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Hamon, Montebourg : à qui le label anti-Hollande ?

LeParisien / Politique - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 07:00
24 août 2014. Arnaud Montebourg et Benoît Hamon s'égayent en bras de chemise à la Fête de la rose de Frangy-en-Bresse (Saône-et-Loire), réunis dans une même critique de la politique économique de François...
Categories: France

Darfur group promises to release POWs at religious leader's request

Sudan Tribune - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 06:43

August 28, 2016 (KHARTOUM) - The leader of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) Gibril Ibrahim has promised to release Prisoners of War (POWs) from government forces at the request of a Sufi Islamic cleric.

JEM leader Gibril Ibrahim talks to reporters in Addis Ababa on 13 August 2016 (ST Photo)

On 10 August, the leader of the Kabashi Sufi sect Abdel-Wahab al-Khalifa al-Hibir al-Kabashi sent a letter to JEM's leader appealing to him to release government POWs.

In a letter he wrote in response to al-Kbashi's message, Ibrahim said he appreciates the latter's request, pointing the religious leader and the POWs families would soon hear good news in this regard.

According to the political advisor of the (JEM-Dabago), a breakaway group from JEM, Nahar Osman Nahar, more than 100 POWs and detainees are currently being held in JEM's prisons including former members of the executive office and commanders from the movement such as Hashim Haroun besides other civilian detainees.

He told Sudan Tribune that nine detainees from JEM-Dabago are still detained by JEM after 9 others managed to flee from the movement's prisons in Deim Zubeir Camp in Western Bahr el Ghazal region, South Sudan.

For his part, JEM-Dabago leading figure Issa Mohamed Issa said that JEM currently detains 48 people besides a similar number of POWs from the Sudanese army.

Issa, who escaped from JEM prisons in South Sudan, added the movement had more than once in the past released government POWs through the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

He called upon the humanitarian groups and the international community to check on the conditions of the detainees at JEM prisons.

JEM-Bashar, a breakaway group from JEM, inked a peace agreement negotiated with the Sudanese government on the basis of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) in the Qatari capital in 2013.

Following that, JEM killed the leader of JEM-Bashar, Mohamed Bashar, and his deputy Suleiman Arko, and detained more than 20 others in an attack near the Chadian border while they were returning to Khartoum.

JEM-Bashar subsequently appointed Bakheit Abdallah Dabago as Bashar's successor.


Categories: Africa

Sudan's opposition NCF underlines support for peace talks

Sudan Tribune - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 06:25

August 28, 2016 (KHARTOUM) - Sudan's internal opposition umbrella, the National Consensus Forces (NCF) has expressed full support for any peace talks that aims to stop the war and allow humanitarian access to the affected population.

FILE - NCF leaders

Earlier this month, the African mediation suspended the latest round of talks between the government and the rebel movements on Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile after the negotiating parties failed to reach agreement on the security arrangements and humanitarian access.

In a statement extended to Sudan Tribune on Sunday, the NCF reiterated its position to overthrow the regime and establish a transitional government to address the security, social, political and economic problems caused by the “dictatorship regime”.

It held the regime responsible for aborting the idea of a national dialogue that leads to a comprehensive and democratic solution for the Sudanese crisis, expressing absolute support for any talks that stops the war and allows humanitarian access to the affected.

The Sudanese army has been fighting Sudanese People's Liberation Movement/North (SPLM-N) rebels in Blue Nile and South Kordofan since 2011 and a group of armed movements in Darfur since 2003.

The NCF pointed that the Roadmap Agreement brokered by the African Union is inconsistent with its declared position regarding the national dialogue, stressing its rejection to any dialogue that doesn't lead to dismantling the single-party state and to establish a civil and democratic state.

The Sudanese government and four parties and armed movements from the opposition umbrella Sudan Call have signed the Roadmap Agreement for peace and dialogue brokered by the African Union High Implementation Panel (AUHIP).

The NCF is a member of the Sudan Call coalition but its parties have taken different positions with regard to the roadmap.

Three parties within the NCF including the Sudanese Congress Party (SCoP), Sudan Allied Forces (SAF) and the Sudanese Ba'ath Party have supported the singing of the peace plan by the Sudan Call.

