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Updated: 1 month 1 week ago

Indicative programme - Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Transport and Telecommunications issues), 1-2/12/2016

Wed, 30/11/2016 - 10:29

Place:        Justus Lipsius building, Brussels
Chairs:      Transport: Arpád Érsek, Slovak Minister for Transport, Construction and Regional Development; Telecommunications: Peter Pellegrini, Slovak Deputy Prime Minister for Investments and the Information Society and Arpád Érsek, Slovak Minister for Transport, Construction and Regional Development.

All times are approximate and subject to change


+/- 09.00
Doorstep by Minister Érsek

+/- 10.00
Beginning of Council meeting
Adoption of the agenda
Adoption of non-legislative legislative A items

+/- 10.15
EASA Regulation (public session)

+/- 11.25
Any other business:
a)  ICAO + IMO
b)  Draft aviation agreement with Turkey

+/- 11.50
Shipping safety (public session)

+/- 13.00
Informal ministerial lunch

+/- 14.30
Any other business:
a)  Road haulage sector
b)  Evolution of the type approval legislation
c) Security in the transport sector
d) Road safety
e) Follow up to Amsterdam declaration on connected cars
f) Women in transport
g) Galileo
h) European Strategy for Low Emission Mobility
i) Work programme of the incoming Presidency

+/- 18.00
Press conference
(live streaming)


+/- 08.30
Doorstep by Minister Érsek

+/- 09.30
Beginning of Council meeting

+/- 09.30
Review of the Regulatory Framework (public session)

+/- 11.15
Wholesale Roaming (public session)

+/- 12.15
Any other business - Fair use policy in the context of roaming services

+/- 12.45
Cross-Border Parcel delivery (public session)

+/- 13.00
Informal ministerial lunch

+/- 15.00
WiFi4EU (public session)

+/- 15.20
Any other business (public session)
a)  Digital single market initiatives
b)  Developments on internet governance
c) Work programme of the incoming Presidency

+/- 16.00
Press conference
(live streaming)

Categories: European Union

Letter in reply to some UK parliamentarians on the status of EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens living and working in Europe

Tue, 29/11/2016 - 17:11

Dear Mr Tomlinson,
Dear UK Parliamentarians,

I read your letter with great interest. Your concern for the status of EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens living and working in Europe bodes well for the future negotiations, especially since we have assumed that one of the main reasons for the vote for Brexit was the rejection of the free movement of people and all the rights it entails, as defined by the European treaties.

In your letter you state that the European Commission, and in particular Mr Barnier, are attempting to prevent negotiations, thereby creating 'anxiety and uncertainty for the UK and EU citizens living in one another's territories.' It is a very interesting argument, the only problem being that it has nothing to do with reality. Would you not agree that the only source of anxiety and uncertainty is rather the decision on Brexit? And that the only way to dispel the fears and doubts of all the citizens concerned is the quickest possible start of the negotiations based on Art. 50 of the Treaty?

Immediately after the referendum I declared, on behalf of the 27 EU Member States and the European institutions, that we were ready to launch the negotiation process as early as the following day. I still stand by that declaration.

In your letter you called on me 'to resolve this matter once and for all' at the European Council in December. This would in effect mean the start of the negotiations already in December. The EU stands ready to do so, but that can only happen on the condition that Art. 50 has been triggered. Let me reiterate, however, that the decision about triggering Art. 50 belongs only to the UK, which we fully respect.

Just like you, I would like to avoid a situation where citizens become 'bargaining chips' in the negotiation process. In order for this not to happen, we will need precise and comprehensive solutions, which, other than nice-sounding expressions, will provide citizens with genuine guarantees of security.

Finally, I want to reassure you that today, and for as long as the UK remains a member of the EU, the Treaties guarantee the rights of all EU citizens, including UK citizens, as regards their residence, work, social security and health. People are not only protected by the substantive EU law against discrimination, but also by the European Court of Justice if their rights are not respected. This obviously concerns not only those citizens who currently live in other Member States, but also those who decide to do so in the future.

