.

The governor further called on the local communities to work jointly with the appointed administrators since it was their own choice to steer up peace and development in their counties.

The newly appointed commissioner will take oath of office next week before to assume their duties in the respective areas.


Categories: Africa

Le sacrifice du maréchal des logis Jehan de Terline

Zone militaire - Sun, 14/08/2016 - 09:03

Pour les historiens, Arminius était un chef de guerre de la tribu germanique des Chérusques, connu pour avoir été le vainqueur de la bataille de Teutobourg, au cours de laquelle trois légions et six cohortes romaines furent anéanties (soit 20.000 hommes). Mais pour les aviateurs français de l’escadrille N38, « Arminius » était le sobriquet donné à […]

Cet article Le sacrifice du maréchal des logis Jehan de Terline est apparu en premier sur Zone Militaire.

Categories: Défense

Internal Displaced Persons from Rii-randu are getting assistance in Yambio

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 14/08/2016 - 09:00

August 13, 2016 (KAMPALA) – Over nine thousands Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) who fled their homes in Rii-rangu, Yambio County in fear of their lives from the fighting between the armed group and SPLA last June, are now getting humanitarian assistance which includes food and non-food items from World Food Program (WFP) in Yambio.

South Sudanese SPLA soldiers are pictured in Pageri in Eastern Equatoria state on August 20, 2015 (Photo AFP/Samir Bol)

Speaking to Sudan tribune, the State Director of Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) Joseph Salvatore said, the IDPs and farmers of Rii-rangu area are getting humanitarian assistance after deserting their homes following the violence in June this year. The CFP provides food and RRC Office together with other non-governmental organizations are engaged in the distribution.

“We are distributing humanitarian assistance to over nine thousands IDPs who fled their homes in Rii-rangu to Yambio in fear of their lives,” he said.

Salvatore stated that the distribution had been delayed because the NGOs have to do verification first to know the exact number of the displaced before the distribution of food and non-food. Also,the instability in the area prevented them from visiting some areas where the IDPs are residing.

He refuted the allegation that the acting governor that time who was the Minister of Local Government and Law Enforcement pressured and addressed them an ultimatum of seven days to distribute the items to the needy or else the government may give an order to distribute it. He added that aid groups don't work under pressure from anyone because they have to mobilize the resources and again do assessments to allow them do their work efficiently.

Salvatore further underlined that the WFP is transporting the humanitarian items now to Yambio only by air because all roads connecting the Western Equatoria are closed and that insecurity and armed looting on roads also prevent that.

A farmer in the area, Mr. TartizioWandu, told Sudan Tribune that all what he planted in his farm in Rii-rangu had been looted during the conflict, and he could not go to the area to harvest or collect anything from the garden.

“All what I planted in Rii-rangu has been looted and destroyed by unknown people and it was not safe to go there and collect some of it. I am afraid my family this year will face hunger as they have nothing to eat.”

An IDP, Samson Mangu, says, he is happy to receive food after many months enduring hunger with his family as they fled their homes without food or cloths. He urged the government and armed groups to stop fighting as they could go back to their homes and live in peace.

“I am calling upon the government and armed groups to stop war, we need peace.”

Rii-rangu is one of the areas affected by the fighting between the government forces and SPLA-IO elements.


Categories: Africa

France : une jeune radicalisée de 18 ans écrouée pour prosélytisme violent sur Internet

France24 / France - Sun, 14/08/2016 - 08:04
Une jeune radicalisée de 18 ans, interpellée à Clermont-Ferrand mercredi, a été mise en examen et écrouée par un juge antiterroriste. La jeune fille avait été repérée après avoir publié des messages inquiétants sur Internet.
Categories: France

Sudan sues hackers for attacking government websites

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 14/08/2016 - 07:54

August 12, 2016 (KHARTOUM). Sudan's Ministry of Telecommunications on Friday revealed that it has taken legal action against hackers for attacking government websites, pointing that such attacks represent a violation of “national security”.

In statement extended to Sudan Tribune, Director General of the National Information Center (NIC), Mohamed Abd Al Rahim, pointed that the center has filed a complaint against unidentified hackers for attacking and corrupting government websites.

“Ministry of Telecommunications has the capacity to protect its information and track all hackers,” stressed the statement.

The statement further pointed that the Center is keen to protect government and private data and information.

The government didn't indicate the attacked websites. However Sudan Tribune noticed that the sites of the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Petroleum were down on Friday.

In 2014, the Ministry of Telecommunications announced new plans to secure its sites against hackers and tasked the NIC with the hosting and security of the government websites and transmitted data.


Categories: Africa

Sudanese army arrests 26 illegal migrants in North Darfur

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 14/08/2016 - 07:54

August 13, 2016 (EL-FASHER) - Security authorities in North Darfur state on Saturday have arrested 26 foreign nationals as they tried to cross from Sudan to Libya at Um Kadada area, 150 km east of the state's capital, El-Fasher.

