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Defence`s Feeds

Vietnam : Hanoi's Hotel Metropole, a draw for spies both real and fictional

Intelligence Online - Fri, 15/03/2024 - 06:00
At 123 years old, the five-star Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi is doing well, flying the flag of the Accor group
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Germany : Martina Rosenberg, the bureaucrat handling fallout over Ukraine leak

Intelligence Online - Fri, 15/03/2024 - 06:00
It was a ruckus that the Bundesamt für den Militärischen Abschirmdienst (BAMAD), Germany's military counter-intelligence service, could well have done without:
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

United States : Puerto Rican bank says New York Fed disregarded K2 Integrity's guidance

Intelligence Online - Fri, 15/03/2024 - 06:00
Banco San Juan Internacional (BSJI) continues to battle the Federal Reserve Bank of New York over its decision to revoke
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

China : Translators caught up in Beijing's drive to bring financial sector to heel

Intelligence Online - Fri, 15/03/2024 - 06:00
As the authorities continue their drive to restore ideological orthodoxy in the Chinese financial sector, translation department heads in the
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Enhancing maritime surveillance: EDA and SatCen begin new phase of cooperation

EDA News - Thu, 14/03/2024 - 16:15

The European Defence Agency (EDA) and the European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen) signed a bilateral agreement on 14 March 2024 to initiate a new phase of cooperation within MARSUR, the maritime surveillance information exchange system crafted by EDA. 

Launched in 2005 as a network for sharing open-source maritime information, MARSUR has since matured into a multi-faceted information exchange platform. The multinational initiative resulting from this effort now encompasses 22 European navies. Out of this pool, under the EDA framework, 16 EU navies are developing a capability for the automatic exchange of maritime surveillance information and decision-making support. 

MARSUR’s wide scope of services allow for information exchange, coordination and support to decision-making, aiming to improve the common ‘Recognised Maritime Picture’. The network plays an important role as a defence layer of the EU framework for exchanging information and maritime situation awareness, known as the Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE). 

Now in its third stage of development, which is known as MARSUR III, the project is upgrading its technology and capabilities. That will soon include the exchange of classified information.  The bilateral agreement will provide the operational basis for the exchange of relevant data between SatCen and the MARSUR community through a secure network. 

This bilateral agreement is a unique mechanism introduced under the MARSUR III project to involve SatCen in EDA ad hoc activities under the control and funding of the contributing Member States,” said EDA Chief Executive Jiří Šedivý. “I am pleased to sign it today on behalf of the MARSUR III contributing members,” he said. 

SatCen has aligned its efforts with EDA to define requirements and support maritime situational awareness with satellite data and analysis. SatCen joined the initiative in 2017 and in May 2021 signed the MARSUR III project arrangement for 2021-2026 and the way ahead. 

SatCen Director, Ambassador Sorin Ducaru, said: “I look forward to intensifying the excellent inter-agency collaboration by concluding this agreement, which will solidify the SatCen collaboration within MARSUR over the long term, and I would like to thank all actors involved, in particular the Member States as well as the teams of SatCen and EDA.”  

MARSUR III will now benefit from SatCen’s expertise, particularly in terms of governance, as it takes a role as permanent chair of the Technical Advisory Board, in training of operators and technicians, exchanging information and products, and connecting to CISE with its bridging node. 

SatCen will in turn connect its resources to the information held by European navies. SatCen will also welcome two MARSUR maritime surveillance experts, funded by the MARSUR community.

During the signing ceremony, Commander Joachim Weidmann, Chairperson of the MARSUR Management Group and representing the participating nations, said: “The bilateral agreement between EDA and SatCen is a milestone, and it is important that both organisations show the willingness to succeed in ensuring that relevant operational maritime information is shared in the required time.” 

EDA's wider role   

EDA supports its 27 Member States in improving their defence capabilities through European cooperation. Acting as an enabler and facilitator for Ministries of Defence willing to engage in collaborative capability projects, the Agency has become the hub for European defence cooperation with expertise and networks allowing it to the whole spectrum of defence capabilities.   
Member States use EDA as an intergovernmental expert platform where their collaborative projects are supported, facilitated, and implemented. For more details, please see here.                             

