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The American Way of War and Delusions of ‘Victory’

Tue, 17/08/2021 - 21:04

Paul R. Pillar


When the United States ends most wars, it is the dominant American patterns of thought rather than the wisdom of Clausewitz that prevails.  And so there will likely be, years into the future, cries of “who lost Afghanistan” even though Afghanistan was never America’s to lose.

The recriminations and anguish that are dominating discourse in America in response to events in Afghanistan have roots in distinctly American ways of viewing war and peace.  Those ways are part of a larger lens through which Americans have tended to perceive the outside world.  That lens has been shaped by the unique history and circumstances of the United States, such as how two ocean moats have insulated it from most of the world’s threats and insecurities.

The traditional American notion of war and peace is non-Clausewitzian.  It rejects the Prussian theorist’s concept of war as an extension of politics by other means.  The American conception instead has been that war and peace are two distinct and separate states of affairs.  According to this view, a bright line marking a transition from war to peace should be characterized by a clear-cut U.S. victory, after which Americans put down their swords and return to their plows.

This view has especially characterized what Walter Russell Mead has called the Jacksonian tradition of American thinking about foreign relations, which has tended to be the most influential strain of thinking about war and peace throughout most of American history.  In the traditional Jacksonian view, war is something resorted to only infrequently, when a foreign threat arises that is sufficiently serious for the citizenry to rise up in anger and vanquish the threat.  It is no accident that Donald Trump—always attuned to the most visceral inclinations of that portion of the American citizenry to whom he appealed—hung a portrait of Andrew Jackson in the Oval Office.

Most of America’s history of wars has nurtured such conceptual habits.  The Revolutionary War was considered a victory—after all, the colonies did win their independence—even though most of what the Continental Army accomplished was merely to survive until events in Europe turned the colonials’ way.  The War of 1812 was a draw, but many Americans thought of it as a victory because the last battle of the war—fought after the peace treaty had been signed on the other side of the ocean—was Jackson’s smashing victory at New Orleans.  The Mexican War was a big U.S. conquest, and the Spanish-American War was an even quicker and easier U.S. win.  In World War I, American doughboys were decisive in turning the tide of war and leading Germany to sue for peace.  Then World War II became a model war for many Americans, ending with what is usually described as an unconditional surrender by the hated Axis powers.

After World War II, there arose a different American strain of thinking, accentuated further when the Cold War ended, which was to view the United States as the indispensable superpower.  This led to near-continuous American involvement, including military involvement, around the world, from the “police action” in Korea to the “forever wars” of today.  This conception has now been around long enough and has influenced policy decisions enough that it has become as firmly entrenched in much American thinking as the Jacksonian conception. 

The basic problem has involved the resulting mash-up between the traditional and newer patterns of thinking.  American use of military force overseas has become far more frequent than under the Jacksonian idea of an infrequent resort to arms to eliminate only serious threats.  And yet the Jacksonian standard of achieving something that can be called “victory” continues.  The oxymoronic result is illustrated by Douglas MacArthur’s declaration during the police action in Korea that “in war, there is no substitute for victory”—an attitude that helped provoke Chinese intervention and extend that conflict for two more years. 

Several other ill consequences may ensue from the conceptual mash-up.  Sometimes the United States seems to pursue objectives that, although they might count as indicators of victory if they could be achieved, are unobtainable.  The North Vietnamese regime that was the adversary in the Vietnam War was never going to fall to its knees and cry uncle.  Afghanistan was never going to be made into a western-style liberal democracy.

Sometimes U.S. leaders, aware of what is unobtainable but still feeling obliged to pursue something that could be called a win, are uncertain about their objectives and as a result lack a clear strategy.  Such a lack is the number one conclusion of the lessons-learned report just issued by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction.

Often there is blindness to the need for compromises, including even with loathed wartime enemies, in order to terminate a conflict or at least to terminate U.S. involvement in the conflict.  The Trump administration was correct to negotiate with the Taliban—notwithstanding the much-criticized subsequent history of the deal that was negotiated—because the Taliban represent a significant element, politically as well as militarily, that unavoidably is part of the future of Afghanistan.

And sometimes, looking for an elusive Jacksonian victory but unable to find it, U.S. leaders just keep a conflict going on and on.  That is what happened over twenty years in Afghanistan—until President Biden’s politically courageous decision to end what should have been ended long ago.

Clausewitz was right: war ought to be thought of not as an isolated phenomenon with its own standards of success and failure but instead as one more instrument for pursuing national objectives that also get pursued through diplomacy or other instruments.  As with any other political matter, the pursuit rarely involves absolutes of victory and defeat but rather compromises, negotiation, recognition of competing interests, calculations of costs versus benefits, course corrections, cutting of losses, and partial fulfillment of objectives.

Warfare, and terminating wars, always involves bargains.  Even what are described as unconditional surrenders are rarely unconditional.  The surrendering side bargains away its ability to resist with all its remaining strength.  Japan at the end of World War II had considerable such ability remaining, and an invasion of the home islands against a still-resisting Japan would have been extremely costly to the United States.  In the bargain that was struck, the Japanese laid down their arms in return for no more atomic bombs and a benevolent occupation in which they kept their emperor.

When the United States ends most wars, it is the dominant American patterns of thought rather than the wisdom of Clausewitz that prevails.  And so there will likely be, years into the future, cries of “who lost Afghanistan” even though Afghanistan was never America’s to lose.

Paul Pillar retired in 2005 from a twenty-eight-year career in the U.S. intelligence community, in which his last position was National Intelligence Officer for the Near East and South Asia. Earlier he served in a variety of analytical and managerial positions, including as chief of analytic units at the CIA covering portions of the Near East, the Persian Gulf, and South Asia. Professor Pillar also served in the National Intelligence Council as one of the original members of its Analytic Group. He is also a Contributing Editor for this publication.  

Image: Reuters

Russian Su-33 Fighter vs. Chinese J-15. Who Wins?

Tue, 17/08/2021 - 20:36

Charlie Gao

Chinese Air Force,

Both of these planes put up a formidable fight 

Here's What You Need to Know: The Russian Su-33 is probably superior to the J-15 in reliability and engine power, the Chinese J-15 is simply a more modern aircraft. However, even Sputnik’s expert, Vasily Kashin, states at the end of the article: “By spending some more time and money, the Chinese will apparently solve the problems they now have and will get a fairly reliable and powerful carrier-based fighter.”

Back in 2018, Sputnik International put out a piece bashing China’s based J-15 carrier-based fighter jet, describing it as having problems with its flight-control system. But the J-15 is itself a derivative of the Russian Su-33 Flanker. Is the Chinese jet really that inferior to the Russian one? Or are the problems shared, and the article an attempt to distract from the Russian fighter’s own failings?

The beginning of the article begins with a criticism of the J-15’s weight and ski-jump launching mechanism. As the jet is heavier than its western counterparts and relies on a “ski-jump” at the end of the runway to get airborne, it can carry fewer armaments and fuel. But this was the original Soviet design concept for carrier operations.

The Liaoning (originally the Soviet Varyag) was designed with the ski-jump because it was designed to support the Su-33 and MiG-29K fighter aircraft, which weren’t designed to be catapulted off the deck. This made carrier operation simpler, albeit with the aforementioned disadvantages. Sputnik’s criticism rings hollow: the PLAN is simply utilizing the carrier as it was designed: by the Russians.

The PLAN is even planning to improve this aspect, and catapult-launched versions of the J-15 are reported to be in development. Photos have been seen of J-15s with modified nose gear that could be used with catapults.

The second, more valid criticism is that the J-15 is an underdeveloped version of the Su-33. Since China bought only the prototype of the Su-33, the T-10K3, they had to reverse-engineer this airframe. China then subsequently attempted to acquire Russian Su-33s in 2006 and 2009, but these negotiations appear to have fallen through, resulting in China pushing forwards with the indigenous J-15 program.

The Russian experts' criticism of the J-15 as being immature in development are mostly valid. Most of the problems with the J-15 stem from its underdeveloped indigenous WS-10 engines. The inability to produce satisfactory domestic engines has been a perennial thorn in the side of the Chinese aerospace industry, which has been reliant on Russia for engines for its Flankers.

That being said, the criticism often cites the many crashes of the J-15 as evidence of the fighter's deficiencies. Operating fighters from a carrier isn’t easy even in ideal conditions, and the original Su-33 design also crashed multiple times in 2016 when Admiral Kuznetsov was deployed to support Russian troops in Syria.

The Su-33 itself hasn’t even seen that many upgrades since the early 1990s, only undergoing light upgrades. Russian naval aviation appears to be more focused on procuring the newer MiG-29KR, a lighter airframe. The Su-33 only has one semi-multifunctional display in its cockpit, limiting its ability to employ precision-guided munitions and use modern navigation techniques. Upgrades have not changed this, only adding new bombing systems and giving the pilot a digital kneepad in lieu of a cockpit refit.

China, on the other hand, has built the J-15 to its latest standards of cockpit design and ergonomics. A picture of the J-15’s cockpit shows multiple MFDs in the cockpit and a F/A-18-inspired control panel under the hold.

They also have been more aggressive in developing improved variants of the J-15 for other roles, including the J-15D electronic-warfare aircraft to match the US Navy’s EA-18G “Growler”. Dual cockpit variants of the J-15 have also been developed.

Overall, while the Su-33 is probably superior to the J-15 in reliability and engine power, the J-15 is simply a more modern aircraft and is integrated with modern ergonomic design concepts. China’s effort in tearing down the airframe and (even imperfectly) understanding how it works has allowed them to thoroughly modernize it and develop new variants of it. This has allowed them to build a modern carrier-based fighter, while Russia’s Su-33 remains stuck in the 1990s with analog instruments and a simple HUD.

