Highlights from North Korea’s first airshow:
With the acquisition of Force Protection by General Dynamics in November 2011, future purchases will be covered under “General Dynamics MRAPs: Partners and Purchases.”
The Cougar family of medium-sized blast-protected vehicles is produced in both 4-wheel (formerly Cougar H) and 6-wheel (formerly Cougar HE) layouts. Eventually, the wisdom of using survivable vehicles in a theater where land mines were the #1 threat became clearer, and these vehicles have gradually shifted from dedicated engineer and Explosives Ordnance Disposal (EOD) roles to patrol and route-proving/ convoy lead functions as well. Related variants and blast-resistant designs are also produced in response to country-specific requirements (Wolfhound, Mastiff, Ridgeback, ILAV Badger) and other designs cover different operational needs (Buffalo mine-clearance, Cheetah, Ocelot, and JAMMA patrol vehicles). To date, the firm has received orders from Britain, Canada, France, Hungary, Italy, Iraq, and Yemen; and Poland operates some on loan from the USA. Front line testimonials offer evidence of their effectiveness.
Cougar orders predate the USA’s MRAP program to rush mine-resistant vehicles to the front lines; indeed, the performance of Force Protection’s vehicles on the front lines was probably the #1 trigger for the MRAP program’s existence. This FOCUS article describes Force Protection’s vehicles and corporate performance, which became an issue in recent years. It also covers key events and procurements around the world related to Force Protection’s Cougar (MRAP CAT I & II), Buffalo (MRAP CAT III), and related blast-resistant vehicle families.
The Cougar Vehicles Cougar 4×4Unlike the Hummer, Cougar vehicles are designed to withstand a 30-pound blast of TNT to either the front or rear axles, or a 15-pound blast to the center portion of the vehicle. Ballistic protection is also installed for the radiator, fuel tanks, and battery compartments. Each vehicle is equipped with weapons ports, a M-240G machine gun mount, engineer/ Explosive Ordinance Disposal tool storage, 2 spare tires, and a Nuclear, Biological and Chemical overpressure and filter system that also works very well as air conditioning. As their site puts it, 4 full inches of ballistic glass in the viewing ports et. al. “help you see what hit you.”
These are not small vehicles. The Cougar is substantially larger than a HMMWV, with heavier armor and features like a V-hull designed specifically to help it survive mine blasts. As the amusing web page by manufacturer Force Protection puts it: “Drop your purse, it’s not a Hummer.”
The M1114 up-armored Hummers have an empty “curb weight” of around 9,000 pounds, and a top weight of about 12,000 pounds. The comparable Cougar 4×4 MRAP CAT 1 weighs 31,000 empty (“curb weight”), with a maximum recommended weight when fully loaded of 38,000 pounds (“gross vehicle weight, or GVW). It usually carries 4 troops, plus the front 2 seats.
Cougar 6×6The larger Cougar 6×6 MRAP CAT II has a curb weight of 38,000 pounds, and a GVW of 52,000 pounds. They can carry 8 troops plus the front 2 seats, These vehicles can be customized for multiple tasks including troop transport, mine and explosive ordnance disposal, command and control, reconnaissance and as a lead convoy vehicle.
An even larger and more awe-inspiring relative, the Buffalo, is also deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan as a mine-disposal vehicle. Its signature feature has given it a nickname: “The Claw.”
Testing, testing…The Cougar family’s added weight, and designed-in protection, make a difference. As one June 2007 USMC.MIL story describes it:
“I’ve had two IEDs go off on me in the last two weeks,” said [Staff Sgt. Timothy Kessler of C Company, 2nd Combat Engineer Battalion, Regimental Combat Team 6], whose unit has been hit at least six times so far since the beginning of his tour. The largest explosion detonated under the right front tire of the vehicle.
“It blew my fenders off, it blew the front bumper about 30 meters away. We never did find the fenders, but all the Marines inside the vehicle were OK.”
“The other blast was again under the right tire. We sustained minor damage and it fragged my window up a little bit,” said Kessler.
Although the MRAP vehicle Kessler was riding in survived the attacks, it is very likely that a humvee would have sustained catastrophic damage.”
Cougar interiorOn March 1/07, the Cougar’s success in theater led The Commandant of the US Marine Corps, Gen. James Conway to submit a Memorandum to the US Joint Chiefs of Staff [PDF]. It traces the history of program growth for MRAP vehicles, including a significant acceleration in 2006 from a request for 185 vehicles in May to 4,060 vehicles by November. It listed MRAP vehicles as his #1 unfunded priority, and added that:
“Based on the recognition of significantly reduced lethal and severe injuries in MRAP vs. the HMMWV, on 2 January 2007, commander, MARCENT requested support for a policy change that would provide MRAP level protection for all Marines operating outside the wire in MNF-W[1] . Under this policy, limited use of Armored HMMWV’s [sic] will be authorized in specific tactical situations where the operational characteristics of HMMWV are required. On 6 February 2007, the MROC (Marines Requirements Oversight Council) validated a Marine Corps requirement of 3700 vehicles in support of this policy.”
The USMC subsequently requested 3,700 vehicles under the 7,774-vehicle MRAP program (since expanded to 15,274 and then 15,771). They remain the lead acquisition service for MRAP, but Force Protection slipped from the US military’s #1 provider to #3 – and only became a more distant 3rd place as the competition continued. US MRAP candidates and orders included:
Manufacturer CAT I CAT II Notes Navistar MaxxProWon MMPV with RG-33L derivative.
Force Protection Cougar 4×4 Cougar 6×6 Buffalo MRAP CAT-III sole-source. Also received orders before MRAP began. General Dynamics RG-31 Mk.5/ RG-31A2 RG-31 Mk.5E Partnered with BAE OMC, Canadian government CCC. Also received ordersIn order to maintain its momentum, Force Protection would need another success. It had invested some of its earnings to develop a smaller, lighter vehicle called the Cheetah. Weighing in at just 14,000 pounds empty, its size (89″ tall x 88″ wide x 212″ long) and mass allow a CH-53 helicopter to lift it from ship to shore, and also offer easier transport in amphibious ships. A cruise speed of 75 mph helps the Cheetah live up to its moniker, while its turning radius of 30 feet gives it the ability to maneuver in confined spaces like urban battlefields. Lighter, smaller vehicles do mean less protection, even with a v-hull design. Nevertheless, Force Protection claims that the Cheetah can withstand a 15 pound/ 7 kg TNT blast anywhere under the vehicle, 30 pounds/ 13.65 kg under the wheels, or 50 pounds/ 22 kg if detonated 6.5 feet/ 2 meters to the side.
The firm saw the Cheetah as its future, and several customers expressed interest or undertook evaluations. With funds and attention devoted to larger MRAP class vehicles, however, no-one bought any. Force Protection’s real goal was the JLTV program, which would replace many of the US military’s Hummers and could see orders for 60,000 or more vehicles. Cheetah had been ready for some time, much earlier than its competitors; its failure to secure an initial stage JLTV development contract in late 2008 was a shock to the firm. In response, Force Protection expanded its Force Dynamics alliance with General Dynamics to include the Cheetah, in order to compete for interim-buy MRAP-ATV contracts that seek lighter blast-resistant vehicles.
Unfortunately, that fell through as well, leaving the Cheetah with no initial customer.
FP’s JAMMAEfforts to develop vehicles for foreign customers have been more successful. Distinct Cougar 6×6 variants serve with Iraq as the ILAV/Badger, and with the British Army as the more heavily protected Mastiff or Mastiff 2. The British also operate smaller 4×4 “Ridgback” variants. The British also worked with Force Protection to develop a specialty 6×6 flatbed truck version called the Wolfhound, then served as the variant’s lead customer. Read “UK Land Forces Order Cougar Family Vehicles” for more.
Another follow-on vehicle called the JAMMA is optimized for Special Forces use, and has the distinction of being transportable in the V-22 Osprey‘s low compartment.
Ocelot modularityA British partnership has also developed the Ocelot, an entirely new vehicle design in the Cheetah’s weight class. Force Protection claims that its Ocelot exceeds the required LPPV mine protection level and offers protection similar to the 6×6 Mastiff Cougar variant, while still meeting LPPV targets for mobility, payload, size and gross vehicle weight. It is now the preferred bidder for that contract, continuing its remarkable strak of success in Britain.
Ocelot is a modular design with a core automotive armored spine or “skateboard,” and a composite special-to-role pod. Center of gravity is low, as all the heavy items are contained within the V-shaped skateboard: the Steyr 3.2 litre straight six diesel powerpack, propshaft, 6-speed ZF gearbox, AxelTech differentials, fuel tank and all the suspension gear, except for a torsion bar which is mounted alongside the hull. The V-shape design results in the running gear not intruding into the crew area, making movement from front to back easier and improving protection levels. Bulkheads between vehicle crew and dismounts, and between crew and electronic equipment such as radios and jammers, give added protection. Current add-on pods include patrol, fire support, or protected logistics vehicle, and the patrol vehicle pod seats 2 crew and 4 dismounts. The pods can be swapped out in the field as the need requires. Access is through large rear doors, 2 top hatches, or an oversize commander’s door. Ocelot can reportedly be airlifted in a C-130 Hercules aircraft, or even a CH-47 Chinook heavy-lift helicopter.
Winning either the British LPPV or Australia’s Overlander PMV-L competitions would allow Ocelot to establish a solid foothold in the light patrol vehicle market.
Cougar Family: Related Contracts & Events Wolfhound TSVWith the acquisition of Force Protection by General Dynamics, future purchases will be covered under “General Dynamics MRAPs: Partners and Purchases.”
Unless otherwise indicated, all contracts are issued by the Marine Corps Systems Command (MARSYSCOM) in Quantico, VA to Force Protection Industries Inc. in Ladson, SC. Note that many maintenance contracts are connected with specific American MRAP Program delivery orders. The first order was for test vehicles; subsequent orders under that contract (M67854-07-D-5031) include:
#002: 60 CAT I Cougar 4x4s and 65 CAT II Cougar 6x6s
#003: 300 CAT I and 700 CAT II
#004: 395 CAT I and 60 CAT II
#005: 25 CAT I and 100 CAT II
#006: 553 CAT I and 247 CAT II
#007: 178 CAT I and 180 CAT II
#012: 1,862 vehicles: Oshkosh TAK-4 suspension kits
These listed orders do not count Buffalo MRAP Class III mine-clearance vehicles, which are sole-sourced, or orders outside the USA. Both of those order types are covered below as they happen.
October 5/16: A second batch of mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicles have been delivered to Egypt under the US Excess Defense Articles grant program. While the exact number of vehicles delivered remains unknown, the original shipment contained 762 MRAPs. First used for US operations in Afghanistan, the vehicles will give enhanced levels of protection to Egyptian soldiers tackling Islamist militants in the Sinai desert.
Nov 7/11: General Dynamics Land Systems, who has partnered with Force Protection to build the Cougar MRAP, takes the next step, as the parent firm agrees to buy Force Protection, Inc. for $5.52 per share of common stock, or approximately $360 million.The move gives General Dynamics a lineup of blast-resistant patrol and de-mining vehicles to call its own, which is something the firm has never had. Force Protection | General Dynamics.
Nov 7/11: Force Protection announces its Q3 2011 financial results.
For Q3 2011, the firm reported net sales of $143.6 million (Q3 2010: $176.3M), but a 22.3% gross margin (Q3 2010: 19%) and the absence of an $8.5 million settlement help the firm return to profitability. Operating income was $6.8 million (Q3 2010: -1.9M, or $6.9M without settlement), and net income was $4.5 million.
Nov 1/11: Force Protection announces a $185.9 million firm-fixed-price contract modification from US Army TACOM for another 167 Buffalo A2 Mine Protected Clearance Vehicles, and 102 Buffalo A2 (LROD aluminum) Bar Armor Kits. Work is to be performed in Ladson, SC, with deliveries extending to April 2014 (W56HZV-08-C-0028).
In their release, current CEO Michael Moody also cites Full Material Release and authorization to proceed to Full Rate Production for the Buffalo program. Their release comes 8 days ahead of the Pentagon’s own contract announcement, for reasons that soon become clear.
Sept 23/11: A $16.9 million firm-fixed-priced contract modification for 961 fuel protection kits, and 8 sets of MRAP Capability Insertion Enhanced and Inspect or Repair only-as-necessary tools. Work will be performed in Charleston, SC, and is expected to be complete no later than March 30/12. $5.3 million will expire at the end of the current fiscal year, on Sept 30/11 (M67854-07-D-5031). See also Force Protection.
Sept 1/11: Force Protection and CAE formally bid a modified Cougar 6×6 “Timberwolf” for Canada’s TAPV competition.
Aug 24/11: Force Protection bids a variant of its Ocelot vehicle for Australia’s Special Operations Vehicles – Commando (Project JP 2097 Phase 1B/ REDFIN competition. The Ocelot is also getting a look as part of Australia’s Overlander program, Phase 4, as a Protected Mobility Vehicle – Light (PMV-L) competitor.
Aug 5/11: Executive shuffles. Force Protection makes a a couple of leadership moves. Philip Ciarlo becomes Chief of Operations, after serving as VP, Sourcing at Lockheed Martin Mission Systems and Sensors. He also spent more than 20 years in GE.
COO Randy Hutcherson goes back to his roots as Chief of Business Development, a new position for the company. He joined Force Protection in 2009 as EVP, Programs, Global Sales and Business Development, after a career at EADS North America that included their aerial tanker bid. CEO Michael Moody said that:
“We have several large programs we are pursuing in which important customer decisions are expected in the coming months and expect that further requirements for the Company’s products and services are likely to be defined in the near to mid-term.”
June 29/11: A $63.8 million firm-fixed-price contract for 56 Buffalo A2 mine-clearance vehicles, and 56 accompanying bar armor kits. Buffalos use BAE’s LROD aluminum bar armor kit.
Work will be performed in Ladson, SC, with an estimated completion date of Nov 1/12, though Force Protection expects to have them all built by July 31/12. One bid was solicited with one bid received by the U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM) in Warren, MI (W56HZV-08-C-0028). Force Protection release.
June 23/11: A $7.5 million firm-fixed-price contract modification for a 6-month renewal of 55 field service representatives to conduct general maintenance and upgrade operations in Afghanistan. Work is expected to be completed by Dec 31/11, but all contract funds will expire at the end of the current fiscal year, on Sept 30/11 (M67854-07-D-5031).
June 15/11: An $8.1 million firm-fixed-price contract modification for a 6-month renewal of 43 field service representatives to support operations at Vehicle Support Facility-Afghanistan. Work will be performed in Afghanistan, and is expected to be completed by Dec 31/11, but all contract funds will expire at the end of the current fiscal year, on Sept 30/11 (M67854-07-D-5031).
See also Force Protection release. Service and support contracts almost always exceed the value of the initial purchase contracts over time, and with production activities slowed considerably, support contracts like these are a critical source of revenue for the firm.
June 14/11: A $14.4 million firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/ indefinite-quantity contract modification for a 6-month renewal of 87 field service representatives and accompanying equipment to install spall liner blanket kits, independent suspension kits, modernization safety kits and conduct general maintenance on the Cougar MRAP fleet in Afghanistan. Work is expected to be completed by Dec 31/11, but all contract funds will expire at the end of the current fiscal year, on Sept 30/11 (M67854-07-D-5031).
May 2/11: A $106.9 million firm-fixed-price contract modification for 1,000 of Oshkosh’s TAK-4 Independent Suspension System kits: 650 for Cougar 4x4s, and 350 for Cougar 6x6s. Delivery of the kits is expected to begin in the Company’s Q3 2011.
Work will be performed in Oshkosh, WI (95%, indicating that most of the contract’s value is Oshkosh’s), and Ladson, SC (5%), and is expected to be complete no later than Dec 31/11. $1.4 million in FY 2009 Other Procurement Air Force funds for the project will expire at the end of the current fiscal year (M67854-07-D-5031). See also Force Protection release.
April 29/11: An $18.8 million firm-fixed-price contract modification for 1,103 Cougar fuel tank protection modernization kits.
Work will be performed in Ladson, SC, and is expected to be complete no later than Dec 31/11. Contract funds will expire at the end of the current fiscal year, on Sept 30/11 (M67854-07-D-5031). See also Force Protection release.
April 6/11: Force Protection announces a $46.6 million Foreign Military Sale (FMS) for 40 Buffalo MRAP-III clearance vehicles. All work under this contract will be performed in Ladson, SC and is expected to be complete by September 30, 2011. US MARSYSCOM manages the sale on behalf of its FMS client, which is not named (M67854-11-C-5063).
March 30/11: An $11.4 million firm-fixed-price contract modification for a 10-month renewal of 46 field service representatives to install liner blanket kits, install modernization safety kits, and conduct general maintenance work on the Cougar Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle fleet. All work will be performed in Afghanistan and Iraq, and will be completed by Dec 31/11. All contract funds will expire at the end of the current fiscal year, on Sept 30/11 (M67854-07-D-5031).
March 9/11: Force Protection, Inc. releases its Q4 and full-year 2010 financial statements for the 12 months ended Dec 31/10. Lower spares and sustainment and vehicle sales were partially offset by increased modernization revenues. Net Sales were $656.0 million (2009: $977.1M), with Operating Income of $23.4 million (2009: $43.3M) and Net Income of $15.2 million (2009: $29.5M). Gross margin was 20.4% (2009: 16.5% without the Cheetah vehicle writeoff).
The firm’s year-end cash balance sits at $150 million, and more than $1 billion in new 2010 orders allowed them to enter 2011 with more than $560 million in funded backlog. Approximately three-quarters of this amount is expected to be recognized in 2011.
Separately, the board of directors has authorized Force Protection to repurchase up to $20 million of its common stock.
Cougar w. IED jammerDec 16/10: Force Protection Industries, Inc. announces that it has broken the $1 billion mark for business in 2010. Of the orders received, approximately 53% were associated with modernization, spares and and maintenance for the company’s 4,500+ vehicles worldwide, while new vehicle orders accounted for about 47%.
Dec 15/10: A $13.4 million firm-fixed-price contract modification for 87 MRAP field service representatives. Work will be performed in Kuwait, and the option runs until June 30/11. Contract funds will expire at the end of the current fiscal year, on Sept 30/11 (M67854-07-D-5031).
Dec 3/10: A $17.4 million firm-fixed-price contract modification for a 12-month renewal of 54 field service representatives to provide the full spectrum of support, modernization, and upgrade work on the Cougar Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle fleet. Work will be performed in Kuwait, and th renewal will expire on by Dec 31/11 (M67854-07-D-5031). See also Force Protection release.
Nov 29/10: As expected, Britain signs a GBP 180 million (about $300 million) contract with Force Protection Europe and their partner Ricardo plc, buying 200 Ocelot LPPVs. The vehicles will be known as Foxhounds in British service. UK MoD | British Forces News (video) | Force Protection | Defense News.
Nov 3/10: Force Protection, Inc. announces its Q3 2010 results. Full details can be found in the release, but net sales have dropped about 45% from Q3 2009, and the firm reports a slight net loss of $1.9 million for the quarter. FY 2010 9-month net income is $4.0 million so far.
