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IRAQ : Iraqi National Intelligence Service barricades itself in after the attack on Al Kazimi

Intelligence Online - Wed, 17/11/2021 - 08:00
The Iraqi National Intelligence Service (INIS, IO, 18/10/21), which has been in the sights of certain pro-Iranian Shiite militias for
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED KINGDOM : Alaco boosts discreet Swiss office

Intelligence Online - Wed, 17/11/2021 - 08:00
Amy Lashinsky and Ambrose Carey's corporate intelligence firm Alaco has recently boosted its Geneval office, appointing Daniel Vassall-Adams last month
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Vityaz-SN - Wed, 17/11/2021 - 07:00

Russian Vityaz-SN Submachine Gun
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PAC-3 Tested With IBCS-Integration | Calidus Unveiled B-350 | Elbit Demonstrated Heterogenous Swarm Capability To Netherlands

Defense Industry Daily - Wed, 17/11/2021 - 05:00

Sikorsky won an $8 million deal, which exercises an option to provide for the production and delivery of CH-53K tooling and supplier rate tooling, as well as management through final acceptance, ensuring the program can meet aircraft production rate, based on lead-time and production ramp rates. The CH-53K Super Stallion is a heavy-lift helicopter that can be fielded from amphibious assault ships for the transportation of personnel and equipment. It will also be used to carry external cargo loads. The aircraft can be operated from austere and remote forward operating bases.

The PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) units worked with the US Army’s Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System (IBCS) for the first time to intercept ballistic missiles during flight tests conducted earlier this month, Lockheed Martin announced. During the flight test series, two PAC-3 MSE missiles successfully engaged from IBCS and intercepted tactical ballistic missile (TBM) threats over White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.

Middle East & Africa

United Arab Emirates-based Calidus unveiled a new light attack turboprop at the Dubai Airshow 2021. The turboprop is designated the B-350. The Calidus B-350 aircraft was developed mostly under the radar but information about the project and some of its characteristics was made public in late 2020 by the Czech company CHARVÁT AXL, which received a contract to design and build the landing gear for the B-350.


The Italian Coast Guard signed a contract with Fincantieri for the design and construction of a multi-role offshore unit (UAM). The deal was signed in Rome at the headquarters of the General Command of the Harbour Authorities – Coast Guard. The order, finalizing the tender procedure, is worth approximately €80 million and it envisages the construction of one multi-role offshore unit, the related 5-year temporary support service, as well as the possibility of exercising the option right for the construction of 2 additional units.

Elbit Systems has demonstrated its Robotic Autonomous Systems (RAS) capabilities for ISR missions utilizing heterogeneous autonomous swarms to the RAS Concept Development & Experimentation Program of the Royal Netherlands Army. During the capability demonstration, different robotic pairings operated as swarms autonomously performing three types of operational missions. The missions included planning, navigating to predefined points, allocating sectors and the performance of various ISR tasks.


JS Shimokita delivered a new shipment of missiles to Miyakojima Island on November 14. Around 20 local residents gathered at the port to prevent the vehicles from departing. At the Ground Self-Defense Force ammunition depot, the vehicles were met by another group of protesters.

Today’s Video

Watch: DCS: AH-64D | Introduction

Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Last Two 9th EBS B-1B Lancers Have Returned To Dyess AFB After Bomber Task Force Europe Deployment

The Aviationist Blog - Tue, 16/11/2021 - 22:49

The departure of the last two B-1s marked the end of the most recent Bomber Task Force Europe deployment. The 9th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron’s B-1B Lancers and nearly 200 support personnel completed their Bomber Task [...]

The post Last Two 9th EBS B-1B Lancers Have Returned To Dyess AFB After Bomber Task Force Europe Deployment appeared first on The Aviationist.

Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Latest news - Next SEDE meeting - 29 and 30 November 2021 - Subcommittee on Security and Defence

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the President of the European Parliament has established a number of measures to contain the spread of the virus and to safeguard Parliament's core activities. The current precautionary measures do not affect work on legislative priorities.

Core activities are maintained to ensure the smooth running of the institution's legislative, budgetary, and scrutiny functions.

The next meeting of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) will take place on 29 and 30 November 2021.

The meeting agenda and documents will be published here.

SEDE meetings' calendar 2021
EP calendar 2021
Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP

14 New PESCO Projects Launched in Boost for European Defence Cooperation

EDA News - Tue, 16/11/2021 - 11:35

Today, the Council has adopted a new wave of joint projects within the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) framework, which aims to deepen defence cooperation between Member States. 14 new projects are contained within this fourth wave, taking the total number of projects launched under PESCO to 60. Within today’s package, six are in the air domain, including the development of a European solution for the strategic transport of outsized cargo and a small highly deployable, multi-purpose Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS). A total of 21 EU Member States are participating in projects in this wave.


