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Diplomacy & Crisis News

China’s Crackdown in Hong Kong Won’t Spare Foreigners

Foreign Policy - ven, 29/05/2020 - 22:57
Business as usual is over in the city, whether companies like it or not.

Extremism Is on the Rise in West Africa. Education Is Suffering.

Foreign Policy - ven, 29/05/2020 - 22:45
A new report from Burkina Faso shows that rising violence is taking a toll for a generation of children.

Peacekeepers exemplify ‘service, sacrifice and selflessness’, in face of pandemic

UN News Centre - ven, 29/05/2020 - 22:29
To honour the more than 3,900 women and men who have lost their lives under the UN flag since 1948, Secretary-General António Guterres laid a wreath at the Peacekeepers’ memorial on Friday, International Day of UN Peacekeepers.

COVID-19: Countries support ‘one-stop shop’ to share science and research

UN News Centre - ven, 29/05/2020 - 22:17
Thirty countries and numerous international partners have underlined the need to make tests, treatments and other technologies to fight COVID-19, available to people everywhere.

African Leaders, Joined by U.S. Embassies, Condemn Police Killing in Minneapolis

Foreign Policy - ven, 29/05/2020 - 22:04
In highly unusual move, U.S. diplomats in Uganda and Kenya issue public pronouncements expressing distress over the death of George Floyd.

Taliban Leadership in Disarray on Verge of Peace Talks

Foreign Policy - ven, 29/05/2020 - 21:35
The coronavirus has swept through the top ranks, leaving Mullah Omar’s son tenuously in charge.

Why Are Stocks Soaring in the Middle of a Pandemic?

Foreign Policy - ven, 29/05/2020 - 21:12
Wall Street and Main Street are on two different planets. We asked six leading experts why.

Victim of Wartime Sexual Slavery Points Finger at Korean Aid Agency

Foreign Policy - ven, 29/05/2020 - 20:12
Allegation of wrongdoing reopens war wound that has marred relations between Seoul and Tokyo.

UN human rights office welcomes moves to curtail spread of hatred and violence online

UN News Centre - ven, 29/05/2020 - 20:05
The UN human rights office (OHCHR) has welcomed steps taken by social media companies to prevent their platforms from being used to promote hatred, violence and misinformation, Spokesperson Rupert Colville said on Friday.

Spain’s Right Wing Sees Coronavirus Crisis as Opportunity

Foreign Policy - ven, 29/05/2020 - 19:24
Conservatives have framed women’s rights rallies in March as a source of contagion, threatening to undermine the surging feminist movement.

Should the United States Punish China for Aggression Toward India and Hong Kong?

Foreign Policy - ven, 29/05/2020 - 19:15
As Beijing flexes its muscle from Hong Kong to Ladakh, the U.S. government must decide how to respond.

Un débat intellectuel en trompe-l'œil

Le Monde Diplomatique - ven, 29/05/2020 - 19:08
Depuis vingt ans, les néolibéraux ont cherché à « prolétariser » leur identité en multipliant discours et dispositions sécuritaires. La médiatisation de leur lutte, présumée populaire, contre les « barbares » a coïncidé avec la généralisation, plus discrète, de mesures économiques favorables aux possédants. / (...) / , , , - 2003/01 Ce siècle aura trois ans

More ‘can and must be done’ to eradicate caste-based discrimination in Nepal

UN News Centre - ven, 29/05/2020 - 18:20
Shocked over the killing last weekend of five men in Nepal, who had planned to escort home one of their girlfriends from a higher caste, the UN human rights chief on Friday stressed that ending caste-based discrimination is “fundamental” to the overall sustainable development vision of leaving no one behind.

The Decline and Fall of British Lying

Foreign Policy - ven, 29/05/2020 - 18:07
In Britain’s hierarchical culture, the crime for the upper classes isn’t telling lies—it’s getting caught.

Forget Hamilton. This Is Europe’s Calonne Moment.

Foreign Policy - ven, 29/05/2020 - 17:36
The EU is still muddling through its post-pandemic recovery—and 18th-century history suggests that disaster could await.

Le Texas en armes contre le confinement

Le Monde Diplomatique - ven, 29/05/2020 - 17:01
Confiner la population pour la protéger du virus ? L'idée fut loin de faire l'unanimité au Texas, où certains y ont vu une atteinte aux libertés individuelles. / États-Unis (affaires intérieures), États-Unis, Armement, Industrie de l'armement, Élections, Société, Fédéralisme - (...) / , , , , , , - 2020/06

Nine in 10 smokers start before they are 18 years old, warns WHO

UN News Centre - ven, 29/05/2020 - 15:08
Tobacco products continue to kill eight million people a year who get hooked via a $9 billion a year marketing strategy. That’s the warning from the UN World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday, which has said that even during a global pandemic, the tobacco and nicotine industry has continued to promote products that limit people’s ability to fight new coronavirus and recover from the disease.

US must take ‘serious action’ to halt police killings of unarmed African Americans

UN News Centre - jeu, 28/05/2020 - 23:41
The UN human rights chief on Thursday condemned the killing of 46-year-old George Floyd while in police custody in the city of Minneapolis, calling it the latest in “a long line of killings of unarmed African Americans by US police officers and members of the public”.

Latin America and Caribbean: Millions more could miss meals due to COVID-19 pandemic

UN News Centre - jeu, 28/05/2020 - 21:51
Some 14 million people in Latin America and the Caribbean could experience severe food insecurity this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to projections released on Thursday by the World Food Programme (WFP).

Security Council: Paralysis and ‘political infighting’ must end, to boost COVID-19 fight: EU foreign affairs chief

UN News Centre - jeu, 28/05/2020 - 21:25
 The global coronavirus pandemic is testing the multilateral system like never before and the Security Council must stop the “infighting”, and step up to the challenge, the European Union’s foreign policy chief told the 15-member body on Thursday.