Categories: Defence`s Feeds

China : United Front to play pivotal role in Xi's new foreign policy

Intelligence Online - Thu, 14/03/2024 - 06:00
Intelligence Online previously revealed how all Chinese associations, including the United Front Work Department (UFWD), which is China's instrument of influence abroad (IO, 28/02/23 and 22/01/24), have been reorganised to be placed under greater control of Beijing's diplomats. This change
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

United States : Rising drone technology star Hidden Level steps up Washington lobbying effort with Cornerstone

Intelligence Online - Thu, 14/03/2024 - 06:00
The drone detection and counter-threat technology firm Hidden Level has stepped up its Washington lobbying efforts by retaining in late February Cornerstone
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Russia/United States : HawkEye and Sierra Nevada swap staff, Russian electronic warfare warrior 3MX, BGR fails to save Sandvine

Intelligence Online - Thu, 14/03/2024 - 06:00
San Antonio, Texas - Sierra Nevada Corp and HawkEye 360 staff criss-cross pathsThe two long-standing intelligence community service providers HawkEye
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Bahrain/Saudi Arabia/United States : Maritime drone manufacturer Saildrone building new networks in Washington and Riyadh

Intelligence Online - Thu, 14/03/2024 - 06:00
Californian company Saildrone presented its maritime intelligence and ocean mapping projects at Saudi Arabia's World Defense Show, which took place
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Bulgaria/Europe : Sofia doubles down to convince allies of counter-espionage capabilities

Intelligence Online - Thu, 14/03/2024 - 06:00
Plamen Tonshev, head of the State Agency for National Security, DANS (IO, 23/06/21), is being swamped with reports from his
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

China/France : Chinese woman refused French naturalisation over husband's ties to Beijing intelligence

Intelligence Online - Thu, 14/03/2024 - 06:00
A French court last month upheld the interior ministry's 2021 refusal to grant French nationality to a woman of Chinese
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Luxembourg : Luxembourg asset firm's clients allegedly included sanctioned oligarchs

Intelligence Online - Thu, 14/03/2024 - 06:00
Whistleblower allegations obtained by Intelligence Online show that the FBI probe into the client list of two Luxembourg asset management
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Highlights - SEDE: Exchange of views with European Commissioner Thierry Breton - Subcommittee on Security and Defence

On 19 March, Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for Internal Market, will present to the SEDE Members the newly released European Defence Industrial Strategy (EDIS) together with the proposed European Defence Industry Programme (EDIP), which set ambitious targets to enhance the defence readiness of the European Union and its Member States. ...
In camera, a tour d'horizon on EU security and defence priorities will be given by the EEAS Deputy Secretary General Charles Fries and SEDE Members will hold an exchange of views with the EEAS and Rear Admiral Vasileios Gryparis, Operation Commander of EUNAVFOR ASPIDES on the Red Sea crisis and the establishment of the CSDP defensive maritime security operation EUNAVFOR ASPIDES.
Meeting agenda and documents
Webstreaming - EP Multimedia Centre
Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

China : Beijing building space intelligence 'string of pearls' over Indo-Pacific region

Intelligence Online - Wed, 13/03/2024 - 06:00
The launch of China's mysterious TJS-11 spy satellite on 23 February, whose capacities and objectives were unknown at the time, has given Washington a scare. Since the launch, Intelligence Online has followed the trajectory of the satellite which was finally
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Russia/Ukraine : Kolossal versus Rybar: Kyiv and Moscow race to militarise OSINT

Intelligence Online - Wed, 13/03/2024 - 06:00
The Ukrainian creators of the open source interactive online intelligence map are currently testing the beta version of their
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Europe/United States : Military intelligence supplier Mission Essential is back

Intelligence Online - Wed, 13/03/2024 - 06:00
The historic US defence and intelligence community service provider Mission Essential has recently hired Scott Murray, a former senior executive
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Germany : Berlin MPs want answers over hypothetical 'German commandos' in Ukraine

Intelligence Online - Wed, 13/03/2024 - 06:00
On 4 March, MPs from Germany's far-right AfD party tabled a parliamentary question calling on the federal government to clarify
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

United Kingdom/United States : Reputational risk management at JPMorgan, Ground Truth exodus, from JS Held to Delta Consulting, Hollis moves to Aperio

Intelligence Online - Wed, 13/03/2024 - 06:00
New York - JPMorgan hires ESG investigator to boost reputation protectionTo improve the management of reputational risk in its investment
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

United States : Prominent congressional aide drawn into court fight between figures linked to Russiagate

Intelligence Online - Wed, 13/03/2024 - 06:00
A top congressional staffer who was reported to be under investigation on February 24 for delivering military equipment to Ukraine's armed
Categories: Defence`s Feeds