However, the major parties of the NCF including the Sudanese Communist Party (SCP), the Arab Ba'ath Party (ABP), Nasserite Socialist Party (NSP) have declined to accept the agreement, saying it would reproduce the regime.

The statement stressed that the government continues to impose security solutions for the country's crises particularly with regard to general freedoms, demanding the release of all political detainees and convicts.

The NCF also held the regime responsible for the of the worsening economic crisis and price hikes, pointing to the sharp decline in the value of the Sudanese pound against the US dollar.


Categories: Africa

North Darfur official accuses SLM-AW fighters of killing two cattle herders

Sudan Tribune - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 06:16

August 28, 2016 (EL-FASHER) - The comissioner of Tawila locality, 60 km west of North Darfur capital, El-Fasher, Adam Yaquob has accused the rebel Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM-AW) led by Abdel-Wahid al-Nour of killing and injuring cattle herders on Thursday.

A Cattle herder in Darfur region (FAO Photo)

Yaquob told Sudan Tribune that a few pockets of outlaws from the rebel groups still exist in the caves and mountains surrounding his locality, saying that SLM-AW fighters coming from Jebel Marra area attacked cattle herders from Nawaiba tribe killing a woman and a child and injuring two women.

“They tried to steal heads of cattle, goats and sheep but the villagers stood up to them and they fled toward Fanga area in Jebel Marra," said the commissioner.

“They were about 32 fighters armed with automatic machine guns,” he added

The commissioner pointed that the security committee of his locality immediately arrived at the incident scene, saying the bumpy roads prevented the villagers from pursuing the perpetrators.

He said they had previously warned the cattle herders against approaching the border with Jebel Marra, pointing that outlaws had earlier stolen camels but the security organs managed to retrieve some of them.

Last week, unknown gunmen stole dozens of cattle heads and farming machineries at Tarni area in Tawila locality and ran away.

Thousands of residents were displaced by the intense fighting that had erupted in mid-January between the Sudanese army and the SLM-AW in Jebel Marra area.

Last April, the Sudanese army said its forces captured the last rebel stronghold area of Srounq in Jebel Marra from the SLM-AW. The government warplanes continue to bombard the rebel positions in the area.

The SLM-AW is not part of the African Union brokered process to reach a negotiated settlement of the 13 -year conflict.

The Sudanese army and its allied militia have been fighting a group of armed movements in Darfur since 2003.

According to the United Nations, 200,000 people have been killed in the conflict, and 2, 5 million chased from their homes.


Categories: Africa

IGAD says Machar must “reclaim” his position as South Sudan's First Vice President

Sudan Tribune - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 05:48

August 28, 2016 (JUBA) – The East African regional body, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), said the controversially replaced South Sudanese First Vice President, Riek Machar, must reclaim his position in the transitional unity government in the country as the legitimate First Vice President.

South Sudan President Salva Kiir (C) poses for a picture after the government swearing in with his first deputy Riek Machar (R) and second deputy James Wani on 29 April 2016 (Photo Moses Lomayat)

IGAD said they have not changed their position in a communiqué released last month which called for the newly appointed First Vice President, Taban Deng Gai, to step down and for Machar to resume his work as the first deputy president.

The comments from IGAD came days after the United States Secretary of State, John Kerry, said the replacement process was an internal matter and did not break the peace agreement.

Kerry made the comments while on a visit to the Kenyan capital, Nairobi last week.

However, IGAD member states including Ethiopia which chairs the body, “questioned” John Kerry's comments, according to the CCTV Africa which reported from Addis Ababa on Friday.

They reaffirmed their position that Machar is the legitimate First Vice President, who should assume his post upon arrival in Juba, the South Sudanese capital.

Earlier, Machar's spokesperson, James Gatdet Dak, in comments to Sudan Tribune criticized the comments from the US top diplomat, saying Kerry's opinion was against the IGAD communiqué as well as against a resolution passed by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) which described the controversial replacement in Juba as “inconsistent” with the peace agreement.

But President Salva Kiir's spokesperson, Ateny Wek Ateny, criticized IGAD for wanting Machar to return to the position, saying Gai has a better working relationship with President Kiir.

Opposition officials on the other hand said Gai is liked by Kiir because he will not ask for the full implementation of the peace deal, but will instead allow for scrapping of major provisions and block the needed reforms in the country.