Categories: European Union

Support to young researchers

Tue, 29/11/2016 - 14:14

On 29 November 2016, the Council adopted conclusions on measures  to support young researchers and raise the attractiveness of scientific careers. The conclusions build on the Bratislava declaration that was presented to EU research ministers last summer with the objective of supporting new generations of researchers and scientists who are called to be key drivers of Europe's prosperity.

Categories: European Union

Geo-blocking: Council agrees to remove barriers to e-commerce

Mon, 28/11/2016 - 09:41

On 28 November 2016, the Council agreed on a draft regulation to ban unjustified geo-blocking between member states. 

Geo-blocking is a discriminatory practice that prevents online customers from accessing and purchasing products or services from a website based in another member state. 

The draft regulation is intended to remove discrimination based on customers' nationality, place of residence or place of establishment and to boost e-commerce.

"Shopping online from another EU country in the same way as  locals do is something that many citizens expect nowadays. The new rules to stop unjustified geo-blocking will improve considerably the e-commerce economy and give citizens access to a wider choice of goods and services. This can only happen if there is a guarantee of safety and trust for both buyers and sellers. With our decision today, which was reached just a few months after the proposal was tabled, we have paved the way for a rapid opening of negotiations with the Parliament and a potential close next year".  

Peter Žiga, the President of the Council and Minister of Economy of Slovakia

The agreement was reached by qualified majority. It will serve as the Council's common position to start negotiations with the European Parliament under the EU's ordinary legislative procedure. 

The main features of the Council text are the following: 

Objective and scope 

The main objective of the proposal is to prevent discrimination for consumers and companies on access to prices, sales or payment conditions when buying products and services in another EU country. 

Its scope is in line with the Services Directive, which excludes certain activities such as financial, audio-visual, transport, healthcare and social services. 

The new rules will be in compliance with other EU legislation in force applicable to cross-border sales, such as rules on copyright and Union law on judicial cooperation in civil matters, in particular the Rome I and Brussels I regulations. 

Equal access to goods and services 

Under the new rules, traders will not be able to discriminate between customers with regard to the general terms and conditions - including prices - they offer on the sales of goods and services in three cases. These are where the trader : 

1.    sells goods that are delivered in a member state to which the trader offers delivery or are collected at a location agreed upon with the customer; 

2.    provides electronically supplied services, such as cloud services, data warehousing services, website hosting and the provision of firewalls. This does not apply to services where the main feature is the provision of access to or use of copyright protected works or other protected subject matter, or the selling of copyright protected works in an intangible form, such as e-books or online music; 

3. provides services which are received by the customer in the country where the trader operates, such as hotel accommodation, sports events, car rental, and entry tickets to music festivals or leisure parks. 

Unlike price discrimination, price differentiation will not be prohibited, so traders are free to offer different general conditions of access, including prices, and to target certain groups of customers in specific territories. 

Moreover, traders will not be obliged to deliver goods to customers outside the member state to which they offer delivery. 

Payment transactions 

The regulation shall prohibit unjustified discrimination of customers in relation to the means of payment. Traders will not be allowed to apply different payment conditions for customers for reasons of nationality, place of residence or place of establishment. 

Non discrimination for e-commerce website access 

Traders will not be allowed to block or limit customers' access to their online interface for reasons of nationality or place of residence. 

A clear explanation will have to be provided if a trader blocks or limits access or redirects customers to a different version of the online interface. 

Passive sales 

Under the general approach, some exemptions permitted by EU competition law will remain valid. One example is where traders are bound by an agreement with their supplier requiring them to restrict their passive sales (i.e. sales where the trader does not actively solicit the customer's business). In these cases, the new regulation would not apply. 

Next steps 

Negotiations will start between the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission once the Parliament agrees its position. 


The Commission submitted the original proposal to the Council and the European Parliament on 25 May 2016. It is based on article 114 of the EU treaty. 

