A képviselők az Unió Tanácsának július elsején indult szlovén elnökségéről vitáztak kedden Janez Janša szlovén miniszterelnök és Ursula von der Leyen, a Bizottság elnökének részvételével.
After a debate on Slovenian Presidency of the Council priorities, Presidents Sassoli and von der Leyen and Prime Minister Janša will hold a press conference today at 11.45.
President Sassoli expressed his solidarity and condolences to the victims of forest fires in Cyprus, at the opening of the plenary session in Strasbourg.
Klímasemlegesség, tiszta energia, körkörös gazdaság - összefoglaltuk, miről szól az új, 2030-ig tartó uniós környezetvédelmi cselekvési program és mit kell tenni a célok eléréséhez.
Az LMBTIQ-személyek jogai Magyarországon, a szlovén elnökség prioritásai és a jogállamiság is napirenden lesz a jövő héten a Parlament plenáris ülésén.
Július 1-jén Szlovénia vette át a Tanács soros elnökségét. Összefoglaltuk, a szlovén EP-képviselők szerint mik a prioritások most, hogy hazájuk tölti be ezt a tisztségét.
The budget conditionality regulation does not require any additional clarification to be applied and rule of law breaches must be addressed without delay, say MEPs. Committee on Budgets Committee on Budgetary Control
With enhanced operational and technical powers, the new EU Asylum Agency will facilitate cooperation among member states and contribute to converging asylum standards. Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
The use of Artificial Intelligence in law enforcement and the judiciary should be subject to strong safeguards and human oversight, says the Civil Liberties Committee. Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
On Tuesday at 15.30, rapporteur Elena Yoncheva will hold a press conference to discuss the outcome of trilateral talks on the creation of a new EU Asylum Agency. Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
MEPs want to extend the mandate of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control to better anticipate, prepare for and manage future health threats. Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
Parliament’s and Council’s negotiators reached an informal political agreement on three EU laws that will govern the 2023-2027 EU farm policy, on Friday. Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
On Friday, 25 June 2021, Parliament, Council and Commission negotiators reached an informal political deal on the EU Farm policy from 2023 onwards. Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
MEPs take stock of developments and propose ways to improve the EC’s approach moving forward, with an eye set on the upcoming 2021 report on the rule of law in the EU. Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs