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Press release - Parliament ready for talks on an EU-wide Disability Card

European Parliament - mer, 17/01/2024 - 11:42
Parliament today adopted its mandate for negotiations with the Council on the EU disability card and the parking card for persons with disabilities.
Committee on Employment and Social Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Guide complet : obtenir 1 crédit renouvelable en ligne, étapes et conseils

Aumilitaire.com - mer, 17/01/2024 - 11:26
Découvrez les étapes clés pour obtenir un crédit renouvelable en ligne. Comparaison des offres, simulation, souscription : suivez notre guide pour accéder rapidement à une somme d’argent selon vos besoins financiers. Comment obtenir 1 crédit renouvelable en ligne ? Étapes et processus Dans un contexte économique fluctuant, de nombreuses personnes ont parfois besoin d’un soutien
Catégories: Défense

Quel sera l'impact de l'Arabie Saoudite sur la CAN 2023 ?

BBC Afrique - mer, 17/01/2024 - 10:59
Le nombre de joueurs basés en Arabie Saoudite ayant augmenté, le Royaume pourrait-il avoir un impact important sur la Coupe d'Afrique des Nations 2023 ?
Catégories: Afrique

Quelle est l'importance stratégique du détroit de Mandeb, où les Houthis attaquent les navires en mer Rouge ?

BBC Afrique - mer, 17/01/2024 - 08:51
Le détroit est sous les feux de l'actualité en raison des attaques armées menées par les rebelles houthis du Yémen contre des navires de plusieurs pays empruntant l'une des voies commerciales internationales les plus fréquentées.
Catégories: Afrique

Croatie : pour la « super année électorale » 2024, le pire est-il à venir ?

Courrier des Balkans / Croatie - mer, 17/01/2024 - 08:35

C'est une extrême droite décomplexée qui veut faire le plein aux prochaines élections européennes, législatives et présidentielle. Surfant sur la vague brune mondiale, Most, les Souverainistes et le Mouvement pour la patrie multiplient les sorties racistes et homophobes, en se posant en défenseurs d'une identité croate prétendument menacée. Analyse.

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Catégories: Balkans Occidentaux

L'Italie ne devrait pas sous-traiter à l'Albanie la gestion de ses migrations

Courrier des Balkans / Albanie - mer, 17/01/2024 - 08:34

L'Italie veut délocaliser en Albanie une partie de ses demandeurs d'asile, ce qui constituerait un inquiétant précédent pour l'UE. La Cour constitutionnelle albanaise doit se prononcer sur la légalité de cet accord conclu par Edi Rama et Giorgia Meloni l'automne dernier. Décision repoussée au 24 janvier.

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Catégories: Balkans Occidentaux

Russia/United Kingdom : Monitoring Russia's 'enablers' in the West: are private investigators next?

Intelligence Online - mer, 17/01/2024 - 06:00
The news that British private investigator Andrew Wordsworth had been detained and questioned for several hours after getting off a plane in Bristol sent shockwaves through the close-knit community of his colleagues involved with Russia.According to our information, Wordsworth, who
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Bahrain : Bahrain's cybersecurity agency seeks new training partners

Intelligence Online - mer, 17/01/2024 - 06:00
Bahrain's National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) is investing heavily to increase its capabilities. Until now, the NCSC has struggled to
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

UAE : From Yemen conflict to strategic Abu Dhabi fund, Zayed bin Hamdan bin Zayed's ascent owes nothing to chance

Intelligence Online - mer, 17/01/2024 - 06:00
Although he sometimes still walks with crutches, Prince Zayed bin Hamdan bin Zayed al-Nahyan is rising nimbly through Abu Dhabi's
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

France : Fake spies: how Renault distanced French intelligence for fear of China

Intelligence Online - mer, 17/01/2024 - 06:00
The trial opening this Wednesday of former Renault employees and consultants accused of orchestrating an intelligence swindle illustrates how relations
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

