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Family figurations in displacement: entangled mobilities of refugees towards Germany and beyond

Refugees rarely flee in isolation. Instead, their everyday lives and mobilities are fundamentally shaped by the broader set of social relations in which they are embedded, particularly by their families. Drawing on interviews with sixty displaced people living in Germany and in-depth case studies of the trajectories of refugees from Eritrea and Syria, we reconstruct the role that families and other social relations transgressing national borders have played in their mobility to Germany and how their lives have been rescaled since initial displacement. Based on central ideas from figurational sociology, which we link with scholarship on forced migration, transnationalism and family relations, our paper identifies four specific family figurations in displacement that represent typical mobility patterns and constellations of ‘doing family’ in transnational spaces: the lone yet connected traveller; the reunited nuclear family; the transnationally separated family; and the transnationally extended family. We argue that family figurations in displacement are, on the one hand, decisively shaped by specific family relations and distinct displacement trajectories with various phases of family separation and reunion. On the other hand, they are fundamentally configured by migration regimes and asylum systems that substantially constrain the opportunities to live dignified local or transnational family lives.

Family figurations in displacement: entangled mobilities of refugees towards Germany and beyond

Refugees rarely flee in isolation. Instead, their everyday lives and mobilities are fundamentally shaped by the broader set of social relations in which they are embedded, particularly by their families. Drawing on interviews with sixty displaced people living in Germany and in-depth case studies of the trajectories of refugees from Eritrea and Syria, we reconstruct the role that families and other social relations transgressing national borders have played in their mobility to Germany and how their lives have been rescaled since initial displacement. Based on central ideas from figurational sociology, which we link with scholarship on forced migration, transnationalism and family relations, our paper identifies four specific family figurations in displacement that represent typical mobility patterns and constellations of ‘doing family’ in transnational spaces: the lone yet connected traveller; the reunited nuclear family; the transnationally separated family; and the transnationally extended family. We argue that family figurations in displacement are, on the one hand, decisively shaped by specific family relations and distinct displacement trajectories with various phases of family separation and reunion. On the other hand, they are fundamentally configured by migration regimes and asylum systems that substantially constrain the opportunities to live dignified local or transnational family lives.

Family figurations in displacement: entangled mobilities of refugees towards Germany and beyond

Refugees rarely flee in isolation. Instead, their everyday lives and mobilities are fundamentally shaped by the broader set of social relations in which they are embedded, particularly by their families. Drawing on interviews with sixty displaced people living in Germany and in-depth case studies of the trajectories of refugees from Eritrea and Syria, we reconstruct the role that families and other social relations transgressing national borders have played in their mobility to Germany and how their lives have been rescaled since initial displacement. Based on central ideas from figurational sociology, which we link with scholarship on forced migration, transnationalism and family relations, our paper identifies four specific family figurations in displacement that represent typical mobility patterns and constellations of ‘doing family’ in transnational spaces: the lone yet connected traveller; the reunited nuclear family; the transnationally separated family; and the transnationally extended family. We argue that family figurations in displacement are, on the one hand, decisively shaped by specific family relations and distinct displacement trajectories with various phases of family separation and reunion. On the other hand, they are fundamentally configured by migration regimes and asylum systems that substantially constrain the opportunities to live dignified local or transnational family lives.

Verantwortung trotz „light footprint“

SWP - Mon, 15/08/2022 - 17:06
Was kann man von der Kooperation zwischen den USA und den Demokratischen Kräften Syriens für künftige Einsätze mit lokalen Partnern lernen?

Global Governance

This chapter assesses the political impact of the Sustainable Development Goals on global governance. We start by discussing the range of expectations for global governance arrangements, considering the stated objectives of the goals. We then assess the early performance of governance arrangements in terms of shifts in policy and practice against these expectations. Our research shows the impact of the Sustainable Development Goals is largely discursive, with limited transformative outcomes on governance practices. The High-level Political Forum, created to assess global progress towards the implementation of the goals, has failed to provide political leadership and promote coherence across the United Nations system. Our research also shows that the Sustainable Development Goals initiated peer-learning among governments and other actors, yet with limited evidence that this has led to structural transformation towards sustainability. As certain ambitions of the Global Goals have been part of ongoing debates in global governance, our review finally highlights that observable changes often reflect long-term reform trajectories that are not causally linked to the launch of the goals.

