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Kia KM1500 - Sun, 26/10/2014 - 01:55

South Korean Kia KM1500 Special Wheeled Chassis
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Strikes over Syria: Who’s on Board?

Géopolitique des conflits (Blog) - Sat, 25/10/2014 - 19:27
Participant au débat de France 24 English – Débat animé par François Picard, avec le général français Dominique Trinquand, le négociateur politique américain Ali Khedery, et l’ancienne porte-parole de la Coalition nationale syrienne Emma Suleyman, France 24, 23/09/2014, 19h10-20h Voir … Lire la suite →

Sanctions contre la Russie : le pari de Poutine à Valdai

Géopolitique (Blog Pierre Rousselin) - Sat, 25/10/2014 - 08:01
Les sanctions occidentales pèsent lourdement sur l'économie russe mais elles n'affectent pas la combativité de Vladimir Poutine. Depuis le début de la crise ukrainienne, le maître du Kremlin a vu sa popularité atteindre de nouveaux records à plus de 80%... Pierre Rousselin
Categories: Union européenne

LuAZ-967 - Sat, 25/10/2014 - 01:55

Russian LuAZ-967 Battlefield Support Vehicle
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Post 2015: setting up a coherent accountability framework

United Nations (UN) deliberations are underway towards a post-2015 agenda that unites poverty eradication and sustainable development. While negotiators are tasked to determine goals and indicators, another fundamental question is: How will progress towards the sustainable development goals (SDGs) be monitored and reviewed?
A post-2015 accountability framework is needed to document and guide how stakeholders take responsibility, learn from their efforts and adjust their behaviour towards achieving the SDGs in a transparent manner. Discussions on such a framework are still at an early stage.
Only some general elements of an accountability framework have been agreed among UN Member States. Most importantly, the framework will be voluntary, non-binding and state-led, which raises the question of how governments and other actors can be incentivised to participate. The main incentives are likely to be reputational: states can strengthen their SDG profiles and showcase “best-practices”. They could also benefit through exchanging lessons learnt. Financial support, capacity development support and technology transfer can be additional incentives, particularly for least developed countries.
Incentives, however, have to be complemented by a strong commitment and ownership at the national level. The framework should be rooted in an inclusive, bottom-up approach, in which each government determines its own level of ambition. Further, governments should be able to link their national efforts to SDG discussions at the regional and international levels in a multi-layered framework.    

Currently, a fragmented landscape of international bodies is dealing with individual elements of the proposed SDGs. For each of the 17 goals, myriad entities and platforms exist, both within and outside the UN system. All claim global coordination functions, but many continue to work in parallel. Without addressing this incoherence, the accountability framework risks becoming a loose collection of disconnected efforts. Such a patchwork approach will not suffice in supporting the realisation of an aspiring agenda.
Therefore, the post-2015 discussions offer the unique opportunity of setting up a coherent accountability framework that engages stakeholders across all platforms. Such a framework would help to avoid duplication and promote synergies. Its major benefit is to bring key stakeholders together in a few focused discussions that are more effective and legitimate than the current fragmented setup of international cooperation.
A coherent framework would feature improved monitoring and reporting as compared to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and would enable a strengthened review process. It should consist of three key components: key actors (governments, the UN system, other stakeholders), interlinkages (within UN structures and outside of them) and ambition (in design and commitments).
The international community should engage in discussions on the accountability framework without delay. Only then can the post-2015 agenda be placed on solid footing from the start.

Turkish firm set to develop powerpack for Altay MBT

DefenceIQ - Fri, 24/10/2014 - 06:00
Through the Turkish Defense Industry Executive Committee (SSIK or Savunma Sanayii ?cra Komitesi), the Turkish top procurement body (SSM or Savunma Sanayii Müste?arl???) has selected the local firm Türk Motor Sanayi ve Ticaret A? (TÜMOSAN) to design and develop diesel eng
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

INFOGRAPHIC: Exclusive survey data from the Global Armoured Vehicle Market Report 2015

DefenceIQ - Fri, 24/10/2014 - 06:00
You may have seen that we recently released our 4 th annual Global Armoured Vehicles Market Report 2015. One of the key elements of the report is an analysis of the exclusive survey data we conduct each year with our members. This year, 205 armoured vehicle professionals from
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Turkish firm set to develop powerpack for Altay MBT

DefenceIQ - Fri, 24/10/2014 - 06:00
Through the Turkish Defense Industry Executive Committee (SSIK or Savunma Sanayii ?cra Komitesi), the Turkish top procurement body (SSM or Savunma Sanayii Müste?arl???) has selected the local firm Türk Motor Sanayi ve Ticaret A? (TÜMOSAN) to design and develop diesel eng
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

INFOGRAPHIC: Exclusive survey data from the Global Armoured Vehicle Market Report 2015

DefenceIQ - Fri, 24/10/2014 - 06:00
You may have seen that we recently released our 4 th annual Global Armoured Vehicles Market Report 2015. One of the key elements of the report is an analysis of the exclusive survey data we conduct each year with our members. This year, 205 armoured vehicle professionals from
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Mexico's defence industry in focus

DefenceIQ - Fri, 24/10/2014 - 06:00
Mexico’s defence industry is almost entirely run by its military institutions and currently produces a variety of small arms and light weapons, 4x4 tactical patrol vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles interceptor craft, coastal and ocean patrol vessels. The Mini
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

How the Chinese and Russian military aerospace industries are viewed in India

DefenceIQ - Fri, 24/10/2014 - 06:00
At this pinnacle era of fifth generation fighter aircraft and their relevant technologies, India’s Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and the Indian Air Force share the dubious privilege of a first-row seat to the development of their own PMF (Perspective Multi-role Fighter) pro
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

SPYDER - Fri, 24/10/2014 - 01:55

Israeli SPYDER Short and Medium Range Air Defense Missile System
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Allemagne, la crise d'asthme

Jeune Afrique / Finance - Thu, 23/10/2014 - 17:03
Les mauvaises nouvelles se succ�dent, l'�conomie s'essouffle et le spectre de la r�cession menace. Mais Angela Merkel refuse d'infl�chir sa politique. Louable opini�tret� ou obstination suicidaire ?
Categories: Afrique

La baisse du pétrole est bonne pour la démocratie

Géopolitique (Blog Pierre Rousselin) - Thu, 23/10/2014 - 12:17
La chute des prix du pétrole n'est pas seulement une aubaine pour le consommateur occidental, elle est aussi un avertissement pour les régimes autoritaires dont la survie dépend du maintien d'une rente confortable les mettant à l'abri de tout mouvement... Pierre Rousselin
Categories: Union européenne