The 14 projects launched in the fourth wave cover five military domains: land (2), maritime (2), air (6), cyber/C4ISR (2) and space (2). Projects range from the development of new military capabilities and the identification of future needs in areas such as air power and maritime surface escort, to enhancing the exchange of classified governmental imagery and joint training for main battle tanks. Projects to be taken forward will help increase the coherence of the European capability landscape and deliver operational benefits on the ground.

The PESCO projects adopted today by the Council also include:

  • Strategic Air Transport for Outsized Cargo

    The 5-nation project Strategic Air Transport for Outsized Cargo (SATOC) aims to fill the critical shortfall for strategic transport for outsized and heavy cargo, a crucial enabler for military missions and operations. SATOC involves a gradual 3-step approach, firstly by identifying a sufficient number of project members – with possible third state participation, harmonising requirements and finally identifying and agreeing on a common European solution for the transport of outsized cargo.

    The five participating nations are: Germany, Czechia, France, Netherlands, Slovenia.  An initial project timeline for the collection and harmonisation of requirements will run until 2023 with a possible agreement on a European solution and a follow-on project foreseen in 2026.

  • Medium size Semi-Autonomous Surface Vehicle

    The 3-nation project, Medium size Semi-Autonomous Surface Vehicle (M-SASV) will develop a medium size (250-500 tons) semi-autonomous surface vehicle with multiple mission modules, such as Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR), Anti-submarine warfare, Anti-surface warfare (ASuW) and Naval Mine Warfare (NMW).

    The M-SASV platform will be developed following a manned (when needed) and unmanned (when possible) approach, and will provide increased operational flexibility and crew protection. The design for M-SASV will focus on littoral operations, however the platform will be also deployable as part of naval task groups.

    The participating three nations are: Estonia, France, Latvia. The Initial Capability Requirements have already been drafted and industry partners are working to establish a consortium.

  • Next Generation Small RPAS

    The 4-nation project Next Generation Small RPAS (NGSR) aims to develop a small (150Kg) highly deployable, multi-purpose and multi-role tactical RPAS.  The system will be able to deploy, take off, land and operate in a tactical environment without need for a runway. The multi-purpose/multi-role aspect of the system will provide tactical commanders a wide multiplicity of tools in both the maritime and air domain.  

    NGSR will also have potential as a dual use system, namely for law enforcement and disaster/emergency agencies. This project also aims to reduce the radar, acoustic and infrared signature of small UAS. NGSR will also provide an additional European tactical RPAS as less than half of the platforms currently in service were manufactured in Europe.

    The four participating nations are: Spain, Germany, Portugal, Slovenia. An initial project timeline for ideation and incubation will run until 2023, followed by systems integration and interoperability tests in 2024 and 2025, finally aiming to deliver a first prototype in 2026.

  • Defence of Space Assets

The 6-nation project Defence of Space Assets (DoSA) aims to increase the EU’s operational efficiency in the space domain by making the best use of current and future space assets. Its main objectives include defining which technologies and identifying common operational needs will be needed tomorrow to defend space assets. DoSA involves a 3-step approach combining training for space military operations, space resilience and access to space and in-space manoeuvrability.

The six participating nations are: France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Austria. An initial project timeline includes identifying a set of technological priorities and/or capabilities and a first joint exercise in 2022. Further specifications including a common concept of operations (CONOPS) a feasibility studies will be developed through 2024 and 2024 with a final proposition for future systems expected in 2026.

EDA Chief Executive, Jiří Šedivý said: “The launch of the fourth wave of PESCO projects is an important milestone for European defence cooperation. These new 14 projects invigorate the PESCO process which along with the Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD) and the European Defence Fund (EDF) are now beginning to create indispensable synergies for Member States to develop effective and cost-efficient capabilities together. I am proud of the work the PESCO Secretariat has done to bring this fourth wave to the table, in particular EDA’s contribution in carrying out the capability assessment of projects. EDA has already provided support to eight PESCO projects stands ready to support its Member States going forward.


The development and lifecycles of military capabilities are undertaken with a long-term perspective. Each PESCO project has its own timeline, with the first projects already delivering concrete results and more projects planned to deliver results before the end of the next PESCO phase in 2025.

47 PESCO projects were approved in the first three waves covering all military domains. With work ongoing since their launch, it can be expected that between 24 to 26 out of the 46 ongoing projects will reach an initial operational capability around 2025.

Projects in areas such as training and simulation technologies can be developed quicker and may see results relatively early especially in the next three to five years. The successful implementation of the EUs Cyber Rapid Response Teams (CRRTs) project underscores how project timelines vary across domains.