Global Governance

This chapter assesses the political impact of the Sustainable Development Goals on global governance. We start by discussing the range of expectations for global governance arrangements, considering the stated objectives of the goals. We then assess the early performance of governance arrangements in terms of shifts in policy and practice against these expectations. Our research shows the impact of the Sustainable Development Goals is largely discursive, with limited transformative outcomes on governance practices. The High-level Political Forum, created to assess global progress towards the implementation of the goals, has failed to provide political leadership and promote coherence across the United Nations system. Our research also shows that the Sustainable Development Goals initiated peer-learning among governments and other actors, yet with limited evidence that this has led to structural transformation towards sustainability. As certain ambitions of the Global Goals have been part of ongoing debates in global governance, our review finally highlights that observable changes often reflect long-term reform trajectories that are not causally linked to the launch of the goals.

Global Governance

This chapter assesses the political impact of the Sustainable Development Goals on global governance. We start by discussing the range of expectations for global governance arrangements, considering the stated objectives of the goals. We then assess the early performance of governance arrangements in terms of shifts in policy and practice against these expectations. Our research shows the impact of the Sustainable Development Goals is largely discursive, with limited transformative outcomes on governance practices. The High-level Political Forum, created to assess global progress towards the implementation of the goals, has failed to provide political leadership and promote coherence across the United Nations system. Our research also shows that the Sustainable Development Goals initiated peer-learning among governments and other actors, yet with limited evidence that this has led to structural transformation towards sustainability. As certain ambitions of the Global Goals have been part of ongoing debates in global governance, our review finally highlights that observable changes often reflect long-term reform trajectories that are not causally linked to the launch of the goals.

Wackelt jetzt auch New START? Die Zukunft der nuklearen Rüstungskontrolle ist ungewiss

SWP - Mon, 15/08/2022 - 14:36

Am 8. August 2022 hat das russische Außenministerium bekanntgegeben, dass Russland die USA darüber informiert habe, Inspektionen im Rahmen des New START-Vertrages (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) weiter auszusetzen. Der nukleare Rüstungskontrollvertrag zwischen den beiden Ländern wurde 2010 von den Präsidenten Barack Obama und Dmitri Medwedew unterzeichnet und ist seit dem 5. Februar 2011 in Kraft. Er begrenzt die Zahl strategischer Trägersysteme und Atomsprengköpfe. Teil des Vertragsregimes sind aber auch ein stetiger Informationsaustausch über die Anzahl der Sprengköpfe und Trägersysteme, Notifikationen von Raketentests sowie bis zu jeweils 18 Inspektionen vor Ort pro Jahr, um diese Daten zu verifizieren.

Bisher wurden diese Regelungen von beiden Staaten trotz des Kriegs und der hohen Spannungen zwischen Washington und Moskau eingehalten. So tauschten sie nur wenige Tage nach Kriegsbeginn Daten gemäß den Vertragsbestimmungen aus. Auch informierte Russland die USA über den Test ihrer Sarmat Interkontinentalrakete im April 2022. Die vom Vertrag vorgesehen Inspektionen wurden jedoch seit Beginn der Corona-Pandemie ausgesetzt. Während die USA diese nun wieder aufnehmen wollten, hat Russland dem vorerst eine Absage erteilt. Dabei verweist Russland in seiner Meldung vom 8. August insbesondere auf die gegen Russland wegen des Kriegs verhängten Reisebeschränkungen: Der normale Luftverkehr zwischen den USA und Russland sei ausgesetzt und der Luftraum von US-Verbündeten und Partnern für russische Flugzeuge mit russischen Inspektionsteams an Bord gesperrt. Ein weiteres Hindernis würden die strengeren Visaregelungen von potenziellen Transitländern darstellen. Dies bedeute eine einseitige Beschränkung zum Nachteil Russlands. Auch führt Moskau die Corona-Situation in den USA als Argument an. Ein weiteres Aussetzen der Inspektionen sei aus russischer Sicht daher angebracht und rechtlich – gemäß einer Regelung aus dem Vertragsprotokoll – auch möglich.

Ein politisches Signal

Diese Gründe wirken fragwürdig, ist es doch unwahrscheinlich, dass die USA und europäische Transitländer Inspektionsteams von Reisebeschränkungen nicht befreien würden. Dennoch bleibt unklar, was Russland genau bezweckt. Dabei fällt auf, dass Russland die Meldung parallel zur Überprüfungskonferenz des Nuklearen Nichtverbreitungsvertrags (NVV) veröffentlicht hat, anstatt die Unstimmigkeiten mit den USA direkt zu lösen. Laut dem russischen Außenministerium habe Russland dies zunächst probiert, die Bedenken seien jedoch von Washington ignoriert worden. Die USA haben sich dazu bisher nicht öffentlich geäußert. Es ist aber auch möglich, dass Moskau dieses Thema angesichts der an Russlands Nuklearaktivitäten geäußerten Kritik bei der Konferenz künstlich hochspielen will. Noch am 5. August hatte die russische Delegation dort die Bedeutung von New START betont.