As of September 30, 2010, the Company’s cash and inventories were $105.4 million and $85.9 million, respectively. In addition, accounts receivable was $186.6 million, including $105.8 million of earned but unbilled receivables, and accounts payable was $95.7 million.
Oct 1/10: Force Protection Inc. announces an agreement to settle 2 shareholder lawsuits, subject to court approval and certain other conditions.
A $24 million settlement covers the consolidated shareholder securities class action entitled In re Force Protection, Inc. Securities Litigation, Consolidated Civil Action No. 2:08-cv-845-CWH, pending in the U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina against the Company and a number of the Company’s former directors and/or officers. Most of the settlement will be covered by insurance.
A related shareholder derivative action pending in the same federal court, In re Force Protection, Inc. Derivative Litigation, Civil Action No. 2:08-1907-CWH, is settled for $2.25 million from insurance, plaintiffs’ attorney’s fees and expenses up to $2.3 million, and the adoption of certain corporate governance practices.
Sept 30/10: A $6.5 million firm-fixed-price contract modification for a 3 month extension of 55 field service representatives to complete independent suspension system kit installation on the Cougar MRAP fleet. Work is expected to be complete by Dec 31/10 (M67854-07-D-5031).
This brings announces Cougar ISS related contracts to $462.2M.
Sept 22/10: The UK MoD picks the Force Protection Europe partnership as their preferred bidder for its Light Protected Patrol Vehicle program, as its Ocelot beats Supacat/NP Aerospace’s SPV 400. Past reports have suggested an initial buy of around 200 vehicles, and Urgent Operational Requirements contract negotiations will now begin. Read “Blast Breakers: UK Land Forces Order Force Protection’s Vehicles” for the full report.
Sept 20/10: Force Protection Industries, Inc. in Ladson, SC receives a $5.5 million firm-fixed-price contract modification for a 3-month extension of 70 field service representatives to complete independent suspension system kit installation on the Cougar MRAP fleet. When DID adds up all of the announced contracts that directly revolve around Cougar ISS upgrades, they add up to about $457.7 million (158.1 + 21.9 + 58 + 58.6 + 26.2 + 82.3 + 17.25 + 19.6 + 10.2 + 5.5).
All work will be performed in Kuwait, and is expected to be complete by Dec 3/10. All contract funds will expire at the end of the current fiscal year, on Sept 30/10 (M67854-07-D-5031).
Aug 24/10: The US Congressional Research Service releases the latest version [PDF] of its report “Mine-Resistant, Ambush-Protected (MRAP) Vehicles: Background and Issues for Congress. Excerpts:
“As of June 28, 2010, more than 8,500 MRAPs had reportedly been shipped to Afghanistan, with over 3,500 of those being the newer M-ATVs. The Army has recently said that it will begin development of yet another MRAP version – the “Ultra-Lite MRAP” – which raises questions about possible vehicle redundancies. The Marines, although voicing support for the M-ATV program, have retrofitted a number of MRAPs with new suspension systems and reportedly are satisfied with the results. This apparent success calls into question not only if the Marines need all of the M-ATVs allocated to them by DOD but also if the Marines’ retrofitted suspension system might be a more cost-effective alternative for the other services… Among potential issues for congressional consideration are the status of almost 5,000 MRAPS in Afghanistan that are reportedly not being used because of their size and weight.”
In terms of overall budgets:
“Through FY2010, Congress appropriated $34.95 billion for all versions of the MRAP. In March 2010, DOD reprogrammed an additional $3.9 billion from the Overseas Contingency Operations fund to MRAP procurement. Congress approved an additional $1.2 billion for MRAP procurement, included in the FY2010 Supplemental Appropriations Act (P.L. 111-212). The full FY2011 DOD budget request of $3.4 billion for the MRAP Vehicle Fund has been authorized by the House (H.R. 5136).”
Aug 19/10: A $64.1 million firm-fixed-price contract modification for 1,946 seat survivability upgrade kits and the associated integration and installation on the Cougar CAT I A1 MRAP vehicles.
The installations will be performed in Afghanistan (80%), Kuwait (5%), and on vehicles at home stations in the U.S. (15%). Work is expected to be completed by February 2011 (M67854-07-D-5031). See also Force Protection release.
Aug 17/10: A $14.6 million firm-fixed-price contract modification under previously awarded contract (M67854-07-D-5031) to purchase 43 field service representatives and standard consumable kits to support operations at Vehicle Support Facility-Afghanistan. All work will be performed in Afghanistan, and is expected to be complete by June 30/11. All contract funds will expire at the end of the current fiscal year, on Sept 30/10. See also Force Protection release.
Aug 17/10: DoD Buzz reports that the US Army’s latest Tactical Vehicle Strategy looks like bad news for the JLTV, with small buys spaced over time to equip deployed units. Bottom line?
“Here’s the basic plan. Overall, the Army will shrink its fleet of HUMVEEs, MRAPs and medium trucks to 244,000 by 2025 from its current 260,000. How? The service will rid itself of 4,000 of the hardest to maintain and most beat up MRAPS by 2025. It will scrap the 28,000-strong M35 fleet and replace it with new FMTVs for a fleet total of 76,000. That will mean a total reduction of 4,000 trucks. The HUMVEE fleet will shrink the most, going from 101,000 to 35,000 by 2025. But there appears to be one big hole in the Army plan. It does not project how many Joint Light Tactical Wheeled Vehicles it will be. The strategy’s answer: TBD.”
If Force Protection’s Cougars end up targeted in the 4,000, it would put a serious crimp in company revenues, which depend on maintenance and upgrade contracts to suport the existing fleet. See the full Army Tactical Vehicle Strategy [PDF].
July 28/10: A pair of $5.6 firm-fixed price contract modifications (total $10.2 million). Each covers a 5-month extension for 36 Field Service Representatives, who will help install Oshkosh’s TAK-4 Independent Suspension Systems onto Cougar MRAPs, to create Cougar ISS vehicles.
All work will be performed in Bagram (M67854-07-D-5031, #0016) and Kandahar (M67854-07-D-5031), #0017), Afghanistan, and is expected to be complete by June 30/11.
July 27/10: Force Protection partners with Canadian engineering & support firm SNC-Lavalin Defense Contractors, Inc. for the Canadian Government’s 500-600 vehicle Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle (“TAPV”) program.
Their TAPV Cougar bid will be arrayed against Oshkosh & General Dynamics Land Systems Canada (M-ATV), and Thales and DEW Engineering (Bushmaster). Force Protection. Read “FLCV: Canada Looks to Upgrade Its Armor” for more.
July 20/10: Force Protection, Inc. announces that the Government of Canada has advanced their 2 Cougar variants beyond the 500-600 vehicle TAPV programs Solicitation of Interest and Qualification (SOIQ) phase. In addition to the Cougar 4×4 and 6×6 variants, 7 vehicles from other equipment manufacturers were selected to move into the RFP phase, with a winner and contract expected in 2011. Force Protection.
July 2/10: In the wake of the May 26/10 announcement that its Ocelot is a candidate for Australia’s A$ 1 billion PMV-L component of Project Overlander, Force Protection meets with potential suppliers, as well as State Government ministers and industry representatives in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and South Australia. Force Protection.
June 24/10: A $19.6 million firm-fixed-price modification to a previous contract (M67854-07-D-5031, delivery order #0012), for a 3 month extension of 216 field service representatives. These individuals will be used to complete TAK-4 independent suspension system installation on the Cougar Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle fleet at the MRAP sustainment facility in Kuwait. Work will be performed in Kuwait, and is expected to be complete by Sept 30/10. All contract funds will expire at the end of the current fiscal year, on Sept 30/10. See also Force Protection release.
June 23/10: Defense News reports an announcement by the new coalition government’s Minister for Defence Equipment, Peter Luff, who says they will be buying another 28 Wolfhound TSV protected heavy cargo vehicles.
It’s one of a pair of contracts to different manufacturers, reported to be worth a total of GBP 65 million (about $96.8 million). The other manufacturer, Supacat, announces a GBP 45 million contract, leaving GBP 20 million (about $29.8 million) for the Wolfhound purchase. The UK MoD confirms this figure several days later.
June 23/10: Force Protection Europe in the UK announces a support product for its vehicle fleets. Karrus is a comprehensive closed-loop logistics software management suite. It analyzes complex logistics data using inputs from field representatives and other sources, in order to provide a fleet-wide maintenance snapshot. It can also be used to make projections, answering questions like what parts are needed, current fleet availability, projected fleet maintenance costs for the next 10 years, etc.
Force Protection Europe Ltd’s Managing Director, David Hind, sees the system as being useful far beyond Force Protection’s UK products, though it has been tested and used with those vehicles, and does fit well with British support trends. Karrus will be promoted on a global basis, including in the United States by Force Protection Europe’s parent company.
June 22/10: A $15.4 million firm-fixed-price modification to a previous contract (M67854-07-D-5031, delivery order #0015) for the services of 43 field service representatives to install spall-liner blanket kits and modernization safety kits, and conduct general maintenance to the Cougar MRAP fleet supporting operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Spall liners use kevlar-type fabric, in order to either catch some shrapnel and bullet fragments that get past the outer armor, or narrow the coverage that any explosion can have in the vehicle’s interior. Work under this contract will be performed in Afghanistan and Iraq, and it will end on June 30/11. All contract funds will expire at the end of the current fiscal year, on Sept 30/10. See also Force Protection release.
June 11/10: A $10.8 million firm-fixed-priced modification to a previous contract (M67854-07-D-5031, delivery order #0018) to buy 2,654 alternator modernization 570 amp kits for Cougar family vehicles in Iraq and Afghanistan. With all the gadgets and add-ons they have to run, more electric power is always a good thing.
Work will be performed in Ladson, SC, and is expected to be complete by March 31/11. $1,937,510 will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. See also Force Protection release.
June 4/10: A $46.1 million firm-fixed-priced modification to a previous contract (M67854-07-D-5031, delivery order #0018) for 2,451 enhanced Automated Fire Extinguishing Systems. Deliveries are scheduled to begin in July 2010, and be complete by February 2011.
Work will be performed in Sterling Heights, MI, and is expected to be complete in February 2011. All contract funds will expire at the end of the current fiscal year, on Sept 30/10. See also Force Protection release.
May 26/10: The Ocelot is one of 3 vehicles added to the competition for the Australian Overlander Program’s Phase 4 buy of up to 1,300 PMV-L blast-resistant patrol vehicles. Thales Australia, Force Protection Europe, and General Dynamics Land Systems will each receive 6-month contracts worth up to A$ 9 million, in order to develop “Protected Mobility Vehicle” prototypes. Those prototypes would compete against any winners from the American/Australian JLTV competition. Australian DoD | Force Protection | Thales Australia.
May 25/10: Force Protection Europe has been invited by the UK MoD to tender for Britain’s LPPV (Light Protected Patrol Vehicle) Demonstration, Production and Support Phases. The invite follows a recently awarded contract placed for 2 Ocelot vehicles, presumably for testing purposes. Force Protection release.
May 20/10: The US DSCA announces [PDF] Britain’s formal request to buy another 102 Mastiff 6×6 blast-resistant vehicles, along with associated tools and test equipment, support equipment, spare and repair parts, and other related support. The estimated cost is up to $122 million.
The principal contractor will be Force Protection Industries, Inc., of Ladson, SC. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale. The continued support of nine Field Service Representatives, currently providing in-theater maintenance support for the existing Mastiff vehicles until July 2010, will be extended until the UK can provide this support internally.
May 5/10: Force Protection, Inc. announces a $62.4 million modification to US Army TACOM contract W56HZV-08-C-0028 for 60 Buffalo mine protected clearance vehicles (MPCV), plus field support representatives, and technical data and manuals. The initial award is a firm-fixed-price $32.9 million contract. This contract modification is subject to finalization, so the end price may change somewhat.
Work is to be performed in Ladson, SC, with an estimated completion date of Nov 1/12, but Force Protection promises June 30/11 completion, with deliveries scheduled to begin in the 4th quarter of 2010. Unlike the rest of the MRAP competition, Buffalo MRAP-III MPCV vehicles are sole-source; 1 bid was solicited by U.S. Army TACOM in Warren, MI, with 1 bid received (W56HZV-08-C-0028).
May 4/10: $24 million for 30 Cougar 4×4 Category I MRAP vehicles including field service support. The contract is a Foreign Military Sale (FMS) for unspecified “coalition forces in support of US forces,” and is subject to adjustment.
The work will be performed in Ladson, SC and is expected to be complete by April 29/11 (M67854-10-C-5133).
April 19/10: $17.25 million for field service representatives to install the TAK-4 independent suspension system kits on Cougar MRAP vehicles in theater.
Work under these 2 $8.6 million each firm-fixed-priced delivery orders, issued under a previously awarded firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/ indefinite-quantity contract (M67854-07-D-5031, #0016 and #0017), will be performed at Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan, and is expected to be complete by Jan 31/11.
April 2/10: $82.3 million firm-fixed-priced delivery order (M67854-07-D-5031) for the purchase of 755 Cougar independent suspension system (ISS) kits. The ISS kits are being manufactured by Oshkosh Defense in Wisconsin.
Work will be performed at the MRAP Sustainment Facility in Kuwait, and is expected to be complete by Dec 31/10. Contract funds will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Force Protection release
March 8/10: Force Protection announces FY 2009 financial results for the year ended Dec 31/09. Net income was $29.5 million/ $0.43 per share (2008: $46.9M/ $0.69 per share), and operating income of $43.3 million (2008: $68.5M). That includes a $19.3 million write-down in Q3 2009, and also cost reduction activities that led to a 17% decrease in general and administrative expenses.
FY 2009 net sales were $977.1 million (all FP), compared to $1.3 billion in 2008 (about $920 million Force Protection + $479.5 million minimal margin pass-through sales to General Dynamics under the Force Dynamics MRAP agreement). The firm’s modernization, spares and sustainment business was a big 2009 contributor, growing by $461.6 million (over 180%). Of the firm’s 2009 shipments, 123 were its heavyweight Buffalo vehicles, a more than 50% increase over 2008. Overall inventories were down to $74.1 million (2008: $88.5M), but accounts receivable rose to $143.5 million (2008: $138.4M).
In a credit crunch environment, the firm’s year end cash and cash equivalents balance was $147.3 million (end 2008: $111.0M), thanks to annual net cash of $49.5 million (2008: $37.0M). Force Protection release.
March 8/10: A $26.2 million firm-fixed-priced delivery order (M67854-07-D-5031, #0012) in support of the Cougar ISS program that upgrades vehicles with Oshkosh’s TAK-4 suspension. The contract will extend the work of 216 field service representatives, life support, and vehicle and equipment rental.
Work will be performed at the MRAP Sustainment Facility in Kuwait, and is expected to be complete by June 30/10. Contract funds will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. See also July 2009 entries. Force Protection release
Feb 24/10: We be JAMMA. Force protection debuts its Joint All-Terrain Modular Mobility Asset (JAMMA) vehicle at AUSA Winter 2010. The vehicle is described as an armor-ready, four-occupant, hybrid powered (incl. 22Kw continuous exportable), high-performance off-road vehicle that can be transported inside the V-22 Osprey. JAMMA is equipped to handle high speeds, and is touted as a Special Operations suited vehicle whose modular system allows it to be up-armored easily. Force Protection release | Product Page.
Feb 23/10: Force Protection announces an order for 23 British Cougar Mastiff Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) variants, via a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) contract from Marine Corps Systems Command. The undefinitized contract has a value not to exceed $16.1 million.
The work will be performed in Ladson, SC and is expected to be complete before April 2010. Indeed, the first 5 Mastiff contracted vehicles were delivered on Feb 8/10, 20 days after contract award, thanks to long lead funding that was already in place.
Feb 22/10: Force Protection’s Board of Directors appoints Randy Hutcherson as Chief Operating Officer, effective Feb 18/10. He had been serving as Executive Vice President, Programs, Global Sales and Business Development, and will continue to report to Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Michael Moody. Announcement | Executive Profile.
Dec 30/09: Figures obtained by Britain’s Liberal Democrat party indicate that only 134 of Britain’s 271 delivered Mastiffs are considered “fit for purpose” due to maintenance and battle damage, and the new Ridgeback 4×4 vehicles being used for the first time by 11 Light Brigade have just a 60% rate at 73 fit for service of 118 delivered. The first Ridgbacks and Mastiff 2s were deployed in Afghanistan in June 2009. UK’s Times | defense aerospace.
Ocelot unveiledSept 30/09: As vehicle production tails off, Force Protection, Inc. needs to lower its cash burn rate in order to remain viable. Today, the firm formally announces a program to reorganize itself and slash costs, which is expected to save at least $40 million annually and will be complete by the first half of 2010.
Th company will eliminate about 120 net jobs from its current workforce of 1,200 employees and contractors, involving Q3 2009 severance charges of about $2 million. Reductions in manufacturing and engineering will be partially offset by an increase in the Company’s support facility in Kuwait, and growth in support and and supply-chain management related jobs. The company is streamlining its spares logistics functions as a whole, including proposed freight management changes that are expected to yield significant cost savings and improved customer response times. The firm will also be pursuing “significant savings opportunities” in general corporate functions such as finance, consulting, legal and human resources, facilities management, travel, insurance, and other costs. Force Protection release.
Sept 28/09: Force Protection, Inc. announces a $52.8 million modification to US Army TACOM contract W56HZV-08-C-0028, ordering 48 Buffalo Mine Protected Clearance Vehicles (MPCV). This contract modification is subject to finalization, so the end price may change somewhat. Work will be performed in Ladson, SC and is expected to be complete prior to September 2010.
The Company adds that it continues to expect additional orders under this program, and to make total deliveries of over 100 Buffalos during FY 2010.
Sept 8/09: Force Protection Europe, Limited debuts its 7.5 ton Ocelot light protected patrol vehicle (LPPV) at Britain’s DSEi 2009 exhibition in London. It has 4-wheel steering, giving it a market leading turning circle of 39 feet. It is 17 feet long, 8 feet high and 7 feet wide.
The Ocelot was designed in conjunction with UK automotive engineering firm Ricardo plc, specifically to meet the requirements for Britain’s upcoming LPPV competition. Ocelot is based on a modular design with a core automotive armored spine or “skateboard,” and a composite special-to-role pod. Center of gravity is low, as all the heavy items are contained within the V-shaped skateboard: the Steyr 3.2 litre straight six diesel powerpack, propshaft, 6-speed ZF gearbox, AxelTech differentials, fuel tank and all the suspension gear except a torsion bar which is mounted alongside the hull. The V-shape design results in the running gear not intruding into the crew area, making movement from front to back easier while improving protection levels. Bulkheads between vehicle crew and dismounts, and between them and the vehicle electronic equipment such as radios and jammers, give added protection.