Capability projects involving the harmonisation of requirements, development of complex prototypes with the involvement of industrial consortia will be delivered via a longer timeline. Larger capability projects have nevertheless taken smaller but significant steps forward such as the European Patrol Corvette, while some projects such a military mobility have also seen third counties invited to join.

60 projects now launched within the PESCO framework provides a boost to European defence cooperation. Many of the projects undertaken within PESCO will enhance the EU’s capacity as a security actor, contribute to the protection of the EU citizens, while maximising the effectiveness of defence spending.


The key difference between PESCO and other forms of cooperation is the legally binding nature of its 20 binding commitments undertaken by participating Member States. These include, increasing defence spending, planning and developing defence capabilities together with other members, whenever possible and improving the interoperability and joint use of existing capabilities.

As part of these commitments, Members States will ensure that the cooperation programmes and the acquisition strategies adopted by the participating Member States will have a positive impact on the EU's Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB).


On 11 December 2017, the Council adopted a decision establishing Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO). PESCO enables participating EU member states to work more closely together in the area of security and defence. This permanent framework for defence cooperation allows willing and able member states to develop jointly defence capabilities, invest in shared projects, and enhance the operational readiness and contribution of their armed forces.

An initial list of 17 projects to be developed under PESCO was adopted by the Council on 6 March 2018. A second batch of 17 projects to be developed under PESCO was adopted by the Council on 19 November 2018. And finally, a third batch of 13 additional projects to be developed under PESCO was adopted by the Council on 12 November 2019. One PESCO project from the first batch has been officially closed by its project members.

Each of the projects is carried forward by varying group of PESCO participating Member States (project members) and is coordinated by one or more PESCO participating Member States (project coordinators). The project members may agree among themselves to allow other participating Member States to join as a project member or to become observer to the project.

The 25 member states participating in PESCO are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden.


Categories: Defence`s Feeds

EDA Steering Board discusses defence innovation

EDA News - Tue, 16/11/2021 - 11:21

Outcome of EDA Ministerial Steering Board meeting 

Defence Ministers met today at EDA’s Ministerial Steering Board under the chairmanship of the Head of the Agency, High Representative Josep Borrell. The main points on their agenda were the approval of the Agency’s 2022 general budget of €38 million, the negotiating mandate for the Agency for an Administrative Arrangement with the US Department of Defence and a discussion on how to reinforce EDA’s role in fostering defence innovation.  

Defence innovation and EDA’s future role 

Ministers had a debate on defence innovation at EU level, based on a Food-for-Thought paper prepared by the Agency. It followed a call from the Foreign Affairs Council (conclusions of May 2021) to reinforce EDA’s role in fostering defence innovation, including disruptive technologies, and the Council invitation issued to the Head of Agency to present possible options in this respect before the end of this year.  Among the potential options discussed by the Ministers was also that of establishing a Defence Innovation Hub within the Agency. It was agreed that, based on today’s debate, the Head of Agency will finalise and present its options in the coming weeks for further discussion at the Agency’s upcoming Steering Board meeting in R&T directors’ composition in December.  

AA talks with US, cooperation with third parties 

Ministers approved a mandate for EDA to start negotiations with the US Department of Defence on the conclusion of an Administrative Agreement (AA). The exact scope and modalities of the AA will be defined during the talks. In the joint statement adopted at the last EU-US summit in June 2021, a commitment was made by both sides “to work towards an Administrative Arrangement, with discussions, including on modalities and conditions for a closer and mutually beneficial cooperation, beginning as soon as possible.” So far, EDA has concluded AA with four non-EU countries (Norway, Switzerland, Serbia, Ukraine) as well as two organisations (OCCAR, European Space Agency). 

The Steering Board also approved a document laying down the revised and updated principles for EDA cooperation with third parties.   

2022 Budget 

Ministers adopted the proposal made by the Head of the Agency, setting the EDA’s 2022 general budget at €38 million (compared to €37.5 in 2021). The budget reflects the continuous high demands on the Agency to support Member States in the development of defence capabilities as well as the implementation of EU defence initiatives such as CARD, the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) and the European Defence Fund (EDF). 

Three-Year Planning Framework  

Ministers approved EDA’s Three-Year Planning Framework 2022-2024 (together with its staff establishment plan) which provides a coherent and comprehensive overview of the Agency’s activities structured around the three chapters reflecting its core taskings: - prioritising and planning defence cooperation; - supporting technology and capability development; - facilitating the interface with wider EU policies. Each chapter of the Planning Framework elaborates on key activities which EDA is undertaking, providing an overview of the nature, scope and expected impact of the Agency’s activities in support of overarching policy objectives and the added value for Member States.  

Military Mobility technical arrangements signed 

In the margins of the Steering Board meeting, Ministers signed two so-called ‘Technical Arrangements on Cross-Border Movement Permission’ to improve Military Mobility in Europe.  