It was presented together with supplementary legislative proposals on cross-border parcel delivery services and a review of the Consumer Protection Cooperation Regulation, with the objective to move forward towards the integration of a truly single market. 

In its conclusions of 25 and 26 June 2015, the European Council emphasised the importance of the digital single market strategy and called on taking action to implement key components of the strategy, including the removal of remaining barriers to the free circulation of goods and services sold online and to tackle unjustified discrimination on the grounds of geographic location. 

Categories: European Union

EUNAVFOR Somalia Operation Atalanta: operation's mandate extended until 31 December 2018

Fri, 25/11/2016 - 18:21

On 28 November 2016, the Council extended the mandate of the operation EUNAVFOR Somalia Operation Atalanta until 31 December 2018. The Council also allocated to the operation a budget of EUR 11.064 million from the so-called common costs.

The European Union Naval Force Somalia Operation Atalanta was launched in December 2008 to contribute to the deterrence, prevention and repression of acts of piracy and armed robbery off the Somali coast. The operation is part of the EU's comprehensive approach for a peaceful, stable and democratic Somalia.

The operation also protects vessels of the World Food Programme and other vulnerable shipping, monitors fishing activities off the coast of Somalia and supports other EU missions and programmes in the region.

Categories: European Union

Council conclusions on energy and development

Fri, 25/11/2016 - 18:12

The Council adopted conclusions on energy and development. Access to energy is crucial for eradicating poverty and for delivering on the 2030 agenda. The EU's development policy and actions in the energy sector are also a fundamental part of a revitalised European energy and climate diplomacy.

Categories: European Union

Council conclusions on the first results report on EU international cooperation and development

Fri, 25/11/2016 - 18:05

The Council adopted conclusions on the first results report on EU international cooperation and development. The report is a significant step forward in strengthening the focus on performance and results in EU international cooperation and development.

Categories: European Union

Council conclusions on mainstreaming digital solutions and technologies in EU development policy

Fri, 25/11/2016 - 17:52

The Council adopted conclusions on mainstreaming digital solutions and technologies in EU development policy.

Digitalisation needs to be properly mainstreamed across all policy areas, including in the EU's development and foreign policies, while addressing cyber challenges and assuring the promotion and protection of human rights, with particular attention to freedom of expression online.

Categories: European Union

Letter of congratulations from President Donald Tusk to Saulius Skvernelis on his appointment as Prime Minister of Lithuania

Fri, 25/11/2016 - 17:30

Allow me to congratulate you on your appointment as Prime Minister of Lithuania.

I am confident that during your term, Lithuania will continue to play its constructive role in the European Union, at a time when we are faced with many difficult challenges.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you every success.

Categories: European Union

Weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk

Fri, 25/11/2016 - 16:35

Monday 28 November 2016
13.30 Meeting with President of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi
15.00 Meeting with Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova Pavel Filip (photo opportunity)

Wednesday 30 November 2016
13.00 Working lunch with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker

Thursday 1 December 2016
13:30 Meeting with Prime Minister of Georgia Giorgi Kvirikashvili (photo opportunity - press statements ±14.00)
15.00 Meeting with President of Tunisia Beji Caid Essebsi (photo opportunity)
17.00 Meeting with High Representative Federica Mogherini

Categories: European Union

Last-minute accreditation for the European Council on 15-16 December 2016

Fri, 25/11/2016 - 13:52

European Council meeting will take place on 15-16 December 2016 in Justus Lipsius building in Brussels. 

Now open for last-minute accreditation requests (online only)

Please note that due to the current security situation in Belgium, specific security measures have been put in place for last minute accreditation requests. Media representatives applying for the first time or who have not been screened recently will be the subject of a comprehensive and detailed verification by our security service. Considering the time and resources needed for these verifications, not all requests may be processed. Media are therefore advised to avoid sending representatives falling into these categories.

If this is your first registration, please make sure you have a recent ID-size photograph in JPEG format (.jpg) and the number of your passport or identity card ready before starting the online process.