Categories: Africa

Mali's foreign minister arrives in Khartoum on Monday

Sudan Tribune - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 05:48

August 28, 2016 (KHARTOUM) - The Malian Minister of Foreign Abdoulaye Diop will start an official visit to Khartoum on Monday, Sudan's Foreign Affairs Ministry disclosed.

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Gharib Allah Khidir (ST Photo)

According to the Foreign Ministry spokesperson Gharib Allah Khidir, Diop would extend an invitation from Mali's President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta to President Omer al-Bashir to attend the summit meeting of La Francophonie heads of state and government in Bamako next January.

The summit, Khidir said, would discuss various issues including terrorism, illegal migration, arms and human trafficking and organized crime besides the fight against the extremist group Al-Qaida in Mali.

He further said Diop would hold talks with Sudan's Foreign Minister Ibrahim Ghandour, saying the two ministers would discuss bilateral ties as well as the security and political situation in the region.

Al-Bashir is under two International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrants since 2008 for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes allegedly committed in Darfur.

Mali ratified the Rome Statute of the ICC on 16 August 2000 and therefore has an obligation to arrest al-Bashir.


Categories: Africa

Ethiopia and Tanzania agree on power export deal

Sudan Tribune - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 05:39

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

August 28, 2016 (ADDIS ABABA) – Tanzania is set to sign electricity power export deal with Ethiopia making it the fourth African country purchasing electricity from the latter.

The planned Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project (AP)

Ethiopia's national power company (EEP) on Saturday announced that Tanzania has agreed to purchase 400 MW of Ethiopia's hydro-power processed electricity.

EEP's Chief Executive Officer, Azeb Asnake said the agreement between the two countries will be finalized in the coming weeks.

Azeb said the new power export deal will fosters economic integration and strengthens multilateral ties between the two countries.

The power transaction will create further economic integration between Tanzania and Kenya as the latter sits between Ethiopia and Tanzania, the CEO told the state run Ethiopian News Agency.

“Because when Tanzania gets electric power from Ethiopia, it has to pass through Kenya,” she said, adding, "When two countries are integrated economically, then they have to watch out for their political relationship as well”.

The horn of Africa's nation is investing billions of dollars to construct a number of hydro-electric power plants including what would be Africa's largest Dam known as Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam (GERD).

GERD which is being constructed along the Nile River in the Benshangul Gumz region near the Sudanese border is currently over 50 percent complete and will have power generation capacity of 8,000 MW.

The Ethiopian government says construction of the massive dam project will transform the country's vision to become a leading power exporter in the East African region hub for the renewable energy in Africa.

Ethiopia hopes to become a middle income nation by 2025. Currently, it exports hydro-power processed electricity to its neighbors: Kenya, Sudan and Djibouti.

Ethiopia intends to export power to seven neighboring countries after the completion of the mega dam project.

Azeb further said Ethiopia also signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Burundi and Rwanda.It also has plans to link its grid with South Sudan, Uganda and Yemen.

According to official estimates Ethiopia's potential power production capacity from hydro as well as geothermal, wind and solar energy over 60,000 MW which is roughly equal to half of Africa's current installed capacity (147,000MW).


Categories: Africa

WMA301 - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 03:55

Chinese WMA301 Fire Support Vehicle
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

L'Egypte veut durcir sa législation pour lutter contre l'excision

Slateafrique - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 02:15

Le gouvernement égyptien a annoncé dimanche vouloir durcir la législation pour lutter contre l'excision, dévoilant un projet de loi qui prévoit jusqu'à sept ans de réclusion pour toute personne pra

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Categories: Afrique

Brazilian Army seeks additional remote weapon stations

Jane's Defense News - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 02:00
The Brazilian Army is to procure additional REMAX (REparo de Metralhadora Automatizado X) and UT30BR lightweight remote-controlled weapon stations from Elbit Systems' ARES, the service's Projects Management Office (EPEx) told IHS Jane's . REMAX was developed jointly with army's Science and
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Canada announces new peace, stability ops programme

Jane's Defense News - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 02:00
Canada has launched a new Peace and Stabilization Operations Program (PSOPs) and pledged to make available up to 600 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel for possible UN peace operation deployments. In a 26 August announcement, the Canadian government said it would devote CAD450 million (USD346
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