Force Protection claims that its Ocelot exceeds the required LPPV mine protection level and offers protection similar to the 6×6 Mastiff Cougar variant, while still meeting LPPV targets for mobility, payload, size and gross vehicle weight. Current pods include patrol, fire support, or protected logistics vehicle, and the patrol vehicle pod has seating for 2 crew and 4 dismounts. Access is through large rear doors, 2 top hatches, or an oversize commander’s door. The pods can be swapped out in the field as the need requires. Ocelot can reportedly be airlifted in a C-130 Hercules aircraft, or even a CH-47 Chinook heavy-lift helicopter. Force Protection release | Ricardo release | Ocelot product page.
Aug 24/09: $8.1 million for firm-fixed-priced delivery order #0010 modification under previously awarded contract (M67854-07-D-5031), for US Marine Corps field service representative support in and around Afghanistan. The contract will run until Dec 31/10.
July 27/09: Force Protection, Inc. announces a $52.8 million modification to contract W56HZV-08-C-0028 from the United States Army TACOM for 48 MRAP-III Buffalo Mine Protected Clearance Vehicles (MPCV). This contract amount is not exact, and will be finalized later. Work will be performed in Ladson, SC and is expected to be complete before Jan 31/10.
On the same day, as a result of this award and the Army’s continued commitment to the Buffalo program, Force Protection amends and extends its lease for building 3 at its Ladson, SC facility until June 30/14.
July 15/09: A $58.6 million firm-fixed-priced delivery order under a previously awarded firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/ indefinite-quantity contract (M67854-07-D-5031, #012). This contract amount is not exact, and will be finalized later. Support for the installation of TAK-4 independent suspension kits will will be performed in Kuwait, and is expected to be complete by Dec 31/09.
Force Protection’s release describes this as a supplementary order that will convert another 545 Cougar vehicles, bringing the total number to 1,862.
July 2/09: A $58 million firm-fixed-priced modification to previously awarded delivery order #0012 under previously awarded contract (M67854-07-D-5031), buying Phase 2 Field Service Representative Support, Equipment, Consumables, Bench Stock, and Training to install TAK-4 Independent Suspension Kits on 1,317 MRAP Cougar Vehicles.
This order brings the announced total for TAK-4 refit-related contracts to $237.5 (158.1 + 21.9 + 58.0) million. Work will be performed at the MRAP Sustainment Facility in Kuwait, and is expected to be complete by Feb 28/10. See also Force Protection’s release, and subsequent amendment.
July 1/09: Force Protection discusses the results of the US military’s M-ATV competition, which Oshkosh won:
“[M-ATV] did not select the Cheetah Mk. II vehicle submitted by Force Dynamics, LLC, the Company’s joint venture with General Dynamics Land Systems. The Company anticipates a relatively soft level of operating profit in its second quarter due to the timing of vehicle and other product shipments and costs related to the M-ATV competition. However, it expects a stronger second half and full year performance, due to expected life cycle support business combined with planned shipments of the Buffalo and the Wolfhound Tactical Support Vehicle (TSV).”
Michael Moody, Chief Executive Officer of Force Protection, added:
“We are grateful for the consideration given to our M-ATV submission by the customer, though of course we are disappointed to have not been selected. Even so, our business planning and ability to continue to generate growth and value for our shareholders was not dependent upon winning the M-ATV program… We have good near-term prospects, a highly active research and development organization and over $119 million in cash and no debt”
June 16/09: A $21.4 million modification of a firm-fixed-price delivery order (M67854-07-D-5031, #012), buying Phase 1 field service representative support for the installation of the new TAK-4 independent suspension kits on MRAP Cougar vehicles. See the April 8-9/09 entries.
Work will be performed at the MRAP Sustainment Facility in Kuwait, and is expected to be complete by Dec 31/09. All contract funds will expire at the end of the current fiscal year (Sept 30/09).
June 10/09: According to the UK Ministry of Defence, the first batch of Mastiff 2 and Ridgback 4×4 vehicles have reached Afghanistan. A total of 300 are now operational.
Upgrades to the newest vehicles include explosive attenuating seats to reduce back injuries; improved armor; improved axles and suspension to cope with the difficult terrain; better thermal imaging for the drivers; and greater crew capacity. UK MoD | DID Spotlight: “UK Land Forces Order Cougar Family Vehicles.”
May 18/09: Force Protection announces that it has signed a lease in Mina Abdullah, Kuwait, and will soon open a total life cycle support facility that includes warehousing, administrative offices, and depot services. The facility is designed to shorten turnaround time for spare parts, modernization, service and repairs, and training for the Company’s deployed fleet of vehicles throughout the Middle East and Central Asia. The facility will provide maintenance and repair training as well as Operational New Equipment Training (OPNET) for new and upgraded vehicles.
April 9/09: Oshkosh announces a $122 million sub-contract from Force Protection, who is buying its TAK-4® independent suspension system for Cougar retrofits (see April 8/09 entry). The TAK-4 suspension systems are used in the US Marines’ MTVR medium truck fleet to improve their off-road capability, and have also been featured in Oshkosh’s JLTV and M-ATV entries.
April 8/09: A $158.1 million firm-fixed-priced delivery order under a previously awarded contract (M67854-07-D-5031, #0012) to buy independent suspension kits for Force Protection’s Cougar MRAP vehicles. Work will be performed in the field, and in various locations within the United States, and is expected to be complete by Dec 30/10. See also Force Protection’s release, and a June 5/09 USMC article “MRAP modified from the ground up,” which adds that:
“The current MRAP has an issue with the axels bending and springs breaking when it hits harsher terrain… The independent suspension system virtually eliminates those problems…FPI field service representatives remove the old suspension system and prepare the hull surface for placing the independent suspension system… “We align the new suspension, permanently attach the brackets, and finally put the new suspension in their permanently… We only get one shot to align them correctly, so the whole process takes time.”
After FPI finishes with placing the new suspension, Oshkosh takes over and hooks up the brake systems, electrical wires and hoses, and makes sure everything is in working order… The process for conversion takes approximately six to seven days… Oshkosh’s central tire inflation system [which allows deflation for better traction on soft terrain]… is also being installed into the vehicles…”
April 7/09: The UK MoD signs a contract for 97 Wolfhound 6×6 heavy support vehicles, at a cost of about GBP 90 million ($122.6 million equivalent). These Cougar variants will be built by Integrated Survivability Technologies Limited (IST), a new 50/50 joint venture between Force Protection Inc., and their partner NP Aerospace in Coventry. The Wolfhound contract is expected to create 50 new jobs within NP Aerospace and its supplier base. In Force Protection’s words:
“The establishment of IST is intended to provide a single point of contact and design authority for future Force Protection business in the United Kingdom, including new projects, fleet upgrades and logistics support. The Wolfhound award represents the first direct sale to an overseas government of a Force Protection product. All previous Force Protection product orders for non-United States governments have been awarded through the United States Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program.”
See: UK MoD | Force Protection.
April 7/09: Force Protection announces a $1.3 million Hungarian Ministry of Defence order for 3 Cougar vehicles, spare parts and training by June 2009.
Hungary currently fields an ISAF contingent of around 370 troops, and leads a Provincial Reconstruction Team at Pol-i-Khomri, north of Bagram.
April 7/09: A $21.9 million firm-fixed-priced modification to previously awarded delivery order (M67854-07-D-5031, #0007) to buy parts for the Engineering Change Proposals (ECPs) for MRAP Category (CAT) I and II Prescribed Load Lists; CAT I and II Authorized Stockage Lists; CAT I and II Battle Damage Repair Lists; and the MRAP I and II Deprocessing Kit.
Work will be performed in Detroit, MI and is expected to be complete by Oct 30/09. The address appears to indicate work under the Spartan Motors contractor team arrangement.
French BuffaloApril 4/09: Leased SALIS AN-124 cargo planes deliver 3 French Buffalos to Afghanistan, where they will serve with combat engineer detachments. They were accompanied by 4 SOUVIM (IVMMD Meerkat) vehicles, which serve as advance scouts for counter-mine operations. Once mines are detected, the Buffalo is used to dispose of anything that remains. DGA release [in French].
April 1/09: Force Protection, Inc. and Spartan Motors jointly announce a Contractor Team Arrangement to combine service capabilities and infrastructure for spare parts and field service of Force Protection’s fleet of Cougar vehicles. Each firm will commit key staff, facilities and information systems. Force Protection release.
March 26/09: Force Protection, Inc. (NASDAQ: FRPT) files its 2008 Annual Report on Form 10-K with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), within the prescribed period. That includes the audited results for the years ended Dec 31/08 and Dec 31/07, and the re-audited results for the year ended Dec 31/06.
Timely filing of accurate SEC statements has been a serious recent issue for the firm, so this timely filing is an important milestone for the firm. Force Protection release.
Feb 3/09: Spartan Motors, Inc. in Charlotte, MI received a $9.3 million firm-fixed-price, sole-source contract for 151 MRAP-III Buffalo Mine Protected Clearance Vehicle axle retrofit kits. Spartan is also a member of the Force Dynamics partnership that manufactures Cougars, in conjunction with Force Protection and General Dynamics.
Work will be performed at Charlotte, MI with an estimated completion date of May 18/09.The U.S. Army Tank & Automotive Command in Warren, MI manages this contract (W56HZV-09-C-0122).
Feb 3/09: A $17.3 million firm-fixed-priced modification to a previously awarded contract (M67854-07-D-5031, order #10) for the purchase of 41 Joint Program Office, South West Asia ITC instructors for a 6-month period, and 55 Mobile Red River Army Depot training instructors for a 6 month period. Work will be performed in Operation Iraqi Freedom/ Operation Enduring Freedom’s of responsibilities, and various locations within the United States, and is expected to be completed by June 30/09.
Jan 16/09: A $6.9 million firm-fixed-priced contract for 8 MRAP Category III Buffalo Vehicles and associated items. Work will be performed in Ladson, SC, and delivery is expected to be complete by Sept 1/09, with sustainment support continuing through January 2012 (M67854-09-C-5000).
Jan 15/09: Force Dynamics, LLC, the Force Protection/ General Dynamics joint venture that has produced Cougar vehicles under the MRAP program, announces that they are submitting Force Protection’s Cheetah in response to the U.S. Army’s MRAP All Terrain Vehicle (M-ATV) solicitation. Force Protection.
Force Protection has refused to include the Cheetah under the original Force Dynamics agreement, which splits manufacturing and revenues on a 50/50 basis. Cheetah’s failure to secure an initial contact as one of the 3 JLTV program finalists apparently created a change of heart. The base vehicle has been ready for a couple of years now, but it needs a base customer to succeed in the global marketplace. M-ATV, which could end up ordering up to 10,000 vehicles, is now the Cheetah’s best chance of justifying its development costs, and becoming a sustainable global offering.
Jan 14/09: A $5.9 million firm- fixed-price modification to previously awarded delivery order #0005 under contract M67854-07-D-5031. the military is buying CDRL A043 PHST – Preservation and Packaging, CDRL A044 PHST – Validation Report, CDRL A045 PHST – Special Packaging Instruction, and 15 additional Field Service Representatives (FSR) – OCONUS to support MRAP Category I Cougar 4×4 vehicles in Afghanistan.
Work will be performed in Ladson, SC, and in the Operation Enduring Freedom area of responsibility, and is expected to be complete by April 1/10.
Dec 23/08: Force Protection is informed by the SEC that, as a result of the October 2008 deregistration of prior auditor Jaspers + Hall, the Company should have its consolidated 2006 financial statements re-audited. The firm’s current auditors, Grant Thornton LLP, will play that role. Source.
Dec 18/08: A $10.4 million firm fixed priced modification to previously awarded under Delivery Order #0007 for armor kits (B-Kits) to be installed on 178 MRAP CAT I vehicles. Work will be performed in Ladson, SC and in CENTCOM’s Area of Responsibilities. Work is expected to be complete by June 30/09 (M67854-07-D-5031).
Dec 16/08: Force Protection announces 2 contract awards from Marine Corps Systems Command for 188 Cougar Exterior Ballistic EFP kits. These kits are designed to deal with Explosively Formed penetrator land mines, which form the equivalent of a tank shell and then fire it into the triggering or targeted vehicle. These unfinalized contracts carry a combined dollar value not to exceed $30 million, with delivery scheduled for late 2008 and early 2009.
The Force Armor kits use layered composite materials and metal that are 11 3/4-inch thick, and can be cut to fit any vehicle capable of carrying the weight. It weighs about 102 pounds and costs about $2,000 per square foot. Force Protection | Defense News.
Nov 19/08: New Wolfhound variant. Force Protection’s Wolfhound, a flatbed truck variant of the Cougar 6×6, wins the UK’s Tactical Support Vehicle (Heavy) competition as the preferred bidder. Force Protection proposes to deliver these vehicles in conjunction with their UK integration partner, NP Aerospace; Chairman and CEO Michael Moody adds:
“We completed design work and built two prototypes for Wolfhound, which is based on our highly successful Cougar vehicle, in just 90 days. During this time we also carried out blast tests and mobility trials.”
The Wolfhounds will be used to carry supplies into the most dangerous areas, and will often operate alongside its Mastiff (6×6) and Ridgback (4×4) brethren. The exact number of vehicles and cost remain unfinalized. UK MoD | Force Protection.
Nov 19/08: Force Protection announces a not-to-exceed $15 million modification under contract M67854-06-C-5162 from Marine Corps Systems Command, to deliver 24 more Cougar Mastiff 6x6s to the British Ministry of Defence. The undefinitized contract includes vehicles and spare parts, and the vehicles are scheduled for delivery in 2009.
On Oct 29/08, the UK MoD mentioned that that they would buy another 30 Cougar family 6×6 and 4×4 vehicles, in order to improve their training fleet. This may well be part of that order. Force Protection release.
Nov 17/08: The Canadian Forces, which already uses a handful of Cougar (5) and Buffalo (5) vehicles in Afghanistan, submits a modification under contract M67854-07-C-5039 for 14 Buffalo A2 route-clearance vehicles, and 34 more Cougar vehicles. The undefinitized contract modification carries a dollar value not to exceed $49.4 million, and includes vehicles, spare parts and field support. The vehicles are scheduled for delivery in 2009. Force Protection release.
Nov 14/08: The US government issues a pre-solitication notice for a subsidiary competition called M-ATV, essentially an “MRAP Lite” bridge buy to the JLTV. FBO pre-solicitation #W56HZV-09-R-0115. Force Protection’s Cheetah is likely to be a prime contender for the buy(s), which could reach up to 10,000 vehicles.
The requirement for land mine and EFP protection, in a vehicle that’s lighter and more mobile than MRAP, may prove very challenging for anyone to meet with an off the shelf product. A subsequent Defense News article places M-ATV’s top weight at 12.5 tons empty, however, which is only slightly lighter than some existing MRAPs. That could put the 7-10 ton Cheetah at a disadvantage.
The RFP is expected by early December 2008. A draft issued on Nov 25/08 states that M-ATV would receive the same DX top-priority production rating employed by the original MRAP program, adding that the first vehicles are expected to be fielded in the fall of 2009.
Nov 13/08: Force Protection, Inc. announces 2 orders for its MRAP Category III Buffalo mine-clearance vehicles, worth $34.1 million.
The first is an not-to-exceed $15.5 million unfinalized order from the United States Army for 16 Buffalo A2 route-clearance vehicles (W56HZV-08-C-0028). It is connected with the requirement for the Ground Standoff Mine Detection System (GSTAMIDS) program of record. The vehicles are to be delivered no later than the end of June 2009.
The firm also received a modification to contract M67854-06-C-5162 from Marine Corps Systems Command for a Foreign Military Sales order of 14 Buffalo vehicles to be delivered to the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence. The not to exceed $18.6 million contract is also unfinalized with respect to its total amount, and represents the first orders for the Buffalo vehicle from the United Kingdom. The Buffalos will be part of Britain’s GBP 96 million Talisman program, which will also include a set of armored engineer-excavator tractors and other related equipment. Work, including vehicle deliveries and sustainment, is to be complete by October 2009. UK MoD announcement.
CheetahOct 28/08: Force Protection’s Cheetah has been in development for a couple of years now; the lighter (14,000 pound empty) vehicle has been positioned as a mine-resistant candidate for the US military’s touted JLTV program to replace its Hummers. Force Protection was partnered with Finmecanica’s DRS for the competition.
The US military announces its 3 winners on this day – and the Cheetah is not among them. A BAE/Navistar team, the General Tactical Vehicles partnership of General Dynamics and Hummer maker AM General, and a team led by Lockheed Martin won 27-month development contracts in preparation for the next down-select. Per the Oct 24/08 entry, however, the Cheetah might become a bridge “MRAP-lite” order candidate until JLTV is fielded – currently scheduled for 2013, if indeed that is what happens. US Army release.
Oct 29/08: An $11.8 million firm-fixed-priced modification to previously awarded delivery order (M67854-07-D-5031, #0007) for MRAP Vehicle EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) cages, increased quantities of prescribed load lists, authorized spares, Battle Damage Assessment repair kits, and deprocessing kits. Work will be performed in Ladson, SC and in CENTCOM’s area of responsibility. Work is expected to be complete by Dec 31/09.
Oct 24/08: Defense News reports that more mine-resistant vehicles could be in the order pipeline. The U.S. Army and Marine Corps reportedly plan to rapidly develop and buy a fleet of 7-10 ton vehicles that offer better mine resistance than Hummers, but better off-road mobility than MRAPs. Afghanistan is seen as an especial focus for these vehicles.
Oshkosh’s Sandcat and Force Protection’s Cheetah vehicle are seen as potential candidates for that bridge buy, and Navistar’s MaxxPro Dash must also be placed in this category given recent the MRAP orders for deployment of this lightened variant to Afghanistan. Defense News places potential military demand at 2,000- 5,000 bridge buy vehicles – assuming that future issues with the JLTV program and Army funding don’t lead to the “bridge” becoming the road.
Oct 24/08: Force Protection announces an additional delivery order for 27 Buffalo A2 variant route-clearance vehicles. This unfinalized contract arries a dollar value not to exceed $26.2 million, and is submitted as an urgent operational requirement. These vehicles are to be delivered prior to June 2009 (W56HZV-08-C-0028).
Oct 20/08: The Alamagordo Daily News reports that the new A2 version of the Buffalo CAT-III MRAP mine removal vehicle is currently undergoing testing and evaluation by White Sands Missile Range’s Survivability Vulnerability Assessment Directorate. The vehicle is being evaluated for its ability to survive various electromagnetic environmental effects and threats – which correctly implies testing for nuclear scenarios. Alamagordo Daily News | Reprinted by Force Protection.
Oct 7/08: Force Protection, Inc. announces a letter from the NASDAQ Listing Qualifications Hearings Panel, stating that it had determined to continue the listing of the Company’s securities because Force Protection has filed its Annual Report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007, and the Quarterly Reports for the first two quarters of 2008.
Father and DaughterSept 30/08: Poland’s Gazeta Wyborcza’s report “Polish Soldiers in Unwanted Vehicles” that Poland has selected Force Protection’s Cougar as a lease from the American military, with the first 30 to begin delivery in October 2008. Robert Rochowicz, a spokesman for Poland’s Ministry of Defence, is quoted as saying that “The Cougars will be delivered by US Army to a location of our choice.”