You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt by email. Please read it carefully as it includes the list of original documents you will be asked to provide when collecting your badge. Depending on your profile, the requested document will include: Passport or ID card, press card and/or a letter from your editor-in chief as well as the signed original of your authorisation for security screening (only for media representatives of Belgian nationality or resident in Belgium). The press centre may contact you to request additional information if necessary. No accreditation badge will be issued if you cannot provide all required documents. 

Trainees with media organisations who do not possess a press card are not entitled to request accreditation. 

Journalists holding a 6-month badge (30.06.2016 - 31.12.2016) do not need to register

6-month badges can be collected at the accreditation centre of the LEX building during summits. Please ensure that you have all the required documents when collecting your badge.

Collection of badges

Accreditation badges must be collected in person from the LEX building (145 rue de la Loi, Brussels)  

  • Wednesday 14 December, from 9.30 to 13.00 and  from 14.00 to 19.00
  • Thursday 15 December, from 08.30 to 20.00
  • Friday 16 December, from 08.00 to the end of the final press conference (max. 22.00)

Practical information on the press centre and the media programme will follow.

For more details on the European Council meeting, see the meeting page.

Categories: European Union

Indicative programme - Competitiveness Council of 28 and 29 November

Fri, 25/11/2016 - 13:27

Place:        Justus Lipsius building, Brussels
Chair(s):    Peter Žiga, Minister for Economy of Slovakia
                    Peter Plavčan, Minister for Education, Youth, Research and Sport of Slovakia                       

All times are approximate and subject to change


+/- 08.00

+/- 08.30
Doorstep by Minister Žiga   

+/- 09.30    
Beginning of the meeting
(Roundtable/Photo opportunity)
Adoption of agenda
Adoption of non-legislative A items
Adoption of legislative A items (public session


+/- 09.45 
Geo-blocking (public session)
+/- 11.30
Single market strategy 

+/- 13.00
Lunch - Future of European automotive industry 

+/- 14.30
Any Other Business (AOB): Industrial policy
+/- 15.00    
Competitiveness check-up: new Skills agenda for Europe
+/- 16.00
Unitary patent protection system
+/- 17.00
- Reform of type approval framework for vehicles (public session)
- Review of consumer protection cooperation (public session)
- Legal protection of biotechnological inventions
- SMEs Envoys' network report
- Outcome of conference on collaborative economy
- 2nd Copyright package (public session)
- Social rights pillar
- Work programme of the Maltese presidency 

+/- 18.00         
Press conference
(live streaming



Doorstep by Minister Plavčan 

+/- 10.00
Beginning of meeting
(Roundtable/Photo opportunity)


+/- 10.05 
Space strategy for Europe (public session)
+/- 12.00
AOB: Work programme of the Maltese presidency 


+/- 13.00
 Lunch - Cooperation of networks for excellence in the European research landscape 

+/- 14.30 
Support to young researchers - Council conclusions
+/- 14.50
International cooperation strategy (public session)
+/- 16.20    
- Open science
- Quantum technologies
- Accelerating clean energy innovatio
-  Outcome of conference on European bioeconomy
- International research centre in Azores Islands
- Work programme of the Maltese presidency                 

+/- 17.20
Press conference
(live streaming)       


Categories: European Union

Indicative programme - Foreign Affairs Council (Development) of 28 November 2016

Fri, 25/11/2016 - 12:07

Place:        Justus Lipsius building, Brussels
Chair(s):    Federica Mogherini, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

All times are approximate and subject to change

+/- 08.00

+/- 09.30
Beginning of the meeting
Adoption of the agenda
Approval of A items

European Consensus on Development

Post-Cotonou Framework

Working lunch (Energy and Development)

Migration and Development

+/- 15.00
Doorstep statement
by High Representative Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Neven Mimica (VIP, live streaming)

Categories: European Union

Remarks by President Donald Tusk following the EU-Ukraine summit

Thu, 24/11/2016 - 15:37

I am very impressed by the patience and the determination of the Ukrainian people in their struggle to retain territorial integrity and sovereignty. You are a unique example of courage, dignity and common sense. I know that you deserve more.