DoD IG: Army should buy or cancel XM25, no more development

Jane's Defense News - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 02:00
The US Department of Defense Inspector General (DoD IG) has recommended the US Army either move forward or cancel the XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement (CDTE) weapon programme. Army officials deployed prototype XM25 systems to Afghanistan as part of a 'forward operational assessment' from
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

German Puma AIFV production ramps up

Jane's Defense News - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 02:00
Key Points Production of the German Army's Puma armoured infantry fighting vehicle is set to increase from 2017 Future upgrades to the vehicle are also being planned Projekt System and Management (PSM) is now ramping up production of the Puma Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle (AIFV) for the
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

US Army Developing New 155mm Extended Range Artillery Rounds | Russian Satellite Jamming System Operational | Boeing to Upgrade NZ’s P-3K2 Orions

Defense Industry Daily - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 01:58

  • A new 155mm artillery round with extended range is being developed by the US Army. Initial low rate production of the XM1113 Insensitive Munition High Explosive Rocket Assisted Projectile (XM1113 RAP) is expected to commence in 2022, and is due to replace the aging M549A1 rounds first produced in the 1970s and 1980s. The XM1113 program is a joint development between the Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center and the Program Executive Office Ammunition.

  • Canada’s government has announced the purchase of RQ-21A BlackJack UAVs in a $14.2 million foreign military sale (FMS). Included in the package are five unmanned aircraft, two ground control stations and one launch and recovery system. This marks the first sale of the system outside of the US Navy and will join the Canadian Army as part of its Land Force Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance program.


  • Russia’s new satellite navigation jamming system, dubbed POLE-21, is now operational. Newspaper Izvestiya made the announcement following a statement from the Russian MoD. POLE-21 is capable of disrupting signals from GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and Beidou in the 1176.45-1575.42 MHz frequency. It is installed on cell phone towers and covers a radius of 80km.

  • Ukrainian firm Antonov has cleared the An-178 for production. So far, the plane has clocked more than 160 hours in its development program over 100 flights and the manufacturer expects orders to reach 200 aircraft by 2032. The An-178 aircraft was developed on the basis of the An-158 passenger plane and is designed to replace the An-12 transport plane. It is able to carry up to 18 tonnes of cargo, including large-sized 1C containers.

Asia Pacific

  • The Afghan Air Force has received its final batch of four MD-530 Cayuse Warrior helicopters. Unlike the previous delivery of five, the latest units are equipped with rocket and .50 caliber firing capabilities. This brings to 27 the number of Cayuse warriors now operated by the AAF, who often engage in providing aerial escort to convoys, providing over-watch to ANDSF operations and responding to “troops in contact” situations.

  • Indonesia has been offered three US-2 amphibious planes by Japan. The offer would see a deal valuing the aircraft at $100 million each with discussions between Jakarta and Tokyo ongoing. The seaplane has also been sold to India, who previously ordered 18 to aid in monitoring and rescue missions based out of the Nicobar and Andaman Islands.

  • French shipbuilder DCNS has been warned to beef up its security measures by Australian defense officials following a massive leak at the company. DCNS had just previously been contracted to build a fleet of submarines for Canberra, valued at $38.13 billion. In response, DCNS said that the leak, which covered details of the Scorpene-class model, and not the vessel currently being designed for the Australian fleet, bore the hallmarks of “economic warfare” carried out by frustrated competitors.

  • Boeing has been tapped by New Zealand to conduct upgrades on their P-3K2 Orions. The $26.06 million deal will see Boeing replace aging, less reliable systems on the Orions, allowing the country to re-instate its anti-submarine warfare capability. New Zealand’s Orions have been in service since 1966, with five aircraft originally delivered as P-3Bs, and then upgraded in the 1980s to P-3K standard. A subsequent upgrade saw them designated as P-3K2s.

Today’s Video

GoPro Footage from the MiG-29 SMT:

Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Military, Again: Afghan AF Picks, Arms MD-530 Helicopters

Defense Industry Daily - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 01:55
Afghan MD-530F
(click to view full)

In March 2011, MD Helicopters, Inc. in Mesa, AZ won a competition for the Afghan Air Force that could reach as many as 54 helicopters over the life of the 4 year contract, giving it an implicit value of up to $180 million. Discussions with MD Helicopters confirmed that these are MD 530Fs, designed for high altitude and/or hot weather operations, where thinner air costs helicopters some of their lift.

