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BAE Systems to carry out maintenance of US Navy’s USS Iwo Jima LHD

Naval Technology - Tue, 14/07/2015 - 01:00
BAE Systems has secured a contract from the US Navy to carry out phased maintenance for the Wasp-class amphibious assault ship, USS Iwo Jima (LHD 7).

US Navy and Singapore armed forces begin CARAT Singapore 2015

Naval Technology - Tue, 14/07/2015 - 01:00
The US Navy, Marine Corps, and the Singapore Armed Forces have commenced the 21st annual Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) Singapore exercise.

GATR to begin full rate production of SATCOM antenna for USMC

Naval Technology - Tue, 14/07/2015 - 01:00
GATR Technologies has received approval for full rate production of its inflatable satellite communications (SATCOM) antenna.

HMS Bulwark concludes Mediterranean migrant search and rescue mission

Naval Technology - Tue, 14/07/2015 - 01:00
The UK Royal Navy Albion-class assault ship HMS Bulwark has concluded its 60-day international search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea.

Prawy Sektor tente le coup de force en Ukraine

Bruxelles2 Blog - Mon, 13/07/2015 - 14:02

(B2) Même si tous les regards en Europe sont tournés vers la Grèce, il faut garder l’esprit alerte sur ce qui se passe dans les environs, notamment en Ukraine où un nouveau front intérieur pourrait s’ouvrir. La tension entre les membres de Prawy Sektor, un groupe paramilitaire d’extrême-droite (voire néo-nazis pour certains), et les forces gouvernementales de Kiev a éclaté.

Une fusillade à Mukachevo

Deux personnes (de Prawy Sektor) auraient été tuées au moins lors d’une fusillade qui a éclaté samedi (11 juillet) dans un café de Mukachevo, ville de Transcarpatie à l’ouest de l’Ukraine, non loin des frontières hongroise et slovaque. Une fusillade les a opposé à la police et aux gardes-corps de Mikhailo Lanyo, député et ancien du parti des régions. Plusieurs blessés ont également été amenés à l’hôpital – civils, policiers – dont au moins un dans un état critique, selon le rapport publié par les observateurs de l’OSCE cette nuit. Les militants de Prawy Sektor se seraient ensuite réfugiés dans la forêt. Les autorités entendent désarmer ces mouvements divers qui pourraient apparaître comme une menace pour la sécurité.

Une remise au pas des mouvements « autonomes » ?

Certains représentants du mouvement paramilitaire, estimant qu’ils sont victimes d’une volonté du gouvernement d’éliminer les bataillons de volontaires, ont indiqué qu’ils allaient retirer leurs combattants – notamment du 5e bataillon – des zones de guerre, selon le KyevPost, qui mentionne également l’implication des paramilitaires dans la contrebande de cigarettes. Ils ont été manifesté, bruyamment, à Kiev, devant le palais présidentiel


Le rapport des observateurs de l’OSCE (12.7)

On 12 July, the SMM dispatched a patrol of the Ivano-Frankivsk-based team to monitor events in the wake of an armed incident that reportedly occurred the previous day in Mukachevo (Zakarpattia region, 605km south-west of Kyiv). According to media reports, at least two people were killed – reportedly members of the Right Sector (Pravyi Sektor) – and several others were wounded in a shootout at a café allegedly owned by a member of parliament (Verkhovna Rada).

On its way to Mukachevo, the SMM observed heightened security measures, including several police checkpoints. At one such checkpoint, north of Mukachevo, about 2km from the alleged incident scene, the SMM saw the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) arriving, with ten armoured vans and two minibuses. At the time, the scene itself was made inaccessible by law enforcement for security reasons.

The SMM met together with the Mukachevo mayor, deputy mayor, and a police spokesperson. According to the interlocutors, a task force from Kyiv, comprised of the SBU, the National Guard and the Prosecutor General’s Office, was in charge of the on-going post-incident operation. According to them, other Right Sector members involved in the incident had hidden in a forest. At 18:02, near Stryi (120km north-east of Mukachevo), the SMM saw a Ukrainian Armed Forces convoy moving towards Mukachevo, comprised of 11 APCs, two trucks loaded with soldiers and one fuel truck.

The SMM spoke with the Mukachevo hospital director and two of his deputies, who said a man with a gunshot wound in his head, admitted to hospital on 11 July, was still in a critical state. According to them, on the same day five wounded civilians and five police had been admitted to hospital. On 12 July, they added, police had brought to hospital one dead body, and the SBU had brought two seriously wounded persons. They said three civilians and three police admitted the previous day had been discharged today. The SMM will continue to monitor the situation.

Tenmat Products Used for INS Kamorta

Naval Technology - Mon, 13/07/2015 - 11:12
The INS Kamorta was commissioned on 23 August 2014. It is the first vessel of its class, a new generation of four submarine-hunting corvettes for the Indian Navy.

Irak : l'engagement du Charles-de-Gaulle a coûté plus de 40 millions tout compris

Blog Secret Défense - Mon, 13/07/2015 - 10:36
Le groupe aéronaval a participé huit semaines à l'opération Chammal

RAN’s Nuship Adelaide completes initial sea trials

Naval Technology - Mon, 13/07/2015 - 01:00
The Royal Australian Navy's (RAN) second landing helicopter dock (LHD) ship, Nuship Adelaide, has docked at BAE Systems' Williamstown shipyard after successfully completing initial sea trials.

India’s nuclear submarine INS Arihant to test fire first missile this year

Naval Technology - Mon, 13/07/2015 - 01:00
India's first indigenously developed nuclear submarine INS Arihant is set to carry out its first missile firing this year, enabling the country to launch a nuclear missile from air, land, and sea.

Canadian Navy's HMCS Fredericton returns after NATO mission

Naval Technology - Mon, 13/07/2015 - 01:00
The Royal Canadian Navy's (RCN) Halifax-class frigate HMCS Fredericton has returned to its home port of Halifax in Nova Scotia, after completing a Nato mission.