Even Sputnik’s expert, Vasily Kashin, states at the end of the article: “By spending some more time and money, the Chinese will apparently solve the problems they now have and will get a fairly reliable and powerful carrier-based fighter.”

Charlie Gao studied Political and Computer Science at Grinnell College and is a frequent commentator on defense and national security issues.

This article first appeared in 2018.

Image: Creative Commons "PLA Navy J-15 552 landing trial moment before hooking up the second arresting cable" by simonyang126 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Thanks, Joe: Food Stamps Are Going Up in October

Tue, 17/08/2021 - 20:35

Trevor Filseth

Social Programs,

While many activists have hailed the changes as a considerable improvement for the well-being of poorer Americans, some have emphasized several areas of ongoing shortcomings.

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted an enormous amount of government spending, both under President Donald Trump and his successor, Joe Biden. However, most of the economic assistance programs created during the pandemic–three stimulus checks, increased unemployment benefits, and an expanded Child Tax Credit–have been framed as temporary relief measures that will be ended after the pandemic has abated.

However, starting on October 1, all beneficiaries of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)–mostly known as “food stamps”–will receive a twenty-five percent increase in their monthly benefits, the single largest increase in the program’s history. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack announced the changes on Monday, issuing a statement that laid out the increases and attempted to justify their financial cost.

Forty-two million Americans, the number of SNAP recipients, are expected to benefit from the increases. The twenty-five percent increase brings the average SNAP benefit in the United States to $157 per month, up from $121 per month.

According to Vilsack, the change was brought about by a re-evaluation of the Thrifty Food Plan, the benchmark by which the USDA determines what the level of SNAP benefits should be. This analysis was conducted with four factors in consideration: the cost of food, the amount of nutrients in the food, the average American’s diet, and nutrition guidance provided by the USDA. The twenty-five percent increase is expected to translate to a seven percent increase in daily caloric intake, but a substantial increase in the quality of the food with regard to health. Vilsack described the changes as “an investment in our nation’s health, economy, and security,” hailing the positive economic impacts of a healthier society and possible job gains from the program.

While many activists have hailed the changes as a considerable improvement for the well-being of poorer Americans, some have emphasized several areas of ongoing shortcomings that they argue should be addressed. For instance, SNAP benefits are not adjusted by region, despite some areas of the United States having substantially higher food costs than others.

As with other assistance programs, SNAP benefits were first increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, when extra benefits were approved by President Donald Trump in April 2020. However, Trump’s upgrades to the SNAP program were regarded as a temporary measure in response to the demands of the pandemic. The increase under Biden is slated to be permanent.

Trevor Filseth is a current and foreign affairs writer for the National Interest.

Image: Reuters

Does Russia Have a Secret Plan To Beat NATO's Aircraft?

Tue, 17/08/2021 - 19:56

Charlie Gao


The Struna-1 bistatic radar could pose a significant threat to stealth NATO aircraft and America's F-22s and F-35s in a future conflict.

Here's What You Need to Know: The Struna-1 is different than most radars, in that it is a bistatic radar. Meaning the Struna-1 relies on the receiver and transmitter of the radar to be in two different locations as opposed to conventional radar technology where the receiver and transmitter are located in the same location.

Ever since the development of stealth technology for aircraft, many different systems have been advertised as “stealth killing.” One of the more innovative solutions is the Russian Struna-1/Barrier-E bistatic radar system developed by NNIIRT, a division of the Almaz-Antey Joint Stock Company. Almaz-Antey is the premier air-defense and radar manufacturer in Russia; they make the Tor, Buk and S-400 anti-aircraft systems, as well as their respective search radars. The Struna-1 was originally developed in 1999. A further evolution of Struna-1, the Barrier-E system was later showcased for export at MAKS 2007. While it is not part of Almaz-Antey’s online catalog, it was shown alongside other radars at MAKS 2017. The system is rumored to be deployed around Moscow.

The Struna-1 is different than most radars in that it is a bistatic radar, meaning it relies on the receiver and transmitter of the radar to be in two different locations as opposed to conventional radar technology where the receiver and transmitter are located in the same location. Normal radar systems are limited by the inverse fourth power law. As the radar target goes further away from the transmission source, the strength of the radar signal decays as per the regular inverse square law. However, radar detection works by receiving reflections of the radar signal. With a conventional radar, this results in the received signal being four times weaker than that put out. Stealth works because at a distance, an aircraft can mitigate its radar returns to be small by scattering them and absorbing them using radiation-absorbent materials. This degrades the quality of the radar track so it is harder to distinguish precise information about an aircraft.

The Struna-1 solves this problem by positioning the transmitter in a different location than the receiver. The link between the transmitter and receiver has increased power relative to a conventional radar, as it falls off according to the inverse square law as opposed to the inverse fourth power law. This allows the radar to be more sensitive, as it is effectively acting as a radar tripwire. According to Russian sources, this setup increases the effective radar cross-section (RCS) of a target by nearly threefold and ignores any anti-radar coatings that can scatter the radio waves. This allows the detection of not only stealth aircraft, but other objects with low RCS such as hang gliders and cruise missiles. As many of ten receiver/transmitter tower pairs—each tower is called Priyomno-Peredayushchiy Post (PPP) in Russian publications—can be placed. Sources vary in potential configurations of the towers, but the maximum span between two single towers is 50km. This leads to a maximum theoretical perimeter of 500km.

These individual towers have relatively low power consumption, and they do not emit as much energy as traditional radars, making them less vulnerable to anti-radiation weapons. The towers are mobile, allowing for forward deployment in times of conflict. They rely on microwave data links to communicate with each other and a centralized monitoring station, which can be located at a significant distance from the system. The distributed nature also allows the system to keep operating if one node goes down, albeit with less precision. The low height of the transmitter and receiver towers (only 25m off the ground) make Struna-1 very good at detecting low altitude targets, a target set that conventional radars often have trouble with.

Limitations of the Struna-1 include a low detection altitude. The nature of the system results in the detection range being a rough biased parabola between the receiver and transmitter. This limits the detection altitude to around 7km at the tallest point, with the maximum detection range going down as one gets closer to the transmitter/receiver towers. The transverse size of the detection zone is likewise limited, being around 1.5km close to the towers to 12km at the optimal point between the towers. The small size of the detection zone limits the use of the Struna-1 system as a tripwire, it cannot replace traditional radars as an overall search mechanism. However, with its high precision tracks of stealthy aircraft, it would serve as a good counterpart to other longer-band radar systems such as Sunflower, which provide less precise tracks of planes. The Struna-1 cannot act as a targeting radar due to its inability to provide constant radar illumination tracking a target, so it cannot be used to guide in semi-active surface-to-air missiles.

While the Struna-1 bistatic radar is not a be-all-end-all detection solution for stealth aircraft, it could pose a significant threat to stealth NATO aircraft in a future conflict. Strike aircraft with stealth features are particularly vulnerable, the strike role tends to favor flight profiles that might cause aircraft to fly into the Struna-1’s detection range. In tandem with other modern “stealth-defeating” radar systems, the Struna-1 could provide critical information to an adversary on the position and movement of stealth aircraft.

Charlie Gao studied Political and Computer Science at Grinnell College and is a frequent commentator on defense and national security issues.

This article first appeared in October 2017.

Image: Creative Commons "Lockheed Martin F-22 'Raptor's'" by aeroman3 is marked with CC PDM 1.0

What Taliban Control Means for Women in Afghanistan

Tue, 17/08/2021 - 19:48

Peter Suciu

Afghanistan, Asia

There is a sense of dread about what the future will be like for Afghanistan’s women and young girls. 

There are many places around the globe that aren’t welcoming for western women, and while that remains true for much of the Islamic world, Afghanistan has quickly reverted to its old ways as the Taliban have retaken control of the central Asian nation. As a result, there are reports that CNN reporter Clarissa Ward was told to stand aside – simply because she is female. 

“They’ve just told me to stand to the side because I’m a woman,” Ward said while reporting from the Afghan capital of Kabul, which has fallen to the insurgent forces.  

Instead of a prolonged siege or violent house-to-house fighting, the Taliban's takeover of the city was largely unopposed. Ward, who had worn a head covering while pointing her head downward, said that even as some of the Taliban fighters were friendly, the mood has shifted quickly. 

“The welcoming spirit only extends so far, and my presence soon creates tension,” she added.

A Taliban commander had told the CNN chief international correspondent that “everything is under control, everything will be fine.” However, as CNN and other media outlets have reported, already women had begun to dress far more conservatively than they had just days earlier.  

The Old Normal 

There is a sense of dread about what the future will be like for Afghanistan’s women and young girls. 

For many young women, they were too young to remember what life was like under the Taliban, while today most high-school-age girls were born after the Taliban was driven from power. A return of the Taliban could be a complete shock to them. While in power, the Taliban had become notorious throughout the world for their misogyny as well as their violence against women. 

In what had been called gender apartheid, women weren’t allowed to work, and they were not allowed to be educated after the age of eight, and then were largely only allowed to study the Koran.  

During the Taliban’s previous regime, 80 percent of Afghan marriages were forced, with many girls under the age of sixteen subjected to arranged marriages.  

It isn’t just women that could suffer under the Taliban again, warned Amnesty International. On social media on Monday, the human rights watchdog posted, “Thousands of Afghans at serious risk of Taliban reprisals - from academics and journalists to civil society activists and women human rights defenders - are in danger of being abandoned to a deeply uncertain future.” 

Message to America 

The fall of Afghanistan came just weeks after the United States began to pull its forces out of the nation, following nearly 20 years of continued conflict that began after the 9/11 attacks.  

Ward asked the Taliban commander leader if he had a message for the United States. 

“America already spent enough time in Afghanistan,” he replied. “They need to leave, they already lost lots of time and lots of money.” 

