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Oshkosh MMRS - Fri, 01/08/2014 - 01:45

American Oshkosh MMRS Heavy Recovery Vehicle
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Beyond Copenhagen

Foreign Affairs - Thu, 31/07/2014 - 18:03
Thanks to a newly proposed pollution rule, the United States is finally on its way toward meeting its Copenhagen emission reduction commitments. The move comes at the perfect time: At the end of next year, global leaders will convene in Paris to conclude the next major round of climate negotiations.

F-35 News Roundup: 31st July 2014

DefenceIQ - Thu, 31/07/2014 - 06:00
Military officials hope to prevent the kind of confusion that followed a recent engine failure that grounded Lockheed Martin Corp's F-35 fighter jets for more than three weeks, the U.S. Air Force's top officer said on Wednesday. Chief of Staff General Mark W
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

The outlook for 3D printing in aerospace and defence

DefenceIQ - Thu, 31/07/2014 - 06:00
Additive manufacturing, or 3D printing as it is more commonly known, will transform military supply chains and profoundly change the dynamics of the aerospace and def
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Grad-K - Thu, 31/07/2014 - 00:30

Russian Grad-K Multiple Launch Rocket System
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

C-130J Super Hercules - Wed, 30/07/2014 - 01:30

American C-130J Super Hercules Tactical Transport Aircraft
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Kezünkben Európa városainak jövője

Európai Bizottság hírei - Wed, 30/07/2014 - 00:00

30/07/2014 00:00:00

Hogyan lehet tökéletesíteni a városfejlesztési célú uniós intézkedéseket? Nyilvánítson véleményt Ön is! ...

Shaping the future of Europe’s cities

European Commission - Wed, 30/07/2014 - 00:00

30/07/2014 00:00:00

How can EU policy best cater for the needs of cities? The EU wants to hear your views. ...

Categories: European Union

Die Zukunft für Europas Städte gestalten

Europäische Kommission (Nachrichten) - Wed, 30/07/2014 - 00:00

30/07/2014 00:00:00

Wie kann EU-Politik an die Erfordernisse der Städte angepasst werden? Ihre Meinung zählt! ...

Categories: Europäische Union

MOD must "significantly transform the way we communicate," says Stephen Jolly, Director of Defence Communications

DefenceIQ - Tue, 29/07/2014 - 06:00
The British military’s communications strategy is in the process of a shakeup. Where before there existed two ‘universes’ – that of information operations and psyops, and that of public relations, media ops and marketing – the emerging tactic is now in bri
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Analyst predictions: What will the Southeast Asia security situation look like in 2017?

DefenceIQ - Tue, 29/07/2014 - 06:00
Bill Hagestad, consultant, speaker and expert on Chinese information warfare “The People's Republic of China's military, the PLA will be significantly weakened by President Xi Jinping's anti-corruption drive, forcing the Communist Party of China (C
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

North Korean missile tests put Asia-Pacific air defences on standby

DefenceIQ - Tue, 29/07/2014 - 06:00
Two additional AEGIS ballistic missile defence ships will forward-deploy to Japan by 2017, US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel announced recently in what he described as a response to counter the “provocative and destabilising” actions continually posed by North Korea.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Mismanagement in the Afghanistan battlespace

DefenceIQ - Tue, 29/07/2014 - 06:00
At a time when future character of conflict debates, information security, user functionality and changes in force structures are redefining military data exchange requirements on the battlefield, land forces across the world are having to ask themselves how they can stay on top of the
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

R-36 (SS-18 Satan) - Tue, 29/07/2014 - 00:45

Russian R-36 (SS-18 Satan) Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
Categories: Defence`s Feeds
