EU Ministers for Transport, Infrastructure and Communications meet on 8 June 2015 in Luxembourg to discuss the implementation of the Framework Strategy for a Energy Union, of the Energy Security Strategy, as well as to focus on the state of play regarding international energy relations.
On 4-5 June under the Latvian Presidency the meeting of the Council’s Working Party on the Customs Union will take place in Riga. Participants of the meeting will discuss topical issues of the customs policy and possibilities to facilitate further cooperation with the Eastern neighbouring countries of the European Union.
On Friday 5 June, the Kyiv History Museum will host the opening of the “Amber – Jewel of the Baltic Sea” exhibition dedicated to the distribution of amber around the Baltic Sea coast, the Amber Roads and the cultures involved.
On 4-5 June the informal meeting of the Politico-Military Group (PMG) will take place in Riga to discuss topical issues related to the EU Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) in order to prepare for the forthcoming European Council discussions on defence.
Since December 1995, EU relations with the United States are based on the New Transatlantic Agenda (NTA)