Time may now be running out for those who the United States may have left behind. 

Peter Suciu is a Michigan-based writer who has contributed to more than four dozen magazines, newspapers and websites. He regularly writes about military small arms, and is the author of several books on military headgear including A Gallery of Military Headdress, which is available on 

Image: Reuters

The M2 Machine Gun is Here to Stay

Tue, 17/08/2021 - 19:46

Charlie Gao

M2 Heavy Machine Gun,

The M2 machine gun that started serving in the 1920s is still in action today. 

Here's What You Need to Know: The ruggedness and versatility of the M2 Browning keep it a favorite of soldiers in practically every conflict since its inception. 

The M2 Browning .50 caliber machine gun is one of the most famous American weapons. Serving since the 1920s, the gun has been a favorite of soldiers in practically every conflict since. It remained the same throughout most of the Cold War, retaining the iron sights, simple pintle mounts, and tripods that were designed for it many decades prior.

But as the United States has stepped up its military commitments around the globe and embarked on a program of modernizing its weapons, the M2 has also had to change. Since 2003 a myriad of improvements have come out for the M2 machine gun to improve its usability, accuracy, and reliability. But even with these upgrades, will they be enough to keep the M2 in service?

The biggest upgrade to the M2 was the transition to the M2A1 model in the 2000s. The standard model for most purposes was the M2HB, an air cooled version with a heavy barrel. Changing the barrel on the M2HB was an involved process that required adjusting the “headspace” (the distance between the bolt face and the cartridge) and the timing of the machine gun for every new barrel.

During sustained fire, this was never ideal, as the process would always take a significant amount of time, but changing barrels is a necessity during sustained fire to avoid overheating. The adjustable headspace and timing were necessary at the time, as parts could not be built to the consistent enough tolerances to have a fixed headspace.

However, a few decades later, quick-change barrels were becoming the norm. The German MG34 and MG42 that the M2HB faced in World War II both used quick change barrels that could be swapped extremely rapidly. During the Cold War, the Soviets used .50 caliber machine guns (in their own 12.7 x 108 millimeter caliber). The Soviet NSV was lighter than the M2HB, and featured a quick change barrel.

Despite innovation elsewhere, M2HB’s design was not revised to incorporate these new features. The same design, tripods and mounts continued serving up until the 2000s. At that point, the U.S. military held a competition to develop a quick change barrel kit for existing M2s. General Dynamics won the competition for the kit, and it was adopted as the M2A1.

While the primary change was the addition of a quick change barrel kit, the M2A1 also added a four-pronged flash hider to the barrel, reducing the flash of firing, which especially improves the ability to shoot at night with the weapon, as it makes it less prone to washing out NVGs. The barrel extension is also made of a harder steel.

The Army has replaced all of its M2HBs with M2A1s, and the Marines are looking to do the same. A similar setup is being offered as a whole new machine gun as the M2HB QCB by FN Herstal. Some countries have adopted it under that name.

Another upgrade that’s common recently is the attachment of optical sights to the M2. While Carlos Hathcock famously made an optic mount for a M2HB during his service in Vietnam, optic mounts were not standardized until much later. In comparison, the Soviet NSV came with a standard optic rail, which was commonly used with a 4x to 6x sight.

But nowadays there is a lot of interest for optic mounts for the M2. The Korean company DI Optical is one of the leaders in this space, producing red dots for the M2HB that have seen use with foreign militaries. Trijicon, who makes the ACOG which has seen wide use also makes a machine gun red dot.

The tripod has also seen improvements. The old M3 tripod of World War II vintage is on the way out in the U.S. Army, being replaced by the new M205 lightweight tripod. The new tripod is sixteen pounds lighter, and has increased traverse and depression range relative to the old tripod.

Charlie Gao studied Political and Computer Science at Grinnell College and is a frequent commentator on defense and national security issues.

This article first appeared in September 2018.

Image: Creative Commons "A Soldier spots targets downrange as two of his Soldiers fire an M2 machine gun" by #PACOM is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

30,000 Troops in Taiwan? No, This U.S. Senator Made a Twitter Mistake

Tue, 17/08/2021 - 19:45

Stephen Silver

Taiwan Military, Americas

Chinese state media has been having a bit of fun at Cornyn’s expense.  

There have been quite a few instances in recent years of well-known people having to apologize for incorrect or imprecise statements about Taiwan. Earlier this year, actor John Cena apologized—in Mandarin—after he had referred to Taiwan as a country while promoting the latest Fast and the Furious movie.  

“I’m really sorry. You have to understand that I love and respect China,” Cena, the professional wrestler-turned-movie star, said in the video, which was posted to the Chinese social network Weibo. Then heavy implication was that Cena was seeking to maintain his and his movie’s box office clout in China, which has emerged as an important market for the movie business.  

Now, there has been another kerfuffle involving a tweet about Taiwan and this time it comes from a United States senator.  

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) on Monday sent a tweet, which was meant to react to the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, and the subsequent takeover of that country by the Taliban. Implicitly arguing that the United States should have kept a troop presence there, Cornyn listed the number of U.S. troops currently in several countries and territories. He said that there were twenty-eight thousand troops in South Korea, a little more than thirty-five thousand troops in Germany, fifty thousand troops in Japan, thirty thousand troops in Taiwan, seven thousand troops in Africa, and twenty-five hundred troops in  Afghanistan. 

As many pointed out, that is wrong. The United States does not have thirty thousand troops in Taiwan. That would imply that the United States has a military base in Taiwan, which it does not. Defense Department officials recently that the United States had thirty personnel in the territory, but Cornyn appears to have multiplied that number. 

Cornyn, or his staff, has since deleted the tweet, but it has been screengrabbed by many, including CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale. Dale also noted that the U.S. had a force of thirty thousand troops in Taiwan between the 1950s and 1970s, and speculated that Cornyn “mistakenly added the 000 or mistakenly pulled from a Wiki page about the situation decades ago.” 

Dale also wrote that Chinese state media has been “having some fun with Cornyn’s tweet.”  

“As a senior senator from Texas, who was once a Republican Senate Majority Whip for the 114th and 115th Congresses, and now a member of the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Cornyn should be aware of the US government’s military intelligence,” according to the Global Times.

“Thus, the possibility that the US is hiding 30,000 troops in China’s Taiwan island cannot be ruled out, and there is a probability the secret was accidentally spilled out by this senior US politician,” the Chinese-backed news organization observed said. “As we know, the US has maintained military communications with China’s Taiwan including weapon sales and military trainings.”  

Stephen Silver, a technology writer for the National Interest, is a journalist, essayist and film critic, who is also a contributor to The Philadelphia Inquirer, Philly VoicePhiladelphia Weekly, the Jewish Telegraphic AgencyLiving Life Fearless, Backstage magazine, Broad Street Review and Splice Today. The co-founder of the Philadelphia Film Critics Circle, Stephen lives in suburban Philadelphia with his wife and two sons. Follow him on Twitter at @StephenSilver. 

Image: Reuters

Could the Afghan Taliban’s Victory Be a Win for America?

Tue, 17/08/2021 - 18:42

Farhang Faraydoon Namdar

Afghanistan, Asia

Although the United States is ostensibly on the losing side of the story in Afghanistan, it has much to gain from the Taliban take over.

The United States removed the Taliban in 2001 due to its nurturing of terror groups that threatened world security. The new Taliban in control of Afghanistan has changed and has turned pragmatic, especially in foreign policy. Could this new Taliban become the government the United States worked to build in Afghanistan?

Previously, the Taliban militant group was dominated by ideologues, and it strictly adhered to Islamic principles. However, during its exhaustive war with the United States, it has become more pragmatic. It has begun negotiating with parties it once eschewed on a religious basis. It extracts revenues from drugs and smuggling that are strictly prohibited in Islam. These practices indicate a paradigm shift in the Taliban or the “New Taliban.” Moreover, for the Taliban to stay in power it has to modernize. When the Taliban entered Kabul, they did not vandalize the city as many expected.

These changes suggest a change in the Taliban’s values and politics, but the people of Afghanistan have also transformed over the past twenty years. Afghanistan is now more educated and connected, making it a harder redux for some of the Taliban’s previous practices. Sirajuddin Haqqani, deputy leader of the Taliban, and other Taliban leaders have voiced their commitment to work with other parties to agree on “an inclusive political system in which the voice of every Afghan is reflected.” In some Taliban-controlled regions, women are allowed to go to school. In a surprising statement, the Taliban urged women to join the government and declared amnesty across Afghanistan. Later, a woman interviewed a Taliban leader on Afghan National TV.

Even if these changes are mild in the groups’ domestic affairs, its foreign policy resembles any other political entity. Visiting and forming relations with China, a state that is officially atheist, and negotiating with countries such as the United States and Russia, which the Taliban once considered infidels are conspicuous indications of a dramatic change. For instance, the Taliban has called China a friend and promised not to provoke the Uyghurs living in Xinjiang.

China represses its Muslim population, but the Taliban looks the other way. Yet the Taliban justified its war on the basis of Muslim oppression by the West and defended its harboring of terror groups such as Al Qaeda on a similar basis. Traditionally, the United States has relied on non-democratic allies, such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt, in its global rivalries, including during the Cold War when many of its allies were dictatorial regimes that suppressed their own populations. That the Afghan Taliban is not on the U.S. foreign terrorist list is revealing; The Taliban’s recent actions show a pragmatic, realist entity that could follow the United States’ geopolitical code. Hence, the costly American and NATO presence was an ill-advised strategy. Further, the group has learned that international cooperation is the key to remaining in power.