“With today’s signing of the two technical arrangements, a huge step forward has been made to improve Military Mobility in Europe”, commented EDA Chief Executive Jiří Šedivý.  At the occasion of the signature ceremony, Belgian Defence Minister Ludivine Dedonder said: “Belgium is one of Europe’s main entrance points and therefore plays an important role as a transit country for military mobility. As part of its global approach, Belgium would like to join a structured cooperation aimed at harmonising and simplifying the procedures for Armed Forces’ rapid deployment in Europe”. 

Initiated by the European Action Plan on Military Mobility, these two technical arrangements - covering air and surface movements respectively - have been prepared under EDA auspices since 2018, involving all EU Member States as well as Norway. The arrangements focus on providing permission for air and surface movements, including the transport of dangerous goods. Using annual permissions through a simplified and standardised process based on harmonised data, Member States will be able to provide movement permission within five working days. The technical arrangements will also allow participant countries to reduce their administrative burden and use staff resources in the most efficient way.  

A total of 23 Member States and Norway signed the surface arrangement, while 22 and Norway signed the air arrangement. The signing kicks off their practical implementation: the signatories will now assess possible activities at national level to make optimal use of these arrangements.  


Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Weapons of Progress: How Military Technology Changed Peaceful Life - Tue, 16/11/2021 - 11:15

Weapons of Progress: How Military Technology Changed Peaceful Life
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

EUROPE/SOUTH KOREA : Airbus turns page on turbulent period in Seoul

Intelligence Online - Tue, 16/11/2021 - 08:00
Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) announced the "unmannization" of its Light Armed Helicopter (LAH) at the Seoul International Aerospace & Defense Exhibition (ADEX) on 19-24 October, marking a turning point for Airbus Group after a series of legal and financial setbacks
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

FRANCE/AFRICA : Prométhée offers custom-made geospatial intelligence platforms to Gulf and African clients

Intelligence Online - Tue, 16/11/2021 - 08:00
The fledgling French firm Prométhé laid the groundwork for its expansion into Africa by signing a letter of intent on
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

GERMANY/NETHERLANDS/EGYPT : Dutch court case rocks the boat of TKMS and Thales Egyptian naval mega-deal

Intelligence Online - Tue, 16/11/2021 - 08:00
An ongoing emergency procedure to halt Dutch arms sales to Egypt, brought by peace and human rights organisations, could hamper
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED STATES : US Congress looks to secure tighter control of New Space

Intelligence Online - Tue, 16/11/2021 - 08:00
As well as tougher scrutiny of investments in the US' burgeoning space sector, influential US Senator Dianne Feinstein, who served
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES/PALESTINE : Spy chief Majed Faraj presses his case to succeed Abbas in Dubai

Intelligence Online - Tue, 16/11/2021 - 08:00
Majed Faraj, head of the Palestinian Authority's Preventive Security Service (IO, 29/09/21), was in Dubai on 31 October to inaugurate the
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

FRANCE : FTI's French investigations team falls apart

Intelligence Online - Tue, 16/11/2021 - 08:00
FTI Consulting's Paris investigation and compliance department has recently lost its chief, Stephanie Lhomme, who left the company this month
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

EUROPE/SOUTH KOREA : Airbus turns page on turbulent period in Seoul

Intelligence Online - Tue, 16/11/2021 - 08:00
Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) announced the "unmannization" of its Light Armed Helicopter (LAH) at the Seoul International Aerospace & Defense Exhibition (ADEX) on 19-24 October, marking a turning point for Airbus Group after a series of legal and financial setbacks
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

FRANCE/AFRICA : Prométhée offers custom-made geospatial intelligence platforms to Gulf and African clients

Intelligence Online - Tue, 16/11/2021 - 08:00
The fledgling French firm Prométhé laid the groundwork for its expansion into Africa by signing a letter of intent on
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

GERMANY/NETHERLANDS/EGYPT : Dutch court case rocks the boat of TKMS and Thales Egyptian naval mega-deal

Intelligence Online - Tue, 16/11/2021 - 08:00
An ongoing emergency procedure to halt Dutch arms sales to Egypt, brought by peace and human rights organisations, could hamper
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED STATES : US Congress looks to secure tighter control of New Space

Intelligence Online - Tue, 16/11/2021 - 08:00
As well as tougher scrutiny of investments in the US' burgeoning space sector, influential US Senator Dianne Feinstein, who served
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES/PALESTINE : Spy chief Majed Faraj presses his case to succeed Abbas in Dubai

Intelligence Online - Tue, 16/11/2021 - 08:00
Majed Faraj, head of the Palestinian Authority's Preventive Security Service (IO, 29/09/21), was in Dubai on 31 October to inaugurate the
Categories: Defence`s Feeds