The move reportedly suspends Poland’s own MRAP buy for about a year, and the selection has caused some controversy in Polish military circles.
Sept 30/08: Force Protection announces that it has filed its Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the periods ended March 31/08 and June 30/08. The Company also filed with the SEC its amended Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q/A, restated for the quarterly periods ended March 31/07, June 30/07, and Sept 30/07. Force Protection adds that it is now up to date with reporting requirements for the SEC and listing requirements for the NASDAQ market.
The firm’s Sept 30/08 release offers more details regarding its recent and past quarterly results.
Sept 24/08: A $41.8 million firm fixed priced modification to delivery order #0003 under previously awarded contract (M67854-07-D-5031) for the purchase of 90-day’s worth of spares per the Prescribed Load List (PLL); labor support and Authorized Stockage List (ASL). Work will be performed in, Ladson, SC, and is expected to be complete no later than Oct 29/09. See also Force Protection release.
Sept 22/08: Force Protection announces an extension from the Nasdaq Listing Qualifications Panel to file its Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the first and second quarters of 2008 on or before Sept 30/08.
Sept 19/08: Force Protection Industries, Inc. in Ladson, SC received a $6.8 million firm-fixed-priced modification to previously awarded delivery order #0006 under previously awarded contract M67854-07-D-5031. The modification covers an MRAP Field Service Representative Site Lead and welders outside the United States, and finalizes the cost for Battle Damage Assessment Repair (BDAR) Kits and Deprocessing Kits. Work will be performed in Ladson, S.C., and in Iraq and Afghanistan; his contact period will expire in Dec 31/09.
Sept 15/08: Force Protection files its 2007 10-K financial statement, and explains its financial disclosure plans. From its release:
“…announced results for the full fiscal year ended December 31, 2007 and filed its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2007 with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company noted that this filing includes restated condensed consolidated financial statements for the periods ended March 31, 2007, June 30, 2007 and September 30, 2007. Additionally, the Company stated that it intends to file separate amended Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the first, second and third quarters of 2007 and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the first and second quarters of 2008 on or before September 30, 2008.”
The firm has also requested a NASDAQ listing extension to Sept 30/08.
Sept 4/08: Force Protection Industries, Inc. in Ladson, SC received $7.2 million for a firm-fixed-priced delivery order under a previously awarded contract (M67854-07-D-5031 #0013) for the purchase of 5 test vehicles with “engineering change proposal upgrades for enhanced maneuverability and associated non-recurring engineering costs.” That’s the exact language used to describe the Pentagon’s same-day order for 822 Navistar MaxxPro Dash vehicles, a ighter variant optimized for operations in Afghanistan. Force Protection release confirms as much. If Force Protection’s modified vehicles pass testing could conversions of some existing stock, or future American orders, be in store?
Work will be performed in, Ladson, SC and is expected to be complete no later than Jan 31/09. See also Force Protection release.
Sept 2/03: General Dynamics Land Systems announces contracts from Force Protection Inc. that are worth $47 million. GDLS will provide supplies and support for Force Dynamics Cougar vehicles under the MRAP vehicle program. Work under these contracts will be performed in Anniston and Oxford, AL; Charlotte, MI; Ladson, SC; Lima, OH; Kings Point, NC; and Sealy, TX.
Aug 28/08: The corporation’s accounting books remain a very serious problem. The firm will now restate its previously reported financial statements for the 3 month period ended March 31/07 and the 3 and 6 month periods ended June 30/07, in addition to restating its previously reported interim financial statements for the 3 and 9 months ended Sept 30/07. Meanwhile, serious accounting weaknesses are proving difficult to clean up. From the company release:
“Management discovered accounting errors during its 2007 interim period and year-end review, including errors associated with recognizing the value of revenue, certain accrued liabilities, inventory and deferred taxes in the proper quarterly periods. The Company discussed the matters related to the restatement with Grant Thornton LLP, the Company’s current independent registered public accounting firm…
The Company intends to file an Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2007 with the Securities and Exchange Commission on or before September 15, 2008. The Company anticipates that its consolidated statement of operations included in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2007 will report net sales of approximately $890 million, representing an increase of over $694 million from net sales of $196 million for the year ended December 31, 2006. The increase in net sales was primarily due to contracts awarded under the United States military’s Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (“MRAP”) vehicle program. Although revenues increased in 2007, the Company expects that 2007 net income will be significantly lower than the $16.6 million of net income that the Company reported for the year ended December 31, 2006.
The Company continues to evaluate the impact of the matters described above on its internal controls over financial reporting and the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures. Management noted it had previously identified and described material weaknesses in its internal control over financial reporting in its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed on November 13, 2007. As a result of these previously identified material weaknesses and other deficiencies identified during the review of financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2007, management has concluded that the Company’s internal control over financial reporting was not effective as of December 31, 2007. Additionally, management does not believe that the material weaknesses identified as of December 31, 2007 will be remediated by September 30, 2008 and anticipates that material weaknesses will be identified in its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the first, second and third quarters of 2008.”
Aug 20/08: An $18 million firm fixed priced modification to previously awarded delivery order #0006 under an existing contract (M67854-07-D-5031). The US military is buying MRAP parts, training equipment, training material, tool sets, field service outside the continental United States (OCONUS), continental United States, and administration.
Work will be performed in Ladson, SC; Camp Lejeune, NC; Camp Pendleton, CA; Twenty-nine Palms, CA; Gulfport, MS; Port Hueneme, CA; Fort Story, VA; Texarakana, TX, and CENTCOM’s front lines, and work is expected to be complete in December 2009.
Aug 12/08: NASDAQ Letter. Force Protection, Inc. (NASDAQ: FRPT) must announce a notice from the staff of The Nasdaq Stock Market stating that the Company is not in compliance with Nasdaq rules, because it has failed to file its 10-Q form with the US Securities and Exchange Commission for the quarter ended June 30/08, and that Force Protection is subject to having its stock delisted from the Nasdaq. This is not the first letter NASDAQ has sent FRPT on the subject of 10-Q filings.
At the Company’s request, a hearing on the Staff Determination was conducted before the Nasdaq Listing Qualifications Panel. On May 29/08, the Company received a letter from the Nasdaq Hearings Panel granting its request for continued listing on the Nasdaq Stock Market until Sept 15/08, subject to certain conditions:
“These conditions include, without limitation, that on or before September 15, 2008 Force Protection shall file with the SEC its Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007, the Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended March 31, 2008 and any required restatements. As a result, the Company’s common stock may remain listed with the Nasdaq Capital Market until September 15, 2008.”
July 18/08: Force Protection, Inc. will produce 5 Buffalo mine-disposal vehicles for the French military, as a $3.5 million modification to contract M67854-07-C-5039. The order is scheduled for completion by November 2008. Since the Buffalo vehicle is not part of the Force Dynamics partnership, work will be performed solely by Force Protection Industries.
July 1/08: A $43 million modification to a previously awarded contract (M67854-07-D-5031, Delivery Order #0006) for the purchase of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle Integrated Logistic Support sustainment parts, Training Equipment, Training Material, Tool Sets, Outside the Continental United States Instructors and Field Service Representatives.
Work will be performed in Ladson, SC, and within CENTCOM’s area of responsibility, and is expected to be complete in December 2009. See also Force Protection Aug 8/08 release re: its support orders.
June 2008: The US Army names to Cougar 6×6’s Reconnaissance Vehicle System variant as one of the Top 10 military inventions of 2007. The RECCE adds a number of additional features including the Protector/CROWS gun that can be operated from inside the vehicle; ‘Blue Force Tracker‘ that shows identifies enemies and all friendly forces (sometimes found on other vehicles as well); Gyrocams; and a Robot Deployment System that lets the crew deploy and retrieve tracked MTRS robots without having to open the vehicle.
Read “US Army Awards Top 10 Inventions of 2007” to see the other winners.
May 29/08: A $28.5 million modification to previously awarded contract (M67854-07-D-5031, #0003) to purchase welding services and spares under the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Vehicle Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) effort. Work will be performed in Ladson, SC, and in Iraq and Afghanistan, and is expected to be complete in October 2009.
May 29/08: A $15.2 million modification to contract (M67854-07-D-5031) Delivery Order #0006 to purchase field support services under the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Vehicle Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) effort. Work will be performed in Ladson, SC and in Iraq and Afghanistan, and is expected to be complete in October 2009.
May 23/08: A $6.4 million firm-fixed-priced modification under delivery order #0001 to contract (M67854-07-D-5031) for the purchase of Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) MRAP instructors. Work will be performed in the combat area of operations until August 2008.
May 5/08: A $17.1 million modification to previously awarded contract (M67854-07-D-5031, #0005) for the purchase of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle integrated logistic support sustainment parts and OCONUS(Outside the CONtinental US) field service representatives. Work will be performed in Ladson, SC and is expected to be complete in October 2009. The Marine Corps Systems Command in Quantico, VA issued the contract.
May 1/08: Force Protection Industries, Inc. in Ladson, SC receives a not to exceed $91.55 million contract modification from the UK MoD under previously awarded contract (M67854-06-C-5162), in exchange for 151 vehicles and associated spares. Force Protection notes them as Cougar vehicles; the 4x4s are apparently named “Ridgebacks” in British parlance, and will complement the larger Mastiff vehicles. See also April 8/08 entry.
Work will be performed in Ladson, SC, with the first vehicle deliveries scheduled to begin in July 2008; work is expected to be complete in July 2009. Funds for this action are provided by the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence and do not expire. The Marine Corps Systems Command in Quantico, VA handles the order on the American side. Force Protection release | DID coverage of Britain’s Mastiff/Rideback orders.
April 29/08: A $15.3 million modification to delivery order #0003 (See Jan 15/08 entry) under previously awarded firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/ indefinite-quantity contract M67854-07-D-5031 for “Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) sustainment parts.” Or, in English, for spares. Work will be performed in Ladson, SC and is expected to be complete in October 2008.
April 22/08: Force Protection Industries, Inc. in Ladson, SC received a $12.6 million firm-fixed-priced modification under a previously awarded contract (M67854-07-D-5031, Delivery Order #0004) for MRAP Vehicle logistics support to include technical data, provisioning data, Outside the Continental United States field service representatives, a 1-year maintenance workshop block and a 1-year forward deployment block of services. Work will be performed in the combat area of operations and in Ladson, SC, and is expected to be complete by Nov. 2008.
April 8/08: The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notifies Congress of the United Kingdom’s formal request for another 157 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP)Category I 4×4 Cougar vehicles, as well as tools and test equipment, maintenance support, contractor technical and logistics personnel services, support equipment, spare and repair parts, and other related elements of logistics support. This is not a contract, but past British requests have been consistently followed by orders.
The estimated cost is $125 million, and the proposed sale requires the continued support of 7 Field Service Representatives (FSRs), currently providing in theater maintenance support for Britain’s existing Mastiff Cougar 6×6 variants. An additional 8 FSRs will be added under the UK-P-LTR arrangement, and the United Kingdom has requested 1 additional FSR under this proposed sale to support the additional vehicles until July 31/09.
Note that any contract arising from this request will not be part of the Force Dynamics joint venture, which only applies to American MRAP sales. DSCA release [PDF] | Force Protection release.
April 8/08: Force Protection, Inc.’s Executive Vice President for Customer Relations Damon Walsh, and Vice President for Program Management Bill LaFontaine, have received a “Patriot Award” Certificate of Appreciation from the U.S. Department of Defense.
The Patriot Award recognizes employers whose policies and practices are supportive of their employees’ participation in the National Guard and Reserve. All awards originate from nominations by individual Reserve members, and are issued by the DoD’s National Committee of Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve. Force Protection release.
Cougar-H 4×4 EODMarch 24/08: Force Protection announces that NASDAQ has taken initial steps to de-list the company for failing to file its 10-K. Compounding the firm’s difficulties, its auditors resign, on the grounds that the company’s financial controls make it impossible for them to offer an opinion backing the company’s figures.
See “Force Protection: Blast-Resistant Manufacturer Headed for Implosion?” for more.
March 14/08: A $9.8 million delivery order under previously awarded contract (M67854-07-D-5031) for 12 Cougar 4×4 and 6 Cougar 6×6 vehicles. Work will be performed in Ladson, SC, and is expected to be complete November 2008.
This order, coming as it does on the same day as orders for hundreds of vehicles from key competitors, and following on the heels of plant capacity expansion (q.v. Nov 30/07) and a small December 2007 order (q.v. Dec 18/07), is not good news for the firm. Indeed, a Bloomberg report claims that today’s orders were mainly for the U.S. Army, and quotes Force Protection’s vice president for government relations Michael Aldrich as saying that “This is the logical continuation of the course the Army set back in December… From December we stopped ramping up [as the US Army chose to focus on BAE and Navistar]. Force Protection remains in 3rd place overall within the MRAP competition, slipping to 21.8% behind Navistar (36.9%) and BAE Systems (35.7%), but remaining well ahead of partner General Dynamics’ collaboration with South Africa’s BAE OMC on the proven RG-31 (4.4%).
March 14/08: A $7.7 million firm-fixed-priced delivery order under previously awarded contract (M67854-07-D-5006, #007) for the purchase of 11 MRAP Category III (Buffalo) vehicles. Work will be performed in Ladson, SC and is expected to be complete in September 2008.
The Buffalo is a sole-source contract to Force Protection, and 117 have been ordered to date. Whereas its Cougars are designed to resist land mines, the Buffalo vehicle and its long-armed claw are designed to dig them up and dispose of them.
March 7/08: Force Dynamics, LLC, the joint venture company of Force Protection, Inc. and General Dynamics Land Systems announces that Damon Walsh has been named Chairman, and that Daniel Busher has been unanimously selected as new members of the Board, effective March 3/08. The remaining members remain: Mark Roualet as Vice Chairman; Susan Young as Treasurer; and Richard Hamilton and John Gonias as members at large.
Mr. Walsh is a Level III Certified Acquisition Professional as well as a Certified Professional Contracts Manager with more than 25 years experience in both the operational Army and Acquisition communities, who served as a career officer in a wide variety of U.S. Army staff and command positions before joining Force Protection.
Mr. Busher has more than 20 years of international business experience in the automotive industry, and was an executive of materials for North American Automotive Operations within Alcoa before joining Force Protection. Force Protection release.
March 3/08: Force Protection, Inc. announces that interim CEO Michael Moody will become the Company’s Chief Executive Officer, President, and Chairman.
News is less good for the firm’s Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer positions; Raymond Pollard, the Company’s COO, departed effective this day, and the firm has determined not to fill the COO role in the near future. CEO Moody will assume immediate responsibility for Mr. Pollard’s direct reports, which include Executive Vice Presidents Damon Walsh, Daniel Busher (both of whom joined the Force Dynamics joint venture’s Board on this day) and Mark Edwards.
CFO Michael Durski departed the Company effective Feb 29/08 to pursue other interests, and the Board appointed Huron Consulting Group, LLC managing director Francis E. Scheuerell, Jr. as the Interim CFO while an external search is undertaken.
March 3/08: This isn’t going to help the firm on Wall Street. Force Protection, Inc. [NASDAQ:FRPT] announces that it will delay the filing of its Annual Report/ Form 10-K with the US Securities and Exchange Commission for the year ended December 31, 2007, waiting until an audit of the fiscal year’s consolidated financial statements for the year ended 2007 is complete. The firm will also restate its previously reported interim financial statements for the 3 and 9 month periods ended Sept 30/07, by filing a Form 8-K with the SEC.
“Management discovered significant accounting errors during its year end review, including errors specifically related to the recording of accounts payable related to inventory purchased from a sub-contractor as a result of a contract termination. The Company continues to evaluate the impact of the matters described above on its internal control over financial reporting and the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures. Management noted it had previously identified and described material weaknesses in its internal control over financial reporting in its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filing dated November 13, 2007. As a result of these previously identified material weaknesses and other deficiencies identified during the review of financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2007, management has concluded internal controls over financial report were not effective as of December 31, 2007. Additionally, management does not believe that the material weaknesses identified as of December 31, 2007 will be remediated by March 31, 2008 and anticipates that material weaknesses will be identified in its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the first quarter of 2008. Therefore, management expects that internal control over financial reporting is likely to be ineffective as of March 31, 2008.”
Feb 21/08: The UK contracts for 174 Mastiff vehicles (see Oct 8/07 entry) in a not to exceed $115.1 million contract modification under previously awarded firm-fixed-price contract M67854-06-C-5162. This order includes Mastiff 6×6 MRAP vehicles and associated test sets, spares and support services. Work will be performed in Ladson, S.C., and is expected to be complete in July 2009. Orders are placed via US MARSYSCOM. Force Protection release.
Feb 21/08: The Italian Ministry of Defense is buying 10 “MRAP” vehicles and associated support services and parts under a not to exceed $8.4 million modification under previously awarded contract (M67854-07-C-5039). Work will be performed in Ladson, SC and is expected to be completed in June 2009. Orders are formally placed through MARSYSCOM.
Italy has displayed interest in all of Force Protection’s vehicles at various times: the Cougar, the Buffalo mine-clearance vehicle, and even the Cheetah light patrol vehicle. Given Italy’s existing contract for several hundred Iveco MLV blast-resistant light patrol vehicles, however, the Buffalo seemed like the most likely choice. A later Force Protection release revealed that the order is for 4 Buffalo mine-removal vehicles, and 6 Cougar 6×6 vehicles.
Jan 15/08: Force Protection Industries Inc. in Ladson, SC received $74.1 million for firm-fixed-priced delivery orders #0003 and #0005 under previously awarded contract (M67854-07-D-5031) for the purchase of integrated logistic support (ILS) support. The sustainment ILS will consist of authorized stockage list category (CAT) I and CAT II, prescribed load list CAT I and CAT II, deprocessing, and special tools in support of Cougar MRAP vehicles in theater.
Work will be performed in Ladson, SC, and is expected to be complete by July 2008 (M67854-07-D-5031 / #0003 and #0005). Force Protection release.
Jan 8/08: Force Protection, Inc. announces that CEO Gordon McGilton will retire from the Company effective Jan 31/08. The Company Board of Directors has appointed President Michael Moody, age 61, as the Interim CEO, “while a search is conducted to select a CEO from internal and external candidates.” Corporate release | Statement from Michael Moody.
Jan 2/08: The Force Protection, Inc. and General Dynamics Land Systems joint venture Force Dynamics, LLC announces that they’ve produced 350 MRAP vehicles in December 2007: 343 Cougar 4×4 and 6×6 MRAP Category I/II vehicles, and 7 MRAP Category III Buffalo vehicles (vs. 6 called for in the contract). They also report that Force Dynamics finished 2007 56 vehicles ahead of schedule on all MRAP Category I and II delivery commitments, and 3 vehicles ahead of schedule on its sole-sourced Category III Buffalo contracts. Force Protection release.
Cougar 4×4Dec 18/07: A $377.8 million firm fixed priced delivery order (M67854-07-D-5031, #007) for 178 Cougar 4×4 MRAP CAT-I vehicles and 180 Cougar 6×6 MRAP CAT-II vehicles, which include engineer change proposals to improve the vehicles and Integrated Logistic Support. The sustainment ILS will consist of Authorized Stockage List CAT-I and CAT-II, Prescribed Load Listing CAT-I and CAT-II, Deprocessing, and Basic Issue Items. Work will be performed in Ladson, SC, and is expected to be complete by July 2008. This contract was competitively procured.
