MEPs and political groups presented their candidates for the Sakharov Prize 2023 on Wednesday. The vote on the three finalists will take place in October. Committee on Foreign Affairs Committee on Development Subcommittee on Human Rights
Parliament and Council have reached a provisional agreement on new rules to ban misleading advertisements and provide consumers with better product information. Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
Civil Liberties Committee MEPs backed proposals which would mean border controls within the free-movement Schengen area can only be reintroduced when absolutely necessary. Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
On Wednesday, the Budgets Committee set out its position on the reform of the EU’s long-term budget, emphasizing the urgency to future-proof the EU budget. Committee on Budgets
On Wednesday, MEPs approved nearly €455 million in EU Solidarity Fund aid in response to recent natural disasters in Romania, Italy and Türkiye. Committee on Budgets
The Industry Committee adopted its position on the "Gigabit infrastructure Act", designed to reduce costs and red tape for the deployment of very high-speed networks. Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
The Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee adopted its position on new rules to make short-term rented accommodation more transparent. Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
A képviselők csütörtökön elfogadták a stratégiai nyersanyagellátás fellendítéséről szóló álláspontjukat, amely kulcsfontosságú az EU fenntartható és digitális jövőjének biztosításához. Ipari, Kutatási és Energiaügyi Bizottság
On Thursday, the European Parliament adopted three resolutions on the human rights situations in Guatemala, Azerbaijan and Bangladesh. Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Human Rights
Parliament called on Thursday for EU measures to tackle prostitution and policies that eliminate poverty. Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality
Parliament today gave the green light to start negotiations with Council to reform the EU’s electricity market. Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
Nicos Christodoulides ciprusi elnök EP-képviselőkkel folytatott megbeszélést az Európa jövőjéről alkotott elképzeléseiről, kiemelt hangsúlyt fektetve a geopolitikai kihívásokra.
Tekintse meg Iliana Ivanova innovációs, kutatási, kulturális, oktatási és ifjúságügyi biztosjelölt meghallgatásához kapcsolódó hivatalos dokumentumokat.
MEPs and Latin American parliamentarians will meet in Madrid, Spain, to advance the bi-regional dialogue, starting with a welcome by H.M. King Felipe VI on Monday. Committee on Foreign Affairs
New cyber resilience rules adopted on Wednesday will establish a uniform set of cybersecurity requirements for all digital products in the European Union. Committee on Industry, Research and Energy