A security source who spoke to Sudan Tribune on the condition of anonymity, said an army intelligence force from the sixth infantry division have aborted a human trafficking operation, pointing that 26 foreign nationals including 24 Somalis and 2 Kenyans were arrested.

He said the detainees were riding on a four-wheel drive Ford vehicle at Um Kadada area, pointing they were heading to El-Fasher and from there to the Libyan border.

Sudan is considered as a country of origin and transit for the illegal migration and human trafficking. Thousands of people from Eritrea and Ethiopia are monthly crossing the border into the Sudanese territories on their way to Europe through Libya or Egypt.

Last June, hundreds of Rapid Support Forces (RSF) elements have been deployed in the remote desert of the Northern State shortly after complaint by the governor of drug and human trafficking by the criminal networks.

Upon their return to North Darfur state late last month, SRF Commander Mohamed Hamdan Daglo, (aka Hametti) said his fighters arrested about 600 Ethiopian illegal migrants near Sudan's border with Libya and Egypt.

Earlier this year, the European Union granted a €100m development package to address the root causes of irregular migration in Sudan. The financial support came after pledge by the Sudanese government to cooperate with Brussels to stop human trafficking to Europe.

In January 2014, the Sudanese parliament approved an anti-human trafficking law which punishes those involved with human trafficking with up to 20 years imprisonment.


Categories: Africa

Disagreement on humanitarian access jeopardizes talks on Sudan's Two Areas

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 14/08/2016 - 07:53

August 13, 2016 (ADDIS ABABA) - Sudanese government and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) have failed to sign a cessation of hostility agreement as the talks are stalled over the humanitarian access from outside Sudan.

Negotiating delegations of the Sudanese government (L) and the SPLM-N (R) hold a meeting in presence of mediators in Addis Ababa on 12 August 2016 (courtesy photo of SPLM-N)

The African Union High Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) on Friday decided to extend until Sunday the talks on the cessation of hostilities and the humanitarian access to civilians in the war affected areas in Blue Nile and South Kordofan states, as the progress achieved raised hope on a possible deal for Sunday.

However, on Saturday evening the two parties accused each other of hampering the process. Nonetheless, the chief mediator called on the parties to meet on Sunday as he is expected to submit some proposals to break the deadlock.

The spokesperson of the government delegation Hassan Hamid told reporters that the SPLM-N delegation insists on its demand for the transportation of humanitarian aid from South Sudan, Kenya and Ethiopia.

The SPLM-N insists on the "direct transportation of humanitarian assistance from Juba and other countries to the Movement's controlled areas without observing the legal or technical regulations (...) which constitutes a violation of national sovereignty," he said.

He further said that such a demand represents a "threat to the national security" in light of the political and security situation in South Sudan and the "military and political connections between" the ruling party in Juba and the SPLM-N.

Since several year ago the SPLM-N demands the transportation of humanitarian aid from outside the country, saying such procedure would prevent Khartoum from using humanitarian aid as a tool of political pressure. Also, it also refused the participation of Sudanese government relief workers saying they are infiltrated by the security apparatus.

SPLM-N Spokesperson Mubarak Ardol, disclosed that they made significant concessions on the negotiating table in order to facilitate an agreement on the humanitarian access, and accused the government of seeking to fully control the whole operation.

"The SPLM-N delegation conceded and accepted mixed tracks from inside Sudan and abroad. Even, we accepted that 80% of the relief come through Khartoum," said Ardol in a statement he released at the negotiation venue.

He added that the government delegation maintained its intransigence and insisted to have the monopoly of the humanitarian operation, a matter that reveals its "intention to use citizens in the Two Areas as hostages of war as they do now in Darfur".

To explain why they insist on the direct access from outside Sudan, Ardol said they fear that the government expel foreign aid groups and prevent international officials from assessing the humanitarian situation on the ground as it is done in Darfur.

Sources close to the negotiations said the chief mediator Thabo Mbeki met the two sides and invited them to resume their discussions on Sunday. It is unclear if he would continue to press them to sign an agreement or suspend the talks as he used to do in the past.

The signing of the deal on the truce and the humanitarian access is seen as confidence building measures paving the way for a political process that includes the other opposition groups in a constitutional conference to be held inside Sudan.

The leader of the National Umma Party (NUP) Sadiq al-Mahdi Saturday urged the negotiating parties to sign a deal on the humanitarian aid and the cessation of hostilities to move towards the political file.

"Unless the parties agree on a cessation of hostilities and security and humanitarian arrangements, they (the government and armed groups) obstruct the dialogue." he said in statements to the official news agency SUNA.

He stressed that the non-signing of the cessation of hostilities prevents the creation of a new climate for peace in Sudan, and disrupts the confidence building measures the African mediation spoke about.