Also from us, from Europe. You have many friends here, and I can promise you that you will not be left behind. We also have our limitations, but we will continue in our efforts to fulfil your justified expectations.

We highly rate the efforts of the Ukrainian authorities, including those of President Poroshenko, to implement large-scale reforms in extremely difficult conditions. Ukraine's success will be the success of all of Europe.
(delivered in Ukrainian)

Three days ago we commemorated the third anniversary of the Euromaidan. Since then Ukraine has gone through very difficult times, with Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol, and its aggression in eastern Ukraine. Europe must do everything in its power to make sure that Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and stability are preserved. We continue to support the Minsk process and our sanctions are linked with the complete implementation of the Minsk Agreements. Recently we renewed support to the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission.

The last three years have seen the birth of a new Ukraine that advances its democracy and economy through, sometimes very tough, reforms. Additional assistance from Europe should support Ukraine in strengthening its democratic path.

In this context we discussed visas. I am happy that all EU Member States decided Ukraine is ready for a visa-free regime. This decision is a recognition of Ukraine's achievements in meeting European standards. It will enter into force once the European Parliament and the Council find an agreement on the reform of the EU's visa policy, which is on track. We discussed this with President Schulz today and we will intensify work with the Parliament to make it happen. But I want to underline that this discussion does not concern Ukraine any more, as Ukraine has already done its work perfectly. Now the discussion concerns relations between the EU Member States and the European Parliament with regard to the EU's visa policy.

Before concluding, let me add a comment on the future of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, following the Dutch referendum. My goal is clear: to finish the ratification process of the Association Agreement. This agreement is not only of mutual economic benefit, but - more importantly - it carries great geopolitical significance. After having spoken to Prime Minister Rutte and President Poroshenko, I can report that we are working hard to find a solution that will allow the Dutch to ratify, by addressing all their concerns, while fully respecting the interests of Ukraine and making sure that the remaining 27 do not need to ratify again. It is my hope and intention to find such a solution at the December European Council.

Finally, let me say that the summit today is another proof of our concrete commitment to Ukraine.

Categories: European Union

1st meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Council between the European Union and Kosovo

Thu, 24/11/2016 - 14:59

The Stabilisation and Association Council between the European Union and Kosovo held its first meeting on 25 November 2016. This inaugural meeting marks a new important stage in EU-Kosovo relations. 

The Stabilisation and Association Council welcomed the entry into force of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) on 1 April 2016. The European Union noted that the SAA is at the core of the relationship between the EU and Kosovo. It provides the contractual framework within which the EU and Kosovo will intensify their co-operation and take stock of developments in their relationship. Both sides also warmly welcome today's signature of the framework agreement on Kosovo's participation in Union programmes, which will open up new opportunities for the population of Kosovo, from research to student exchanges. 

During the meeting, discussion took place on recent key developments relating to the fulfilment of the political criteria, as well as the state of play concerning the economic criteria, financial cooperation and the implementation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement. 

The Stabilisation and Association Council welcomed the launch on 11 November of a European Reform Agenda which will play an important role in guiding Kosovo's reform efforts, in areas such as good governance and rule of law, competitiveness and the investment climate, as well as employment and education. This will aid Kosovo in its implementation of the obligations under the Stabilisation and Association Agreement. 

The meeting discussed reform priorities in areas including rule of law and judicial reforms, respect for fundamental rights, public administration reform, and economic reforms. The Stabilisation and Association Council welcomed Kosovo's significant progress in fulfilling the requirements of the visa liberalisation roadmap. The EU encourages Kosovo to intensify work on the ratification of the border/boundary agreement with Montenegro and to continue to strengthen the track record in the fight against organised crime and corruption. 

The meeting underlined the importance of progress in the EU-facilitated dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade and of the implementation of all agreements already reached without delay. 

The meeting was chaired by High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, on behalf of the European Union. Commissioner Johannes Hahn represented the European Commission. The delegation of Kosovo was led by Prime Minister Isa Mustafa. 


