In the context of the cluster of UAS-related projects that aim at providing the sought “UAS Enablers for Safe Airspace Integration in European Sky”, the European Defence Agency (EDA) intends to launch a tender with four lots to support the progress of safe airspace integration of UAS, from low level to high altitude operations (HAO).
Lot 1: UAS Single European Sky Experimental Integration (max. estimated budget 1.5M Eur)In a drive to elevate the capabilities of European-made low-cost small and tactical Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for precision navigation, the new project focuses on two key objectives. Firstly, it seeks to enhance their operational resilience in challenging environments for safe airspace integration – specifically environments with limited or denied GNSS access and potential electronic jamming threats. Secondly, the project will leverage recent breakthroughs in EU space-based services alongside onboard sensor fusion powered by artificial intelligence. This integration aims to achieve unwavering navigation accuracy regardless of spectrum availability, demonstrably validating its effectiveness through real-world proof-of-concept and demonstration phases. The successful development of these advanced navigation capabilities for UAS aims to ensure their safe integration into the airspace.
Lot 2: Risk Assessment for UAS operations (max. estimated budget 400 k Eur)The objective of this lot is to expand the current online tool supporting the MIL-UAS-SPECIFIC methodology (see EDA webpage to automatize most of the risk assessment process by leveraging the – regularly updated - MIL-UAS-SPECIFIC methodology or any other harmonised Risk assessment methodology accepted by the military (e.g., SORA). The current online tool will become a “networking/connecting” online tool, with selectable Risk assessment methodologies running back office, including a selectable accepted risk level for the UAS operations to cover operations in peace, crisis and war times.
Lot 3: Higher Airspace Operations study (max. estimated budget 800 kEur)Over the last years, Higher Airspace Operations (HAO) have been in the spotlight. The upcoming EASA regulatory work requires that the civil–military aspects are included. The objective is to clarify specific civil–military aspects in the domain of HAO in order to: a) analyse the security risks posed by HAO; b) Address potential challenges in order to avoid any adverse impact on national security and defence capabilities with an EU approach; c) Ensure military access to higher airspace. Take advantage of all opportunities, particularly those offered by the civil-military collaboration make the most of the identified synergies.
Lot 4: Consultancy services for needs assessment, market research and consultation, analysis of the state-of-the-art (max. estimated budget 200 kEur)This project aims to bridge the gap by assessing the specific needs of military UAS users and leverage the dual-use of UAS technology towards the safe integration into European airspace. It has three key objectives: a) to understand end-user needs for safe airspace UAS integration. b) to evaluate technologies for enhanced UAS integration, including the market research and analysis of state-of-the-art of current conspicuity, ATM and positioning technologies within the EU market, that can enable safe UAS integration; c) proposal of way forward and consultation for future projects.
For more information, please consult the Public Information Notice.
Information Session: Where and When?
The information session will be held on 04 July 2024 from 10:00 am until 12:00 CET.
The event will be done remotely via Webex. Link to be provided after registration to the contacts provided in the register form.
How to register?
Participation is free of charge, but interested parties must register in advance, and no later than 28 of June 2024 EOB, using the following link:
Contact Information
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