The presence of Western forces in Afghanistan mobilized millions of Muslims in Afghanistan. It justified Al Qaeda and the Taliban’s claims that Muslim lands have been invaded by infidels, and Jihadist groups began a lengthy battle against the West. With the United States and NATO out, the Taliban could sell its people on the notion that there are no longer non-Muslim forces in their Islamic state, depriving Jihadists of their motivation for conflict.

The rationale for the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan was to eradicate terrorism from the country. Eradicating terror requires uniting, stabilizing, and delivering economic prosperity. For the past twenty years, the United States has chaperoned the Afghan government that failed to unite and stabilize the country. Nevertheless, the Taliban has united the country for the first time in decades and it seems to be the only entity capable of that grave task.

The vacuum created by U.S. withdrawal was not filled by various forces which could have turned Afghanistan into a nest of terrorism, drug trafficking, and criminal activities. The Taliban controls almost all of the country, has deeply penetrated Afghan society, and could prevent any jihadist group from emerging. Moreover, in its peace deal with the United States, the Taliban promised to cut ties with terrorist organizations. The group has also claimed that it has no external agenda.

As a multi-ethnic country with many languages and dialects, not to mention its rugged mountain geography, tribalized society, and loosely connected roads, Afghanistan’s sole uniting factor is Sunni Islam. The Taliban has employed Sunni Islam to rally most of the Afghanis behind it, conquering the country in a rapid blitz not through sheer force but through popular support and claims such as offering long-awaited Afghan freedom and a promise to eradicate corruption. Most of the Afghan army surrendered to the Taliban; ostensibly they had more confidence in the group than the Afghan government.

In the long run, the Taliban has to deliver economic benefits to the Afghan people. An independent Islamic Afghanistan requires a strong state which comes only through modernization that needs foreign investment and an open market and society. Through their economic might, the United States and China could offer Afghanistan what it wants, gaining access to resources and geopolitical benefits in the process. As a landlocked country that sits upon trillions of dollars worth of natural resources but lacks the technology and personnel to extract them, Afghanistan needs foreign expertise and investment; This presents an opportunity to open up the Taliban to the international community.

Although the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan was similar to its withdrawal from Vietnam, it can accomplish similar geopolitical objectives. Washington’s departure from Vietnam transformed its former enemy into a friendly nation towards the United States and paved the way for a new era of Sino-American relations that changed the dynamics of the Cold War.

The U.S.-Taliban Doha Agreement paved the way for the Taliban to capture Kabul as it caused morale among Afghan soldiers to collapse. The U.S. departure serves Washington’s core interests in Afghanistan, and it assists the United States in great power competition by making it easier for Washington to strategically pivot to Asia. Committing U.S. forces to Afghanistan and much of the Middle East only diverts resources and attention in its burgeoning rivalry with China and Russia. By developing possible friendly relations with the Taliban, occasioned by U.S. Sunni allies such as Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia, Washington could bolster its position in Central Asia.

Although the United States is ostensibly on the losing side of the story in Afghanistan, it has much to gain from the Taliban take over. As Abraham Lincoln once stated, “Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?” The new Taliban has so far embraced moderation in its domestic policies and realism in its foreign policy—resembling more of an Islamic state similar to Saudi Arabia than a kingdom from the Middle Ages. U.S. policymakers should take note.

Farhang Faraydoon Namdar is a researcher and journalist covering the Middle East. His work has been published in various printed publications and has been featured on TV and translated into other languages. Follow him on Twitter @farhangnamda.

Image: Reuters.

The Myth That the Rich Rule America

Tue, 17/08/2021 - 18:34

Rainer Zitelmann

American Politics,

If money alone could buy political power, Joe Biden would not be president today.

Many people claim that America’s wealthiest citizens set the country’s political agenda. All around the world, the USA is held up as a prime example of how, in capitalist countries, the rich not only dominate the economy but also politics. For many, the fact that Donald Trump, who is known for his wealth, became president seems to confirm this thesis. But if you look closer, Trump’s election actually proves the opposite. Even Benjamin I. Page and Martin Gilens, the most prominent proponents of the thesis that politics is controlled by the rich, concede in their book Democracy in America? that “most of the big-money contributors—and most Republican think-tankers and officeholders—supported other candidates.” And, “Trump’s positions went directly contrary to the views of wealthy donors and wealthy Americans generally.”

And if the rich did really control American politics, Trump would never have won the 2017 election—Hillary Clinton would have. Page and Gilens concede: “The better-funded candidate sometimes loses, as Hillary Clinton.” Clinton and her allies, including her joint committees with the Democratic Party and the super PACs supporting her, raised more than $1.2 billion for the full cycle, according to the Federal Election Commission. Trump and his allies collected about $600 million. According to Edwards and Bourne: “Not one CEO in the Fortune 100 donated to Trump’s election campaign by September 2016. His victory did not stem from influence by the wealthy but more from grassroots opposition to wealthy coastal elites.”

And if money alone could buy political power, Joe Biden would not be president today. Perhaps it would be Michael Bloomberg, who at the time of his bid for the Democratic candidacy was the eighth richest man in the world, worth $61.9 billion, according to Forbes. Probably never before in history has a candidate spent so much money of his own money in such a short space of time on an election campaign, about a billion dollars in just over three months. This was revealed in a report by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) on the financing of the campaign. Bloomberg financed his campaign himself, without accepting any donations.

Bloomberg is by no means the only candidate whose wealth didn’t help him get nominated in the primaries. The Republican Steve Forbes spent $69.2 million as he tried to win the 1996 and 2000 nominations, but he only managed to win a handful of delegates. In 2020, billionaire hedge fund manager Tom Steyer spent $200 million of his own money without winning even a single delegate. In the 2008 GOP primaries, wealthy Mitt Romney spent more than twice as much as John McCain—including a sizable chunk of his own money—but McCain won the primary. The Koch brothers have always been portrayed by critics of capitalism as the most dangerous pro-capitalists, but David Koch learned just how hard it is to turn money into political power back in 1980 when he massively supported the Libertarian Party and stood as their candidate for vice president: he garnered just one percent of the vote.

In the history of American elections, some Democratic candidates have been supported primarily by large donors and others, such as Bernie Sanders, have relied far more on smaller donors. In the 2016 primaries, sixty percent of donations to Sanders came from people who gave less than $200. The same is, of course, also true for Republican candidates. Barry Goldwater and Patrick Buchanan, for example, both mobilized large numbers of small donors, whereas candidates like Jeb Bush were supported primarily by large donors.

In his book Unequal Democracy, Larry M. Bartels criticizes inequality and the influence of the wealthy in the United States. He examined the “estimated effect of unequal campaign spending” in sixteen U.S. presidential elections from 1952 to 2012, concluding that “Republican candidates outspent their Democratic opponents in thirteen of those elections.” But in only two elections, namely that of Richard Nixon in 1968 and that of George W. Bush in 2000 does Bartels conclude that “Republican candidates won close elections that they very likely would have lost had they been unable to outspend their Democratic opponents.” And with Hillary Clinton—as shown above—raising considerably more in donations than Donald Trump in the 2016 election, that there were just two out of seventeen elections over the last sixty-four years in which unequal campaign spending represented the decisive factor in an election.

In a 2016 op-ed for the New York Times under the headline “The Power of Political Money is Overrated,” Bradley A. Smith, a former chairman of the Federal Election Commission concluded: “But while money is critical to inform the public and give all views a hearing, this election proves once again that money can’t make voters like the views they hear. Jeb Bush is not the only lavishly funded candidate to drop out of the race … The evil of ‘money in politics’ is vastly overstated.”

In his book Affluence and Influence, Martin Gilens argues that wealthier voters influenced politics in the U.S. more than voters from lower-income groups. He examined 1,923 questions from opinion polls in the U.S. from 1981 to 2002, supplemented by data sets from 1964 to 1968 and 2005/2006. His method: he analyzed the political views of lower, middle, and upper-income households and then compared their responses in opinion polls with government policies in the years following the elections. He criticized a “representational inequality” that was evident in the fact that the opinions of the lower and, in some cases, middle-income groups had less chance of being implemented by the government than those of the upper-income groups. It is noteworthy, however, that while this applies to religious issues, foreign policy, and economic policy, it does not apply to social policies, as Gilens acknowledges: “The social welfare domain is the only policy domain examined in which the divergence of preferences across income groups does not lead to a substantial decline in responsiveness to the preferences of less-well-off Americans.” Gilens explains that this is largely because, “poor and middle-income Americans have powerful allies that tend to share their preferences on these issues,” such as the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), one of the most influential lobbying groups in the United States.

In terms of economic policy, in contrast, Gilens observed that the opinions of lower-income groups had less chance of being realized. What does Gilens think policies would have to look like to lead to “greater representational equality in the economic sphere” in this regard? Gilens suggests that to address this discrepancy, policies would have to “result in a higher minimum wage, more generous unemployment benefits, stricter corporate regulation … and a more progressive personal tax regime in general.”

But whether a higher minimum wage, higher taxes on the rich, and more regulation are really in the interests of blue-collar workers is questionable. The two American presidents who have been most admonished in recent decades for unilaterally representing the interests of the rich and for pursuing too much deregulation were Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. Both have indeed pushed through substantial tax cuts for the rich and deregulated in some areas, but this has helped low-income earners more than many social policies.

If the rich in Western countries are guilty of anything, it is not that they are too politically active, but that they are not politically active enough—at least this is true for the pro-capitalist rich. While the voices of anti-capitalists such as George Soros and Tom Steyer, who vehemently argue for higher taxes on the rich, resonate loudly across the media echo chamber, supporters of capitalism rarely speak out in public. Page and Gilens refer to the “public silence of most billionaires.” David Koch, who provides funding for libertarian think tanks, personally spoke out publicly on tax policy just once in a ten-year period. “The public silence of most billionaires,” explain Page und Gilens, “contrasts markedly with the willingness of a small, unusual group of billionaires—including Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffett, and Bill Gates—to speak out about specific politics … All three have favored a substantial social safety net, progressive taxes, and moderate regulation of the economy. An ordinary American who tried to judge what U.S. billionaires think and do about politics by listening to Bloomberg, Buffett, or Gates would be badly misled.”