In jedem Fall spiegelt der Schritt die gespannten Beziehungen zwischen Washington und Moskau wider. Solange die sonstigen Vertragsbestimmungen eingehalten werden, muss ein weiteres Aussetzen der Inspektionen das technische Funktionieren des Vertrags zwar nicht gefährden, es ist aber ein politisches Signal: Inspektionen gelten als wichtiger Indikator für die Bereitschaft zur Kooperation. Grundsätzlich sollten beide Seiten ein Interesse an einem funktionierenden Vertragsregime haben. Denn sowohl die USA als auch Russland hätten theoretisch das Potenzial, binnen relativ kurzer Zeit, die Zahl ihrer stationierten Atomsprengköpfe um mehrere hundert zu erhöhen. Eine effektive Kooperation im Rahmen von New START ermöglicht es beiden Staaten, einen Einblick in das strategische Arsenal und die Nuklearwaffenaktivitäten der jeweils anderen Seite zu erlangen, was Berechenbarkeit insbesondere in Krisensituationen fördert.

Von Abrüstung zu gesteuerter Aufrüstung?

Doch selbst wenn sich der Dissens mit Blick auf Inspektionen klären lässt, bleibt die Zukunft der strategischen Rüstungskontrolle zwischen den USA und Russland ungewiss. New START wurde Anfang 2021 von beiden Seiten für weitere fünf Jahre verlängert. 2026 läuft der Vertrag aus. Daher wollten die USA und Russland die Zeit nutzen, um Nachfolgebegrenzungen zu verhandeln. Während der strategische Stabilitätsdialog zwischen Moskau und Washington letztes Jahr wieder aufgenommen wurde, setzte die amerikanische Seite diesen angesichts Russlands Angriffskrieg aus. In den letzten Wochen haben Präsident Biden und Präsident Putin ein grundsätzliches Interesse an einer Wiederaufnahme des Dialogs und an Regelungen für die Zeit nach New START geäußert. Solange Russlands Krieg in der Ukraine andauert, bleibt ein neuer Gesprächsanlauf jedoch unwahrscheinlich.

Noch zweifelhafter erscheint es, dass sich beide Seiten auf ein vertraglich-ratifiziertes Nachfolgeabkommen einigen könnten. Dabei stellen nicht nur die unterschiedlichen Positionen bezüglich des Vertragsinhalts ein Problem dar. Angesichts Chinas nuklearer Aufrüstung ist es zudem extrem unwahrscheinlich, dass der US-Kongress Begrenzungen zustimmen würde, die nur die USA und Russland betreffen. China einzubinden dürfte hingegen nahezu unmöglich sein. Zudem fordern in den USA bereits jetzt erste Stimmen, die US-Atomstreitkräfte angesichts der wachsenden Bedrohung von Russland und China in den nächsten Jahren auszubauen.

Vieles wird daher davon abhängen, wie sich der Krieg in der Ukraine entwickelt, wer die nächste US-Präsidentschaft gewinnt und wie sich Chinas nukleare Aufrüstung gestalten wird. Was aber jetzt schon klar sein dürfte, ist, dass Rüstungskontrolle in Zukunft wieder stärker kompetitiv geprägt sein wird. Eine politisch verbindliche Obergrenze der strategischen Offensivwaffen von den USA und Russland scheint im Bereich des Möglichen zu liegen. Dabei wird es jedoch aller Voraussicht nach vorrangig um eine gesteuerte Aufrüstung gehen, Erfolge im Bereich der Abrüstung gelten als nahezu unmöglich. Und bleibt die Frage um die Inspektionen ungelöst, könnte das Gerüst der strategischen Rüstungskontrolle schon vor dem Ende von New START einstürzen.

Handlungsunfähiges Frankreich

SWP - Mon, 15/08/2022 - 02:00

Das Wahljahr 2022 hat Frankreichs Präsidenten Emmanuel Macron geschwächt. Obgleich wiedergewählt, ist sein politischer Handlungsspielraum jetzt stark einge­schränkt. Mehrheiten für seine wirtschafts- und sozialpolitischen Reformen müssen teuer erkauft werden, lassen sich vielleicht gar nicht finden. Die Auflösung der Nationalversammlung könnte ein Ausweg sein. Dass die politischen Extreme weiter gestärkt werden, kann Macron nur vermeiden, wenn er zu seinem Versprechen einer progressiven Politik zurückkehrt und die Kluft zwischen Arm und Reich verringert. Seine politische Agenda birgt Konflikte für die deutsch-französische Europapolitik. Will Berlin jedoch verhindern, dass Macrons Nachfolgerin 2027 tatsächlich Marine Le Pen heißt, sollte es die Reformagenda des französischen Präsidenten unterstützen.