The net result of this contract, however, is further competitive slippage, as Force Protection drops to 3rd place in total MRAP orders behind Navistar (37.6%) and BAE Systems (30.1%). To date, the USA has ordered a total of 3,053 Force Protection MRAP CAT-I/II vehicles (1,506 Cougar 4x4s, and 1,547 Cougar 6x6s), or 25.7% of total orders. That probably isn’t what investors wanted to hear, so Force Protection’s release added a pair of interesting tidbits:
“MARCORSYSCOM also advised Force Protection that its Cheetah vehicle proposal is in the competitive range for continued development and testing and will be further evaluated with modifications as part of the ongoing MRAP II competition… We are in the process of finalizing a contract for the Buffalo route clearance vehicles to be part of the Ground Standoff Mine Detection System (GSTAMIDS) program of record.”
That first item might be important, as Force Protection submitted a modified Cougar but did not receive a contract for additional vehicles under the MRAP-II competition, which aims to field vehicles that can survive the more advanced EFP(Explosively Formed Penetrator) land mines in theater. Rivals BAE Systems, and the i3/Ceradyne/Oshkosh team’s Bull vehicle, did. The follow-on question is whether a deployable vehicle like the Cheetah, with an empty weight of only 14,000 pounds vs. the Cougar 4x4s 31,000 pounds, can be fitted to resist the 30 and 50 pound land mines being detonated at Aberdeen – in addition to EFPs, which are more akin to cannon shells being fired into a vehicle.
Dec 14/07: Force Protection CEO Gordon McGlinton feels compelled to issue a press release in order to “address significant misinformation about the Company and to update our shareholders on Force Protection’s financial posture and dispel unfounded rumors amongst the shareholder base, the investment community, and elsewhere”.
Dec 3/07: Production capacity issues have been an ongoing refrain for Force Protection, as it moved from a start-up operation to a large industrial manufacturer over the 2004-2007 period. One response has been to provide more data re: monthly vehicle production records, and a corporate release covers the Force Dynamics joint venture’s November 2007 statistics.
According to Force Protection, the partnerships produced 288 Cougar 4×4 and 6×6 vehicles under the MRAP contract, and is now 68 vehicles ahead of schedule on all MRAP Category I and II delivery commitments for the year. Force Protection alone also produced nine MRAP Category III Buffalo vehicles in November, one more than the 8 deliveries called for in its sole-sourced CAT III contract. The firm is now 2 vehicles ahead of schedule on its sole-sourced Category III Buffalo contracts for the year.
The firm has publicly pledged to reach 400 vehicles per month by February 2008.
Nov 30/07: Force Protection, Inc. opens its new manufacturing facility in Roxboro, NC (q.v. July 12/07 entry). The 430,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility is expected to employ approximately 270 people upon reaching full capacity, and the total cost for the Roxboro facility’s assembly line was approximately $31 million. Force Protection release.
Nov 28/07: Force Protection holds a ceremony commemorating the delivery of its 1,000th vehicle for the MRAP program. The Ladson, South Carolina event features, inter alia, Senator Lindsey Graham, Captain Joe Manna from the Defense Contract Management Agency, and Mr. Paul Mann, MRAP Program Manager representing the U.S. Department of Defense. Source.
Nov 13/07: Jane’s Defence Weekly reports that:
“United States land systems specialist Force Protection is aiming to increase production of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles to 1,000 units per month by July 2008 with the ultimate target of producing a total of 12,100 MRAPs by the end of next year. The announcement came after Force Dynamics – the joint venture production partnership of Force Protection and General Dynamics Land Systems – reported on 5 November that it had broken vehicle production records during October.”
Nov 8/07: Force Protection, Inc. announces a contract from the U.S. Army’s Tank Automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM) for an additional 29 Buffalo MRAP CAT III mine-protected vehicles. The approximate total value of the contract is $22.3 million. They add that “Force Protection has delivered more than 140 Buffalo vehicles to date in support of route clearance missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Nov 8/07: Force Protection, Inc. CEO Gordon McGilton testifies before members of the House Armed Services Committee. He says that the Force Dynamics partnership delivered 208 vehicles in October 2007, and plans to expand its maximum production rates to build, together with its partners, approximately 500 vehicles per month by April 2008 and approximately 1,000 vehicles per month by July 2008, for a total of approximately 12,100 MRAP vehicles by the end of 2008. As of Nov 1/07, 734 Cougar MRAP Category I and II vehicles have been delivered. Force Protection release.
Nov 1/07: Force Protection Industries, Inc. in Ladson, SC received a $91.8 million firm-fixed-priced delivery order modification under previously awarded contract (M67854-07-D-5031) for the purchase of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Vehicles University, new equipment training, integrated logistic support and OCONUS (outside of the continental United States) field service representatives support. Work will be performed at Ladson, SC and is expected to be complete November 2008. The Marine Corps Systems Command in Quantico, VA issued the contract.
Force Protection’s release adds that “Pursuant to Force Protection’s agreement with General Dynamics Land Systems, a portion of the work under this contract will be performed by General Dynamics Land Systems pursuant to a subcontract.”
Oct 18/07: Force Protection Industries, Inc. in Ladson, SC received $376.6 million for firm-fixed-priced delivery order #0006 under previously awarded contract (M67854-07-D-5031) for the purchase of 553 Cougar 4×4 MRAP CAT I vehicles, 247 Cougar 6×6 MRAP CAT II vehicles, and vehicle sustainment Integrated Logistic Support. Work will be performed in Ladson, SC, and is expected to be completed April 2008. This contract was competitively procured. by the Marine Corps Systems Command in Quantico, VA.
Per the Force Dynamics partnership, General Dynamics receives 50% of the contract’s value; their Oct 22/07 release cites a value of $189 million, with work being performed at Anniston, AL and Oxford, AL; Charlotte, MI; Ladson, SC; Lima, OH; Kings Point, NC; and Sealy, TX. Force Protection release.
Wall Street analysts are not happy with the company’s loss of dominance in the MRAP competition, and Navistar’s consistently larger order totals. As of this date, Force Protection remains 2nd in the MRAP CAT I/II race with 30.9% of total orders – 1,338 Cougar 4x4s, and 1,367 Cougar 6x6s – behind Navistar (33.8%), but ahead of BAE Systems (26.3%) and General Dynamics (7.1%). MRAP CAT III is a sole-source buy of FP’s Buffalo vehicle, and 77 have been ordered to date.
Oct 15/07: The Pentagon’s DefenseLINK quoted excerpts a speech before the Center for a New American Security, Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James T. Conway talked about MRAPs, and may have shed more light on the picture at the top of our article:
“We had an incident the other day where an MRAP was hit with a 300-pound charge right under the engine. Now, I mention the size of the charge because we were testing them at Aberdeen against 30- and 50-pound charges. But a 300-pound charge went off right under the engine. It blew the engine about 65 meters away from the vehicle, caused a complete reversal of direction on the part of the MRAP, but of the four Marines inside, the regimental commander put one on light duty for seven days and the other three continued with the patrol. So it’s an amazing vehicle in terms of the protection that it gives to our people against these underbody blasts.”
Oct 8/07: UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown announces that Britain will buy another 140 Mastiff vehicles for use in Iraq and Afghanistan. The MoD intends to finalize the deal for this additional set vehicles “in the next few weeks,” and has set aside GBP 100 million for this purpose. MoD release.
NP Aerospace in Coventry integrates and up-armors delivered Cougars to create the finished Mastiff vehicle. A subsequent December 17/07 notification from the US DSCA submits an official request for up to 170 MRAP CAT-II vehicles, and values the contract at up to $147 million. In other words, more Mastiffs than planned, for less money (GBP 100 million = about $206 million).
Iraqi ILAV w. MCATSOct 8/07: Force Protection, Inc. announces a purchase order from BAE Systems for an additional 45 Iraq Light Armored Vehicles (ILAV): 27 for Iraq under the existing 400 vehicle contract, and 18 for Yemen. The order is worth an estimated $3.5 million, and will be completed by February 2008. The firm also clarifies the ILAV’s current production status:
“The combined enterprise of Force Protection and BAE Systems previously received awards totaling $180 million in 2006 to build 398 4×4 ILAVs, based on the proven design of the Cougar vehicle. In total, the contract authorizes production of up to 1,050 Cougar ILAVs. BAE Systems is prime contractor on the ILAV program, with Force Protection as subcontractor. “
Oct 3/07: The Force Dynamics, LLC partnership announces production figures of “more than 115 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Category I and Category II Cougar vehicles” in September 2007, exceeding delivery objectives and MRAP contract requirements. To date, Force Dynamics is ahead of schedule on its Category I and Category II MRAP competitive contracts for 2007.
Are they ahead of projections made in June 2007 re: production capacity? That question was not answered.
Aug 10/07: Force Protection Industries, Inc. in Ladson, SC received $69.8 million for delivery order #0005 under previously awarded firm-fixed-priced, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract M67854-07-D-5031. The US military will purchase another 25 Cougar 4×4 MRAP CAT-I vehicles, and 100 more MRAP CAT-II Cougar 6×6 vehicles. Work will be performed in Ladson, SC; Anniston, AL; and Sealy, TX, and work is expected to be complete December 2007. The Marine Corps Systems Command, in Quantico, VA issued the contract.
The Force Protection release adds that the company has placed more than 60 Field Service Representatives (FSRs) in the field to assist the armed forces in training and vehicle maintenance in Iraq and Afghanistan.
July 12/07: Force Protection is expanding its own production capacity, via a new 430,000 square foot facility in Roxboro, NC. It will produce Cougar vehicles – and also FP’s new, lighter Cheetah. Meanwhile, General Dynamics is ramping up its own capacity within the Force Dynamics partnership via a new 80,000 square foot plant in Oxford, AL; and expansion of its workforce at Anniston, AL by 50 employees. See full DID coverage.
July 5/07: General Dynamics announces a $111 million contract for MRAP work associated with the $221.7 million order noted below on June 19/07. They will produce 235 of the 455 Cougar vehicles. Fabrication and assembly will be performed in Anniston and Oxford, AL; Charlotte, MI; Ladson, SC; Lima, OH; Kings Point, NC; and Sealy, TX.
June 29/07: General Dynamics announces the delivery of the first MRAP Cougar vehicles from its new production lines in Alabama, as part of the Force Dynamics partnership.
Two General Dynamics assembly operations are being created in Alabama. The 80,000-square foot main General Dynamics assembly site for MRAP vehicles will eventually employ 220 new workers in Oxford, AL, while a supporting production site at Anniston Army Depot, AL will employ 50 new workers, in addition to the 240 building Fox and Stryker combat vehicles and the Abrams tank gunner’s primary sight. General Dynamics also contracted with BR Williams to operate a warehouse in Oxford, AL to support the new production operations. GDLS says that the Alabama sites will build more than 350 of Force Protection’s Category I 4×4 and Category II 6×6 Cougar vehicles by January 2008.
June 20/07: Force Protection issues their release re: the recent 455 vehicle order. It included this statement:
“We are delighted to receive this most recent order,” said Force Protection COO Raymond Pollard. “It permits us in concert with General Dynamics Land Systems and other partnered contractors to continue to increase the rate at which MRAP vehicles are being delivered to our government customer. We, of course, anticipate more orders to sustain that rate, which is currently scheduled to exceed 400 vehicles per month by February 2008.”
June 19/07: A $221.7 million firm-fixed-priced delivery order #0004 under previously awarded contract (M67854-07-D-5031) for additional 395 Cougar 4×4 Category I MRUV patrol vehicles, and 60 Cougar 6×6 Category II JERRV squad vehicles under Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) contracts for MRAP vehicles. Work will be performed in Ladson, SC, and by various subcontractors.
This order brings their total awards under the MRAP program to 1,780: 760 CAT I vehicles and 1,020 CAT II, to make up 48% of the vehicles ordered so far from the 9 (now 7) competitors.
Buffalo. Soldier.May 31/07: The US military orders 14 Buffalo MRAP Category III vehicles for $12 million. Unlike the other MRAP categories, there is only one type of CAT-III vehicle. Full DID coverage.
May 4/07: An $8.8 million contact award from Canadian Expeditionary Force Command (CEFCOM) to produce 5 Buffalo mine-clearance vehicles and 5 Cougars. Marine Corps Systems Command in Quantico, VA will administer the contract under a foreign military sales agreement (FMS). The sustainment will consist of 90-days worth of spares, forward deployment and maintenance workshop service blocks, field service representatives, and operator and maintenance training (M67854-07-D-5039).
There have been rumors that the Canadian order was smaller than originally intended, due to USMC delivery priority. Nevertheless, it was solicited as a sole source procurement under the terms of an “International Agreement” as cited under FAR 6.302-4. See full DID coverage: “Canada Bringing Buffalos, Cougars to Afghanistan”
April 24/07: Small business qualifier Force Protection Industries, Inc. in Ladson, SC received a $481.4 million firm-fixed-priced delivery order (#0003) under previously-awarded contract #M67854-07-D-5031 for additional Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) vehicles. The order covers 1,000 of the firm’s Cougar vehicles: 300 of the 31,000 pound curb weight 4x4s in MRAP Category 1 (MRAP-MRUV), and 700 of the 38,000 pound curb weight 6-wheeled Cougars in MRAP Category 2 (MRAP-JERRV). See full DID coverage.
March 14/07: Britain Orders 22 More Mastiff Cougar Variants, bringing the total to 108 vehicles and about $70.1 million. Force Protection release.
Feb 14/07: The US military orders 125 Cougar vehicles for shipment to the front and support in theater, as advance orders under the new MRAP (Mine-Resistant, Ambush Protected) contract. The contract includes 60 Cougar 4x4s (MRAP Category 1) and 65 Cougar 6x6s (MRAP Category 2), and amounts to $67.4 million. There are still 9 vendors competing in the 2 MRAP vehicle categories, and testing of the contenders is still underway. Total MRAP program orders could hit 4,100 vehicles and $2 billion.
March 8/07: Armor Holdings, Inc. announces a $40.7 million contract from Force Protection Industries, Inc. to produce Cougar armored vehicles for delivery to the U.S. Marine Corps. The contract includes production of vehicles and technical support, and falls under their agreement with Force Protection to manufacture and assemble Cougar vehicles in support of the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle program (see Nov 20/06 entry). Work will be performed in 2007 by the Armor Holdings Aerospace & Defense Group at its facilities located in Sealy, TX.
Armor Holdings and Force Protection are continuing discussions for follow-on Cougar production should Force Protection receive additional U.S. Marine Corps MRAP orders. Armor Holdings release.
Jan 11/07: Force Protection Industries Inc. in Ladson, SC received an estimated $9.4 million indefinite-delivery/ indefinite-quantity contract for 15 Joint Explosive Ordnance Disposal Rapid Response Vehicles (JERRV, aka. Cougar) with associated manuals, deployment kits, and training. Vehicles will be deployed to and supported in Iraq. Work will be preformed in Iraq, and is expected to be complete April 2008. “This contract is a sole source award based on an urgent and compelling need for the government.” The Marine Corps Systems Command in Quantico, VA issued the contract (M67854-07-D-5015).
Jan 4/07: ManTech International Corporation announces a $159 million contract over 16 months from the US Army Communications Electronics Life Cycle Command, to support mine-clearing and other systems for the U.S. Army in numerous locations within Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait. ManTech will provide services as ordered under the task including deployed sustainment management; deployed logistics and repairs management; unique system training and curriculum support; and resource management and acquisition. “ManTech will also support unique and specialized systems including the mine-clearing, Joint Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Rapid Response Vehicle” (JERRV, aka. Cougar). Services will be provided in Southwest Asia – including Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait, for the Program Management Assured Mobility Systems and the U.S. Army Tank and Automotive Command. See DID coverage.
Nov 20/06: Force Protection signs a production agreement with Armor Holdings, Inc.’s Aerospace & Defense Group. Force Protection will be the prime contractor under the agreement, with Armor Holdings as principal subcontractor, using its Sealy, Texas based capacity and core expertise in the automotive integration and assembly of the vehicle.
Mastiff, AfghanistanNov 16/06: Force Protection delivers the first round of Cougar Mastiff Patrol Protected vehicles (Mastiff PPV) to the British Ministry of Defence 3 weeks early. See release.
Nov 11/06: Force Protection signs a production agreement with General Dynamics Land Systems. Force Protection will be prime contractor under the agreement, with General Dynamics as subcontractor, using available production capacity at the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center in Lima, OH to perform structure fabrication of the Cougar.
Nov 9/06: Force Protection Industries, Inc. in Ladson, SC received a $125 million letter contract for 100 Joint EOD Rapid Response Vehicles (JERRV) and 44 Buffalo vehicles with associated manuals, deployment kits, field representative support and training. Vehicles will be deployed to and supported in Iraq, but work will be performed in Ladson, SC and is expected to be complete by November 2007; support will continue up to a year after fielding. This is a sole source award to Force Protection Industries, Inc., based on an urgent and compelling need for the Government by the Marine Corps Systems Command in Quantico, VA (M67854-07D-5006).
This contract contains options, which if exercised, would bring the totals to 200 JERRV vehicles and 82 Buffalo vehicles, and the estimated contract value to $200 million. It is considered to be the first award made under the new MRAP(Mine Resistant, Ambush Protected) program. DID article.
Oct 16/06: USMC Orders for Gyrocam Products Continue to Rise. As DID’s article notes, these stabilized, triple-sensor gyrocams are often mounted on Cougars to assist in early detection of IEDs. This follow-on order brings Gyrocam Camera Systems’ orders for this product to about $95 million.
Cougar-H & EOD TeamSept 29/06: Force Protection, Inc. announces an extension of its agreement with Denel PTY of South Africa subsidiary Mechem. The deal extends the term of their relationship for an additional five years effective September 13, 2006. Mechem specializes in the supply of landmine detection, de-mining, and unexploded ordnance disposal equipment and services, and they will continue to work exclusively with Force Protection on all projects relating to the exploitation of their technology. See release.
Aug 11/06: UK Land Forces Order 86 ‘Mastiff PPV’ Cougar Vehicles for $62.9 million. The full contract was announced in Britain on July 25 and included 2 other vehicle types, but this is the date DefenseINK released an announcement with specific numbers and dollar amounts for the Cougar (US) portion. DID’s article also adds more background concerning Force Protection’s efforts & plans to increase production capacity.
May 31/06: BAE Delivering a Cougar Variant for Iraq’s $445.4M ILAV Contract. The contract could go as high as 1,050 Cougar vehicles if all options are exercised, and BAE will also be enagaged in production work.