This observation is correct and points to the core of the problem: Public pressure and the headwind of anti-capitalist opinion is so great that it even silences billionaires, while rich people who advocate higher taxes on the rich and support greater state regulation feel free to speak out publicly. The same approach should be adopted by wealthy people who are convinced that capitalism is the superior system and who are skeptical of big government: They should be bolder and play a far more active role in shaping the public debate.

Rainer Zitelmann is the author of The Power of Capitalism and The Rich in Public Opinion.

Image: Reuters

Social Security Hacks: Here’s How to Optimize Your Return

Tue, 17/08/2021 - 17:43

Trevor Filseth

Social Secuirty,

While most Americans have set aside extra cash during their lifetimes, many rely deeply on Social Security to make ends meet during their retirement—and can benefit from a number of strategies designed to improve their amount.

The mechanism by which Social Security payments are provided is fairly simple. During one’s lifetime, one pays Social Security taxes, which are set aside from other taxes and placed in the Social Security Administration’s trust fund. Then, once a person reaches “full retirement age” (FRA), they are eligible to claim their benefits, which then last for the remainder of their life.

The transfer of wealth between taxes paid out while young and benefits received while old is essentially never one-to-one. Instead, the program amounts to a generational transfer of wealth, with young people paying for older Americans’ Social Security benefits during their careers and having theirs covered by the following generation.

While most Americans have set aside extra cash during their lifetimes, many rely deeply on Social Security to make ends meet during their retirement—and can benefit from a number of strategies designed to improve their amount.

One of the most significant of these methods is by waiting beyond one’s FRA age to cash in. Although the FRA is typically sixty-six or sixty-seven depending on one’s birth year, waiting an additional year to file for benefits will increase the monthly payments by around eight percent per year. For this reason, if one would normally cash out at age sixty-seven, waiting until seventy—the oldest possible age to file—will net one an extra twenty-five percent premium per month, which pays for itself over a period of roughly fifteen years.

Waiting to claim one’s benefits can often mean delaying one’s retirement, or retiring and using earlier savings to pay for the extra years. Although it amounts to extra work, this can also be a good decision for one’s post-retirement income. In addition to the extra income generated by a few years of additional work, a person’s Social Security benefits are tied to how much money they made in salary during their lifetimes. Because the benefits are calculated based on the thirty-five highest-income years of a person’s life, and because most people make more money after they have seniority, a few extra years can make a tangible increase to one’s Social Security benefit.

Finally, it must be said that Social Security alone is usually not enough to provide for a comfortable retirement. The payments are designed to provide around forty percent of a person’s pre-retirement income, but most people could not survive comfortably if sixty percent of their yearly income disappeared tomorrow. For this reason, it is usually important to supplement the Social Security payments with another source of money–often a nest egg saved up during one’s lifetime.

Trevor Filseth is a current and foreign affairs writer for The National Interest.

Image: Reuters

Russia is Ready For War, Whether it be Biological, Chemical, or Nuclear

Tue, 17/08/2021 - 17:40

Charlie Gao

Chemical Weapons,

The legacy of Soviet preparation has not only survived but thrived and stocks of gas masks, decontamination sets, and other chemical and biological defense equipment are placed strategically around Russia.

Here's What You Need to Remember: Russia places great emphasis on CRBN threats. This is evident in the contents of their civil defense-first aid kits, which contain antibacterial agents, radioprotective agents, an agent to treat carbon monoxide poisoning, and antidotes against some chemical poisoning. There is far less focus on the CBRN threat in NATO nations, in both civil defense and military settings. 

The threat of chemical and nuclear warfare loomed large over most militaries during the Cold War. The development of new nerve agents during the 1940s, as well as advanced delivery systems later on meant that chemical weapons could be delivered with precision and deadly effect. As such, most militaries trained extensively for the chemical threat. However, those on the “Eastern” side, the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact states developed a reputation for extensive preparation.

But how much of this remains today?

In the Russian CBRN (РХБЗ) troops, the legacy of Soviet preparation has not only survived but thrived. New CBRN defense vehicles and equipment continue to be procured, and CBRN equipment is often displayed prominently at large expositions, like Army 2019. The special battlefield role of the Russian CBRN troops is also probably a reason why their capabilities are exercised more. In addition to chemical attack and defense, CBRN troops are in charge of operating battlefield smoke generators and the powerful TOS-1 and TOS-1A heavy flamethrower systems which can fire incendiary and thermobaric rounds. CBRN troops are also armed with the powerful RPO-A thermobaric rocket launcher, which can level weak houses in a single shot.

The Russian military also undertakes more CBRN training as a whole. In addition to larger drills involving the CBRN troops, there are weekly drills in most combat units every Wednesday, which involve the use of CBRN protective equipment and the completion of tasks with it on. Gas masks are also carried regularly regardless of the situation. Training drills with full-body rubber suits also often occur, as well as practice decontamination washes of armored vehicles. Larger scale CBRN exercises are also common, with one occurring in August 2019. Comparatively, most NATO soldiers seem to only train occasionally with CBRN equipment, with monthly familiarization at most.

On the civil side, stocks of gas masks, decontamination sets, and other chemical and biological defense equipment are placed in strategic locations around Russia. Federal documents about the responsibilities of Russian civil defense specifically state that defense against CBRN threats is part of the civil defense mandate. The current civilian AI-4 individual first aid kit held in Russian civil defense stocks contains antibacterial agents, radioprotective agents, an agent to treat carbon monoxide poisoning, and antidotes against some chemical poisoning. Compared to regular first aid kits, most American or European civilians have, the AI-4 offers far better capability to treat victims of a CBRN threat.

However, in NATO, CBRN training has lapsed. While Czechia retains one of the only live-agent chemical weapons training facilities in NATO, there is far less focus on the CBRN threat in NATO nations, in both civil defense and military settings. While Russia has upgraded its CBRN reconnaissance vehicles twice since the 2000s, the United States last procured an upgrade for its German M93 Fox CBRN reconnaissance vehicles in 2007.

Charlie Gao studied political and computer science at Grinnell College and is a frequent commentator on defense and national security issues.

Image: Creative Commons "Chernobyl Gas Mask" by Brook-Ward is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Social Security Benefits: Is Now the Time to Expand the Program?

Tue, 17/08/2021 - 17:33

Stephen Silver

Social Security, Americas

The value of the program has been crystallized during the coronavirus pandemic.

The Social Security program goes back to 1935 when it was signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt as part of the New Deal. Earlier this week, on August 14, the passage of the program marked its eighty-sixth anniversary. 

A recent op-ed argued for Social Security benefits to be expanded, on the occasion of the anniversary.

Nancy Altman, an opinion contributor, is calling for just such a benefits increase, although the current reconciliation package under consideration by Congress is not allowed to address Social Security, according to an op-ed published by The Hill.

“Because Social Security cannot be addressed through budget reconciliation, it is not part of that legislation,” Altman stated in her op-ed. “But given the overwhelming consensus among the American people in support of expanding Social Security’s modest benefits, Congress should make it the next priority immediately after the Build Back Better legislation passes.”

Altman cited a poll by Social Security Works, showing that “over half of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents rank preventing Social Security cuts as one of their top three voting priorities.”

She also blamed a “billionaire-funded campaign” for the lack of new Social Security benefits in recent years, while expressing hope that President Joe Biden will be the one to expand benefits.

“Expanding Social Security is both wise policy and smart politics. It is a solution to the nation’s looming retirement income crisis, when too many workers fear that they must work until they die,” Altman wrote. “It is a solution to immoral, destabilizing income and wealth inequality. It is a solution to the squeeze on working families, caught between the needs of the old and the young.” 

She also saw the pandemic as a good reason for such expansion.

“The COVID pandemic, which is hitting seniors hardest, has made the importance of Social Security even clearer. In the last year, many older workers lost their jobs or had to quit to stay safe,” Altman wrote. “The pandemic has underscored the value of Social Security’s survivor, disability, and old age benefits . . . after fifty years, many Social Security expansions are needed. There should be an across-the-board benefit increase so that every current and future beneficiary gets a raise. Social Security’s benefits are inadequately low by virtually any standard.”

Altman’s specific proposals for benefit increases include “across-the-board increases,” updating the program’s minimum benefit, switching to a more accurate cost-of-living increase, getting rid of the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset, and “ending the five-month waiting period for Social Security disability beneficiaries,” while also updating the Supplemental Security Income program. 

How would the benefits be paid for? 

“A robust expansion of Social Security benefits, funded by having millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share, is the best birthday present we could give the program—and ourselves,” Altman said in her op-ed.

Stephen Silver, a technology writer for the National Interest, is a journalist, essayist and film critic, who is also a contributor to The Philadelphia Inquirer, Philly VoicePhiladelphia Weekly, the Jewish Telegraphic AgencyLiving Life Fearless, Backstage magazine, Broad Street Review and Splice Today. The co-founder of the Philadelphia Film Critics Circle, Stephen lives in suburban Philadelphia with his wife and two sons. Follow him on Twitter at @StephenSilver. 

Image: Reuters

After Afghanistan, the Crux of Biden’s Mideast Challenge Lies in Tehran

Tue, 17/08/2021 - 17:27

Ahmed Charai


While the administration forges ahead on reconstituting the JCPOA, it is crucial that America’s allies in the Gulf be included and safeguarded in that process. 

When he took the oath of office in January, President Joe Biden vowed “to make America, once again, the leading force for good in the world,” as well as to “repair our alliances and engage with the world once again.”

