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Kazakhstan/United Kingdom : Rare earths: intelligence firm S-RM keeps tabs on British government prospecting in Kazakhstan

Intelligence Online - mar, 14/05/2024 - 06:00
The signing of a strategic partnership agreement on 24 April by Kazakh foreign minister Murat Nurtleu and his British opposite
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Iran/Iraq/United States : Iraqi Islamic bank seeks US correspondent account after compliance overhaul

Intelligence Online - mar, 14/05/2024 - 06:00
The International Islamic Bank, based in Iraq, is looking to have a correspondent account with a US bank, after receiving
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Yemen : Saleh clan continues to lead anti-Houthi intelligence efforts

Intelligence Online - mar, 14/05/2024 - 06:00
By announcing in the press on 6 May that they had arrested several Yemeni agents from an intelligence cell, the Houthi movement's security services relaunched their hunt for supporters of former Yemeni president Ali Abdallah Saleh.
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

EU enlargements 20 years on : lessons and prospects

Courrier des Balkans - lun, 13/05/2024 - 23:59

Sciences Po - Salons scientifiques, 1 Place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin, 75007 Paris In partnership with the Jacques Delors Institute/Grande Europe
Introduction and Welcome (9h15-10h)
Stéphanie Balme, Director of CERI-Sciences Po Sylvie Mately, Director of Jacques Delors Institute
Keynote Introductory remarks : Eastern Promisses 20 years on Kersti Kaljulaid, Former President of Estonia (tbc)
1. EU ‘transformative power' and Domestic Political Trends in Central Europe (10h – 11h30) (…)

- Agenda /
Catégories: Balkans Occidentaux

Amanpour of CNN supports separatism and terrorism

Foreign Policy Blogs - lun, 13/05/2024 - 22:17

In recent times, the media has demonstrated biased opinions. Many times the interviewer or the media body itself directs the articles it publishes or the interviews it does to show the reality according to its worldview. This is how false or inaccurate news is spread or does not really show the full picture. In the next section, we will discuss one journalist, whose worldview probably interferes with her journalistic work and causes her to distort reality in front of her viewers.

Journalist and TV presenter Christiane Amanpour inserted herself into the Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict after she hosted David Vardinyan, Ruben Vardinyan’s son, in the CNN studio. Ruben Vardinyan is an Armenian billionaire and philanthropist who headed the separatist regime in Karabakh that opposed the rightful Azerbaijani control over the land. Azerbaijan accuses Vardinyan of sabotaging the peace process between Azerbaijan and Armenia. But Vardinyan is not only accused of this accusation but also of crossing the border illegally, financing terrorism, and personally dealing with the Armenian terrorism directed towards Azerbaijan.

According to the evidence, Vardinyan used to cross the border into Karabakh illegally to provide separatist gangs with money and ammunition to use against the Azerbaijani army. The amount of weapons that the Armenian separatists received from Vardinyan is so great that to this day they continue to find the weapons he donated to them. Vardinyan never denied these claims, and even more so. More than once, Vardinyan has been caught threatening the Azerbaijani government, asserting the right of the Armenians and presenting views that even Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan claims are extreme. Vardinyan openly glorified the Armenian terrorists who carried out Operation Nemesis, in which many senior level Azerbaijani officials were murdered, and also threatened: “Anything can happen to the government of Azerbaijan”.

This man is not a freedom fighter or a human rights and peace activist; this man is a terrorist financier and an illegal money launderer. But for some reason, the journalist and TV presenter on behalf of CNN, Christiane Amanpour, interviews Vardinyan’s son and presents him as a poor man, as the victim in the story and basically commits plagiarism here. According to the interview, Vardinyan is on hunger strike, and barely receives phone calls and the conditions of his prison changed for the worse when he was transferred to solitary confinement.

Even when Amanpour did mention the fact that Vardinyan Sr. is accused of financing terrorism and establishing armed groups, the question was what would happen with the quick and transparent trial he requested. I mean, the very fact that Vardinyan acted like a war criminal goes over her head, as if it were a child who stole candy from the store because he didn’t know it was forbidden. It does not correct incorrect facts that Daniel Vardinyan said, for example, that no evidence was found against him when there is an evidentiary evidence that is already published to the general public. Amanpour went so far as to make Vardinyan appear in an interview as a man persecuted for his political views rather than his criminal acts. I have no complaints against Ruben Vardinyan’s son after all any son will protect his father, but the interviewer Christiane Amanpour simply did an injustice in this interview to the truth, to journalistic integrity, and to the Azerbaijani people.