The MD 530F uses Rolls Royce’s 650 shp 250-C30 engine, instead of the 500E’s 450-shp 250-C20R. That drives a 5-bladed set of main-rotor blades that have been extended 6 inches, along with lengthened tail rotors on a correspondingly longer tail boom. In a typical working configuration, at a design gross weight of 3,100 pounds/ 1,406 kg and a useful load of over 1,509 pounds/ 684 kg, it can hover out-of-ground effect at 11,600 feet/ 3,536m (ISA + 20°C). An optional cargo hook is rated for 2,000 pounds/ 907 kg, and the helicopter also has a flat aft cargo compartment floor for internal loads. These may be training helicopters, but they can be repurposed for light utility tasks. MD Helicopter designs are not unknown in the military market.

MD’s Military Rise, Fall… and Rise? Israeli MD 500
(click to view larger)

Hughes’ OH-6 Cayuse/”Loach” was legendary as a light utility helicopter and gunship. OH-6s still serve with some militaries, their AH-6J/M “Little Bird” descendant is still used as a light gunship by US Special Forces’ 160th SOAR, and the MD500/530 Defender series of light attack helicopters is still in operation around the world in Israel, South Korea, and elsewhere.

The purchase and breakup of Hughes Helicopter into Boeing (AH-64 Apache, AH-6 Little Bird) and MD (civilian helicopters) badly hurt this helicopter family’s global momentum and presence, as Boeing chose to focus on the AH-64 Apache as its military offering. After its 2005 purchase and recapitalization by Patriarch Partners, MD tried to re-enter the light military segment, but losses in the US Army’s ARH armed reconnaissance and LUH light utility competitions left them still looking for a new military foothold.

Military MD-530F
(click to view larger)

While Mexico’s Navy uses the innovative MD Explorer, whose quieter NOTAR rotorless tail design sharply lowers the advance warning given to its targets, other military export orders have been slim. The Afghan order could reverse that trend, and the fleet will now be used well beyond the primary trainer role, re-establishing MD Helicopters as a global competitor in the light utility space.


MD Helicopters has a July 2010 Memorandum of Understanding with Boeing for the AH-6i Light Attack Helicopter [PDF], which has been selected by Jordan and bought by Saudi Arabia. At the same time, the firm is developing their own MD-530G armed scout variant, and the Afghans have given them a contract to apply the upgrade to their fleet.

MD-530G modifications begin with upgraded landing skids that can handle 3,750 pounds maximum weight. A Rhode & Schwarz M3AR tactical radio, Robertson fuel system, and Kinetic Defense ballistic armor panels follow. Mission equipment includes L-3 Wescam’s MX-10 day/night surveillance & targeting turret, and MACE Aviation’s Extended Range Weapons Wing (ER2W) with up to 4 weapon stations, linked to a MOOG Storage Management System (SMS) and other required electronics. Initial weapon options will involve Dillon Aero’s multi-barrel M134D-H 7.62mm Minigun on the inside 2 hardpoints. Possibilities for the wingtip hardpoints include FN Herstal’s HMP-400 12.7mm Heavy Machine Gun Pod (400 rounds), FN’s RMP 12.7mm Rocket Machine Gun Pod (250 rounds + 3 rockets), or 7-shot 70mm rocket pods. Raytheon’s laser-guided 70mm TALON rockets can be carried on FN’s RMP, or in Arnold Defense’s M260 pod.

MD’s main global competitors are armed variants of the Bell 407, variants of Eurocopter’s EC145 and EC635 – and for advanced militaries, armed VT-UAVs like Northrop Grumman’s MQ-8 Fire Scout.

Contracts & Key Events Afghan MD-530Fs

August 29/16: The Afghan Air Force has received its final batch of four MD-530 Cayuse Warrior helicopters. Unlike the previous delivery of five, the latest units are equipped with rocket and .50 caliber firing capabilities. This brings to 27 the number of Cayuse warriors now operated by the AAF, who often engage in providing aerial escort to convoys, providing over-watch to ANDSF operations and responding to “troops in contact” situations.