United States : Strange foreign lobbying registration exposes FARA vulnerabilities

Intelligence Online - mer, 17/01/2024 - 06:00
The denial by the Rwanda National Police (RNP) on 6 January that it had retained a cybersecurity practitioner to advocate for it,
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

UAE/United Kingdom : Templar Executives, Zenobia, Michael Lynch

Intelligence Online - mer, 17/01/2024 - 06:00
London - Templar Executives' double lossInvestigation and cybersecurity advisory Templar Executives saw two of its directors leave at the end
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

United States : Trump Super PAC doles out payments to mysterious shell companies

Intelligence Online - mer, 17/01/2024 - 06:00
Donald Trump's Super PAC for his 2024 presidential campaign has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to two mysterious shell
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Canada/France : French diplomat Marjorie Vanbaelinghem to land in New Brunswick after Irsem ousting

Intelligence Online - mer, 17/01/2024 - 06:00
Marjorie Vanbaelinghem, the former director of the French armed forces think-tank Irsem, is to be appointed consul general in Moncton, in the Canadian province of New Brunswick, Intelligence Online has learned.
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

How the War in Gaza Revived the Axis of Resistance

Foreign Affairs - mer, 17/01/2024 - 06:00
Iran and its allies are fighting with missiles and memes.

How Ukraine Can Regain Its Edge

Foreign Affairs - mer, 17/01/2024 - 06:00
Technology and the element of surprise can put Russia on the back foot.

[Interview] Ex-UK envoy to Yemen: Houthis using Gaza to mask own agenda

Euobserver.com - mar, 16/01/2024 - 21:19
The Houthi militant group in Yemen is using the Gaza war to mask its own wild agenda, a former British diplomat has said, as the EU prepares to join the US in Red Sea clashes.
Catégories: European Union

Accessory to Casus Belli

Foreign Policy Blogs - mar, 16/01/2024 - 17:28


The end of 2023 became a demonstration of how bad policy had lead to the most evident atrocities ever documented in recorded history. What prevents many of these modern conflicts from spiralling out of control was a relatively new form of AI, in advanced missile systems that are capable of intercepting air and ballistic missile threats in many forms. In order to counter this AI, regressive technical systems such as drones were massed in order to overwhelm such systems and protract conflicts further, as without a serious threat, conflicts would not escalate past a certain point. Even with these numerous threats, many missile systems have functioned successfully, with an established strategy being used as a method to incur greater economic and supply costs on the defenders while prolonging the conflict even further. Missile defence worked in reducing conflict, as it reduced the losses to the defending party and lowered the demand for a forceful response to the initial attacks. Without such effective missile defence, a country would have few options but to react with force to the initial act under their rights to respond to Casus Belli.

The importance of missile defence does not only play a key role in policy decisions for military and political leaders, but often can be the main component of a security situation that limits or prevents greater conflicts from escalating past a point of no return. Such great importance should be placed on missile defence that actions taken by opposing forces, third parties, or even allies that aids or assists the diminishment of such a defence should be considered as an act that actively contributes to a conflict, where the results of such actions are known or should have been known to the contributing party. Acting as an accessory to Casus Belli ties the parties to the act of war itself, and should be met with legal responses, sanctions, or a defensive response. Such actions should be prevented using clear measures.

The funding of rogue nations and coercive third parties are one of the main sources of funds that enable and motivate many acts of violence in the past and is a significant threat in 2024. Often such actions have been established over a number of years, and work within a cooperative framework in normally democratic countries to fund and promote regimes in countries that are anything but democratic. These subversive acts benefit few people in the democratic infrastructure, and operate in such a manner to not only give access to funds abroad for nefarious groups, but corrupt systems and institutions in the democratic West linked to such entities. Fines and investigations on such actions often expose certain large financial institutions and their contributions to acts of violence, and have even exposed international organisations for being linked to the acts directly. A legal precedent already exists in aiding in the propagation of war, but the law of often ignored and not applied in countries where the Government is passively supporting/actively ignoring the financial ties of a few individuals to the conflict.

