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Vívás: Bittera Kitti fantasztikus elsősége

FELVIDÉ (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 08:03
Összesített eredményei alapján a bacsfai Bittera Kitti nyerte a 2014-15-ös Európa-kupát a női tőrözők U23-as mezőnyében.

Közös memorandum Szádudvarnokon

FELVIDÉ (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 08:01
A rozsnyói püspökség, a tornai római katolikus plébánia és a szádudvarnoki önkormányzat összefogása révén 2011. szeptember 4-én ünnepélyesen megnyitotta kapuit a rozsnyói egyházmegye első magyar tannyelvű katolikus kisiskolája.

Qu'attendent les Nigérians du nouveau président Muhammadu Buhari?

RFI /Afrique - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 07:59
Le nouveau président nigérian Muhammadu Buhari, 72 ans, a été investi vendredi 29 mai à Abuja, la capitale fédérale du pays, après sa victoire le 28 mars dernier avec plus de 54 % des suffrages. Les électeurs ont placé beaucoup d'espoir dans l'élection de cet ancien général putschiste, au pouvoir entre 1983 et 1985. Les priorités de cet homme réputé incorruptible semblent séduire les Nigérians.
Categories: Afrique

Presidential post is vacant: CHP leader

News.Az - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 07:56
Main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu said the presidential post was currently empty as President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan used the word “we” to refer to the deputy candidates of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in a rally he held on May 28.
Categories: Russia & CIS

Libye : tir de roquette meurtrier sur Benghazi, les jihadistes pointés du doigt

France24 / Afrique - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 07:47
Un tir de roquette visant un quartier résidentiel de Benghazi, dans l'est de la Libye, a fait au moins huit morts et autant de blessés. Selon un responsable militaire, cette attaque serait le fait de combattants islamistes.
Categories: Afrique

En Libye : « Nous sommes là pour être vendus »

LeMonde / Afrique - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 07:42
Au centre de détention de Zaouïa, en Libye, le photographe Samuel Gratacap a rencontré des migrants victimes des passeurs, des caïds et de leurs réseaux.
Categories: Afrique

Szerbia szubvencionálná a koszovói befektetéseket

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 07:34

Szerbia készen áll arra, hogy befektessen Koszovóban – nyilatkozta Aleksandar Vučić miniszterelnök, valamint arra szólította fel az ország vállalkozóit, hogy tegyék ugyanezt, majd hangsúlyozta: az állam minden tőle telhetőt (adó- és járulékcsökkentést) megtesz azoknak a vállalatoknak, amelyek az említett helyen alapítanak leányvállalatot.

Armenia shatters ceasefire again

News.Az - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 07:27
The Ministry of Defense has released a report.
Categories: Russia & CIS

RDC: ouverture du dialogue de Kabila avec la nation sans l'opposition

RFI /Afrique - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 07:16
En République démocratique du Congo devrait s'ouvrir ce samedi 30 juin un dialogue entre le président Joseph Kabila et les forces vives de la nation. Le chef de l'Etat va consulter toutes les composantes de la société congolaise, des chefs de confessions religieuses aux représentants des partis politiques, tout au moins ceux qui se disent prêts à répondre à l'invitation, car les principaux partis de l'opposition ont décidé de boycotter ces consultations.
Categories: Afrique

UNHCR relocates over 40,000 flood affected S. Sudan refugees in Ethiopia

Sudan Tribune - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 07:10

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

May 29, 2015 (ADDIS ABABA) – United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) said on Friday it has relocated a total of 42, 616 South Sudanese refugees from flood prone Leitchour and Nip Nip camps to a newly built Jewi camp in Ethiopia's Gambela region.

Ethiopia has witnessed a huge influx of South Sudanese refugees since conflict erupted in the young nation in December 2013 (AFP)

The relocation operation was temporarily suspended between Sunday and Tuesday 26 May due to the Ethiopian parliamentary elections but recommenced on Wednesday.

The camp-to-camp operations, which begun on May 8, involves over 400 buses, 86 trucks helicopter.

The Nip Nip camp was officially closed on 9 May.

The relocation operation aims to protect refugees from risks of flooding as rainy season approaches.

Last year, Leitchour and Nip Nip camps were severely hit by flooding after heavy rains forced the Baro River to burst its banks.

A total of 51, 300 refugees from flood-prone areas will be relocated.

According to the UN refugee agency currently an average of 407 South Sudanese refugees cross borders to Ethiopia via two entry points (Pagak and Akobo) to escape the ongoing fighting at home.

Since conflict erupted in South Sudan on December 2013, a total of 205,556 South Sudanese of which most women and children have arrived in Ethiopia raising the total South Sudanese population in Gambella region to 260,000.

Following the eruption of the conflict, over half a million South Sudanese have fled to neighbouring countries but Ethiopia has received the highest number of refugees.

UNHCR has met with partners in Addis Ababa to review emergency preparedness levels as almost 6,000 South Sudanese refugees wait at border entry for registration.

As refugees keep arriving, the Ethiopian government has identified a suitable land close to Pugnido refugee camp to build an additional camp.

The UNHCR and its local partner Administration for refugees and Returnees Affairs (ARRA) have undertaken site planning and a budget proposal have been submitted to Headquarters.


Categories: Africa

Thüringische Landeszeitung: Freundlicher Erpresser - Cameron auf Goodwill-Tour durch Europa / Kommentar von Axel Zacharias zur EU-Reise des britischen Premierministers - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 07:05
Thüringische Landeszeitung: Weimar (ots) - Cameron ist ein Fuchs. Auf seiner Goodwill-Tour durch Europa umgarnt er die Partner in deren Hauptstädten. Es ist aber wohl eher für das Wahlpublikum auf der Insel gedacht, als um Substanzielles in den EU-Metropolen zu erreichen: ...