January 14/16: MD Helicopters are to manufacture and deliver twelve more MD 530F Cayuse Warrior Scout Attack helicopters to the Afghan Air Force. The addition will add to the twelve already in use by the air force. The previous 2015 order saw the aircraft delivered and operational within nine months, and have already seen successful operational duty. Five training variants are also in use and have been upgraded to the Cayuse configuration. The order adds to the gradual increase in participation by the Afghan Armed Forces in running and conducting their own security operations under the eye of the US.

September 28/15: Afghan pilots flying the country’s recently-operational MD-530 helicopters have expressed criticism of the Cayuse Warrior aircraft, citing a lack of range and jamming of the twin .50 cal machine guns installed through a contract last October. The mountains bordering the helicopters’ Kabul operating base are posing a challenge for the small helicopters, with the thin air reducing lift, limiting effective range and placing Taliban operating areas out of reach.

August 13/15: Afghanistan’s armed MD-530 helicopters have been used in combat for the first time, reports indicated on Wednesday. The Afghan Security Forces announced in July that the helicopters would be equipped with rocket pods to complement .50 cal machine guns. MD Helicopters was awarded a contract in March 2011 for the first six helicopters, with an additional order for a further twelve announced in September 2014.

Oct 8/14: Investigation. The Associated Press reports that the US Dept. of Justice Department is looking into allegations that a former Army Colonel gave MD Helicopters inside information to help them win key foreign contracts that restored their offerings to the global military market. Meanwhile, the contracts remain valid.

“(Retired Col. Bert) Vergez provided [main MD investor Lynn] Tilton with details about upcoming contracts to give her company an advantage over the competition, according to internal company documents obtained by the AP and interviews with people knowledgeable of the investigation but not authorized to discuss the matter…. [his] hiring by Tilton so quickly after hanging up his uniform may have violated rules requiring that federal officials wait a year or more before receiving compensation from a company they dealt with while working for the government…. Vergez, who is no longer employed by MD Helicopters or Patriarch Partners, did not return emails and telephone calls seeking comment.”

Former MD Helicopters employees Philip Marsteller and Robert Swisher have also filed a civil suit against Vergez, Tilton and MD Helicopters / Patriarch Partners under the Federal False Claims Act, a whistleblowing law whose “qui tam” provisions would allow them to receive 10-30% of any judgement rendered. Their claim says that they warned the company that the hiring would be illegal, and notes their concern over the “level of Col. Vergez’ subservience to Tilton and his continuing involvement in MD’s Army contracts.” Sources: US Dept. of Justice, “The False Claims Act: A Primer” [PDF] | AP Big Story, “Company wins new contracts despite federal probe”.

Oct 1/14: Arm 17. MD Helicopters, Inc. in Mesa, AZ receives a maximum $44.2 million firm-fixed-price, unfinalized contract for the Afghan Air Force, to arm 17 of their MD-530F helicopters. The fleet order for enough MD-530Fs is already in place (q.v. Sept 26/14), and they’ve already created that modification: the MD-530G. $21.7 million is committed immediately.

The MD-530G is the right kind of helicopter to make a difference on Afghanistan’s battlefield, in an environment where the Afghan military is doing most of the fighting. Can they keep the helicopters running and supplied with working weapons, pilot them effectively, and hold enough ground to let the MD-530Gs work? Time will tell.

Work will be performed in Mesa, AZ with an estimated completion date of Sept 29/15. One bid was solicited with 1 received by US Army Contracting Command at Redstone Arsenal, AL (W58RGZ-14-C-0081). See also AIN, “MD Helicopters To Supply ‘Cayuse Warrior’ for Afghan Force”.

Arm them

Sept 26/14: MD Helicopters, Inc. in Mesa, AZ receives a $35.7 million firm-fixed-price contract modification, exercising an option for 12 more Afghan MD-530F primary trainer helicopters, bringing announced orders to 18. Meanwhile, MD Helicopters has been finalizing its MD-530G armed scout model/ conversion. All funds are committed immediately.

Work will be performed in Mesa, AZ, with an estimated completion date of Sept 29/15. US Army Contracting Command in Redstone Arsenal, AL is the contracting agency. The contract was announced on this date, but awarded Sept 19/14 (W58RGZ-11-C-0070, PO 0019).

