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Balkan News

OMV – MOL Mafia with Iso Sanander: Croatia’s energy minister to travel to Brussels on Friday for talks on INA - Wed, 01/03/2017 - 20:01
Croatia’s energy minister to travel to Brussels on Friday for talks on INA By Editor  /   30/01/2017  /   Comments Off on Croatia’s energy minister to travel to Brussels on Friday for talks on INA Croatia’s Energy and Environment Protection Minister Slaven Dobrovic, who is travelling to Brussels on Friday for talks with the European Commission concerning Croatian legislation on the privatisation of INA, said on Monday that he hoped that the Commission would show understanding and offer dialogue. In December, the EC requested Croatia to amend the 2002 law on the privatisation of INA on the grounds that it violates the free movement of capital and the freedom […]
Categories: Balkan News

Macedonia Opposition Accuses President of Attempted Coup - Wed, 01/03/2017 - 19:32
Opposition leader Zoran Zaev says president’s decision to refuse him the mandate to form a new government amounts to an attempted coup.
Categories: Balkan News

NATO Terrorism: Albania’s Participation in Islamic Games Causes Dissent - Wed, 01/03/2017 - 19:24
  Wednesday, March 1, 2017 Albania’s Participation in Islamic Games Causes Dissent Albanian athletes will be competing in May for the first time in the games organised under the auspices of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation – but some Albanians say a secular European country has no place in such an event. Fatjona Mejdini BIRN Tirana The closing ceremony of the 3rd Islamic Solidarity Games in Indonesia. Photo: Youtube screeshot Albanian athletes will be participating for the first time in this year’s Islamic Solidarity Games, which take place Baku in Azerbaijan in May. It is the first time that athletes from the country will be competing in the games, which […]
Categories: Balkan News

1994 entsandte der CIA Griechische Terroristen nach Albanien, dann nochmal in 1997 - Wed, 01/03/2017 - 18:44
Identisch wie in Jugoslawien Zeitgleich mit Mord und Terror Gruppen, wie der CIA Offizier Robert Baer outete, um die NATO Osterweiterung zu orginieren im Hitler Stile. Mit Millionen $, wurden Kriminelle, Politiker und Militärs gekauft. Schuldbekenntnis eines CIA-Agenten: Man gab uns Millionen für die Zerstückelung Jugoslawiens! 1994 wurden Albanische Soldaten erschossen in Albanien, als Griechische Faschisten mit CIA Unterstützung Terror Anschläge verübten. Fred Beleri, war der damalige Anführer, heute mit Gangstern der Griechischen Morgenräte zusammen ist. Der tpyische Hotel Besitzer in Albanien. Immer auf gestohlenen Grundstücken, ohne Baugenehmigung, was der Drogen Verteilung dient an der Küste und der Geldwäsche. Grand Hotel Lukova, immer leer, weil Albaner solche Hotels meiden. Golden […]
Categories: Balkan News

Comedy Show of Milo Djukanovic’s Clan: Dukanovic: 2015 MAN OF THE YEAR IN ORGANIZED CRIME - Wed, 01/03/2017 - 18:43
Montenegro Opposition: Criminal Structures want to force Country into NATO Montenegro, ‘a pawn in the Great Powers’ games’:: Dukanovic: 2015 MAN OF THE YEAR IN ORGANIZED CRIME James George JATRAS | 26.02.2017 | OPINION Milo Djukanovic’s Claims of Russian Assassination Plot Are a Desperate Ploy to Further NATO Bid Reports surfacing in the British media of a Russian plot to kill Montenegro’s former prime minister Milo Djukanovic should be seen for the cynical ploy they are. To give just the smallest bit of defense to these British publications – yes, it is true Djukanovic is making these allegations. Is there any substance or proof to these allegations? No. The UK […]
Categories: Balkan News

Macedonia President Denies Zaev Right to Form Govt - Wed, 01/03/2017 - 17:47
In a decision that is bound to inflame tensions further, Macedonia's President has refused to award a mandate to form a government to the opposition leader Zoran Zaev, claiming he might use it to destroy the country.
Categories: Balkan News

