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Nigeria : des rebelles menacent de déclarer l’« indépendance » du Delta du Niger

LeMonde / Afrique - Fri, 19/08/2016 - 09:09
Accusant le chef d’Etat nigérian de mal gouvernance et de vouloir divisier le pays, les Vengeurs du Delta du Niger ont franchi une nouvelle étape.
Categories: Afrique

RDC: Joseph Kabila a reçu des membres du mouvement Lucha

RFI /Afrique - Fri, 19/08/2016 - 09:06
En République démocratique du Congo (RDC), le président Joseph Kabila a reçu à Goma 47 jeunes du mouvement Lutte pour le changement (Lucha), dont plusieurs dizaines de membres ont été arrêtés, condamnés ou sont en attente de procès, notamment pour complot contre le chef de l’Etat. Les échanges ont duré plus de deux heures. Au menu : les retards du processus électoral, les massacres à Beni, les libertés individuelles ou encore le sort des militants emprisonnés. Luc Nkulula était le principal orateur de Lucha lors des discussions, qui se sont soldées par une photo de groupe avec le président. Il fait le point sur cette rencontre.
Categories: Afrique

Artikel - Umweltschutz: 67 Prozent der EU-Bürger sagen, EU solle sich stärker engagieren

Europäisches Parlament (Nachrichten) - Fri, 19/08/2016 - 09:00
Allgemeines : Der Umweltschutz ist eines der Themen, das den Europäern besonders am Herzen liegt. Gemäß einer Eurobarometer-Umfrage, die vom EU-Parlament in Auftrag gegeben wurde, würden sich zwei Drittel der EU-Bürger wünschen, dass die EU im Bereich des Umweltschutzes noch stärker tätig wird. Lesen Sie in unserem Artikel, welche Maßnahmen die EU bereits setzt und welche Initiativen geplant sind, um die menschliche Gesundheit zu schützen, die Biodiversität zu erhalten und den Klimawandel zu bekämpfen.

Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: Europäische Union

Article - Environment: 67% of Europeans want the EU to do more

European Parliament (News) - Fri, 19/08/2016 - 09:00
General : The environment is something Europeans care deeply about: 67% of them would like to the EU to do more on environmental protection, according to a Eurobarometer survey commissioned by the European Parliament. Read our article to find out more about what the EU is already doing and will be doing to protect your health, safeguard biodiversity and fight climate change.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Article - Environment: 67% of Europeans want the EU to do more

European Parliament - Fri, 19/08/2016 - 09:00
General : The environment is something Europeans care deeply about: 67% of them would like to the EU to do more on environmental protection, according to a Eurobarometer survey commissioned by the European Parliament. Read our article to find out more about what the EU is already doing and will be doing to protect your health, safeguard biodiversity and fight climate change.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Cikk - Az EU és a környezetvédelem: az európaiak 67%-a komolyabb fellépést vár

Európa Parlament hírei - Fri, 19/08/2016 - 09:00
Általános : Az uniós környezetvédelmi és klímavédelmi célok széles körűek és bár számos terület EU-s hatáskörbe tartozik, a gyakorlatban nem mindig könnyű megvalósítani őket. Az Eurobarometer felmérése azt mutatja, hogy az európaiak több mint fele nem elégedett a jelenlegi uniós szerepvállalással ezen a téren, 67%-uk komolyabb fellépést vár az EU-tól. A magyar válaszadók 63%- szánna nagyobb szerepet az Uniónak a környezet védelme terén.

Forrás : © Európai Unió, 2016 - EP

Tchad : au camp de Gaoui, le désespoir des "retournés de Centrafrique"

France24 / Afrique - Fri, 19/08/2016 - 08:42
Les violences de 2013 à Bangui, en Centrafrique, ont contraint de nombreux immigrés tchadiens à retourner dans leur pays d'origine. Le plus souvent démunis, ces derniers se sont notamment réfugiés dans le camp de Gaoui. Reportage.
Categories: Afrique

Khartoum to identify Sudanese illegal migrants in Italy

Sudan Tribune - Fri, 19/08/2016 - 08:31

August 18, 2016 (KHARTOUM) - The foreign ministry Thursday said it requested the interior ministry to send a delegation to address the situation of Sudanese illegal migrants stranded on the Italian-French border.

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Gharib Allah Khidir (ST Photo)

Several hundreds of Sudanese migrants are now stopped on the French border after their arrival by boats from Libya. Paris says it is up to Italy assess their asylum claims.

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ambassador Gharib Allah Khidir said they asked the interior ministry to dispatch urgently a delegation to Rome to identify Sudanese migrants and to provide them with the needed papers before to repatriate them back to Sudan.