May 31/06: GyroCam Systems LLC in Sarasota, FL received a $43.4 million firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/ indefinite-quantity contract with a maximum ordering quantity of 67 of their 360-degree camera systems plus associated manuals, installation, deployment blocks, field support, and training. Manufacturing will be performed in Sarasota, FL, with installation on the Cougar JERRV ehicles in Iraq and Afghanistan. Work on the GyroCam contract is expected to be complete by May 2007. This contract is a limited competitive commercial contract award to GyroCam Systems LLC by the Marine Corps Systems Command in Quantico, VA (M67854-06-D-5034).
May 2/06: Force Protection Industries, Inc. in Ladson, SC received a $50.9 million firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/ indefinite-quantity contract with a maximum ordering quantity of 79 Joint Explosive Ordnance Disposal Rapid Response Vehicles (JERRV) and associated manuals, spares, field support, and training. Work will be performed in Ladson, SC (60%) and Charlotte, MI (40%), and work is expected to be complete by May 2007. This contract is a sole source award to Force Protection Industries, Inc. by the Marine Corps Systems Command in Quantico, VA (M67854-06-D-5042). As DID noteds in our article, this contract is in addition to the 27 Cougars purchased by the Marines for use in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the 122-vehicle all-services order DID covered in May 2005.
May 18/05: Force Protection Industries Inc. in Ladson, SC received a $16.5 million firm-fixed-price delivery order under previously awarded contract M67854-05-D-5091. The delivery order is for 17 Cougar Joint Explosive Ordnance Disposal Rapid Response Vehicles (JERRV), associated manuals, and spares. A maximum of 122 vehicles can be ordered off of the contract, and this contract brings the delivery order total to 88. Work will be performed in Ladson, SC (60%) and Charlotte, MI (40%), and is expected to be complete by May 2006 [DID note: it completed in June 2006]. This contract is a sole source award to Force Protection Industries Inc. by the Marine Corps Systems Command, Quantico, VA. DID covered it.
Cougar HE in IraqMay 16/05: Force Protection Industries Inc. in Ladson, SC received a sole-source $45.7 million firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/ indefinite-quantity contract with a maximum ordering quantity of 122 Cougar Joint Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Rapid Response Vehicles (JERRV) and associated manuals, spares and field support. The initial delivery order is for 71 out of the 122 vehicles available on the contract. Work on this contract will be performed in Ladson, SC (60%) and Charlotte, MI (40%), and is expected to be complete by May 2006. This contract is a sole source award to Force Protection Industries Inc., as they are the sole manufacturer. The Marine Corps Systems Command in Quantico, VA issued the contract (M67854-05-D-5091).
While the Cougar has been deployed with the Marines since the fall of 2004 when the Corps purchased 27 Cougars for use in Iraq and Afghanistan, the May 16th order marked the first time that the other services will receive the armored vehicle. Under the contract, funded by the Joint Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Defeat Task Force, Force Protection Industries will manufacture the vehicles and provide program management and logistics support. The Marine Corps are the lead procurement agency to buy the 122 Cougars, which are to be distributed among the US Marine Corps (38 vehicles), Army, Navy and Air Force. The first vehicles are expected to reach the field by early fall 2005.
fn1. MNF-W is the western region of Iraq, encompassing the western elements of the Sunni Triangle (esp. Ramadi) and the neighboring Al-Anbar region. The region is current a focal point for operations in Iraq, owing to a multi-tribal revolt against Al-Qaeda and an energetic, organized pursuit of vendettas against them that has significantly altered the balance of power in that critical Sunni region. It remains an extremely violent and dangerous place, of course, in part because of that revolt.
Appendix A: Ramping Up Production Cougar assemblyForce Protection has come a long way from its origins as Sonic Jet Performance, Inc., a boat maker who purchased Technical Solutions – and the accompanying rights to produce the South-African designed Cougar and Buffalo vehicles – from Garth Barrett in 2002. Initial interest was low, however, and the company has had issues with late delivery as it struggled to fill the initial orders it was given. At the beginning of 2004, Force Protection firm had just 12 employees.
At the same time, however, they were the only off-the-shelf, American-built, mine-resistant vehicle on the market – and the bottom line was, their product worked (see DefenseTech for an especially hilarious example). That positioning gave Force Protection the cushion it needed to ramp up production and grow the company from 2005-2007, as limited orders from the US military were supplemented by contracts for the British and Iraqis.
As of July 2006, more than 200 Buffalo and Cougar vehicles were deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan without a fatality, despite more than 1,000 mine detonations and IED attacks. Force Protection, Inc. also hired its 500th employee in July 2006, and a July 17, 20006 release noted that they are engaged in efforts to triple their internal manufacturing capacity. A second and third Cougar production line is being put in place following $41 million of equity financing, and production of its Buffalo variant is also slated to double.
Buffalo: IED testAn August 10, 2006 release reveals that the firm delivered 11 of the 12 Cougar Joint Explosive Ordnance Disposal Rapid Response Vehicles (JERRV) requested, and both of the Cougar-derived Buffalo Mine Protected Route Clearance (MPCV) vehicles (aka. “The Claw”) to the U.S. government in July 2006. This compares to 19 Cougar and 3 Buffalo vehicles in June 2006, completing its May 2005 contract with the US Marine Corps for 122 vehicles one month after the expected end date.
Force Protection’s July 17/06 release said they will even make use of other companies’ capacity to fill present and future orders – and readers who peruse our coverage of Iraq’s 378-vehicle ILAV contract will note the addition of production at BAE Land Systems (York, PA and Anniston, AL) and fire truck manufacturers Spartan Chassis (Charlotte, MI) to the production network. By October 1, 2006, Force Protection could claim delivery of more than 30 Buffalo, Cougar, and Iraqi ILAV vehicles to the U.S. government.
The firm has stated that with the new measures in place, it believes that it can continue to expand production throughout the rest of 2006. Of course, its November 11, 2006 Force Dynamics co-production agreement with General Dynamics Land Systems (see below) also helps.
Then came the MRAP program. In November 2006, the MRAP program was slated to buy around 1,000 vehicles. But the US Congress was waking up to the fact that solutions offering far better protection than up-armored Hummers were available. Pressure steadily built on the US military, augmented by requests from the field. By January 2007, MRAP was a 4,100 vehicle program. By April, it was a 7,774 vehicle program that had added the USAF and Special Operations Command as customers.
That surge has meant competition from larger firms, as well as smaller entities like Garth Barrett’s new Protected Vehicles, Inc. For Force Protection, it has also meant continued expansion, including a new 430,000 square foot facility in North Carolina and additional production capacity from General Dynamics plants in Oxford, AL and Anniston, AL. Firms like Spartan Chassis in Michigan and Armor Holdings (now BAE) are also part of the Cougar’s production chain, and there are rumors that Textron may be added. With the MRAP program in full swing, Force Protection now says that it plans to have production capacity for up to 400 Cougar vehicles per month by February 2008.
As of September 2007, production per month has risen to 115 vehicles.
Appendix B: Additional Readings and Sources:FOCUS Article search tag: cougarfocus
Maiden flight of the Yak-152:
Taiwan’s future air warfare DDG shoots down attacking F-14s:
The MiG-21 is reaching the end of its service life, but it can still be effective for a little while. India’s refurbished MiG-21 ‘Bisons’ combined Russian, Indian and Israeli technology to excellent effect in the COPE India 2004 and 2005 exercises with the USAF, and there’s even a Russian-Israeli MiG-21 2000 variant that exists for general sale. Israeli companies have made something of a specialty of refurbishing both Western and Soviet fighters with modern radars, avionics, and Israeli weapons like the Python air-air missile, giving the systems new life. An all-Israeli effort was undertaken for Romania, in order to create Romania’s MiG-21 ‘Lancers’ via upgrade.
The question is what comes next. In 2005, rumor had it that the success of those efforts had led to a more ambitious fighter deal between Israel and Romania for upgraded Cheyl Ha’Avir F-16A/Bs – but that deal appears to have fizzled for unknown reasons. Other firms entered the mix, including Saab with its JAS-39 Gripen and, surprisingly, EADS’ Eurofighter. Then the USA appeared to have flown away with the fighter replacement deal – but, not so fast.
Romania faced 3 big questions in deciding on its fighter purchase. They involved capability, finances, and foreign approvals. To those 3, add a pair of elements that are almost always present in fighter purchases: politics, and vanity.
Capability is always a concern, and Russia’s 2008 invasion of Georgia has only heightened regional concerns. While the Russian Air force is a shadow of its former self, so are the air forces of its former Warsaw Pact satraps. Unfortunately, modern NATO-compatible fighters are very costly, and East Bloc countries in particular feel the lack of any fielded low-budget options to fill the niche once occupied by planes like the MiG-21 and F-5. The natural response is to adopt NATO’s classic approach, and attempt to compete on quality.
Given the presence of upgraded SU-27 family fighters in the Russian fleet, competing on quality isn’t easy. Purchases from Russia itself, such as modern MiG-29/35 aircraft, offer another option. If the most likely future threat is seen as coming from Russia, however, that isn’t a viable option.
The Czech Republic and Hungary’s choice of 10-year leases for 14 fourth-generation JAS-39 Gripen aircraft illustrate one possible solution.
In 2005, reports in the Israeli press indicated that Romania might go another route, and spend $150 million to purchase “dozens” of used F-16A Netz (Hebrew for “Falcon”) aircraft from Israel. Israeli contractor Elbit Systems would be the lead contractor for an Israeli deal, overseeing their refurbishment and upgrade with newer Israeli electronics.
The one potential downside to the F-16 was the necessity of US approval for technology transfer or sale. Israel would be transferring the weapons themselves, not just maintaining them with Israeli technology. Formal American approval has always been required for any transfer of US equipment to 3rd countries. Fortunately, sales to a new NATO member like Romania were unlikely to attract any vetoes from the USA. Indeed, rumors in 2005 said that Romania had been given a provisional green light by the American government and by Lockheed Martin.
That approach seemed to be a good deal for both parties, and became a template for Romania’s search: buy a used version of the most widely-adopted fighter in NATO, with electronics that would be interoperable with NATO standards.
Evaluation & Options F-16I SoufaIn 2005, the talk centered on an Israeli deal. The reports noted that the Israeli Air force (“Cheyl Ha’Avir”) planned to phase out at least some of its 75 older F-16A/B planes as it introduces 102 new F-16I Soufa (Storm) jets, which incorporate all of the F-16 Block 52 advancements plus Israeli electronics and weapons. Reports claimed that a special committee had been set up to coordinate the various stages of what seemed to be a complicated deal.
So, what did the Romanians have to say?
The Romanian Ministry of Defense admitted that they were undertaking “an evaluation of the feasible alternatives for the replacement of the MIG-21 Lancer aircraft,” with a decision scheduled for 2006-2007 and a target date of 2010-2012 for initial operational capability. Thy also noted, however, that they were evaluating more than one type of plane. Defense Minister Atanasiu said that Romania needed at least 24 new aircraft, and added that a leasing system, auctions, or even participation in the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program were all under consideration.
JAS-39 GripenSuggestions concerning the F-35 were probably just vanity talking. Romania has a proud cultural history, but its economy hasn’t yet caught up to the $70-100 million per plane cost of the F-35 JSF. The truth has always been that leases or used aircraft from other countries were Romania’s only realistic options. Its possible choices also tend to narrow down to the lightweight medium fighter segment, in order to achieve even the 24 modern fighters desired, in return for the kind of money the country had chosen to spend.
That left a small set of options:
Within this group, the F-16 was always the most probable choice, barring a really excellent deal from Saab. After canvassing the Israelis, the Dutch, and even the Americans for offers, Romania finally settled on F-16s from Portugal in September 2012. The delays in getting to that point meant that the planes wouldn’t enter service until 2016.
Contracts & Key Events 2011 – 2016Slow deal with Portugal.
(click to view full)
September 30/16: Romania has become the latest operator of the F-16 following delivery of the first six from a total of twelve from Portugal. The $203 million deal includes nine F-16AM single-seaters and three F-16BM two-seaters as well as an overhaul of engines; initial logistics support; training of up to nine pilots, 75 technicians, and four mission planers; two years of on-site support; and updating the fleet to operational flight program (OFP) development software M5.2R standard, with support from Lockheed Martin. More F-16s from another NATO member are being sought by Romania who currently operate a fleet of MiG- 21 LanceR aircraft.
February 24/16: The Romanian Ministry of Defense has announced plans to purchase 12 more second-hand F-16 fighters in 2017. The procurement will the follow the delivery of F-16s from Portugal in September, which cost the government $695 million and included training and upgrades of systems from Lockheed Martin. The ministry has requested information from NATO allies (including the US and five European members) of available supplies with plans to purchase the fleet by auction.
Nov 8/13: Ancillaries. The US DSCA announces Romania’s official request to clear an initial transfer of key weapons and electronics that “will be procured through a third party transfer from Portugal,” as part of their F-16 MLU re-sale. Articles and services would include:
That’s more than a bit thin on associated weapons. Romania won’t have any existing stocks of these items from its upgraded, NATO-compatible Lancer fleet, either, but they may be able to transfer some of their existing RAFAEL Python 3 missiles and LITENING pods. Within the DSCA’s set, implementation won’t require any additional US government or contractor representatives in Romania. The principal contractors will be:
Raytheon, who makes the AIM-9, AIM-120, and AGM-65 missiles, wasn’t mentioned. Source: US DSCA #13-59.
DSCA: F-16 ancillaries and weapons
Oct 11/13: Contract. Romania’s government announces a signed contract with Portugal, and an initial EUR 100 million payment of of the EUR 600 million total. According to Defense Minister Mircea Dusa, the first modernized F-16s will reach Romania in 2015, and the full squadron will be on hand for full MiG-21 Lancer replacement by 2017. Meanwhile, Romania will send 80 people to Portugal for flight and maintenance training. Source: actmedia, “Defense Ministry signs contract for F-16 aircraft purchase”.
June 19/13: OK. The Romanian government approves the bill for the F-16 purchase. Source: actmedia, “Defense Ministry signs contract for F-16 aircraft purchase”.
April 22/13: Slooow. Reports indicate that negotiations with Portugal will take until May 2013 (the deadline is June), but that dealing with the American bureaucracy will take until September 2013 – a year after Romania accepted Portugal’s bid.
Romania may also be interested in another 9 planes, which would bring their replacement fighters to 21. They currently operate 40 MiG-21 Lancers. China MoD News Channel.
Sept 24/12: From Portugal. Romania apparently outbids Bulgaria for 12 PoAF F-16s, offering EUR 600 million over 5 years for the jets (EUR 125 million) and associated training and maintenance (EUR 475 million). The planes will arrive in 2016, by which time Romania’s pilots will also be fully trained.
The fighters are described as “multirole,” but this is a bit of a stretch for the F-16 Block 15 OCUs. They can use AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missiles, but their previous-generation AN/APG-66 radars have limited ground capabilities, and the fighters’ main precision strike weapon is the short-range AGM-65 Maverick missile. On the other hand, the price for 12 was pretty good. Other offers had been tabled by Saab and by the USAF for 24 fighters at about double the cost, but as the weighting of this deal shows, shrinking the fighters by half does not halve the total cost.
Meanwhile, an actmedia report quotes National Defence Minister Corneliu Dobritoiu, who spends his time touting the fact that Romania observed all of the EU’s bureaucratic requirements to the letter. The EU had wanted an open competition, instead of a government-to-government deal, and sent a warning letter in early September. Dobritoiu points out that government-to-government deals are allowed. Romania’s actmedia | Balkans.com | Bloomberg | Bulgaria’s Focus news agency | Romania’s Stirile Pro TV [in Romanian, with video].
Deal with Portugal for 12 F-16s
Aug 23/12: Portugal? actmedia reports that the Romanian defense ministry has sent experts to inspect some of Portugal’s 45 F-16s, which were found to be in excellent condition. The PoAF is likely to be selling some of 201 Squadron’s Block 15OCU models, not 301 Squadron’s 20 upgraded F-16MLUs. On paper, that sounds an attractive solution for both parties, given Portugal’s dire fiscal position, and the fact the Dutch option is apparently no longer available.
This news item does not seem to have been confirmed in the Portuguese press yet, and online rumors that up to 12 Portuguese F-16s were available for sale have floated for years without substantiation. That latest statement is not available on Agerpres’ website – the national news agency cited by actmedia – though an earlier article from June does mention the Netherlands and Portugal as 2 potential sources for used F-16s. Romania’s actmedia re: rumors and inspections | Agerpres [in Romanian] | F-16.net re: Portugal.
June 21/12: Dutch deal? Radio Netherlands reports that:
“Romania is interested in buying 15 surplus F-16s from the Dutch airforce… On Thursday, the Defence Ministry confirmed reports that it is looking to sell equipment in order to raise funds… [as it] must shave a billion euros from its budget. The ministry is also in preliminary discussions with an undisclosed number of potential buyers, including Chile, which are interested in eight Cougar helicopters. Today, parliament will discuss the potential sale of 80 Leopard tanks to Indonesia. The ministries of defence and foreign affairs are in favour of the sale but a majority in parliament is against the transaction.”
Sept 19/11: All we can afford. Romanian President Traian Basescu tells Pro TV that Romania cannot afford to buy F16 fighters without a long-term financing solution, as they can only pay up to $300 million per year for the next 5-6 years. From Romania’s actmedia:
“As a NATO member, Romania must have 48 fighters compatible with the North Atlantic Alliance’s equipment. Whether they are F16 planes, Rafale or SAAB, what matter is to find a financing solution,” said Basescu.He added the United States proposed a regional project whereby several NATO members, such as Bulgaria, Croatia, possibly Hungary, would create a pool to support the purchase of F16 planes.”
Bulgaria has reportedly been offered US financing for a buy of 8-12 F-16 fighters, though terms were not revealed or confirmed. U.S. Ambassador Mark Gitenstein added that the regional pool option would involve new planes, extending Lockheed Martin’s production line. That’s certainly in America’s interest, as it would extend the F-16 production line, but it’s also likely to make the planes more expensive.
2009 – 2010
Italian Eurofighters
(click to view full)
May 11/10: Eurofighter. The Eurofighter consortium and member firm Alenia Aeronautica chime in with an offer of their own: 24 used Italian Tranche 1 Eurofighters, plus up to 5,000 skilled jobs created by 100% industrial offsets and local technology transfer. The price, including logistics support and training, would be EUR 1 billion (about $1.3 billion), matching the price tag for used F-16s. Deliveries would take place between 2011-2012.
Italian Tranche 1 Eurofighters differ sharply from the other competitors in one crucial respect. Barring additional upgrades and equipment, they lack precision attack capabilities. In contrast, both the F-16 Block 25+ and the JAS-39 Gripen are full multirole fighters, able to target invading land forces, support Romanian troops on the ground, or conduct precision strikes against key enemy targets.
That same day, the Romanian Senate’s Defense Commission calls in representatives of rivals Eurofighter and Sweden’s Saab, stating that it wished to hear from Lockheed’s competitors. The decision to buy any fighter requires Parliamentary approval. Defense News.
April 15/10: Gripen. Agence France Presse quotes Jerry Lindbergh, a Swedish government official in charge of defense exports, who says that Sweden could provide 24 new “fully NATO interoperable Gripen C/D fighters, including training, support, logistics and 100 percent offset for the amount of one billion euros ($1.3 billion),” paid off over 15 years with low interest rates.