Ukraine to Probe Defaced Bulgarian Monument - Wed, 01/03/2017 - 15:46
Ukraine officials have blamed the vandalization of a monument to Bulgarian volunteer fighters in the Russo-Turkish war of the 1870s on provocateurs.
Categories: Balkan News

VMRO DPMNE Deflects Blame for Attack on Macedonian Journalists - Wed, 01/03/2017 - 15:36
Macedonia's VMRO DPMNE party has angrily denied claims that it was to blame for Tuesday's assault on two reporters in Skopje - rounding on the media union leader who made the accusation.
Categories: Balkan News

Smear Campaign Targets BIRN Journalists in Macedonia - Wed, 01/03/2017 - 15:20
BIRN journalists in Macedonia are being subjected to an incendiary campaign on social networks by supporters of the rightist VMRO DPMNE party.
Categories: Balkan News

Albania's Participation in Islamic Games Causes Dissent - Wed, 01/03/2017 - 13:55
Albanian athletes will be competing in May for the first time in the games organised under the auspices of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation - but some Albanians say a secular European country has no place in such an event.
Categories: Balkan News

Kosovo ‘Trapped by the Past’: Thaci - Wed, 01/03/2017 - 13:35
Kosovo President Hashim Thaci said his proposed Truth and Reconciliation Commission could help to stop ethnic hatred, although some experts have questioned his motives for establishing the body.
Categories: Balkan News

Independence Day Events Expose Bosnia’s Deep Divide - Wed, 01/03/2017 - 12:17
Official commemorations of the anniversary of the March 1992 referendum that paved the way for Bosnia’s independence from Yugoslavia have triggered a new legal dispute in the deeply divided state.
Categories: Balkan News

Romania Plans to Bolster Army After Budget Hike - Wed, 01/03/2017 - 11:55
Romania has increased its defence spending to 2 per cent of GDP in line with NATO demands - and the country's defence minister has said half of the new funds will go on new equipment. 
Categories: Balkan News

Trump Administration Maintains US Support for Kosovo - Wed, 01/03/2017 - 10:54
Contrary to the hopes of some Serbs that President Donald Trump might change course and favour Belgrade, the new US administration has repeatedly said that it supports Kosovo’s independence.
Categories: Balkan News

Serbian Draft Holocaust Legislation Sparks Criticism - Wed, 01/03/2017 - 10:44
A leaked draft of legislation on setting up a new state body to commemorate Holocaust victims in Serbia has been criticised for allegedly glossing over the role played by Belgrade’s Nazi-allied WWII administration.
Categories: Balkan News

Anti-Refugee Sentiment Traps Syrian Family in Bulgarian Limbo - Wed, 01/03/2017 - 07:40
A once-warm welcome is turning tepid for a Syrian refugee family in Bulgaria.
Categories: Balkan News

Mogherini Visits Western Balkans To Calm Rising Tensions - Wed, 01/03/2017 - 07:38
The EU's foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, is visiting the Western Balkans at a time when ethnic and politician tensions are undermining the European integration process.
Categories: Balkan News

Bosnian Entrepreneurs Aim to Treat Stress with Technology - Wed, 01/03/2017 - 07:36
Young programmers in Bosnia hope they can help to relieve stress-related illness at the same time as brightening their own prospects amid high national levels of unemployment.
Categories: Balkan News

Romanians in UK Worried by Suspected Hate Attack - Wed, 01/03/2017 - 07:34
After five Romanians were wounded in London by a drunk driver in a suspected hate crime, others said they feel worried about an increase in anti-immigrant feeling in Britain.
Categories: Balkan News

Tensions Rise as Macedonia Protests Continue - Tue, 28/02/2017 - 23:25
Protests held by supporters of the former ruling party – VMRO DPMNE – against a possible new coalition government in Macedonia are set to continue, amid fears rallies will become increasingly violent.
Categories: Balkan News