In the months since, he and his administration have worked to make good on that pledge, pursuing multiple diplomatic lines of effort across the broader Middle East. Of course, their signature effort is in renewed negotiations with Iran over the future of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). And on that front, Biden’s foreign policy team—Secretary of State Tony Blinken, CIA Director Bill Burns, and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, among others—harbor core convictions with much to offer a renewed diplomatic process. 

As Burns and Sullivan argued in a jointly written article that contact with Tehran is "not a reward for bad behavior," On the contrary, “diplomacy is the best way to test intentions and define the realm of the possible, repair the damage our unilateral turn has inflicted on our international partnerships, and invest in more effective coercion if and when it’s needed to focus minds in Tehran.”

No less important is Burns’s call for a regional security dialogue between Iran and the Gulf countries, which share an interest in de-escalating tensions. As he put it in 2019, “A lot will depend on the prospects for Saudis and Iranians finding some basis for regional co-existence—built not on trust or the end of rivalry, but on the more cold-blooded assumption that they both have a stake in stable competition.” As to the American role in this evolution, “our instinct should be to reinforce and encourage their dialogue, not sabotage it.” 

Indeed, it is these two impulses simultaneously at work in the Biden administration—outreach to Tehran in a bid to lower tensions between the U.S. and its staunchest adversary, and the desire to build a concert system of sorts bringing Riyadh and Tehran into a less destructive form of competition—which must find complementary expression in its regional approach. In other words, while the administration forges ahead on reconstituting the JCPOA, it is crucial that America’s allies in the Gulf be included and safeguarded in that process. 

Important as that balancing act was a month ago, it is doubly so today. The events of the last several days in Afghanistan have shaken many Americans deeply. The effect on America’s allies and friends around the world and in the region has been stronger still. Hostile actors, from Al Qaeda to Beijing, have been quick to taunt and menace America’s allies, promising them a day of reckoning in which Washington might well leave them to their own resources.

At the same time, if history is any judge, the fallout from Afghanistan will encourage Tehran to tie a harder line in the Vienna negotiations, already beset by impasse and mutual recrimination. Back in July, Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, Abbas Araqchi, insisted that, as a result of the recent presidential election in Tehran, the “Vienna talks must thus obviously await our new administration.” This prompted the U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price to label Araqchi’s remarks "an outrageous effort to deflect blame for the current impasse." 

While a mutually acceptable agreement between Iran and the United States which contains Tehran’s nuclear ambitions is certainly a goal to be sought after, Biden would be wise to seize the lull in negotiations to shore up America’s Arab flank and solidify the confidence of Washington’s historical allies. It may well be possible, as a fallback position, to come to a temporary deal that would freeze the crisis in American-Iranian relations in place. Both sides, having learned from the experience of the JCPOA, could then build a stronger and more lasting nuclear deal alongside talks aimed at defusing tensions in the region.

For that to happen, Iran would likely require some form of economic relief—whether directly in the form of an easing of Treasury sanctions or indirectly through the European Union, as French president Emmanuel Macron has suggested in the past.

And while many in the West were quick to interpret the election of Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi as a severe setback to the nuclear talks, Raisi enjoys greater latitude to negotiate with the West than did his more moderate predecessor. For one, his views are more closely aligned with Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Khamenei, upon whom any deal ultimately rests. For another, he is more trusted by the hardline camp, which has expressed skepticism towards the negotiations. While Raisi’s checkered human rights history makes him far from the ideal interlocutor from a Western point of view, at the moment his ability to bring Iranian hardliners to the table may well prove more decisive to the negotiations’ prospects.

At the same time, Iranians must temper their own expectations. It is simply impractical to think that the United States will grant meaningful sanctions relief without assurances of an agreement that, at a minimum, extends the timeline of the JCPOA’s sunset provisions and addresses issues of verification and intercontinental ballistic missiles.

I do not envy the Biden administration's task. The pitfalls are many, the balancing between opposing forces complex and difficult, and the job largely thankless. But neither Biden nor his team have ever shirked the difficulties of duty before, and we should all offer our most fervent prayers for their success.

Ahmed Charai is a  publisher of The Jerusalem Strategic Tribune. He is on the board of directors for the Atlantic Council, an international counselor of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and a member of the Advisory Board of The Center for the National Interest in Washington, and the global board of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security in Jerusalem.

Image: Reuters

Wi-Fi 7 May Be Closer Than You Think 

Tue, 17/08/2021 - 17:23

Stephen Silver

Technology, Americas

Wi-Fi 6 arrived about five years after its predecessor, Wi-Fi 5, although a new report indicates that Wi-Fi 7 could arrive ahead of schedule. 

Wi-Fi 6, the latest edition of Wi-Fi wireless technology, was unveiled in 2019 and began appearing in new products throughout 2020 and beyond. Wi-Fi 6E, an advanced version of the technology, began appearing this year

Wi-Fi 6E uses 1,200 Megahertz of spectrum, which was approved by the FCC last spring. The Wi-FI Alliance announced, at the time of CES in January, that “certification for Wi-Fi 6E is now available to deliver interoperability for devices operating in the 6 GHz spectrum.” 

“Wi-Fi 6E will see rapid adoption in 2021 with more than 338 million devices entering the market, and nearly 20 percent of all Wi-Fi 6 device shipments supporting 6 GHz by 2022,” Phil Solis, a research director at IDC, said at the time.  

“This year, we expect to see new Wi-Fi 6E chipsets from several companies, and a variety of new Wi-Fi 6E smartphones, PCs, and laptops in the first quarter of 2021 followed by TVs and VR product announcements midyear,” Solis said. 

Wi-Fi 6 arrived about five years after its predecessor, Wi-Fi 5, although a new report indicates that Wi-Fi 7 could arrive ahead of schedule. 

Wi-Fi Now reported that Intel has released a video explaining plans for Wi-Fi 7, indicating that it could arrive as soon as three years from now.

Wi-Fi 7 will utilize Multi-Link Operation (MLO), according to Carlos Cordiero, the wireless CTO of Intel’s Client Computing Group, who is also the senior principal engineer for next-generation and standards. 

Cordiero says that “Wi-Fi 7 will deliver up to five times the maximum data rate of Wi-Fi 6.” 

“MLO will not just boost speed but vastly improve reliability and latency, too. For example: Imagine using different channels to transmit the same packets to create deterministic, high QoS services in factories and for other industrial or mission-critical applications,” Cordiero said in the video, as reported by Wi-Fi Now.  

In the spring of 2020, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) published a paper called “Current Status and Directions of IEEE 802.11be, the Future Wi-Fi 7.”  

“Although the standard development process is at the very initial stage, by now, about 500 submissions have been made proposing new features for the future Wi-Fi 7, also known as IEEE 802.11be,” the paper claimed. “In addition to increasing the data rates and reducing latencies, these features rethink important concepts of Wi-Fi operation, such as forward-compatible physical layer (PHY), scalable sounding, Multiple Access Point (Multi-AP) cooperation, which will form the basement for further Wi-Fi evolution.”

Stephen Silver, a technology writer for the National Interest, is a journalist, essayist and film critic, who is also a contributor to The Philadelphia Inquirer, Philly VoicePhiladelphia Weekly, the Jewish Telegraphic AgencyLiving Life Fearless, Backstage magazine, Broad Street Review and Splice Today. The co-founder of the Philadelphia Film Critics Circle, Stephen lives in suburban Philadelphia with his wife and two sons. Follow him on Twitter at @StephenSilver. 

Image: Reuters

The Delta Surge Won’t Lead to a Fourth Stimulus Check

Tue, 17/08/2021 - 16:13

Trevor Filseth


Although the worst days of the pandemic have receded, and many Americans are returning to work, some stimulus advocates have continued pushing the payments.

Panic over the highly transmissible COVID-19 “Delta variant” has led to a renewed interest in a fourth stimulus check.

New cases of the virus averaged roughly 120,000 per day across the United States last week. This rate of infection, a substantial increase from the low rates in the spring and early summer, is on par with the numbers from early February, prior to President Joe Biden’s approval of the American Rescue Plan Act, which sent out $1,400 stimulus checks to nearly all adult Americans.

The purpose of the stimulus payment was to “stimulate” the U.S. economy by providing families with money to spend, maintaining a cash flow, and preventing the economy from freezing up. These payments are typically reserved for dire economic circumstances—for instance, in March 2020, when millions of workers were furloughed overnight. President Donald Trump’s $1,200 stimulus checks have been widely (though not universally) hailed as effective in combating poverty and restoring market activity.

Although the worst days of the pandemic have receded, and many Americans are returning to work, some stimulus advocates have continued pushing the payments. A petition calling for monthly $2,000 checks, though roundly criticized from some corners for its implausibility, has now crossed 2.8 million signatures—roughly 2 percent of the total number of Americans who voted in the 2020 election.

In Congress, Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who had previously advocated for the monthly $2,000 measure, introduced legislation in the House of Representatives that would provide a $1,200 payment to most American adults and a further $600 to children. Separately, more than eighty members of Congress–roughly sixty representatives and twenty senators, all of them Democrats–have publicly supported a fourth stimulus check.

However, a fourth stimulus check is exceptionally unlikely to be passed. While the Delta variant has returned the United States to mask-wearing and social distancing, the economy is still projected to grow by as much as six percent in 2021, drawing the need for stimulus payments into question.

Moreover, Congress has shown other priorities. The $1 trillion infrastructure bill crafted in a bipartisan compromise recently passed the Senate; it is headed to the House, where it will be approved by the Democratic majority, and then to Biden for his signature. This bill does not include any further stimulus payments.

Senate Democrats are also working to craft a $3.5 trillion “reconciliation” bill that could be passed without the option of a Republican filibuster. This bill contains spending for a number of Democratic priorities but does not include further stimulus checks.