References to Kosovo are without prejudice to positions on status. They are in line with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244/1999 and the opinion by the International Court of Justice on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

Categories: European Union

Letter of congratulations from President Donald Tusk to Jüri Ratas upon assuming the duties of Prime Minister of Estonia

Tue, 22/11/2016 - 17:05

Please accept my congratulations as you assume the responsibilities of Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia.

I am gratified to learn that your new coalition intends to stay the course that Estonia has followed up to now in foreign and security policy, and that EU and NATO membership will continue to be the key pillars of Estonia's security and prosperity. In these difficult times, such stability is beneficial both for Estonia and the European Union.

You are taking up the lead of your government as Estonia moves towards assuming the rotating Presidency of the Council of the EU. I wish you success as you finalise preparations for this challenge, and look forward to working with you in this regard. I also look forward to meeting you at the December European Council.

Categories: European Union

Trade in conflict minerals: Presidency agreement with the European Parliament

Tue, 22/11/2016 - 10:42

On 22 November 2016, the presidency of the Council and the European Parliament reached an informal deal on a regulation to stop the financing of armed groups through trade in conflict minerals. This regulation aims to encourage EU companies to source tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold responsibly. These minerals are widely used in everyday products including mobile phones, cars and jewellery.

"Today proves our determination to strengthen our efforts to prevent armed groups around the world from using trade in minerals to finance their activities and propagate conflict. This regulation will put into practice the EU's commitments to this effect. At the same time, there will be no additional red tape for European companies that trade respecting the rules, while EU citizens can be assured that their purchases do not affect human rights in conflict-ridden countries."

Peter Žiga, Slovak Minister in charge of trade and President of the Council

The regulation carries clear obligations to source responsibly for the 'upstream' part of the production process, which involves the extraction and refining of these minerals. The vast majority of metals and minerals imported to the EU will be covered, while small volume importers will be exempt from these obligations. The regulation also allows companies to become a responsible importer by declaring in writing to the competent authority in a member state that it follows the due diligence obligations set in the regulation. A list of these importers will be published by the Commission. The competent authorities will carry out checks to ensure that EU importers of minerals and metals comply with their due diligence obligations.

In addition, the Commission will carry out a number of other measures to improve due diligence by EU 'downstream' companies, which are those that use these minerals as components to produce goods. The Commission will also draft a handbook including non-binding guidelines to help companies, and especially SME's, with the identification of conflict-affected and high-risk areas.

For the Council, the agreement still has to be confirmed by member states. The presidency is expected to present the agreed text for approval by member states' ambassadors on 7 December 2016.

The Council adopted its position for these negotiations in December 2015.

Categories: European Union

Weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk

Fri, 18/11/2016 - 10:48

Thursday 24 November 2016
EU-Ukraine Summit
11:00 Arrival of President Petro Poroshenko (photo opportunity)
11:05 Leaders' meeting
12:10 Working lunch
13:40 Press conference 

Categories: European Union

Visas: Council agrees its negotiating position on visa liberalisation for Ukraine

Thu, 17/11/2016 - 13:17

On 17 November, the Permanent Representatives Committee (Coreper) agreed, on behalf of the Council, a negotiating position on visa liberalisation for Ukraine. It confirmed the Commission proposal to provide for visa-free travel for EU citizens when travelling to the territory of Ukraine and for citizens of this country when travelling to the EU, for a period of stay of 90 days in any 180-day period.

The Council takes the view that the entry into force of visa liberalisation for Ukraine should be at the same time as the entry into force of the new suspension mechanism.

On the basis of this mandate, the presidency will start negotiations with the European Parliament.

"By giving its green light today, the Council has demonstrated its commitment to visa-free travel for citizens of Ukraine, taking into account that all requirements have been met. Credible reform is the right path and should be encouraged. I am also delighted that our decision is able to send a positive message in the run up to the EU-Ukraine Summit on 24 November."