" Now, the conditions are favourable more than ever to achieve a just and comprehensive peace and democratic transformation acceptable to all the parties, and (discuss) a new constitution to be agreed upon."


Categories: Africa

Falunapot tartottak Ludason

VajdaságMA (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Sun, 14/08/2016 - 07:44
Idén is megtartották a hagyományos ludasi fokhagymafesztivált és falunapot.

Bertelsmann Autoren schlugen zu: Anti Iran Artikel - Sun, 14/08/2016 - 07:37
Mit PR Müll, krimineller Energie kann man viel Geld verdienen: Identisch arbeiten kriminelle Organisationen wie „Camorra“ und Co, wobei dümmliche Nonsens Report von den Hirnlosen Banden der Politischen Stiftungen regelrecht wie mit einer Hirnwäsche, eingeübt werden, damit niemand merkt, das man Strohdumm ist, vollkommen korrupt und inkompetend. Deutschland Parteistiftungen: Der geschickt getarnte Selbstbedienungsladen von Merkel und Co. Anonymous – 20. Juli 2016 Iran: Euphorie ist konfliktgeladener Realität gewichen Regierung zeigt sich machtlos gegenüber Bassidsch-Miliz; Ayatollah Khamenei bezeichnet Nuklear-Deal als „Verschwörung des Feindes“ Behrouz Khosrozadeh und Mandy Lüssenhop Bertelsmann Autoren: Göttinger Institut für Demokratie Forschung, eines der FES Institute für Müll Verbreitung ebenso. As the latest edition of the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s […]
Categories: Balkan News

Edi Rama Mafia in Tradition: Albanians in Himara Say Urban Plan Threatens Homes - Sun, 14/08/2016 - 07:27
12 Aug 16 Albanians in Himara Say Urban Plan Threatens Homes Locals in one the most scenic parts of southern Albania fear that they could lose their homes as a result of a new urban plan for the area. Fatjona Mejdini BIRN Tirana A bay in Himara. Photo: Wikimedia Hundreds of families in Himara, one of the most important tourist areas in the south of Albania, fear they could lose their houses as a result of the new urban plan drawn up by the municipality to regulate the area. On August 14, they have scheduled protests in Himara against the plan of the government and the municipality to build villas […]
Categories: Balkan News

Avec l'aide de la FAO, l'Ethiopie se prépare aux éventuelles répercussions de La Niña

Centre d'actualités de l'ONU | Afrique - Sun, 14/08/2016 - 07:00
L'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) a annoncé vendredi que 45 millions de dollars supplémentaires sont nécessaires de toute urgence pour soutenir l'agriculture éthiopienne.
Categories: Afrique

Assange balance encore

LeParisien / Politique - Sun, 14/08/2016 - 07:00
« Le gouvernement américain, quand Hillary Clinton était en charge de la politique étrangère, a utilisé la Libye comme un canal pour armer les djihadistes en Syrie. » Le week-end dernier, Julian Assange...
Categories: France

South Sudan cabinet approves integration of SPLA-IO forces

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 14/08/2016 - 00:20

August 13, 2016 (JUBA) - South Sudan cabinet has approved the establishment of cantonment sites and integration of members of the Sudan People's Liberation Army who have switched allegiance to President Salva Kiir's newly appointed First Vice President, Taban Deng Gai.

A batch of the SPLA-IO forces after arrival in Juba, 1 April, 2016 (ST Photo)

Information and Broadcasting Minister, Michael Makuei Lueth, announced on Friday that the cabinet has agreed to approve the establishment of the cantonment sites and to integrate members of the SPLA-IO forces after getting into the assembling points.

Minister Lueth, however, did not say whether the cantonment sites for SPLA-IO forces would extend to the two regions of Bahr el Ghazal and Equatoria. He government has previously rejected the establishment of the cantonment sites for members of armed opposition forces in the two regions, claiming the areas did not experience active combat during the more than two years civil war in the country. He advocated for limited establishment of the cantonment sites to the Upper Nile region.

“The cabinet has approved the establishment of the SPLA-IO forces. The president will today (Friday) issue orders to implement the resolution of the council of ministers,” said Lueth in a statement broadcast by the state owned South Sudan broadcasting Corporation on Friday evening.

The president, however, did not issue any republican order on Friday and it remains unclear when He will issue orders to implement the decision of the cabinet meeting in which he participated with his new first deputy, Taban Deng Gai.

It is also not unclear why the president has accepted the establishment of the cantonment sites for members of armed opposition forces after he declined to sign the minutes of the meeting he had with the Former Vice President, Riek Machar and Vice President James Wani Iagga.

Observers are keen to stress that President Kiir stalled the implementation of key provisions in the agreement because of his personal dislike of Machar whom he did not take any credit for successful implementation of the peace agreement.


Categories: Africa