In essence, they’re offering newer and better fighters for the same price as very-used F-16s. The following quote from the Defense News report is difficult to take seriously in terms of future orders, but it does illustrate one of the political factors in play:
“Bucharest is also considering buying 24 new F-16 jets and later 24 F-35 jets, the defense ministry said, stressing this was part of the Romanian-U.S. “strategic partnership.”
March 23/10: Nothing new. At a Supreme Council of National Defense meeting, Minister of National Defense Gabriel Oprea presents a report, saying that Romania does not have the financial resources necessary for the acquisition of multirole aircraft. As such, the ministry proposes to buy 24 used F-16s, in order to replace Romania’s upgraded MiG-21 Lancers and their rising operations and maintenance costs.
Lockheed Martin personnel in Romania have reportedly confirmed that the aircraft with be F-16 C/D fighters, without mentioning the production year or their number of flight hours. The US DSCA request noted AN/APG-69v1 radars and PW F100-220 IPE engines as expected equipment, however. This strongly suggests F-16 C/D Block 25 aircraft, delivered between 1984-1986, and currently operational with American Air National Guard units.
Romanian sources say that the planes will be free, but there will still be costs of about $400 million for personnel training in the USA, $500 million for refurbishment and infrastructure improvements, and money to equip the planes with weapons. The total sum is estimated to be about $1.2 billion. The final draft of the agreement will reportedly be signed by the Romanian and American governments. Romanian Presidency release | Google translation of same || Mediafax Romania [in Romanian] | Hotnews.RO | Radio Free Europe | Reuters.
2005 – 2008
Israeli F-16B
(click to view larger)
Sept 24/08: No decision. A Curierul National interview quotes Romania’s Defence Minister Teodor Melescanu as saying that no decision has been made yet regarding Romania’s fighter replacement. Key quotes include:
“…we do not have this money… ready to spend it when necessary. However, the executive has given us the possibility, by Emergency Ordinance no. 111/2006, which allows ministries to contract loans on the international banking market, we can employ such loans up to the limit of 2.38% of GDP… in a predictable financing line for the period 2009-2013. We also consider achieving these acquisitions with the participation of internationally prestigious companies, which we would attract in the modernisation and privatisation process of the defence industry.”
Indeed, the MiG 21s will deplete their flight resource by 2010-2011 and therefore we must absolutely start the programme of purchasing a multi-role plane… The issue is the purchase of 48 planes, the budget effort exceeding 3.5 billion lei… financed by foreign loans, using the mechanisms of Emergency Ordinance no. 111/2006… As there appeared some information about the purchase of second-hand planes, too, I want to emphasize that, personally, I think we are too poor to buy cheap, used things. I do not think that the solution of second hand devices is the best option and therefore I feel inclined to the purchase of new aircraft. And I insist on the human resource. We have valuable pilots and we cannot waste this value we have… As I have said, there are five models of multirole planes that meet the technical-operational requirements set up by the specialists of the Romanian Air Force. We are considering the F-16 plane… the JAS-39 Gripen… the Eurofighter Typhoon… the F18… and the Rafale [The F-35 was eliminated, since only operational aircraft were considered].
…To take a decision based on real and as complete as possible data, the Ministry of Defense has conducted information activities during the recent years… As a result of these activities the 5 types of airplanes I mentioned above were identified. But no decision has been taken yet.”
OK ANG F-16CsMay 19/08: USA The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency announces [PDF] Romania’s formal request for 48 F-16C/D Block 50/52 Aircraft, in a surprisingly rich deal that could run as high as $4.5 billion if all options are exercised. There are no known industrial offset agreements in connection with this proposed sale, and implementation will require multiple trips to Romania involving U.S. Government and contractor representatives for technical reviews/support, program management, and training over a period of 15 years.
The full request involves a number of contractors, and a few contracts whose equipment choices are still competitive. Note that even this announcement is not necessarily determinative. A March 19/02 DSCA announcement [PDF] covered a $1.7 billion offer to Austria of 30 updated and refurbished F-16s, but that country ended up buying EADS’ Eurofighter instead. These competitions are never truly over until a contract is signed.
The proposed order would also include up to:
The principal contractors, and some of the items they are responsible for, include:
The deal would also include support equipment, software development/integration, tanker support, ferry services, CAD/PAD, repair and return, modification kits, spares and repair parts, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor technical, engineering, and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistics support. This list suggests an extensive range of support that is unique to the USAF.
DSCA: used & new F-16s requested
Oct 19/07: Eurofighter. China’s government-controlled Xinhua agency quotes Eurofighter’s program director for Romania Giuseppe Paoletti as saying that that Eurofighter is making Romania an offer of 24 Typhoon aircraft, with the first operational squadron provided for 2010 and the rest delivered in the 2010-2014 period. He also reportedly said that Finnmecanica of Italy was interested in buying the local Craiova-based Aircraft Factory, which may offer technical support and maintenance for the Typhoon warplane. The statements reportedly came at a press conference organized within the EXPOMIL 2007 show in Bucharest. Xinhua story.
At over $100 million per aircraft, the Eurofighter was not expected to be a major contender given its cost.
Oct 19/07: Gripen. Gripen International is also attending the EXPOMIL 2007 show in Bucharest, and meeting with senior government officials [release is in Romana].
2006: Gripen. Gripen International (Saab & BAE) introduces a Romanian language web site promoting the JAS-39 Gripen as Romania’s best choice.
Nov 25/05: Israel. DID’s article covering an Israeli RFI for new trainer aircraft notes another area of significant Israeli-Romanian cooperation: Romanian IAR-99C trainer aircraft with Israeli avionics that include embedded training capability. This could create an interesting barter angle to any potential F-16 Netz deal.
Oct 31/05: Nothing but Netz. Reports surface that Romania is discussing a $150 million buy of F-16A/B Netz (Heb. “falcon”) aircraft with Israel for “dozens” of aircraft. The Israelis could conceivably sell the used F-16s quite cheap, knowing that the refurbishment contracts would be lucrative. F-16.NET | Avianews.
Feb 4/05: Belgium? Romania is reportedly asking about used Belgian F-16s. F-16.NET report.
Having just been awarded IOC, a look back at the QF-18’s first full flight:
QF-16s are former F-16 fighters that will be fitted with equipment for remote-controlled flight, and used as aerial targets and decoys for testing against air-air missiles, radars, surface-air missiles, etc. Could they be used for more than that?
The QF-16 is a follow-on to the QF-4 aerial target drone, which are converted by BAE Systems. The USAF is running out of F-4 family airframes to convert, and production is set to end in FY 2013. The QF-16s will be their replacements, but the conversion process must still be developed and tested. BAE Systems won’t be leading the QF-16 program, however; Boeing won that contract.
The initial contract involves 126 jets, but the overall program involves 210-220 QF-16 aircraft. Most will be taken from dry storage at the AMARG “boneyard,” at Davis Monthan AFB, AZ. Note that QF-16s aren’t fully autonomous, as they have pilots who sit on the ground and direct the planes via remote control. Tying the F-16’s systems into the new set of remote control systems was apparently quite an involved and challenging project.
FY 2012 – 2016
1st unmanned flight
click for video
September 29/16: Initial operational capability has been given by the USAF Air Combat Command for the QF-16 full-scale aerial target (FSAT). All 15 QF-16s located at the 82nd Aerial Target Squadron at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida have been approved for target operations. Due to replace the legacy QF-4 aerial target, the QF-16 will introduce fourth-generation fighter capabilities in the aerial target mission, maintaining all inherent capabilities of the baseline F-16 Fighting Falcon, including supersonic flight and 9 G maneuverability.
May 20/14: Lot 2. Boeing in St. Louis, MO receives a $27.7 million contract modification for QF-16 Production Lot 2: 23 QF-16 conversions, with 4-year warranties for the onboard systems that turn them into remote control aircraft. This brings the contract’s total value so far to $158.7 million.
All funds are committed immediately, using FY 2013 procurement & 2014 R&D budgets. Work will be performed in St. Louis, MO, and will be complete by May 20/16 as the warranties expire. The USAF Life Cycle Management Center/EBYK (Aerial Targets) at Eglin AFB, FL manages the contract (FA8678-10-C-0100, PO 0058).
Lot 2
May 7/14: QF-16 UCAVs? With the USAF looking for just 210 QF-16s at most, and hundreds of F-16s in storage and headed for storage, Boeing is thinking bigger. Boeing’s QF-16 chief engineer Paul Cejas told IHS Jane’s that they’re thinking of using them as Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles, for close-air support and deep strikes against the most dangerous targets.
Step 1 is giving the QF-16s control options that don’t require line of sight, which is currently the case at Tyndall AFB, FL and White Sands Missile Range, NM. Step 2 would involve thinking through mission performance very carefully. Contested airspace is the main reason to use a QF-16 over an MQ-9 Reaper, but UAV pilots have very limited fields of view. That’s a problem for contested strike missions, let alone aerial dogfights. Now add the inevitable delays of latency to magnify the problem, unless the QF-16s are given another level of autonomy for evasion and flight. Range will be limited without aerial refueling, though parallel R&D programs may be about to solve that issue.
On balance, this may be one of those ideas that needs to wait for another iteration or 2 of technology before it really makes sense. Sources: IHS Jane’s 360, “Boeing touts operational QF-16 UAV'”.
September 2013: 1st unmanned flight. The first unmanned F-16 flight takes place at Tyndall AFB, FL. The jet reaches Mach 1.47 and 40,000 feet, performing barrel rolls and other maneuvers before returning with a safe landing.
Boeing has modified 6 QF-16s so far, and this initial test plane had last flown 15 years ago. Conversions will continue, while the next step for converted planes is live fire testing at Holloman AFB, NM. Sources: Boeing feature, “On target: QF-16 flies with an empty cockpit”.
1st unmanned flight
Dec 11/12: More EMD. Boeing in St. Louis, MO receives a $17 million contract modification for Engineering, Manufacturing and Development Phase Option 1. Work will be performed in St. Louis, MO, and is expected to be complete by March 2014. The AFLCMC/EBYK at Eglin AFB, FL manages the contract (FA8678-10-C-0100, PO 0028).
Nov 19/12: Testing. The 1st QF-16 drone arrives for developmental testing at Tyndall AFB, FL. Boeing Global Services and Support will conduct testing on the QF-16, which will undergo approximately 6 months of testing to validate their capabilities and ensure compatibility with the Gulf Range Drone Control System. Next, the aircraft will deploy to Holloman AFB, NM, for 4 more months of integrated testing.
When all test milestones are complete, the aircraft will return permanently to the 53rd WEG, complete a transition period, and achieve initial operational capability at Tyndall AFB. The first production QF-16 is scheduled to be delivered in 2014. USAF | Boeing.
May 4/12: 1st flight. Boeing and the U.S. Air Force complete the 1st QF-16 Full Scale Aerial Target flight at Cecil Field in Jacksonville, FL. For safety reasons, initial flights take place with a pilot on board. Boeing.
1st flight
FY 2010 – 2011
1st “voluntold” F-16
(click to view full)
July 7/10: Sub-contractors. Herley Industries’ subsidiary Micro Systems, Inc. in Fort Walton Beach, FL announces a development and production contract from Boeing for a QF-16 command and control transponder and a ground systems module. This development contract has an initial award of $2.3 million, and a total potential value of $19 million.
April 22/10: F-16 arrives. The first retired F-16 Falcon arrives at Boeing’s Cecil Field facility near Jacksonville, FL to begin conversion into a QF-16 aerial drone. The team will receive 6 F-16s during the program’s development phase, which will be modified and serve as prototypes for engineering tests and evaluation prior to low-rate initial production. Boeing.
March 8/10: QF-16 EMD. Boeing in St. Louis, MO announces a $69.7 million contract to develop and provide QF-16 “optionally manned” full scale aerial targets. Phase I covers engineering, manufacturing and development. Under the terms of the remainder of the contract, expected to be awarded in coming years, up to 126 QF-16 drones will deliver beginning in 2014, and 2014 is also the expected year for full rate production. The USAF expects to buy 220 QF-16s over time.
QF-16 design and development will take place in St. Louis. MO. Ground and flight testing and production will be completed at the Boeing facility in Cecil Field, FL, near Jacksonville. The Boeing-led QF-16 team also includes BAE Systems in Johnson City, NY, who led the QF-4 program. For the Boeing QF-16 contract, $950,000 is committed at the outset by the 691st Armament Systems Squadron at Eglin Air Force Base, FL (FA8678-10-C-0100). See also Boeing release.
Development contract
QF-4: fading awayOctober 2009: QF-4s. In a presentation to the NDIA, Deputy Director of the 691st Armament Systems Squadron Mike VandenBoom sketches out the remaining QF-4 program. As of October 2009, they had completed Lot 13 production and begun Lot 14 deliveries, with 256 QF-4s delivered to date. Production is now down to using RF-4C reconnaissance aircraft instead of F-4E fighters, which will provide another 3 years of full production capability until Lot 17, the final production lot.
QF-4 Lots 15-17 will comprise 36 aircraft, with deliveries lasting until July 2013, which is expected to provide enough inventory through FY 2015. Successor “QF-16” aircraft will need to pick up the job from there.
Additional ReadingsPakistan Air Force jets landing and taking off from highways near Lahore:
Israeli and Hellenic Air Force helicopters train in Greece:
Sweden’s Archer (6×6) Howitzer:
South Korea’s new AH-64Es:
Launch party of Klimov’s new TV7-117ST turboprop engine that will be the power plant for the Il-112V light tactical transport aircraft:
The good news? 2006 saw a convergence of opinion within the USAF that a new long-range strike platform was needed. This is understandable given the B-52H Stratofortress fleet’s age (40-50 years), the B-1B Lancer’s internal power and electronics issues, both of these platforms’ low survivability against advanced air defense systems, and the B-2A Spirit stealth bomber’s very small numbers (21, of which 7-12 are generally operational). The unmanned J-UCAS program, meanwhile was seen as having inadequate range and payload (Boeing X-45C: 1,400 mile radius with 8 GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs). The USAF decided that J-UCAS wasn’t a solution and pulled out, stalling American UCAV development until the Navy chose to go ahead with the carrier-based N-UCAS.
The bad news? They seemed to have little idea of exactly what they wanted in their bomber. The FY 2010 budget killed those plans anyway, but in September 2010, pressure to field a new bomber began to rise again. By the time fiscal year 2015 budget planning was in motion, both DoD and the Air Force seemed committed to making the program one of the service’s top 3 priorities.
BAD NEWS: Officials disagreed on what kind of aircraft or missile should be designed to meet the requirement. A single plane? A missile? A family of aircraft? Manned or unmanned? A fighter-bomber like the FB-22/FB-23 idea to fill the FB-111’s vacant shoes, or a full-reach heavy bomber? A traditional land-based platform, or should it be carrier capable? Something comparable to the $2 billion B-2s to take on the toughest strike missions – or more of a utility aircraft like some of the “arsenal aircraft” proposals, aimed at replacing the B-52s with a platform based on a passenger jet or C-17 that would be more economical to fly and maintain? And where do proposals to simply re-engine the B-52 fleet fit in?
Until (unless) this was sorted out, R&D efforts could not succeed – and issues of future force structure remained open questions. An official Analysis of Alternatives was scheduled for Spring 2007, and the articles below chronicle developments in that process as it works its way forward. At this point, it appears certain that the new bomber will fly at subsonic speeds, and incorporate modern advances in stealth technology. Other elements are less clear.
THE GOOD NEWS? Key technologies, from stealth to control of unmanned combat aircraft, have taken many steps forward since this discussion began.
In September 2006, Inside Defense reported that the US Air Force was responding to ongoing Congressional pressure with a proposed $5 billion initial investment over the next few years. Their goal was to develop a next-generation long-range strike platform by 2018, with a fly-off before final platform selection.
All of this work was effectively brought to a halt when US Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates announced his FY 2010 budget recommendations, and effectively suspended the competition. Research may continue in some related technologies under ‘black’ (non-public) budgets, but Sec 124 of the Senate’s S.1390 FY 2010 defense budget was clear:
“On May 7, 2009, President Barack Obama announced the termination of the next generation bomber aircraft program in the document of the Office of Management and Budget entitled ‘Terminations, Reductions, and Savings,’ stating that ‘there is no urgent need to begin an expensive development program for a new bomber’ and that ‘the future bomber fleet may not be affordable over the next six years’.”
By 2010, however, pressure began to rise again to field a new bomber. The breakthrough came, ironically, during a January 2011 speech about $150 billion in spending and program reductions:
“Finally, a major area of investment for the Air Force will be a new long-range, nuclear-capable penetrating bomber. This aircraft – which will have the option of being piloted remotely – will be designed and developed using proven technologies, an approach that should make it possible to deliver this capability on schedule and in quantity. It is important that we begin this project now to ensure that a new bomber can be ready before the current aging fleet goes out of service. The follow on bomber represents a key component of a joint portfolio of conventional deep-strike capabilities – an area that should be a high priority for future defense investment given the anti-access challenges our military faces.”
Competing Teams Phantom Ray rolloutOn the contractor side, the program seemed to be shaping clearly, the picture has become muddy again.
On Jan 25/08, Boeing and Lockheed Martin announced that they would be cooperating on a bid of their own. Their team will perform studies and system development efforts “in pursuit of the anticipated U.S. Air Force Next Generation Bomber program.” Their collaborative research and development efforts will include will include work in advanced sensors, future electronic warfare solutions, better networked awareness of the broader battlefield, command and control issues for stealth platforms, and virtual warfare simulation and experimentation.
By March 2010, however, the joint team members were each going their own way. Boeing’s X-45C Phantom Ray provides them with a very useful test platform that could become a base for a new unmanned bomber, and Lockheed Martin’s own work on “black program” UAVs gives them growing expertise as well. They eventually got back together in 2013, once requirements began to clarify.
Northrop Grumman is another obvious contender, as the designer and manufacturer of the B-2A Spirit Stealth bomber. The firm has moved away from designing full-scale manned military aircraft in recent years, but there are persistent rumors of black (secret) program contracts related to the design of a next-generation bomber, and NGC’s leadership has indicated that black programs are a growing strategic focus for the company. Taken in tandem, it seems likely that Northrop Grumman is already working on a next-generation stealth bomber design. CFO James Palmer admitted as much during a financial conference in November 2013.
UpdateSeptember 21/16: The USAF’s new long-range strike bomber has officially been named the B-21 Raider. Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James made the announcement on Monday in what is a tribute to the legacy of WW2’s Doolittle Raiders rather than a reference to the Indiana Jones movie “Raiders of the Lost Ark.” The Doolittle Raiders are known for their surprise attack against Japan during on April 18, 1942, which forced the Japanese to recall combat forces for home defense, and boosted morale among Americans and US allies abroad.
September 4/15: Northrop Grumman and competitor coalition Lockheed Martin and Boeing submitted designs for the new long range bomber, with a decision expected in October. The first versions produced are expected to be manned craft, with unmanned craft coming a few years later. Designs are said to be more detailed at the stage than is typical.