Peter Javorčík, Permanent Representative of Slovakia to the EU, and President of the Permanent Representatives Committee

In December 2015 the Commission concluded that Ukraine had met all the benchmarks for the exemption of the visa requirement. On 20 April 2016 the Commission published the proposal for visa liberalisation.

Once the new visa regime for Ukraine is agreed with the Parliament and formally adopted, it will  move the country from Annex I of Regulation 539/2001 (countries whose nationals need a visa to enter the Schengen area) to Annex II of the same regulation (visa free countries), thus providing for visa-free travel for EU citizens when travelling to the territory of Ukraine and for citizens of this country when travelling to the EU, for a period of stay of 90 days in any 180-day period.

In the context of the current migratory situation in the European Union and taking into account the Commission's proposals for visa liberalisation of Georgia, Ukraine, Turkey and Kosovo and the discussions with member states, the Commission decided on 4 May 2016 to present a proposal to amend Regulation 539/2001 to revise the current suspension mechanism.

The main objective of the revised regulation is to strengthen the suspension mechanism. It does this by making it easier for member states to notify circumstances which might lead to a suspension, by enabling the Commission to trigger the mechanism on its own initiative, and by tasking the Commission to send an annual report to the European Parliament and Council on the extent to which visa-exempt third countries continue to meet the necessary criteria.

The possible grounds for suspension have been extended and the use of the mechanism will also be facilitated by shortening reference periods and deadlines in order to allow for a faster procedure.

The discussions between the Parliament and the Council on the visa suspension mechanism are still ongoing.

Ireland and the United Kingdom will not be subject to the application of these measures, in accordance with the protocols annexed to the EU treaties. The visa regime of these member states remains subject to their national legislation.

Categories: European Union

Deal reached on 2017 EU budget

Wed, 16/11/2016 - 23:14

On 17 November 2016, the Council and European Parliament reached agreement on a 2017 EU budget which strongly reflects the EU's main policy priorities. Total commitments are set at €157.88 billion and payments at €134.49 billion.  

"The strength of the 2017 EU budget lies in its focus on priority measures such as addressing migration, including by tackling its root causes, and encouraging investment as a way to help stimulate growth and create jobs. This maximises the budget's impact to the benefit of EU taxpayers, European citizens and companies. And it respects member states' continued efforts to consolidate their public finance", said Ivan Lesay, state secretary for finance of Slovakia and President of the Council.  

More money for migration and security 

Agreed commitments of almost €6 billion mean that around 11.3% more money will be available for tackling the migration crisis and reinforcing security than in 2016. The money will be used to help member states in the resettlement of refugees, the creation of reception centres, the support for integration measures and the returns of those who have no right to stay. It will also help to enhance border protection, crime prevention, counter terrorism activities and protect critical infrastructure. 

Investing in growth and jobs 

Commitments of €21.3 billion were agreed to boost economic growth and create new jobs under sub-heading 1a (competitiveness for growth and jobs). This is an increase of around 12% compared to 2016. This part of the budget covers instruments such as Erasmus + which increases by 19% to €2.1 billion and the European fund for strategic investments which raises by 25% to €2.7 billion. The 2017 EU budget also includes €500.00 million in commitments for the youth employment initiative to help young people to find a job. Further €500.00 million were agreed for supporting milk and other livestock farmers with additional support measures announced in July. 

With a view to matching member states' consolidation efforts at national level the Council and the Parliament reminded all EU institutions to complete the 5% staff reduction by 2017 as agreed in 2013.   

  Headings2017 EU budget (in mln €)  CommitmentsPayments 1. Smart and inclusive growth74,89856,522 - 1a. Competitiveness for growth and jobs21,31219,321 - 1b. Economic, social and territorial cohesion53,58737,201 2. Sustainable growth58,58454,914 3. Security and citizenship4,2843,787 4. Global Europe10,1879,483 5. Administration9,3959,395 Special instruments534390 TOTAL157,883134,490Next steps 

The 2017 EU budget is expected to be formally adopted by the Council on 29 November and the Parliament on 1 December.

Categories: European Union