Local financial development and the growth of small firms in Vietnam

This paper examines whether heterogeneities in financial development among Vietnamese provinces matter for firm growth in Vietnam. Using a nationally representative firm survey that covers more than 41,000 firms for the period 2009 − 2013, we estimate the impact of provincial financial development on the growth rates of firms by accounting for sectoral differences in growth opportunities. We find that province-level financial development promotes the growth rates of sales, investment and sales per worker of small firms, and reduces the growth rate of the wage-to-sales ratio. Our results imply that firms grow faster in provinces with a higher level of financial development. Moreover, the effect of financial development on growth rates is larger when firms operate in sectors with better growth opportunities.

Local financial development and the growth of small firms in Vietnam

This paper examines whether heterogeneities in financial development among Vietnamese provinces matter for firm growth in Vietnam. Using a nationally representative firm survey that covers more than 41,000 firms for the period 2009 − 2013, we estimate the impact of provincial financial development on the growth rates of firms by accounting for sectoral differences in growth opportunities. We find that province-level financial development promotes the growth rates of sales, investment and sales per worker of small firms, and reduces the growth rate of the wage-to-sales ratio. Our results imply that firms grow faster in provinces with a higher level of financial development. Moreover, the effect of financial development on growth rates is larger when firms operate in sectors with better growth opportunities.

Local financial development and the growth of small firms in Vietnam

This paper examines whether heterogeneities in financial development among Vietnamese provinces matter for firm growth in Vietnam. Using a nationally representative firm survey that covers more than 41,000 firms for the period 2009 − 2013, we estimate the impact of provincial financial development on the growth rates of firms by accounting for sectoral differences in growth opportunities. We find that province-level financial development promotes the growth rates of sales, investment and sales per worker of small firms, and reduces the growth rate of the wage-to-sales ratio. Our results imply that firms grow faster in provinces with a higher level of financial development. Moreover, the effect of financial development on growth rates is larger when firms operate in sectors with better growth opportunities.

The EU’s Next Eastward Enlargement Will Be Complicated and Expensive

SWP - Fri, 12/08/2022 - 02:00

Russia’s war against Ukraine has led the EU-27 to grant Kyiv EU-candidate status quickly – even hastily, in the view of critics. For now, however, the preparation of accession negotiations can only be a secondary concern. The war, with its uncertain outcome, takes centre stage. For the EU this means supporting Ukraine militarily as well as financially and helping to organise international aid for reconstruction. Given this context, we should expect the EU not simply to adhere to the usual enlargement script in shaping its relations with Ukraine. Instead, it should coordinate three frame­works for action: the future accession negotiations, the current process of association, and potential new formats, such as a European Political Community or a Euro­pean Political and Economic Area.

Rethinking Digital Education with Youth in the Lead

European Peace Institute / News - Thu, 11/08/2022 - 16:05
Event Video 

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IPI, in partnership with the Republic of Korea, organized a public policy forum on August 11th, bringing together youth-led organizations working on digital education in areas affected by economic and political crises in the post-pandemic era. The aim of this event was to provide an opportunity for young people to share innovative solutions for supporting the education of children and youth around the world.

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the education sector and resulted in the closing of schools around the world. Access to education services was disrupted for more than 1.6 billion children and youth globally. While many countries were able to switch to online education, many developing countries, especially those experiencing multiple crises, could not provide online education due to a lack of affordable technology and resources, economic contractions, political uncertainty, and other reasons. As the COVID-19 pandemic and other crises continue to strain national budgets, there is an urgent need to ensure education remains a priority for governments.

In his report on “Our Common Agenda,” the UN Secretary-General stressed the need for young people to be better prepared for such challenges and the need to strengthen and update the education system globally. This September, the Secretary-General is organizing a summit on “Transforming Education” that seeks to mobilize commitment and action to accelerate progress on improving education for all to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This policy forum comes at a strategic point in time, one month after SDG 4 on quality education was reviewed at this year’s High-Level Political Forum, and on the eve of International Youth Day.

Opening Remarks:
H.E. Ambassador Jongin Bae, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea to the UN
H.E. Dr. Michal Mlynár, Permanent Representative of Slovakia to the UN and UNICEF Executive Board President, a.i.

Victoria Ibiwoye, Youth Engagement Lead, Education 2030, UNESCO
Pashtana Durrani, Executive Director, LEARN Afghanistan (@LearnAfg)
Nhial Deng, Refugee and Peace Activist, South Sudan
Abheejit Khandagale, Founder, Ekatra; Top Innovator, UpLink—World Economic Forum

Adam Lupel, IPI Vice President and COO

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Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence in Global Value Chains

SWP - Mon, 08/08/2022 - 15:23
Perspectives from the Global South