In another interview that Amanpour conducted with the Palestinian ambassador to the UN, Riyad Mansour, she once again changed the picture according to her worldview. Amanpour spoke with Mansour about the situation in Gaza after the Israel Defense Forces began a ground operation in Rafah, the southernmost city in Gaza. In the interview, she presents the Palestinians as poor, those who are forced to deal with an army that occupies their land in a barbaric and unjust manner. The interview echoes that a second Nakba may happen to the Palestinian people (meaning that the Palestinians will flee their land as they fled in the 1948 war), that the Egyptians will not agree to accept the Gazans and the Jordanians will not agree to accept the residents of Judea and Samaria, but she does not talk about the reason why the Palestinians have reached the situation they are in these days.

Why did the IDF enter Rafah? Why is the IDF attacking Gaza at all? Just because the Israelis hate Arabs? No reason? No, there is a reason. On October 7, 2023, Hamas launched a barbaric attack devoid of humanity against the citizens of the State of Israel. Hundreds and even thousands of Gazans breached the border with Israel and tried to slaughter every Jew. They raped women, raped men too, and murdered old people, women, children, and babies. They opened a pregnant woman’s stomach and slaughtered it too. They kidnapped over 250 hostages, from a 90-year-old Holocaust survivor woman to a 10-month-old baby. Hamas started the operation on October 7, but later that day, after the border fence had already been breached, Gazan citizens who are not part of Hamas also entered the territory of Israel, but they simply heard that it was possible to enter Israel, loot property, rape women and murder Jews, so they joined the most murderous act of terrorism in recent years as if they had gone on a spontaneous trip.

In the interview, Amanpour continued and asked about the extremists in the Israeli government, which is so ironic that there is nothing left to say. After all, Israel is a country of law, it listens to international law and it knows that if it violates it, it may pay a heavy price for it in many ways. True, this is the most religious and most right-wing government that has existed in Israel to date. But Amanpour cannot ignore the murderous terrorist attack by Hamas, the largest pogrom perpetrated on Jews since the Holocaust, and instead talk about Israel’s extremism. All this proves without a shadow of a doubt that Christiane Amanpour changes the reality she broadcasts to her viewers according to her personal opinions.

I don’t know why these are Amanpour’s views. Perhaps because of her Iranian origin and the fact that Iran arms both the Palestinians and the Armenians makes her biased. Maybe these are simply opinions like those of the hippies in the 60s in America, according to which the weak is the right. I do not know. What I do know is that Amanpour gives reports that do not reflect reality as it really is and that she constantly supports terrorist separatists.   

Putin cracks down on Defence Ministry after bribery scandal with Shoigu's deputy

Pravda.ru / Russia - lun, 13/05/2024 - 15:01
By nominating a civilian such as Andrei Belousov for the post of the Defence Minister, Vladimir Putin continued the tradition that had developed during his service. General Sergei Ivanov was the first minister appointed by Putin. Ivanov came from intelligence (he headed the military department from 2001 to 2007), and was replaced (under President Dmitry Medvedev) by the former chief tax officer Anatoly Serdyukov. Serdyukov served at the post for five years. Sergei Shoigu, a civil engineer by training and the founder of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, chaired the Defence Ministry in 2012 (he left the post of the Moscow region governor). Andrei Belousov is 65 years old. He has been associated with economics all his life. After graduating from the Department of Economics of the Moscow State University, he took up scientific activities — first at the Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, then at the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of Scientific and Technological Progress of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1990-2006, he served as a senior researcher and head of a laboratory at the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Catégories: Russia & CIS

Putin proposes new Defence Minister amid notorious arrest of Shoigu's deputy

Pravda.ru / Russia - lun, 13/05/2024 - 13:04
Andrei Belousov, who held the position of First Deputy Head of the Cabinet of Ministers, will now become Russia's new Defence Minister. The Federation Council will discuss his candidacy on May 13 and 14. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that it was important to integrate the economy of the power bloc into the country's economy so that it meets the dynamics of the current moment. "The one who is more open to innovation wins on the battlefield," Peskov said. "The Ministry of Defence must be absolutely open to innovation, to all advanced ideas the purpose of economic competitiveness. Apparently, this is why the president picked the candidacy of Andrei Removich Belousov," he noted.
Catégories: Russia & CIS

Article - 10 ways the European Parliament made your life better these last five years

European Parliament - lun, 13/05/2024 - 11:56
Discover the highlights of what the European Parliament has achieved for you in the 2019-2024 legislative term.

Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
Catégories: European Union

China : Secret seminars for Chinese Communist Party future leaders

Intelligence Online - lun, 13/05/2024 - 06:00
The time has come for Chinese President Xi Jinping to train the next generation of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials. According to information gathered on the ground, the presidency and the CCP have begun to identify particularly brilliant and "virtuous"
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

France : France developing own recognition AI for navy special forces

Intelligence Online - lun, 13/05/2024 - 06:00
France's Centre de Développement des Applications de la Défense (CDAD) in Toulon is developing a tool for the automated analysis
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Europe/Malaysia/United States : Malaysian PM's secret list of 'Zionist' defence firms

Intelligence Online - lun, 13/05/2024 - 06:00
Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's officials engaged in a curious dance when their boss visited the Defense Services Asia trade
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

France/Malaysia/United States/Yemen : MEIO left out, Hezbollah ties, changes at Pentagon, purges in Beijing

Intelligence Online - lun, 13/05/2024 - 06:00
France/Malaysia - Malaysian intelligence feels cold shoulder from ParisThe Malaysian External Intelligence Organisation (IO, 25/07/18) recently voiced its frustration with
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

France/United States : French military wants greater insight into US defence technology processes

Intelligence Online - lun, 13/05/2024 - 06:00
Taking some care to be discreet, the French military command opened a small tender in late April in search of
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Afghanistan/Europe : Taliban tightens rules for EU and UN security contractors

Intelligence Online - lun, 13/05/2024 - 06:00
Interested contractors were to have had until 13 May to respond to the call for tenders to secure the European
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Zoom sur Mostar (1/10) | Violences sexistes, l'impensé économique

Courrier des Balkans / Bosnie-Herzégovine - lun, 13/05/2024 - 00:41

En Bosnie-Herzégovine, les femmes qui ont échappé au féminicide doivent aussi subir d'autres formes de violences, notamment économiques. À Mostar, le refuge Žena BiH les aide à reconstruire leur vie.

- Le blog de Téméco • Zoom sur Mostar /
Catégories: Balkans Occidentaux

Folyamatban a horvát MiG-21-Rafale csere

Air Power Blog - sam, 11/05/2024 - 23:59

A MiG-21-es utolsó európai üzemeltetőinél is eljött az idő, el kell búcsúzni a szépséges balalajkától. A horvát légierő hosszas, mondhatni inkább elhúzódó folyamatot követően végül nem amerikai F-16-osokkal, hanem francia Rafale-okkal váltja az öreg szovjet típust.

Két és fél generációnyi különbség egy képen.

191. Eskadrila Lovackih Aviona.

Sajnos csak egy közös áthúzásra futotta a történelmi eseményen a 191. századtól.

Felszállás 04-es irányba.

Mitagadás, hiányozni fog ez a klasszikus forma az európai égről.

Leszállás utáni kigurulás. Jellegzetes zágrábi tájékozódási pontok: a jakuseveci szemétlerakó dombja, mögötte a Száva mellett települt zágrábi hőerőmű 200 méteres kéménye.

Fékernyőoldás előtt pár pillanattal fordul a párhuzamos gurulóra a bemutatón részt vett biszD.

Beépítésre vár 1.

Beépítésre vár 2.

Nemcsak a MiG-21-Rafale csere miatt volt érdemes Zágrábba látogatni. Ott volt ez nyugat-balkáni helikoptersor is, melyben korszerű önvédelmi képességeivel kakukktojás a szlovén Cougar.

Beépítésre vár 3.

Beépítésre vár 4.

A horvát haderő 2018-ban beszerzett izraeli Aeronautics Orbiter 3 harcászati drónja. 


Catégories: Biztonságpolitika

Journées Molière : rencontres littéraires

Courrier des Balkans - sam, 11/05/2024 - 23:59

Nous vous invitons aux Journées Molière, festival qui chaque printemps nous offre une occasion unique de côtoyer des grands noms de la littérature française contemporaine !
Les Journées Molière sont organisées par l'Institut français de Serbie, en coopération avec plusieurs maisons d'édition françaises et serbes mais aussi avec les institutions culturelles et éducatives de différentes villes en Serbie.
Cette année, la 16ème édition des Journées Molière accueillera Andreï Makine, (…)

- Agenda / ,
Catégories: Balkans Occidentaux