Trevor Filseth is a current and foreign affairs writer for The National Interest.

Image: Reuters

DirecTV and Dish Networks Satellites are “Dying,” Report Says  

Tue, 17/08/2021 - 16:12

Stephen Silver

DirecTV and Dish, Americas

A new report says the age and conditions of satellites don’t bode especially well for the future of either entertainment service.  

It’s been known for a while that Dish and DirecTV are both declining, especially when it comes to subscribers. The two satellite broadcasters have been bleeding subscribers for years, even more than other pay-TV companies. And at the same time, there has been upheaval with both companies, as DirecTV was recently spun off from AT&T, while Dish Network has been pivoting towards the wireless business. 

Now, a new report says the age and conditions of satellites don’t bode especially well for the future of either service.  

MoffettNathanson analyst Craig Moffett, as cited by FierceWireless, noted that the two companies’ satellites are notably long in the tooth. Dish has eleven satellites, nine of which are older than ten years old, a situation that’s similar for DirecTV. AT&T said last year that its most recent DirecTV satellite launch would be its last.  

“To dwell on whether a given quarter’s subscriber losses are a little better, or a little worse, than expected, or than last quarter, is to miss the point,” Moffett’s research note stated. “We are witnessing the long, slow goodbye of satellite TV. The terminal value of a satellite TV platform with neither satellites nor subscribers is, quite obviously…zero.” 

The note also said that while the satellites could last longer than expected, set-top boxes “can’t unscramble signals from the other’s satellites.” 

“That programming dispute should be kept in mind as one considers Q2 results; programming costs could rise sharply if RSNs return with broadcast nets (the cost of broadcast nets can be assumed to rise with or without the RSNs),” the note added. “Absent a renewal, subscriber losses would be expected to accelerate without the local broadcast networks.” 

Dish and Sinclair did reach a deal this week to temporarily stave off the removal of more than one hundred channels, per USA Today.  

“We have agreed to a short-term extension with DISH to continue conversations," David Gibber, senior vice president and general counsel for Sinclair Broadcast Group, told the newspaper in a statement Tuesday. "We will continue to update our viewers as this develops. Sinclair stands willing to continue to negotiate in good faith and to enter into a longer extension to allow for the continued carriage of our channels to DISH’s subscribers.” 

Dish dropped another 67,000 net pay-TV subscribers in the second quarter of 2021, according to earnings released earlier this month. That left the company with 10.99 million Pay-TV subscribers as of the end of that quarter. Dish had lost  96,000 pay-TV subscribers in the previous quarter. Dish’s Sling TV service, however, did gain customers in the quarter.  

As of the end of the quarter, the company had 10.99 million Pay-TV subscribers, including 8.55 million Dish TV subscribers and 2.44 million for Sling TV.  

Stephen Silver, a technology writer for the National Interest, is a journalist, essayist and film critic, who is also a contributor to The Philadelphia Inquirer, Philly Voice, Philadelphia Weekly, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Living Life Fearless, Backstage magazine, Broad Street Review and Splice Today. The co-founder of the Philadelphia Film Critics Circle, Stephen lives in suburban Philadelphia with his wife and two sons. Follow him on Twitter at @StephenSilver. 

Image: Reuters

Is Positive Jobs Data the Death Knell for a Fourth Stimulus Check?

Tue, 17/08/2021 - 16:00

Ethen Kim Lieser


Despite such payments reaching tens of millions of Americans, the passionate calls for another round just can’t seem to be silenced.

In recent weeks, the U.S. economy appears to have kicked into high gear, as the Labor Department has reported that the unemployment rate is sitting at 5.4 percent, the lowest registered since the start of the ongoing pandemic in early 2020.

Not to be outdone, the number of job openings in the U.S. economy surged to more than ten million in June—the highest on record—as the labor market continues its recovery from last year’s devastating economic shutdowns.

For those still struggling Americans holding out hope for another round of stimulus payments, such positive data don’t seem to bode well for the Internal Revenue Service cutting more checks. Moreover, President Joe Biden’s administration currently has made known no plans to resume sending out more stimulus checks, of which most Americans have received in total three throughout the past year.

Passionate Calls

Despite such payments reaching tens of millions of Americans, the passionate calls for another round just can’t seem to be silenced. For example, there are currently more than five online petitions calling for recurring monthly stimulus checks of $2,000 until the health crisis ends.

The most publicized among them is Denver-area restaurant owner Stephanie Bonin’s petition, which has already secured roughly 2.8 million signatures.

“I’m calling on Congress to support families with a $2,000 payment for adults and a $1,000 payment for kids immediately, and continuing regular checks for the duration of the crisis,” the petition says. “Otherwise, laid-off workers, furloughed workers, the self-employed, and workers dealing with reduced hours will struggle to pay their rent or put food on the table. Our country is still deeply struggling.”

The petition added that unemployment checks alone aren’t enough to survive on for many Americans. Making matters worse is that many states have already eliminated the $300 enhanced federal unemployment benefits. 

“For our team and other Americans who can claim unemployment, even the maximum payments will not be enough for most people to continue paying their bills—and avoid slipping into poverty,” it says.

Democrats On Board

This past spring, more than twenty Senate Democrats pressed Biden to include recurring direct payments in future legislations.

“While we are pleased that the American Rescue Plan included a one-time direct payment and an extension of federal unemployment insurance programs, a single direct payment will not last long for most families,” the lawmakers wrote.

“This crisis is far from over, and families deserve certainty that they can put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads. Families should not be at the mercy of constantly-shifting legislative timelines and ad hoc solutions,” they added.

Currently, the closest equivalent to another round of stimulus checks are the expanded child tax credits. Also approved via Biden’s stimulus bill, the federal government is now allowing eligible parents to collect $250 or $300 for each child every month through the end of the year. 

Ethen Kim Lieser is a Washington state-based Science and Tech Editor who has held posts at Google, The Korea Herald, Lincoln Journal Star, AsianWeek, and Arirang TV. Follow or contact him on LinkedIn.

Image: Reuters

Pearl Harbor: Why History Has It Wrong (As in Japan Lost)

Tue, 17/08/2021 - 15:56

James Holmes

History, Asia

Bypassing the Hawaiian Islands, in short, would have spared Japan a world of hurt—as Admiral Yamamoto foresaw.

Here's What You Need to Remember: Doing less—or forswearing an effort entirely—always constitutes a viable strategic option. Doing nothing was an option Japan should have exercised rather than assail Pearl Harbor. That’s the lesson from alt-history.

Suppose Robert E. Lee had laid hands on a shipment of AK-47s in 1864. How would American history have unfolded? Differently than it did, one imagines.

Historians frown on alt-history, and oftentimes for good reason. Change too many variables, and you veer speedily into fiction. The chain connecting cause to effect gets too diffuse to trace, and history loses all power to instruct. Change a major variable, especially in a fanciful way—for instance, positing that machine-gun-toting Confederates took the field against Ulysses S. Grant’s army at the Battle of the Wilderness—and the same fate befalls you. Good storytelling may teach little.

What if Japan had never attacked Pearl Harbor? Now that’s a question we can take on without running afoul of historical scruples. As long as we refrain from inserting nuclear-powered aircraft carriers sporting Tomcat fighters into our deliberations, at any rate.

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When studying strategy, we commonly undertake a self-disciplined form of alt-history. Indeed, our courses in Newport and kindred educational institutes revolve around it. That’s how we learn from historical figures and events. Military sage Carl von Clausewitz recommends—nay, demands—that students of strategy take this approach. Rigor, not whimsy, is the standard that guides ventures in Clausewitzian “critical analysis.” Strategists critique the course of action a commander followed while proposing alternatives that may have better advanced operational and strategic goals.

Debating strategy and operations in hindsight is how we form the habit of thinking critically about present-day enterprises. Critical analysis, maintains Clausewitz, is “not just an evaluation of the means actually employed, but of all possible means—which first have to be formulated, that is, invented. One can, after all, not condemn a method without being able to suggest a better alternative.” The Prussian sage, then, scorns Monday-morning quarterbacking.

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That demands intellectual self-discipline. “If the critic wishes to distribute praise or blame,” concludes Clausewitz, “he must certainly try to put himself exactly in the position of the commander; in other words, he must assemble everything the commander knew and all the motives that affected his decision, and ignore all that he could not or did not know, especially the outcome.” Critics know how a course of action worked out in retrospect. They must restrict themselves to what a commander actually knew in order to project some realistic alternative.

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It doesn’t take too much imagination to postulate alternative strategies for Imperial Japan. Indeed, eminent Japanese have themselves postulated alternatives. My favorite: the high naval command should have stuck to its pre-1941 playbook. The Pearl Harbor carrier raid was a latecomer to Japanese naval strategy, and it was the handiwork of one man, Adm. Isoroku Yamamoto. Had Yamamoto declined to press the case for a Hawaiian strike, or had the high command rebuffed his entreaties, the Imperial Japanese Navy would have executed its longstanding strategy of “interceptive operations.”

In other words, it would have evicted U.S. forces from the Philippine Islands, seized Pacific islands and built airfields there, and employed air and submarine attacks to cut the U.S. Pacific Fleet down to size on its westward voyage to the Philippines’ relief. Interceptive operations would have culminated in a fleet battle somewhere in the Western Pacific. Japan would have stood a better chance of success had it done so. Its navy still would have struck American territory to open the war, but it would have done so in far less provocative fashion. In all likelihood, the American reaction would have proved more muted—and more manageable for Japan.

The Hollywood version of Yamamoto puts the result of Pearl Harbor well, prophesying in Tora! Tora! Tora! that “we have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve.” That’s a rich—and rather Clausewitzian—way of putting it. Clausewitz defines a combatant’s strength as a product of capability and willpower. Yamamoto alludes to the United States’ vast industrial and natural resources, depicting America as a giant in waiting. He also foretells that the strike on Battleship Row will enrage that giant—goading him into mobilizing those resources in bulk to smite Japan.