Additional Readingstag: 2018bomber
In September 2011, Thales Raytheon Systems in Fullerton, CA received a $162.7 million firm-fixed-price contract for 56 Sentinel AN/MPQ-64A3 radars, along with associated spares and fielding support. Work will be performed in Fullerton, CA, and Forest, MS, with an estimated completion date of June 1/14. One bid was solicited, with one bid received. The U.S. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, AL manages the contract (W31P4Q-11-C-0301).
Their Sentinel radar was to be an integral part of the SL-AMRAAM surface to air missile system, until the US Army decided to assume more battlefield risk and cancel it. Even so, the X-band Sentinel pulse-doppler 3D radars can detect a wide variety of aerial targets, and are being bought for forward area air defense units of the U.S. Army and USMC. Raytheon refers to this buy as Improved Sentinel radars (MPQ-64F1), and conversations with Raytheon personnel confirm that the Pentagon’s “MPQ-64-A3” is the same radar. They also confirm its ability to pinpoint the origin of mortar and artillery fire, and note that its effective range has tripled over the original Sentinel, to 120 km/ 75 miles. Cargo HMMWVs are used as the companion/ towing vehicle, and are equipped with the requisite generator to provide power for the radar.
UpdatesSeptember 21/16: Egypt is to receive eight Sentinel AN/MPQ-64F1 radars following the foreign military sale approval by the US State Department. The package, including training and other associative equipment, is estimated to cost $70 million. Once delivered, the Sentinels will work toward improving existing Egyptian air-defense capabilities following a series of aviation disasters over the last year.
North Korea’s latest ballistic missile launch:
Launch of Israel’s Ofek-11 reconnaissance satellite:
Boeing’s T-X offering Part II:
Boeing’s T-X offering:
Back in July 2005 it was apparent India’s sanctions against Denel and possible disqualification from a $2 billion artillery contract could have a major effect on the South African defense firm as a whole. In August 2005, those sanctions came to pass, barring Denel from a contract it was likely to win and accelerating efforts already underway to radically restructure the firm.
CEO Shaun Liebenberg launched that shift in late 2005 with some frank discussion of the global defense market, and the position of small-medium players like Denel in it. At DSEI 2005 in London, UK, the outline of this new strategy was already apparent. Many of the products Denel is known for will no longer define the firm. But could it find a way to stanch the bleeding and survive in a globalized market?
And how has it done since?
Denel’s Position
Mokopa Laser ATGMThe new CEO was frank about Denel not being viable under the current model. According to Liebenberg, global prime contractors succeed due to privileged relationships with their domestic customer who largely fund and promotes the development of new system platforms.
“Changes in the defence industry have forced consolidation and the forming of alliances worldwide… Although Denel has an enviable range of products, we no longer have a captive domestic market or the scale to succeed as an independent systems integrator and exporter of such a broad range of products…”
“Our analysis of the international defence environment shows much of global defence spend is not directly accessible to independent contractors like Denel,” Liebenberg explained. “The US Department of Defense in recent years has awarded contracts almost exclusively to US and NATO companies. These companies supply most other markets, too. Developing nations like India, Brazil and Israel have strong domestic industries to serve their own customer, whilst giving intense competition to other independents.”
Rooivalk and GripenDenel’s product range drives the full scope of its ambitions home. If anything, it’s surprising that the reckoning hasn’t come sooner.
Indigenous efforts in the missile field alone include the A-Darter (intended as a Sidewinder 9X/ ASRAAM/ AA-11 Archer contemporary), Ingwe and Mokopa anti-armor missiles (think TOW2 and Hellfire/Brimstone competitors), and Umkhonto-IR ship based anti-air missile. The firm also has a full line of optronics; 3 UAV projects (including a reconnaissance UAV, a high speed stealth UAV, and a target drone); a full-fledged new-generation attack helicopter project in the Rooivalk (Eurocopter Tiger/ AH-1Z/ Mi-28 contemporary); the Umbani bomb kit (a kit that converts ordinary bombs to something approaching a JSOW); world-class artillery systems in the G5, G6, and accompanying base bleed ammunition; vehicle turrets, a full line of military small arms; plus C4ISR products, licensed production of other helicopters, aircraft maintenance, and more.
Some products, like its artillery, are genuine world-beaters coping with a shrinking market for their specific product range. On the other hand, many of these expensive development projects were substitutable at home, and non-viable abroad from the get-go. Little wonder the new CEO has concluded that local defense spending clearly won’t suffice, even with some 45% of Denel’s business still deriving from the domestic market.
Worse, much of South Africa’s recent domestic spend has taken place in areas falling outside Denel’s product range, like fighter jets and naval systems. Denel’s involvement was limited to sub-contracts on the SA Navy’s corvette weapons suite, some workshare on the Gripen, Hawk and Agusta helicopter programs, and the hope of additional workshare as part of the Airbus A400M military transport. Liebenberg clearly understood, and stated, that some non-viable businesses would have to be made viable or exited entirely.
Denel’s New Strategy
Liebenberg believed that his company’s capabilities are attractive to global prime contractors for partnering. Liebenberg said Denel meets the pre-requisites to act as a specialised contractor that could slot into the value chain of the global players, because it has a technology edge or low cost production capabilities in several niche areas, plus good systems integration experience.
As such, he intends to pursue a strategy that focuses Denel business on being a domestic prime contractor, whilst becoming a specialized contractor or sub-supplier to other international defense contractors.
In keeping with Denel’s new strategic direction, formally announced by CEO Shaun Liebenberg in August 2005, the Group is showcasing some of its niche defence and aerospace systems at DSEI 2005 this week in London, UK.
Denel’s advanced LCT-30 combat turret will be part of the South African Army’s new generation infantry combat vehicle. Denel also hopes to interest more customers in its sophisticated sub-systems, like its ‘Eagle Eye’ target location binocular, Denel’s NATO certified LH-40C eyesafe laser rangefinder already in use with some European armies, the ‘Kenis’ infrared thermal imaging camera, and the Goshawk electro-optic stabilized airborne observation system. Denel is also supporting Zeiss Optronik of Germany with periscope equipment for a number of foreign navies.
Umkhonto-IR conceptYet Denel hasn’t given up on all of its bigger projects. Its Umkhonto IR surface-to-air missile, selected by the South African and the Finnish navies, remains on offer now that performance testing and live firings have concluded successfully [DID: Sweden would eventually buy them too, as a partial offset for the SAAF’s new Gripen fighters]. In the artillery department, its ‘Arachnida’ electronic targeting and combat management is already in service on the UK’s light artillery guns and was exported in quantity to a Middle East customer, and Denel’s world-class artillery ammunition is currently being evaluated in the NATO environment as well as in the United States. In 2007, Denel announced a strategic alliance with Germany’s Nitrochemie to develop a new generation of modular propellant charges for 105mm and 155mm artillery, and 2008 saw Germany’s Rheinmetall take a majority stake in Denel Munitions.
It’s going to be a long road ahead for Denel, as it always is in major corporate restructurings. Jack Welch, widely considered to be the gold standard of modern-day CEOs, offered his take on the restructuring/ crisis process in a Wall St. Journal article that covered the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The circumstances are different, but the process is universally applicable.
In a way, however, the scale of the problem is blessing to Denel. The very overreach that has landed the firm in such trouble has also made it sufficiently important to South Africa’s defense infrastructure that allowing the firm to fail will be seen as a last resort option. Given the roster of projects it has successfully brought to fruition, it’s also clear that Denel has some very talented engineers and personnel on hand.
Strong government support, a solid share of South Africa’s production allocation for the A400M global project, and success in its alliance efforts could yet steer the South African firm back to health. Yet the international defense market is becoming a difficult place for small-mid size firms without an in-demand flagship product. Unlike Apollo 11, failure is an option.
Updates and Key Events Hoefyster/ Badger –September 15/16: South Africa’s Defense Minister announced plans to update the country’s indigenous Rooivalk attack helicopter. Speaking at this year’s African Aerospace & Defence Show, Nosiviwe Masipa-Nqakula said the helicopter has “blooded” itself having carried out a series of successful operations as part of the United Nations’ peacekeeping missions in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Manufacturer Denel is also working on marketing the helicopter to other African governments who are fighting insurgencies, namely Nigeria and Egypt, and further afield governments like India and Brazil.
November 10/15: South African firm Denel Vehicle Systems has also bagged a $63 million contract to develop and produce N35 mine-resistant ambush protected vehicles with UAE firm NIMR, with this contract reportedly covering the development of both 4×4 and 6×6 variants over the next two years. An initial batch of South African-produced vehicles will be followed by a transition in production to the UAE, including transfer of the production line’s supply chain and technical expertise.
July 22/09: A Denel release suggests renewed efforts to step up exports – even as it makes the importance of the Hoefyster IFV project, and the continued primacy of South African defense spending, clear:
“In 2005 Denel Land Systems was a company “in anticipation.” Inheriting an overdraft of R400m and a loss of R180m year-on-year, DLS was insolvent for all intensive purposes. Despite this however, the strategic and technical value of the company remained evident… Having technical expertise and an artillery capability among the best in the world does not automatically equate to sustainability however… All product lines manufactured by DLS were reviewed as a result, with non-core products such as hunting rifles immediately being exited. We simultaneously applied for recapitalisation funding, which was used to repay an overdraft and give DLS a “clean start”
Despite this however, DLS needed a catalyst for growth and sustainability. With over 70% of its business coming from the local market and notably from the SANDF, it was critical that DLS secured a sizable defence contract… we were conscious of the business and strategic value this type of contract would enable… The Hoefyster project has provided just the required impetus. With a total contract value of R8.3bn and the demand phase in activation already worth R1bn, the contract’s full effects are not confined to DLS, but also being felt by 60 local contractors – a glimpse of the scale of impact the company can have on the local economy.
While Hoefyster proved a critical element in ensuring DLS broke even during the financial year 2008/09… we have started visiting previously interested international parties and looking for new ones in the Middle East, Far East, South America and Africa. To step into these international markets however, strategic partners will be critical in ensuring access. As such, our focus has seen us already engage with a number of key players so as to establish supplier contract relationships.”
July 16/09: Denel Group CEO Talib Sadik discusses the organisation’s revised growth strategy in a corporate release, and offers an update on turnaround progress made to date. Since the turnaround began in 2006, Denel has inked strategic equity partnerships with Carl Zeiss, Rheinmetall Defence and Saab:
“While acknowledging the Group still faced challenges, most notably the continued posting of losses by Denel Saab Aerostructures and securing further recapitalisation, Sadik maintained it was important to acknowledge the milestones that had already been achieved. These included the improved relationship with the South African Department of Defence, enhanced risk management and programme execution, and the significant performance of and turnaround seen in some of Denel’s fully-owned (100% shareholding) businesses… Turbomeca Africa has continued to grow its profits year-on-year. We have also seen Carl Zeiss Optronics’ sales per person has increased from R0.8 million to R1.6 million since its restructuring, and are expecting Rheinmetall Denel Munitions to post its first profits in the new financial year,” explained Sadik. He added that Carl Zeiss Optronics has shown a 100% increase in revenue over a two year period, while Rheinmetall Denel Munitions’ order cover is in the region of 70%.”
Overall, losses are continuing at a declining rate, from R 1.56 billion in the 2004/05 financial year to R 347 million in 2008 (q.v. Sept 9/08 entry). Despite the net loss, Denel Group’s gross profit has grown from -6% in 2006/07 to 16% in 2008/09, while revenue per employee across the Group has more than doubled from R 353,242 in 2006 to R 745,460 in 2009. R&D has grown to R 1.12 billion in 2009 driven largely by development of the A-Darter 5th generation air-to-air missile, the Badger/Hoefyster 8×8 IFV, and subcontracting work on the A400M military cargo aircraft.
Denel’s order book has seen the most growth, from R 3.75 billion in 2006 R 16.05 billion (including confirmed contracts) at the end of 2009. The May 2007 IFV win played a large role in that increase, by adding R 8.3 billion to the order book.
Jan 19/09: In its analysis of the South African defense industry, analyst firm Forecast International sees Denel’s efforts paying off. In accordance with mandates attached to government recapitalization efforts valued at $455 million, Denel has proceeded with restructuring. Forecast International believes that amid rising uncertainty around the domestic defense market, the sector’s decision to discard self-sufficiency in favor of an industry structure optimized to increase access to the global defense market appears is looking like a good strategy. It adds:
“Since the South African Ministry of Public Enterprise opted to divest from unprofitable domestic defense enterprises and relax regulations on foreign investment in the defense sector in late 2005/early 2006, 10 major acquisitions involving foreign defense enterprises targeting South African enterprises have occurred… Since early 2006, Denel has sold 20 percent of it aerostructures division at a price of ZAR66 million to Saab to form the Denel Saab Aerostructures joint venture; 70 percent of its optronics division was acquired by Carl Zeiss Optronics in exchange for phased investment in Denel’s European logistics network; and Rheinmetall AG acquired a 51 percent stake in Denel Munitions in return for the provision of financing and advising on the business unit’s restructuring.”
While Denel has yet to operate at a profit, operating losses declined nearly 37% between 2007 and 2008, and decreased at a compound annual rate of 74% since restructuring efforts were initiated in early 2006.
Talib SadikSept 25/08: State-owned Denel (Pty) Ltd’s Chairman of the Board Dr Sibusiso Sibisi announces Talib Sadik’s appointment as Group CEO for a period of three years. Mr Sadik was appointed as Group Financial Officer of Denel in 2006, and has been an executive member of the Board of Directors since that date.
Sept 9/08: Denel’s Acting Group CEO Talib Sadik, announces that for the fiscal year that ended on March 31/08, the Denel Group increased gross revenue to R 3,894 million (2007: R 3,310 million) and posted a net loss of R 347 million (2007: R 549 million). Of the total turnover 56.8% was from domestic sales (2007: 47.5%) and 43.2% from export sales (2007: 52.5%). Sadik:
“We managed to improve the loss for the past year through focusing on core businesses, phasing out of legacy contracts, savings in operating costs and profits on the sale of non-core assets… Better contract negotiations including higher advance payment receipts towards the year-end and improvements in our debt collection process helped us to achieve the healthy cash situation.”
See full Denel release | Engineering News.
Sept 1/08: The finalized deal involving Rheinmetall and Denel Munitions comes into effect. Denel release [PDF].
June 1/08: Denel Group’s CFO Mr Talib Sadik becomes interim CEO of Denel.
Feb 8/08: Germany’s Rheinmetall Group signs an agreement with Denel (Pty) Ltd, indicating its intention to take a majority equity stake in Denel Munitions. The deal is finalized on Sept 1/08. Read “Rheinmetall Buying Majority Stake in Denel Munitions” for more.
A-DarterJuly 25/07: Denel’s Group CEO Mr Shaun Liebenberg, announces a net loss of R 549.1 million for the past year ended March 31/07 (2006: R 1,363.4 million) on turnover of R 3,268.1 million (2006: R 2,773.2 million). Gross profit rose to R 754.0 million (2006: loss of R131.1 million). His statement adds:
“Incremental sales by Denel Land Systems and Denel Munitions to clients in South America, Europe and the Middle East added to the increased turnover… At year-end Denel received a number of large contracts, notably the R8.3 billion ‘Hoefyster’ – the biggest in Denel’s 15-year existence, and the A-Darter air-to-air missile contract worth approximately R1 billion… BAE Systems awarded Munitions a contract worth R300 million over three years to supply brass cups, which are used in the manufacture of small calibre ammunition. Denel Optronics, in which German firm Carl Zeiss Optronics has acquired a majority holding, received a BAE Systems contract worth R200 million to produce 450 units of its unique pilot helmet tracker system for use in the Eurofighter-Typhoon jet.
…The agreement signed with Saab in Sweden in June 2006 regarding the establishment of a new aerostructures company, led to Saab AB (publ) taking an initial minority equity stake and operational management control, with Denel retaining an 80% holding… At the close of the financial year Denel and German company Carl Zeiss Optronics GmbH agreed on an equity partnership for Denel Optronics. Denel was to retain a minority share with Carl Zeiss Optronics taking a majority holding of 70%. The effective transaction date was after year-end, with final share transfer on 20 July 2007. The company now trades as Carl Zeiss Optronics (Pty) Limited.”
May 17/07: Denel wins the $1.2 billion, 264-vehicle contract for the South African Army’s new generation “Hoefyster” infantry combat vehicle program. The goal is to produce an 8×8 wheeled APC in the 25 ton class, designed as a family of vehicles that can be equipped with various turret and on-board options. It is described as the biggest single contract in firm history. The vehicle will not be Denel’s, however, but Patria Oyj of Finland’s popular AMV.
April 2007: Denel’s missile/UAV subsidiary Denel Dynamics announces a joint development agreement with Brazil’s Ministry of Defence and Forca Aerea Brasileira for the A-Darter short range air-air missile (SRAAM), signed as a government to government agreement via South Africa’s Armscor. The original contract was apparently signed in July-August 2006, but the formal cooperation launch was announced at the 2007 Latin American Aerospace and Defence exhibition in Brazil.
Additional ReadingsPrecision artillery fire offers an alternative to air support. It has a shorter reach, but very considerable throw-weight and repeatable fire, plus 100% persistence and availability in any weather. GMLRS is a highly accurate GPS-guided rocket that can be fired by ground forces 35 miles away and arrive on target, in under a minute, under any conditions, with a 200 pound unitary warhead that will take out a fortified house. That’s very useful. When integrated into a battlefield surveillance/strike setup like Task Force ODIN, their effectiveness is kicked up several more notches. Rocket pods can be carried on M142 HIMARS truck-mounted systems (1 pod, 6 rockets), or tracked M270 MLRS launchers (2 pods, 12 rockets).
In July 2011, Lockheed Martin Missile and Fire Control in Dallas, TX received a $438.2 million firm-fixed-price and cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for Full Rate Production Lot VI. It includes:
They’ll go to the U.S. Army and Marine Corps, as well as GMLRS pods for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) customers Japan, Jordan, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates. Unlike last year, neither the Pentagon nor Lockheed Martin will discuss specific numbers of rocket pods per customer.
Work will be performed in Grand Prairie, TX; Camden, AZ; Orlando, FL; and Lufkin, TX, with an estimated completion date of April 30/14. One bid was solicited with one bid received by US AMCOM Contracting Center at Redstone Arsenal, AL (W31P4Q-11-C-0166). See also Lockheed Martin release.
UpdatesSeptember 15/16: The first units of the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) Alternative Warhead rocket has rolled off Lockheed Martin’s production line. A company statement said the warhead was designed to engage the same target set and achieve the same area-effects requirement as the old MLRS submunition warhead, but without the lingering danger of unexploded ordnance. Lockheed received a US Army initial production contract for the warheads in June 2015.
May 24/16: Lockheed Martin has been awarded a $331.7 million foreign military sales contract by the US Army. The sale will see the company provide the defense departments of Israel, Singapore, Finland and Jordan with the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) which includes 290 alternative warhead rocket pods, 34 unitary rocket pods and 529 reduced range practice rocket pods. Work and delivery of the system is expected to be completed by March 31, 2018.