12 more

May 8/12: Sub-contractors. For each new Afghan MD-530F, Cobham Aerospace Communications will supply 4 of its N301A audio controllers; Cobham Antenna Systems will provide VHF communications, VOR/LOC/GS V-Dipole, DME, and Navigation Splitter Antennas; and Cobham Commercial Systems will supply an Artex C406-2HM emergency locator transmitter. Cobham plc [PDF] | Arabian Aerospace.

Feb 21/12: A US Army article discusses the training process and personnel involved in the MD-530F effort.

Sept 13/11: MD Helicopters, Inc. presents the first 3 Afghan MD-530Fs to the U.S. Army, as part of the Rotary Wing Primary Training Aircraft-Afghanistan Program.

Sept 7/11: MD Helicopters, Inc. in Mesa, AZ receives a $14.2 million firm-fixed-price contract modification to provide logistics support and flight training devices for the Afghan Air Force’s MD 530Fs. Work will be performed in Shindand, Afghanistan, with an estimated completion date of March 31/16. One bid was solicited for this, with one bid received by U.S. Army Contracting Command in Redstone Arsenal, AL (W58RGZ-11-C-0070).


March 14/11: MD Helicopters, Inc. in Mesa, AZ wins an initial $19.9 million firm-fixed-price contract for 6 new primary training helicopters, 2 corresponding flight training devices, and critical spare parts for the Afghan Air Force.

That initial order could reach as many as 54 helicopters over the life of the 4 year contract, giving it an implicit value of up to $180 million. Work will be performed in Mesa, AZ with an estimated completion date of March 31/16. The U.S. Army Contracting Command at Redstone Arsenal, AL solicited 9 bids, with 4 bids received (W58RGZ-11-C-0070).

First 6 helicopters and infrastructure

Readers with corrections, comments, or information to contribute are encouraged to contact DID’s Founding Editor, Joe Katzman. We understand the industry – you will only be publicly recognized if you tell us that it’s OK to do so.

Categories: Defence`s Feeds

The displaced Nigerians facing death from hunger

BBC Africa - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 01:06
Aid agencies are warning of a growing humanitarian crisis in north-eastern Nigeria, where more than two million people have been displaced by the Boko Haram insurgency.
Categories: Africa

Tenmat Exhibiting at SMM 2016

Naval Technology - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 01:00
Tenmat will be present at SMM 2016 at Hamburg Messe und Congress (HMC) from 6-9 September 2016.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Karel Doorman Joint Logistic Support Ship

Naval Technology - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 01:00
Karel Doorman is a joint logistic support ship designed and built by Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding (DSNS), for the Royal Netherlands Navy.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Hétvégi repülőnapok, érdekességek

Air Power Blog - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 00:48

Két kedves olvasóm-kommentelőm is a segítségemre sietett, hogy ne maradjak repülőnap-tudósítás nélkül a hétvégén. Köszönet Szabolcsnak és Leventének!

A Svéd Hadsereg IRIS-T SLS-ét Bv414-esre tervezik, meglehetősen egyszerű kivitelű, és törékenynek tűnő indítóra (standard konténerméretű menethelyzetben a csomag, a lánctalpas vontatmány hátán), aminek sínjei kísértetiesen hasonlítanak a LAU-7-esre. 

Nagy a tömeg, de így is látszik a jellegzetes Hägglunds-szerelvény.

Az idei szliácsi repülőnap sem telt el defekt nélkül. Most a Patrulla Águilát érte a szerencse...azért szerencse, mert egy ilyen eset súlyos eseménybe is torkollhat. Itt nem ez történt csak várnia kellett a közönségnek az amúgy is luftos repnapon.

Categories: Biztonságpolitika

Espagne: Ciudadanos soutiendra les conservateurs de Mariano Rajoy

RFI (Europe) - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 00:35
Une semaine décisive commence en Espagne, toujours privée de gouvernement. Les conservateurs de Mariano Rajoy, qui ont gagné les élections du mois de juin dernier, mais ne disposent toujours pas de majorité parlementaire, se sont assurés dimanche 28 août du soutien de la formation libérale Ciudadanos.
Categories: Union européenne