Assaulting the Philippines may have awakened the sleeping giant—but it’s doubtful it would have left him in such a merciless mood. He would have been groggy. Here’s Clausewitz again: the “value of the political object” governs the “magnitude” and “duration” of the effort a belligerent mounts to obtain that political object. How much a belligerent wants its political goals, that is, dictates how many resources—lives, national treasure, military hardware—it invests in an endeavor, and how long it sustains the investment.

It pays a heavy price for goals it covets dearly. Lesser goals warrant lesser expenditures.

The Philippine Islands constituted a lesser goal. The archipelago constituted American territory, having been annexed in the aftermath of the Spanish-American War of 1898. But the islands also lay on the far side of the Pacific Ocean, thousands of miles from American shores. And they had been absent from daily headlines since the days when imperialists like Theodore Roosevelt wrangled publicly with anti-imperialists like Mark Twain about the wisdom of annexation. Americans reportedly had to consult their atlases on December 7 to find out where Pearl Harbor was located. The Philippines barely registered in the popular consciousness—full stop.

Regaining the Philippines, then, would have represented a political object commanding mediocre value at best—especially when full-blown war raged in Europe and adjoining waters, beckoning to an America that had been Eurocentric since its founding. Chances are that the U.S. effort in the Pacific would have remained wholly defensive. The U.S. leadership would have concentrated resources and martial energy in the Atlantic theater—keeping its prewar promise to allied leaders in deed as well as in spirit.

Bypassing the Hawaiian Islands, in short, would have spared Japan a world of hurt—as Admiral Yamamoto foresaw. Forbearance would have granted Tokyo time to consolidate its gains in the Western Pacific, and perhaps empowered Japan’s navy and army to hold those gains against the tepid, belated U.S. counteroffensive that was likely to come.

Now, let’s give Yamamoto his due as a maritime strategist. His strategy was neither reckless nor stupid. Japanese mariners were avid readers of the works of Alfred Thayer Mahan, and going after the enemy fleet represents sound Mahanian doctrine. Crush the enemy fleet and you win “command of the sea.” Win maritime command and contested real estate dangles on the vine for you to pluck afterward.

And indeed, the Mahanian approach did pay off for the Imperial Japanese Navy—for a time. Japanese warriors ran wild for six months after Pearl Harbor, scooping up conquest after conquest. But a vengeful giant can regenerate strength given adequate time. As Yamamoto himself predicted, Japan could entertain “no expectation of success” if the war dragged on longer than six months or a year.

Doing less—or forswearing an effort entirely—always constitutes a viable strategic option. Doing nothing was an option Japan should have exercised rather than assail Pearl Harbor. That’s the lesson from alt-history.

James Holmes is Professor of Strategy at the Naval War College and coauthor of Red Star over the Pacific (second edition forthcoming 2018). The views voiced here are his alone. This first appeared earlier and is being reposted due to reader interest.

Image: Wikimedia Commons.

The Coronavirus Referendum: Canada’s Trudeau Calls Snap Election

Tue, 17/08/2021 - 15:56

Trevor Filseth


Despite their chance to overtake the Liberal Party, Canada’s minority parties have not unanimously welcomed the decision.

On Sunday, Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau confirmed that Canada would hold a federal election on September 20, 2021. With the announcement of the election, Trudeau’s minority government, which has held power in Ottawa since October 2019, is slated to dissolve.

The contest was officially confirmed after Trudeau’s Sunday meeting with Canadian Governor-General Mary Simon, who has the authority to call for new elections.

In a speech regarding the election, Trudeau claimed that the vote would give Canadians a vote on the government’s actions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including its support for mandatory vaccinations for all government workers and travelers.

“We are experiencing a historic moment,” Trudeau said in French, “and you have something to say about it. You have the right to choose the future of our country, whether to pursue our vaccination efforts or to continue our support programs.”

Trudeau’s party, the Liberal Party of Canada, is heavily favored in polls and is widely expected to win next month’s contest. The prime minister has highlighted his administration’s commitment to creating a national childcare plan, a popular initiative among many Canadians, as a reason to support the Liberals during the election. Another major voting issue is the government’s proposed vaccine mandates, which have led to heated opposition as well as strong support.

A third issue of significant concern to many Canadians is the ongoing evacuation in Kabul, whose fall to the Taliban militia on Sunday prompted massive and chaotic evacuation efforts. The Canadian government has committed to helping Afghans who supported Canada’s military mission in the country evacuate, but some have been left behind, according to Canada’s Global News.

Despite their chance to overtake the Liberal Party, Canada’s minority parties have not unanimously welcomed the decision. Erin O’Toole, leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and Canada’s official opposition leader, criticized Trudeau’s decision to hold an election during the spread of the highly contagious “Delta variant” of the COVID-19 virus. O’Toole has opposed the government’s proposed vaccination mandate.

Meanwhile, Yves-Francois Blanchet, leader of Canada’s secessionist Bloc Quebecois party, argued that if Canada’s health situation was precarious enough to require mandatory vaccinations, it would not be safe to hold an election: “If the threat is so significant that we need to impose mandatory vaccination, is it not too dangerous to go to the polls?”

Trevor Filseth is a current and foreign affairs writer for The National Interest.

Russia and China: The Taliban's New Best Friends?

Tue, 17/08/2021 - 15:55

Mark Episkopos

Afghanistan, Asia

Moscow has found a like-minded partner in its handling of the Afghanistan crisis in the form of Beijing, holding joint military drills of an unprecedented scale with the People’s Liberation Army on Chinese soil earlier in August.

With the Taliban on the verge of victory in Afghanistan, Russia and its Central Asian allies are scrambling to contain the conflict’s regional spillover effects.  

“The war is over,” proclaimed Taliban officials on Monday after taking the presidential palace in Kabul. The seizure of Kabul marks the latest in a string of major Taliban gains over the past month, as the militant group moves to establish itself as the country’s sole political authority in the wake of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.  

But the Taliban’s swift ascent has brought with it a new wave of regional instability that is already spilling over into neighboring Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The problems are as numerous as they are complex. Thousands of Afghan refugees, composed in large part of Afghan government forces and officials, as well as Afghan citizens at odds with the Taliban’s fundamentalist policies, are flooding into Tajikistan. Russian defense minister Sergey Shoigu said last week that the Taliban now controls Afghanistan’s border with Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, adding that the militants have vowed not to cross over into Central Asia. But this blanket assurance, even if taken at face value, hides a litany of dangerous nuances. First, the Taliban is not and does not function as a traditional government with a clearly defined and enforced military chain of command. Recent reports corroborated by eyewitness accounts show that the Taliban has outsourced control over the Tajik border to Ansarollah—an Tajikistani militant group that carried out terror attacks against Afghani government assets in late 2020. It is not at all clear that the Taliban, which denies working with Ansarollah, will have either the will or the means to prevent the latter from carrying out raids into Tajikistan and skirmishing with Tajikistan’s border forces in the near term. Secondly, the Taliban has no shortage of covert tools at its disposal to destabilize Tajikistan; among them, the infiltration of militants among refugees, the creation of sleeper cells, drugs and weapons smuggling, and the northward proliferation of radical Islamist literature. “We must be careful not to exaggerate the number of such fighters traveling [from] Central Asia to Afghanistan, but we have seen from the past decade in Syria and Iraq that it takes just a few individuals to cause trouble for regimes back home,” Jennifer Murtazashvili of the University of Pittsburgh told Eurasianet.

Tajikistan has appealed for outside help to the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO)—a six-member Eurasian security alliance headed by Russia. Even as the Kremlin cautiously courts the Taliban in hopes of minimizing the geopolitical spillover effects from the ongoing turmoil in Afghanistan, Russian and CSTO officials are signaling their ironclad commitment to protecting Tajikistan’s side of the Afghan-Tajik border. “The organization continues to attach priority in its activity to political and diplomatic methods. If the situation escalates and a threat emerges to the security of the Republic of Tajikistan, all the necessary collective measures stipulated by the statutory documents will be taken to render assistance to the ally,” said CSTO Secretary General Stanislav Zas.  

Moscow has found a like-minded partner in its handling of the Afghanistan crisis in the form of Beijing, holding joint military drills of an unprecedented scale with the People’s Liberation Army on Chinese soil earlier in August. For now, Moscow and Beijing are aligned in their policy of pursuing diplomatic ties with the Taliban whilst reinforcing the Afghan-Tajik border. The Russian and Chinese embassies in Kabul are among the only diplomatic missions functioning normally in Afghanistan, following a wave of western evacuations in recent weeks.  

The Putin administration has made it clear that direct Russian military intervention into Afghanistan is not on the table, but experts warn that this could change if Moscow’s uneasy early truce with the Taliban were to crumble. “If it becomes necessary to stabilize Afghanistan or the neighboring territories, then we will see the formation of a coalition under the leadership of Russia and China,” Vasily Kashin, a senior research fellow at the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Far Eastern Studies, told Nikkei Asia.  

Earlier this month, Russia’s Central Military District announced that Russian forces held joint exercises with the Uzbek and Tajik militaries to maintain preparedness against the “threat of penetration of radical terrorist groups into the border countries of the Central Asian region.” Those exercises were preceded by bilateral military drills between Russia and Uzbekistan at the Termez training ground. Shoigu noted at a separate event on August 10 that Russia will continue to conduct drills with regional partners near the Afghan border, a measure that partly serves to reassure the Kremlin’s anxious Central Asian allies amid its ongoing overtures to the Taliban.

Mark Episkopos is a national security reporter for the National Interest. 

Image: Reuters