The allowance of knowledge and equipment to be exported to rogue states and organisations that are linked to crimes against humanity are also a key contributor to conflicts that escalate into larger wars. Much of the terror weapons used against civilians in places like Ukraine were built on commercial technologies exported to rogue countries, with little being done about the exchange well after it was known to have been used to target civilians. While the West has spent Billions to support their allies, the other end of those same economies have been exporting and profiting from weapons parts production and have funded the further production of adversarial weaponry through the third party purchase of energy products from their key adversary. Even with the knowledge that many of their adversaries are also oppressing their own people for demonstrating their own popular support for our values, Western nations have worked in conjunction with abusive regimes who oppress local movements while enabling acts of war abroad. If knowledge of such material support for acts of war is discovered, it should stop immediately. If it was known and was supported through weapons sales, parts sales and direct purchasing of sanctioned energy products, it should be met with fierce legal consequences domestically, internationally and via the countries that have suffered from the act of war themselves. Countries who have been attacked will never be able to acquiesce to threats as they have no other option but to protect their own citizenry from act of war. It is their obligation to seek justice for their own citizens under International Law. Avoiding their obligations could make them culpable to the crime itself.

Along with the passive support of conflict through the sale of weapon parts above, the active sale of weapons that enable civilians to be harmed must be met with the coercive obligations countries have to protect their citizens and those of peaceful countries from direct and immediate threats to peace. If a country seeks to prohibit or limit conflict, missile defence in the theatre of war must be married to not only an active financial and material restriction on supporting the initiant to a conflict, but must seek to disrupt the production of such weapons if that capability is available. Known threats to shipping and population centres that initiate Casus Belli, also includes the production facilities of such weapons, even if not in the immediate theatre. Handling such threats before such weapons engage military and civilian targets alike will prevent wider conflicts and demonstrate consequences for third parties in their contribution to violence in the region. It is often the case that if you destroy the roots of the foundation of a conflict, the wider conflict becomes more manageable. Until such actions are taken, the situation will almost certainly become worse for all parties involved, especially the innocent.

Highlights - Presentation of Western Balkans Facility proposal - Committee on Foreign Affairs

On Wednesday 24 January 2024, Members from the AFET and BUDG Committees will hear the Commission present its proposal for a regulation establishing the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans. Its purpose is to set up a new financing instrument to provide EUR 6 billion to the countries of the Western Balkans, consisting of EUR 2 billion in grants and EUR 4 billion in highly concessional loans.
The proposal is modelled on the Ukraine Facility. Disbursement of funds would be conditional on the implementation of structural reforms, e.g. the rule of law or anti-corruption, to be identified in national reform agendas. The creation of the Facility is conditional on the EU's long term framework (multiannual financial framework 2021-207) mid-term revision. The proposal also overlaps considerably with IPA III, the main EU instrument to promote pre-accession reforms in the countries of the Western Balkans.
Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans - Regulation proposal
Procedure file
Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
Catégories: Europäische Union

Highlights - Presentation of Western Balkans Facility proposal - Committee on Foreign Affairs

On Wednesday 24 January 2024, Members from the AFET and BUDG Committees will hear the Commission present its proposal for a regulation establishing the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans. Its purpose is to set up a new financing instrument to provide EUR 6 billion to the countries of the Western Balkans, consisting of EUR 2 billion in grants and EUR 4 billion in highly concessional loans.
The proposal is modelled on the Ukraine Facility. Disbursement of funds would be conditional on the implementation of structural reforms, e.g. the rule of law or anti-corruption, to be identified in national reform agendas. The creation of the Facility is conditional on the EU's long term framework (multiannual financial framework 2021-207) mid-term revision. The proposal also overlaps considerably with IPA III, the main EU instrument to promote pre-accession reforms in the countries of the Western Balkans.
Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans - Regulation proposal
Procedure file
Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
Catégories: European Union