Ghanaian appointed S. Sudan humanitarian coordinator

Sudan Tribune - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 07:01

May 29, 2015 (JUBA) – The United Nations secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon announced on Friday the appointment of Eugene Owusu as deputy special representative of its mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

Deputy head of UN mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), Eugene Owusu (YouTube Photo)

Owusu who hails from Ghana will reportedly also serve as the world body's resident coordinator, humanitarian coordinator, and resident representative of the UN Development Programme (UNDP).

The Ghanaian will succeed Toby Lanzer, who is due to take up the new post of regional humanitarian coordinator for the Sahel region.

“The secretary-general is grateful for Mr. Lanzer's dedicated service with the United Nations in the Republic of South Sudan,” said Ki-moon.

The Ghanaian reportedly brings to his new position extensive experience in international development and humanitarian affairs.

Currently, Owusu is the UN resident coordinator, humanitarian coordinator and resident representative of UNDP in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, a position held since August 2010.

Before joining the UN, Owusu who holds a doctorate degree in Agricultural Economics from the United States, reportedly worked for the private sector in the United Kingdom.


Categories: Africa

Gold sales to Switzerland cut Turkey’s trade gap

News.Az - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 06:53
Gold sales to Switzerland have once again helped Turkey narrow its trade gap, this time dramatically to $4.96 billion in April from $7.3 billion for the same month the previous year, according to figures released by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK) on May 29.
Categories: Russia & CIS

South Sudan army denies shooting UN soldiers in Malakal

Sudan Tribune - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 06:47

May 29, 2015 (JUBA) – South Sudanese army (SPLA) spokesperson dismissed as “lie” report by the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) that Juba soldiers fired at UN peacekeeping mission in Malakal, the capital of Upper Nile state.

SPLA soldier stands next to a machine gun mounted on a truck in Malakal town, on December 30, 2013 (Photo Reuters/James Akena)

The UN said one of its peacekeepers was wounded on Thursday in the oil-rich Upper Nile state's capital, Malakal, when SPLA soldiers fired at its civilian protection site on Thursday.

“The mission is deeply concerned that despite reassurances given by both parties, such an incident occurred this afternoon and reiterates its strong call upon all the parties to respect the sanctity of UN installations and staff,” Stephane Dujarric, a UN spokesperson, revealed in New York.

However, SPLA spokesman, Col. Philip Aguer, frustrated by the report said it was a lie, but added that a preliminary investigation only established that soldiers shot randomly in Malakal town on Thursday, several kilometres away from UNMISS base.

“It [the alleged wounding of UN soldier] was later discovered to be a lie,” said Aguer, speaking to Sudan Tribune by phone.

“It [the shooting] was not near the UNMISS camp. It was inside Malakal town,” he said.

But Aguer insisted that there was nobody even injured in Malakal town among the SPLA or civilians.

Civilians sources sheltering at UNMISS base in Malakal however said that eight civilians were injured inside UNMISS camp including two peacekeepers when elements of the SPLA soldiers fired at the civilians sheltered in the UN facility. No death case was reported.

There are 30,410 civilians in Malakal's UN protection of civilians sites (PoCs) according to the UNMISS.


Categories: Africa

Sudanese president receives message over political developments in Libya

Sudan Tribune - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 06:44

May 29, 2015 (KHARTOUM) - Sudanese president Omer al-Bashir received a letter from the Libyan Prime minister , Abdullah al-Thani, dealing with the political developments in the neighbouring country.

The Libyan prime minister shakes hands with Sudanese foreign minister Ali Karti after his arrival to Khartoum on 27 October 2014 (Photo: AFP/Ashraf Shazly)

The official news agency SUNA said Bashir received Friday evening an special envoy of the Libyan prime minister, Nouri Mohamed Beit Almal, who handed him a message from al-Thani.

The president ''expressed interest in the content of the letter, stressing Sudan's desire to assist and continue cooperation with Libya. He looks forward to meet with all parties in a dialogue to stop the conflict and reach solutions restoring stability in Libya,'' said the agency.

Following a visit of the Libyan prime minister to Khartoum in October 2014, Sudan announced that Libya's rival governments accepted Bashir's initiative for reconciliation and dialogue, announcing that Libya's neighbouring countries meeting will be held in Khartoum.

However, earlier this month, the Sudanese government disclosed that the United Nations (UN) has asked for its help to convince the warring Libyan parties to sign an agreement it drafted to resolve the crisis in the north African nation.

On Thursday 28 May, the United Nations special envoy Bernardino Leon said that the rival governments had agreed on 80 percent of an accord and negotiators were working on the remaining 20 percent,

Since August 2014, Libya has two governments and parliaments since Tripoli was seized in a coalition of Islamist groups while the internationally recognized government is based in Tobruk. Qatar , Sudan and Turkey are accused of supporting this alliance.

There are also Jihadists groups linked to the extremists of The Islamic State based the eastern city of Derna.

In press statements after the meeting, Beit Almal said his government appreciates the growing interest showed by president Bashir to bring security and stability in Libya.

He further said he congratulated the Sudanese president for his re-election on the behave of the Libyan people and government.


Categories: Africa

Ilham Aliyev congratulates President of Nepal

News.Az - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 06:23
President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has congratulated President of Nepal Ram Baran Jadavu on the Republic Day.
Categories: Russia & CIS

Russian Energy Ministry considers necessary to cut crude oil supplies to Belarus

News.Az - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 06:15
As TASS reported earlier Belarus is not fully meeting its commitments on oil products supplies to the Russian market due to unfavorable pricing environment
Categories: Russia & CIS

Azerbaijan joins Green Card

News.Az - Sat, 30/05/2015 - 06:10
ISB has released information.
Categories: Russia & CIS