The move comes after a demand by the Italian government through the Sudanese embassy in Rome to identify its nationals before to return them to Sudan, al-Khidir added.

Italy complains of the French refusal to receive some of illegal migrants arriving from Africa.

In line with Schengen zone agreement, people can move freely within the European countries, but governments can tighten border control in exceptional circumstances.

Earlier this year, Sudan accepted to cooperate with the EU efforts to fight illegal human trafficking.

Smuggling gangs have taken advantage of Libya's instability to run a lucrative business and put at risk vulnerable people who seek better life.


Categories: Africa

Teacher murdered and dumped in E. Equatoria state forest

Sudan Tribune - Fri, 19/08/2016 - 08:27

August 18, 2016 (TORIT) – James Lomilo, a teacher at Hope for South Sudan primary school in Eastern Equatoria state was on Monday killed and his body dumped in a forest.

The map of Eastern Equatoria state in red

The deceased, an eye witness said, was last seen on Sunday afternoon after church service in Kapoeta town.

The decaying body [of Lomilo] was found some meters away from the school in the forest near to the school premise in Kapoeta town, said Peter Lopeyok.

Police have reportedly launched investigations into the murder.

The school head teacher, Jenifer Losike Lokai described the Lomilo as a punctual and humble teacher in his profession.

The late was one of the full time trained teachers in Hope for South Sudan School in for over three years,” she stressed.

Police officers on duty at the school, however, declined to comment on the matter.


Categories: Africa

Dacian Ciolos: Romania’s Technocratic PM - Fri, 19/08/2016 - 08:04
Designated prime minister for a one-year term only, Ciolos will struggle to meet expectations on tackling corruption and stimulating economic growth.
Categories: Balkan News

Syrians Alarmed by Bulgarian Media’s Anti-Refugee Rhetoric - Fri, 19/08/2016 - 08:03
The Syrian community in Bulgaria wants the state authorities to investigate the growing number of xenophobic media articles that denigrate refugees and migrants.
Categories: Balkan News

Sarajevo Siege Film Explores Legacy of Trauma - Fri, 19/08/2016 - 08:01
The crew behind ‘Sarajevo Roses’, which has just premiered in the Bosnian capital, say they hope their documentary about how people have dealt with their wartime traumas will help others.
Categories: Balkan News

New Albanian Anti-Corruption Law Worries Media - Fri, 19/08/2016 - 08:00
Draft legislation to protect special prosecutors from outside influence during investigations has created fears of censorship, but officials have promised to address journalists’ concerns.
Categories: Balkan News

Over 900,000 SSP saved after workers' screening in Jonglei state

Sudan Tribune - Fri, 19/08/2016 - 07:57

August 18, 2016(BOR) – Over 900,000 SSP was saved by Jonglei state government after a screening exercise, involving removal of ghost workers and absentees from payrolls.

Jonglei state governor, Phillip Aguer speaks during the independence occassion July 9, 2016 (ST)

The process, an official told Sudan Tribune, started three months ago.

According to the state secretary general, Mawut Achiek, not less than 250 employees whose names were found on payrolls, but not presence at work places, were screened.

“We are saving 300,000 SSP. This had been going to individuals' pockets in the state. We have also identified not less than 250 ghost names. These are people, who are no longer there, or they had never existed and there is no scientific evidence to proof their employment in the first place”, Achiek told reporters in the state capital, Bor.

The state government, he said, inherited a huge workforce when the province was controversially divided into four states, namely Fangak, Eastern Bieh and Boma.

The other three states went away with workforce of less than 3,000 employees in total, leaving new Jonglei state with over 5,000 employees alone, stressed Achiek.

Meanwhile, the state government said it was not determined to fully reduce the workforce to a reasonable number that would easily be manageable financially.


Categories: Africa

Des musulmans d’Afrique sensibilisent sur les dangers de la radicalisation

RFI /Afrique - Fri, 19/08/2016 - 07:31
Des jeunes musulmans d'Afrique en lutte contre les extrémismes se sont réunis à Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso. Plus de 240 jeunes, venus de huit pays de la sous-région, ont décidé de renforcer la sensibilisation des jeunes musulmans contre la radicalisation et l'extrémisme violent. Ils demandent par ailleurs aux différents gouvernements de jouer pleinement leur rôle en offrant des opportunités d'emploi et de formation aux jeunes afin d'éviter qu'ils tombent dans le piège des terroristes.
Categories: Afrique

South Sudan: Hundreds of children recruited into armed groups, reports UNICEF

UN News Centre - Africa - Fri, 19/08/2016 - 07:00
Reporting that 650 children have been recruited into armed groups in South Sudan since January, the United Nations Children&#39s Fund (UNCEF) called today for an immediate end to recruitment and an unconditional release of all children by armed actors.
Categories: Africa
